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Get the furry FAQs on PeterCat's Furry InfoPage!

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Aug 2, 2010, 5:23:21 AM8/2/10
Archive-name: furry/infopage
Posting-Frequency: Posted every other Monday.
Last-Modified: May 29, 2001

For the most up-to-date collection of FAQs and facts about furries and
furry fandom, point your Web browser to:

Many thanks to Tigerwolf for hosting the pages at (And if
you're a furry philanthropist who'd like to help a good cause, contact
<>, who'd love a faster link but can't afford the
recurring expense.)

The Furry InfoPage is also the site for the periodic furry FAQs posting
to and related newsgroups:

a.f.f FAQ 8th, 25th
art materials 10th, 23rd
art preservation 10th of odd months
zines 13th, 30th, Feb. 28
comics list 13th, 30th, Feb. 28
publishers' addresses 13th, 30th, Feb. 28
films 1st, 15th
anime 15th
novels, novels-update 3rd, 20th
copyright 7th, 22nd
con-tips The week before furry cons
sketchbook The week before furry cons charter 1st, 15th
furvey 1st, 15th
MU*s 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
plushies Saturdays
binaries Tuesdays
FurryNet Fridays
infopage every other Monday

If you've written a furry FAQ, essay, informational list, etc. that
you'd like posted regularly and automatically to and the
fur.* newsgroups, contact me at <>. You can either
e-mail the FAQ to me whenever you update it, or if you keep it on your
own web page I can fetch it from there at posting time.

The Furry InfoPage! (PeterCat) Rhal on FurryMUCK (come cuddle!)

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