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Interesting post found - forward

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Feb 25, 2001, 10:58:44 PM2/25/01


From: "Derek Smart (3000AD)" <>

Earlier yesterday, I got an email from an anonymous lurker, asking me
what distance ed I had posted to Bill Huffman and why I was posting to
him. Of course, I was taken aback for a bit. Then I asked him wtf he
was talking about. So, he sent me Huffman's post in this thread. Of
course, since I haven't posted to Huffman in almost two years, I don't
see his posts. They are just archived straight from my killfilter.

Rather than explain WHAT happened and how I ended up at I will just re-post what I posted there, followed
by the emails from one of the admins (email addy suppressed, for
obvious reasons)

=== MY POST ===

Dr Bear, Chip, everyone:

I am going to [i]try[/i] and be brief and to the point. I do not wish
to turn this informative and peaceful board to the battleground that
Huffman and his friends have turned the gaming newsgroups into, for

I will start by saying that I have spent the past hour reading the
posts here. Very informative stuff by people who know what they're
talking about. Congratulations all around.

Which is where Huffman comes in. He is, gentlemen, the odd man out
here, as I see it.

Let me explain...

I never knew about this site until early this morning when I received
email from someone identifying himself as a writer for Context
Magazine. I had never heard of this magazine before today. The email

[quote]Hi Derek,

I was given your name and email by Bill Huffman who says you were a
taken in by a diploma scam. I'm writing an article about diploma mills
for Context Magazine and would like to ask you a few questions and
quote you in the magazine. Please let me know if you'd be willing to
do this.

I'd probably ask you some questions via email first, then if necessary
I'll talk to you by phone.

Thanks so much,

Arnie Cooper[/quote]

This was my reply, in its entirety. I cc'ed my attorney on it as well.

Hi Arnie

I was not taken in by any diploma mill scam. That information from Mr
Huffman is false.

Mr Huffman has been stalking me online for the past 4-5 years and I
have filed several complaints against him and an accomplice, a kid who
lives in my neighborhood, over the years. If you download and unzip
[ (235K)]this file[/url] and read
it, you will see Mr Huffman's connection to this kid, Louis.

Mr Huffman has always, in the past, tried to get media people
interested in his campaign. I am a respected game developer and
everyone in the media are aware of Mr Huffman's detracting actions
toward me and they are a far cry from it borne of concern for me. If
you go to my website and read about my recent
[]product reviews[/url], you
will see that media (online and in print) always mention issues borne
from actions perpetrated by him and his friends. To the extent that
Computer Gaming World, the #2 computer gaming mag in the US, has a
4-page article in their upcoming April issue about my history in the
industry. In that issue, they also touch on Mr Huffman's harrassment
of me and his website dedicated to ridiculing me.

If you don't know where his website is, it is now at:
[url=]flamewar follies[/url]

That is the probably the fourth site that he has put up. Several ISPs
were forced to shut down his sites in the past, due to his actions,
harrassment, libel etc. I am currently awaiting legal action against
Mr Huffman by taking him directly to court, rather than wasting time,
effort and money
to close down this latest site, only to have it pop-up elsewhere.

I have cc'ed my attorney, Eric Rotbard (914-422-2500) as well as Dan
Brooks, another gentleman who has had a run-in with Mr Huffman,
prompting a complaint being filed with Mr Huffman's employers.

Mr Huffman is a Usenet kook in the pure sense of the word and doesn't
deserve a moment of your time and/or attention. The Internet is
littered with people like him, seeking attention by attacking,
libeling and disparaging others in high positions and/or authority.

If you need further information, please do not hesitate to ask - but I
do not wish to be interviewed in lieu of this matter, due to any
forthcoming legal action against Mr Huffman.

I would be interested in knowing how you came in contact with Mr
Huffman regarding this issue.


