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Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98

July 7, 1998
by Aaron Barnhart

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at end of message.

Any Chicagoans out there? Any of you remember a
midday radio duo on WLUP-AM about 10 years ago
named Tim and Beth? An easygoing married couple,
Tim and Beth provided a little bland non-personality
antidote to the station's high-octane morning
and afternoon drive personalities. People liked
them; they started publishing a newsletter for
fans of the show. They had a fairly good thing
going -- until one day when a hostile caller phoned
in to rant. This caller had tried ranting at
some of the station's other talent, but he was
always cut off after a sentence or two. But not
with Tim and Beth. Not nice Tim and Beth. They
let the hostile caller go on and on and on about
how wrong-headed their opinions were and how
much their show sucked and so on, ad nauseam. Tim
and Beth just kept listening; I doubt it was in
their constitution to do otherwise.

I thought of Tim and Beth for the first time in
years after watching Howard Stern hijack Earvin
Johnson's talk show Thursday night. That broadcast
of "The Magic Hour" will go down as one of the
great moments of infamy in late night, right up
there with Helen Kushnick cancelling a "Tonight
Show" broadcast and the first-ever "Chevy Chase

What amazes me even now, several days after the
fact, is the extraordinary stupidity of Earvin
Johnson and his "people" for extending the invite to
Stern, and then not withdrawing it despite learning
what Stern planned to do on the show. He had
demanded that his "band," The Losers, be allowed
to perform their flatulent version of "Wipe Out"
as a condition for doing the show. He said he
would tell the host exactly what he thought of
"The Magic Hour," a show he'd been roasting without
mercy for three weeks on the radio. Stern told
his radio audience that he would embarrass Johnson
on the air.

And they let him do the show anyway! The whole
show! Just as the President and his people
foolishly failed to consider that Don Imus would
behave at the White House Correspondents' Dinner
exactly as he did on the radio, so Johnson & Co.
walked right into Stern's trap by agreeing to
his ridiculous demands. They have no one but
themselves to blame for this debacle.

Sure, it produced great ratings for one night.
Big deal. It also sealed the fate of "The Magic
Hour." Don't even try comparing this to the
night Hugh Grant paneled with Leno or the night
Letterman came on Conan's show. Those were
host-affirming moments, carefully orchestrated
behind the scenes in order to buff the image of
each person involved. By contrast, what happened
Thursday was a train wreck mischieviously devised by
Howard because -- well, because he's Howard and
there's nothing he and his fans love more than a
good prank. And as a result of this prank,
the quick demise of "The Magic Hour" is now
all but assured.

Why? Because Stern exposed every sorry reason
why Johnson's show should not go on. He brought
up the firing of Johnson's sidekick comic, Craig
Shoemaker, forcing the host to admit that the two of
them "weren't clicking." Yeah, that's the kind
of information I'd want shared on my own program.
Stern also exposed Sheila E.'s shortcoming as a
TV bandleader: she can't ad lib on the air,
musically or verbally. She played "You Light Up
My Life" when Stern walked on with Johnson, letting
it go on about one or two bars longer than
necessary. Then as the show went to commercial,
she played it *again.* And every time Stern pushed
her buttons -- suggesting at one point that more
lesbianism on her part would be exciting -- she
froze solid with that goofy grin glued on her

Above all, Stern identified the central problem
with "The Magic Hour" and drove it home. Drove
it home and into the garage and got into bed and
turned off the light. The central problem is
the one I pointed out in LATE SHOW NEWS three
weeks ago: "The Magic Hour" is going after all
viewers, meaning white viewers, when it should
be going after black viewers. Black viewers are
the core audience; as long as the show isn't
concentrating on them, the show will suck. I
would imagine most viewers tuned in that night
instinctively knew that. No matter how jovially
the host tried to deflect the criticism, the studio
audience cheered it wildly (admittedly a pro-Stern
faction). And you knew people at home were nodding
their heads in silent assent.

