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Best METAL group an oxymoron

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Gene W. Smith

Jan 11, 1990, 1:52:39 AM1/11/90

Now that the US Army has determined that crap like you
(non-oxy) morons listen to is a form of torture, do you look at
things any differently?

I'm glad this group got created, so I could get this off my
chest--I hate your guts. You've made my life miserable, and I
just wish all you puke-bags could be ground up for catfood or
made into lamp-shades. GOD do I hate heavy metal.

Do you ever think about the agony you cause other people? Do
you care? Could you turn that fucking shit DOWN already?
ucbvax!garnet!gsmith Gene Ward Smith/Garnetgangster/Berkeley CA 94720
"The chain which can be yanked is not the eternal chain." -- G Fitch

Miika Kuusinen

Jan 11, 1990, 8:02:45 AM1/11/90

At first I'd like to say this big asshole one thing: Why don't you fuck off
and die? well there are many things in this world that I don't like but I am
still not walking aroung and complaining about those...Stupid scumbags like
you should be taken to mental asylium and put earphones on and play some
'buy-play-throw away' music...So you really think that we metallists cause
all the pain and misery to this world..Haa that really makes me laugh...
You're telling that we make your life miserably...well how come? I would
understand if you had a neighbour with 1 meter of hair and who is farting
all the time and who plays in a band and they are practising in his apartment
but I'm sure you don't have that kind of neighbour...Well I know that you
have never really listened some metal...In my opinion we metallists care
about things more than most people...there are no more bands singing 'hey
satan is our good friend'-crap...lyrics of most bands gives us views to
think...for example Nuclear Assaults 'Handle with care' LP really gives us
something to think about...well if we all should made into catfood etc. I
think that the best future for you is as a toilet paper or 'welcome'-carpet..
just leave us alone...we don't want that kind of bullshit-mails to this

"Bang that head that doesn't bang!"

I E-mail: Miika Kuusinen I I
I ========================== Linnunrata 10 H 5 I "Hammer of justice I
I IRC: mega 53850 Lappeenranta I crushes you" I
I ========= Suomi Finland I I

Jan 11, 1990, 8:51:33 AM1/11/90
Hey, everyone's entitled to their own opinion..

Here's mine:
Go fuck yourself with a hedgehog.
In article <>, (Gene W. Smith) writes...

} Now that the US Army has determined that crap like you
}(non-oxy) morons listen to is a form of torture, do you look at
}things any differently?
} I'm glad this group got created, so I could get this off my
}chest--I hate your guts. You've made my life miserable, and I
}just wish all you puke-bags could be ground up for catfood or
}made into lamp-shades. GOD do I hate heavy metal.
} Do you ever think about the agony you cause other people? Do
}you care? Could you turn that fucking shit DOWN already?
}ucbvax!garnet!gsmith Gene Ward Smith/Garnetgangster/Berkeley CA 94720
} "The chain which can be yanked is not the eternal chain." -- G Fitch

|Jeff "The Riffer" Mercer |"Win or lose, nought to choose, all men are equal |
|lak8141%oak.decnet@pine. | when their memory fades. No one knows, friends or |
| | foes, if Valhalla lies beyond the grave." |
| (Internet) | --Deaf Forever by Motorhead |

Petri Halme

Jan 11, 1990, 8:18:50 AM1/11/90
to (Gene W. Smith) writes:

> I'm glad this group got created, so I could get this off my
>chest--I hate your guts. You've made my life miserable, and I
>just wish all you puke-bags could be ground up for catfood or
>made into lamp-shades. GOD do I hate heavy metal.

Really odd, I do see your point, but I can't understand in what way a heavy-
man could affect your life. 'Cos you don't hear Heavy-Metal in radios and
you don't see Metal-videos in TV... So it is definitely not the music that
harms you!
And I don't concider myself as a puke-bag! I'm just a average human, having
lots of different kind of friends, living in harmony with each other...
Mebbe there's someting wrong in you or your attitude against other people?!

> Do you ever think about the agony you cause other people? Do
>you care? Could you turn that fucking shit DOWN already?

As for me, I don't like very much that massive disco-rap-house-staff that
attacks me whenever I open the TV or radio, but I can live with (I'm still
mastering my TV)

Besides, I'm sure you have,are and will listen to your music loud, and 'cos
there are more people listening to something else than Metal, we "suffer"
because of you more often than you do!
Just be brave, face the metal like a man (Jason Donovan isn't a man)...

******Advocatus Diaboli******Babe, you broke my heart (so I broke your face)**
** ** **
** In Real Life: ** Ceterum Censeo Helsinki Esse Delendam **
** Petri Halme ** ----- **
** Punkkerikatu 1B8 ** Besides, I've got no opium of my own **
** 538350 LPR 85 ** ----- **
*************************************Speed Metal: Forte Fortissimo ***********

Buck Dharma @ Club Ninja

Jan 11, 1990, 12:09:50 PM1/11/90

I'm glad this pissant's life is hell. All we have to do is turn off the
computer to keep from seeing his whinning. He proabaly has to listen to
it from his neighbors or someshit. (The pooze brain was appearently so
annoyed that he couldn't think straight and let us know HOW he was bothered)
But who gives a fuck anyway huh?

My answer to this guys problem lyes with one bullet.

"If it's too loud, crank it up so you can't hear the neighbors complain."
-98.9 WBYR (the bear)

Blair P. Houghton

Jan 11, 1990, 2:55:25 PM1/11/90
In article <> (Gene W. Smith) writes:
> Now that the US Army has determined that crap like you
>(non-oxy) morons listen to is a form of torture, do you look at
>things any differently?

Yeah. Too bad they din't play any SeX PiStOlS. We've been
trying to get them onto the NATO list of banned substances
for years.

"I want to beeeeeee
An ar cheeeeeeeeee."

Bill Wisner

Jan 11, 1990, 3:39:43 PM1/11/90
In article <> (Miika Kuusinen) writes:

>"Bang that head that doesn't bang!"

How very thought-provoking.


Bill Wisner

Jan 11, 1990, 3:44:47 PM1/11/90
to (Buck Dharma @ Club Ninja) writes:

>My answer to this guys problem lyes with one bullet.

How very thought-provoking.


....What Is?....

Jan 11, 1990, 4:51:28 PM1/11/90
In article <> (Gene W. Smith) writes:
> Now that the US Army has determined that crap like you
>(non-oxy) morons listen to is a form of torture, do you look at
>things any differently?

First of all, I KNOW that your entire post is a joke. No one could
possibly be as anal-retentive and stupid as you come off to be.
Now, it's well known that Noriega was an opera fan. So to him,
metal WOULD be a form of torture. And if you listen to the songs
they were playing, there was "You're no good" by The Supremes (I
think) and "Voodoo Child" by Jimi Hendrix (which is a '60s
psychedelic song, not metal.) And finally, it wasn't TORTURE, it
was PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE. If someone played opera to me 24 hrs a
day I'd consider it psychological warfare.

> I'm glad this group got created, so I could get this off my
>chest--I hate your guts. You've made my life miserable, and I
>just wish all you puke-bags could be ground up for catfood or
>made into lamp-shades. GOD do I hate heavy metal.

You hate my guts? Well I'm not going to let you eat them anyways.
I've made your life miserable? You're in Berkeley, and I'm in San
Diego, and I'm not playing my stereo THAT loud. Puke bags? Catfood?
Lamp shades? This is so pathetic and whiny that I'm not even going
to dignify it with an answer. So, you hate heavy metal. So your
emotions are not aggressive. That's why I like heavy metal; I can
identify with the aggression. Just because you have no aggression
doesn't mean we're wrong. I bet you lots of money that you wouldn't
have the guts to say that to an audience of metalheads in person.
Just on a computer network, so you can sit at home, try to assert
your feeble masculinity, and jerk off to the stories.

> Do you ever think about the agony you cause other people? Do
>you care? Could you turn that fucking shit DOWN already?

Agony? I think the agony in your life has much more valid sources
than metal. Have you ever thought about the agony that the artist
would have to be put through to write such songs? Consider Black
Sabbath (original lineup): to write such supernatural, abstract,
depressing lyrics, poor Ozzy must have had an incredibly tough
childhood. (I know I did!) And as for turning it down already, I
already told you my stereo isn't that loud. Do you only object to
metal being played loud? Maybe this is all originating from the
fact that one of your neighbors has been playing loud metal lately.
Why don't you walk over and ask them to turn it down? Or is that
too much of an intense social encounter for you? I suppose it

| Steve Boswell | Marriage is probably the chief cause of |
| Internet: | divorce... S.P.S. |
| UUCP: !ucsd!sboswell | |
| Bitnet: SBOSWELL@UCSD | Radioactive cats have 18 half-lives. |

Bill Wisner

Jan 11, 1990, 4:09:34 PM1/11/90
to (....What Is?....) writes:

>That's why I like heavy metal; I can identify with the aggression.

How very thought-provoking.


Bill Wisner

Jan 11, 1990, 3:45:51 PM1/11/90

> Go fuck yourself with a hedgehog.

How very thought-provoking.


Mister Canoehead

Jan 11, 1990, 5:42:11 PM1/11/90

I know you want us all to respond with multiple-page messages filled with
nothing but profanity and personal attacks at you, but I'm not going to do that
I just hope that someday you get over whatever it is that makes you such an
immature, intolering wreck of a man.

If you really claim that Heavy Metal did this to you, would you mind
explaining to us just how it happened? Or do you just need some attention and
posting a message like yours was the best way you knew how to get it?

Dylan Salisbury

Jan 11, 1990, 6:12:27 PM1/11/90
In article <>, (Buck Dharma @ Club Ninja) writes...

}"If it's too loud, crank it up so you can't hear the neighbors complain."
} -98.9 WBYR (the bear)

"Crank it up and PISS OFF the neighbors!"
--GatorRock 1390 AM

Jan 11, 1990, 6:15:39 PM1/11/90
In article <>, (Bill Wisner) writes...
}How very thought-provoking.

You got a program to answer messages for you or something??

John Paul Jones

Jan 11, 1990, 5:52:27 PM1/11/90
We-hell, looky what we got here.
You know, thus far in my posting career I've tried to refrain from
all out profanity. But let me tell you I am severely tempted.
But think about it. Why did this guy post this horseshit? Not because
he was afraid of hate mail. Oh no. He wants attention. One of the
easiest ways to find something to do is to fill up your hollow life
by attacking others. All this guy really wants to do is get attention
and fill up a mailbox that's probably been empty for a while. So just
ignore him. He has no power. As far as I'm concerned he's just a
attention seeking child.