Mr Cooper then replied with

[quote]Sorry, I just got your name from a posting I made at[/quote]

So, this is how I ended up here. I did a search of the boards and
didn't find my name mentioned anywhere. The only search hits I came up
with were by some person going by the alias of [b]GetSmart[/b] who
Huffman, in his follow-up post, thought was me. I am sure that the
admins here can check this person's profile and IP address and match
them against mine - to come to the conclusion that it wasn't me. I
would suspect that this was, again, either Huffman or one of his
cohorts doing what they have done on the Usenet gaming newsgroups for
going on 4-5 years now.

When I did a search of Huffman's posts, I came across one in which I'm
sure he was refering to me (refering to me as chucklehead without
mentioning my name). In that post, he was talking about claiming
damages for a frivolous suit.

As I mentioned earlier, I do not wish to start a flamewar here, nor do
I wish to start trouble. Dr Bear, as are some in the distance learning
newsgroup, are in fact, aware of my skirmishes with Huffman. I have
communicated with Dr Bear via email, from time to time. As such, I'm
certain that he knows what I am talking about and how long this has
been going on.

I have a Ph.D. from an institution that is not accredited. It is not a
degree mill in the strict sense of the term - though by most
uninformed people's definition, it may very well be. The only person
to whom I have confided the information regarding this institution to,
outside of my own circle, is a Princeton University professor, who was
also active on the Usenet several years ago. To the extent that he
openly posted that from what he knows, he would hire me in a heartbeat
if I went there looking for a job.

That was about three to four years ago.

Huffman and his cohorts have openly harrassed, taunted and chased off
free-thinking people from the Usenet. People who simply cannot
understand why he does what he does. People who [b]know[/b] about my
degree and its origins. He doesn't post about games. No matter where I
post, no matter what its about, he shows up, starts to post libelous
details about me and before long, the entire group degenerates. Don't
take my word for it. I urge you to go to (now Google) and
enter his name into a search criteria going back five years - and draw
your own conclusions. Better yet, just visit the current location of
his website.

Several people have complained to Huffman's employers. Several of his
websites have been closed down by ISPs, based on complaints from my
attorney and I. We have concrete evidence (if you downloaded the zip
file above) in which he was urging a known deliquent kid to come by my
house to find out where I live. This prompted several police reports,
a restraining order petition and a visit to the kid's home by the
local Police authorities.

Mr Huffman has been warned over and over and over, to quit his
harrassment - but he continues. I have spent quite a bit of money
(which should go toward developing my products) in legal fees, in my
attempt to get him and his friends to stop their actions. Most have
been in vain. To wit, his constant moving of his site to a new host
each time it is closed down.

Mr Huffman has this farfetched notion that the First Amendment was
designed to be abused and misused. The fact that local authorities,
and indeed the justice system are slow in finding resolutions to this
sort of online behavior, have given him the opportunity to continue
his harrassment.

I do not post to or about Mr Huffman and have not done so for several

I have a very important and expensive
[]project[/url] that is about to
ship within the next two months - and for that reason, I have not been
able to pursue this matter in the courts. I had, at one time, even
flown down to San Diego, where he lives and met with a local attorney
- as I cannot prosecute Huffman using either my Florida (where I
reside) or New York attorneys without incuring large expenses. I have
complaints prepared. I have four years of Usenet posts and saved
website links on a ZIP disk. I have confirmations from ISPs who have
closed Huffman's sites down in the past. I have several people willing
to give testimonies and depositions. I have several magazine articles
all aware of Huffman's actions.

