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Hey Silvermuzzles! (50+) The Furry Survey 2012 needs you!

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Apr 1, 2012, 1:57:35 AM4/1/12
The current tally for 2012 says there are only 36 people in furry fandom
who are over 50 years of age. You and I know that's bunk! So here's a
heads-up to the elder furs out there - get yourselves counted!

The results as of now show that the plurality of furries are in the HIGH
SCHOOL AGE demographic, and that 3 out of 4 are 24 and under. What?? This
simply cannot be true. There were a ton of 30-somethings in the fandom
back in the mid-'90s. What, have all but 36 of them died since then? J/k,
but you gotta admit, the 50+ demographic is seriously underrepresented
here. You can help give the survey some much needed balance by taking the
2012 Furry Survey at the URL above.


-Rabs (57 and still going strong!)

Kay Shapero

Apr 1, 2012, 2:37:06 AM4/1/12
In article <310320122257359325%whit...@domain.invalid>,
whit...@domain.invalid says...
I suspect what on the first scanthrough looks like a large emphasis on
sex may be biasing the selection against those who have been involved
for a very long time and spent rather a lot of it fending off outsiders
who seem to think that furrydom is one long orgy (which I personally
find hilarious, since the REST of fandom is always being accused of no
sex life at all). Don't recall if I've filled the thing out but I'll
try and remember to deal with it tomorrow. This 61 year old kittycat is
going to BED.

Kay Shapero
Address munged, to email use kay at the above domain (everything after
the www.)
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