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Psst! Hey, buddy...

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Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
to wanna buy a T-shirt?

Fell off a truck. $17.00 plus S&H.


Shon Howell

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
That's it?! You guys run your mouths all this time about how you're gonna
clean up this fandom & all you have to show for it is a lackluster t-shirt?!
I'm beginning to question my affiliation with this group...

BTW- "Hey, Buddy" was the name of a rather notorious japanese kiddie-porn mag
in the 80's( factoid courtesy of Fred Patten). Ironic...

"Remember kids, people who disagree with you aren't just wrong, they're


Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
Shon Howell wrote:

> That's it?! You guys run your mouths all this time about how you're gonna
> clean up this fandom & all you have to show for it is a lackluster t-shirt?!
> I'm beginning to question my affiliation with this group...

Well, we're also running CF 11, we raised $183 for the Heifer Project
International at AC 99, we published a fanzine which sold out its first printing,
and we maintain the second-biggest webring in the fandom (right after the Fur
Ring). Not bad for a movement that's one year old.

But if you have any ideas about what else we could do, we'd love to hear them.

> BTW- "Hey, Buddy" was the name of a rather notorious japanese kiddie-porn mag
> in the 80's( factoid courtesy of Fred Patten). Ironic...

Hm. Of that I was unaware: I have no interest in kiddie porn. I took the phrase
from the entirely wholesome criminal slang of the urban northeast. It's a
come-on usually used to sell stolen goods.

> "Remember kids, people who disagree with you aren't just wrong, they're
> evil..."

Though lightly offered, that statement is often quite true. It depends on the
point of disagreement.


Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
Shon Howell <> wrote:
: That's it?! You guys run your mouths all this time about how you're gonna
: clean up this fandom & all you have to show for it is a lackluster t-shirt?!

"My group cleaned up Fandom and all I got was this lousey T-Shirt"

Patrice K. Garn

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
>From: Hangdog
>Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 14:52:35 -0500
>Subject: Re: Psst! Hey, buddy...

>Well, we're also running CF 11.
Is that really true? My understanding is that Darrel is only a co-chair of
CF11 and just one of many people who run the entire event and of those, only he
supports Burned Furs.

>we raised $183 for the Heifer Project International at AC 99.
I do not wish to take away from the good intentions of your project, but many
more Furries, besides the Burned Furs, have done a great deal of work to raise
money for charity, and they commendable do not boast about it.

>we published a fanzine which sold out its first printing.
Again, that is no great accomplishment. Many Furries do the same and they are
not Burned Furs.

>we maintain the second-biggest webring in the fandom.
I suppose you can crow over that if you must crow about something. However,
isn't it true that the Totem Sig at AC99 received the largest gathering of any
Sig at the Con and the BF Sig at the same Con turned into an ugly screaming

>Not bad for a movement that's one year old.

And not good. To be able to sum up your accomplishments after a year's worth
of work in one paragraph is nothing to boast about. Especially when your
entire group's effort cannot do better than individuals who accomplish more in
the every category. It all appears to be token attempts to look good in your
supporters eyes.

>But if you have any ideas about what else we could do, we'd love to hear

This is _the_ reason I am compelled to responded, and my _greatest_
disappointment in Burned Furs. I have seen dozens of wonderful, practical
ideas suggested to the Burned Furs for improving the Fandom, several of my own,
and I have not seen any of them put into use. What I have seen is Burned Furs
shooting them down as not practical or just ignoring them completely.

What little I do see of the Burned Furs attempts to do some good in the Fandom
looks very feeble. Other than being obstructive and destructive online, Burned
Furs have not done anything that would get me to support them, which is really
a shame.

My friend introduced me to the Burned Fur movement telling me that they were a
wonderful group who were trying to improve the image of Furry Fandom. I was
thrilled and very willing to help out. My practical experience, however, has
sadly proven that the Burned Furs are a lazy group who's core representatives
will do little more than raise their voice in anger while the remainder of the
members sit silently and support them with nothing but a link to their web

And after looking over their web site, I am not surprised to find that there is
nothing indicating they will work towards improving the fandom. Only this
statement; 'WE SHALL institute ourselves as a monkey wrench in the gears of
mainstream fandom not to destroy it but to improve it.' comes close. But close
does not get the job done any more than 'a lackluster t-shirt'.

:::big-sigh::: Thank you; for nothing.

(Fur of Scale)


Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99


Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
"Patrice K. Garn" wrote: 'a lackluster t-shirt'.

> <snip>

> :::big-sigh::: Thank you; for nothing.
> (Fur of Scale)
> -Ny-

While it may be, as you claim, that Burned Fur's contributions to the world are
less than those of other parts of the fandom, they are definitely not "nothing."

By the way, Mr/Ms. Garn, what have *you* done in the past year to alleviate hunger,
promote artistic creativity or provide an opportunity for fans and artists to
gather and socialize?


Donald E. Sanders

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
In article <>, says...

I consider that a very loaded question. Not everyone can help alleviate
hunger if they don't have the means to do so. Not everyone can promote
artistic creativity if they themselves are not creative. As for
providing a gathering place, well, that goes without saying.

Then again, my very comments may be moot. I'm no expert on these

Don Sanders

Dsan Tsan on #furry of Yiffnet
RoadKill Fur (Sun baked sorta but not burned!)
Amateur Artist at Roll Yer Own Graphics
(my furry page) Email


Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
Shon Howell wrote:

> >By the way, Mr/Ms. Garn, what have *you* done in the past year to
> >alleviate hunger, promote artistic creativity or provide an opportunity
> >for fans and artists to gather and socialize?
> >
> >

> >--Hangdog
> >
> You left out promote racial harmony and halt global warming. Appearantly, the
> BF movement is not only ineffectual, but delusional as well.

You're referring to my statement about alleviating hunger? The Heifer Hop at
AnthroCon '99, well-advertised in this NG and other online forums, raised a
rather nice chunk of change for The Heifer Project International ( ).

In brief: HPI donates milk- or egg-producing livestock to impoverished villages
worldwide. The extra protein greatly improves the diets of local children,
resulting in lower infant mortality and healthier children generally. Surplus
milk, eggs, etc. may be sold for cash with which to make home improvements, buy
school supplies, and so forth. The villagers receive extensive instruction on
animal husbandry and continuing "customer support" from HPI volunteers, so that
the animals will prosper and the local environment won't be overgrazed (HPI also
donates trees and other services to repair past environmental degradation). The
livestock are *not* used for meat. Each family that receives a stock animal
(which animal is always female) promises to "pass on the gift" by in turn
donating one of that animal's offspring to another family--which promises to do

It wasn't as if we fed the multitudes on three loaves and two fishes, but it was
something. And.I suppose the reforestation part of HPI's mission would address
the global warming issue ;o) As for racial harmony, well, I noticed that the
Burned Fur meeting was considerably more racially diverse than any congregation
of Lifestylers I've seen. Again, it's not much, but it's still
something--especially when compared to nothing.

Would anyone who dropped by the Heifer Hop or Burned Fur meeting care to
speculate on just how "delusional" this all may be? And no, the effects of
drinking a "Mad Cow" (two scoops of mocha-espresso ice cream in a tall glass of
Jolt Cola) do not count ;o)

> BTW, does the "provide an opportunity for fans and artists to gather and
> socialize" line mean ALL fans & artist or only THE RIGHT fans & artist? Just
> curious...

Exactly. We don't wish to provide a social forum for those who sexually abuse
animals, or those who condone such abuse. If you aren't in either group, and can
observe even a modicum of public decorum, come right in. Set a spell. Take yer
shoes off...

> "Remember kids, people who disagree with you aren't just wrong, they're
> evil..."

Hold still--there's an unintended irony crawling down your back...;o)


Xydexx the Sesquipedalian Squeakypony

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
[Sorry, but I just couldn't pass this up...]

Hangdog told us all the great things Burned Fur is doing:
> Well, we're also running CF 11,

"RUMOR CONTROL!!!! ConFurence is NOT being run by
*any* new organization! I have simply stated that
I am a Burned Fur, and you CAN *NOT* use that fact
to infer that the group 'Burned Furs' are running CF!"
---Darrel Exline, 04/27/99

> we raised $183 for the Heifer Project International at AC 99,

Good for you.

Do you think Burned Fur would've raised more money if they hadn't driven
away so many of your potential supporters in the months before AC99?

>we published a fanzine which sold out its first printing,

What kinda press run? 10 copies? 20?

> we maintain the second-biggest webring in the fandom

Actually, FurPride is the second biggest webring in the fandom, with 82

> Not bad for a movement that's one year old.

Hangdog, do you actually believe this stuff you're posting?

I hope not.

Have you considered the fact that in one year's time Burned Fur has
barely managed to attract 60 members?

I think Burned Fur's image problem is worse than anything they claim
they want to clean up. I think Burned Fur's lack of leadership,
inability to benefit from constructive criticism, and abysmal reputation
are the main reasons that so many people have wisely chosen to distance
themselves from Burned Fur.