Apart from Huffman's libel, he has, for the past four or five years,
carried out his campaign of harrassment. As I mentioned in the April
CGW interview, if you are walking down the street and someone bothers
you, you can call the cops. Online, you don't have much recourse -
especially when, even if you ignore the person, they still continue
harrassing you, stalking you from group to group, post under aliases

Back when I earned this degree, I was working full-time, after having
dropped out of a prior degree program due to scheduling and travel
conflicts. I did it for me. I have worked for several computer
companies in the past, without my PH.D. As anyone who knows my history
will tell you (or you can just buy the April issue of CGW, due out
later this month and based on their visit to me earlier this month), I
entered the gaming industry back in 1989 - seemingly out of nowhere. I
have never held a job working for [b]anyone[/b] since that time. I
have been fully self-employed and working on my games or some project
or another. I have never commited fraud, don't have a criminal record
of any kind, nor have I got a job working anywhere with my degree -
regardless of its validity and/or acceptance by any potential

When I came to learn that the institution was not accredited, it was
my axe to grind. I had done the work, I am well versed in my field and
considered one of the leading technology developers in my industry. I
develop computer games and I have been doing this since 1989. I don't
owe it to an institution. I owe it to me due to acquired knowledge,
experience and mostly self-tutorship Everything I know today about
game development, came from me. My decision to not divulge the name of
the granting body, is my personal business. While others may frown
upon this, it is still, my business.

I live in Sunrise, FL. I have several institutions in my neighborhood.
In fact, Nova is less than fifteen minutes from where I live. I have
contacts in several academic fields. The point is, if having an
acredited PH.D. was important to me or bore any relevance to my career
and/or well being, I would go out and get one. Even to the extent that
due to my experience in my field, as well as having developed several
commercial titles, I would have no problems being accepted into a
degree program or even being awarded an honorary degree (I have been
offered no less than two, in the past). I have no desire to do so at
this time because I don't have anything to prove to anyone, nor do I
have the urge to, once again, put my career and well being in

I have worked hard, very hard, all my life. I went bankrupt
([i]Huffman's cohort Louis, even obtained my bankruptcy filings and
made them public over the Internet. Then they went looking for the
identity of my newborn daughter when they learned of her birth[/i]) in
the pursuit of my dreams and my goals. I continue to work hard so that
I can take care of my family, my employees, my company. I don't cause
any person aggravation nor do I harrass anyone. Huffman's detracting
persecution of me is the sickest thing imagineable. And you will not
be able to fully understand the effects that it has on one's peace of
mind and psychological state of mind, until you find yourself on the
receiving end. In every medium, in any way possible, Huffman finds a
way to keep picking at my peace of mind. Today's email from Mr Cooper,
is yet another chapter in this long running issue.

Finally, you do not have to take anything I've said here for granted.
Mr Huffman will make his arguements (he will argue alone, as I do wish
to participate). I urge you to do your own research. While I am not
perfect, having lashed out in my own way at Huffman and his cohorts
over the years, I came to realize that I was only hurting myself with
said actions, while sinking to their level.

As I have said before and as my attorneys have advised, until and
unless I take Huffman to court and set a legal precedence, there is no
indication that he nor his friends, will stop. Luckily for me, as time
as passed by and more Internet crimes are commited, the justice system
in some rulings have found a way to rule in the favor of plaintiffs
who find themselves undergoing such relentless harrassment, while

The facts are there. The facts don't lie. The good thing about the
digital age is that, as long its online, you can find it. Huffman will
never be able to hide from this, nor wipe away almost four-five years
of harrassment.

If Mr Cooper was indeed a bona fide writer and not a ploy by Huffman
to get me here or to start more controversy, I apologize for making
his email public. Under the circumstances, I was left with no choice.
You would do the same.

Thank you for reading.

=== END POST ===

I then got this email from one of the admins, which I then forwarded
on to legal, along with my response :


X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 4.3.2
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 18:17:15 -0800
From: <censored>
Subject: Your post to

Hi, Derek!

I remember you from the flame war that briefly spilled over into
a.e.d. some years ago, and I agree with you that no good would be
served by starting a flame war at a.e.d.

Several people have mentioned that Bill has been a usenet troll in a
number of places, but he's generally been quite well behaved at
a.e.d., and, since the Derek Smart flame war ended at a.e.d., I've not
even heard your name.

