Não é mais possível fazer postagens ou usar assinaturas novas da Usenet nos Grupos do Google. O conteúdo histórico continua disponível.

<evil laugh> The Neo Sig has gotten BIGGER...

0 visualização
Pular para a primeira mensagem não lida

Neo Atma Weapon 3:16

não lida,
4 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0004/04/1998

Yep, it's even bigger than before... Over 25000 bytes now... I added an AGFF
quiz to the bottom... Most of the answers I'm 99% sure about, but still...
if someone credible... that leaves YOU out.. <glares at Guybrush across the

Guybrush: AERIS DIES!

No, you die! <throws a tack star at the troll's forehead> Anyway, if
someone credible sees any mistakes in my answers, let me know and I'll
change them...

Welcome..... TO THE NEO SIG!

By: Neo-Atma Weapon 3:16

The Holy Champion of AGFF.
An Official Anti-Bob
The Official AGFF Psychopath
The most violent defender ever! The Defender of Aerith/Aeris!
The Anti-Yuffie, a title to truly be proud of!
A sufferer of GFS
The former God of Weapons
The former God of Death
Wielder of the holy Hind's Blood Excaliber, the most lethal weapon in AGFF.
Owner of the biggest and best sig in AGFF today!
Hater of the Spice Girls
Enemy of the revivalists

Class of 3:16

The most seen quote ever:

"Warning: Your signature file is too large. It has been truncated, please
make the file smaller." - Outlook Express while bitching about my sig, yet
doing nothing about it

@ |||__||| !
# \/ \/ @
$ (7500) &
% \__/ ^

One of the biggest toilet medals in AGFF. Estimated to be *MASTERED* (at
9999) by the end of the summer.

Mottos. A rule to live by.

"Let Aerith rest in peace, or I'll make you rest in peace."
"Think my sig is too long? Get a faster modem, asshole."
"im cypher. i rule."
"I'm not racist/sexist/anti-whatever. I hate everyone equally."

AOL IM: NeoAtma

What's new? This is what's new. Top news in AGFF (in no order. I'm too
lazy to put them in order of when they happened.):

*After a poll about the subject, this sig has grown even BIGGER. *
* *
*Keith Adams has started a flame war with Cypher. Adams, who quickly *
*got the hell kicked out of him, called in for the help of Fali and *
*Zero, who either did little flaming, or whined. *
* *
*The Xenogears argument has come back stronger than ever... *
* *
*Everyone's favorite MPD case has once again changed his name. This *
*time from Bahamut ZERO to Sebastian Darkkstar. We are now taking bets*
*on how long this will last. Oddsmakers say one week. *
* *
*A fellow AGFFer, Jim/JVoovits3, was reportedly hit by a car and broke *
*a leg on 3/29/98. We all wish him a quick and speedy recovery. *
* *
*Cypher has reported that AGFF Wrestling: First Blood will be out by *
*Wednesday. Considering I'm writing this on Thursday, I think it's *
*safe to say he's late... *
* *
*It has been confirmed. Kain Aron Highwind has posted to AGFF on 3/29!*

You're actually reading this far? Why? If it's because you're a newbie,
look at this section:

*So you're a newbie, huh? Here's a checklist for survival in AGFF: *
* *
*1. Never ask anything about reviving Aerith/Aeris or General Leo. *
*2. Never insult the sigs here, no matter how big or small. *
*3. Quote top, reply bottom. ALWAYS quote. *
*4. Never insult a defended person around their defendee. *
*5. What's *that* pic, you ask? Picture Interceptor. Picture Relm. *
*Picture them "together". Now never speak of it again. *
*6. Don't feed the trolls. *
*7. You want to be a regular, huh? NEVER ask how. It'll completely *
*destroy your chances. You are only a regular when you've been here *
*for months and stopped caring if you're a regular. *
*8. Don't question why we call Aeris Aerith. It is her original *
*Japanese name. We hate the name Aeris. *
*9. No, you can't uncurse the cursed ring. *
*10. What's a the meaning of "meower", "hentai", and why do we all kill*
*each other like maniacs? A meower is someone who makes a reply that's*
*just the word "meow" about 1000 times. Hentai is drawn pornographic *
*pictures of characters. We all kill each because... well we just do. *
*11. Why is FFVII numbered that way when there's only 4? Because the *
*original Japanese numbering rates it at VII. In America we never got *
*2, 3, or 5. Our 2 is their 4, and our 3 is their 6. Sony decided to *
*use the proper numbering instead of DOA, er, NOA's "fucked up" system.*
*12. AGFF stands for alt.games.final-fantasy. *
*13. Off-topic is welcome here, do not flame it. On-topic is the evil.*
* *
*Well, that's all I can think of off-hand. Please, newbies, try to *
*follow these few rules and/or not ask questions that I just answered..*

Trophy Room:

*Quote of the Year Award*

"Please, leave the thinking (and posting) to people who don't go through the
internet with a remote and a 13 inch black and white TV."

*Vigilantes Award for Logic*

| |
| We waste Bandwidth! |
| |
| We waste Bandwidth! |
| |
| We waste Bandwidth! |
| |
| We waste Bandwidth! |
| |
| We waste Bandwidth! |
| |
| We waste Bandwidth! |
| |
|We're the Bandwidth Wasters!|

*webrunner's first*
*.ever completely.*
*.amazingly large.*
*.signature award.*
*Previous Winners:*
*[Neo Atma Weapon]*

* Two Time Winner of the Most colossal waste of *
* bandwidth of the Week Award *

* Winner of Spoony's *
* Somewhat irregularly *
* awarded yet still *
* somehow first annual *
* absoultely pointless *
* award for the express *
* purpose of inflating *
* an already monstrous *
* .sig, so that the *
* winner can waste even *
* more bandwidth *
* Awarded to: *
* NeoAtma Weapon 3:16 *
* The Dark Lord *
* Ragnarok *
* Atma72 *
* and a host of other *
* web aliases *

* *
* *
* T H H E H H U U G E *
* T H H E H H U U G G E *
* *
* A A S S E D D *
* *
* *
* W W A A S T E *
* *
* O O F *
* O O FFF *
* O O F *
* OOOO F *
* *
* *
* B B A A NN N D D *
* BBBB A A N N N D D --------- *
* *
* *
* W W I D D T H H *
* W W W W I D D T H H *
* *
* *
* A A W W A A R R D D *
* A A W W W A A RRRR D D *
* A A W W A A R R DDDD *
* *

A HUGE collection of quotes:

"NeoAtma (6:36:35 PM): Kind of. I'm also wondering... if they're getting
this "adult" this quick (from FFVII on), what are they gonna be like in
another 5 or 10 years?
Animeg3282 (6:37:39 PM): I can see. it FFP....See the dramatci story of 4
bored porno stars who gather crystals to save the world..." - An AIM
conversation where Small Girl and I were talking about the Xenogears threads

"Man, snipping that sig of yours is MURDER...." - Edwyn

"I didn't really matter to me now that I think about it..." - Gilbe

"I'm murderize him!!!" - Kuibob

"Take it from the Cock-King here" - V. Val

"On a weird side note, if it had been called Atma Syndrome we would have
Atma Syndrome sufferers. We could call them ASSes." - Unright

"That's what I love about Usenet. You can be mutilated, maimed, and killed,
but not even know it till a week later." - GFox

"you know what scares me. that in ten or twenty years marcus is gonna sit
down with his kids and tell them about the birds and the bees and say
"well, kids all i ever wanted to know about sex i learned on agff"." - Kali