To say Burned Fur is doing poorly is an understatement.

> But if you have any ideas about what else we
> could do, we'd love to hear them.

Well, I'd suggest something else Burned Fur could do, but y'know, I
think I've been doing that for the past year now. And besides, if I
made any suggestions, you might actually stop ignoring me and respond
with something like...

"Xydexx, shut your goddamn patronizing mouth and
go back to fucking your pool toys."
--- Hangdog, 01/22/99

Oh well.

Xydexx Squeakypony, K.S.C. [ICQ: 7569393]
I support freedom, tolerance, and responsibility
in furry fandom... I don't support Burned Fur.
To order a transcript of this post, please send a
self-addressed, stamped antelope to me in email.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Shon Howell

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
>By the way, Mr/Ms. Garn, what have *you* done in the past year to
>alleviate hunger, promote artistic creativity or provide an opportunity
>for fans and artists to gather and socialize?

You left out promote racial harmony and halt global warming. Appearantly, the
BF movement is not only ineffectual, but delusional as well.

BTW, does the "provide an opportunity for fans and artists to gather and

socialize" line mean ALL fans & artist or only THE RIGHT fans & artist? Just


Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Quoth Hangdog:

>Well, we're also running CF 11

Funny, when Darrel was made chair of CF, and alarm was raised over the
perception that BF would be controlling CF from now on, the idea was
soundly debunked. Do you claim to be puppet masters or not?

___vvz /( Absurd Notions is on! ->
<__,` Z / ( | Cerulean= | DC2.~D GmAL~W-R+++Ac~J+S+Fr++IH$M-V+++Cbl,spu
`~~~) )Z) ( | Kevin Pease | FDDmp4adwsA+++$C+D+HM+P-RT+++WZSm#
/ (7 ( h+a!)oS uo!+ewJojuI - ,,Japuom o+ j7asJnoh 77aL,,

Melissa 'Skunk' Drake

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99

> >we maintain the second-biggest webring in the fandom.
> I suppose you can crow over that if you must crow about something.

This would be great where it actually TRUE.
Please, Handog, stop saying things without actually knowing if they are

FurRing, of course, is the undesputed number one.

Here are some others I found.

Dream Weavers Web Writers Union (weavers) -- 277 sites -- Keywords:
fanfic scifi fantasy suspense romance horror furry
-- Description: Webring for writers of genre fiction and fanfic aimed
at helping us share the fiction we all love. Open to writers of
Suspense, SciFi, Fantasy, Romance, Horror, Fanfic and Anthropomorphic

Okay, not STRICTLY furry.. how about these?

FoxTails Literature Ring (furry) -- 80 sites --
Keywords: Furry Anthro Writing Literature Poetry
-- Description: This ring is devoted to anthromorpedic authors and
poets. The sites will contain writings of a 'furry' nature.
FurPride: the webring (fpride) -- 82 sites
Keywords: gay lesbian les bi bisexual furry furries anthro anthromorph
anthromorphic morph pride homosexual
-- Description: FurPride is the first anthropomorphic
gay/lesbian/bisexual support. Originally a links page, FurPride now
strives to link up furries of alternate sexualities and their

And of course you:

Burned Fur (deadfur) -- 75 sites --
Keywords: art animals sanity Cartoon history disgruntled rehabilitate
furry anthropomorphics comics
-- Description: This ring is dedicated to the rehabilitation of
"furry," or anthropomorphic fandom. We are the artists and fans who
built this fandom, and we object to the perverse elemts who cling,
leechlike, to something we hold dear. We are opposed to Bestialists,
"Plushophiles", and call into question the "Lifestyler" argument. It's
a tough fight, but with our combined efforts and will, it can be done!

Straight from webring, my freind. Puts you at at least an honnourable


Xydexx Squeakypony

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Correction to previous post:

"Do you think more money would've been raised for Heifer
Project International if Burned Fur hadn't driven away
so many of its potential supporters?"

Xydexx Squeakypony [ICQ: 7569393]
Xydexx's Anthrofurry Homepage

Xydexx Squeakypony

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Hangdog wrote:
> You're referring to my statement about alleviating hunger? The Heifer Hop at
> AnthroCon '99, well-advertised in this NG and other online forums, raised a
> rather nice chunk of change for The Heifer Project International
> ( ).
> It wasn't as if we fed the multitudes on three loaves and two fishes, but it was
> something.

The question remains:


Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Melissa 'Skunk' Drake wrote:

> > >we maintain the second-biggest webring in the fandom.
> > I suppose you can crow over that if you must crow about something.
> This would be great where it actually TRUE.
> Please, Handog, stop saying things without actually knowing if they are
> correct.

To the best of my knowledge, it was: that's why I said it. But it seems
you have more recent data. So let's see.

> FurRing, of course, is the undesputed number one.

Implicitly acknowledged when I said "second-biggest," right...

> Here are some others I found.
> Dream Weavers Web Writers Union (weavers) -- 277 sites -- Keywords:
> fanfic scifi fantasy suspense romance horror furry
> -- Description: Webring for writers of genre fiction and fanfic aimed
> at helping us share the fiction we all love. Open to writers of
> Suspense, SciFi, Fantasy, Romance, Horror, Fanfic and Anthropomorphic
> (furry)fiction.
> Okay, not STRICTLY furry..

Not at all "in the fandom," I'd say. If it were, you could count all the
general-interest SF and fantasy sites.

> how about these?
> FoxTails Literature Ring (furry) -- 80 sites --
> Keywords: Furry Anthro Writing Literature Poetry
> -- Description: This ring is devoted to anthromorpedic authors and
> poets. The sites will contain writings of a 'furry' nature.

OK, granted

> FurPride: the webring (fpride) -- 82 sites
> Keywords: gay lesbian les bi bisexual furry furries anthro anthromorph
> anthromorphic morph pride homosexual

Likewise. We were ahead of them for some time, tho: Eric was tracking the
ring size pretty closely about a month ago, and we got weekly reports.

> And of course you:
> Burned Fur (deadfur) -- 75 sites --
> Keywords: art animals sanity Cartoon history disgruntled rehabilitate
> furry anthropomorphics comics

> Straight from webring, my freind. Puts you at at least an honnourable
> fourth.

OK, last I heard it was the second-biggest. The other sites are close
enough in size (7 and 5, respectively) that I can see how we might have
pulled ahead of them for a week or two. But my bad for not checking
up-to-the-minute figures.



Xydexx Squeakypony

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Hangdog wrote:
> Likewise. We were ahead of them for some time, tho: Eric was tracking the
> ring size pretty closely about a month ago, and we got weekly reports.

Eric was also claiming the Burned Fur webring was "second largest" back
in June when it only had 51 sites, compared to FurPride's 90+ and
FurRing's several hundred sites.

I suppose he was tracking the ring size pretty closely then too, huh?

Xydexx Squeakypony, Asking Questions You Don't Want Answered

The Luphra'nite

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
to wrote:


Now that.. that is humor!!

Thé ŁůPhrŞnítÉ rÜŁé˛

We should police ourselves, as we are our own best censors.

Exeperience and talent are NO excuse for blatent and utter

It's the 90's, god is dead, no one cares, and if there is a hell, its furry and I
am gonna see you there!!


Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99

Hangdog <> wrote in message
Two question.

That Mountain Range and lake look awfully familiar. Where was that picture taken?

Do all furries have issues with shaving?

--- i l r

Darth Cartman

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Xydexx the Sesquipedalian Squeakypony wrote:

> Actually, FurPride is the second biggest webring in the fandom, with 82
> sites.

Followed closely by Potato Salad Pride. What, you don't think potato
salad and gay pride have any relation to each other? Come on, man. The
ties are so obvious, even Stevie Wonder could see them.


Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99

Darth Cartman <> wrote in message

They can have it.
But if they start taking over the egg salad, that's where I draw the line.

Paul F. Dietz

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
ilr wrote:

> But if they start taking over the egg salad, that's where I draw the line.

What's up, Tiger Lily?


Dr. Cat

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Hangdog ( wrote:

It has the group's logo on the front, and a play on words on the back
that slams a group they dislike & spread negative stereotypes about.

Kinda sums up the whole movement neatly, if unintentionally. Are they
more into focusing their attention and effort on positive things, or
about griping to each other about the stuff they dislike? Well, a
t-shirted BF is a self-labelled BF, with visual flame on the front and
verbal flame on the back.

If you don't like flames, at least they warned you who to stay away from.

I tell you, though, if they really want to be the ones to present a
positive image of furry fandom to the press, I hope they're not going
to show up for interviews in those shirts. Doesn't really give the
impression of a very cheery little hobby to an outsider, y'know?

Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions || Free alpha test:
Furcadia - a new graphic mud for PCs! || Let your imagination soar!