The post from the gentleman looking for people who had been taken in
by degree mills is, in fact, legitimate. The reporter called John
Bear for an interview, and John suggested posting on the forum to try
and locate some people. I am one of four moderators of the board, and
I've not seen any posts mentioning you anywhere.

With that in mind, and to prevent a flame war from erupting, I would
like your permission to remove your post from the board, since I think
that, even though it clearly and reasonably explains everything, I
think it is much more likely to *start* a flame war than to prevent
one. The reason I'm asking permission is that your post doesn't
clearly violate our TOS (although some of the statements about Bill H.
arguably could, since they are off-topic and rather personal in
nature) and I'm really trying to look out for your privacy and the
peace of our board.

I've temporarily removed it, but can put it back if you have strong
objections to its removal.

On another topic, I don't know if it's been mentioned to you or if
you're otherwise interested, but there are, in fact, some legitimate,
GAAP- qualifying doctoral programs out there that will accept prior
work toward the granting of a degree, and can be completed entirely
via distance. I don't remember the details, but somebody did post a
message to a.e.d. quite a while back containing an email that you sent
in which you mentioned either the name of the school or the fact that
it was in the unwonderful section of John's book. And, hell,
everybody makes mistakes, and you would not *believe* how many people
get taken in by some of these schools, because they're good at
deceptive marketing.

Given your experience and the number of software products, algorithms,
etc that you have developed, plus whatever work you did for your um,
"less-than-wonderful" (as John calls them) degree, you would probably
be pretty far along in the doctoral process... and if you had a
GAAP-qualifying degree, the entire problem would go away for you. I
realize that it's probably not high on your priority list, but it
might be worthwhile to consider at some point. If you're interested,
let me know and I or one of the other regulars can (quietly and
confidentially) make some suggestions to you. Then, if you do pursue
the legal matters, you'll be in a bulletproof position.

In any case, let me know about the post, and best of luck with the
launch of your new product.



=== END EMAIL ===

My response


To: <censored>
From: Derek Smart <>
Subject: Re: Your post to

>Hi, Derek!
>I remember you from the flame war that briefly spilled over into a.e.d. some years ago,
>and I agree with you that no good would be served by starting a flame war at a.e.d.
>Several people have mentioned that Bill has been a usenet troll in a number of places,
>but he's generally been quite well behaved at a.e.d., and, since the Derek Smart flame
>war ended at a.e.d., I've not even heard your name.


>The post from the gentleman looking for people who had been taken in by degree mills is,
>in fact, legitimate. The reporter called John Bear for an interview, and John suggested posting
>on the forum to try and locate some people. I am one of four moderators of the board, and I've not
>seen any posts mentioning you anywhere.

I see. I did ask Arnie again, and told him that I didn't see my name
mentioned anywhere. He said that Huffman contacted him directly and
that it may have been via the or boards that
he first heard about me.

>With that in mind, and to prevent a flame war from erupting, I would like your permission to
>remove your post from the board, since I think that, even though it clearly and reasonably explains
>everything, I think it is much more likely to *start* a flame war than to prevent one. The reason I'm asking
>permission is that your post doesn't clearly violate our TOS (although some of the statements about Bill H.
>arguably could, since they are off-topic and rather personal in nature) and I'm really trying to look out for your
>privacy and the peace of our board.
>I've temporarily removed it, but can put it back if you have strong objections to its removal.

No its OK. You made a wise decision in removing it - and I fully
understand your point. I would only ask that you send it to John,
because I want him to be aware that this is still going on.

>On another topic, I don't know if it's been mentioned to you or if you're otherwise interested,
>but there are, in fact, some legitimate, GAAP- qualifying doctoral programs out there that will accept prior
> work toward the granting of a degree, and can be completed entirely via distance. I don't remember the details,
>but somebody did post a message to a.e.d. quite a while back containing an email that you sent in which you
> mentioned either the name of the school or the fact that it was in the unwonderful section of John's book. And,
>hell, everybody makes mistakes, and you would not *believe* how many people get taken in by some of these schools,
>because they're good at deceptive marketing.