-John Paul Jones
"Live In Security,
Die In Obscurity."

William Christiano

Jan 12, 1990, 9:41:01 AM1/12/90
In article <> (Gene W. Smith) writes:
> I'm glad this group got created, so I could get this off my
>chest--I hate your guts. You've made my life miserable, and I
>just wish all you puke-bags could be ground up for catfood or
>made into lamp-shades. GOD do I hate heavy metal.
> Do you ever think about the agony you cause other people? Do
>you care? Could you turn that fucking shit DOWN already?

You should have exersized a bit of tact here because you are just a
babbling idiot otherwise. You may have had some constructive things
to say, but the only point you seemed to drive home is the one on your
HEAD. You could have said anything in your own defence, but it's too
late for you now. It sounds to me like you think you are some
righteous, cultured soul who's wisdom should be held as law. SORRY
CHARLIE, but you have just demonstrated the closed-mindedness that
drives the energy into the music that we prefer to hear. You've done
absolutely nothing for your cause what so ever. Maybe you've got kids
that have gone astray and you're blaming the music. SORRY AGAIN, but
if a kid has a good faith inside him, he won't be as likely to take
the satanic things seriously. (I won't go into details, but I always
said "They never refer to satan as good, only bad or negative things
are associated with him" until I talked with a well versed friend.
I suggest that everyone find a spiritual person to tell you why are
music and other types of music are considered bad. Especially if
that person used to be into metal.) That is taught by the parents
such as mine did with me. Don't blame us for your agony. Your
attitude draws agony to you. Don't blame all metal listeners for
the social problems we have today. Don't categorize all of us as bad.
Each of us is from a different walk of life and probably do you some
good in some way, though your blinders won't let you see that. Your
probably worse to your heighbors then most of us in this group.
Chill out and try to take the time to understand before you go
shooting your mouth off.

Bill C.


Jan 11, 1990, 8:56:39 PM1/11/90
to writes :


( )
( )


VM Weenie

Jan 11, 1990, 9:40:22 PM1/11/90
In article <>, (Petri Halme) says:
>[...] we "suffer"

>because of you more often than you do!

Is this the same guy who said heavy metal doesn't damage anyone? Hey, look
what it did to his brain.

-- Peter

David C Lawrence

Jan 12, 1990, 12:34:46 AM1/12/90

========================== K ====== K =====================
Darrin W. NeSmith K K K K

Just in case y'all missed it, I thought you should see Darrin W.
NeSmith's neato, groovy keen .signature. In fact, even if you did get
to see it then you've probably enjoyed seeing it again, even if you
didn't realize it. Glad I could oblige.

Bill Wisner

Jan 11, 1990, 9:37:10 PM1/11/90
to (....What Is?....) writes:

>What's with all the "thought-provoking" messages? This is obviously
>patronization. You're not superior.

Yes I am.


John Woods

Jan 12, 1990, 12:07:00 AM1/12/90
In article <>, (Buck Dharma @ Club Ninja) writes:
> I'm glad this pissant's life is hell. All we have to do is turn off the
> computer to keep from seeing his whinning.


Well, at least what THEY say about Heavy Metal causing its listeners to
become mindlessly violent microcephalics isn't true.

> My answer to this guys problem lyes with one bullet.

Of course, I *could* be wrong.
John Woods, Charles River Data Systems, Framingham MA, (508) 626-1101
...!decvax!frog!john, jo...@frog.UUCP, ...!mit-eddie!jfw,

Happiness is Planet Earth in your rear-view mirror. - Sam Hurt

John Woods

Jan 11, 1990, 11:58:00 PM1/11/90
In article <>, (Miika Kuusinen) writes:
W> (Gene W. Smith) writes:
o> > Now that the US Army has determined that crap like you
t> >(non-oxy) morons listen to is a form of torture, do you look at
> >things any differently?
a> > I'm glad this group got created, so I could get this off my

> >chest--I hate your guts. You've made my life miserable, and I
d> >just wish all you puke-bags could be ground up for catfood or
i> >made into lamp-shades. GOD do I hate heavy metal.
l> > Do you ever think about the agony you cause other people? Do
d> >you care? Could you turn that fucking shit DOWN already?
o> >--
-> >ucbvax!garnet!gsmith Gene Ward Smith/Garnetgangster/Berkeley CA 94720
h> > "The chain which can be yanked is not the eternal chain." -- G Fitch
a> At first I'd like to say this big asshole one thing: Why don't you fuck off
d> and die?

Now, what was that .signature again?

> > "The chain which can be yanked is not the eternal chain." -- G Fitch

I'm sorry, I didn't catch that; what was it again?

> > "The chain which can be yanked is not the eternal chain." -- G Fitch

Ah. Yes. I see.

So it *is* true that repeated exposure to heavy metal causes problems
with reading comprehension!

> "Bang that head that doesn't bang!"

Guest of Honor time!

John Woods

Jan 12, 1990, 12:04:00 AM1/12/90
In article <>, (Petri Halme) writes:
> (Gene W. Smith) writes:
> > I'm glad this group got created, so I could get this off my
> >chest--I hate your guts. You've made my life miserable, and I
> >just wish all you puke-bags could be ground up for catfood or
> >made into lamp-shades. GOD do I hate heavy metal.
> Really odd, I do see your point, but I can't understand in what way a heavy-
> man could affect your life.

OK, folks; this is the third response I've seen, and I am sure there are
many more thundering their way here. LISTEN UP: say Gene's .signature out

The chain that can be yanked is not the eternal chain. - G. Fitch

Now, repeat it over and over again until you understand it, or until your
head explodes. Thank you.

....What Is?....

Jan 11, 1990, 7:37:09 PM1/11/90
In article <> (Bill Wisner) writes:
>>That's why I like heavy metal; I can identify with the aggression.
>How very thought-provoking.

What's with all the "thought-provoking" messages? This is obviously

patronization. You're not superior.


Mr. Scary

Jan 11, 1990, 9:20:05 PM1/11/90
In article <>, (Gene W. Smith) writes:
> Now that the US Army has determined that crap like you
> (non-oxy) morons listen to is a form of torture, do you look at
> things any differently?

Yes, I do. I now realize, as you have stated, that I am nothing but crap. I
should not even be allowed to exist in the same physical plane as you do. I
have now dedicated myself to living my life whith one goal: To live up to your
and the U.S. Army's high standards.

> I'm glad this group got created, so I could get this off my
> chest--I hate your guts.

Gee, that's funny, I don't even know you. But you haven't made a very good
first impression. But then again, that is my fault.

> You've made my life miserable,

So the master plan has been fulfilled.

> and I just wish all you puke-bags could be ground up for catfood or made
> into lamp-shades.

My cat has better taste than to eat crap like me.

> GOD do I hate heavy metal.

Don't listen to it. Or better yet, kill all the heavy metal crapheads. Still
better yet, kill all the metal bands -- stop it at the source. You would be
vindicated for relieving society of me and others like me.

> Do you ever think about the agony you cause other people?

Sure every night I lay awake wishing I could change.

> Do you care?

Crap like me can't care. We can't think, feel, or be productive either.

> Could you turn that fucking shit DOWN already?

I forgot how.

> --
> ucbvax!garnet!gsmith Gene Ward Smith/Garnetgangster/Berkeley CA 94720
> "The chain which can be yanked is not the eternal chain." -- G Fitch

P.S. Why ARE you such an asshole?

Ken Dykes

Jan 11, 1990, 8:38:55 PM1/11/90

What? the words of Burch dont inspire you?
Ok how about some words from Hetfield/Ulrich...

With all out screaming
We are gonna rip right through YOUR BRAIN
We got the lethal power
It is causing YOU sweet PAIN oh sweet pain
When we start to rock
We never want to stop again...

- Ken Dykes, Software Development Group, UofWaterloo, Canada [43.47N 80.52W] []
kgd...@waterloo.csnet kgd...@water.bitnet watmath!kgdykes

Ken Dykes

Jan 11, 1990, 8:45:20 PM1/11/90

How very thought provoking that someone could use an ARMY action as part
of some flimsey excuse and then turn around and make a little snide
innuendo on the concept of agression...

And by the light of the moon
He prays for their beauty not doom
With heart he blesses them
God's creatures; all of them too.

Actually a little time inside an iron maiden would do you some good...

Blair P. Houghton

Jan 12, 1990, 1:08:27 PM1/12/90
In article <> (Buck Dharma @ Club Ninja) writes:
>I'm glad this pissant's life is hell. All we have to do is turn off the
>computer to keep from seeing his whinning. He proabaly has to listen to
>it from his neighbors or someshit. (The pooze brain was appearently so
>annoyed that he couldn't think straight and let us know HOW he was bothered)
>But who gives a fuck anyway huh?

Awwwwwwwwesomeduuuuuuuude... liner notes from the net...

"Didn't Robert Plant sing
that at Altamont in '87?"

steven nahas

Jan 12, 1990, 12:55:44 PM1/12/90

(again and again and again)

>How very thought-provoking.

How very Trishish (tm). Really.


Blair P. Houghton

Jan 12, 1990, 1:26:51 PM1/12/90
In article <> (Mr. Scary) writes:
> R R
> R R O K K K K E N
> R R O O K K K K E E N N N
>========================== K ====== K =====================
>Darrin W. NeSmith K K
> K K

I read somewhere that penis size is inversely proportional
to the number of K's in one's favorite heavy-metal phrase.

Could someone check the back issues of Creem and confirm
this for me?

"...and Freud's eyes got as
big as cafe saucers, and little
dollarsigns appeared where
his irises had been only
mega-seconds before..."

K.N.R. Conner

Jan 12, 1990, 11:06:12 AM1/12/90
In article <> (Gene W. Smith) writes:
> Now that the US Army has determined that crap like you
>(non-oxy) morons listen to is a form of torture, do you look at
>things any differently?

Since you seem to be interested in what has been determined by someone, let me
share with you the results of tests which were carried out here in Britain.
These tests were designed to assess the damage caused to the ear by listening to
loud music from a walkman, and a demonstration of the tests were shown on live
TV. The results I can remember are :-

Music db (decibals measured at full volume)
----- --
Jason Donovan (sp?) 110
Classical 110
Iron Maiden 100

What does this tell you shit head?