(Disclaimer: While some "lifestylers" go to most or all of the extremes
presented in the aforementioned stereotype, the vast majority of them are
far less extremist and "weird". This makes the stereotype a bit of a
distortion and potential basis for unfair discrimination, but they, the
t-shirt slogan is a JOKE. And if you happen to genuinely dislike a
person or group of people, and you make a JOKE slamming them instead of
a straightforward statement, then it's not fair for anyone to take that
joke as evidence that you sincerely dislike those people, is it?)

(Disclaimer disclaimer: The above may all be meaningless and stupid,
because I still have it on good authority from a prominent BF that I
am obviously delusional and imagined my entire career. If I could do
that, I could easily have imagined all this other stuff. Heck, they
probably don't even HAVE a t-shirt. They? Why, there probably isn't
any BF movement either, I bet I deluded myself into believing in that too!)

Dr. Cat

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Hangdog ( wrote:
: But if you have any ideas about what else we could do, we'd love to hear them.

Rather than question the sincerity of that, I'll extend the benefit of
the doubt and assume it's a sincere request, and that such ideas will be
listened to and considered with an open mind. If that request was only
aimed at Shon Howell and not the rest of the general public, my apologies.

My suggestion is that the Burned Fur movement prove to its detractors, to
the Furry Fandom at large (much of which is presumably neutral), and to
itself that it is capable of greatly improving the image of a group by
greatly improving its OWN image first, which is a very tarnished and
negative one right now.

This would offer some evidence that perhaps the BFs really can do the
same for furry fandom. It would give the group practice on
reputation-polishing with a smaller, easier to deal with situation.
It's just plain a good idea. Plus the better reputation for your
own group is something that would be very helpful to have during the
larger task of improving the fandom's reptuation, as you'll be able
to recruit more volunteers to help.

I would suggest moving further away from the indulgences of rudeness,
seeking arguments, and spreading negative stereotypes. If even Eric
Blumrich can back away from these "tactics", why not the rest of you?

Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions || Free alpha test:
Furcadia - a new graphic mud for PCs! || Let your imagination soar!

(Disclaimer: I'd be even happier if the BFs would say "We apologize for
being deliberately rude and nasty in the past, we realize that did more
to harm our goals than to help" and/or "We won't be doing that in the
future, BF is going to be all about accentuating the positive." But I've
noticed that, like most folks, many of them seem to have very little
appetite for "eating crow". A shame, really.)


Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
>The question remains:
> "Do you think more money would've been raised for Heifer
> Project International if Burned Fur hadn't driven away
> so many of its potential supporters?"

Refusing to participate in charity because the ones who run
it are 'nasty hyoomans' is not only selfish but also
dramatically stupid.

S.J.Laitila - Who's too poor to give anything to charity


Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
ilr wrote:

> Hangdog <> wrote in message
> > wanna buy a T-shirt?
> >
> >
> >
> > Fell off a truck. $17.00 plus S&H.
> >
> > --Hangdog
> >
> >
> Two question.
> That Mountain Range and lake look awfully familiar. Where was that picture taken?

The Bolivian Andes, just like it says in the caption.

> Do all furries have issues with shaving?

When they're traversing the Andes, I'd imagine they would. I've had the beard,
though, for twenty years now.




Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Somebody Wrote:

> >The question remains:
> >
> > "Do you think more money would've been raised for Heifer
> > Project International if Burned Fur hadn't driven away
> > so many of its potential supporters?"

So you think another furry group--one that's more "open-minded" and
"tolerant"--could have raised more money for HPI?

Well, they might have. Why didn't they try, then?

Do you think HPI would have allowed its name to be used by a group
that condoned and supported the sexual abuse of animals?

"S.J.Laitila" wrote:

> Refusing to participate in charity because the ones who run
> it are 'nasty hyoomans' is not only selfish but also
> dramatically stupid.

"Selfish and dramatically stupid" Yep, that's FurryDumb.

> S.J.Laitila - Who's too poor to give anything to charity

Nah. Charities can use lots of things besides money--volunteer labor,
for example. And truth to tell, donating labor's a lot more fun than
donating money. You get to do interesting things and meet other
like-minded people.

--Hangdog, Dispenser of Sage Advice (other herbal flavors available

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Dr. Cat <> wrote:

: It has the group's logo on the front, and a play on words on the back
: that slams a group they dislike & spread negative stereotypes about.

Snivel us a river, David. Don't like it, don't buy it.

Maybe you should get a shirt that says "Unwanted Sexual Attention
Given Here".


Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Xydexx Squeakypony <> wrote:

: The question remains:

: "Do you think more money would've been raised for Heifer
: Project International if Burned Fur hadn't driven away
: so many of its potential supporters?"

The question remains:

Do you think more people would have respect for you if you
didn't act like a complete freak and brag about all the sick
shit you like to fuck?


Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Xydexx Squeakypony wrote:

>Hangdog wrote:
>> Likewise. We were ahead of them for some time, tho: Eric was tracking
>> the ring size pretty closely about a month ago, and we got weekly
>> reports.
>Eric was also claiming the Burned Fur webring was "second largest" back
>in June when it only had 51 sites, compared to FurPride's 90+ and
>FurRing's several hundred sites.
>I suppose he was tracking the ring size pretty closely then too, huh?

Eric takes into account the EGO of the site owners, and that skews his
data significantly.

Urban fey dragon

"Yes, my e-mail address is valid. It just doesn't look valid."


Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Hangdog wrote:

>So you think another furry group--one that's more "open-minded" and
>"tolerant"--could have raised more money for HPI?

That is self-evident.
Good marketing requires a rapport with your customers.
After "mocking them with maximum cruelty",
how could you expect them to be generous?

>Why didn't they try, then?

BF isn't the first group to raise money for a charitable cause, and it
won't be the last.

>Do you think HPI would have allowed its name to be used by a group
>that condoned and supported the sexual abuse of animals?

Nobody supports the sexual abuse of animals,
and very few people support you.

>"S.J.Laitila" wrote:
>> Refusing to participate in charity because the ones who run
>> it are 'nasty hyoomans' is not only selfish but also
>> dramatically stupid.
>"Selfish and dramatically stupid" Yep, that's FurryDumb.

"Furrydumb?" And you, Hangdog, want our money??

Xydexx the Sesquipedalian Squeakypony

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
S.J.Laitila wrote:
> Refusing to participate in charity because the ones who run
> it are 'nasty hyoomans' is not only selfish but also
> dramatically stupid.

Interesting Trivia:
Xydexx has donated more money to charity this
year than the amount Burned Fur donated to HPI.

Just thought you'd like to know.[1]


Xydexx Squeakypony, K.S.C. [ICQ: 7569393]

S q u e a k y p o n y l a n d :

[1] Of course, someone like GothTiger would say
that I'm just "throwing my money around".
If you ask me, I don't think the new quarters
are aerodynamically designed well enough. At
least we have interesting currency now, right?
Hey, maybe I'll throw my money around some
more and buy FurRing or something.


Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Quoth Xydexx:

> If you ask me, I don't think the new quarters
> are aerodynamically designed well enough. At
> least we have interesting currency now, right?

I like the Delaware ones. Is this the first horse on a coin?


Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
There was an interesting letter to the editor in the Philadelphia Inquirer
on 9/7 about the (now cancelled) annual pigeon shoot in Hegins PA -- you
know, the one where they'd get together big bags of live pigeons, let them
loose, and then everyone would blast away merrily to nail them before they
could fly away, and then people would go out and kill the wounded.

The writer, a self-described former "trapper-boy", pointed out that the
shoot started out for an actual purpose -- controlling crop-damaging
pigeons, apparently present in large numbers at the time -- and would have
ended through obsolescence years ago had not outsiders started a big protest
about it, thereby causing the community to close ranks, become defensive,
and perpetuate the event in an exaggerated form as a reaction to the

He writes, "[a]ctivists were perceived as arrogant, self-righteous, morally
superior troublemakers who had no understanding, or tolerance of, country

Kind of interesting how a well-intentioned movement can end up exacerbating
the situation it was trying put a stop to. -- Manifesto II draft -- article on two fandoms with
the same name

Melissa 'Skunk' Drake

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99

> > > >we maintain the second-biggest webring in the fandom.
> > > I suppose you can crow over that if you must crow about something.
> >
> > This would be great where it actually TRUE.
> > Please, Handog, stop saying things without actually knowing if they
> > correct.
> To the best of my knowledge, it was: that's why I said it. But it
> you have more recent data. So let's see.

Well, ignorance is no excuse when you can check up very easily.
Just trying to make your life easier.

> > FurRing, of course, is the undesputed number one.
> Implicitly acknowledged when I said "second-biggest," right...
> > Here are some others I found.
> >
> > Dream Weavers Web Writers Union (weavers) -- 277 sites -- Keywords:
> > fanfic scifi fantasy suspense romance horror furry
> > -- Description: Webring for writers of genre fiction and fanfic
> > at helping us share the fiction we all love. Open to writers of
> > Suspense, SciFi, Fantasy, Romance, Horror, Fanfic and
> > (furry)fiction.
> >
> > Okay, not STRICTLY furry..
> Not at all "in the fandom," I'd say. If it were, you could count all
> general-interest SF and fantasy sites.

