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Madonna VS Janet Jackson

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Tyler Mcclendon

Mar 25, 1995, 8:50:40 PM3/25/95
Who is better?

1. Janet Jackson
2. Whitney Houston
3. Madonna

I think

JANET JACKSON is the Best!! She's also the best dancer!!!!


Mar 25, 1995, 9:13:00 PM3/25/95


Mar 25, 1995, 10:41:48 PM3/25/95
On 26 Mar 1995, Tyler Mcclendon wrote:

> JANET JACKSON is the Best!! She's also the best dancer!!!!

janet who?

Obviously you've mistaken this newsgroup for
No problem, a recent study indicated that 1 in every 2 people are
illiterate (world wide). I guess we'll just have to get used to it. I
really don't have time to give you a lesson, but there are many places
you can go for help.

Good luck. Don't let people discourage you. You'll find that literacy
will open many new doors for you.

One other thing, take the J.J. crap somewhere else.

-The Demon Knight
"Now I am cold but a ghost lives in my viens. *
Silent the terror that riegned- *
Marbled in Stone. *
Shell of a man God preserved- *
A thousand ages. *
But open the gates of my Hell- *
I will strike from the grave " *
Iron Madien- Powerslave *


Mar 26, 1995, 12:38:43 PM3/26/95
Tyler Mcclendon (tmcc...@Direct.CA) wrote:
: Who is better?

I would have to agree that Janet is the best dancer, but in my opinion
she is definitely not the BEST. Whitney has the best voice, but she is
not the BEST either. Only Madonna has proven that she can consistently
make good music, good videos, and good concert tours while still actually
making some kind of point - without actualloy seeming preachy. No one
compares to Madonna, period. IMO, she is the best of the century.


Mar 26, 1995, 11:57:25 PM3/26/95
Tyler Mcclendon (tmcc...@Direct.CA) wrote:
: Who is better?

Right On Kashawnda!!!!


Mar 27, 1995, 4:19:17 PM3/27/95
"Danny Kelly" <> wrote:
> >I would have to agree that Janet is the best dancer, but in my opinion
> >she is definitely not the BEST.
> I don't think Janet can dance at all. She does okay in her videos, but in
> concert.....she is very stiff. Like she still has all that ass holding her
> back from getting down.

Again, I feel compelled to comment on your remarks. To say that Janet
can't dance at all is simply not true. I'll give you concert,
she has the stamina of a lethargic narcoleptic. While touring my city
five years ago, she became "exhausted" and had to cancel the show after
three not-so-great numbers. Perhaps if she had been as physically fit
and dedicated as Madonna, she could have persevered. There's no arguing
that Madonna is, overall, the best female performer in the world (with
Tina Turner a very close second, in my opinion).

As far as Janet's "ass" is concerned, all I can say is it's a wonder
what liposuction can do.



Danny Kelly

Mar 27, 1995, 1:27:49 PM3/27/95

>I would have to agree that Janet is the best dancer, but in my opinion
>she is definitely not the BEST.

I don't think Janet can dance at all. She does okay in her videos, but in
concert.....she is very stiff. Like she still has all that ass holding her
back from getting down.

"There he goes again...
Actor man, off on another acting adventure...!"
--Julie Brown


Mar 27, 1995, 1:09:22 PM3/27/95

I like both Janet and Madonna, but I like different things about them. I
feel that Janet is more attractive than Madonna, but Madonna has more
charisma and energy. Both women have overcome difficult obstacles to
obtain what they have now. And, neither of them takes crap from anyone.
Janet, unlike Madonna, has not fully realized the potential of her star
power and sexuality. I have seen her perform live during both the Rhythm
Nation and janet. world tours and she puts on an excellent show, but
something is missing. Sometimes, it seems that Janet doesn't know what to
do next on stage. The videos I have of Madonna performing live show a
different story. Madonna is in complete control and has that
"savoir-faire". Janet, however, is more physically appealing to me than
Madonna. I am glad that Madonna has put a little more meat on her bones
lately because she was looking too skinny and tough during the Blonde
Ambition and Girlie Show tours for my comfort. Janet has a more pleasing
and voluptous body to me than Madonna. Janet's soft, brown skin reminds me
of gold. As for Janet's ass; that ass is kickin' baby. I hope Janet
decides to pose nude one of these days because I know that if I get a peak
at that fine derriere; somebody's gonna have to put me into an insane