> I'm glad this group got created, so I could get this off my

>chest--I hate your guts. You've made my life miserable, and I

>just wish all you puke-bags could be ground up for catfood or

>made into lamp-shades. GOD do I hate heavy metal.

You weren't invited into this group so if you don't like us, you know where you
can go! Are you always so offensive to someone who is unfortunate enough to
like something that you don't? Boy you must have a boring social life.
No friends? I wonder why!

> Do you ever think about the agony you cause other people? Do
>you care? Could you turn that fucking shit DOWN already?

Are you really so thick? You must be putting this on surely!
Have you ever been to a disco of any kind? Did you have your ear protectors
with you? No? Naughty boy!!

My brother likes pop music and he plays his music louder than I play mine.
Do you understand what I am saying? No? Well let me explain ...
It's not the music which chooses the volume, it's the person whose playing it.
Do you understand now?

Why don't you do us all a favour and shut up. Please believe me, we won't be
missing anything if you do. If this letter is anything to go by, your views on
other subjects are biased, unsubstantiated (sp?) and certainly unwelcome.

Before you decide to talk again, put your brain back in and think first!!!

>ucbvax!garnet!gsmith Gene Ward Smith/Garnetgangster/Berkeley CA 94720

e h h
e a i
t t <-- I could have done better but
a h who wants to waste too much
e time on someone like this.

Confucious he say :- Man who wants to plant row of corn
must first shovel ton of shit :-)

Bye y'all
Kevin Conner | JANET :
| ARPA :
| UUCP : ...!ukc!!K.N.R.Conner

Joel B Levin

Jan 12, 1990, 4:08:31 PM1/12/90
In article <> (....What Is?....) writes:
|In article <> (Bill Wisner) writes:
|>>That's why I like heavy metal; I can identify with the aggression.
|>How very thought-provoking.
|What's with all the "thought-provoking" messages? This is obviously
|patronization. You're not superior.

Congratulations, Bill. Worked like a charm.

Nets: | "There were sweetheart roses on Yancey Wilmerding's
or {...}!bbn!levin | bureau that morning. Wide-eyed and distraught, she
POTS: (617)873-3463 | stood with all her faculties rooted to the floor."

Marcus J. Ranum

Jan 12, 1990, 5:37:05 PM1/12/90
In article <> (K.N.R. Conner) writes:
>Music db (decibals measured at full volume)
>----- --
>Jason Donovan (sp?) 110
>Classical 110
>Iron Maiden 100
>What does this tell you shit head?

It tells you nothing whatsoever about the recording levels/distortion,
etc, of the music. Also, "classical" - depending on who you are and where you
were raised - could be anything from Barbara Striesand to Beethoven.

Sure 'an I could play Telarc's digital recording of the 1812 through
my discman with my good phones and hurt myself a lot more than any amount of
heavy metal.

Of course, listening to that hyped-up teenage mush is another matter.
Then again, people do the damndest things - look who is our president.

He was in his room half awake, half asleep. The walls of the room
seemed to alter angles, elongating and shrinking alternately, then twisting
around completely so that he was in the opposite side of the room.
"A trick of the light and too much caffeine," he thought. -Bauhaus

Richard Sexton

Jan 12, 1990, 6:41:10 PM1/12/90
In article <> (....What Is?....) writes:
>In article <> (Bill Wisner) writes:
>>>That's why I like heavy metal; I can identify with the aggression.
>>How very thought-provoking.
>What's with all the "thought-provoking" messages? This is obviously
>patronization. You're not superior.

Yes he is.

Here a few reasons why:

10) Bill absorbs 27% his weight inxs CD's
9) Bill eats more salmon than you do, pa1129
8) Bill knows BIFF, personally
7) Bill has more USENET accounts than any other living human
6) Bill has his own comic strip
5) Bill does not have those annoying nose hairs
4) Bill is reccomended by 3 out of 4 net.goddesses for the prevention of
tooth decay
3) Bill does not own a Brittany spaniel, or a snake
2) Bill never be confused for Richard Brasshole

and the number one reason why Bill Wisner is superior:

1) He doesn't post from BITNET

(Hey Bill, can you get me one of those Salmon skin wallets ? Large
enough to hold that big UK money, with slits to hold credit cards
on both sides, none of this dopey coin holder or plastic drivers
license compartments)

Richard Sexton

Jan 12, 1990, 6:05:37 PM1/12/90
>In article <>, (Bill Wisner) writes...
>}How very thought-provoking.
>You got a program to answer messages for you or something??

You got a program to answer messages for you or something?? Roger.

Richard Sexton

Jan 12, 1990, 5:52:44 PM1/12/90
In article <=SN2F^> (David C Lawrence) writes:
> R R
> R R O L K K A
> R R O O L K K A A
> R O O L K KK A A
>=================================== K ============
>Darrin W. NeSmith K
> K
>Just in case y'all missed it, I thought you should see Darrin W.
>NeSmith's neato, groovy keen .signature. In fact, even if you did get
>to see it then you've probably enjoyed seeing it again, even if you
>didn't realize it. Glad I could oblige.

Needs work.

Yer Welcome.

Gene W. Smith

Jan 12, 1990, 10:21:14 PM1/12/90
In article <>, K.N.R.Conner@newcastle (K.N.R. Conner) writes:

>These tests were designed to assess the damage caused to the ear
>by listening to loud music from a walkman, and a demonstration of
>the tests were shown on live TV. The results I can remember are:

>Music db (decibals measured at full volume)
>----- --
>Jason Donovan (sp?) 110
>Classical 110
>Iron Maiden 100

>What does this tell you shit head?

It tells me that you are too stupid to realize that any kind of
music can be cranked up to 100+ decibels, unless it's Cage's
4'33". It tells me you don't know what dynamic range is, since
the stuff you listen to is always set at Deafening. It tells me
that you are a typical metal-head--i.e. a loser with no brains,
no culture and a bad attitude. It also tells me that you
are likely to have progressive hearing loss with age. (My
hearing is very good for my age, by the bye.)

>You weren't invited into this group so if you don't like us, you
>know where you can go!

I don't *need* an invitation, penis-nose. This is the
ucbvax!garnet!gsmith Gene Ward Smith/Brahms Gang/Berkeley CA 94720
ucbvax!bosco!gsmith Institute of Pi Research

Bill Wisner

Jan 12, 1990, 7:10:06 PM1/12/90
to (K.N.R. Conner) writes:

>What does this tell you shit head?

Time to buy a new Walkman.


Richard Sexton

Jan 12, 1990, 6:09:01 PM1/12/90
In article <> (John Paul Jones) writes:
>We-hell, looky what we got here.
>You know, thus far in my posting career I've tried to refrain from
>all out profanity. But let me tell you I am severely tempted.
>But think about it. Why did this guy post this horseshit?

He posted it to settle a bet. Gene said ``there are some real
fucking idiots in alt.rock-n-roll.metal, and I said ``Oh Gene,
no they're not''.

> -John Paul Jones

So I was wrong. Sue me.

Gene W. Smith

Jan 12, 1990, 10:28:57 PM1/12/90
In article <24...@gryphon.COM>, richard@gryphon (Richard Sexton) writes:

>>But think about it. Why did this guy post this horseshit?

>He posted it to settle a bet. Gene said ``there are some real
>fucking idiots in alt.rock-n-roll.metal, and I said ``Oh Gene,
>no they're not''.

It's a damn good thing I won, too. If I lost, I would have had
to take a vote on sci.heavymetal over on news.groups.

Eat Plutonium 239 and die, metalheads!

ucbvax!garnet!gsmith Gene Ward Smith/Brahms Gang/Berkeley CA 94720

"To name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments,
shape the world and stop it from going asleep". -- 'The Satanic Verses'

Elton Wildermuth

Jan 12, 1990, 9:35:34 PM1/12/90
Uh huh. Here's a rocker that's so totally skag he doesn't have to demean
his ears by listening to that wimp wallpaper music on the FM band:
>"Crank it up and PISS OFF the neighbors!"
> --GatorRock 1390 AM

>|Jeff "The Riffer" Mercer |"Win or lose, nought to choose, all men are equal |
>|lak8141%oak.decnet@pine. | when their memory fades. No one knows, friends or |
>| | foes, if Valhalla lies beyond the grave." |

And if we wait long enough, we might even finally hear a metal group that
can do better than doggerel poetry and high-school philosophy. Maybe.

Son, I am so impressed, I don't know whether to shit or to wind my watch.

-- Elton
Guess I'll just have to shit on my watch.

John Woods

Jan 12, 1990, 4:12:00 PM1/12/90
In article <21...@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU>, writes:
> In article <>, (Bill Wisner) writes...
> }How very thought-provoking.
> You got a program to answer messages for you or something??
No, but for 15 cents I'll send him a program to automagically cancel every
damn article in alt.rock-n-roll.dildoheads.

John Woods

Jan 12, 1990, 4:26:00 PM1/12/90

He's right, you know.

Gene W. Smith

Jan 13, 1990, 4:46:35 AM1/13/90
In article <11...@frog.UUCP>, john@frog (John Woods) writes:

>The 1990 "Shooting Fish In a Barrel" award is being awarded early to the
>year's obvious winner, "Best METAL group an oxymoron", by our favorite
>Gene Ward Smith.

I tried shooting fish in a barrel, but the people were
too wet and slimy for me. They just didn't rise to the bait, but
fortunately, in alt.rock-n-roll.metal we have a group created by
a typical Penn State vacuum-skull and populated by, yes,
metalheads. Dear dear.

Speaking of fish in a barrel, I notice Tad is still swimming

ucbvax!garnet!gsmith Gene Ward Smith/Brahms Gang/Berkeley CA 94720

"I now realize, as you have stated, that I am nothing but crap" -- Mr. Scary

John Woods

Jan 12, 1990, 4:16:00 PM1/12/90
The 1990 "Shooting Fish In a Barrel" award is being awarded early to the
year's obvious winner, "Best METAL group an oxymoron", by our favorite
Gene Ward Smith.

In article <>, (John Paul Jones) writes:
> But think about it. Why did this guy post this horseshit? Not because
> he was afraid of hate mail. Oh no. He wants attention.

