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Are you on Dumbledore's Army?

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David Brager

Jul 23, 2007, 9:30:31 AM7/23/07
It was a tense night and day come Friday morning, sitting with the last
three chapters of Deathly Hallows finally in my view. I had to find the
answer to my question. "Is my ride coming to an end?"

Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity is about to make more sense to
the common observer. We each, as observers, discover that, like those
who see UFOs verses those who witness the sun passing behind the moon,
the vantage point one has in space-time has very consistent points of
intersection between views from different people.

In the book of Matthew, there’s a 42 point computer-geek level puzzle
that had to escape from Jerusalem. It escaped through time. The puzzle
was so complex that no one saw it for over a hundred years. The first
one to see it was Mohammed.

The puzzle relates a hand tool of high brilliance in logic to make snap
decisions that are so wise, one never has to remember having made the
decision. Left thumb is "one system for all" and right thumb is "treat
everyone as you want to be treated." Fingers, from left index to right
index, represent "lie, scapegoat, dishonor, torture, steal, overwork,
adulterate, kill."

From now on, for very decision, ask yourself, "By making the next
decision, do I ever have to lie, scapegoat, dishonor, torture, steal,
overwork, adulterate, or kill?" If the answer is yes to any or all, one
finger raises for each yes vote. Note that if any finger raises, by
design, your thumb instantly lowers to cover the other fingers. If you
break a rule, you violate the corresponding commandment. This is about
intelligent design.

This is a binary computer using high logic, and a value system dependent
upon a designed logical stance equating to the highest limitations of
the cranial hemisphere assigned to those fingers. This is all about
intelligent design, and I am here to say that this tool, according to
Matthew, is what Moses arrived to share with the world. Someone edited
the values of this tool, set it into stone on paper, moved the word
"Rules" down a chapter and wrote us a Torah.

With the discovery of this hand tool, the Torah now is realized to be a
computer virus in a field of time. This hand tool is so much more
infinitely intelligent, for it happens to be a threshold system for the
greatest computer game in history using highly defined cyborg technology
that can be controlled directly from the mind.

The problem is, someone tore up the instruction manual for the game and
wrote us a Torah. At least they left a puzzle in the Torah that left
clues which then gave the tools by which to work backwards to what’s

I am a computer hacker who merged computer logic with hypnosis. I am
Jewish from the Luria family, the longest recorded family tree in Jewish
history, and I found something that all people need to see, so I did
this by the book, that being my attempt to meet YOUR greatest demands,
whoever you are.

Just so that little children who get stuck having to dull their life
experiences in a history class, historians will know that I did what
Derek Brandes told me to do, which was to focus on my audience. I
focused on an audience that was separated from me by quantum time, for I
knew I was making history the moment I discovered, in the merger of
computer logic and hypnosis some twenty years ago, that the human mind
really was a computer and that our bodies were cyborg technology.

Now, the mind doesn’t just do Deja Vu. That’s the system trying to keep
those parts of the operating tools active. You need to learn your
abilities to see time and use them more effectively, but the problem is,
you have an imagination laying over the same area.

These bodies of ours are really dumb cyborgs, and we Minds have the
responsibility to take care of our bodies. To do this, the cyborg bodies
have a bunch of other tools and abilities, but they have been standing

The world needs a comprehensive miracle, one that makes sense. So, I did
this by the book to show how the Book of Matthew is really a book on how
to make miracles. It’s easy as shit, but it takes tons of patience, a
lot of time, and the realization that you don’t get any glory out of it.
It’s just a job that needs to be done. The experience upgrades the value
of reality for all people and makes life worth living again. This is
what we, in computers, call a system refresh.

We’ve been looking at computers all wrong. We’ve just built a copy of
what we exist in, in another dimension.

What’s most compelling is the fact that once you find the hand tool and
realize it’s brilliance, you don’t need leaders, just respect. Everyone
learns to respect those who earn respect, and those who do not earn
respect are encouraged to consider rebooting.