"along with freedom comes the responsibility to configure stuff!" - X

"How 'bout some ANL?" - Reno "I hope you didn't just misspell something." -

"No kidding. If I had female legs, all I'd do all day is sit in my bed with
them bent in front of me, and just run my hands up and down my thighs...
ohhhh.... baby...." - GFox, after the sick fuck read a thread and was
getting hot with himself

"the image of me having oral sex with a dingo is at least a BIT unholy!" -

"Defendering AOL huh? i dont think Johnny Cochrin could..." - Deuch66

"reading this newsgroup to get information is like trying to fill your daily
reccomendation of Vitamin C by eating Skittles." - Unright

"Yep.. And your "unsubscribe" button is OUR friend..." - X, after a newbie
was told the shift key was his friend

"Write! Write! Let the bitch die!!" - Joshua after reading someone's idea
of a fanfic where Tifa dies instead of Aeris

"I'm a virgin. I've got to remedy this malady however possible." - Kain

"Man, them's good eatin'. I like eating 'em right in the mouth, I like
eating 'em a little slow, letting them melt in my mouth a bit. And
sometimes I just stick one on my tongue, let it melt a bit, push it against
the roof of my mouth, but don't use my teeth, slowly let it get spread out
between my tongue and the roof... and then all the flavor just pours out." -

"Ahem.... *what* did you say? Yeah, maybe she DOES have some
sort of extremist attitude. She's louder than Aeris, she's
dumber than Tifa, and she's a bitch that sneaks materia and
gold from you in the game. Sure, she might have more personality... but it's
not any GOOD personality!!!!" - Arcana, referring the vile bitch that is

"Frankly, I wish the sun would hurry up and supernova, take out the Earth.
And hopefully, on a life-supporting planet in some other star system
somewhere, a much more... intelligent form of "intelligent" life is
developing to bring some sort of... I dunno, warmth to the coldness of the
vacuum... (sigh)" - GFox

"Sportsmanship? What a load of crap. Don't preach your morality to me!
Steve Austin doesn't have any compassion. You want mercy? Take your ass to
church." - "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

"It's just a joke item. Much like Tifa." - Reno

"I've decided to take Pigwalk's advice and become a lesbian" - Night Angel

"The monsters here are scary, and I can't find my way out... I'm about to
cry..." - Gilgamesh

"Go to hell. Go directly to hell. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200." -

"Are you trying to say that Tifa's a slut? You are so very wrong. Just
give her twenty bucks and she'll change your mind." - Timo Suave

"That's the thing about GFox' posts. You're happily reading through AGFF,
then suddenly his posts roll around and sit there screaming "EWWWWWWWW!" so
loud he could hear you if he were on Pluto." - Kain

"I also love Shadow. He has a very emotional past and is very
developed and has that...dark feel. Remember that Seinfeld episode
where George doesn't want Jerry to be funny so George could seem
funnier? So Jerry starts to act like he has no emotions and George's
girlfriend becomes attracted to him because of his darkness...Its
sorta like that" - Marcus

"It just feels like I am part of One Big, Dysfunctional, Psycotic, Homicial,
Suidical, Barbacidal, Sadistic, Pathetic, Perverted, Eccentric, Happy
Family. Thanks." - Belthasar

"64DD sounds like Tifa's bra size..." - X

"Funny you should mention this. I may have mentioned this before, but the
guy who lived in the room next to me last year said the following
conversation took place in his ninth grade health class:

Teacher: Blah blah blah and so semen is made mostly of sugars blah blah
blah. Question?
Girl at back of room: Then why does it taste so salty?

<Girl realizes what she has just said and runs out of the room in horror.
Class members fall out of their chairs laughing or roll their eyes in
disgust. I'm fairly sure the guy in the room next to me fell into the first
category.>" - Kain, proving he is in fact, infected with GFS

"ok, atma, now youve gone too far. i can take a flame war. i can take
trolls. i can take cypher. but the spice girls? isnt the hand that youre
holding that with dissolving from its evil powers as we speak?" - Rick

"You forget that Atma is almost as evil as the Scheiss Whores. Thus he is
immune to their horrific horrificness." - Kain, in reply to the last quote
from Rick

"NeoAtma: Ahhh, life is grand... I just tricked an AOL defender into saying
all AOLers are trolls...
Belthasar1: Thats the one good thing about idiots. you can play sadistic
games with them." - An IM conversation between Belthasar and myself

"Cuz yer a uncool imbacile. You can't get along with people. You can't
function with people. You need to be NICE to people. You always wanna hurt
somebody, you always wanna kill somebody. Try lovin somebody." - The sissy
voice of Grandmaster Hypocrite, and convicted rapist Mike Tyson, only months
after being banned from boxing for attempting to bite off someone's ear

"The family that slays together stays together" - Linda

"This will probably be a religion someday, the Aeris revivalists worshiping
Aeris and Ben Lansing, cursing Square for killing off their favorite
character, and sacrificing themselves in hopes that a new version with Aeris
revivable will be made." - Gilbe

"Actually i see how that can be a valid case. If a younger person were to
get 3rd degree burns, and couldn't walk well for the rest of their life,
they'd lose ALOT in wages, probably the millions. But for a 80 year old on
welfare? She aint doin no heavy lifting anyway? Just give her 40 bucks and
some fake dentures." - Pigwalk in reply to a thread about that old woman
that sued McDonalds after burnning herself with hot coffee

"you get Interceptor to lick Sieggy's balls on the ghost train" -

"It's just the right shape for sucking while reading AGFF" - Animeg3282

"Whoever you are, you fucker, make the most of this weekend, 'cause it's the
last one you'll ever see....it's as plain as a pig's arse, and as ugly, that
you are casting aspertions upon Mary, Rachel, and me." - Linda after Timo
said something that I'm not gonna quote

"I've never had any cybersex but I think Greg said he had a couple of times,
only he didn't say what happened exactly." - Linda

"If Greg ever explained exactly what happened, Atma would kill him, bring
him back to life, and kill him again." - Rob, in response to Linda's above

">>Kain: *phew*
>>I'll just send her to you naked.
>>Kain: WHAT!?!?!?
><Kain slams his windows shut, draws the curtains, throws a sign saying
"Danger -
>Bubonic Plague" on the door, and slams it and locks it>
>Try and get past THAT, so-called Rob! :)

You truly are naive, aren't you, Kain? Tifa doesn't give a damn
whether you have the Black Plague or not; she already has enough
terminal social diseases as it is. You're going to have to try harder
than that..." - A thread where Rob attempts to send Tifa to Kain

"I got the feeling that Vincent was high most of the adventure. He seemed to
hide in the corner of Highwind most of the time; he was probably shooting up
Mako or something." - Mark

"Besides, when you don't push for sex, the girl ends up pushing YOU for it.
That's a rather nice feeling. Why just today, an hour ago, Alli calls me up
and she's horny and... well, I won't say anything more about what we just
spent 45 minutes doing. #;-}>" - Greg

"Wow! Fascinating! I never knew the chemical reactions between the former
contents of my stomach and the contents of my wastebasket could be so
vigorous! Thanks for this glorious insight into the reactions of organic and
non-organic materials, GFox." - Kain's response to Greg's above comment

"A)Alli gets Herpes in the mouth from eating Tifa.

B)Greg devlelops anal warts from sleeping with Tifa

C) Greg also gets Syphalis, Mano, and many others.