One or two metalheads DO appear to have gotten the joke.

> So just ignore him.

But they still lack the Zen of Not-Posting.

Blair P. Houghton

Jan 13, 1990, 10:40:12 PM1/13/90
In article <> el...@fnord.sybase.UUCP (Elton Wildermuth) writes:
>And if we wait long enough, we might even finally hear a metal group that
>can do better than doggerel poetry and high-school philosophy. Maybe.

There used to be one, but it was called an acid-rock band, and then
Hendrix choked in his own barf, and they were covering Bob Dylan's

...maybe you're just plain right...

"So you see, except for the silken cords
connecting it to the ceiling, the Rolls
Royce turbofan engine, and the fact
that it's actually a condor,

John Woods

Jan 14, 1990, 12:30:00 AM1/14/90
In article <>, (Ken Dykes) writes:
> In article <> (Bill Wisner) writes:
> > (....What Is?....) writes:
> >>That's why I like heavy metal; I can identify with the aggression.
> >How very thought-provoking.
> Actually a little time inside an iron maiden would do you some good...

How very, VERY, thought-provoking.

Blair P. Houghton

Jan 14, 1990, 5:56:22 PM1/14/90
In article <33...@cci632.UUCP> w...@ccird7.UUCP (William Christiano) writes:
>In article <> (Gene W. Smith) writes:
>>you care? Could you turn that fucking shit DOWN already?
[...much winding up and letting go deleted...]
> attitude draws agony to you. Don't blame all metal listeners for
> the social problems we have today. Don't categorize all of us as bad.
> Each of us is from a different walk of life and probably do you some
> good in some way, though your blinders won't let you see that. Your
> probably worse to your heighbors then most of us in this group.
> Chill out and try to take the time to understand before you go
> shooting your mouth off.

Yeah! And look both ways before you cross the fucking street, ass-hole!

"Kkokkken Rules, dude!"

Thomas A. Dowe

Jan 15, 1990, 1:40:16 AM1/15/90
In article <> (Gene W. Smith) writes:
>In article <11...@frog.UUCP>, john@frog (John Woods) writes:
>>The 1990 "Shooting Fish In a Barrel" award is being awarded early to the
>>year's obvious winner, "Best METAL group an oxymoron", by our favorite
>>Gene Ward Smith.

> I tried shooting fish in a barrel, but the people were
>too wet and slimy for me. They just didn't rise to the bait, but
>fortunately, in alt.rock-n-roll.metal we have a group created by
>a typical Penn State vacuum-skull and populated by, yes,
>metalheads. Dear dear.

Yes, of course, another of the elitists with nothing to do. Finish
with all the bugs on the newsreader, Gene? I noticed that you exclud-
ed portal in your tiresome attempts at ad hominem. Are you and the
other gangs dividing up the various sheep?

> Speaking of fish in a barrel, I notice Tad is still swimming

At the advise of a wise sage, I gave up on the fish food and now cleave
to puppy chow(tm). As you very well know, I don't take one step away
from principle whether in the water or on dry land. Care to try?


Axel Fischer

Jan 15, 1990, 6:06:52 AM1/15/90
ric...@gryphon.COM (Richard Sexton) writes:
>and the number one reason why Bill Wisner is superior:
>1) He doesn't post from BITNET

Superb! :-) :-) :-)


-- / fis...@db0tui6.BITNET / fis...@tmpmbx.UUCP
Bang-Europe : ...!{doitcr,gopnbg,smurf,tmpmbx}!utower!fischer
Bang-USA : ...!!uka!smurf!utower!fischer
Brain fried - Core dumped ...

Petri Halme

Jan 15, 1990, 6:16:55 AM1/15/90
PJB...@PSUVM.BITNET (VM Weenie) writes:

>In article <>, (Petri Halme) says:
>>[...] we "suffer"
>>because of you more often than you do!

> Is this the same guy who said heavy metal doesn't damage anyone? Hey, look
>what it did to his brain.

No, I wasn't the one who said that!
Brains? What are they? (something eatable or what?)
(God, I hate flame-wars...- and that is for sure!)

******Advocatus Diaboli******Babe, you broke my heart (so I broke your face)**
** ** **
** In Real Life: ** Ceterum Censeo Helsinki Esse Delendam **
** Petri Halme ** ----- **
** Punkkerikatu 1B8 ** Besides, I've got no opium of my own **
** 538350 LPR 85 ** ----- **
*************************************Speed Metal: Forte Fortissimo ***********

Diane Holt

Jan 15, 1990, 11:05:16 AM1/15/90
In article <> (Petri Halme) writes:
>And I don't concider myself as a puke-bag! I'm just a average human, having
>lots of different kind of friends, living in harmony with each other...
>Mebbe there's someting wrong in you or your attitude against other people?!


>******Advocatus Diaboli******Babe, you broke my heart (so I broke your face)**

Mebbe not.

Diane Holt

"Meeth (n.) Something that doctors will shortly tell us we are all
suffering from."

Diane Holt

Jan 15, 1990, 11:10:06 AM1/15/90
In article <33...@cci632.UUCP> w...@ccird7.UUCP (William Christiano) writes:
>You should have exersized a bit of tact here [...]

[Tactless paragraph deleted.]

>[...] because you are just a babbling idiot otherwise.




Diane Holt

"Guaranteed fresh."

Stephen King

Jan 15, 1990, 8:34:25 AM1/15/90
In article <> (K.N.R. Conner) writes:
>loud music from a walkman, and a demonstration of the tests were shown on live
>TV. The results I can remember are :-
>Music db (decibals measured at full volume)
>----- --
>Jason Donovan (sp?) 110
>Classical 110
>Iron Maiden 100
>What does this tell you shit head?

Tells me that you don't know how to use facts to support any kind of an
argument. What the hell is it supposed to mean? All that is shown is that
the Iron Maiden tape has the lowest output of the three (somehow I'm not
surprised). Now, try going to a concert and sitting in the front row. I'll
take Mozart and you can have Iron Maiden; we'll see whose's hearing (and
sanity) last the longest.

The motto of most heavy metal acts:
"We may not be good, but damn, are we LOUD!"

And I should know - I worked in the rock music business for several years and
am half deaf in one ear as a result of it - most of the musicians I worked
with are now deaf in both ears. Oh, that was before 'Heavy Metal' was a
thing on its own - it was all called rock back then.

Richard Sexton

Jan 15, 1990, 5:16:50 PM1/15/90
In article <> (K.N.R. Conner) writes:

KNR Conner ? Really ? I think I knew your brother, ANSI Conner.

>In article <> (Gene W. Smith) writes:
>> Now that the US Army has determined that crap like you
>>(non-oxy) morons listen to is a form of torture, do you look at
>>things any differently?
>Since you seem to be interested in what has been determined by someone, let me
>share with you the results of tests which were carried out here in Britain.

>These tests were designed to assess the damage caused to the ear by listening to

>loud music from a walkman, and a demonstration of the tests were shown on live
>TV. The results I can remember are :-
>Music db (decibals measured at full volume)
>----- --
>Jason Donovan (sp?) 110
>Classical 110
>Iron Maiden 100
>What does this tell you shit head?

First off, we have to assume your memory is intact enough for you to have
perfect recall. Now, you aren't one of those (gasp! shock! Horror) pot
smoking degenerate rock'n'roll scum are you ?

yes -----> END

no ------> 1

1) forget your data for a second, what this does tell me shit head
is that you can not write veddy well.

You wouldn't happen to be one of those English people with the
hoplessly deformed bad teeth would you ?

yes -----> dentist

no ------> 2

2) Ok, now we get to a serious analysis of your data. YOU DON'T

yes -----> Looney bin

no ------> 3

3) Well good. Why are you wasting our time then ? Say, you wouldn't
happen to be one of those funny looking English people with the
big ears and nose, like a ferrett with a glandular problem or
a member of the Royal family would you ?

yes -----> Get the fuck out of town

no ------> 4


>> I'm glad this group got created, so I could get this off my
>>chest--I hate your guts. You've made my life miserable, and I
>>just wish all you puke-bags could be ground up for catfood or
>>made into lamp-shades. GOD do I hate heavy metal.

>Have you ever been to a disco of any kind?

Snappy comeback, homeboy.

``Say, youaren't one of those HIGHLY INBRED English people are you?''

Adrian N Ogden

Jan 15, 1990, 11:24:27 AM1/15/90
In article <> (Gene W. Smith) writes:
> Now that the US Army has determined that crap like you
>(non-oxy) morons listen to is a form of torture, do you look at
>things any differently?

Of course not. The US Army is as entitled to it's own opinions as you or I.
Metal tends to take a strong anti-war stance on the grounds that a waste of
human life is unjustified. Iron Maiden's "Two Minutes to Midnight" and
Metallica's "Disposable Heroes" are just two examples. I'm not surprised that
the US army wants to brand such music a torture.

As to Metal being 'crap', this is purely subjective. Listen to it seriously,
try to work out what the musicians are actually doing, learn to play it to
a creditable standard on the instrument of your choice, then come back and
say whatever you like. Whether you suceed or fail you will be better informed
and more thoughtful in your attitude towards metal. If you refuse and have
nothing but bad-mothings for the genre, you will insult nothing but your own

> I'm glad this group got created, so I could get this off my
>chest--I hate your guts. You've made my life miserable, and I
>just wish all you puke-bags could be ground up for catfood or
>made into lamp-shades. GOD do I hate heavy metal.

See above point about insulting your own intelligence.

> Do you ever think about the agony you cause other people? Do

>you care? Could you turn that fucking shit DOWN already?

If someone plays anything - whether it be Oscar Peterson, New Kids On The
Block or the 1812 Overture - at an unacceptable volume, I will go and ask
them to show a little consideration and turn it down. Politely. If other
people ask me to do the same with equal politeness I will. A thoughtless
harangue such as yours shows no respect, and earns no respect in return.

I have attempted to present my opinions clearly and intelligently. Since
you did neither I feel that the previous posters were justified in
replying in a less reasoned manner. They probably assumed it was all you
were capable of understanding, and that is entirely your own fault.

/|| ||\ || ///\\\ # Adrian Ogden - #
//|| ||\\ || || || #======================================#
//=|| || \\|| || || # All generalizations are dangerous, #
// || || \|| \\\/// # including this one. #

John Joseph Swick, Jr.