Not nessisarily.. I could go and count how many furry sites are on the
ring. But granted, it will attract others.

> > how about these?
> >
> > FoxTails Literature Ring (furry) -- 80 sites --
> > Keywords: Furry Anthro Writing Literature Poetry
> > -- Description: This ring is devoted to anthromorpedic authors and
> > poets. The sites will contain writings of a 'furry' nature.
> OK, granted
> > FurPride: the webring (fpride) -- 82 sites
> > Keywords: gay lesbian les bi bisexual furry furries anthro
> > anthromorphic morph pride homosexual

> Likewise. We were ahead of them for some time, tho: Eric was
tracking the
> ring size pretty closely about a month ago, and we got weekly reports.

Well, you'll probably overrun us soon again. I do pretty strict quality
control (ie: erasing broken sites or non-existant ones), and I did
implement new content rules which droped us from 100+. I'm going to be
doing my monthly 'are all the pages working and still okay content
wise' check today. So who knows? It causes my numbers to drop suddenly.

When you've been running a ring for a few years, you learn people
expect you to be psychic when they remove their site, your code, or
move the page elsewhere. (Exotic Pet Ring.. 4th year running and I
still can't get it all non-broken for more than a few months :P)

(Which is why I'd be a nut to bid on FurRing. I'm bad enough with under
100 sites!!)



Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
>When they're traversing the Andes, I'd imagine they would. I've had the beard,
>though, for twenty years now.

He's probably jealous, cuz his beard doesn't grow. ;)

S.J.Laitila - Armed with a goatee

Super Jay

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
>Here are some others I found.


what about my Fursuit ring, we have 40 members :)

-Super Jay
-fursuit ring admin.

Swiftfoot Cheetah

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
In article <>, (Dr. Cat) wrote:
> Hangdog ( wrote:
> :
> It has the group's logo on the front, and a play on words on the back
> that slams a group they dislike & spread negative stereotypes about.


I just had to pause the first time I read "I don't have a LIFESTYLE, I
have a LIFE!"

They have a life... yet they feel so strongly about this issue that
they're plunking down money and wearing a shirt with this political
slogan on it for a relatively obscure fandom.

Tell me again: Who has the life, and who doesn't?


Gabriel Gentile

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Way to go, Hang, now you've got the VEGANS P.O.ed with us!

Gabriel Gentile

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Swiftfoot Cheetah <> wrote:

: Tell me again: Who has the life, and who doesn't?



Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Quoth Swiftfoot Cheetah:

> (Dr. Cat) wrote:
>> It has the group's logo on the front, and a play on words on the back
>> that slams a group they dislike & spread negative stereotypes about.
>I just had to pause the first time I read "I don't have a LIFESTYLE, I
>have a LIFE!"

Stop me if you've heard this one...

"I don't have a lifestyle"
+ ___________"I have a life"_
= "I have no style"

The Saprophyte

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
somebody else wrote:

> Do you think HPI would have allowed its name to be used by a group
> that condoned and supported the sexual abuse of animals?

> "S.J.Laitila" wrote:
> > Refusing to participate in charity because the ones who run
> > it are 'nasty hyoomans' is not only selfish but also
> > dramatically stupid.

> "Selfish and dramatically stupid" Yep, that's FurryDumb.

So if an organization of zu-files established a charity for an equally
worthy cause, you'd be among the first to donate to them, yes?

The Saprophyte
this address contains no spam,
artificial preservatives
or added fillers.

The Saprophyte

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
S.J.Laitila wrote:

> >_Xydexx_ wrote:

> >The question remains:
> >
> > "Do you think more money would've been raised for Heifer
> > Project International if Burned Fur hadn't driven away
> > so many of its potential supporters?"

> Refusing to participate in charity because the ones who run
> it are 'nasty hyoomans' is not only selfish but also
> dramatically stupid.

_A_ charity, singular. There are more than enough organizations out
there to ensure that the money gets where it's needed without lending
one drop of prestige to a group one doesn't wish to support.
Sending a "message" to BF through non-participation needn't affect
anyone other than BF.

Paul F. Dietz

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
The Saprophyte wrote:

> _A_ charity, singular. There are more than enough organizations out
> there to ensure that the money gets where it's needed without lending
> one drop of prestige to a group one doesn't wish to support.
> Sending a "message" to BF through non-participation needn't affect
> anyone other than BF.

Also, you can contribute to the Heifer Project directly,
or through some other intermediary. Many churches give
to this organization.

See for more information.



Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
>Umm... Peter... The Burned Furs are NOT running ConFurence. ConFurence's
>*staff* is running ConFurence.

Well, maybe some of them (Mind you, I said some, not all) are starting to
think they are cuz they think they can manhandle furs in the stairwells.

Richard Chandler - WA Resident

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
In article <7r9uqe$f75$>, "Mutt" <>

> Well, maybe some of them (Mind you, I said some, not all) are starting
> to think they are cuz they think they can manhandle furs in the
> stairwells.

You know, if it weren't so damned stupid, this would almost be funny.

The greatest tragedy is that the same species that achieved space flight,
a cure for polio, and the transistor, is also featured nightly on COPS.
-- Richard Chandler
Spammer Warning: Washington State Law now provides civil penalties for UCE.

Richard Chandler - WA Resident

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
In article <>, (Cerulean) writes:
> I like the Delaware ones. Is this the first horse on a coin?

I haven't seen a Delaware yet, and only a few Georgias. But I see lots of PAs
and I hate 'em. They're SO flat and plain they feel like a subway token, only
not as elaborate.

Darrel L. Exline

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
Hangdog wrote:
> Well, we're also running CF 11, we raised $183 for the Heifer Project
> International at AC 99, we published a fanzine which sold out its first printing,
> and we maintain the second-biggest webring in the fandom (right after the Fur
> Ring). Not bad for a movement that's one year old.

Umm... Peter... The Burned Furs are NOT running ConFurence. ConFurence's

*staff* is running ConFurence. Of the 60-plus staff members, I'd guess that
only a few would consider themselves to be members of Burned Fur.

Just becuase *I* am Co-chair of CF11, and Director of the company financing
CF11, and *I* personally happen to call myself a Burned Fur, DOES NOT IMPLY that
the Burned Furs are running ConFurence. Running CF is not a dictatorship, it is
a cooperative effort among MANY volunteers working to achieve the same goal.

Most of ConFurence's staff remains as it was at CF10. The Co-Chair's Mark and
Rodney stepped down following CF10, but even Rodney is still on staff in
Programming. There have been very few changes in CF's staff other than
hierarchial modifications and a couple of new faces.

Please refrain from such misleading statements in the future. Thank you.

| Darrel L. Exline "Your friendly neighborhood Polar Bear" |
| Director, "The ConFurence Group" -+- Co-Chair, "ConFurence" |
| 619-223-9482 |
|!! ConFurence 11: April 6 to April 9, 2000, Irvine Hilton !!|

Darrel L. Exline

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
Xydexx the Sesquipedalian Squeakypony wrote:
> Interesting Trivia:
> Xydexx has donated more money to charity this
> year than the amount Burned Fur donated to HPI.

(This may be bragging... but hey, that's was "Bragging Rights" are for...)

I have my name engraved on the donor plaque at the San Diego Zoo's new Ituri
Forest exhibit. That wasn't cheap. The Zoological Society of San Diego gave me
a *complimentary* President's Associates membership, which normally costs $1,000
per year, just to give you an idea.

The Luphra'nite

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
embarass...@jorgensen.fam wrote:

> Xydexx Squeakypony <> wrote:
> The question remains:

> Do you think more people would have respect for you if you
> didn't act like a complete freak and brag about all the sick
> shit you like to fuck?

Same goes for you, mighty morphine cocaine ranger. ;) What do you screw to get
your nuts loose?

(when asked, I would think it is a general inquiry, and shouldn't be taken as a
smart ass comment, no matter how it is phrased. A simple, non of ya business is
suffice. Then again, soem folks have no clue what a polite response is.)

Thé ŁůPhrŞnítÉ rÜŁé˛

We should police ourselves, as we are our own best censors.

Exeperience and talent are NO excuse for blatent and utter

It's the 90's, god is dead, no one cares, and if there is a hell, its furry and
I am gonna see you there!!

The Luphra'nite

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
Farlo wrote:

> "Furrydumb?" And you, Hangdog, want our money??
> --
> Farlo
> Urban fey dragon

*laughs* Wow.. I actually have to agrre with you on that one.

Good way to just get customers and supporters. Call the dumb, and the reverse
psycology just draws them right in, like flies to shit. No wonder I don't
really give a flying where the fandom is headed anymore.


When the 'politically correct' movement's leaders are calling all their
underlings as well as their opposition the 'furrydumb', well, it leaves alot to
be desired.

WTG, considering I like coined the term furrydumb like, oh.. back in november or
something, once again, rip-offs, and slanderisms. Gotta love it!!