D) Tifa dumps them both, goes to work as a biological weapon for Saddam

E) Wyvern laughs Ha! Ha! Ha!" - Wyvern in a reply to Greg when he was
talking about how he had a "threesome" with Allison and Tifa

"Atma doesn't accept friends. He just has people he doesn't hate as much as
other people." - Edwyn

"When I say "whatever" I usually mean "DIE GREG DIE!!!!!
HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!"" - Neptune Salad

"CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG???? No? Okay, just making sure." - Mr Psycohed

"Die you evil toad!" - Aerith07

"Hmph! I feel left out. I'm the only one that hasn't gotten into anyone's
sig yet!" - JVoovits 3

"Death City.. hey look, it's initials are "DC". heh.." - Bahamut ZERO

"I saw the Hart Family Tree. I tried to cut it down." - Jerry "The King"

"I don't hate Atma. I hate his .sig that crashes my modem all the time." -

--- NOTICE ---

Any persons wishing to copy quotes from this sig may do so at any time.
Join the holy order of bandwidth wasting!

--- There's X many kinds of people sayings ---

There's two kinds of people in this world.
Those who say there's two kinds of people in the world, and those who don't.

There's three kinds of people in this world.
Those who can count, and those who can't.

there are two kinds of people in this world.
the righteous, and the unrighteous.
the righteous do the dividing, but the unrighteous are ion charge of
implementing it.

There are two kinds of people in the world: those that are normal and those
that divide people into two groups.

(Am I missing any? Of course I am. Add your favorite "There's X many kinds
of people" sayings now. Remember, the more I get, the more
bandwidth we'll waste!)

--- Trolls make Dumbass Comments ---

"People aren't overwhelmingly in favor of my opinions because I was labeled
a troll by Atma when I started posting my pro-Nintendo argument." -
DemonWall, trying to convince himself that people are only pro-PSX because I
make them that way

"This is why you should truly feel sorry for anyone with a sig that's over a
page long. Especially that atma guy. He's definately lacking in some
department. He's probably impotent or something. And this god of death
stuff? ha... I hate stupid people." - JT, whining after his 300 baud modem
got it's ass kicked by this sig, and he attempted to attack me with his lack
of knowledge of AGFF's title workings

"I have these games for trade(all comes with the manual and the box):
Tombraider2" - JT, who was just days before complaining he HATED Tomb
Raider, and seems to of bought it for some odd reason

--- ??? ---

I bet you thought the sig was over, huh? Well it's still going. What now,
you ask? How about an AGFF quiz?

1. What is the common term for a person between newbie and regular status?

2. When was this newsgroup started?

3. Who is the official FAQ person of AGFF?

4. Who was the first FWAKer?

5. What does FWAK stand for? (The LOGICAL meaning, not the idiotic ones)

6. Who said the following lines: im cypher. i rule.
The weak always strive to be weaker...
I will... kill you!

7. Who had a sig with over a hundred "yo momma" jokes in it?

8. What do the following stand for: AGFFM (not music), PWI, IIRC, AGKI,

9. Who drew *that* pic?

10. Who is the defender of Yuffie? (Hint: It's not listed in their sig)

11. What (former) reg is known for using a laser gun to kill and never did
his defender job?

12. What is the official name for January's Linda/Atma flame war?

13. Who is the (former) reg who always used to post doomsday messages?

14. Who was voted the favorite reg on Tomo's poll a few months back?

15. What is the domain address of the strange error letters sent to AGFFers
at random?

16. Who was the character in FFVI that was always cussing like a sailor?

17. Last year a flame war erupted on a holiday. Which one?

18. Who was the troll that always used numbers in the place of letters?

19. What (former) reg used to lope off people's heads with a plane when he
was a newbie?

20. Bahamut ZERO always used to have an animal in his sig. What kind of
animal was it?

21. What (former) reg was always obsessed with "ChEEsE"?

22. When Chrono Trigger first came out, there was a rumor of a special
hidden "rock". What color was it suppose to be?

23. What reg was the first newbieverb and what was the newbieverb's name?

24. Who is the original defender of Relm?

25. Who named GFS?

How's that for a quiz? ...... That bad, huh? Well, it was my first try,
gimmie a break. And now for the answers...

--- Answers ---

1. Newgular
2. 1994
3. Nick Zitsmann
4. Eggnog
5. False Wisdom and Knowledge
6. K3wld00d, Guybrush, Magus, St. Ajora, Guybrush
7. Bob
8. alt.games.final-fantasy.meow, Pigwalk Invitational, If I Remember
Correctly, alt.games.killer-instinct, Gfox Syndrome, Bahamut ZERO, Night
Angel, Bologna Cow, Neptune Salad, Fuck Off And Die, Too Much Information
9. Darksilver
10. Bahamut ZERO
11. X
12. AGFF Civil War
13. Marcus Yu
14. Edwyn
15. gooey.com
16. Relm
17. Christmas Eve
18. K3wld00d
19. Belthasar
20. Dragon
21. aKFeK
22. red rock
23. Pigwalk, Newbiewalk
24. FuSoYa
25. Sean Daugherty

Sebastian Darkkstar

não lida,
4 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0004/04/1998

The Ataskachian records state that on Sat, 4 Apr 1998 03:28:04 -0600, "Neo Atma
Weapon 3:16" <Neo...@ThisPartToStopSpamSoDeleteIt.msn.com> wrote a message
archived as <evil laugh> The Neo Sig has gotten BIGGER... to

>Yep, it's even bigger than before... Over 25000 bytes now... I added an AGFF
>quiz to the bottom... Most of the answers I'm 99% sure about, but still...
>if someone credible... that leaves YOU out.. <glares at Guybrush across the
>Guybrush: AERIS DIES!
>No, you die! <throws a tack star at the troll's forehead> Anyway, if
>someone credible sees any mistakes in my answers, let me know and I'll
>change them...

Oh.. my... God....


(O) Sebastian Darkkstar, Arc Knight under command of
o <M| the Microwave, and Defender of Night Angel
/| ...... /:M\---------------------------------------------------,,,,,,
\| ^^^^^^ \:W/---------------------------------------------------''''''
o <W|
(O) "Life is short.. Bury! Steady sword!"
' Visit me in my new castle, alt.fan.bahamut-zero.

The AGFF Archives - http://www.crosswinds.net/calgary/~darkkstar
IM: SDarkkstar

"You have friends, Ramza! Allies who would risk their lives!
And I'm one of them!"
-Olan Durai, FFT

"It brought back painful memories of the Care Bears."
-Jesse Dorland, voicing opinions of Diddy Kong Racing.

Neptune Salad

não lida,
4 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0004/04/1998

Neo Atma Weapon 3:16 <Neo...@ThisPartToStopSpamSoDeleteIt.msn.com> wrote
in article <6g4v6k$2...@argentina.earthlink.net>...

> Yep, it's even bigger than before... Over 25000 bytes now... I added an
> quiz to the bottom... Most of the answers I'm 99% sure about, but
> if someone credible... that leaves YOU out.. <glares at Guybrush across
> room>
> Guybrush: AERIS DIES!
> No, you die! <throws a tack star at the troll's forehead>

(Those tack stars rule, I just have to say.)

