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And the hits just keep on coming...

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Ben Bruin

Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99
Ladies and gentlemen-- allow me to present to you, for your reading
enjoyment, Squee Rat, and her associates AoD and Hangdog. Now, don't
let the name changes throw you-- during the course of the past few
days, Squee has changed her IRC nick to Spike, Scar, and KenRex. And of
course, as part of the performance, her lovely assistants go through
several costume changes themselves....

AoD: If you want to piss on someone, piss on Scotty.
Atara: one year? For what, a credit check?
RailRide: Yerf membership
AoD: No, they're just sitting on their asses.
<Squee> Can I piss on ben? He's a more satisfying target.
<AoD> If you like.
<Squee> he sniffles and tries to act superior.
<Ben_Bruin> Squee: unlike some, I am CAPABLE of trying.,
<Squee> There he goes!
<AoD> Bwaha!
<Squee> I can hear his ass clech from here!
<Squee> clench, even!
*** AoD changes topic to 'It's PooP time! '
<Atara> ...Ben is constipated?
<Squee> I bet you could put a charcoal briquette up his sphincter and
pull out a diamond after an hour!
<Squee> *CLENCH*
<Spike> Didn't you read the topic of discussion for this room?
<Spike> We;re crucifying art. if you want a turn yourself, you'll have
to wait in line.
<Spike> Anyway... onwards. Ben Bruin.
* Hurga- gets some popcorn and reclines.
<Spike> Your artwork, it has been decided, is agressively unremarkable.
<Spike> Forgettable to the point of Alheimers, it was siad.
<Spike> There is nothing special or endearing about it. Nothing
commendable, in fact.
<Spike> You blend seamlessly into the pack mentality of YERF.
<Ryu> Yerf is sorta like high school, really.
<Spike> Some art provokes emotion: hatred, joy, nostalgia, sympahty.
Your art, however, provokes nothing at all. and that is, undoubtably,
the worst kind of art anyone can make.
<Spike> It is cloying. it leaves a ring around the bathtub and a sour
taste in the viewer's mouth.
<Ben_Bruin> "with the birth of art, comes the inevitable afterbirth...
the art critic."
<Ryu> Well, most furry art does, though.
<Spike> Your linework is indecisive and wispy. And no matter what your
opinion of me may be, nothing's going to change that..
<Frett> Did any of you ever consider the possibility that some people
just want to draw "funny animals", not huge, impressive, emotional art
<Ben_Bruin> Spike: and who was THIs?
<Spike> Your inking is unsteady; pools of muddy blacks, poorly balanced
by expanses of undetailed white.
*** mr_koboto has joined #burnedfur
<Ben_Bruin> And my mother wears army boots. DO continue
<Spike> You seem unable to manage line weight, ben.
<mr_koboto> heyz
<Ryu> Hello Mr Koboto
<Spike> And your computer work is just plain ugly. The aliasing is all
i can look at.
*** creature has joined #burnedfur
<Ben_Bruin> Spike: and who, pray tell, is making this critique-- you or
someone else?
<Spike> Your anatomy seems rushed, and you are preoccupied with making
your characters undeniably appealing to all veiwers, everywhere.
* Spike hums. Thank you very much, Mr. Kobot-to..
<Spike> But anyway.
<Spike> AHEM.
*** itsCyril has quit IRC (We welcomed you to this world, and you
turned it in to a charnal house! )
<Ben_Bruin> Well, whenever you get around to saying exactly WHOSE
opiniions these are, wake me up.
<Spike> Your artwork has sunken into assembly line chic. There is no
attempt atvolume, realistic potryal of fabic, the effects of gravity..
<Spike> in short, ben, I give you a 2.5. out of ten.
<Ben_Bruin> "yours truly, anonymous
*** AoD sets mode: +o Ben_Bruin
*** AoD sets mode: -o Ben_Bruin
<Epiphany> Thank you, Lord.
<Wntrgreen> I'll take your word for it, Epiphany
* JEEZUS dashes into a nearby phone booth and...
*** JEEZUS is now known as Hangdog
*** Epiphany changes topic to 'Jesus built my hotrod, but Satan is my
motor. '
<ghastly> i think i get the panderb thing now.....
*** Epiphany is now known as Ben
<Ben> Nah. too close.
<ghastly> no... i don't know anything about it...
*** Ben is now known as KenRex
<KenRex> Much better.
<Jazaaboo> Squee can't figure out who she is at the moment
<KenRex> I'm a schitzophrenic and so am I.
* Wntrgreen is giving some thought to formally joining BFs...
<KenRex> Maybe I should be the baby Jesus.
<KenRex> That way, I get all kind sof shit for Christmas.
<Hangdog> "I changed my hairstyle sooo many times now/ I don't know
*what* I look like..."
<ghastly> old dirty bastard is fat baby jesus
<KenRex> With funky drawers. :D
<KenRex> And diaper rash.
<DragonZap> o/~ Jesus was born, and so we... get presents... thank you,
Jesus, for beeeing born! o/~
*** Hangdog is now known as Mr_Hanky
*** AoD is now known as Smokedbot
<Mr_Hanky> Hoooowdyyyy Hoooooo, kids!
<KenRex> *gasp*
<DragonZap> It's Mr. Hanky, the Christmas Poo!
<KenRex> Mr Hanky, tell me about Jesus.
<DragonZap> He loves me, I love you!
<Mr_Hanky> Kids, you may wonder just where Mr. Hankey got his magical
<Mr_Hanky> ...well, kids, that's because I'm the Baby Jesus's first poo!
<KenRex> Oooooo!
* Wntrgreen laughs
<KenRex> Aaaaah!