Well.. back to making a living.

The Luphra'nite

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
"Darrel L. Exline" wrote:

> Umm... Peter... The Burned Furs are NOT running ConFurence. ConFurence's *staff* is
> running ConFurence. Of the 60-plus staff members, I'd guess that
> only a few would consider themselves to be members of Burned Fur.

Well.. the Burned Fur Gestapo, HangDog, SqueeRat, and Blurmrich (how is the correct
spelling, arggh!) all think they are hot shit, and think that because one in such an
important convention is a burned fur, then its a burned fur type con, or the like. you
get the ideal.. me tired, but want to express something here. Ever since DAY 1 of this
whole crap, hangdog has been stickign his pecker in everthing, and trying to label it
BF this, or BF that. This is so fucking stupid. Next thing you know, if one or more
of the seats in the house of congress were to suddenly say 'hey! i'm a burned fur' then
peter would probably be all bouncy and giggly saying that the burned furs now are in
control of the political situtation in the states. (spank spank)

> Just becuase *I* am Co-chair of CF11, and Director of the company financing
> CF11, and *I* personally happen to call myself a Burned Fur, DOES NOT IMPLY that
> the Burned Furs are running ConFurence. Running CF is not a dictatorship, it is
> a cooperative effort among MANY volunteers working to achieve the same goal.

EXACTLY! I know that I busted my ass and helped out at a few things of minor
consequence at Further Confusion, and even gave a bit as well. I did it because I
wanted to, not because anyone was forcing my hand, or with any reward. No.. I take
that back, I hit it up for a few cans of soda. :) Once again, CERTAIN individuals want
to use the name to take control and hand out do's and don'ts within the fandom.

> Most of ConFurence's staff remains as it was at CF10. The Co-Chair's Mark and
> Rodney stepped down following CF10, but even Rodney is still on staff in
> Programming. There have been very few changes in CF's staff other than
> hierarchial modifications and a couple of new faces.
> Please refrain from such misleading statements in the future. Thank you.

Like I said, Peter's gotta have his schlong into everthing. He seems to now fancy
himself Dues (bit obscure) since the other founding members have either got 'better'
things to do then the fandom, or don't give a rats anymore. I just wonder HOW much of
this dedication to being idiotic and mis-informed is cutting into his family life?

That is another problem here folks. WHat about you all's family lives? For those that
have families, don't you do anythign with them, or are you all got each others nose's
stuck up each others tailholes to realize that there are actuall REAL FOLKS that care
for you?

That is one reason I don't even post anymore. I realized that with all the anger and
hostility I was getting from reading all this garbage, my relationship with my dad and
mom (who are now divorced) was really rocky, as I would always be pissy and annoyed,
and I took it out on them. Also, since having a REAL job, eventhough it is at home
(cool setup and the like) I don't have time for this nonsense. Face it.. lifestyler,
preacher, or dictator wanna be, its pointless.

Live.. don't waste it typign away on some glorified bulletin board.


The Luphra'nite

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99

"Dr. Cat" wrote:

> It has the group's logo on the front, and a play on words on the back
> that slams a group they dislike & spread negative stereotypes about.

As before, over and over again, they are hippocrites. The shirt proves it.

Tolerant and 'understanding' my asshole. Hemroids are more
compasionate then some of them. Less flamey as well.

> Kinda sums up the whole movement neatly, if unintentionally. Are they
> more into focusing their attention and effort on positive things, or
> about griping to each other about the stuff they dislike? Well, a
> t-shirted BF is a self-labelled BF, with visual flame on the front and
> verbal flame on the back.

When they are wering the T-shirts, just think of this. Perhaps they got
hemorids, and are a walking add for Preperation H ;) Burned furs.. yah!

> If you don't like flames, at least they warned you who to stay away from.

Yah.. start making up some shirts.. Fire Extinguisher Furs.. and have
a nifty shirt, "I have a life, a lifestyle.. and a job, you got.. what?"

Or something variably snafu.

> I tell you, though, if they really want to be the ones to present a
> positive image of furry fandom to the press, I hope they're not going
> to show up for interviews in those shirts. Doesn't really give the
> impression of a very cheery little hobby to an outsider, y'know?

That is exactly their point. They don't give a flying about the 'reputation'
as much as vocing their idiotic and demented views on things.

> *-------------------------------------------**-----------------------------*
> Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions || Free alpha test:
> *-------------------------------------------**
> Furcadia - a new graphic mud for PCs! || Let your imagination soar!
> *-------------------------------------------**-----------------------------*

Thé £ùPhrªnítÉ rÜ£é²


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
No, what is stupid are certain BF's claiming they run CF.

Glen Wooten

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
Richard Chandler - WA Resident <> wrote:
> In article <>,
> (Cerulean) writes:
>> I like the Delaware ones. Is this the first horse on a coin?
> I haven't seen a Delaware yet, and only a few Georgias. But I see lots
> of PAs and I hate 'em. They're SO flat and plain they feel like a
> subway token, only not as elaborate.

I have heard that they are putting the state quarters on hold for right
now - becasue they are _slightly_ lighter than a regular quarter, and so
some vending machines are rejecting them...

Glen Wooten

| primary: | secondary: |

| Terrie's web page: |

Xydexx the Sesquipedalian Squeakypony

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
Cerulean wrote:
> I like the Delaware ones. Is this the first horse on a coin?

AFAIK, yesh.

I've seen Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Georgia thus far. So
far Delaware is the only one with any kind of animal on it, though.[1]

Xydexx the Easily-Distracted Squeakypony, K.S.C.
I support Furry Peace!

[1] New Jersey has "Washington Crossing The
Landfill In A Garbage Scow" for a design. -:)


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
Glen Wooten <> wrote:

>>> I like the Delaware ones. Is this the first horse on a coin?

>> I haven't seen a Delaware yet, and only a few Georgias. But I see lots
>> of PAs and I hate 'em. They're SO flat and plain they feel like a
>> subway token, only not as elaborate.
>I have heard that they are putting the state quarters on hold for right
>now - becasue they are _slightly_ lighter than a regular quarter, and so
>some vending machines are rejecting them...

Your tax dollars at work. :)
"Fool! You have just signed the universe's death warrant!"

"I did? Uh... gee, I don't know if I'm authorized to sign that..."
solarfox@DON' (Gary Akins jr.)

Swiftfoot Cheetah

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
In article <37d83d85$0$>,

How absolutely insightful. You've certainly bested me with that
triumph of logic.



Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
There should be some kind of award for such long and futile
discussion threads. I'm kind of a newbe here but I think some records
have been broken! I'm not even going to bother reading all this crap!

Karina Wright

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
> I haven't seen a Delaware yet, and only a few Georgias. But I see lots of
> and I hate 'em. They're SO flat and plain they feel like a subway token,
> not as elaborate.

The Connecticut ones are going to be beautiful...wonderful tree on 'em...


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
>Nobody supports the sexual abuse of animals,

except the ones who participate in it.

>and very few people support you.

Well... I do.


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
>So if an organization of zu-files established a charity for an equally
>worthy cause, you'd be among the first to donate to them, yes?

And the same topic jumps back...


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
>They have a life... yet they feel so strongly about this issue that
>they're plunking down money and wearing a shirt with this political
>slogan on it for a relatively obscure fandom.
>Tell me again: Who has the life, and who doesn't?

It's cheaper than most of the T-shirts I've seen. And it's
kinda funny too. And it makes me feel sorry for the world,
that someone is bitching about a T-shirt.


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
>You know, if it weren't so damned stupid, this would almost be funny.

Seconded... I feel sorry for his mother.


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
>Nah. Charities can use lots of things besides money--volunteer labor,
>for example. And truth to tell, donating labor's a lot more fun than
>donating money. You get to do interesting things and meet other
>like-minded people.

I'm poor on time too.


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
>_A_ charity, singular. There are more than enough organizations out
>there to ensure that the money gets where it's needed without lending
>one drop of prestige to a group one doesn't wish to support.
> Sending a "message" to BF through non-participation needn't affect
>anyone other than BF.

This somehow proves my point...


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
>Eric takes into account the EGO of the site owners, and that skews his
>data significantly.

Jut one thought... Isn't Furpride a bit narrow to be contained
in this.

Tim Gadd

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
"Darrel L. Exline" <> wrote:

>Just becuase *I* am Co-chair of CF11, and Director of the company financing
>CF11, and *I* personally happen to call myself a Burned Fur, DOES NOT IMPLY that
>the Burned Furs are running ConFurence.

It does mean, however, that _a_ Burned Fur is the single most
influential person administering CF11. That is not an inaccurate
statement, is it?

