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Backup dvd "Captain America: The First Avenger"

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Oct 22, 2011, 11:12:56 AM10/22/11
Ideal DVD Copy has already fixed the DVD "Captain America: The First
Avenger", can help you remove the copy protection in it and make a
perfect copy, so far, it has fixed three edtions of "Captain America:
The First Avenger". They're two editons for Region 1&4 and one edition
for Region 1.

Ideal DVD Copy combines copying, decryption and burning functions, you
don't need other decrypters at all. For example, any dvd, dvd43,
dvdfab decrypter. Now, you may download the latest version of Ideal
DVD Copy from to have a try.
It offers 10 free full function trials.

If you still failed to copy "Captain America" with this version, that
mostly means your dvd is another edition which they haven't met, just
keep the DVD in your DVD drive, click the icon on the left top corner
of Ideal DVD Copy main form, click "Export bup files" menu, save it
and then send it to their support team, they will tell you how to copy
it within one day.

All Ideal DVD Converters, such as DVD to iPad Converter, DVD to Avi
Converter, DVD to MP4 Converter also can rip this DVD, you may
download the converter you needed from
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