*** Ben_Bruin is now known as BenAFK
<Mr_Hanky> That's why I can be flushed and flushed, but always come
back each Christmas!!!
<KenRex> YAY!
<DragonZap> "Let Jesus be your anchor! So when Satan rocks your boat,
throw Jesus overboard!"
<Wntrgreen> baby poo eh? How come you don't smell like you went through
Cleveland on the way through the alimentary canal!
<KenRex> God bless Jesus's bowel movment!
<KenRex> Jesus's farts smell liek poppurri.
<Mr_Hanky> Mr. Hankey always leaves your toilet smelling FRESH and
*** Peejster has quit IRC (Leaving )
<Mr_Hanky> Yes, KenRex! That was actually Jesus's REAL First Miracle!
<KenRex> jesus should manifest hismelf on the cross. he could hop
around, Pogo stick style.
<DragonZap> o/~ Here's a game that I like to play, stick me in your
mouth and try to say, "Howdy ho ho and yum yum yum, Christmas time has
come!" o/~
<KenRex> I am lord god! boing boing boing!
<Jazaaboo> I think I remember reading that part in the Bible
<Jazaaboo> Jesus Died For Our Pogo-Stick Technology, people!
<KenRex> Behold, I am the Lord your God, and I want me some poontang.
<DragonZap> my telnet is my friend
<Mr_Hanky> "And yea, the shit of the Son of God stinketh not..." John,
Number 2.
KenRex> "And thus, the Lord did say, "whosoever licketh down the sone
of god, and doth give him the holiest of rimjobs, shall manifest in
<KenRex> "And God did enter the house of sin, and did say, "Felch me,
baby! NOW! I'm horny as hell!"
<KenRex> And the Lord was felched, and the world did indeed see the
glory of God. >:)
* Ryu waves. Goodnight! :)
<DragonZap> You know, I think we're not getting anywhere with this
anymore =P
*** Ryu has left #burnedfur (Ryu )
<Jazaaboo> "Los Aventuros de EL BASTARDO! 'Love me, fear me, for I am
El Bastardo!'"
*** KenRex changes topic to '43rd Annual Blaspheme-off! C'mon in and
SIN! '
<Mr_Hanky> Ohhhh, alright...
*** Mr_Hanky is now known as Hangdog
<KenRex> jSin, sin sin sin sin sin sin sin...
<ghastly> some xtian who was trying to convert me told me that god
could do anything for me, so I asked if god gave good head.
<Hangdog> Sin, sin, sin salabin!
<ghastly> heh
<KenRex> Then me made out.
<KenRex> we.
<KenRex> :)
<ghastly> so you do love jesus ?
<ghastly> grin
* DragonZap has Ethics class flashbacks
<KenRex> You have NO idea where Jesus has been sticking his dirty
little cock.
<KenRex> He is SOOOOOO gay.
<ghastly> well he has all those wifes
<KenRex> And dudes back then didn' WASH, man...
<ghastly> i heard that mary was his wife....
<Hangdog> KenRex: have you ever heard the Violent Femmes sing "Religion
Ruined My Life?"
<KenRex> Incest!
<KenRex> No, but I've heard Bad religion. :)
<KenRex> How's it go?
<ghastly> who knew the manger was in west virginia ?
<KenRex> Jesus, you bastard, use a condom next time.
<KenRex> You're dick's so diseased, I burned from your slime.
<ghastly> jesus slimed you ?
<KenRex> I screamed like a bitch and I reached for the bleach.
<KenRex> You nasty little shit, practice what you preach.
<KenRex> The you burped and rolled over and fell rigth asleep.
<ghastly> well he is against birth control.....
<KenRex> Yer lazy and ugly, and gawd knows you're cheap.
<KenRex> Hee hee hee!
<ghastly> jesus is terrible with money..... he always seems to need
<KenRex> No kiddin.
<Hangdog> But I thought Jesus saves!
<ghastly> okay....bye now.... nice meeting ya...
<DragonZap> Q: How much money do you give to a 900 foot Jesus?
<DragonZap> A: As much as he wants.
*** ghastly has left #burnedfur (ghastly )
<KenRex> JeeeeeeZUS!
<KenRex> Sorry.
<KenRex> Who feels like a field trip to #yiff?
<KenRex> >:)
<Jazaaboo> Oh lordie
<DragonZap> heh
<KenRex> Howabout #furry?
<Jazaaboo> that works
<KenRex> yaya!
<DragonZap> I actually was opped in #furry some long
time ago =P
<KenRex> I need a new name.
<DragonZap> but like, they had no way to change addresses or anything
<Jazaaboo> Oh great, we started the Fan Name War again...
*** KenRex is now known as Scar
<Scar> There we go. >:)
*** BenAFK is now known as Ben_Bruin
<Scar> Generic enuff?
<Scar> HE'S BACK!
<DragonZap> hang on
<Jazaaboo> Fundie? Wasn't that the toy from the Simps-- oh wait, that
was Funzo
<Scar> yer a damn weirdo, Jaz. :D
<Scar> Now, off to #furry?
<DragonZap> wait
<Scar> aw..
<DragonZap> re-op me first
<Scar> sure.
<Hangdog> I don't wanna have to shower *again*
*** Jazaaboo sets mode: +p+o DragonZap
<DragonZap> Jaz: close
*** DragonZap sets mode: +s-p
*** Jazaaboo sets mode: -n
<Scar> it'll be Fuuuuuuuuuun.
<Jazaaboo> ah fuck-o
<DragonZap> You expected otherwise?
<Scar> I'll stick to harassing ben.
<Scar> Ben_Bruin
<Scar> Hey, FUNDIE!
<Scar> TALK TO ME!
<Scar> I LOVE YOU!
<Ben_Bruin> logging you.
<Scar> GOOD.
<Scar> Not surprised.
<Scar> >:)
<Ben_Bruin> And you surprise me even less.
<Scar> Oh, LOG me, baby.
<Scar> LOG ME!
<DragonZap> Hey, Ben, here's a question. Who do you actually plan to
show these logs to, anyway?
<Jazaaboo> Jesus Chirst? Wasn't that his less popular, wise-cracking
<Scar> God. it's seriously too eeasy.
<Scar> Hey, ben, can you show this to the Pope!?
<Scar> I wann give him a heart attack and speed up the End Times.
<Scar> because they ARE coming.
<Scar> Honest.
<Scar> Yeah, lets burn some crosses!
<Scar> Oops. What does this button do?
*** wfortier has joined #burnedfur
*** You were kicked by Scar (No logging, dirty little man! )

This is how she treats her *supporters.*

Judge for yourselves.
"What was that sound?"
"A paradigm shifting without a clutch."

Sent via
Before you buy.

Kyle L. Webb

Dec 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/25/99

Ben Bruin wrote:
Two comments:

A. Are you trying to tell us something we didn't already know?

B. Posting channel logs to a public group seems a touch like posting
email. A bit gauche, at best.

Kyle L. Webb
Hartree Fox on yiffnet

Ben Bruin

Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99
In article <>,

"Kyle L. Webb" <> wrote:
> Ben Bruin wrote:
> >
> Two comments:
> A. Are you trying to tell us something we didn't already know?

> B. Posting channel logs to a public group seems a touch like posting
> email. A bit gauche, at best.

Of course. How *GAUCHE* of me.

Ahhh, the web. Where they pee in your plate, and then demand you use
the proper fork.....

Al Goldman

Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99
In article <843eob$cpq$>, Ben Bruin <>

> Ladies and gentlemen-- allow me to present to you, for your reading
>enjoyment, Squee Rat, and her associates AoD and Hangdog.

<Snip - anti-Christian ranting>

>This is how she treats her *supporters.*
>Judge for yourselves.


Adds new meaning to the phrase "Laughed at with maximum cruelty", doesn’t
it? :-)

As a free-thinker I would like to say how unfortunate it is that you were
subjected to such a vile assault against your religious beliefs on Christmas
day. I don't support the BF's, but such conduct is inexcusable regardless of
the political beliefs of the persons involved.

Try to have a Merry Christmas.

Al Goldman


I've just seen the most heroic dog on television. He pulled a toddler from
the path of a speeding car, then pushed a criminal in front of it.

Mr. Burns, The Simpsons.

TriGem Olandarinse

Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99
Ben Bruin wrote:

Lemme get this straight Ben?

They all pissed and shit in your wheaties, and because you couldn't take it,
you posted a log?

Okay, tell me where exactly does this get you?