I do not know in what ways, if at all, this affects CF policy, however
if you are the co-director and financial director of the biggest furry
con, and you choose to publically allign yourself with the Burned
Furs, whose stated aims involve the exclusion and/or discouragement of
various groups from furry fandom, you can hardly blame people for
getting the idea that something politically significant may have
happened to Confurence. Why should people not be suspicious? It's not
like you're saying you're a Freemason, or a member of the American
Medical Association. You're saying you're a member of a group which
holds an extreme political position in regards to the way furry fandom
ought to be composed. You may, for all I know, carry out your
functions with complete impartiality, but expecting people to simply
assume that is asking a little much.

Tim Gadd | fluke .com
Hobart, Tasmania | @southcom


"The simple things you see are all complicated."

- The Who

Tim Gadd

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
to (Tim Gadd) wrote:

>"Darrel L. Exline" <> wrote:

>>Just becuase *I* am Co-chair of CF11, and Director of the company financing
>>CF11, and *I* personally happen to call myself a Burned Fur, DOES NOT IMPLY that
>>the Burned Furs are running ConFurence.

>It does mean, however, that _a_ Burned Fur is the single most
>influential person administering CF11. That is not an inaccurate
>statement, is it?

>I do not know in what ways, if at all, this affects CF policy, however
>if you are the co-director and financial director of the biggest furry
>con, and you choose to publically allign yourself with the Burned
>Furs, whose stated aims involve the exclusion and/or discouragement of
>various groups from furry fandom, you can hardly blame people for
>getting the idea that something politically significant may have
>happened to Confurence. Why should people not be suspicious? It's not
>like you're saying you're a Freemason, or a member of the American
>Medical Association. You're saying you're a member of a group which
>holds an extreme political position in regards to the way furry fandom
>ought to be composed. You may, for all I know, carry out your
>functions with complete impartiality, but expecting people to simply
>assume that is asking a little much.

Incidentally, I'm not saying that you shouldn't be a Burned Fur, or
that a Burned Fur shouldn't run Confurence, or even that a Burned Fur
shouldnt run Confurence and impliment Burned Fur policies. I'm saying
that a con director can't expect to publically come down on one side
or the other of a divisive political issue within the community his
con services, and expect no-one to think twice about it.

Chris Johnson

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
In article <7r9b4o$4bl$>, Swiftfoot Cheetah
<> wrote:
> I just had to pause the first time I read "I don't have a LIFESTYLE, I
> have a LIFE!"

I'm still puzzled by one thing. Why are these supposed to be mutually
exclusive? o_O

Oh well: I guess being some sort of 'lifestyler' who cares very much
about aspects of his life that have nothing to do with furriness, I
couldn't be expected to understand... doesn't apply to me, move on to next

(aka Chris Johnson)

Paul R. Bennett

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
I have not seen one of the Georgia's yet. I have the Delaware, Pennsylvania, and
New Jersey, the King Gusta.. (oops, what is that doing there!). I also got hold
of a couple of the old bicentennial quarters that have wound up in the special
coin (mayonnaise) jar.


Richard Chandler - WA Resident wrote:

> > I like the Delaware ones. Is this the first horse on a coin?

> I haven't seen a Delaware yet, and only a few Georgias. But I see lots of PAs
> and I hate 'em. They're SO flat and plain they feel like a subway token, only
> not as elaborate.

Dale Farmer

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
"Paul R. Bennett" wrote:
> I have not seen one of the Georgia's yet. I have the Delaware, Pennsylvania, and
> New Jersey, the King Gusta.. (oops, what is that doing there!). I also got hold
> of a couple of the old bicentennial quarters that have wound up in the special
> coin (mayonnaise) jar.
> Paul
> Richard Chandler - WA Resident wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > (Cerulean) writes:
> > > I like the Delaware ones. Is this the first horse on a coin?
> >
> > I haven't seen a Delaware yet, and only a few Georgias. But I see lots of PAs
> > and I hate 'em. They're SO flat and plain they feel like a subway token, only
> > not as elaborate.
> >

Check your PA quarters. Apparently there were a batch of them out
that were mis-struck. (Normally the obverse and reverse are
to each other. The seven known examples are same side up, when you turn
them right to left. ) They are selling for $400 each according to the
radio report.


Dale's useless sig file. My own personal opinion, not my employers,
My memory is an unreliable transport mechanism.
remove the antispam from the return address to E-mail me.

TriGem Olandarinse

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
"S.J.Laitila" wrote:

> It's cheaper than most of the T-shirts I've seen. And it's
> kinda funny too. And it makes me feel sorry for the world,
> that someone is bitching about a T-shirt.

Yeppers.. furry logic for you.

I plunked down $150 for a super sponser at Anthrocon, and got a T-shirt, a
dinner, and a print. But ya know.. I enjoyed it :)

88888888\/--\/ moc.liamtoh@megirt \/--\/ Reverse to Get email.88888888

Alan \\TriGem\\ Kennedy ICQ #8781052

FCWcs2amr A+ C+ D+ H+ M++ P+ R+++ T+ W Z Sm++ RLAT a23 cdn++++ d++ e+ f+ h iwf++
j++ p sm+ Decode My Code.

We should police ourselves, as we are our own best censors.

Exeperience and talent are NO excuse for blatent and utter

Those who ARE informed, are the ones with the power, and those with power are
always looked upon as something to be feared by those WHO are IGNORANT.

Xydexx Squeakypony

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
"Darrel L. Exline" wrote:
> Xydexx the Sesquipedalian Squeakypony wrote:
> > Interesting Trivia:
> > Xydexx has donated more money to charity this
> > year than the amount Burned Fur donated to HPI.
> (This may be bragging... but hey, that's was "Bragging Rights" are for...)

Mind you, I'm not mentioning it to brag about it. I'm just pointing out
that someone like S.J.Laitila shouldn't be calling people "selfish and
dramatically stupid" for not donating to BF's charity.

Xydexx Squeakypony [ICQ: 7569393]
Xydexx's Anthrofurry Homepage

Xydexx Squeakypony

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99

IIRC, your point was that people who donate money to charity are
"selfish" and "dramatically stupid".

I don't think it proves your point at all.

The Saprophyte

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
S.J.Laitila wrote:
> >The Saprophyte wrote:

> >_A_ charity, singular. There are more than enough organizations out
> >there to ensure that the money gets where it's needed without lending
> >one drop of prestige to a group one doesn't wish to support.
> > Sending a "message" to BF through non-participation needn't affect
> >anyone other than BF.
> This somehow proves my point...

...Except perhaps that it's probable that those people who would donate
to BFs HPI benefit are most likely those people who'd donate to
to charity anyways regardless, And, if put off, will likely just take
their money to another charitable organization. So, again, there's no
reason to assume that an action against an event and it's organizers
_must_ translate into an action against it's beneficiaries.
Personally, I find the idea of using the hardships of others as a
weapon in internacine politics repugnant in itself.

The Saprophyte
this address contains no spam,
artificial preservatives
or added fillers.

Dr. Cat

Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
Darrel L. Exline ( wrote:
: The Burned Furs are NOT running ConFurence.

See, this is the kind of thing I'd like to see the members of that
movement doing a lot more. If one member goes and spouts off some
ridiculous rubbish, instead of sitting back and wishing everybody
would know they don't speak for the rest, you should go out and
state in the same public forum that you disagree with their nonsense.

You keep doing that, and someday maybe the BFs might even end up
having a decent reputation. :X)

Well, you'd probably have to stop calling people "full of shit" too,
or else you might just break even overall. But hey, it's a good start!

Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions || Free alpha test:
Furcadia - a new graphic mud for PCs! || Let your imagination soar!

(Disclaimer: Now if the guy who said they were running Confurence would
just come forward and say "Ok, I was wrong, I admit it" then it would be
a really shpedoinkal day. But he'll probably never do that, especially
now that I've said I'd like it. I don't think he has enough guts to "eat
crow" if he thinks it would bring happiness to people he dislikes, even
if he clearly WAS wrong. Well, that's his business. Me, I'll keep
eating crow each and every time I realize that I was wrong about something.
The reason that doesn't happen more often isn't because I'm right all the
time, by the way - far from it! It's just because when I'm wrong I'm
usually too stooooopid to realize it. :X) You can't expect me to admit
to it when I don't know it yet, now can ya?)

(Triple Secret Disclaimer: Actually what I'd really have anyway is not
that guy saying "Ok, I was wrong, the BFs don't run Confurence". What
I really really really want is for 5-10 BF members to follow Ben Bruin
around everywhere he goes, online and in real life, and every time he
spouts off about "all pornography is harmful, even the kind that only has
humans in it, even the tame stuff", or "homosexuality is wrong"... All
the BFs following him would yell "WRONG WRONG WRONG! Pornography is
morally acceptable and occasionally even artistic, and it's perfectly
fine to be gay or bisexual, and you're just a screwball nutcase!" and
then pelt him with fish and globs of Cheez Wiz and whipped cream, and
then they would all pull out enormous, brightly colored Nerf Bats (tm) and
stand in a circle around him and pummel him mercilessly about the head
and shoulders in that painless yet ultimately humiliating way that only
Nerf (tm) products can deliver, while chanting Gregorian Chants
mercilessly until he collapsed to the ground begging for mercy.
Oh, and they would all be wearing Albedo t-shirts the whole time. I'm
not really sure why, they just would be. It's my demented dream, not
yours, so *I* get to say what they'd be wearing, allright? It's not like
this would ever really happen, so I'm not forcing BF members to go out
and spend the bucks for the shirts or nuthin'.)