(A word about the studio audience. I had read
the wire story, perhaps you had too, about people
trying to hand out tickets to "The Magic Hour"
and being rebuffed because nearby someone else
was giving away tickets to "The Howie Mandel Show."
Besides being a rather mean-spirited news item,
it offered shockingly little insight into the
cruelties of supply-and-demand that all struggling
TV shows face, including Howie Mandel's. Angelenos
are jaded to the concept of free TV tickets as
it is; when the shill standing outside Graumann's
Chinese Theater offers them to you, he's
half-expecting you to say no anyway. You can
sense it in his voice as he says, "Tickets to a
TV taping," with no great enthusiasm.)

But the most damning insight from Stern's appearance
on "The Magic Hour" was gained from the very fact it
happened at all. This show has no compass. That's
why its host and producers failed to weigh the
ratings and publicity value of Stern against the
total absurdity of having Johnson's harshest critic
on to tell everyone how crappy "The Magic Hour"
is. Any program with the slightest backbone
would know better. At least when Jay Leno let
himself be bamboozled by Stern into allowing a
lesbian kiss on the "Tonight Show" three years
ago, he eventually got mad and took back the
reins from Howard. (Also, Leno or a producer
replaced the original camera shot of the kiss before
the show went to air with a shot taken by a camera
clear across the studio.) If you're a longtime reader of
LSN, you
know I take special pleasure whenever one of Stern's
minions prank the media. But how long does Captain
Janks ever last on the air? Ten seconds? If that?
Thursday night Howard Stern *was* "The Magic Hour."
The show's producers did the one thing you are
not supposed to do on any show -- late night,
daytime, cable news, whatever -- which is to let
a stranger take your microphone. And if for some
reason a stranger *does* take your microphone,
you ask for it back, and if the person doesn't
comply, you cut off the sound. You go to commercial.
You edit out the segment in "post." On Monday,
Magic brought the Rev. Jesse Jackson, hoping he
could help undo the damage. Too late. The time
to undo the damage was between the close of
Thursday's taping and the feed to the

By the way, here's what happened to Tim and Beth
back in Chicago: Later that day, the afternoon-drive
personalities replayed the tape of the hostile
caller and spent a half hour castigating Tim and
Beth, in absentia and on the air, for failing
to terminate the call. A short time later, Tim
and Beth were themselves terminated. Hey look,
there's nothing wrong with a broadcaster having a
nice personality. But a broadcaster must also
have a clue. Earvin Johnson doesn't, and that's
why "The Magic Hour" is toast. You can wait to
read the obit here in a few weeks. Or you can
trust me when I say: This *is* the obit.


Variety reported last week that hours after the
original studio "ankled" Norm Macdonald's next
movie project, "Ballbusted," Universal picked it
up. Shooting is still on schedule to begin in
Vancouver in four weeks. Reader George F. Heller
adds, "This sudden change of fortune can be
attributed, however, less to Macdonald's pull in
the industry than to the respect directors Scott
Alexander and Larry Karaszewski command from studio
executives. While this will be their first
directorial effort, they consistently punch out
some of the strongest, provocative, and freshest
original screenplays in the business ('Ed Wood,'
'People vs. Larry Flynt'). It is no surprise
that Universal, as well as probably every other
studio in town, wanted to be in business with
them. Norm was basically at the right place at
the right time. More power to him."


Reader mail: Bob Frable gets the prize for being the
first to tip me to Howard Stern's appearance on
"The Magic Hour." I got his e-mail not long
after mailing off last week's issue ...

And reader Sidd Pattanayak, a bright kid going to
Cornell, had his idealism crushed by an item in
last week's LSN. "Nielsen must be doing something
with those late night ratings, because there's
no way in my mind Jay Leno could be whipping
David Letterman in the ratings. I am a 20-year-
old college student who has not encountered a single
person at school who actually will even admit to
watching Leno. Letterman, on the other hand, and
Conan are the shows of choice for many college
students, it seems. When I went to the TV lounge
in my dorm to watch Letterman, there were quite
a few people gathered.