There’s technology built into you. You can reboot.

I put the world’s first FCC compliant method to hypnosis into the public
domain to protect you from Bush. I then gave the commercial rights to
the reboot sequence, which I called the Basic All In One (or BAIO), to
the United Nations in 2004. Finally, I posted the BAIO twice on
discussion boards, once each for US.MILITARY and US.MILITARY.ARMY in
2005, because it fixes post traumatic stress disorder in two hours run
one time without anyone telling anything to anyone, without having to
relive such terrors, and without paying anything to anyone. Bush is
selling opium in his family for over 100 years.

When you add opium to the Bush picture, it’s like the Torah, but worse.
They took the venom of the worst tool and duplicated it against the USA,
and this signature is so unique that there’s only one source from which
it was duplicated, and that source was the Torah.

As Jesus is saying, "Forgive them for they know not what they do," for
anyone who trusted the Torah alone is forgiven, it is clear that anyone
who discovered what the Torah really was as cruelty goes, and duplicated
its logic onto the world, that person is truly a cruel bastard. We are
being told from this passage that we do not forgive them who know what
they do. This gives us the tools by which to eliminate Bush, for the
Declaration of Independence has a loophole.

I have set a post in the Loony Bin at the MAME discussion board entitled
"Decoding the Family Secret." I did this to hide in plain sight , but
using far less complicated logic than what’s in Matthew.

I’ve told the USMC and the FBI what I’m doing is because the
Constitution was written using the logic of this hand tool, and the USMC
represents this hand tool’s values whenever they are not killing. This
is what made me go to the USMC in the first place. They are the
shepherds who tended the flock that was born into being while watched
over by three wise men. They stood by for the nine months prior to the
delivery of the baby that was the Declaration of Independence. This
story is about the USA, and specifically, the birth of a nation to fight
for the will of the freedom of the spirit, and this tool was the key to
that freedom. The Masons found it and the Masons protected it. They are
on Dumbledore’s Army, as you will see.

Those wise men in the Jesus story turned out to be Moses, Jesus, and
Mohammed. The bible story of Joshua bar Jacob’s birth was also written
to relate a period of time when all the players had arrived to witness
how to get a bug, a virus that has it’s own ill values and unrealizable
virtues to perpetuate at the loss of all life around it. It’s a bug. The
movie "Men in Black" educated you to this logic. Remember Einstein?
Here’s where we get to paint the corridor with common points of

Moses and Jesus are really nice guys, and Mohammed was a fun ruffian. He
had to be. Look at the type of world he was in. The pattern is XXY. This
pattern of logic has been repeatedly witnessed through time, so I’m now
going to show how you see time through the logic associations of values
of data in streams of communications of others.

In the Loony Bin post, I refer to the Three Musketeers, The Wizard of
Oz, and Return of the Jedi. I’m talking the movies here, but the books,
or specifically, the initial vision in the mind of the author, such
moments were using conventional remote viewing abilities in the human
mind, but hampered by an imagination. So, using common points of logic,
we now see that Porthos, the Cowardly Lion, and Darth Vader are this
corridor’s Mohammed. All are ruffians, and all have, in the end, a heart
of gold.

No one puts this much work into trying to fix a problem. Everyone who
found the book of Matthew and found the puzzle did everything to make it
known that they were on the team, though I wonder what analysis is found
in the Rosetta stone. There’s always the chance in academia that Jesus
was tipped off to the problem from someone else.

When you ascend to power, you carry the burden of all who support you.
This is why this tool was to arrive at this moment. The leaders of the
world will see the tools here to fix all governments and places and
people without doing anything. The tool is self-regulating. It’s built
into your logical design. It’s the baseline read-only memory, and it’s
instinctive. But there’s more.