Yes, I remember that.

>Given your experience and the number of software products, algorithms, etc that you have developed,
>plus whatever work you did for your um, "less-than-wonderful" (as John calls them) degree, you would probably be pretty
>far along in the doctoral process... and if you had a GAAP-qualifying degree, the entire problem would go away for you.
>I realize that it's probably not high on your priority list, but it might be worthwhile to consider at some point. If you're interested,
>let me know and I or one of the other regulars can (quietly and confidentially) make some suggestions to you. Then, if you do
>pursue the legal matters, you'll be in a bulletproof position.

Yes, I would be very interested in this. If you can help me get this
stuff together, it would be highly appreciated. I haven't had time to
pursue it unfortunately because I have been focused on getting my
current project out. I recently emerged from bankruptcy (about six
months ago actually) and ended up putting everything into the project.
The good thing is (you've probably seen the press previews on my site)
that it is getting some rave reviews and I recently got a worldwide
publishing contract, more lucrative than my first (which is what left
me in bankruptcy in the first place) and things are finally looking up
- after all these years. Which is why, distractions like Huffman as
well as going through a traditional degree path, is not possible until
after the Summer, when this project ships.

>In any case, let me know about the post,

No need to put it back. You made a wise choice. I wasn't particularly
sure if Arnie was another Huffman cronie or not - and thats one of the
primary reasons I even bothered to post. Nevetheless, it wasn't a scam
per se. I was just a fool for not paying close attention to the merits
of having an accredited degree vs an un-accredited one. For someone
who considers himself to be of PH.D. calibre, you'd think I would have
enough sense. The fact is that it just wasn't important at the time.
Its not like IBM, Novell, Compaq or any of the other companies I
worked for part-time while I was studying, cared that I wasn't going
through a traditional program. And its not like I need a PH.D. to
further my career. See what I mean? I just refuse to be harrassed over
something that I *worked* for and which didn't turn out as one would
expect, several years down the road. And just because some detractor
finds about it, now I have to be nailed to a cross? Especially since I
have never worked for anyone or ever applied for a job under that

>and best of luck with the launch of your new product.

Thank you. Its look up and we're all very excited about it.

==== END ====

I then forwarded Huffman's Usenet post (read: lies) to them and got
this email back :


X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 4.3.2
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 16:07:13 -0800
From: <censored>
Subject: Re: (fwd) Re: BCM Beta Preview over at MMOG


Thanks for the forward. We haven't seen this side of Bill at all
(except during the a.e.d. flamefest a year or two ago) and I really
don't understand what motivates someone to put so much energy into
something so unimportant.

Good luck with the new release!!



I think that pretty much explains. No need for any further commentary
on my part. Just more evidence against Huffman.

Derek Smart Ph.D.
Designer/Lead Developer
The Battlecruiser Series ICQ: 158435

"Game developers are just human beings who happen to make games for a
living. If you want to hold us up to higher standards of conduct,
then go ahead ...but don't be surprised if we don't uphold them.
- Warren Marshall, Epic Games"

Huffman Bill

Feb 26, 2001, 1:23:45 AM2/26/01
Evidence aginst me , Mr. Smart? You presented absolutely no evidence
against me. You just made unfounded accusations. On the other hand you
are a PhD fraud and admitted as much when you admitted that the
accredited degree you had been claiming was from an institution listed
in the degree mill chapter of the twelve edition of "Bear's Guide to
Earning a Degree Non-Traditionally". Also there's irrefuted evidence
that you forged racist email in a libelous attempt to smear Daktari. The
complete evidence to this and more is available at

Why do I participate in Mr. Smart's Flame War Follies? I agree that it
is really unimportant that Mr. Smart continues his Ph.D. fraud. I
participate because it is frequently an absolute riot. For example Mr.
Smart once threatened Daktari with telling the US State Department on

BTW Mr. Smart, I believe it is rather naughty of you to post private
email on the news group. :-)


> Derek,
> Thanks for the forward. We haven't seen this side of Bill at all
> (except during the a.e.d. flamefest a year or two ago) and I really
> don't understand what motivates someone to put so much energy into
> something so unimportant.
> Good luck with the new release!!
> <censored>
> =============
> I think that pretty much explains. No need for any further commentary
> on my part. Just more evidence against Huffman.