"I wonder if the Nielsens factor in college
ratings--believe me, it's rather sizable,
considering a vast majority of college students
are up at 11:35." The answer is no. Nielsen
does not factor in group viewing areas like dorms,
bars and, sadly, prisons, where I'm told TV viewing
levels are quite impressive. However, that didn't
stop NBC sales staff in the 1980's from charging
extree high rates to advertise on Letterman's
"Late Night." According to a writer on the show,
the network's research found that "an inordinate
number of unmeasured viewers" were watching Dave
(see LSN #162).



We 7/8: In 1931, Roone Arledge is born. As ABC
News President, Arledge not only helped revive
"NBC Overnight" in the form of ABC's "World News
Now," but in 1995 was crazy enough to announce
an entire 24-hour cable network (code-named "Fred")
based on "World News Now."

Th 7/9: In 1942, a small babe is born into the bigger
picture of Michigan - A(lan) Whitney Brown. "A." delivered
his "The Big Picture" commentaries to "Saturday Night Live's"
Weekend Update from 1985-1991, but can currently be spotted
as a correspondent on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show."

Fr 7/10: In 1993, "Saturday Night Live Goes Commercial"
and prime-time to boot, with Victoria Jackson and Kevin
Nealon hosting a clip show of some of the show's best
ad parodies.

Sa 7/11: In 1967, Look magazine's cover story on Johnny
Carson tells "Why He's Still Champ."

Su 7/12: In 1948, the mother ship drops Richard Simmons on
earth to gather information on fat people, cry on talk shows,
worship some Jewish singer and most importantly: sweat.

Mo 7/13: In 1996, Danitra Vance is born. Vance
was "Saturday Night Live's" first female
African-American cast member (if you don't count
Garrett Morris in drag). She dies of cancer

Tu 7/14: In 1957, the game show "Do You Trust Your Wife?" gets
a new name ("Who Do You Trust"), a new city (New York) and a new
host -- Johnny Carson.

[Thanks to David Tanny, and Gregory Stanko. Special
thanks to Donz5, world champion asteroid driller, if
ya know what I mean.]

Tom Heald's Dennis Miller FAQ now includes the
beginnings of The Dennis Miller Bookstore:

with Sue Trowbridge (


Tu 7/7 Mel Gibson, Christine Lahti, Joni Mitchell (R 11/4/96)
We 7/8 Cameron Diaz, Adam Arkin, human slinky Venianmin
(R 10/1/97)
Th 7/9 Geena Davis, Robert Carlyle, Martha Stewart (R 9/4/97)
Fr 7/10 Uma Thurman, Mark Wahlberg, Eddie Izzard (R 10/10/97)
Mo 7/13 Don Rickles, Rod Stewart


Tu 7/7 Chris Rock, Lena Olin
We 7/8 Rene Russo, Gary Noel and his performing Pomeranians, Willie
Th 7/9 Mel Gibson, Cameron Diaz, Smashmouth
Fr 7/10 Alicia Silverstone, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Leann Rimes
Mo 7/13 Sarah Jessica Parker, Geraldo Rivera, Trisha Yearwood
Tu 7/14 Richard Simmons
We 7/15 Kids Show-'n-Tell, Jeff Foxworthy, Garcelle Beauvais
Th 7/16 Katie Holmes, Matchbox 20


Tu 7/7 French Stewart
We 7/8 Robert Blake
Th 7/9 Milton Berle, high school student/author Deonte Allen
Fr 7/10 Ben Stiller

Mo 7/13 Tom Selleck, Gloria Stuart (R)
Tu 7/14 Scott Hamilton, George V. Higgins (R)
We 7/15 Natalie Cole, Ruth Reichl (R)
Th 7/16 Larry Gelbart, Faith Ford (R)
Fr 7/17 Jay Thomas, Rob Morrow (R)


Tu 7/7 Kristen Johnston, Jimmy Vaughn
We 7/8 Todd Barry, Doris Kearns Goodwin
Th 7/9 Lena Olin, Rich Hall
Fr 7/10 Chris Rock, Judith Martin (Miss Manners), Lucinda Williams

