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Reminiscing about Speeder Bikes and Automobiles?

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Oct 31, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/31/97

Hey Jedi Junkies

Y'all remember the rumors and talk about being able to "use" vehicles in
this game when it came out? Kyle was gonna be able to kick ass on those
awesome speeder bikes from Endor and who knows what else. Maybe commandeer
those AT-ST's and blow away a few blast doors? Whatever happened to that?
Kinda funny that I think if they had included some action like that--there
would've been a LOT of raving over it huh? But since they didn't, it seems
like it was simply forgotten. I'm kinda thinking, "bummer." I woulda
loved wipping some forest trooper ass on Endor. Oh well.

G. Jax

Raymond Shobe

Oct 31, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/31/97

jonaleeh wrote:

I think that they probably just whimped out for getting a performance
out on a low-end machine and to sell more copies that way. Makes
business sense to do it that way. I know in the scenes with lots of
water flowing even my 200 mmx system slows down anyway. Flying
machines through the air was probably not an option at least until
systems run a bit faster than 200mhz. Maybe next time.!

R Shobe

H. Jerome Collins

Nov 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/1/97

Man, SkyNET ruled for vehicles. Helicoters, Jeeps, Subs, it was SO cool to
go driving around the nuked city. I've never driven a car in a video game
before that. And those H/Ks rule!

"A Weenie has no pride. He uses any method necessary to secure
-The Weenie's Creed
May the Lord be with you,

Looking for Game

Nov 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/2/97

Well, if you really gotta have that speeder bike, get Rebel Assualt
II. By now it is probably down to $15 somewhere, what it was worth
when it first came out.

Kevin Doswell

Nov 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/2/97

In Shadows of the Empire there is a swoop level but it's not much cop!

The PC version may be better though I was playing it on a friend N64

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