BTW Lurker, that's for posting this, the original hasn't showed up yet
on my news server so this is the first time I got to see everyone's
"private" email to Mr. Smart.


Feb 26, 2001, 4:41:21 AM2/26/01
The emails in question came from me, as one of the moderators of

I am not happy that they were disclosed without my consent, as they were
intended to be private.

However, I stand by what I said... with the exception of the flame war
some time back, I've found Bill's posts to be on-topic, helpful, often
humorous, and I appreciate his contributions to a.e.d and

I also believe that Derek is less than thrilled with the school from
which he got his degree... but this doesn't diminish his contributions
to the gaming world (which I'm woefully unqualified to judge) or the
fact that he's obviously a sharp guy.

People make mistakes, and sometimes it's hard to own up to one as big as
choosing a less-than-wonderful school for a degree. But I really see no
reason to continue discussing a topic that, in the grand scale of
things, is of very little importance to anyone.

Derek is not claiming to be a medical doctor; he's not harming anyone
with his less-than-wonderful degree. And I really am not interested in
the "He did this" "No, *he* did that" stuff...

Just my thoughts.

Huffman Bill

Feb 26, 2001, 10:55:50 AM2/26/01
Thank you Chip I agree with and appreciate everthing you said. Regarding
Mr. Smart's less than wonderful degree, he's admitted that it came from
an institution listed in the degree mill chapter. That means it is WAY
less than wonderful. By continuing to claim a PhD from such a place and
refuse to name the source it is nothing but out right fraud. Why worry
about it? I don't, the Flame War Follies is just a silly hobby.

Chip <> wrote in message

Steve Levicoff

Feb 26, 2001, 11:43:15 AM2/26/01
Lurker wrote:

> Newsgroups:
> [Almost total sniperooney]

I have rarely commented on the Derek Smart situation at all. Why?
Because I have no interest in it. Computer gaming is not my thing,

However, I cannot help but notice that "Lurker" used an e-mail address,
phony as it is, with a ".pt" extension. Since ".pt" generally means
Portugal, do any of our regulars find any coincidence here (like the
fact that Portugal is the location of the originating server for
messages from Factwatcher, johnbear_scam, etc.)?

> Derek Smart Ph.D.
> Designer/Lead Developer
> The Battlecruiser Series
> ICQ: 158435

Having not commented at all on this situation except for a brief
response on the board that was deleted by the
powers-that-be at along with Smart's original post, let
me posit a simple theory here . . .

Derek Smart signs his name with the Ph.D. title, but has consistently
and openly refused to reveal the source of his Ph.D.

In my opinion, *anyone* who claims to have a Ph.D. should be prepared to
immediately, and withuot evasion, reveal its source. We know, at the
least, that Smart has said that his degree is from an institution that
John Bear has listed as a degree mill in the 12th edition of his book.
But past that point, Smart continues to be secretive.

The issue is not whether Derek Smart is the creator of the games he has
claimed to create; no evidence has been presented to dispute those
claims. Nor is the issue whether Derek Smart is, indeed, smart; he may
even be quite brilliant. But there are indications that he holds a
phony doctorate (if, indeed, it comes from a school labeled as a degree
mill by John Bear) As many readers know, John does not use the degree
mill label recklessly; indeed, having been sued more than me, he uses it
much less than I do.