Kathy Vanmeveren

Mar 28, 1995, 6:38:21 PM3/28/95
No. 1

On 26 Mar 1995, Tyler Mcclendon wrote:


Mar 28, 1995, 8:32:19 PM3/28/95
in message: <>
jmtaylo wrote:

>>I like both Janet and Madonna, but I like different things about them.
>>feel that Janet is more attractive than Madonna

I guess, if you like that fake, cut, lippo-sucked look. But, hey,
personal tastes are not to be argued, but, please, j more attractive than
Madonna?? At least Madonna is natural.

>>I hope Janet decides to pose nude one of these days

I certainly hope not. That would drive me insane. I don't think any of
us will ever see that, she couldn't stop giggling long enough to even take
the damn photos.

>>Both women have overcome difficult obstacles to obtain what they have
now. >>And, neither of them takes crap from anyone.

What are these trying obstacles j has had to overcome?? God, her career
was made by her brother. Everything was handed to her. Real hard to take
advantage of what is already given to you.

And, as far as neither of them taking crap from anyone--Madonna doesn't
take flack from anyone. janet takes the crap and sticks it on her latest
albums. Jeeze, why doesn't she try to get away from jimmy jam and terry
lewis for at least 1 record and write some tunes? OH, wait, I know, she
can't write any. Throb comes to mind here......



Mar 29, 1995, 1:44:33 PM3/29/95
In article <3l9j4g$>, (William
McBrine) wrote:

> jmtaylo wrote:
> : I feel that Janet is more attractive than Madonna, but Madonna has more
> : charisma and energy.
> To me, that's most of what makes someone attractive.
> : Janet, however, is more physically appealing to me than Madonna.
> Ah, the power of plastic surgery.
Pal, Madonna was not immune to plastic surgery either. Madonna has
collagen injected into her lips at one time. As for Janet, she had her
nose done and a breast reduction. There is controversy surrounding
whether or not she had liposuction done or not; but unlike her siblings
Latoya and Michael, she has not attempted to completely reconstruct her
physical appearence. She has used plastic surgery has an enhancement, not
as a reshapement of her appearence. I understand that charisma and energy
makes Madonna more attractive to you than Janet. I feel the same way.
Madonna has the extra hook that draws people in and causes strong reaction
(you either love or hate Madonna-I have yet to meet a person who is
in-between on this issue). But, I still feel that Janet is more
physically attractive than Madonna. I have feel this way since I saw
Janet play Penny on "Good Times". I have feel this way when she had a
weight problem and before she went under the knife. Janet Jackson, is one
of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. My attraction to Janet is
mostly physical. I like what she wears and what she looks like. My
attraction to Madonna is mostly philosophical and spiritual. I love
Madonna's presence, her attitudes, her image, and her "savoir-faire".
This is why, my friend, I went into $4,000 credit debt collecting Madonna,
not Janet. Neither Janet or Madonna are perfect and I could spent hours
comparing and contrasting over things I like or dislike about the two.
But, I like both of them and for different reasons. I don't care if Janet
has plastic surgeon and Madonna didn't. That doesn't make Madonna more
real and Janet more fake. Madonna is considered an icon. Since when has
an icon be considered a real person? Janet may have a fake nose and an
artifically flattened stomach; but Madonna has a fake personna that
changes like a chameleon every album and appearence she makes. Are the
numerous hair extentions, hair dyes, make-up styles, and clothes she wore
from 1983 - 1995 real? I don't think so, pal. The fact of the matter is
this; if either the real Janet Jackson or Madonna Ciccone were to bite
both of us on the ass; we wouldn't know it. We only one the image; not
the real person.
> --
> William McBrine |
> | Why can't real life have a kill file?


Mar 29, 1995, 2:23:11 PM3/29/95
In article <3ladb3$>,
(Electra13) wrote:

> in message: <>
> jmtaylo wrote:
> >>I like both Janet and Madonna, but I like different things about them.
> I
> >>feel that Janet is more attractive than Madonna

> I guess, if you like that fake, cut, lippo-sucked look (this is not an
established fact-there is still controversy over this). But, hey,

> personal tastes are not to be argued, but, please, j more attractive than

> Madonna?? At least Madonna is natural. (Madonna had collagen injected
in her lips. Madonna...natural, I don't think so. Since when have icons
become "natural", all the hair dyes, hair extentions, costumes changes,
and make-up she has worn from 1983 to the present day makes Madonna far
from natural.)