(Disclaimer of previous disclaimer: That was just a joke. I don't really
advocate shooting a Nerf Bat in the back of a head in real life! Nobody
should ever do that to a poor defenseless Nerf Bat (tm). No, little Billy,
not even if the Nerf Bat is a weirdo pervert communist. Now hush up and
go do your homework for Ballistics class.)

(By the way: All kidding aside, I really am glad to see a BF stand up in
public and correct an outrageous claim made by one of his fellow members.
That's a good thing, and I think that it's a good thing - you just can't
necessarily tell that I think so with all the talk about Cheez Wiz (which
is also probably trademarked by the way.) But I do. So ok bye.)

Rick Pikul

Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
On Fri, 10 Sep 1999 12:51:26 GMT, Xydexx the Sesquipedalian
Squeakypony <> wrote:

>Cerulean wrote:
>> I like the Delaware ones. Is this the first horse on a coin?

>AFAIK, yesh.

ITYM 'First horse on a US coin.'

The Canadian RCMP quarter was put out a couple of decades ago,
showing a Mountie mounted on his horse.

There are older ones.

Dr. Cat

Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
Hangdog ( wrote:
: Do you think HPI would have allowed its name to be used by a group
: that condoned and supported the sexual abuse of animals?

And this does what, exactly, to contribute to the discussion of whether a
non-rude group might be better at charitable fundraising? Do you think
that all sub-groups in furry fandom support sexual abuse of animals
except for the Burned Furs?

Or is it just that classic Burned Fur obsession with making sure that the
most controversial and troublesome tiny minorities in the fandom get
dragged into the limelight over and over again, even when they had
NOTHING to do with the subject under discussion? I don't see how sexual
abuse of animals relates to any of the subjects that were being discussed
before you brought it up.

Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions || Free alpha test:
Furcadia - a new graphic mud for PCs! || Let your imagination soar!

(Disclaimer: Of course it can always serve as a cheap rhetorical ploy, to
try to smear your opponents and damage the credibility of their arguments
(especially arguments you can't refute) by lumping them together with the
very worst members of the whole group. Might actually have some
effectiveness if people were too stupid to see right through that tactic.)

(Disclaimer disclaimer: On the other hand, if tossing around angry
remarks about sexual abusers of animals is intended only to allow the
author the pleasure of venting his frustration and anger, or to give
him the chance to grow closer to fellow pissed-off people as they find
each other through similar public insults and privately express their
great amount of agreement with each other, and how highly they think of
each other for having insulted the right people... Then it may have
served his purpose 100% fine, even though it fails to contribute anything
to any actual semblance of a two-sided intellectually stimulating
open-minded kinda debate thang.)

Dr. Cat

Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
Hangdog ( wrote:
: Would anyone who dropped by the Heifer Hop or Burned Fur meeting care to
: speculate on just how "delusional" this all may be?

Gee, when you claimed a certain individual (me, in point of fact) was
"obviously delusional", and the response was a flurry of facts to support
the claims in question, you didn't say anything further on the matter,
let alone admit you were wrong about anything.

And now you expect people that YOU attempt to refute to give you that
kind of satisfaction, instead of letting their prior negative remarks

Here, have a clue. Take two, they're small. :X)

: Hold still--there's an unintended irony crawling down your back...;o)

Yours too, oh canine hypocrite! :X)

Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions || Free alpha test:
Furcadia - a new graphic mud for PCs! || Let your imagination soar!

(Disclaimer: Burned Furs like Darrel Exline are actually lucky to have a
few members like Hangdog and his ilk in the movement, in one regard. Mr.
Exline may not really be one of the truly moderate members of the
movement - but Hangdog makes him SEEM like a moderate, by comparison!)

David Formosa (aka ? the Platypus)

Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
On Wed, 08 Sep 1999 14:52:35 -0500, Hangdog <> wrote:


>Well, we're also running CF 11,

Your not. CF11 officaly said that you where not.

Please excuse my spelling as I suffer from agraphia. See to find out more.

Dr. Cat

Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
S.J.Laitila ( wrote:
: It's cheaper than most of the T-shirts I've seen. And it's
: kinda funny too. And it makes me feel sorry for the world,
: that someone is bitching about a T-shirt.

Analysis of SJL's reasonings and motivations...

"Bitching with a t-shirt's slogan is ok. Bitching about a t-shirt is not."

Nope, nope, bad analysis. Not plausible enough. let's try:

"Bitching I agree with is ok. Bitching I disagree with is just sad."

Well that might be it. :X)

Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions || Free alpha test:
Furcadia - a new graphic mud for PCs! || Let your imagination soar!

(Disclaimer: Remember kids, it's not really bitching if you put it in the
form of a joke or a pun, no matter how much you actually dislike the
"furry lifestylers" or whoever. Learn enough about gags and sarcasm, and
you can insult lifestylers forever and it doesn't officially "count"! :X)


Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
>IIRC, your point was that people who donate money to charity are
>"selfish" and "dramatically stupid".

Strange... I don't remember I said that... It looks like you
are using childish misleading tactics.

>I don't think it proves your point at all.

Furry fandom is a great subject for making a thesis of in my
psychology classes.


Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
>Mind you, I'm not mentioning it to brag about it. I'm just pointing out
>that someone like S.J.Laitila shouldn't be calling people "selfish and
>dramatically stupid" for not donating to BF's charity.

Unfortunately my post seemed to cause havoc and decay. That means
I'll have to explain it once more, if I have already done it.

I think charity is independent of the people who run it. But
that's just my opinion. I'm still an ex-BF nazi-hatemonger right
wing commie.


Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
>> It's cheaper than most of the T-shirts I've seen. And it's
>> kinda funny too. And it makes me feel sorry for the world,
>> that someone is bitching about a T-shirt.
>Yeppers.. furry logic for you.

If someone buys a "I love beer" T-shirt, that doesn't mean
he's a lifeless alcoholic. I think there's more than enough
furry logic shoved in swiftfoot's post.

Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
Xydexx Squeakypony <> wrote:

: Mind you, I'm not mentioning it to brag about it. I'm just pointing out

: that someone like S.J.Laitila shouldn't be calling people "selfish and
: dramatically stupid" for not donating to BF's charity.

Naw, they're "selfish and dramatically stupid" when they act like you.


Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
S.J.Laitila <> wrote:
:>IIRC, your point was that people who donate money to charity are

:>"selfish" and "dramatically stupid".

: Strange... I don't remember I said that... It looks like you
: are using childish misleading tactics.

You're talking to a guy who fucks inflatable animals and is totally
divorced from reality. C'mon, you expected something above childish?

Karl's mental age is nine.

Karina Wright

Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99

> Mind you, I'm not mentioning it to brag about it. I'm just pointing out
> that someone like S.J.Laitila shouldn't be calling people "selfish and
> dramatically stupid" for not donating to BF's charity.

It's been a while since I saw his original message, but my impression from
it was not that he was necessarily berating anyone for not contributing
specifically to the BF's charity, but a general observation that if the only
reason one is snubbing a charity is because of the political leanings of one
of its supporters is selfish and dramatically stupid.

I have a couple of charities that I support and were I to find out that Newt
Gingrich or Senator Bird also contributed to them, I wouldn't get all huffy
and stop supporting the charity, I would say to myself "at least they have
good sense about something".


PS. I happened to go to the Heifer Hop (not knowing at the time at the time
that it was sponsored by the BFs) because I liked the concept of ice cream
floats and helping out the charity. During the times I stopped by there was
no spouting by anyone that I heard any philosophical bullshit from either
side, mostly commentary on the concept of floating ice cream in grape soda.

Xydexx the Sesquipedalian Squeakypony

Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
S.J.Laitila wrote:

> Xydexx wrote:
> >IIRC, your point was that people who donate money to charity are
> >"selfish" and "dramatically stupid".
> Strange... I don't remember I said that...

You said that "refusing to participate in charity because the ones who
run it are 'nasty hyoomans' is not only selfish but also dramatically
stupid." In other words, anyone who didn't contribute to Burned Fur's
charity is "selfish" and "dramatically stupid". They might, for all we
know, also be "obviously delusional", which I think is a lot better
than being a "nasty hyooman" any day.

Since I didn't contribute to Burned Fur's charity, I am in your opinion
one of those "selfish" and "dramatically stupid" people. I might also
be "obviously delusional", if only for the fact that I think if someone
can afford to be finicky about who contributes to their charity, then
maybe they think their charity doesn't need the money that badly. Or it
could be because I don't think being nasty is a good way to get people
to donate money to a fundraiser. Indeed, I think it seems pretty
"selfish" and "dramatically stupid" to hold a fundraiser and then try to
drive away potential contributors.