Jan 15, 1990, 4:50:06 PM1/15/90

I wasn't gonna add to all this, but I just gotta.

1) If Gene W. Smith meant what he said, then the idiocy
speaks for itself.

2) If he truly meant it as a joke or provocation, or whatever the heck,
then it was far less than a mature thing to do. It doesn't take any
brains to provoke people, especially with electronic communications.
At first I thought, "Uh, oh, everybody's fallen for this lame ruse". Then
it hit me, No...they are in the right to strike back. And why did people
strike back? Because they expect SINCERITY on the network. Due
to the nature of these network communications, they trust others to
express well-formed opinions and not to waste their time. When I see
opinions I consider stupid or moronic, I at least want to believe that the
person who said it believes it.

What Mr. Smith has done is to create an air of distrust,
not a good thing on any network or network bboard. Nice abuse of
trust, dude. On one hand I think, "Why did people even dignify that post
with a response?". On the other hand, I think we see now how well that
post backfired in Mr. Smith's face. The united stand against the post
only served to fuel the fire of the love these metalheads have of Heavy Metal!

---J. J.

PS - I have no time for elitists like this, we're all small potatoes in
God's eyes.

Gene W. Smith

Jan 15, 1990, 7:51:48 PM1/15/90
In article <>, js8q+@andrew

(John Joseph Swick, Jr.) writes:

>It doesn't take any brains to provoke people, especially with
>electronic communications.

It sometimes takes brains to provoke people, but it doesn't
take much to provoke metalheads. Why else is my coveted "Fish in
a Barrel" award already gracing my wall, eh?

>What Mr. Smith has done is to create an air of distrust, not a
>good thing on any network or network bboard.

This aint a bboard, this is the It's about time you
grew up and learned the difference.

>On the other hand, I think we see now how well that post
>backfired in Mr. Smith's face.

Actually, I laughed myself silly over the response I got. You
people are soooooooo stupid! Oh, and sorry about your newsgroup
cancellation message, speaking of things blowing up in peoples

>PS - I have no time for elitists like this, we're all small
>potatoes in God's eyes.

You should hear what God thinks of heavy metal sometime.

Diane Holt

Jan 16, 1990, 5:43:56 PM1/16/90
In the referenced article (John Joseph Swick, Jr.) writes:
>I wasn't gonna add to all this, but I just gotta.

Do ya'? Do ya' gotta really?

>1) If Gene W. Smith meant what he said, then the idiocy
> speaks for itself.

Interesting ... I always thought idiocy spoke for itself regardless of
what Gene Ward Smith did or didn't mean by whatever he does or doesn't

Hey -- I could be wrong...

>2) If he truly meant it as a joke or provocation, or whatever the heck,
>then it was far less than a mature thing to do.

Gosh darn and shucky-beans, it sure was.

>At first I thought, "Uh, oh, everybody's fallen for this lame ruse". Then
>it hit me, No...they are in the right to strike back. And why did people
>strike back? Because they expect SINCERITY on the network.

Well, nnn-o, I don't think that was quite what it was...

They struck back because they got so threatened by someone else
bad-mouthing their choice in music -- they got de-<tada>-fen-sive.

I mean, really, if you stop and think about it, why should they care
two bits whether some guy they don't even know who lives up in
Berkeley and who's only ever even been seen by two other people
anyway likes or doesn't like that ridiculously named music, Heavy Metal?

Would you have given a shit whether he liked Country&Western? Nah --
you'd have applauded his sentiments, right-on-duded it right and left.

What a bunch on insecure, safety-in-numbers defensive little whiners.

("Crank it *up*, duuude -- we are *Heav-ay*!" <snort,snigger,giggle>)

>When I see opinions I consider stupid or moronic, I at least want to believe
>that the person who said it believes it.

Oh, I agree -- reassures me right up. No problem.

>What Mr. Smith has done is to create an air of distrust,
>not a good thing on any network or network bboard. Nice abuse of
>trust, dude.

Ruhlly. Righteous abuse. Like, guy, Geeeene -- what are you, like,
totally bogus or what? I mean, like get ruhl, Gene -- come on', dude --
get a guitar and some lip-gloss and, like, get with the program, okay?

>The united stand against the post only served to fuel the fire of the love
>these metalheads have of Heavy Metal!

Right. Safety in numbers.

Didn't I say that already?

>PS - I have no time for elitists like this, we're all small potatoes in
>God's eyes.

Boy, am I ever out of it -- I thought we were all just eyes in God's potatoe.


Diane Holt

"Now is tomorrow's yesterday."
--Cosmic California Proverb

Gene W. Smith

Jan 15, 1990, 9:51:31 PM1/15/90
In article <33...@cci632.UUCP>, wac@cci632 (William Christiano) writes:

>SORRY AGAIN, but if a kid has a good faith inside him, he won't
>be as likely to take the satanic things seriously.

I say metal=shit and your response is that the Loathsome
Satanic Evil aspects can be shruged off some of the time. Very,
very good. Yoo bad you didn't head the defense team at the
Nuremburg trials.

>I suggest that everyone find a spiritual person to tell you why
>are music and other types of music are considered bad.

You heard it here first, folks--music as well as music is bad,
at least to the enlightened. If you see the Buddha on the road,
kill him. Or better yet, make him listen to your latest Metallica

If music is bad, does that mean metal is good? The mind reels.
ucbvax!garnet!gsmith Gene Ward Smith/Brahmsgangster/Berkeley CA 94720
"There are no differences but differences of degree
between degrees of difference and no difference"

Jim Burwell

Jan 16, 1990, 11:01:20 PM1/16/90
dia...@gryphon.COM (Diane Holt) writes:

[lots of inflammatory drivel deleted]

>Would you have given a shit whether he liked Country&Western? Nah --
>you'd have applauded his sentiments, right-on-duded it right and left.

Most likely. I've found that HM people are usually more open minded than
most. They'll give just about any music a chance before passing judgement,
and they usually don't thrust their opinion on others.

>What a bunch on insecure, safety-in-numbers defensive little whiners.

Safety in numbers ? I'm afraid you're wrong, kiddo. HM people are a
minority in most cases. Most people go for that trendy shit they play on
"Hit-Loop" stations across the country. They follow like cattle. The
essense of metal is freedom. Freedom of choice, freedom of mind, and free
thinking. The "trendoid masses" listen to music that stresses fitting in
with the crowd, and being "normal". Listen to Fates Warning's "Part of the
Machine", or "Static Acts" on /Perfect Symmetry/ for a good example of
the metal psyche.

Defensive ? Of course. Wouldn't you be if someone verbally stomped on
something you love ? Opinionated tactless oafs have no place in this

[more drivel nuked]

>>The united stand against the post only served to fuel the fire of the love
>>these metalheads have of Heavy Metal!

>Right. Safety in numbers.

>Didn't I say that already?

Yeah. And you're wrong... Again.


Boy. Is that just well practiced, or does it come naturally ? :-)

>Diane Holt

James S. Burwell
UUCP: ...!rutgers!faatcrl!jimb Internet: ji...@faatcrl.UUCP

Martin Howe

Jan 17, 1990, 6:08:56 AM1/17/90
In article <> (Gene W. Smith) writes:
> Now that the US Army has determined that crap like you (non-oxy) morons
> listen to is a form of torture, do you look at things any differently ?

1. I hate being bombarded with Minogue, SAW, TV Jingles and a whole lot of
styles of music I hear on the Radio, TV and in supermarkets, and probably
the sort of music YOU listen to (which is ?). However, I would not assert
that you are a moron, merely that you have the manners of a pig.

> I'm glad this group got created, so I could get this off my chest--I hate
> your guts. You've made my life miserable, and I just wish all you puke-bags
> could be ground up for catfood or made into lamp-shades.

2 Er., my cat listens to Motorhead with me all the time.

> GOD do I hate heavy metal.

Does He agree with your posting ? I sorta thought He said love your neighbor.
(* that's not a flame, I'm serious. *)

> Do you ever think about the agony you cause other people? Do

3. ????

>you care? Could you turn that fucking shit DOWN already?

4. NO, but I do turn down my MUSIC, if people ask me politely. You'll find it
in the dictionary under 'P'.

5. Your real name isn't Stubna by any chance, is it ?

6. Are you not clever enough to understand the lyrics of most Metal ?
Try a remedial class at Kindergarten.

7. Try critiscising things you know, rather than things you don't, please.

Yours pityingly,
Martin Howe.
Martin C. Howe | "Motorhead will be the DIRTIEST band in
MSc. Microelectronics | Rock N' Roll. If this band moved in next door,
System Design, Brunel U. | your lawn would die." - Kilminster
Any unattributed opinions are mine, but YOU can have them today for just $20 !

Martin Howe

Jan 17, 1990, 1:22:50 PM1/17/90
In article <> (Gene W. Smith) writes:
> in alt.rock-n-roll.metal we have a group created by a typical Penn State
> vacuum-skull and populated by, yes, metalheads. Dear dear.
>ucbvax!garnet!gsmith Gene Ward Smith/Brahms Gang/Berkeley CA 94720

Mr. Smith, what have you been smoking & who exactly are the Brahms Gang ?
You obviously aren't a metalhead, but you seem to be an empty-head instead.
How nice.

Mr. Smith, when you get out of the jacket, would you send it to Gadaffi please.
He may need it even more than you.


Worst regards,

Martin Howe

Jan 17, 1990, 1:34:44 PM1/17/90
In article <> el...@fnord.sybase.UUCP (Elton Wildermuth) writes:
>>|Jeff "The Riffer" Mercer |"Win or lose, nought to choose, all men are equal
>>|lak8141%oak.decnet@pine. | when their memory fades. No one knows, friends or
>>| | foes, if Valhalla lies beyond the grave."
>And if we wait long enough, we might even finally hear a metal group that
>can do better than doggerel poetry and high-school philosophy. Maybe.

Yeah. You just (double) quoted one.
If your intellectual capacity isn't up to Motorhead, why not try pop music.
Let's see now, "I should be so lucky". Hmm. Only ONE two-syllable word in there.
I should expect that even YOU can handle that sans-Websters.

I wonder how many of these teenage Kylie & Jason addicts even know what
Valhalla IS ?
(BTW, Can you say "Valkerie" ? No I thought not. Too complicated.)