Take a bit of advice, thumb your nose, and move one. Think you're the only
one's who artistry has been mocked and heckled?



|\/--\/ TriGem Olandarinse, Thé ŁůPhrŞnítÉ \/--\/|
AKA: Alan Kennedy
ICQ: 8781052


FurCode: FCW[Luphra'nite Bioroid]cms3dmrw A+ C+ D++ H+ M++ P+ R+++ T+ W Z
Sm++ RLAT/U a23 cdnw++++ d++ e+ f+ h++ iwf++ j++ p sm+ <<<-- Decode The Code


The dumber people think you are, the more suprised they'll be when you kill

Peter da Silva

Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99
In article <8444gc$q2k$>,

Ben Bruin <> wrote:
>> B. Posting channel logs to a public group seems a touch like posting
>> email. A bit gauche, at best.

>Of course. How *GAUCHE* of me.

>Ahhh, the web. Where they pee in your plate, and then demand you use
>the proper fork.....

1. IRC isn't "the web".
2. Usenet isn't "the web".
3. How exactly was it that you were forced to see this? IRC isn't like email,
it's a real-time chat, you can always just do something else and when you
get back it's gone. It's not like they were doing channel takeovers or
something abusive like that.

In any case, man, posting unsolicited logs is a great way to get a reputation
as a kook. I don't know about "gauche", but it's amazingly counterproductive.

Bah, humbug. Let's have something cool and on-topic for the group.

Shrimp. Do shrimp count as furry?

Stephanie got me one of those sealed biospheres with 4 little red shrimp and
a little clump of weed for christmas.

Way cool.

This is The Reverend Peter da Silva's Boring Sig File - there are no references
to Wolves, Kibo, Discordianism, or The Church of the Subgenius in this document

Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications, Entropy Gradient Reversals.


Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99
to wrote:

> Ben Bruin <> wrote:
> : Ladies and gentlemen-- allow me to present to you, for your reading

> : enjoyment, Squee Rat, and her associates AoD and Hangdog. Now, don't
> : let the name changes throw you-- during the course of the past few
> : days, Squee has changed her IRC nick to Spike, Scar, and KenRex. And of
> : course, as part of the performance, her lovely assistants go through
> : several costume changes themselves....

> {much snipped}
> : This is how she treats her *supporters.*
> Feels a little different when the fur burning is yours doesn't it? Being
> "laughed at with maximum cruelty" isn't much fun is it? It looks like a
> bit of poetic justice and a good lesson on the real attitudes of the
> burned furs all rolled into one. Maybe next time you'll be just a little
> more dicerning with the causes you join.

Speaking of Squee Rat, has anyone else noticed that her art is no longer on
Yerf? Can anyone tell me what happened there (maybe that has something to do
with her pissing on Yerf artists in general)?

Rotten attitude aside, her art is pretty good.


This space for rent.

Richard Chandler - WA Resident

Dec 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/26/99
The only thing I find amusing about this is Ben denying perfectly valid and
factual criticisms of his artwork because he refuses to believe they actually
come from Squee.

Everything beyond that is just whining, and teasing the whiner who doesn't
have the sense to leave a situation where he's being ragged on.

The greatest tragedy is that the same species that achieved space flight,
a cure for polio, and the transistor, is also featured nightly on COPS.
-- Richard Chandler
Spammer Warning: Washington State Law now provides civil penalties for UCE.

Xydexx the Silly Squeaky Pony

Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
From :

"Vin! What happened to you?"

"It was a hate group I joined! I was lucky to get out alive! There's
nothing left of them! For some reason they turned inward and began
devouring EACH OTHER!"

"Eventually they all do that."

"I'd wondered why they asked how many calories I contained."

Karl Xydexx Jorgensen / Xydexx Squeakypony, K.S.C. [ICQ: 7569393]
"Even sheep are dangerous in numbers." --Farlo


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
On Sun, 26 Dec 1999 19:39:35 -0800, (Richard Chandler - WA
Resident) wrote:

>The only thing I find amusing about this is Ben denying perfectly valid and
>factual criticisms of his artwork because he refuses to believe they actually
>come from Squee.

Err... Ben *did* say: This is how she treats her *supporters.*

>Everything beyond that is just whining, and teasing the whiner who doesn't
>have the sense to leave a situation where he's being ragged on.

Yes, that's the appearance. Though I don't think that the ragging was done with
real malice and, generally, Ben doesn't look like he's got particularly delicate
feelings despite his strong beliefs.

So... interesting. Looks like #burnedfur is one *the* places to be (but then I
like Viz magazine - a vicious British social-satire comic.)

Then again, I don't like to see people hurt. So if anyone doesn't like
piss-taking, it's best to give #burnedfur (and probably, BF in general) a wide
berth. And I still think that BF are fuckwits if they think their methods are
tidying up anthro art's reputation.

|\ /|
| \'_| Farry
___.-' @ `--o
/// / ____,'
/ / ///~~/

Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
Peter da Silva <> wrote:

: 3. How exactly was it that you were forced to see this? IRC isn't like email,

: it's a real-time chat, you can always just do something else and when you
: get back it's gone. It's not like they were doing channel takeovers or
: something abusive like that.

. . . says the man who cried like a two-year-old having a temper tantrum
when his pet Usenet group was "over-run" with "trolls and flamers".

How were any of these people forcing you to see their flames and trolls?
You can always just go do something else, y'know.

You really live by two standards: those you hold yourself to, and those
you hold everyone else to.

Ben Bruin

Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
In article <>, (Richard Chandler - WA Resident) wrote:
> The only thing I find amusing about this is Ben denying perfectly
valid and
> factual criticisms of his artwork because he refuses to believe they
> come from Squee.
> Everything beyond that is just whining, and teasing the whiner who
> have the sense to leave a situation where he's being ragged on.

Yes, art critique goes hand in hand with pissing on someone's religion.
When you log onto a channel, say "hi" to someone you've supported and
defended, and their first act is to post in the topic "Fight ignorance,
burn a church", and "Mary, just another F---ing unwed teenage mother",
your opinion of their critique goes right in the toilet.*
And when you come back later, and she's posting under a whole new
pseudonym so that she can do harassment "raids" on other channels...
And so she can post semi-anonymous insults of other people's artwork...
You might as well pull the handle.

*Yes, I have the logs of THAT, as well. they were the most charming
things Squee has had to say to date.

Try reading more than the first paragraph. The reason I stuck around,
was simply to give her and her anklebiters more rope to hang
themselves with.


"What was that sound?"
"A paradigm shifting without a clutch."


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
In article <845fne$ndd$>, <>

> Feels a little different when the fur burning is yours doesn't it? Being
> "laughed at with maximum cruelty" isn't much fun is it? It looks like a
> bit of poetic justice and a good lesson on the real attitudes of the
> burned furs all rolled into one. Maybe next time you'll be just a little
> more dicerning with the causes you join.

Oh, puhlease! All furries treat each other like that. Infighting is one
of the inherent characteristic of this fandom.