The human mind thinks in only eight dimensions, never zero dimensional,
and nothing beyond eight dimensions. It’s restricted to points and
lines, then planes, space, time, matter, belief systems, feelings, and
then communications. When using one’s own fingers, dimension one is the
most right-hand index finger. Now, analyze the hand tool over this
dimensional limit system. Killing takes the shortest amount of time on
this scale, and thus becomes only a point in time (remember the
dimensional restrictions between dimensions, where logic is the only
thing that can pass between dimensions). Adultery takes place on a bed,
hence a plane. Overworking takes up space. Stealing takes time. Torture
tampers with matter and feelings. Dishonor muddles up belief systems.
Scapegoating dismembers feelings. And lies destroy the truth of
communications. These are the same tools by design. These tools allow
rapid analysis of communications.

Now, let’s consider influences. Ideas from the system will hit all eight
dimensions at the same moment whereas "the voices"( which include
technology the Soviet Union delivered upon Russia and others which allow
transmissions to be interpreted as voices within the mind without having
to travel through the ears. It’s very simple technology. You should
thank the CIA. They’ve been playing music over these frequencies for
years to drown out the crap from the old Soviet signals from those old )
are often only a single dimension, such as assumed sound, but of limited
sensory experience, no belief systems, few associations to matter.

It’s a funny thing about history. If we all make good decisions using a
simple set of common values, and the instant that there’s an problem
issue, we wave the fingers that relate to the issues of concern, thus
deflating the issue immediately rather than waiting years for the
explosions in their relationships. It’s a tool for peace in the now, and
it’s mighty brilliant, I assure you. It’s the mystery that Harry had to
find in the Ministry of Magic.

All the players in the game, including the documents themselves, are
alive in this world and are visible through the logical mind using
technology that exists in all humans, and thus, there needed to be a
free dissemination of tools for world ethics.

People demand that the world use common ethics, The USA is a member of
this world, and it’s a really nice country when we don’t have a ugly
bastard making us look bad.

I can prove that Bush is doing so intentionally so that there’s
conflict. He’s trying to get a shooting war going so that he can sell
opium. They did a great job with Vietnam, moving opium in Laos. These
bastards have violated our military and hurt the reputation that George
Washington set to example.

Being a graduate of Washington State University Tri-Cities in 2002 with
disabilities, being born XXY with Klinefelter’s Syndrome, and having
non-hyperactive attention deficiency disorder (n-h ADD) and
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), as a citizen of the United States
of America, I’m a really nice guy who has HAD IT with George W. Bush, I
am calling him out for what history will recall as a fair fight using

I have set up all the tools for new commerce and industry. If you go to
my marketing plan, you will find the list of CEOs I contacted.

By crossing the path and educating the CEOs of major communications
corporations to new content that was coming at them in history, I opened
the doors but did not create content. This creates hungering lust and
curiosity unfettered as time progresses, for these folks will see and
much more instantly adapt to media that utilizes these concepts. I
believe these CEOs are of high value to have on this team.

The USA represents good business, and has to do so. I have been bankrupt
twice due to being on disability income and medical bills. As soon as I
go professional, I intend to pay off these bills with interest, so that
the investors will realized that some of us need a little longer to do
right by the contract, but like a good and fair business, one has to do
things very consistently so that one’s path of purpose is black and

I have posted all over the web to mark time, and my manifesto, which you
can find eventually at the bottom left column of my website at, all the paperwork to assemble the business plan of the
century for a new field that does not exist in communications when all
the technology already exists so that money can be made instantly. By
placing all the tools in the public, I intend to make jobs immediately
obvious to these CEOs who love their nation and will do all they can to
protect it for the sake of patriotism. I will not expect them to endorse
me, and I fully expect to get my ass chewed out by a few, but they might
be surprised as hell to discover that I’d already crossed their path
once, and have, in most cases, the emails to prove it. I lost two years
of my email archives with the damned SirCam32 virus.

