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Backup disney bluray cars 2?

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Nov 7, 2011, 1:52:36 AM11/7/11
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Disney Cars 2 blu ray edition is just released. And Ideal Blu-ray Copy
has successfully removed the tricks in it, you may backup this bluray
and appreciate it on your HDTV, enjoy what happened to McQueen and
Mater in Cars 2.

Ideal Blu-ray Copy supports two copy modes, entire disc and only the
main movie. If you want to get the same quality and content as the
original bluray cars 2, then you may use the default mode "Entire
disc" mode. Want to deleted the unwanted subtitle and audio track,
just use "Only the main movie" mode, it can fit your need.

Now, download Ideal Blu-ray Copy from
and install it to have a try.

When using this powerful blu ray copy software, ensure your computer
is connected to internet, since it needs access their sever to
download the key to remove the protection. If Ideal Blu-ray Copy
didn't funcion properly, check your firewall and anti-virus software,
maybe they blocked it to access internet. Have any questions, just
contact their support team, they may help you within one day.

Except blu ray cars 2, Ideal Blu-ray Copy also can copy the following
popular movies:
Jurassic Park III
Sex And The City 2
Julie And Julia
The Ward
Jet Li's Fearless
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never
Crazy, Stupid, Love
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