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
In article <8450lf$hsc$>, Peter da Silva
<> wrote:

> Bah, humbug. Let's have something cool and on-topic for the group.

And remember, 'on-topic' means 'whatever Da Silva likes' since aff's
charter doesn't make anything on or off topic.


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
In article <847tou$6hn$>, Xydexx the Silly Squeaky Pony
<> wrote:

> "It was a hate group I joined! I was lucky to get out alive! There's
> nothing left of them! For some reason they turned inward and began
> devouring EACH OTHER!"

Actually, Xydexx, that doesn't happen with real hate groups. There is a
sense of brotherhood in the neo-nazis and the kkk that simply doesn't
exist anywhere in anything furry. But it's nice that you let your
ignorance shine out.


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
You know.. Looking at all this shit with Bruin and the BF has really
turned my stomach. It's been my contention that the BF are just furries
with a little shame, but I don't know if that correct. Furry has always
devoured its own. That's normal, but I've never seen it done with quite
so much gore before. I don't really like Bruin. He's pretty much a
typical 'christian' furry, but he was down with the BFs since the
beginning. He was one of their own. Yet Squee and her cronies rip into
him like he was the foulest lifestyler of them all. Why? For what
reason would she savagely flame a fellow BF? Because he was a
christian. The bitter irony is.. If some did the same kind of thing to
her, she'd cry foul. Hell, she HAS cried foul over a similar thing.
Back when someone made a quasi-racist remake on the yerf ngs, she jump
all over them for it. And I'm sure if someone used a racial slur
against her now she'd cry foul, but the she'd do the same kind of thing
to her own fellow BFs. I'd flame a furry or anyone I didn't like
viciously, but I would never turn on a friend or even an aquaintance as
the BFs have. The saddest part of all this was that Hangdog was in on
it. He's seemed to try and bring a classier, less flamy front to the
BFs. He's seemed to be reasonable in his posts here and with the
dealings I've had with him. In fact, he's seemed to have some class and
maturity. Yet he appears to be supporting Squee's unwarrented attack on
Bruin. I guess those true furry colors shine through on them all.


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
Reduced to playing the victim now, are we?

Ben, your art entirely aside, you're a religious bigot, an intolerant,
censorious zealot, abusive homophobe, habitual liar and "stirrer-up of
strife." The rest of us in Burned Fur have bent over backwards trying to
smooth the feathers you've ruffled and keep you placated. It's just like one
of those holiday family gatherings where everyone ends up dancing attendance
on the biggest asshole present in order to keep the peace. The only reason
we didn't toss you out on your ear was because Burned Fur doesn't yellow-dog
people the way they do on a.l.f.

But after a year of this, some of us decided that enough was enough.
We're Burned Furs because we have *some* standards of what is acceptable
behavior, and what is not. Yours is not. But in order to give you one last
chance we decided to see if you could at least take some of what you were
dishing out. You couldn't. Too bad.

At least you saved us the trouble of kicking you out and denouncing
you. You left of your own accord, and published your own reprehensibility in
the most convincing fasion. Thanks. Really, *thanks*. You've done more to
defend Burned Fur against charges of homophobia and censorship than we ever
could have done with more positive evidence.

Truth is, Ben, you never belonged in Burned Fur to begin with. You're
just like a run-of-the-mill member of our opposition: a whiny , childish
loser who insists on his own victimhood and can't tolerate dissent. Now it's
time for you to return to the company you deserve--and which deserves yours.

Have a nice life, if that's possible for you.

Ben Bruin

Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
In article <>,
Hangdog <> wrote:
> Reduced to playing the victim now, are we?
When people I have defended and supported treat me like crap, how DARE
I claim offense?

> Ben, your art entirely aside, you're a religious bigot,

Yes, I believe in my faith instead of yours. Total bigotry, that. Oh,
wait, that's freedom of religion isnt it?
an intolerant,
> censorious zealot,
cute phrase. pull another one out.

abusive homophobe,
I see. I dont approve of homosexual behavior, I'm a
(cue the kneejerk phrase)
"homophobe." party on, Newspeak baby.

habitual liar
now that one I wonder about. And what pray tell did I lie about?
These logs? Seems to me that they're your own spiteful little words
coming back to haunt you.

and "stirrer-up of
> strife."
Funny, that's what they say about you.

The rest of us in Burned Fur have bent over backwards trying to
> smooth the feathers you've ruffled and keep you placated.

Yes, I can see how publicly slandering me kept the peace.
And the last time you "smoothed ruffled feathers" was what? the
Bronze Age?

It's just like one
> of those holiday family gatherings where everyone ends up dancing
> on the biggest asshole present in order to keep the peace. The only
> we didn't toss you out on your ear was because Burned Fur doesn't
> people the way they do on a.l.f.

No, they just insult, slander, harass, violate, venomize, and degrade
them until they get sick of you.

> But after a year of this, some of us decided that enough was

> We're Burned Furs because we have *some* standards of what is
> behavior, and what is not.

Too bad they dont include treating your fellow BFs like human beings.

Yours is not. But in order to give you one last
> chance we decided to see if you could at least take some of what you
> dishing out.

Nice cover story. Think anyone buys it? no. Seems to me Squee showed up
and you decided to hump her leg a little. Show her what a good little
doggy you were.

You couldn't. Too bad.

Yes, I've been *ten* times worse than Squee. Haven't I.
You apparently can't take your actions being exposed to public scorn.

> At least you saved us the trouble of kicking you out and
> you. You left of your own accord, and published your own
reprehensibility in
> the most convincing fasion.

Why yes. I put *YOUR* words out in public view. Not fun having your
dirty laundry aired, is it?

Thanks. Really, *thanks*. You've done more to
> defend Burned Fur against charges of homophobia and censorship than
we ever
> could have done with more positive evidence.


> Truth is, Ben, you never belonged in Burned Fur to begin with.
> just like a run-of-the-mill member of our opposition: a whiny ,
> loser who insists on his own victimhood and can't tolerate dissent.
Now it's
> time for you to return to the company you deserve--and which deserves
> Have a nice life, if that's possible for you.

Hangdog, you are a sanctimonious, hypocritical, self-righteous
egotistical sack of cow offal.
HangDog, you acted like shit, and got exposed as shit.
Live with the consequences.
At least till Squee and AoD get bored and decides to sharpen her claws
on you.
Then you can join the growing ranks of EX burned furs.

Sooner or later, you, AoD, and Squee are finally going to push your
loving worshippers too far, and BurnedFur will dump you on your padded
backsides and move on without you.
And, after your "cruel is cool" attitude finally alienates the last
person in the room, you'll figure out that being malicious, spiteful,
backstabbing and vicious hasn't made you "cool"... it's just made you
an ass.

Xydexx the Silly Squeaky Pony

Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
Xydexx the Silly Squeaky Pony wrote:
> I have a highway paver and I know how to use it. -:)

Although I must admit I still like Ben Bruin's picture of that porcupine
with the balloon at:

Except for the lettering, of course. That bright pink lettering hurts
my eyes. Yep. Otherwise it's a nice picture though.