Anyway, if
> someone credible sees any mistakes in my answers, let me know and I'll
> change them...
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Welcome..... TO THE NEO SIG!
> By: Neo-Atma Weapon 3:16

<snip to the good stuff>

> --- ??? ---
> I bet you thought the sig was over, huh? Well it's still going. What
> you ask? How about an AGFF quiz?
> 1. What is the common term for a person between newbie and regular
> 2. When was this newsgroup started?
> 3. Who is the official FAQ person of AGFF?
> 4. Who was the first FWAKer?
> 5. What does FWAK stand for? (The LOGICAL meaning, not the idiotic ones)
> 6. Who said the following lines: im cypher. i rule.
> You're
> The weak always strive to be weaker...
> I will... kill you!
> 7. Who had a sig with over a hundred "yo momma" jokes in it?
> 8. What do the following stand for: AGFFM (not music), PWI, IIRC, AGKI,

"NS"? Isn't that me?

Oh cool, I'm in the sig again. I feel more important, now (I can't believe
I actually questioned what NS stood for at first).

"Merry Widow: Waldorf Salad is a fruit salad made with apples...
walnuts... raisins... and ... *gag* mayonnaise. It rocks!
Me: I love it when you talk food to me."
- An AIM conversation with me and Merry

"Did you and Mary have sexual intercourse?"
- a sound clip from Billy Callis

"It's supposed to be "Did you and Merry have sexual intercourse?"
- Billy, interpreting the meaning of the sound

"I'll start an HFW [Hell Flame War] if I get killed."
- Merry Widow

"I just read a post your brother made. Sick little fuck, isn't he?"
- Merry, commenting on my brother's remark about sex and saltine crackers

"*LMFAO* *ROFL* Help! I'm laughing so hard...and I just can't stop..."
Merry's reaction to my love poem to her

Night Angel

não lida,
4 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0004/04/1998

Neo Atma Weapon 3:16 wrote:
> Yep, it's even bigger than before... Over 25000 bytes now... I added an AGFF
> quiz to the bottom... Most of the answers I'm 99% sure about, but still...
> if someone credible... that leaves YOU out.. <glares at Guybrush across the
> room>
> Guybrush: AERIS DIES!
> No, you die! <throws a tack star at the troll's forehead> Anyway, if
> someone credible sees any mistakes in my answers, let me know and I'll
> change them...

Don't see any mistakes....

I knew all of them except a couple of the quotes... That's sad. sad,
sad, sad....

Night Angel

@ Defender Of Setzer @

Supreme Mistress of Villainy
Regent of the Skull Castle
1000 posts to AGFF + ACE93
Member of the CTCITL

"No, I won't sleep with you."

"There's someone in my head, but it's not me."
Pink Floyd, "Dark Side of the Moon"

"Her hand gently beckons,
she whispers your name,
but those who go with her are never the same."
--Magic: The Gathering, Lost Soul

"Tequila isn't a drink, it's a drug. Grain alcohol is neither a
drink nor a drug - it's a fuel."
--Sam Alderman

"The grave's a fine and private place,
But none, I think, do there embrace."
--Andrew Marvell
'To His Coy Mistress'

"The mind is it's own place, and in itself
can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven."
--'Paradise Lost'
John Milton

"Master of the lightnings, rider on the storm
Wearer of a Crown of Swords, spinner out of fate.
Who thinks he turns the Wheel of Time,
May learn the truth too late."
--The Prophecies of the Dragon
Robert Jordan, Book Seven

"She has five different versions of 'The Look' alone."
A guy at school, referring to me.

"Insane is different than crazy. When you're insane, they give you a
certificate of achievement."
That same guy.

"We're not at all like the rest of Georgia. We have a saying: If
you go to
Atlanta, the first question people ask you is, 'What's your business?'
In Macon they
ask, 'Where do you go to church?' In Augusta they ask your grandmother's
name. But in Savannah the first question people ask you is, 'What would
you like to

--"Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil"

"Insanity and evil. . . were inherently the same. One did not
excuse the other."
--X-Men, Mutant Empire

Neil Gaiman Quotes

"When angels go bad, Richard, they go worse than anyone. Remember,
Lucifer used to
be an angel."
--The Marquis de Carabas, "Neverwhere"

"Five almost identically dressed, pale young women walked past him.
They wore
long dresses made of velvet, each dress as dark as night, one each of
dark green, dark
chocolate, royal blue, dark blood, and pure black. Each woman had black
hair and
wore silver jewelry; each was perfectly coiffed, perfectly made up. They
silently: Richard was aware only of a swish of heavy velvet as they went
past, a swish
that sounded like a sigh. The last of the women, the one dressed in
utter black, the
palest and the most beautiful, smiled at Richard."



AND, Since Thierry removed his list of Villainous deeds from his sig,
I've decided to put in my
own! Help me out here, I'm sure I've done so much more than this.

Killed Timo (yeah, me and everybody else...)
Attempted to torture Rob to death.
Killed Sebastian.
Kidnaped the Armadillo.
Killed a Henchman.
Slapped most of Agff, and most of ACE.

More to come as my nefarious plans begin to surface!


não lida,
4 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0004/04/1998

Neo Atma Weapon 3:16 wrote:
> --- ??? ---
> I bet you thought the sig was over, huh? Well it's still going. What now,
> you ask? How about an AGFF quiz?
> 1. What is the common term for a person between newbie and regular status?


> 2. When was this newsgroup started?


> 3. Who is the official FAQ person of AGFF?

Nick Zitzmann.

> 4. Who was the first FWAKer?


> 5. What does FWAK stand for? (The LOGICAL meaning, not the idiotic ones)

False Wisdom And Knowledge.

> 6. Who said the following lines: im cypher. i rule.
> You're
> The weak always strive to be weaker...
> I will... kill you!


> 7. Who had a sig with over a hundred "yo momma" jokes in it?


> 8. What do the following stand for: AGFFM (not music), PWI, IIRC, AGKI,

Don't know, don't know, If I Remember Correctly, don't know, Gfox Syndrome,
Bahamut Zero, Night Angel, don't know, Neptune Salad, don't know, don't know.

> 9. Who drew *that* pic?

Quicksilver. (?)

> 10. Who is the defender of Yuffie? (Hint: It's not listed in their sig)


> 11. What (former) reg is known for using a laser gun to kill and never did
> his defender job?


> 12. What is the official name for January's Linda/Atma flame war?


> 13. Who is the (former) reg who always used to post doomsday messages?

Marcus Yu.

> 14. Who was voted the favorite reg on Tomo's poll a few months back?


> 15. What is the domain address of the strange error letters sent to AGFFers
> at random?


> 16. Who was the character in FFVI that was always cussing like a sailor?


> 17. Last year a flame war erupted on a holiday. Which one?

Memorial Day?

> 18. Who was the troll that always used numbers in the place of letters?


> 19. What (former) reg used to lope off people's heads with a plane when he
> was a newbie?


> 20. Bahamut ZERO always used to have an animal in his sig. What kind of
> animal was it?

Don't remember...

> 21. What (former) reg was always obsessed with "ChEEsE"?


> 22. When Chrono Trigger first came out, there was a rumor of a special
> hidden "rock". What color was it suppose to be?


> 23. What reg was the first newbieverb and what was the newbieverb's name?


> 24. Who is the original defender of Relm?


> 25. Who named GFS?

Sean Daugherty.

> How's that for a quiz? ...... That bad, huh? Well, it was my first try,
> gimmie a break. And now for the answers...
> --- Answers ---
> 1. Newgular
> 2. 1994
> 3. Nick Zitsmann
> 4. Eggnog

Yes! I got it right!!!

> 5. False Wisdom and Knowledge
> 6. K3wld00d, Guybrush, Magus, St. Ajora, Guybrush

Oh, I see...