Martin Howe & My cat.
Brunel U. & CAADF (Cats Against Alt.Flame), respectively.

Bill Wisner

Jan 18, 1990, 4:52:26 PM1/18/90
to (Martin Howe) writes:

>(BTW, Can you say "Valkerie" ? No I thought not. Too complicated.)

Valkyrie. With a "y". Yes, obviously too complicated.


Eric Olson

Jan 18, 1990, 5:47:18 PM1/18/90
>6. Are you not clever enough to understand the lyrics of most Metal ?
> Try a remedial class at Kindergarten.

Boy, that certainly does sum up the intellectual value, doesn't it? How nice.
'Twas also nice of the dear boy to flame his own little alliance.

Eric Olson

Jan 18, 1990, 5:51:47 PM1/18/90
>(BTW, Can you say "Valkerie" ? No I thought not. Too complicated.)

Hmmm... BTW, can you spell "Valkyrie"? No, I thought not. BTW, do you know
where to put punctuation or how many spaces come after the end-of-sentence or
before a question mark? No, I thought not.

So much for
> [...] your intellectual capacity isn't up to Motorhead
> [...] even YOU can handle that sans-Websters.


Jan 18, 1990, 6:23:22 PM1/18/90
In article <> (Martin Howe) writes:

>(BTW, Can you say "Valkerie" ? No I thought not. Too complicated.)

Oh, Elton can say it. I'm sure that he can also
spell it, which you cannot. Can you say Wagner?

>Martin Howe & My cat.

It's quite obvious which is the more intelligent.

>Brunel U. & CAADF (Cats Against Alt.Flame), respectively.


"It is not possible to convey sarcasm to certain members of the
net without using a 2x4. The smiley face merely reminds them
of why their head is being dented."
-- John Woods

Martin Howe

Jan 18, 1990, 8:47:03 AM1/18/90
In article <24...@gryphon.COM> ric...@gryphon.COM (Richard Sexton) writes:
>In article <> (John Paul Jones) writes:
>He posted it to settle a bet. Gene said ``there are some real
>fucking idiots in alt.rock-n-roll.metal, and I said ``Oh Gene,
>no they're not''.
>> -John Paul Jones
>So I was wrong. Sue me.

So far the idiot list includes Gene W. Smith and John Paul Jones.
Any other net.bigots want to join it ?

(BTW, don't come to me, I'm too clever for membership).

I tried to feed my cat on dead alt.flame-cat.haters ...
She puked ...

Martin Howe

Jan 18, 1990, 8:58:56 AM1/18/90
In article <11...@frog.UUCP> jo...@frog.UUCP (John Woods) writes:
>No, but for 15 cents I'll send him a program to automagically cancel every
>damn article in alt.rock-n-roll.dildoheads.

>John Woods, Charles River Data Systems, Framingham MA, (508) 626-1101

Hey John, you can now join the idiots-in-alt.r.n.r.metal club.
(see previous posting)
Mail Gene W Smith for membership forms ....

How many alt.flame-cat.haters to screw in a lightbulb ?
I dunno, maybe as few as 300 if they'd only use their brains.

Elton Wildermuth

Jan 19, 1990, 2:29:16 PM1/19/90
In article <12...@ursa-major.SPDCC.COM> bo...@ursa-major.spdcc.COM (Asmodeus) writes:
> ...(Martin Howe)...

>>(BTW, Can you say "Valkerie" ? No I thought not. Too complicated.)
>Oh, Elton can say it. I'm sure that he can also
>spell it, which you cannot. Can you say Wagner?

Why, thank'ee, Clay -- took the words right out of my mouth. However, on to
the subject at hand:

Martin Howe, again:
> [Me]:

>>And if we wait long enough, we might even finally hear a metal group that
>>can do better than doggerel poetry and high-school philosophy. Maybe.
>Yeah. You just (double) quoted one.

Lemme just make sure I understand this. THIS is your concept of poetry and
profound philosophy?

"Win or lose, nought to choose, all men are equal

when their memory fades. No one knows, friends or

foes, if Valhalla lies beyond the grave."

Riiiiight. Next, please?

>I wonder how many of these teenage Kylie & Jason addicts even know what
>Valhalla IS ?

>(BTW, Can you say "Valkerie" ? No I thought not. Too complicated.)

Uh, err, umm, Valhalla. Big place up in the clouds, held up by a big ash
tree with a funny name? Yggdrasil -- yeah, that's it. Got a fancy bridge
named Beef Roast or some such, and fat broads with steel tits that carry
dead Vikings in and out? I think I read about that once. Maybe in Edith
Hamilton. No, I guess it was Marvel Comics. Anyway.

For penance, you are hereby condemned to listen to Jethro Tull's _A Passion
Play_ over and over until you can explain the religious significance of the
Story of the Hare Who Lost His Spectacles. This will be an essay test.
There is no time limit. Do not turn the page until your proctor tells you
to do so.

-- Elton

John Woods

Jan 19, 1990, 4:21:00 PM1/19/90
In article <>, (Martin Howe) writes:
> In article <> el...@fnord.sybase.UUCP (Elton Wildermuth) writes:
> >>|Jeff "The Riffer" Mercer |"Win or lose, nought to choose, all men are equal
> >>|lak8141%oak.decnet@pine. | when their memory fades. No one knows, friends or
> >>| | foes, if Valhalla lies beyond the grave."
> >And if we wait long enough, we might even finally hear a metal group that
> >can do better than doggerel poetry and high-school philosophy. Maybe.
> Yeah. You just (double) quoted one.


> If your intellectual capacity isn't up to Motorhead, why not try pop music.

Freude, schoener Goetterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium!
Wir betreten, feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.
Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was die Moden streng geteilt.
Alle Menschen werden Brueder
Wo dein zanfter Fluegel weilt.

Maybe just more doggerel, but at least the musical setting doesn't require
severe brain damage to enjoy... (By the way, the author of the words was
a PROFESSIONAL PHILOSOPHER -- do NOT try this at home.)

Now if y'all will excuse me, I've got to go watch "This is SPINAL TAP" again.

John Woods, Charles River Data Systems, Framingham MA, (508) 626-1101

...!decvax!frog!john, jo...@frog.UUCP, ...!mit-eddie!jfw,

Happiness is Planet Earth in your rear-view mirror. - Sam Hurt


Jan 20, 1990, 8:00:01 AM1/20/90
In article <> el...@fnord.sybase.UUCP (Elton Wildermuth)

>Uh, err, umm, Valhalla. Big place up in the clouds

Not since Go"tterda"mmerung.

>and fat broads with steel tits

Yup. Kirsten Flagstad. Hildegard Behrens. Margaret Harshaw.

>that carry dead Vikings in and out?

As well as dead Angles Saxons Jutes ...

"That's right. And when we're done flaming, we stuff broccoli in
our ears and go post in talk.bizarre ... of course we wipe the
cheesy stuff off of the broccoli before hand."
-- Allen Gwinn

Gene W. Smith

Jan 21, 1990, 4:33:26 AM1/21/90
In article <>, holdenj@agnes (John Paul Jones) writes:

>So you've decided to reply, eh? I'm not impressed by your facts,
>or your intolerant attitude. People like you shot Martin Luther

He's not impressed by my facts, which is not surprising since I
haven't posted any. I'm not impressed by someone who worries
about facts and intolerant attitudes and then implies I'm a
racist murderer. I'm not impressed by people who brag about how
tough and aggressive they are, and then whimper about what a mean
Nazi Stalinist KKK racist murderer I am. I'm not impressed by
tp@mccall (does that mean what it seems to mean, I wonder?) who
informs everyone based on no evidence that I probably rmgrouped
alt.rock-n-roll.metal, and if it wasn't me it was *surely* Wisner
or Sexton.

I'm not impressed by whining, sniveling assholes who can't take
a Bronx cheer. I thought I was flaming a style of music which as
it happens gives me an acute earache, and instead I find I was
flaming some kind of bizarre religious cult. For God's sake, it's
not Beethoven; it's not even the Beatles or Duke Ellington.
Rather than whimper and moan, you should feel damned grateful you
get to have a "metal" group at all.

ucbvax!garnet!gsmith Gene Ward Smith/Brahms Gang/Berkeley CA 94720

Fifty flippant frogs / Walked by on flippered feet
And with their slime they made the time / Unnaturally fleet.

Eric Castle

Jan 21, 1990, 7:17:28 PM1/21/90
Gene Smith writes:
>I'm not impressed by someone who worries
>about facts and intolerant attitudes and then implies I'm a
>racist murderer. I'm not impressed by people who brag about how
>tough and aggressive they are, and then whimper about what a mean
>Nazi Stalinist KKK racist murderer I am. I'm not impressed by
>tp@mccall (does that mean what it seems to mean, I wonder?) who
>informs everyone based on no evidence that I probably rmgrouped
>alt.rock-n-roll.metal, and if it wasn't me it was *surely* Wisner
>or Sexton.
> I'm not impressed by whining, sniveling assholes who can't take
>a Bronx cheer. I thought I was flaming a style of music which as
>it happens gives me an acute earache, and instead I find I was
>flaming some kind of bizarre religious cult. For God's sake, it's
>not Beethoven; it's not even the Beatles or Duke Ellington.
>Rather than whimper and moan, you should feel damned grateful you
>get to have a "metal" group at all.
>ucbvax!garnet!gsmith Gene Ward Smith/Brahms Gang/Berkeley CA 94720

Gene, you seem surprised that people are reacting the way they are to your
postings. C'mon, you had to know what effect you're posting was going to have,
didn't you. I mean, I hope you're not that ignorant. You were flaming heavy
metal in a newsproup that is about heavy metal. You didn't merely flame a song
or group but that whole type of music, the type of music the group exists
for. And then you seem surprised when people get upset at your posts. Its like
posting an article to rec.arts.movies saying that you hate all movies and that
no one should be allowed to make movies. You can bet that the people who read
that group would be upset if something like that happened. You posted a flame
not about a subject within the group but about the subject of the group itself.
Why did you you even subscribe to this newsgroup if you don't like heavy metal?
Does it give you some kind of sick thrill to know that you can start a flame
war on a newsgroup? I wish you would tell us the real reason you subscribed to
this group; if it wasn't for the sole purpose of starting a flame war, what was
the reason?
Also why should we fell lucky to have this newsgroup? I suppose if
you were in charge we wouldn't have this group. Does this mean you favor
censorship? Just because YOU don't like something, it should be destroyed?
If you don't think this is a justified assumption, I got this impression of
you from reading your posts.