When you look at your hands and the concepts for each finger, consider
the following. When you lie, you disrespect the truth of your pathway
through time, and when you scapegoat, you disrespect the pathway of
everyone else in time. When you dishonor, you disrespect the peace you
keep with your friends, and when you torture, you disrespect the peace
you keep with everyone else. When you steal, you disrespect the burdens
that other people place on themselves, and when you overwork, you
disrespect the burdens you place on other people. When you adulterate,
you disrespect the rights of others to making ancestry, and when you
kill, you disrespect the rights of others to having ancestry. Notice how
these are paired. That is why they began their new alphabet with the
shin and then made a new alphabet, and then set it from right to left.
They did everything to hide their villainy, and in the end, they kicked
Moses while he was down. He didn’t get into the Promised Land. If he was
delivering this hand tool, the Promised Land was world peace.

Now, let’s paint you a world you’ve been seeing with other’s minds.

When analyzing Harry Potter flicks, I need you to notice that they can
mesh one over the other once you see that not everyone is playing the
same roles throughout. In movie one, the three wise men were played by
Dumbledore, Hagrid, and McGonnagle. In movie four, they were three
Tri-Wizard champions. Throughout, Harry’s been playing my role in this
mess. At least I know that Daniel Radcliffe can imagine what’s about to
happen, for I expect the Knights of Templar, the Masons, all of Islam,
and everyone on the planet to use the hand tool to judge everyone, and
when you do, you’ll find the greatest people you have ever respected all
met this hand tool’s criteria. That’s because this is an interface with
a system.

It’s not a religion. It’s an operating system.

The problem is, without a torah, why did something set up different
civilization types on the same planet? Well, like the game Populous, if
you can watch from a distance, you can see differences in behavior
through time. They could track unseen influences. What they did not
expect to find was a really intelligent entity that had high intellect
that stopped their primary communication from making its destination.
The system creator did not expect to discover what was something that
was cast out of somewhere else and was imprisoned far away on a little
blue-green planet that birthed the likes of Douglas Adams. This entity
thinks in material constructs, and thus, it’s logic is limited to six
dimensions. This is how I caught Skull and Bones. They replicated the
logic of the six dimensional virus. I had to write an eight dimensional
anti-virus to combat him. His team uses fear and hate, but these have
only one feeling each and one communicated message each, and thus do not
exist in anything beyond six dimensional logic. On the other hand, to do
what I have done, I have done so with honor only, and no money, for the
Torah, first and foremost, sets our values into the movements of matter,
and this forces our intellect to be restricted to the limited speed of
the dimension, which was light, but the mind has ability to see much
more, and to prove that, we had to eliminate our physical association
with matter, and to do that, we needed to get stoned.

The authors of the Torah kicked Moses every chance they could. The hand
tool would have been for a small world, but a peaceful world.

The Torah instilled ideas to take a system out of control and force it
to crash. Go forth an multiply. Tower of Babel. Gentility. Slavery. The
values established are horrendous, and once you see the intellect of
this hand tool, and it’s sheer brilliance, how difficult is it to
believe that the liars would eliminate the rule, "Do not lie?" Once you
change a single line of the words from the system creator, you’re not
the system creator, nor are you part of the system. This is the root of
high treason.

By arriving with a common thread, like this hand tool, there would
become instant world communications, fastidious exchanges of truth, and
a sharp relief of tension. Here, they would discover influences that
would be unseen logic. Guess what? I’m doing that right now. I have
finally completed the task that Moses was sent to do. Now, all the
people on this team, I need you to stand up and be counted. I know I am
not alone. I’ve been getting help all my life.

Star Wars in general relates to the logic of the Torah, which was
written from the base of Sinai to Crossing the Red Sea, and then cut and
pasted together. The Mana sections were developed after they discovered
their mistake. The people at the base of Sinai don’t know what it is to
be a slave, but the people that just crossed the Red Sea, they knew what
it meant. The lie can be picked out by any attorney.

In international business law on Planet Earth, at no point in history do
people, even in the most remote third world, ever make a contract where
only on person gets a copy. No intelligent God would do such a thing.
The hand tool is that contract, and everyone has a copy, and there’s no
leaders. It’s just you and this value system. Nothing speaks for it. No
one speaks for it, period.