> 7. Bob
> 8. alt.games.final-fantasy.meow, Pigwalk Invitational, If I Remember
> Correctly, alt.games.killer-instinct, Gfox Syndrome, Bahamut ZERO, Night
> Angel, Bologna Cow, Neptune Salad, Fuck Off And Die, Too Much Information
> Greg

So that's what TMIG...

> 9. Darksilver

Oh yeah...

> 10. Bahamut ZERO
> 11. X
> 12. AGFF Civil War
> 13. Marcus Yu
> 14. Edwyn
> 15. gooey.com
> 16. Relm
> 17. Christmas Eve

Oh, that one...

> 18. K3wld00d
> 19. Belthasar
> 20. Dragon

Of course...

> 21. aKFeK
> 22. red rock
> 23. Pigwalk, Newbiewalk
> 24. FuSoYa
> 25. Sean Daugherty

About half right...


Rob Browning

não lida,
4 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0004/04/1998

On Sat, 04 Apr 1998 07:55:57 -0500, Night Angel
<7377...@compuserve.com> wrote:

>Neo Atma Weapon 3:16 wrote:

>> Yep, it's even bigger than before... Over 25000 bytes now... I added an AGFF
>> quiz to the bottom... Most of the answers I'm 99% sure about, but still...
>> if someone credible... that leaves YOU out.. <glares at Guybrush across the
>> room>
>> Guybrush: AERIS DIES!
>> No, you die! <throws a tack star at the troll's forehead> Anyway, if
>> someone credible sees any mistakes in my answers, let me know and I'll
>> change them...

>Don't see any mistakes....

I think that 21 may be wrong, and I have a bit of a disagreement with

>> I bet you thought the sig was over, huh? Well it's still going. What now,
>> you ask? How about an AGFF quiz?
>> 1. What is the common term for a person between newbie and regular status?


>> 2. When was this newsgroup started?

Sometime in '94.

>> 3. Who is the official FAQ person of AGFF?

Nick Z.

>> 4. Who was the first FWAKer?

Eggnog or Siggy, depending on what you believe...

>> 5. What does FWAK stand for? (The LOGICAL meaning, not the idiotic ones)

Furry Widdle Animal Kilts. (It might be idiotic and illogical, but
it's what it stands for.)

>> 6. Who said the following lines: im cypher. i rule.


>> You're


>> The weak always strive to be weaker...

Sounds like something DemonWall would say...

>> I will... kill you!

That too...




>> 7. Who had a sig with over a hundred "yo momma" jokes in it?


>> 8. What do the following stand for: AGFFM (not music), PWI, IIRC, AGKI,


If AGFFM isn't alt.games.final-fantasy.music, then I have no idea what
it could be. Perhaps AGFF Medal?

PWI=Pigwalk Invitational
IIRC=If I remember correctly
GFS=Greg Fox Syndrome
BZ=Bahamut ZERO
NA=Night Angel
BC=Bologna Cow
NS=Neptune Salad
FOAD=Fuck off and die
TMIG=Too much information, Greg

>> 9. Who drew *that* pic?


>> 10. Who is the defender of Yuffie? (Hint: It's not listed in their sig)

The only one I know of is Amy.

>> 11. What (former) reg is known for using a laser gun to kill and never did
>> his defender job?

X, I think.

>> 12. What is the official name for January's Linda/Atma flame war?

I always called it the AGFF "Civil" War. I don't know what anyone
else called it.

>> 13. Who is the (former) reg who always used to post doomsday messages?

Marcus Yu.

>> 14. Who was voted the favorite reg on Tomo's poll a few months back?


>> 15. What is the domain address of the strange error letters sent to AGFFers
>> at random?


>> 16. Who was the character in FFVI that was always cussing like a sailor?


>> 17. Last year a flame war erupted on a holiday. Which one?

Ironically enough, Christmas.

>> 18. Who was the troll that always used numbers in the place of letters?


>> 19. What (former) reg used to lope off people's heads with a plane when he
>> was a newbie?

Well, Belthasar uses Epochs, but I dunno about planes...

>> 20. Bahamut ZERO always used to have an animal in his sig. What kind of
>> animal was it?


>> 21. What (former) reg was always obsessed with "ChEEsE"?

Bob, I suppose. (Before you say anything, aKFeK was never a real
person, just someone Bob made up when he split into three separate
people. I don't think KeFKa was ever obsessed with CHeeSe, though he
might have been...)

>> 22. When Chrono Trigger first came out, there was a rumor of a special
>> hidden "rock". What color was it suppose to be?

You always talk about the red rock, but I remember a plaid rock...

>> 23. What reg was the first newbieverb and what was the newbieverb's name?

I think it was Piggy with Newbiejump.

>> 24. Who is the original defender of Relm?

Fu, of course.

>> 25. Who named GFS?

Sean Daugherty.

>> How's that

I think I'll add a few questions:

(BTW, I'm thinking way back for these, so don't feel stupid if you
don't know the answers. And no, I didn't look in DejaNews, which
means that there are probably mistakes abound...)

26. Who came up with the idea for the FWAK disclaimer?

27. Who is regarded as the best FWAKer ever? (This, in a way, is
IMO, though other people that were around back then agree with my
sentiments, so don't worry too much about this one.)

28. Who started the fanfic about the Newbie Wars?

29. What old reg had a screen name that was taken from a comic book
of his about a group of ninja cats?

30. Why was the Microwave Saga started? (I'm not even sure of the
answer of this one, but Fali will give it to me, so...)

31. Who was the official initiator-guy (can't remember the real
title) of the AGFF Tower?

32. What was the cause of the Meower Wars? (I'm not asking who
caused it; that would be _way_ too easy.)

33. What is Cypher's real name?

34. Who singlehandedly uncovered N64.com as being run by a bunch of

35. Who were the only two people on the FFRPG side of the AGFFRPG
War? (If you can get this right without looking in DejaNews, you
deserve a medal.)

36. What was the name of the first person within the past two years
to accuse Square of being racist, due to Barret's "stereotypical
personality"? (See above.)

37. Quotes: (By this, I'm referring to the person who said it in
AGFF, not outside of it.)

"Please stop that, you're scaring the childern(sic)!" (Something like
that, anyway...)

"All I am... is full potential" (Not too sure about this one

"We are Microsoft. You will be assimilated."

"I was laying FF3..."

"Rob Browning sucks his daddy's cack!" (I couldn't help but remember
this one...)

38. What was Fali's first alias? (Hell, _I_ can't even remember that
one. Fali was almost like BZ back in those days. I'm pretty sure
it's not what most people think, though...)

39. What is Draagn's real first name?

Well, that's all I can think of right now...

>I knew all of them except a couple of the quotes... That's sad. sad,
>sad, sad....

Hey, what's sad is that I've been here for over two years and _don't_
know all of them.