Since I've contributed more money to charity this year than Burned Fur
raised for HPI, I am one of those "people who donate money to charity".
In other words, just because I don't contribute to a fundraiser run by
"nasty hyoomans" does not prohibit me from contributing to a fundraiser
run by "nice hyoomans". Of course whether or not I contribute to
charity doesn't matter to you, because you think "refusing to
participate in charity because the ones who run it are 'nasty hyoomans'
is not only selfish but also dramatically stupid."

Ergo, you think "people who donate money to charity" are "selfish" and
"dramatically stupid".

Of course, if you didn't intend to call me "selfish" and "dramatically
stupid" for donating to charity, you _could_ just say so instead of
denying you said it in the first place.[1]

Xydexx Squeakypony, K.S.C. [ICQ: 7569393]

[1] Unless of course, you really don't think you
said it, in which case I'll just say you're
"obviously delusional", and then you, me, and
Dr. Cat can all try to get a discount on group
therapy or something. Then basket weaving can
be your new hobby instead of furry fandom. Yep.
It'll be wonderful. I can't wait. Maybe if I
ask really nicely they'll put me in the rubber
room. Oooh, yeah. That makes me feel all warm
and fuzzy inside, like I swallowed a Furby or
something. I always feel like that, actually.
It must be because I'm not a "nasty hyooman"
or "self-declared mean person" like some people.
I'm a "NYCE" person... NYCE, of course, is the
acronym for New York Cash Exchange, and so
being a "NYCE person" means I spend a lot of
time in furry fandom "throwing my money
around at cons" and stuff, when I could be
buying inflatable Rodney Reindeer on ebay for
half the price. I could buy a whole truckload
of them if I wanted to, because I'm "obviously
delusional", which is _still_ a lot better than
being a "nasty hyooman". I think "obviously
delusional" people have a lot more fun than
"nasty hyoomans" anyway, because "obviously
delusional" people are too happy, and "nasty
hyoomans" are so grumpy and grouchy and whiny
that _nobody_ wants to be around them except
for other grumpy and grouchy and whiny people.
Hey, maybe the grumpy and grouchy and whiny
people need therapy a lot more than "obviously
delusional" ones, because they seem to be a
_lot_ worse off than I am. Food for thought.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Paul R. Bennett

Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
Now THAT got my attention... Thank you for the info. I am definitely going to keep
watching for them. 'Bout four/five of them and I could get my '74 dodge pickumup
Dale, thanks very much.

Dale Farmer wrote:

> "Paul R. Bennett" wrote:
> >
> > I have not seen one of the Georgia's yet. I have the Delaware, Pennsylvania, and
> > New Jersey, the King Gusta.. (oops, what is that doing there!). I also got hold
> > of a couple of the old bicentennial quarters that have wound up in the special
> > coin (mayonnaise) jar.
> >
> > Paul
> >
> > Richard Chandler - WA Resident wrote:
> >
> > > In article <>,
> > > (Cerulean) writes:

> > > > I like the Delaware ones. Is this the first horse on a coin?
> > >


Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99

Xydexx the Sesquipedalian Squeakypony <> :

>You said that "refusing to participate in charity because the ones who
>run it are 'nasty hyoomans' is not only selfish but also dramatically

In other words, anyone who refuses to donate to a worthy cause -because the
people collecting for that cause are considered nasty- is selfish and

This is not the same thing as not donating to said worthy cause for some
other not being solicited to do so, or not hearing about it,
etc. But penalizing the charity because of the people going around
collecting for it? Yep, that's stupid and selfish.


Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
>It's been a while since I saw his original message, but my impression from
>it was not that he was necessarily berating anyone for not contributing
>specifically to the BF's charity, but a general observation that if the only
>reason one is snubbing a charity is because of the political leanings of one
>of its supporters is selfish and dramatically stupid.

Thank you. I could not have said it better myself.


Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
>You're talking to a guy who fucks inflatable animals and is totally
>divorced from reality. C'mon, you expected something above childish?

What I've read and heard about plushophilia is something I refuse to
thing about. It gets my head all messed up.

> Karl's mental age is nine.

Someone said mine is 75... Prolly because I'm against everything
that is new. Like the Finnish mobile telephone culture.


Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
>Analysis of SJL's reasonings and motivations...
> "Bitching with a t-shirt's slogan is ok. Bitching about a t-shirt is not."

"At least I don't have hemorrhoids" - That would be a nifty T-shirt text...
But would it be bitching?

> "Bitching I agree with is ok. Bitching I disagree with is just sad."

That is correct. How does that make me different than any other human

>(Disclaimer: Remember kids, it's not really bitching if you put it in the
>form of a joke or a pun, no matter how much you actually dislike the
>"furry lifestylers" or whoever. Learn enough about gags and sarcasm, and
>you can insult lifestylers forever and it doesn't officially "count"! :X)

But if you're a lifestyler you have every right to bitch and insult anyone
who doesn't want to associte themselves with them? That seems pretty much
like so.


Sep 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/12/99
Forrest wrote:

>But penalizing the charity because of the people going around
>collecting for it? Yep, that's stupid and selfish.

The Burned Fur attempt to wrap themselves in HPI's banner might be more
successful if I knew that HPI actually received the money[1].

Urban fey dragon

"Yes, my e-mail address is valid. It just doesn't look valid."

[1] ... and why such a small amount? Did none of the BF themselves
contribute anything? $150 dollars is pitiful - that comes out to ten
dollars per BF, practically.


Sep 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/12/99
Karina Wright wrote:

>if the only
>reason one is snubbing a charity is because of the political leanings of
>one of its supporters is selfish and dramatically stupid.

I'm holding a pork barbeque to benefit Rwandan refugees - invite all your
VEGAN friends. Any takers? No??[1]

Gee, all your friends are "selfish and dramatically stupid".
They must be bigots, too. Prove they're not.

Urban fey dragon

"Yes, my e-mail address is valid. It just doesn't look valid."

[1] A few would come anyway, donate money and try not to vomit... kinda
like when I read BF posts on AFF, then I donate some wisdom, and try not
to vomit

The Saprophyte

Sep 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/12/99
S.J.Laitila wrote:

> >Xydexx wrote:
> >Mind you, I'm not mentioning it to brag about it. I'm just pointing out
> >that someone like S.J.Laitila shouldn't be calling people "selfish and
> >dramatically stupid" for not donating to BF's charity.

> Unfortunately my post seemed to cause havoc and decay. That means
> I'll have to explain it once more, if I have already done it.
> I think charity is independent of the people who run it. But
> that's just my opinion. I'm still an ex-BF nazi-hatemonger right
> wing commie.

Ah, I see what you mean now. The context threw me off before.
A note, though, on Xydexx' original point:

People aren't refusing, They're being _refused_.

Normally, you'd be right, but when _who's_ running an event becomes
synonymous with _how_ they're running it, it matters _alot_.

'Nuff said. No havok intended. :)
(although we Saprophytes are rather fond of decay)

Xydexx Squeakypony

Sep 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/12/99
Forrest wrote:
> But penalizing the charity because of the people going around
> collecting for it? Yep, that's stupid and selfish.

If the people collecting for charity want to be finicky about who
contributes to it, then they're the ones penalizing the charity... not

Is there a reason you don't see anything "stupid" or "selfish" about the
people collecting for charity who pride themselves on driving potential
contributors away?

Xydexx Squeakypony [ICQ: 7569393]

Xydexx Squeakypony

Sep 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/12/99
Karina Wright wrote:
> It's been a while since I saw his original message, but my impression from
> it was not that he was necessarily berating anyone for not contributing
> specifically to the BF's charity, but a general observation that if the only

> reason one is snubbing a charity is because of the political leanings of one
> of its supporters is selfish and dramatically stupid.

What if someone ends up snubbing a charity because they've been made to
feel unwelcome by the people doing the fundraising?

Gee, y'know, maybe if Burned Furs didn't pride themselves on being so
nasty to folks like me, I would've stopped by at Heifer Hop and "thrown
some of my money around", like I'm so notorious for doing.

However, for months prior to their event, the only stuff I saw from
Burned Fur was hate-filled Manifestos, obscenity-laden diatribes and
threats of physical violence in newsgroups, and the general attitude
that they considered someone like me to be Persona Non Grata.

Do you really think I'm supposed to feel welcome at their charity event
after all that?

I certainly don't think so.

And I also don't think people should be calling me "selfish and
dramatically stupid" for not donating to Burned Fur's charity when
Burned Fur made it abundantly clear they didn't want me at their event
in the first place.

Xydexx Squeakypony

Sep 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/12/99
The Saprophyte wrote:
> A note, though, on Xydexx' original point:
> People aren't refusing, They're being _refused_.
> Normally, you'd be right, but when _who's_ running an event becomes
> synonymous with _how_ they're running it, it matters _alot_.


People shouldn't be calling me "selfish and dramatically stupid" for not

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