Star Wars in Principle is what happened. Mohammed did what he did with
the Qur’an to kill the Torah, and once the hand tool is released, the
followers are each to shave the Torah’s influences off the Qur’an to
reveal a tool that has never been in existence on this earth. It’s
Morhammed’s gift to the world, and it’s encrypted in the Qur’an, which
is why not one member of the religion was ever allowed to translate it.
It’s been carrying a message, unseen, through time.

Now, judge George W. Bush and his administration, and we get 42. This is
not what the founding fathers permissed, and Jefferson took his time,
for as a Mason, he knew this secret.

Take you hands and make Mr. Spock’s now infamous hand symbol. Thank you
again, Mr. Nimoy. Face palms up, elbows on a table, and rotate to a 45
degree angle, where the tips of the index fingers cross at the first
knuckle. If you use your imagination, this looks like a cloaked man at a

The second commandment in Exodus was bullshit. We never had to worry
about raising an idol. We’ve always been carrying one. That’s why Jesus
wants you to go into a closet to speak.
Looking at your hands, do you see the Mason’s symbol? They found the
puzzle and have done all they can to protect its secrets to this moment
in time. They are on Dumbledore’s Army.

If you place this hand symbol with the open spot on your forehead and
let your thumbs rest in the temples, while placing the bulbous part of
your thumb bellies on the edges of your eyes, you create another tool.
This is a tool to aid your remote viewing, though I prefer the mind
machine glasses that blink. They work much better and you don’t run into
the problem of popping your eyes out of your sockets. I did that one
time, and it’s not pleasant.

No wonder tefillin is so popular. It gave use of part of this mind
tools’ manipulations of the head, but there’s so much more to see, and
you might be able to use these tools, but you have much more control of
the interface between yourself and the system. That’s why Chris Angel
gets people to levitate. It’s all about infinite levels of self-control.

You gotta download a copy of my book. If and when I’ve earned your
respect, perhaps you will either buy a copy or let me do business with

I did all of this on my Social Security Disability income because the
world needed a miracle. I found a message from my mother’s family that
said that it is my duty to carry the body of my fallen family member
back into full honor, for Jesus lost his life to set into motion a
battle of good against a very mysterious influence that was so
intelligent, it was able to get a Torah to be written.

Anything after the ten commandments was never commissioned by God, but
until we made computers and saw the impossibility of intellect to have
one copy of the system manual, verses everyone having a reduced
instruction set, the latter forces the realization that the Torah is
intellectually inferior to the hand tool. Thus, the Torah cannot, by
logic, be from God. The hand tool would have given us world peace for
over 5000 years.

On this day, Jesus is doing battle with the Devil at the Stone over the
gates to Hell. None of the book was commissioned, and worse, the
authors, by using remote viewing, looked off into time, saw where we
Jews were going, and put us at ill with those people yet to come into
our lives. That’s why the "no homosexuality," and the "no pork" crap. It
made sure that when we arrived in Greece and in the Orient, we would get
a very special welcome. It was cruelty at a level that we’d never

In 1838, a splinter group of Masons, called Skull and Bones, figured out
what the Torah was doing to this hand tool. The Torah was creating
bureaus to create bureaucracy to usurp the power of God, and thus waste
time and resources. What they did not realize was that it was a curse.
So, not only do I have the responsibility to prove to the world the
curse, but the regret to say that the White House Putsch is still
happening and Bush is guilty of high treason because his family sells
opium as it has for over 100 years.

Once you add opium to the equation, what the hell are we doing in
Afghanistan? The answer is clear. Someone lied to us so we’d use our
resources and lives to further his personal business. That’s not only
unconstitutional, it’s stupid, which is consistent with Bush, but he’s
not a Republican. He’s a Whig, and he’s trying to conquer the USA by
crumbling it from within.