Rob ~2~

******************************** |||__|||
******************************** \__/

"take it from the Cock-king here, you are fucked up. :)" --V.
Val attempting to talk about Coke, but failing miserably

"That's what they said about the Titanic...." --Edwyn, replying
to Greg about his claim that Allison and he will "never break

"Me too. They don't complain when I 'borrow' their money."
--Greg, referring to his like of stupid people

"We don't welcome people back very well, do we? 'Yeah, Piwalk's
back! KILL HIM!'" --Unright

"Isn't Piggy 6 too?" --Bob

"Tifa: AHHHHHHHHH YEEEEEEEE-- What the fuck!? Where am I?
Mr. Hartwig? Where'd you go!?" --Neo Atma

"Damn right. ****** wasn't an adulterer, junkie, or really,
REALLY annoying (okay, maybe the last one...)" --True EDGE,
referring to how someone wasn't trying to compare ******'s
death to JFK's, Kurt Cobain's, or Princess Di's

"Dairy Queen serve Cock in Bahrain." --Manaf, looking to
be V. Val's apprentice

"Hmm...if those are the normal posts on your Usenet...your friends
are even more screwed than mine. And that's hard." --John Barthle,
a person on a writer's RPG I'm in, after reading the quotes in my

"I believe you, Linda. I have powers to deduce the truth even
before hearing the person speak." --Cypher, impersonating
Spoony Bard

"sounds like my sisters..." --Tomo, referring to how Atma and Linda
tried to blame each other for January's flame war

"I know that it sounds stupid, but come on, Bob could be Cypher
could be Deadfrog could be K3wldood could be Linda could be a
m3ower could be Nick Zitzmann for all I care." --Kao Megura,
pretty much stating my philosophy about the whole thing

"You know the part about halfway through FF7 where ***** dies? At
that part in FF3 the plot dies." --Neo Atma

"AGFF is like "Beavis and Butthead Do Newsgroups", just without
the humor." --Timo Suave

"unfortunately the closest thing i have had to flirting recently
has been turn your head and cough." --Tiamat

"If you posted because you had consideration for me, the phrase
'TMIG' would never have entered Atma's vocabulary, and I'd be
posting a damn sight fewer "You sick bastard" exclamations and
phrases between greater than/less than signs depicting you on
the receiving end of graphic violence from yours truly." --Kain,
replying to Greg's claim that he posts with consideration for
other people

"You can hate a character all you want, just don't expect to be
able to insult them to their defenders face and be able to
walk away. If the Tifa defenders EVER ACTUALLY DID THEIR
JOB, then I'd be killed two daily." --Neo Atma

"Why would anybody want to lick you??" --Josh Kaufmann, replying
to Demonwall's request for Seb to lick sewage

"Siggy: Even more, [Relm's] original name was actually 'Realm,'
but it was changed in the translation to avoid connotations.

Edwyn: Yes, 'enter the Realm'.... .... oh shit" --If you
can read, you can figure it out

"Now, I wouldn't say that nobody likes him, but I bet you
could count the number of birthday parties he's been
invited to on the hand of a wood-shop teacher with
epilepsy." --Anonym, referring to Atma


não lida,
4 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0004/04/1998

Rob Browning wrote:
> I think I'll add a few questions:
> (BTW, I'm thinking way back for these, so don't feel stupid if you
> don't know the answers. And no, I didn't look in DejaNews, which
> means that there are probably mistakes abound...)
> 26. Who came up with the idea for the FWAK disclaimer?


> 27. Who is regarded as the best FWAKer ever? (This, in a way, is
> IMO, though other people that were around back then agree with my
> sentiments, so don't worry too much about this one.)


> 28. Who started the fanfic about the Newbie Wars?


> 29. What old reg had a screen name that was taken from a comic book
> of his about a group of ninja cats?

Sailor Koban TNK

> 30. Why was the Microwave Saga started? (I'm not even sure of the
> answer of this one, but Fali will give it to me, so...)

It's been going on forever.....

> 31. Who was the official initiator-guy (can't remember the real
> title) of the AGFF Tower?


> 32. What was the cause of the Meower Wars? (I'm not asking who
> caused it; that would be _way_ too easy.)

People crossposting to AFKMN...

> 33. What is Cypher's real name?

Robert Lowe.

> 34. Who singlehandedly uncovered N64.com as being run by a bunch of
> jackasses?

...was that me? :)

> 35. Who were the only two people on the FFRPG side of the AGFFRPG
> War? (If you can get this right without looking in DejaNews, you
> deserve a medal.)

No idea...... Airsale(not spelt right)...?

> 36. What was the name of the first person within the past two years
> to accuse Square of being racist, due to Barret's "stereotypical
> personality"? (See above.)


> 37. Quotes: (By this, I'm referring to the person who said it in
> AGFF, not outside of it.)
> "Please stop that, you're scaring the childern(sic)!" (Something like
> that, anyway...)


> "All I am... is full potential" (Not too sure about this one
> either...)

Phoenix. (?)

> "We are Microsoft. You will be assimilated."


> "I was laying FF3..."

No idea...

> "Rob Browning sucks his daddy's cack!" (I couldn't help but remember
> this one...)


> 38. What was Fali's first alias? (Hell, _I_ can't even remember that
> one. Fali was almost like BZ back in those days. I'm pretty sure
> it's not what most people think, though...)


> 39. What is Draagn's real first name?

Hell if I know...

> Well, that's all I can think of right now...
> >Gnifty.
> >I knew all of them except a couple of the quotes... That's sad. sad,
> >sad, sad....
> Hey, what's sad is that I've been here for over two years and _don't_
> know all of them.
> Rob ~2~



não lida,
4 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0004/04/1998

Rob Browning wrote:

->> 23. What reg was the first newbieverb and what was the newbieverb's name?
-I think it was Piggy with Newbiejump.

If I remember correctly, it was Newbiewalk, was it not? Pigwalk,
Newbiewalk... And then came Newbierun, Newbiefly, Newbiejump...

<lo corté>

-26. Who came up with the idea for the FWAK disclaimer?


-27. Who is regarded as the best FWAKer ever? (This, in a way, is
-IMO, though other people that were around back then agree with my
-sentiments, so don't worry too much about this one.)

Oh, curses. I should remember this one. Eggnog wrote the first, but not
the best, I believe. I dunno.

-29. What old reg had a screen name that was taken from a comic book
-of his about a group of ninja cats?

All that comes to mind is Kupare, the ninja-fighting moogle.

-31. Who was the official initiator-guy (can't remember the real
-title) of the AGFF Tower?

Uh, maybe Ryan Rittie.

-32. What was the cause of the Meower Wars? (I'm not asking who
-caused it; that would be _way_ too easy.)

Crossposting between a.f.k-m.n, I believe. The Big C. had gone there
after writing Urban Harvest.

-33. What is Cypher's real name?

Robert Lowe of Pennsylvania. I sort of guessed this name at first, 'cuz I
had seen an e-mail address of his as "rlowe@*" and just filled in the
blanks with a former movie actor.

<lo corté>

-"All I am... is full potential" (Not too sure about this one

"All that I am is untapped potential" was stated by Phoenix, though not

-"We are Microsoft. You will be assimilated."

Sounds like Bob.

-"I was laying FF3..."


-"Rob Browning sucks his daddy's cack!" (I couldn't help but remember
-this one...)
-38. What was Fali's first alias? (Hell, _I_ can't even remember that
-one. Fali was almost like BZ back in those days. I'm pretty sure
-it's not what most people think, though...)


And I'll add a few as well:

40) Who is the AGFF turncoat?

41) Who designed the first flame form?

42) What was the name of the poster who was an obessed advocate of HTML?

43) To which poster do we accredit the finding of *that* picture?

44) What did Unright change his name to at Christmas time?

45) Who organized and judged the Goofy Contest, the early formations of
the Gooey Quiz?

46) Who's .sig was adorned with Chocobos R' Us?

47) Who tallied the points in the vote for AGFF God?

48) What was the domain name of Moogle Girl?

49) Which poster has been ordained as a minister?

50) Who uses tonfa?

51) Who was Mrs. Hildegaard?

I think these are pretty easy, but who knows. (The last one might be a
bit strange, but I think some people know.)