> >>I hope Janet decides to pose nude one of these days
> I certainly hope not. That would drive me insane. I don't think any of
> us will ever see that, she couldn't stop giggling long enough to even take
> the damn photos.

> (What's wrong with Janet's giggle. She's the only person who can giggle
and it wouldn't annoy me. Hope she doesn't pose nude because I would like
to see you go insane. From what I have heard; she wants to do it, because
when her sister Latoya did it, she was struck by how beautiful the
pictures were--Janet has worked up the cajones to do the same)

> >>Both women have overcome difficult obstacles to obtain what they have
> now. >>And, neither of them takes crap from anyone.
> What are these trying obstacles j has had to overcome?? God, her career
> was made by her brother. Everything was handed to her. Real hard to take
> advantage of what is already given to you.

> Even when you live in a successful family; life can be a bitch. Janet
has had to overcome the expectations of her family due to her brothers'
success and become a star in her own right. Also, if you haven't heard,
Janet has come from a dysfunctional family. She will deny it til she's
blue in the face; but we all know that her family is fucked up. Also,
even when things are handed to you, that doesn't mean that you will have
the will, desire, or even know-how to use them to your advantage. If
Janet Jackson hadn't made certain key decisions in the early '80's (one of
which was dumping her father as her producer and manager) she would still
be known exclusively as "Michael's little sister." Janet dealt with
different circumstances and in many cases, far less severe than Madonna's
(yet Madonna was eating out of garbage cans in NYC before she made it
big), but it was not an easy road for Janet either. Show business isn't
easy for anyone. Even the ones that got all the odds in their favor can
fail. Jermaine did, Latoya did, Randy did....and they tried to take
advantage of their advantages and still failed. Why did Janet not
fail?...because she overcome the obstacles that stopped her other siblings
from making it on their own.

> And, as far as neither of them taking crap from anyone--Madonna doesn't
> take flack from anyone. janet takes the crap and sticks it on her latest
> albums. Jeeze, why doesn't she try to get away from jimmy jam and terry
> lewis for at least 1 record and write some tunes? OH, wait, I know, she
> can't write any. Throb comes to mind here......

It has been since '80 (In particular, Madonna's first album) that Madonna
wrote a song by herself and shared in the producing her albums. Madonna
is not independent either, just read the album credits, and at least Janet
is a co-producer and can play keyboard and drums. Also, Janet, like
Madonna has had to deal with people who were incompetent and people who
would not do things according to her wishes, and Janet assertively, had to
tell them what time it was. Janet, underneath her modest and shy
exterior, can be pretty tough. Especially when she dumped her father as a
manager and she dumped John McClain has a producer, confidant, at A&M
records for her "Control" album. Both Janet and Madonna depend upon others
to help them make albums and videos. Stating that Janet puts crap on her
records is simply a matter of personal opinion. I personally believe that
Madonna's albums are getting worse. Bedtime Stories is not my favorite
album. "Survival", "Inside of Me", "Sanctuary", "Bedtime Stories (l love
Bjork)", and "Love Tried to Take Me In" are my only favorites. I hate
"Take a Bow" (I hate Babyface). If you hate "Throb", I can't see how you
could like "Don't Stop" or "Deeper and Deeper". Both Madonna and Janet
have their bad days.

Electra, I have read numerous materials on both Madonna and Janet Jackson
and have more information about both of their lives. These women have
more common than one would think...this is probably why they can't stand
each other. They are too much alike. Its just that Madonna shows us her
demons, while Janet tries to hide them. But, they both have demons and
they both have drive. I don't worship Madonna and I don't see her as
perfect and I don't see Janet as perfect either. I can see the good and
bad in both of these ladies and still admire their music and their
style...I love both of them and could spend hours comparing and
contrasting, but I don't have the time. Despite what you or I say music
history will have the final words and I do believe that music history has
a place for both of them. It has a place for Elvis Presley and I can't
stand us gusts. It has a place for the Beatles and they make me puke.
History will have the last word despite contemporary opinion.
> Electra

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