Uh oh, now I've gone and linked furry fandom to bright pink lettering.
That'll give furry fandom a bad reputation for sure. Feh.

Karl Xydexx Jorgensen / Xydexx Squeakypony, K.S.C. [ICQ: 7569393]

Nothing Out Of The Ordinary At All.

Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
In article <>,
Random <> wrote:
> In article <847tou$6hn$>, Xydexx the Silly Squeaky

> <> wrote:
> > "It was a hate group I joined! I was lucky to get out alive!
> > nothing left of them! For some reason they turned inward and began
> > devouring EACH OTHER!"
> Actually, Xydexx, that doesn't happen with real hate groups. There is
> sense of brotherhood in the neo-nazis and the kkk that simply doesn't
> exist anywhere in anything furry. But it's nice that you let your
> ignorance shine out.
> --Random

And you're letting your ignorance shine like a fucking airport runway
light. You don't think neo-nazi and KKK groups fight among
themselves? What planet are you from? The neo-nazis groups, the
skinheads, the Aryan nations, plus those Christan white-supremacist
fringe-groups, are constantly fighting among themselves. The KKK has
splintered into seperate factions a number of times. The big
difference between their in-fighting and the furry fandom infighting is
that the neo-nazis kill the people they're fighting with. If you think
the neo-nazi's are so chummy with each other, try leaving the Aryan
Brotherhood to join some other skinhead group.

If you get any large group of people together, there's going to be
infighting. ANY large group. Even old ladies at quilting bees will
quarrel among themselves. Trying to prove how bad the Burned Furs are
by how much everyone quarrels is one of the stupider things you've said.

But I guess you don't know any better, because you don't get out a lot.
Especially since you got kicked off the muck. I can't IMAGINE why that

Raphael Russell

Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99

> Hangdog, you are a sanctimonious, hypocritical, self-righteous
> egotistical sack of cow offal.

bullshit. Say it. I know you can. It's not that hard, and it's fun to

> HangDog, you acted like shit, and got exposed as shit.
> Live with the consequences.
> At least till Squee and AoD get bored and decides to sharpen her claws
> on you.
> Then you can join the growing ranks of EX burned furs.

Damn, the secret is out. I was just planning on a character
assassination of Hangdog moments before I read your post. Who let the
cat out of the bag?

> Sooner or later, you, AoD, and Squee are finally going to push your
> loving worshippers too far, and BurnedFur will dump you on your padded
> backsides and move on without you.
> And, after your "cruel is cool" attitude finally alienates the last
> person in the room, you'll figure out that being malicious, spiteful,
> backstabbing and vicious hasn't made you "cool"... it's just made you
> an ass.

Ben, Ben, Ben. You know, whatever disagreement I had with you was
personal. That is, it was a matter that was to take place between
yourself and me. It was to be resolved, or left unresolved, between
yourself and me. After a period of time, my tolerance for your
egotistical prattle and motononous preaching reached its end, and I
decided that I didn't want to discuss matters with you, if for no other
purpose than to maintain some semblance of peace. That obviously wasn't
good enough for you. At least half of the time you visited the
burnedfur channel ( #burnedfur Say hi to us mean, cruel,
backstabbing people!! Limited time only!) you saw fit to be insistent
and sneering towards others on any matter of opinion that differed from
yours, no matter how slight. This continued for a short while, at which
point myself and others decided that we no longer wished your company.
At one point I told you this directly. In fact, that's probably the
first thing I did. This seemed to fail to reach what serves as a brain
for you. What happened next was very academic. Since you would not
leave or tone down voluntarily, verbal scorn was used, and to good
effect. You proved incapable of dealing with verbal barbs directed at
yourself, so much so that you had to make what was a private matter
public. That's fine I suppose, though I certainly hope you're getting
all the sympathy you want from strangers, for that's about all that will
come of your actions.

One last thing.. worshippers? I have worshippers? Oh hell yeah!

Ok peasants! Listen up! Your God is Angry! He demands money to
placate his wrath! Send it now, or face eternal damnation!

Woo hoo!


Al Goldman

Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
In article <848ak3$fpi$>, Ben Bruin <>

>Yes, art critique goes hand in hand with pissing on someone's religion.

I wonder if people did not read the last half of the original posting, where
the attack on Ben's religous beliefs came up.

The art critique is absolute trivia comparted the religous attack.

Al Goldman


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
Quoth Peter da Silva:

>Shrimp. Do shrimp count as furry?

Those "Sea Monkeys" sure look anthropomorphic in the ads.

___vvz /( Cerulean = Kevin Pease
<__,` Z / ( DC2.~D GmAL~W-R+++Ac~J+S+Fr++IH$M-V+++Cbl,spu
`~~~) )Z) ( FDDmp4adwsA+++$C+D+HM+P-RT+++WZSm#
/ (7 ( ,,'6u!heq +Je+s `Jaheq u! a^a!7aq noh jI,,


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
Raphael Russell wrote:

> Ben Bruin wrote:
> > HangDog, you acted like shit, and got exposed as shit.
> > Live with the consequences.
> > At least till Squee and AoD get bored and decides to sharpen her claws
> > on you.
> > Then you can join the growing ranks of EX burned furs.
> >
> Damn, the secret is out. I was just planning on a character
> assassination of Hangdog moments before I read your post.

Oh, please, go ahead: anything would be better than reading Ben's drivel.


P.S.: I command all my worshippers to send me $20.00 each, immediately.
Money orders or checks: please do not send cash through the mail. Bless
you, my children.


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
In article <>, Hangdog <>

Hey! I was gonna use that! }: )

Yiff or die!

Timberwoof; mroeder<at>best<dot>com;
Ice Hockey QA Engineer (Goalie), 1998 BMW R1100GS rider, and
not your ordinary noncomformist. "You may have the right to say that,
but I will defend to the death my right to disagree."


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
In article <>,
Timberwoof <mro...@best.cNOoSPAMm> wrote:

> Hey! I was gonna use that! }: )
> Yiff or die!

Aww.. wasn't that nice of the furries? In the middle of this lovely
bout of BF infighting, some idiot furry loser was thoughtful enough to
show us something really furry we can mock and ridiculous. Thanks,
Timberwolf. You maybe a 30+ years old man who still lives in his
parents' basement, but at least you gave me something to laugh at.
Thank goodness for the furry prepensity for self-humilation!


Dec 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/27/99
In article <>, Raphael Russell
<> wrote:

> Uhm.. I'd like to point out that the page in question is a very
> deliberate joke.

Is it? Huh. Well, assuming you're correct, a joke which has to be
explained is a bad joke. And I suppose it could be since furries have
no senses of humor. It's like parodying PETA by throwing red paint on a
fur coat. But it's too real to be a joke.

> Clue meter reading 0.

Of course. You're a burned fur. Any clues you might've had were pissed
away monthes ago. You might try to grow some balls before going for
clues though.

Raphael Russell

Dec 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/28/99
Uhm.. I'd like to point out that the page in question is a very
deliberate joke.

Clue meter reading 0.