////////// "You can eat a whole lot more \\\\\\\\\\
||||||||| here because they don't use crap |||||||||
\\\\\\\\\\ like MSG." - Saga Frontier //////////

Sebastian Darkkstar

não lida,
4 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0004/04/1998

The Ataskachian records state that on Sat, 04 Apr 1998 15:45:09 -0600,
tra...@netins.net (Chris) wrote a message archived as Re: <evil laugh> The Neo

Sig has gotten BIGGER... to alt.games.final-fantasy:

>Rob Browning wrote:

The False Edge.

>41) Who designed the first flame form?


>42) What was the name of the poster who was an obessed advocate of HTML?

I forget.

>43) To which poster do we accredit the finding of *that* picture?


>44) What did Unright change his name to at Christmas time?


>45) Who organized and judged the Goofy Contest, the early formations of
>the Gooey Quiz?


>46) Who's .sig was adorned with Chocobos R' Us?


>47) Who tallied the points in the vote for AGFF God?


>48) What was the domain name of Moogle Girl?


>49) Which poster has been ordained as a minister?


>50) Who uses tonfa?

Sure as hell don't know.

>51) Who was Mrs. Hildegaard?

See above.

>I think these are pretty easy, but who knows. (The last one might be a
>bit strange, but I think some people know.)


Rob Browning

não lida,
5 de abr. de 1998, 04:00:0005/04/1998

On Sat, 04 Apr 1998 22:55:18 GMT,
dark...@cut.here.calgary.crosswinds.net (Sebastian Darkkstar) wrote:

>The Ataskachian records state that on Sat, 04 Apr 1998 15:45:09 -0600,
>tra...@netins.net (Chris) wrote a message archived as Re: <evil laugh> The Neo
>Sig has gotten BIGGER... to alt.games.final-fantasy:
>>Rob Browning wrote:

>>-27. Who is regarded as the best FWAKer ever? (This, in a way, is
>>-IMO, though other people that were around back then agree with my
>>-sentiments, so don't worry too much about this one.)
>>Oh, curses. I should remember this one. Eggnog wrote the first, but not
>>the best, I believe. I dunno.

Like I said, I wouldn't worry. I always thought that Jae Shin wrote
the best ones.

>>-29. What old reg had a screen name that was taken from a comic book
>>-of his about a group of ninja cats?
>>All that comes to mind is Kupare, the ninja-fighting moogle.

Koban TNK.

>>-31. Who was the official initiator-guy (can't remember the real
>>-title) of the AGFF Tower?
>>Uh, maybe Ryan Rittie.


>>-32. What was the cause of the Meower Wars? (I'm not asking who
>>-caused it; that would be _way_ too easy.)
>>Crossposting between a.f.k-m.n, I believe. The Big C. had gone there
>>after writing Urban Harvest.

To be more specific, Cypher was the one that created all of the
crossposts, and, since we thought that they were in our territory, and
they thought that we were in their territory, the inevitable happened.

>>-"All I am... is full potential" (Not too sure about this one
>>"All that I am is untapped potential" was stated by Phoenix, though not

There is an ellipsis between "am" and "is", though. IK'm pretty sure
about that.

>>-"We are Microsoft. You will be assimilated."
>>Sounds like Bob.

Think Macintosh enthusiast...

>>-"I was laying FF3..."

>>-"Rob Browning sucks his daddy's cack!" (I couldn't help but remember
>>-this one...)

Hehe. I'm waiting for someone to guess this one. There was only one
bonafide troll back then, so it shouldn't be too hard...

>>-38. What was Fali's first alias? (Hell, _I_ can't even remember that
>>-one. Fali was almost like BZ back in those days. I'm pretty sure
>>-it's not what most people think, though...)

Like I said, I'm pretty sure that it wasn't what most people think.

>>And I'll add a few as well:

>>41) Who designed the first flame form?

That's what I would've said. I can remember somebody older that that
making it, though... Ryan Ryttie?

>>42) What was the name of the poster who was an obessed advocate of HTML?
>I forget.

Daniel Hartwig.

>>45) Who organized and judged the Goofy Contest, the early formations of
>>the Gooey Quiz?

I remember that from somewhere too...

>>47) Who tallied the points in the vote for AGFF God?

Eggnog wasn't around back then... I think it was Yellow Snoe...

>>48) What was the domain name of Moogle Girl?


>>49) Which poster has been ordained as a minister?

He was ordained as a saint, not a minister... Yet again, I remember
this one from somewhere...

>>50) Who uses tonfa?
>Sure as hell don't know.

Mary Gifaldi.


não lida,
6 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0006/04/1998

Neo Atma Weapon 3:16 wrote in message

>Yep, it's even bigger than before... Over 25000 bytes now... I added an
>quiz to the bottom... Most of the answers I'm 99% sure about, but still...
>if someone credible... that leaves YOU out.. <glares at Guybrush across
>Guybrush: AERIS DIES!
>No, you die! <throws a tack star at the troll's forehead> Anyway, if
>someone credible sees any mistakes in my answers, let me know and I'll
>change them...

>I bet you thought the sig was over, huh? Well it's still going. What now,
>you ask? How about an AGFF quiz?


>19. What (former) reg used to lope off people's heads with a plane when he
>was a newbie?

>--- Answers ---
>19. Belthasar

Ha! You better drop that (former) from your sig, Atma! The B is BACK!

BTW, I did not lop off thier heads with an Epoch (not a PLANE), I crashed it
into thier heads. Even though the Newbie model of my Epoch was primitive, it
was not sharp and thin enough to slice off somebodies head. |8~)

-Belthasar, AGFF Guru of Reason
|Email me at: Sage_...@msn.com |
|IM: Belthasar1 |
|UIN: 9479816 |
|Official AGFF Defender of Chrono Trigger |
|Official AGFF Irritable Scientist |
|Caller of Epoch Air Strikes |
|Creator and Humble Leader of the Nu |
|A General in the AGFF/ACE93 Fighter Squadron (Epoch) |
|Seller of Troll Dolls |
|Recruiter of Gurus |
|Owner of 1 POTD Award!!!!! |
|Owner of 15 Zero Points!!!!! |
|And Now... The Epoch!!!! |
| __________ ___________ |
| || || / \ / AGFF/ACE \ |
| /\ /\ | General | | Guru | |
| _/__\__/__\_ | ******* | | Of | |
| |==========| \__________/ | Reason | |
| |Belthasar!| |AGFF/ACE| \___________/ |
| ______|----------|_______ |Fighter | | G.U. | |
|/ | | \ |Squadron| | R.U. | |
|| Nu | ---- | Nu | \/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\/ |
|\________| / \ |_______/ |-------------------| |
| U \/ M| | 500+ | | V U V | License to Time | |
| | |Posts!| | | Travel | |
| \ \|8-)/ / | /---------\ | |
| \ ---- / | |Belthasar| |8~) | |
| \______/ | \---------/ | |
| |II| | G.U.R.U. | |
| \__/ |-------------------| |
| |
| ------------ |
| | _30_ | Awarded |
| |HoloTokens| by X |
| ------------ |
| And now......Quotes!!! |

|"That's what I love about Usenet. You can be mutilated, |
| maimed, and killed, but not even know it till a week later."|
| -GFox |
| |

|"I don't know if I'm a regular or not yet. I'm kind of |
| an irregular." |
| -Mark |
| |
|"Greg isn't taking enough medication" |
| -Neo Atma |
| |
|So you're a stupid, ignorant, racist, perverted, sick, troll |
|mexican that can't use proper grammer, huh? You must be proud|
| -Neo Atma |

| |
|"Atma doesn't accept friends. He just has people he doesn't |
| hate as much as other people." |
| -Edwyn |
| |


Neo Atma Weapon 3:16

não lida,
6 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0006/04/1998

Belthasar wrote in message <6g9qse$7...@argentina.earthlink.net>...