In short, Derek Smart may be everything he claims to be. (Frankly, I
don't know, and I don't care. Again, computer gaming is not my
schtick.) I've known several brilliant people who have skewed (or
screwed, if you prefer) their otherwise spotless reputations with a
phony degree.

Which brings us to the simple theory, a three-point example of an old
algabraic concept:

1. If anyone refuses to reveal the source of his or her doctorate, that
person is a fraud.
2. Derek Smart consistently refuses to reveal the source of his
3. Therefore, Derek Smart is a fraud.

He may, indeed, be everything he claims to be - except a legitimate user
of the title "Ph.D." And that, in my book, is enough to make him - or
anyone else who engages in the same practice - a fraud. Moreover, he
has continued to compound that fraud by continuing to use the title
*and* continuing to refuse to reveal the source of his doctorate.

All he would have had to do, when exposed, is stop using the Ph.D.
title. [Which, of course, brings up another example of the frailty of
human ego . . . Here's a guy with a phony doctorate that cannot convince
himself of the wisdom of not using a phony title. I have a real
doctorate (if any newbie are curious, it's a Ph.D., which I earned in
1991 from The Union Institute in Cincinnati) and almost never use the
title. Which illustrates something that I have said here many times:
The old cliche "If you've got it, flaunt it," is bullshit. When you've
got the real thing, you don't have to flaunt it.]

As I recall, I included one other minor observation in my
post . . . I find it fascinating that Smart lives in Sunrise, Florida.
As our regulars may be aware, like Bill Huffman, I am also being sued -
for calling the Monterrey Institute for Graduate Studies (MIGS) a degree
mill. Everyone's favorite member of the board of trustees of MIGS,
Sheila Danzig, also lives in Sunrise, Florida. I hope that perhaps
Derek and Sheila can get together and "do lunch," at the least. Talk
about a *real* hoot . . .

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Steve Levicoff
Read about the wacky
but very real degree mill lawsuit
DEGREE.COM v. Levicoff at

Karlos Al Lacaye

Feb 26, 2001, 9:04:24 PM2/26/01
In article <>, Steve says...


>As I recall, I included one other minor observation in my
>post . . . I find it fascinating that Smart lives in Sunrise, Florida.
>As our regulars may be aware, like Bill Huffman, I am also being sued -
>for calling the Monterrey Institute for Graduate Studies (MIGS) a degree
>mill. Everyone's favorite member of the board of trustees of MIGS,
>Sheila Danzig, also lives in Sunrise, Florida. I hope that perhaps
>Derek and Sheila can get together and "do lunch," at the least. Talk
>about a *real* hoot . . .

Hey, Steve!

I am relieved to know that I live in Kendall, Florida, so even if I am tempted
to, I would be spending more on gasoline from Kendall to Sunrise than on the
actual lunch. On a second thought, I would rather go to Burger King two blocks
from my home. After all, Burger King is a native restaurant from here.

Best wishes,

Karlos Alberto Lacaye

Huffman Bill

Feb 27, 2001, 12:37:15 AM2/27/01

Steve Levicoff <> wrote in message

> Lurker wrote:
> > Newsgroups:
> >,,
> > [Almost total sniperooney]
> I have rarely commented on the Derek Smart situation at all. Why?
> Because I have no interest in it. Computer gaming is not my thing,
> period.
> However, I cannot help but notice that "Lurker" used an e-mail
> phony as it is, with a ".pt" extension. Since ".pt" generally means
> Portugal, do any of our regulars find any coincidence here (like the
> fact that Portugal is the location of the originating server for
> messages from Factwatcher, johnbear_scam, etc.)?

Lurker and AED News both use what looks like a real pt newserver to me.
I believe that in order to fake a Message-ID field you would have to
have direct access to a USENET news server, which is not impossible but
unlikely. And his AED News post is far funnier than anything I've seen
come out of factwatcher. My guess is that it is someone from the Flame
War Follies side of things.

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