Dec 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/28/99
Random wrote:
> In article <>, Raphael Russell
> <> wrote:
> > Uhm.. I'd like to point out that the page in question is a very
> > deliberate joke.
> Is it? Huh. Well, assuming you're correct, a joke which has to be
> explained is a bad joke. And I suppose it could be since furries have
> no senses of humor. It's like parodying PETA by throwing red paint on a
> fur coat. But it's too real to be a joke.

If you had read the whole page, at the bottom is says, "If you think
this is real you're more fucked up than I thought."

Pretty much sums it up. ;)

"I've got a pantheon of animals | a t a r a [ a t ]
in a pagan soul..." -Rush | r a e x | [ d o t ] c o m

Peter da Silva

Dec 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/28/99
In article <>, Random <> wrote:
>Oh, puhlease! All [fans] treat each other like that. Infighting is one
>of the inherent characteristic of [any] fandom.

I hope you don't mind me correcting the typos in your message quoted above...

Peter da Silva

Dec 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/28/99
In article <3867990d$0$>, <> wrote:
>Peter da Silva <> wrote:
>: 3. How exactly was it that you were forced to see this? IRC isn't like email,
>: it's a real-time chat, you can always just do something else and when you
>: get back it's gone. It's not like they were doing channel takeovers or
>: something abusive like that.

> . . . says the man who cried like a two-year-old having a temper tantrum
> when his pet Usenet group was "over-run" with "trolls and flamers".

No, this is the guy who didn't so much as complain to Grubor's ISP when
Grubor posted, over time, what eventually added up to 1400 copies of
a message accusing him of being an active homosexual pedophile.

This is the guy who praised Sanford Wallace for finding a principle worth
standing up for when Wallace hosted the "Netscum" pages, even though those
pages contained similar malicious lies.

This is the guy who understands the difference between abuse *on* the net and
abuse *of* the net... and the difference between calling people names, on the
one hand, and flooding a group or taking over an IRC channel or forging email
on the other.

The difference between the medium and the message.

And if you've finished having *your* temper tantrum let's move along.


Dec 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/28/99
In article <>, Atara <> wrote:

> If you had read the whole page, at the bottom is says, "If you think
> this is real you're more fucked up than I thought."

Actually, I've read the whole site. Oddly, when I looked at it, that
little message wasn't on there. And now the porned fur thing is gone.
Unless, the whole 'Timberwoof' thing is a hoax, I don't think the
porned fur thing was a joke. Timberwoof is a pretty huge fucking loser.
His whole page down to his RL pic screams 'FURRY LOSER'. For such a
person to create a parody such as you morons are claiming would be
absurd. It would be like a member of PETA creating an anti-meat site
that somehow mocked vegitarians. Admittedly, the whole site could be
part of the joke, but why go to such trouble? I looked at the site
before Timberwoof posted it to this thread as did others. And there was
no disclaimer on it. After looking at the rest of that furry idiot's
site, it was more than clear that it was serious. The fact that he's
pulled it is proof enough of that.

Ross Sauer

Dec 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/28/99
Random wrote in message <>...

Say Random, is your brain Y2K compliant?
Because it sure looks like it failed back in Y1K.

Ross Sauer


Dec 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/28/99
In article <RYea4.2839$>, Ross Sauer
<> wrote:

> Say Random, is your brain Y2K compliant?
> Because it sure looks like it failed back in Y1K

That's right, Ross. I'm over a thousand years old. How clever of you to
notice. I've kept my age a secret, but now you've gone and outed me.
Whatever shall I do?

Ross Sauer

Dec 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/28/99
Random wrote in message <>...

How about crawling back into your crypt, since your moldering corpse is just
stinking up this NG.
BTW, when are you going to quit being such a chicken shit, hiding behind
your "Random" alias?

Ross Sauer


Dec 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/29/99
In article <a9fa4.2843$>, Ross Sauer
<> wrote:

> How about crawling back into your crypt, since your moldering corpse is just
> stinking up this NG.

Um, no. I'll be sticking around a for a while longer I think, fresh

> BTW, when are you going to quit being such a chicken shit, hiding behind
> your "Random" alias?

Yes! It's time for another newbie to out me! Whoohoo! Last time it was
gold ol' Blinkie who 'outted' me. Maybe you should ask him who I am.
It's rather common knowledge, newbie.

Ross Sauer

Dec 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/29/99
Random wrote in message <>...

I'm not trying to "out" you.
I just feel that what you're doing is hiding behind an alias, that way you
can act SOOOOOO tough, sniping at anyone and everyone without any real fear
of retaliation.
In other words, you're a ****-ing coward without the balls to face any of

Ross Sauer


Dec 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/29/99
In article <ONra4.2896$>, Ross Sauer
<> wrote:

> I'm not trying to "out" you.

Sure. And the pope is a jew.

> I just feel that what you're doing is hiding behind an alias, that way you
> can act SOOOOOO tough, sniping at anyone and everyone without any real fear
> of retaliation.

Heh. Your reading comprehension isn't so good is it? My name is fairly
well known. And what retaliation? Are you threatening me? Wanna kick my
ass, hm? Wanna mailbomb me, hm? Bah! If you can't flame without
alluding to lame ass threats, you shouldn't even bother, newbie.

> In other words, you're a ****-ing coward without the balls to face any of
> us.

At least I've the balls to say FUCK, pissant. Face you? Oh, you DO
wanna kick my ass. Heh. Violence is always the last refuge of the
stupid. Amazing how you lept to it first time out. Guess Mrs. Gump was
right after all.


Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
On Mon, 27 Dec 1999 14:04:24 -0600, Hangdog <>

>Reduced to playing the victim now, are we?

> Ben, your art entirely aside, you're a religious bigot, an intolerant,
>censorious zealot, abusive homophobe, habitual liar and "stirrer-up of

Wow! You finally gave Ben Bruin his walking papers!

Now I HAVE to come back and see whats been going on!

Ben has always disturbed me in thet he can do such fine artwork, yet
spray the world with his Jesus driven hate happy bile.

I liked when he tried to claim that "adult material" made people
rapists and sex offenders best...................... He continually
backed that up with unsupportable "evidence" simply ignoring ANY

I am a conservative, and not the most tolerant of men in some
respects, but Ben thinks that his backwoods bible beating is the
answer to EVERYONES questions.

>The rest of us in Burned Fur have bent over backwards trying to

>smooth the feathers you've ruffled and keep you placated. It's just like one

>of those holiday family gatherings where everyone ends up dancing attendance
>on the biggest asshole present in order to keep the peace. The only reason
>we didn't toss you out on your ear was because Burned Fur doesn't yellow-dog
>people the way they do on a.l.f.

Was no point to it....... We kept TRYING to explan to him that BF did
NOT have an anti-adult material stance, but as far as he was
concerned, there was no diffrence between decorum, and being a

> But after a year of this, some of us decided that enough was enough

>We're Burned Furs because we have *some* standards of what is acceptable

>behavior, and what is not. Yours is not. But in order to give you one last

>chance we decided to see if you could at least take some of what you were

>dishing out. You couldn't. Too bad.