I told the USMC and the FBI that I was going to lead the world out of
this mess so they can do their duty and take Bush and his bullies out of
the game. The Bush are committing high treason with the intention of
changing our government.

A change of government is the only possible outcome of logic from over
eighty years of remote viewing technology being focused on setting rules
into play to go into conflictive eventfulness in 2008. By setting
problems up to hit the poor so they know they’re inferior, like HDTV,
water quality, and the FBI ID card, these tensions have been created to
put the USA in crisis so that people will revolt and thus give Bush a
reason to inflict Martial Law.

The only problem is, Bush is caught because computer game programmers
think like this, so what they spent all our money on, in an attempt to
destroy the USA, has now backfired, for we love the USA and the
Constitution will protect us if we enforce it. To do that, we have to
beg the US Marine Corps to see that Major General Smedley Butler was
correct, that the White House Putsch is real, and that we have no time
to waste.

Skull and Bones members didn’t want us to see their pathway, so they
made cannabis illegal to hide behind the facet of life without
subconscious support software. But we can’t help but see, for our
oracles never went away. They’re now film scriptwriters, and they now
paint us a universe.

My role was seen as Neo, Dorothy, Luke Skywalker, Kevin Flynn, Harry
Potter, and so many more. The bad influence is a systemic field of
logical lies and liars in their order working to create chaos seen as
the Virus, the Flying Monkeys, the Empire, and the Master Control
Program. The storyline was even extracted in Zelazny’s "Nine Princes in
Amber." The game of this process is found in "Zardoz."

Do you know, in 2006, the birth date of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the
Galaxy, February 4, fell exactly four months and two days from 6/6/6. I
called Simon Brett on that day at his home to make this point. If you’re
gonna make history, you may as well make it interesting.

Use the hand tool and don’t follow anyone. With these values, it’s just
you and the system. Common sense will prevail and peace will ease our
suffering, but moreover, scrypnosis gives tools which you can then use
with any literature or source by which to explore the outer universe
through technology within your inner universe.

As a request for help, I ask that everyone in the field of hypnosis give
of your discoveries. I know someone has the growing teeth script. These
are computer programs for the human mind and the world needs to know all
the tools.

Chris Angel and David Blaine can’t be the only one’s to walk on water or
fly. All these abilities are within us all. The time has come for people
to teach and not merely profit from knowledge that all humankind must
demand to know. This is why I developed scrypnosis. Everyone needs to
teach this stuff to children so that fear becomes only a fight-or-flight
moment experience and not a torturous memory that pains one for one’s
whole life.

Once you have the hand tool, you will find that the book of Matthew
becomes a whole new book, this time a toolkit for what you can do in
your life, if you so choose to learn, for everyone gets the powers of
Jesus. That is because there is only infinite levels of SELF-CONTROL.
The dead somehow raised themselves, I don’t know how.

These tools need experimentation by families and not by manipulative
bastards who want you to trust them while they lie to your faces so you
make bad decisions and hurt yourselves. This is about the fulfillment of
the greatest gift an intelligent being could give a world; the tools for
personal peace.

Let’s get back to work. I have a family to help, and a country to aid
getting back into the business of being my extended family. I have to
help people get their careers going with these new tools, as will all
who do so. And, if you’ll have me, I have some ideas as President that
would be great to consider. Please download (or buy) my book.

Perhaps, this was "Stranger than fiction." At least I know that Will
Ferrell knows what I went through on Friday.

Peace, somehow in this Bush-infested nightmare.

David Brager


Jul 24, 2007, 12:01:17 AM7/24/07

Dude, try the little GREEN pills next time.

In article <Xns997642301F0CBdi...@>, David
Brager <> wrote stuff.

Pluto (M)

Jul 30, 2007, 12:14:21 AM7/30/07

"David Brager" <> wrote in message

> It was a tense night and day come Friday morning, sitting with the last
> three chapters of Deathly Hallows finally in my view. I had to find the
> answer to my question. "Is my ride coming to an end?"

What the FUCK did you just say?

Are you even sure?

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