Eric Castle

Gene W. Smith

Jan 22, 1990, 5:33:20 AM1/22/90
In article <>, md89mch@cc (Martin Howe) writes:

>So far the idiot list includes Gene W. Smith and John Paul Jones.
>Any other net.bigots want to join it ?

>(BTW, don't come to me, I'm too clever for membership).

If you're so clever, how come you can't even figure out whose
article it was you were responding to?

ucbvax!garnet!gsmith Gene Ward Smith/Brahms Gang/Berkeley CA 94720

Logicians are apt to call this an *argumentum ad hominem*. Quite so: ..
I am addressing *humans*. I am addressing neither dogs nor logicians.

William Christiano

Jan 22, 1990, 5:29:26 PM1/22/90
In article <> (Gene W. Smith) writes:
>a Bronx cheer. I thought I was flaming a style of music which as

Sorry to all of you who want this to end, but I would assume that all would
agree that the statement which included the idea that all of us should be
ground up and used for cat food by no means was intended to put down the
style of music, but was an insult directed at us personally. This is not meant
to be a flame, just making sure that everyone sees that this excuse isn't valid
at all.

Bill C.

P.S. Is it true that Maiden will be coming out with a new album
soon? I also hear that Ozzy will do a remake of WAR PIGS on
his next release.

The Laughing Prophet

Jan 24, 1990, 1:29:43 AM1/24/90
In article <> (Martin Howe) writes:
>In article <24...@gryphon.COM> ric...@gryphon.COM (Richard Sexton) writes:
>>In article <> (John Paul Jones) writes:
>>He posted it to settle a bet. Gene said ``there are some real
>>fucking idiots in alt.rock-n-roll.metal, and I said ``Oh Gene,
>>no they're not''.
>>> -John Paul Jones
>>So I was wrong. Sue me.

>So far the idiot list includes Gene W. Smith and John Paul Jones.
>Any other net.bigots want to join it ?

Yo! Note that "-JPJ" is indented one more time than the others. That's
because *Richard Sexton* said the stuff about "fucking idiots" and this
was in response to JPJ.
I *know* John. He does not know Gene, except that they've exchanged flames.
John hardly qualifies as a bigot - especially not against metal. He has
a couple more Metallica albums then I do - doesn't sound anti-metal to
In other words: The idiot list is Gene W. Smith and Richard Sexton.
Just in case he shows up soon, add John G. DeArmond... ;-)

I think you owe him an apology...
But hey, mistakes will happen.

>Martin C. Howe | "Motorhead will be the DIRTIEST band in
>MSc. Microelectronics | Rock N' Roll. If this band moved in next door,
>System Design, Brunel U. | your lawn would die." - Kilminster
>Any unattributed opinions are mine, but YOU can have them today for just $20 !


Elton Wildermuth

Jan 24, 1990, 9:20:52 PM1/24/90
In article <13...@ursa-major.SPDCC.COM>, [Asmodeus] writes:
>In article <> el...@fnord.sybase.UUCP (Elton Wildermuth)
>>Uh, err, umm, Valhalla. Big place up in the clouds
>Not since Go"tterda"mmerung.

Hnh. I never stopped to think of heavy metal as ragna rock. Sorta
gives it a whole new dimension ... a dimension not only of sight and
sound, but of mind ...

-- Elton
So, okay, it was a rotten joke. The subject matter deserves no better.

Martin Howe

Jan 26, 1990, 9:55:23 AM1/26/90
>In article <> (Martin Howe) writes:
>>Martin Howe & My cat.
>It's quite obvious which is the more intelligent.
Yeah, me (though she's pretty quick).

>>Brunel U. & CAADF (Cats Against Alt.Flame), respectively.

Interesting. Why does the above make me a fool ? I can only suppose that your
.sig refers to yourself:

>"It is not possible to convey sarcasm to certain members of the
> net without using a 2x4. The smiley face merely reminds them
> of why their head is being dented."

I refuse to stuff my postings with loads of ****ing :-) symbols for people
whose humor recognisers have crashed (I forget who first said this).

I refer, of course, to the loads of cat-hating postings on alt.flame recently.

See you in the asylum,

Martin Howe

Jan 26, 1990, 10:00:17 AM1/26/90
In article <> (Eric Olson) writes:
>>6. Are you not clever enough to understand the lyrics of most Metal ?
>> Try a remedial class at Kindergarten.
>Boy, that certainly does sum up the intellectual value, doesn't it? How nice.

learn at kindergarten => you improve to kindergarten level
kindergarten level << Motorhead level
therefore to get to (motorhead level) from (kindergarten level) =>
you need MUCH more education.

Simple, innit.

>'Twas also nice of the dear boy to flame his own little alliance.


Be specific please.
Toodle-pip old chap.

Eric Olson

Jan 29, 1990, 12:58:42 AM1/29/90
In article <> (Martin Howe) writes:
>In article <> (Eric Olson) writes:
>>>6. Are you not clever enough to understand the lyrics of most Metal ?
>>> Try a remedial class at Kindergarten.
>>Boy, that certainly does sum up the intellectual value, doesn't it? How nice.
>learn at kindergarten => you improve to kindergarten level

Right. Good to see you're with us so far.

>kindergarten level << Motorhead level

Whoa. I think we've found the problem. Remember "Valkerie"? I know
a kindergartener who can spell it. (correctly, as opposed to the last
metalhead I saw spell it.) Now, maybe it's me, but you told us to
take a remedial class in kindergarten if we couldn't understand the
lyrics of "M"etal, and therefore that should bring us up to the level,
right? Right?

>therefore to get to (motorhead level) from (kindergarten level) =>
> you need MUCH more education.

Wrong. Okay, I guessed wrong. Sorry, I figured you'd tell us what we
needed to do to understand "M"etal, not what we needed to do to
prepare us for what we needed to do to prepare us for what we needed
to de [etc] to understand "M"etal.

>Simple, innit.

Yes, your thought processes are very linear. Now try starting at a
more relevant step in the list.

>>'Twas also nice of the dear boy to flame his own little alliance.

>Be specific please.

Thank you for making your fan club (a.r-n-r.m) look like its entrance
requirements stop at kindergarten. Or does anyone think the 'look
like' is too generous?

>Toodle-pip old chap.

And ta to you as well my good bob.
I didn't want to be a college student... I wanted to be... a LUMBERJACK!
Leaping from tree to tree as they float down the mighty rivers of British
Columbia! The larch! The giant sequoia! The majestic scotch pine! With my
best girl by my side, we'd sing... sing... sing!


Jan 30, 1990, 3:41:59 PM1/30/90
In alt.flame dia...@gryphon.COM (Diane Holt) writes:

just thought I'd correct the spelling for ya'

If someone addresses me as "dude" one more time I'm gonna puke.

>Diane Holt
>"Now is tomorrow's yesterday."
> --Cosmic California Proverb

John Fereira or

One of the 3 out of 4 Americans which make up 75% of the population.


Jan 30, 1990, 3:49:32 PM1/30/90
In alt.flame (Martin Howe) writes:
>2 Er., my cat listens to Motorhead with me all the time.
Cruelty to animals is illegal in most states. Continue this sort of
behavior and I'll have you reported to the SPCA.

>3. ????
>>you care? Could you turn that fucking shit DOWN already?
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^
>4. NO, but I do turn down my MUSIC,

I thought we were talking about Heavy Metal.

>6. Are you not clever enough to understand the lyrics of most Metal ?
> Try a remedial class at Kindergarten.

To understand the lyrics first you have to be able to hear them.

Martin Howe

Jan 30, 1990, 1:33:35 PM1/30/90
My thanks to (The Laughing Prophet).

In article <> I wrote:
> In article <24...@gryphon.COM> ric...@gryphon.COM (Richard Sexton) writes:
> >In article <> (John Paul Jones) writes:
> >He posted it to settle a bet. Gene said ``there are some real
> >fucking idiots in alt.rock-n-roll.metal, and I said ``Oh Gene,
> >no they're not''.
> > > -John Paul Jones
> >So I was wrong. Sue me.

> Yeah.
> So far the idiot list includes Gene W. Smith and John Paul Jones.

And me, by the look of it; 'cos then writes:
>Yo! Note that "-JPJ" is indented one more time than the others. That's
>because *Richard Sexton* said the stuff about "fucking idiots" and this
>was in response to JPJ.


>I think you owe him an apology...
>But hey, mistakes will happen.

Yes I do, and yes they will.

I hereby publicly apologise to John Paul Jones for insulting him like this.
I got confused by the number of indentations, and next time I will check this
sort of thing more thoroughly.

I say the only idiots on alt.rock-n-roll.metal are those I named (JPJ
excepted) and other flame mongerers. What next I wonder. "Bloody Microchips" on
comp.arch ?

Once again, I'm sorry, John.


Martin C. Howe |"Motorhead will be the DIRTIEST band in ROCK N' ROLL
MSc. Microelectronics | If this band moved in next door, your lawn would die"
System Design, Brunel U. | - Kilminster

John Woods

Jan 31, 1990, 11:16:00 AM1/31/90
In article <>, (Martin Howe) writes:
> My thanks to (The Laughing Prophet).

Yes, we'd all like to THANK him. With a telephone pole.

> I say the only idiots on alt.rock-n-roll.metal are those I named (JPJ
> excepted) and other flame mongerers. What next I wonder. "Bloody Microchips" on
> comp.arch ?

Fascinatingly enough, Our Man Smith actually flamed two other groups. A
number of people tried to reason with him. A number of people called him
names. But in neither of these other groups did anyone suggest that he
should be (a) shot between the eyes, (b) locked in an iron maiden, or (c)
otherwise physically harmed. Isn't it just FASCINATING that this particularly
SPECIAL response came from alt.rock-n-roll.heavy-metal-poisoning? Now, WHO
could have made them post thing like that? .....


Feb 1, 1990, 9:32:08 AM2/1/90
In article <> el...@fnord.sybase.UUCP (Elton Wildermuth) writes:

>Hnh. I never stopped to think of heavy metal as ragna rock. Sorta

Ragna rock ... argh ... I doubt that anything else
could have elicited so painful a groan as this.