One thing I learned in YEARS of alt.atheism is that fundimentalists
never can. They are DYING to make you have THEIR life, and don't
care what you want with yours.

Ambrose Bierce once said,

CHRISTIAN, n. One who believes that the New Testament is a divinely
inspired book admirably suited to the spiritual needs of his neighbor.

One who follows the teachings of Christ in so far as they are not
inconsistent with a life of sin.

> At least you saved us the trouble of kicking you out and denouncing
>you. You left of your own accord, and published your own reprehensibility in

>the most convincing fasion. Thanks. Really, *thanks*. You've done more to

>defend Burned Fur against charges of homophobia and censorship than we ever
>could have done with more positive evidence.

I think anyone who claims there is NO tolerance in BF should go read
some of the shit he was shovelling there. I don't know how you guys
handled it...... There is your real hatemonger folks.

After eight months of abscence, I really hvae to go see if the
dynamic has really changed.

This is some good news. A#344
People who want to share their
religious views with you almost
never want you to share yours
with them.
*Dave Barry*


Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
Random wrote:

> Actually, I've read the whole site. Oddly, when I looked at it, that
> little message wasn't on there. And now the porned fur thing is gone.

Typical Random coverup drivel.

> Unless, the whole 'Timberwoof' thing is a hoax, I don't think the
> porned fur thing was a joke. Timberwoof is a pretty huge fucking loser.

PKB? You sit around, harrasing furries, sound like somone else don't have a
life besides Timberwoof.

> His whole page down to his RL pic screams 'FURRY LOSER'. For such a
> person to create a parody such as you morons are claiming would be
> absurd.

Well, PKB again, your a looser if you think that your retarded intellect
causes anyone any grief, other then side splitting humor. Mark, I just
hope you have a day job, other then picking on furries all day.

> It would be like a member of PETA creating an anti-meat site
> that somehow mocked vegitarians.

Hey.. lets start an anti-Random site, oh.. wait.. you would just cry and
whin to the SysOps of the ISP to have them drop it, like a whinny littl
mo'fo you are. Then again, some don't see humor when they read it, and
your dialouge is NOT humor, but really pale attemps at something that is
miscontrued as reasoning.

> Admittedly, the whole site could be
> part of the joke, but why go to such trouble?

To make you look stupid when you post your usual nonsense?

> I looked at the site
> before Timberwoof posted it to this thread as did others.

I SERIOUSLY doubt that.

> And there was
> no disclaimer on it.

Cleans your coke bottle glasses off, probably woudl have helped you to see
it better.

> After looking at the rest of that furry idiot's
> site, it was more than clear that it was serious.

Yah.. about as serious as Monty Python, get a clue nitwit.

> The fact that he's pulled it is proof enough of that.

> --Random

Yah.. fact that someone can do a better job at humor then you can. Your
funny bone, if'n you got one, is probably about the size of a flea dick,
so, before you go tromping on anyone else's style of humor, get your own

I am a blob, we are a blob, lets all be blobby together.


Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
Random wrote:

> That's right, Ross. I'm over a thousand years old. How clever of you to
> notice. I've kept my age a secret, but now you've gone and outed me.
> Whatever shall I do?

> --Random

Good Gawds.. your just too fucking stupid, aren't you Mark?

|\/--\/ TriGem Olandarinse, Thé ŁůPhrŞnítÉ \/--\/|
AKA: Alan Kennedy
ICQ: 8781052


FurCode: FCW[Luphra'nite Bioroid]cms3dmrw A+ C+ D++ H+ M++ P+ R+++ T+ W Z
Sm++ RLAT/U a23 cdnw++++ d++ e+ f+ h++ iwf++ j++ p sm+ <<<-- Decode The Code


The dumber people think you are, the more suprised they'll be when you kill


Dec 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/30/99
Ross Sauer wrote:

> How about crawling back into your crypt, since your moldering corpse is just
> stinking up this NG.

> BTW, when are you going to quit being such a chicken shit, hiding behind
> your "Random" alias?

> Ross Sauer

Nah.. he just can't get his fat ass up far enough to reach the mouse to change
his settings, *shhh* don't mention I said it.

Besides, his name is Mark Loggins, out of Atlanta. If'n that is actually where
he is from. I did a traceroute and it seems that the IP address that was given
when he posted to the BF board had ALOT, i mean ALOT of really weird security
and other type things on it, really trippy.


Da Blob


Dec 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/31/99
On Mon, 27 Dec 1999 21:42:59 GMT, Ben Bruin
<> wrote:

>> Ben, your art entirely aside, you're a religious bigot,

>Yes, I believe in my faith instead of yours. Total bigotry, that. Oh,

>wait, that's freedom of religion isnt it?

When your way is the one true shining path? And everyone else rides
the hot rails to hell?

That IS what is known as bigotry, yes. When you believe your faith
is justifaction for laws controlling the private lives of others who
do not share your views, Yes.

> an intolerant, censorious zealot, cute phrase. pull another one out.

You never came up with anything new, why should anyone else? I never
heard you spout anything that couldn't come from any sunday morning TV
bible zombie.

> abusive homophobe, I see. I dont approve of homosexual behavior, I'm a
>(cue the kneejerk phrase) "homophobe." party on, Newspeak baby.

No, you DAMN homosexual behavior. There is a diffrence. You don't
have to approve. But don't confuse your right to choose with other
peoples lives.

As to newspeak, pal, I've been a voting Republican since I was old
enough to pull the lever, and even "I" know you can't legislate

Moroal behavior from force, fear or fraud, is not moral behavior. Its
simply terror.

Smearing your detractors as liberals is not likeley to get you great
heaps of fannish support. Certainly not here..............

You have a RARE honor! You are now known to be too big a
conservative hate-happy asshole for BF! ROTFL!!!!!!!! : ] : ] : ]

This is amost too funny to stand!

>>The rest of us in Burned Fur have bent over backwards trying to
> >smooth the feathers you've ruffled and keep you placated.

>Yes, I can see how publicly slandering me kept the peace.

>And the last time you "smoothed ruffled feathers" was what? the
>Bronze Age?

Yes, keep it up! Come tell the same people you have been slandering
how bad ol BF hurt you. Don't forget to tell them about your
homophobia, and your belief in draconian censorship while you are at
it. Wouldn't want to see you get too much sympathy now, would we?

You sound like a Nazi looking for sympathy in Israel. Lotsa luck! ;

Your old audience petered out, now you look for sympathy among the
same folks you scorned, and damned.


>Nice cover story. Think anyone buys it?

Anyone who can read and wants to go look.

>no. Seems to me Squee showed up
>and you decided to hump her leg a little. Show her what a good little
>doggy you were.

Spite now! They finally cracked you, you selfrightous, pompous
windbag! You can call everyone every name under the sun, and spread
self serving lies about things you never even BOTHERED to investigate,
and now you can't take any of the same medicine you were willing to
dish out to others.

Too bad.

BF didn't want to peddle your religious agenda.