>Neo Atma Weapon 3:16 wrote in message

>>Yep, it's even bigger than before... Over 25000 bytes now... I added an
>>quiz to the bottom... Most of the answers I'm 99% sure about, but
>>if someone credible... that leaves YOU out.. <glares at Guybrush across
>>Guybrush: AERIS DIES!
>>No, you die! <throws a tack star at the troll's forehead> Anyway, if
>>someone credible sees any mistakes in my answers, let me know and I'll
>>change them...

>>I bet you thought the sig was over, huh? Well it's still going. What
>>you ask? How about an AGFF quiz?

>>19. What (former) reg used to lope off people's heads with a plane when
>>was a newbie?

>>--- Answers ---
>>19. Belthasar
>Ha! You better drop that (former) from your sig, Atma! The B is BACK!

I did already, peckerhead, don't start spazzing out for no reason.

>BTW, I did not lop off thier heads with an Epoch (not a PLANE), I crashed

If I said Epoch it would've been too obvious.

>into thier heads. Even though the Newbie model of my Epoch was primitive,
>was not sharp and thin enough to slice off somebodies head. |8~)


Welcome..... TO THE NEO SIG!

By: Neo-Atma Weapon 3:16

The Holy Champion of AGFF.
An Official Anti-Bob
The Official AGFF Psychopath
The most violent defender ever! The Defender of Aerith/Aeris!
The Anti-Yuffie, a title to truly be proud of!
A sufferer of GFS
The former God of Weapons
The former God of Death
Wielder of the holy Hind's Blood Excaliber, the most lethal weapon in AGFF.
Owner of the biggest and best sig in AGFF today!
Hater of the Spice Girls
Enemy of the revivalists

Class of 3:16

The most seen quote ever:

"Warning: Your signature file is too large. It has been truncated, please
make the file smaller." - Outlook Express while bitching about my sig, yet
doing nothing about it

@ |||__||| !
# \/ \/ @

$ (8000) &
% \__/ ^

One of the biggest toilet medals in AGFF. Estimated to be *MASTERED* (at
9999) by the end of the summer.

Mottos. A rule to live by.

"Let Aerith rest in peace, or I'll make you rest in peace."
"Think my sig is too long? Get a faster modem, asshole."
"im cypher. i rule."
"I'm not racist/sexist/anti-whatever. I hate everyone equally."

AOL IM: NeoAtma

What's new? This is what's new. Top news in AGFF (in no order. I'm too
lazy to put them in order of when they happened.):


*Keith Adams has started a flame war with Cypher. Adams, who quickly *
*got the hell kicked out of him, called in for the help of Fali and *

*Zero, who either did little flaming, or whined. Adams, after being *
*verbally destroyed by Cypher, has vanished. *
* *
*It appears as though the Xenogears argument is nearly over, with both *
*sides agreeing to disagree... *
* *
*A new troll has come to AGFF. It posted a photo of a nude woman *
*holding a rose over her genitals and has wings superimposed on her *
*back. Judging from the headers, the troll was attempting to say it *
*was Night Angel while framing Seb Darkkstar. Night Angel was *
*extremely shaken up by the incident, and Seb, along with all other *
*regs deny any involvment. *
* *
*On the Late Fanfic list today is Wyvern and Cypher. Wyvern was said *
*to have his fanfic, part III out on Saturday, but failed to deliver. *
*Cypher said he'd have First Blood out by Wensday, but has failed *
*miserably. (Or my news server missed both of them...) *
* *
*Saint Kain Aron Highwind (and you thought *I* had a long name?) is *
*back to posting as usual, under the name "St. Kain". *

Trophy Room:

"First, (this is where you have to be careful) you'll have to modify your
PlayStation. You'll need a screwdriver and a pair of pliers. Now, get your
PS ready. Set the pliers on the ground and jam the screwdriver really hard
into your eye. That should do it." - Billy Callis informing a newbie on how
to revive Aeris

"Companies tend to keep mistakes in products and never correct them... oh,
like Microsoft and Windows 95, for example. #;-}>" - Gregory Cook

"Don't confuse fantasy with the real world. I did and look at me now.." -

--- NOTICE ---

--- ??? ---

19. What reg used to lope off people's heads with a plane when he was a


não lida,
6 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0006/04/1998

In article <6ga0hl$8...@argentina.earthlink.net>,

Geez, Peckerhead? and you say _I_ am spazzing out...

> >BTW, I did not lop off thier heads with an Epoch (not a PLANE), I crashed
> If I said Epoch it would've been too obvious.
> it
> >into thier heads. Even though the Newbie model of my Epoch was primitive,
> it
> >was not sharp and thin enough to slice off somebodies head. |8~)
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Welcome..... TO THE NEO SIG!
> By: Neo-Atma Weapon 3:16



-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==-----
http://www.dejanews.com/ Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading

Neo Atma Weapon 3:16

não lida,
6 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0006/04/1998

Sage_...@msn.com wrote in message <6gb0ck$jvd$1...@nnrp1.dejanews.com>...
>In article <6ga0hl$8...@argentina.earthlink.net>,
> "Neo Atma Weapon 3:16" <Neo...@ThisPartToStopSpamSoDeleteIt.msn.com>

>Geez, Peckerhead? and you say _I_ am spazzing out...

Yep. :)

Class of 3:16

AOL IM: NeoAtma


não lida,
7 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0007/04/1998

In article <35268D56...@proaxis.com>,
csa...@proaxis.com wrote:

> Rob Browning wrote:
> > 28. Who started the fanfic about the Newbie Wars?
> ...?

Noel Herradura.

> > 34. Who singlehandedly uncovered N64.com as being run by a bunch of
> > jackasses?

> ...was that me? :)

I think it was. :)

> > 35. Who were the only two people on the FFRPG side of the AGFFRPG
> > War? (If you can get this right without looking in DejaNews, you
> > deserve a medal.)

> No idea...... Airsale(not spelt right)...?

That's Ayrsayle, and that's one of them. Dalantyr was the other.

> > 36. What was the name of the first person within the past two years
> > to accuse Square of being racist, due to Barret's "stereotypical
> > personality"? (See above.)

> Cypher?


> > 37. Quotes: (By this, I'm referring to the person who said it in
> > AGFF, not outside of it.)
> >
> > "Please stop that, you're scaring the childern(sic)!" (Something like
> > that, anyway...)

> ???


> > "We are Microsoft. You will be assimilated."

> Nick?


> > "Rob Browning sucks his daddy's cack!" (I couldn't help but remember
> > this one...)

> ??

Ah, the (un)lovable troll Taggurit...

> > 38. What was Fali's first alias? (Hell, _I_ can't even remember that
> > one. Fali was almost like BZ back in those days. I'm pretty sure
> > it's not what most people think, though...)

> Euronymous?

That's what I think, but I'm almost sure that there was one before that...

> > 39. What is Draagn's real first name?

> Hell if I know...

Jason, I believe. It's in his .sig.



não lida,
8 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0008/04/1998

My eyes hurt.


não lida,
8 de abr. de 1998, 03:00:0008/04/1998

My eyes hurt.

Neo Atma Weapon 3:16 wrote:

0 nova mensagem