Mo 7/13 Cheech Marin, Jonathan Harris, Steven Wright (R 4/8/98)
Tu 7/14 Roger Daltrey
We 7/15 Ben Stiller, Seth Green, The Brian Setzer Orchestra
Th 7/16 Matt Dillon, Jake Johannsen, Ben Folds Five
Fr 7/17 Chris Elliott


Mo 7/6 Rita Sever with Jeff Conaway
Tu 7/7 Rita Sever with Marcia Clark
We 7/8 Rita Sever with Jonny Moseley and Eric Bergoust
Th 7/9 Rita Sever with Usher

THE MAGIC HOUR, syndicated

Tu 7/7 Ernie Hudson, Madylin Sweeten
We 7/8 Chris Rock, Bill Nye The Science Guy, Lionel Richie
Th 7/9 Lela Rochon, Robert Wuhl, Too Hot Tamales, Steve Harris
Fr 7/10 Michael Clark Duncan

Please note that Charlie Rose listings are very tentative

Tu 7/7 Warren Christopher; "cultural values" (i.e., cultural
conservativism) panel with Lamar Alexander,
Sen. John Ashcroft, Gary Bauer
We 7/8 Malcolm Gets, Graciella Danielle, playwright William Finn
Th 7/9 Film critic Stanley Kauffman


Tu 7/7 Peri Gilpin, Christopher "Kid" Reid, Rep. Pat Schroeder,
Stanley Crouch (R 2/24/98)
We 7/8 Mimi Rogers, Carol Leifer, San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown,
Floyd Brown (R 2/25/98)
Th 7/9 Paul Rodriguez, Stefanie Powers, Betsy Hart, Rose McGowan
(R 3/10/98)
Fr 7/10 Peter Coyote, Trace Adkins, Georgette Mosbacher, Daryl
"Chill" Mitchell (R 4/21/98)

Mo 7/13 Kenny G, Miss America Kate Shindle, Barbara Olson
Tu 7/14 Joe Queenan, Marion Ross, Arianna Huffington, Seth Green
We 7/15 Kevin Nealon, Kevin Newman
Th 7/16 Reginald VelJohnson, Holly McClure
Fr 7/17 Illeana Douglas, Adam Carolla, Kellyanne Fitzpatrick

VIBE TV, syndicated

Mo 7/6 Suzanne Somers, Sheryl Lee Ralph (R)
Tu 7/7 James McDaniel, Mase (R)
We 7/8 Swoosie Kurtz, Militia (R)
Th 7/9 TBA
Fr 7/10 Dyan Cannon, the Lox and Lil' Kim (R)

THE DAILY SHOW, Comedy Central

lineups not available


Fr 7/10 Sarah Jessica Parker on "Talk Radio"
Fr 7/17 Tom Hanks on "The Space Program"


Fr 7/10 Jon Stewart (R)
Danny Bonaduce and Branford Marsalis (R)


Tu 7/7 Jen's Bad Implants (R), Scott Salem Part 1 (R),
Brittany Andrews (R)
We 7/8 Kielbasa Queen & Slashed Portrait (R), Scott Salem Part 2 (R),
Scott In Bra (R)
Th 7/9 Nikki Tyler (R), Penthouse Jeopardy Part 1 (R), Puerto
Rican Vanessa (R)
Fr 7/10 Underwear Water (R), Penthouse Jeopardy Part 2 (R),
Sandra Taylor (R)
Sa 7/11 Baywatch Angelica (R), Fred's Therapy Fight (R)


lineups not available

Also on late nights:
SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, NBC (this season) and Comedy Central (classics)
NIGHTSIDE, NBC (going away soon)

(a Knight-Ridder newspaper)
The URL for recent TV stories is
Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Entire contents Copyright 1998 by Aaron Barnhart. All
rights reserved.

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Jul 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/7/98
Was that WLUP afternoon show Steve Dahl/Gary Meier? Sat Nite Live had an NBC
rerun in Prime Time(10 pm WEd or Thurs...) that ran in the late 70's

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