Dec 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/31/99
In article <>, Ameboblapeous
<> wrote:

> Random wrote:
> > Actually, I've read the whole site. Oddly, when I looked at it, that
> > little message wasn't on there. And now the porned fur thing is gone.
> Typical Random coverup drivel.

That's right. I removed that page. Were you borned this stupid or is it
the result of a childhood accident?

> > Unless, the whole 'Timberwoof' thing is a hoax, I don't think the
> > porned fur thing was a joke. Timberwoof is a pretty huge fucking loser.
> PKB? You sit around, harrasing furries, sound like somone else don't have a
> life besides Timberwoof.

Actually, I do a lot more than that. But I'm sure you're used to being
wrong by now.

> > His whole page down to his RL pic screams 'FURRY LOSER'. For such a
> > person to create a parody such as you morons are claiming would be
> > absurd.
> Well, PKB again, your a looser if you think that your retarded intellect
> causes anyone any grief, other then side splitting humor. Mark, I just
> hope you have a day job, other then picking on furries all day.

Retarded intellect? Heh. Don't try to be clever. You suck at it. And by
your own logic, you must be bother or something by me. Your listed
email is '' and you sit around and reply to all
my posts. What does that say about you, bright boy?

> > It would be like a member of PETA creating an anti-meat site
> > that somehow mocked vegitarians.
> Hey.. lets start an anti-Random site, oh.. wait.. you would just cry and
> whin to the SysOps of the ISP to have them drop it, like a whinny littl
> mo'fo you are. Then again, some don't see humor when they read it, and
> your dialouge is NOT humor, but really pale attemps at something that is
> miscontrued as reasoning.

Here you go again trying to be clever and failing miserably. Are you
related to Trigem? I almost expect you to tell me of the evil AMA and
how WWII was in the '50's.

> > Admittedly, the whole site could be
> > part of the joke, but why go to such trouble?
> To make you look stupid when you post your usual nonsense?

Yea, Timberwoof is as obsessed with me as you are. Riiight.

> > I looked at the site
> > before Timberwoof posted it to this thread as did others.
> I SERIOUSLY doubt that.

Well, you're a SERIOUS moron, so that's no surprise.

> > And there was
> > no disclaimer on it.
> Cleans your coke bottle glasses off, probably woudl have helped you to see
> it better.

That's just plain stupid. Kodos for not even trying to be clever tho.
It's more honest for you just to bleat out plain old stupid things like

> > After looking at the rest of that furry idiot's
> > site, it was more than clear that it was serious.
> Yah.. about as serious as Monty Python, get a clue nitwit.

You first. You need more far more than me anyway.

> > The fact that he's pulled it is proof enough of that.
> > --Random
> Yah.. fact that someone can do a better job at humor then you can. Your
> funny bone, if'n you got one, is probably about the size of a flea dick,
> so, before you go tromping on anyone else's style of humor, get your own
> first.

Here's a good question.. Did you even see the site? If not, why're you
commenting on it? Oh, right. You're a gibbering idiot.


Dec 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/31/99

Random wrote:

> I

> > Typical Random coverup drivel.
> That's right. I removed that page. Were you borned this stupid or is it the
> result of a childhood accident?

No.. my mind was scarred by your pore taste and redundant crap that it leeched
into my brain and fried it.

> > PKB? You sit around, harrasing furries, sound like somone else don't have a
> life besides Timberwoof.
> Actually, I do a lot more than that. But I'm sure you're used to being wrong by
> now.

Damn.. you really think you are hot shit don't you? Boy.. I'm sure a shrink
would really get a load out of your mind. Hell, they might start taking the
drugs instead of you.

> > Well, PKB again, your a looser if you think that your retarded intellect
> causes anyone any grief, other then side splitting humor. Mark, I just hope
> you have a day job, other then picking on furries all day.

> Retarded intellect? Heh. Don't try to be clever. You suck at it. And by our own
> logic, you must be bother or something by me. Your listed mail is

> '' and you sit around and reply to all my posts. What
> does that say about you, bright boy?

Logic? What are now, fucking Vulcans? Okay Spock, tell me something new?
Anyways, I think you DO have more time then me, looking all the headers and even
replying to this message, means you want to continue this, don't you? I wonder
who is actually laimer, but, I'm sure you already have your own descisions made

> > Hey.. lets start an anti-Random site, oh.. wait.. you would just cry and
> whin to the SysOps of the ISP to have them drop it, like a whinny littl mo'fo
> you are. Then again, some don't see humor when they read it, and your
> dialouge is NOT humor, but really pale attemps at something that is miscontrued
> as reasoning.
> Here you go again trying to be clever and failing miserably. Are you related to
> Trigem? I almost expect you to tell me of the evil AMA and how WWII was in the
> '50's.

Woah.. increadiblly no, but we do live in the same town!! Insane!! I gonna have
to send him some mail, and see if we can meet or soemthing. Being the town we
live in and being a college student, you never really know who is around. Also,
AMA? What the hell is that? WWII, hmm.. germany invaded poland, there was the
nazi's, the us and the allies kicked their asses, and then we won the war, what
else is there to talk about?

> > To make you look stupid when you post your usual nonsense?
> Yea, Timberwoof is as obsessed with me as you are. Riiight.

Nope, just a hobby, had to have somethign to do before new years :)

> > I SERIOUSLY doubt that.
> Well, you're a SERIOUS moron, so that's no surprise.

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but name will never hurt me, Wah! I think
you got a god complex going on in your little demented head, now don't ya Mark?

> > Cleans your coke bottle glasses off, probably woudl have helped you to see it
> better.

> That's just plain stupid. Kodos for not even trying to be clever tho. it's more

> honest for you just to bleat out plain old stupid things like that.

Nah.. it was funny, my roomate laughed his head off. Face it, you couldnt come
up with anything better, so you shot it into the ground as a bunch of all the
other insults shot at you in the past.

> > Yah.. about as serious as Monty Python, get a clue nitwit.
> You first. You need more far more than me anyway.

*LAUGHS!* No.. I mean.. *side splitting laughter* YOU need a sense of humor, a
sense of logic, and hell, just even common sense.

> > Yah.. fact that someone can do a better job at humor then you can. Your
> funny bone, if'n you got one, is probably about the size of a flea dick, so,
> before you go tromping on anyone else's style of humor, get your own first.
> Here's a good question.. Did you even see the site? If not, why're you
> commenting on it? Oh, right. You're a gibbering idiot.
> --Random

Yah.. I laughed my ass off! Some people take things at face value and see the
humor in it, unlike you. I bet Mark, if someoen shoved a nice thick lump of coal
up that tight asshole of yours, they'd probably have a diamond in about a minute
flat. You might even make the record books.

Word of advice, shut the fuck up, get some humor and do somethign with some
beneficial results? I have read all your posts, the only beneficial results that
I seem to notice are you whanking off to your screen as you get all these folks
pissed off at you. You're gonna be fun to fuck with, as your already so screwed
in the noggin'.

Livin' da vida loca!

Da Blob


Jan 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/1/00
Well, I got my news server running for the year 2000 adn this is the first
thing I see. Wonderful.

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