I thank you, Elton. My incision thanks you, Elton.
My throbbing abdomen thanks you, Elton. And most
of all, my tattoo Fafner thanks you.

Keeper of the Flame

Feb 1, 1990, 11:50:13 AM2/1/90
In article <11...@frog.UUCP> jo...@frog.UUCP (John Woods) writes:

> But in neither of these other groups did anyone suggest that he
> should be (a) shot between the eyes, (b) locked in an iron maiden, or (c)
> otherwise physically harmed. Isn't it just FASCINATING that this particularly
> SPECIAL response came from alt.rock-n-roll.heavy-metal-poisoning?

I don't listen to heavy metal and I think you should be locked in an iron
maiden. That blows your bullshit theory out of the water.

P.S. Your "neither" requires a "nor," not an "or." So we know you're weak in
grammar, sociology, logic, and all other fields put in evidence. What the
hell can you do?

Jeff Vogel

Feb 1, 1990, 6:40:39 PM2/1/90
In article <14...@ursa-major.SPDCC.COM> bo...@ursa-major.spdcc.COM (Asmodeus) writes:
>I thank you, Elton.

But what brings on this burst of politeness, Clay?

>My throbbing abdomen thanks you, Elton.

Wow. All right Elton! I bet you had a real challenge on your hands.

| Jeff Vogel, Harvey Mudd College, CA : |

Daniel Kjar, Putzmeister

Feb 1, 1990, 6:58:37 PM2/1/90
>My thanks to (The Laughing Prophet).
Just this horrid Idea of saying *THANKS* on alt.flame makes me sick!

>>I think you owe him an apology...

>I hereby publicly apologise to John Paul Jones for insul..........

>Once again, I'm sorry, John.

This... This...
This is just too much! I've never seen such a digusting thing in my life.
You've got to be kidding, REGARDS... that's sickinig, and what's this word
I'm not quite sure I've ever seen it on alt.flame *APOLOGISE*?

-= Uncle Bingo =-

I hope you never do this again!

MARTIN( What a dickcheese)


Feb 1, 1990, 4:52:34 PM2/1/90
In article <> (Keeper of the Flame) writes:

>P.S. Your "neither" requires a "nor," not an "or." So we know you're weak in

Snore. How elementary. Your jaw, however, definitely
requires the back of someone's hand.

Two now in my alt.flame KILL file, this snotty-nosed
kid and T?d. The last thing I want when reading here
is to be bored.

And you, child, are boring. Pathetically so.

Keeper of the Flame

Feb 1, 1990, 7:55:49 PM2/1/90

> Your jaw, however, definitely requires the back of someone's hand.

Let me guess: it's someone other than you.

> Two now in my alt.flame KILL file...

You have been dealt with privately through The Justice of the Termcap

> And you, child, are boring. Pathetically so.

C'mon, is "pathetic" the only word you dull boys know? I declare.

Eric Olson

Feb 1, 1990, 10:20:48 PM2/1/90
In article <> (Keeper of the Flame) writes:

>> Your jaw, however, definitely requires the back of someone's hand.


>Let me guess: it's someone other than you.

Me, me! Pleeeeez......

>> Two now in my alt.flame KILL file...

My first.

>You have been dealt with privately through The Justice of the Termcap

What a dweeb.

>> And you, child, are boring. Pathetically so.

Isn't he, though? I didn't think I was going to have to get a kill
file, but it takes so LOOOONG to get through all this bite of bile's
pathetic flames.

>C'mon, is "pathetic" the only word you dull boys know? I declare.

Well, maybe it is getting repetitive, but good God, it's apt.

Allen Gwinn

Feb 1, 1990, 6:31:07 PM2/1/90
In article <780...@hp-ptp.HP.COM> jo...@hp-ptp.HP.COM (John_Fereira) writes:

>If someone addresses me as "dude" one more time I'm gonna puke.

Will you puke on our new Net.Idiot.Elect (Mr Thomas A. Dowe [like the
commode cleaner]... or just plain T^d) if I swear out an affidavit to
the effect that he called you "dude"?

Allen Gwinn sulaco!allen DISCLAIMER: So SUE me... see if I care.
"Of *course* I can tell a flame from a non-flame. I'm well practiced at
generating, and detecting, both." - T. Willy Wells (

Thomas A. Dowe

Feb 2, 1990, 2:11:56 AM2/2/90

>Two now in my alt.flame KILL file, this snotty-nosed
>kid and T?d. The last thing I want when reading here
>is to be bored.

You are such an easy daemon to call forth, where is the tradition
of waiting for the third call? I didn't even mention your name
but you still felt the command; at least you are a sensitive devil.

Boring beings belong behind killfiles, you assiduously assinine
asmodeus. You have been bored with your life for ages now and
like a whimpering child, you blame everyone else but yourself!

It is no wonder with your extremely long nose stuck into the
wooden pages of Variety all the time. Wake up and smell your
finger, fool!


Keeper of the Flame

Feb 2, 1990, 1:01:05 PM2/2/90

>>> Two now in my alt.flame KILL file...

> My first.

You two little chickenshits belong in a box together. Aw, am I in your KILL
file, Asmo? Then how come you're reading this? Check it out, chump. I change
accounts like a chameleon. Two flames and your back is broken, Asmo. Yeah,
you're a real champion. You can dish it out, but you sure as hell can't take
it. You cowardly little shit. Runs into his room for safety and slams the
door behind him. What's the matter, Asmo? Haunted by childhood memories? Game
get a little too real? Rather pout than play?

When you're flamed you'll take it and like it.

greg Nowak

Feb 2, 1990, 2:41:34 PM2/2/90
In article <>, joe-boy@cs (Keeper of the Flame) writes:
>file, Asmo? Then how come you're reading this? Check it out, chump. I change
>accounts like a chameleon.

But you smell like roadkill opossum.

>Two flames and your back is broken, Asmo. Yeah,
>you're a real champion. You can dish it out, but you sure as hell can't take
>it. You cowardly little shit. Runs into his room for safety and slams the
>door behind him. What's the matter, Asmo? Haunted by childhood memories?

Your postings have brought back childhood memories for a lot of us,
jaxxel. Maybe it's bedtime already? Go ask daddy.


"Put on your hobbit costume and go chase magyk bunnies"
- R. Sexton

Eric Olson

Feb 2, 1990, 4:48:44 PM2/2/90
In article <> (Keeper of the Flame) writes:
>In article <> (Eric Olson) writes:
>>>In article <14...@ursa-major.SPDCC.COM> bo...@ursa-major.spdcc.COM (Asmodeus) writes:

>>>> Two now in my alt.flame KILL file...

>> My first.

>You two little chickenshits belong in a box together.

Whoa... hey... better be a big box.

> Aw, am I in your KILL
>file, Asmo? Then how come you're reading this? Check it out, chump. I change
>accounts like a chameleon.

How challenging for you. You really are quite the net.hacker, aren't
you? Imagine. Changing accounts. Whoa.

Pretty soon you'll probably impress us by posting from Bitnet.

> Two flames and your back is broken, Asmo. Yeah,
>you're a real champion. You can dish it out, but you sure as hell can't take
>it. You cowardly little shit. Runs into his room for safety and slams the
>door behind him. What's the matter, Asmo? Haunted by childhood memories? Game
>get a little too real? Rather pout than play?

I think you missed the point. The problem wasn't the pathetic
(there's that word again!) flame; it was the useless drivel
accompanying it. Call me small-hearted, but I get *sick* and *tired*
of pressing d all the time when I just want to read a few healthy
flames from real people.

>When you're flamed you'll take it and like it.

Quite the S&M type, aren't we? Let's see if you just take it and like
it, you clever little brave chameleon, you. That'd mean you won't
answer, right? Or you'd just intentionally say something stupid to
get flamed again, so you could have that really intense feeling
coursing through every inch of your arched body, shivering with
pleasure as the sweat drips down your neck.

Free advice: take up necrophilia or something. There's someone here
you should take to.
Eric Olson

Vlad the Impaler

Feb 2, 1990, 6:52:26 PM2/2/90
Eric Olsen writes:

> Imagine. Changing accounts.

If it gets around the KILL file it will be hack enough.

> I get *sick* and *tired* of pressing d all the time when I just want to

> read a few healthy flames from real people...

You're really tugging on my heartstrings, melodramatic fool.

> Quite the S&M type, aren't we?

Apparently, you are since you used "we." I'll get a smaller box for you and
Asmodeus. It will be ever so more delightfully painful for you that way.

> clever little brave chameleon, you...

Stop, you're making me blush.

> Or you'd just intentionally say something stupid to get flamed again, so
> you could have that really intense feeling coursing through every inch of
> your arched body, shivering with pleasure as the sweat drips down your neck.

I must ask you to tone down your excitement, my acolyte, Asmodeus will be as
limp as overcooked pasta for the rest of the day.

> Free advice: take up necrophilia or something.

I hate to quote a goddam Republican but...there you go again. I wish you and
Asmo all the happiness in the world.

All right, Alaska!!!

greg Nowak

Feb 2, 1990, 7:17:25 PM2/2/90
In article <>, jxxl@cs (Keeper of the Flame) writes:
>In article <13...@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> greg@phoenix (greg Nowak) writes:

>> smell like roadkill opossum.

>How old?

I think the consensus is that you sound about eight.

>> Your postings have brought back childhood memories for a lot of us, jaxxel.

>Did the rest elect you spokesman for the unhappy childhood support group, or

No, we're just all a bit amused that you require so much support for
your ongoing unhappy childhood that you have to spew all over the net
in the hope of attracting some attention.

>did you appoint yourself? Oh, I remember: you're the flag bearer for positive
>change in the world. You should move to California. You'd fit right in here.

Thanks for the invitation, jaxxel, but you're going to have to get
someone else to unload your diapers. It smells bad enough from here
that I don't want to get any closer.

>> Maybe it's bedtime already? Go ask daddy.

>He said that it is, indeed, your bedtime and that if you post again he's
>going to spank your bottom.

Daddy always was a kinky sort. Imagine the fun he'll have with you
when he starts tugging on _your_ leash. Now, get off the computer and
go play Nintendo so your grownups can use it!

rutgers!!greg Gregory A Nowak/Phoenix Gang/Princeton NJ

"I am not criticizing you -- I am making fun of you, little geek.
I am doing it out of sheer malice." -- Oleg Kiselev

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