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Left-wing COMMUNIST LIAR Cynthia McKinney

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Liberals HATE America . .

Apr 12, 2002, 9:12:56 AM4/12/02
Georgia Democrat Cynthia McKinney (known locally as "The cutest little
Communist in Congress) is implying that President Bush knew in advance of
the September 11th terrorist attacks on America and intentionally failed to
warn Americans because "persons close to this administration are poised to
make huge profits of America's new war."

It's reelection time, and Cynthia McKinney knows that she needs to start
pandering to her leftist base in Atlanta. There is a large group of
constituents trapped in McKinney's district who actually love America and
love limited government, lower taxes, liberty and economic freedom. Cynthia
worries that pro-American voters might actually step forward and end her fun
and games in Washington --- so she has to rally the leftist troops centered
around the Emory University portion of her district.

McKinney's statements came in (where else?) Berkeley, California. She was
being interviewed on a radio show when she said: "We know there were
numerous warnings of the events to come on September 11th. . . . What did
this administration know and when did it know it, about the events of
September 11th? Who else knew, and why did they not warn the innocent people
of New York who were needlessly murdered? . . . What do they have to hide?"

McKinney went on to try to explain just who these people "close to this
administration who are poised to make huge profits .." are. There's an
investment firm in DC named the Carlyle Group. The Carlyle group employs
former Democratic and Republican government officials. The Carlyle group
employs former President Bush as an advisor. The Carlyle group - being an
investment firm - owns a portion of a defense contractor. So --- there's
your people "close to this administration."

Evidently McKinney's office is getting a bit of heat from Cynthia's remarks.
She refuses to be interviewed, but has issued a statement saying: "I am not
aware of any evidence showing that President Bush or members of his
administration have personally profited from the attacks of 9-11. A complete
investigation might reveal that to be the case."

What? So now Cynthia McKinney is saying that she knows of no evidence that
anyone in the Bush administration profited from the 9-11 attacks, but if we
just did an investigation we might find out that they did?

Well - how about this. I have absolutely no evidence whatsoever that
Cynthia McKinney provided young women to Bill Clinton for his sexual
pleasure. However, an investigation might reveal that to be the case.

This is classic LIBERAL behavior - and classic behavior for the McKinney
clan. She knows that the American people would be outraged if they became
convinced that the Bush Administration knew in advance of the terrorist
attacks, but decided not to warn anyone because one of their friends would
make big bucks selling stuff to the military when we go to war after the
attacks. So --- Cynthia hatches a plot. She's going to go on an obscure
leftist radio show in Berkeley, California to plant the seeds. She'll
imply - she'll strongly imply that Bush knew about the terrorist attacks,
but kept quiet so friends could become enriched. Then she'll demand an

McKinney knows that there's no truth to the implication. She admits that
she has not one shred of evidence that it's true - that there's even a grain
of truth to it. She also knows that if she simply suggests the possibility
and demands an investigation it will be enough to convince those among us
who are incapable of logical thought, and immune to the power of fact, that
the allegations are, in fact, true? The rectal-cranial inversion leftist
crowd will start muttering: "Well, you know they wouldn't be investigating
if there wasn't something to it."

McKinney is slime. She's an embarrassment to Georgia. She'll be reelected.
The leftists in her Emory districts will turn out in force to protect their
voice on Capitol Hill. The moderates and conservatives who live in the rest
of her district will sit on their hands on election day.

Well .. she does provide us with some comic relief anyway.

George of the Jungle

Apr 12, 2002, 9:35:48 AM4/12/02
The bitch needs to be slapped -- hard -- by the voters in November.


Why we can't reason with the leftwing. Selected "wisdom" from Omaha, NE's

"In case you did'nt know, Bungster, radiks is one of the many, MANY
ISPsbought up byEarthlink, second only to AOL in nationwide subscribers.
Good luck trying to locate me NOW, Fucko! :)" 12/28/01

[This was submitted from: Apparently this
shit-for-brained leftlist has no idea how 'net really works]

"A flag-laden car might as well say "Fuckheaded Hypocrite on Board"."

"PUH-LEESE! The only job you can get is sucking repug cock and kissing
Dubcula's ass, and King Pineapple's already got THAT position secured."

"Hell, I'd even be satified at seeing *CB*'s or Pineassholes heads on a
stick!" 1/9/02

"Bullshit nothing, fucktard!" 1/9/02

"I've posted it before already weeks ago. Go fucking find it yourself!"

"That's funny. MY two rottweilers (Tyson and "Sam") just buttfucked your
little Aimee, and now they're dining on her carcass."

"Liberals HATE America . ." <> wrote in message

Sal Simpson

Apr 12, 2002, 10:17:55 AM4/12/02
It's always violence with you Bushlickers isn't it?

"George of the Jungle" <> wrote in message

Harry Cox

Apr 13, 2002, 2:45:00 AM4/13/02
On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 09:12:56 -0400, "Liberals HATE America . ."
<> wrote:

>Georgia Democrat Cynthia McKinney (known locally as "The cutest little
>Communist in Congress) is implying that President Bush knew in advance of
>the September 11th terrorist attacks on America and intentionally failed to
>warn Americans because "persons close to this administration are poised to
>make huge profits of America's new war."

The dems are desperate. They need attention badly. Bush is getting
high poll numbers and where is the dem leadership?

King Pineapple

Apr 12, 2002, 8:43:46 PM4/12/02
"Liberals HATE America . ." <> wrote in message

> McKinney is slime. She's an embarrassment to Georgia. She'll be
> The leftists in her Emory districts will turn out in force to protect
> voice on Capitol Hill. The moderates and conservatives who live in the
> of her district will sit on their hands on election day.
> Well .. she does provide us with some comic relief anyway.

I'll say. Remember what she said in August of 2000? That Algore had a low
"Negro tolerance level" and that he refused to travel with more than one
black person at a time. Most certainly Looney Tunes.

"I think you can be an honest person and lie about any number of things"-

Right Wing Media Whore and CBS News Managing Editor/Chief Anchor Dan Rather

Liberals HATE America.,,

Apr 29, 2002, 6:19:30 PM4/29/02

"Sal Simpson" <> wrote in message

> It's always violence with you Bushlickers isn't it?

Another personal attack and childish insult from Sal the hit and run 1-line

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