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Well, It's That Time of The Year. BOO!!!! OT

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Molly Fanton

Oct 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/5/00
Did I scare ya? :P

So it's that time of the year to start talking about what are some of
the most scariest movies you've ever seen? I'm going to open this up to
any movie from any decade. Here are some of my scariest movies I've
ever seen.

Friday the 13th
Nightmare on Elm Street
Rosemary's Baby (it doesn't have gore, but it still scary)
The Excorsist
The Omen
The Birds (I'm still bugged when there are seagulls are flying around

Dixon Hayes

Oct 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/5/00
From the 1970s I would say it would be hard to top "The Exorcist" or the first
"Halloween". Outside I can think of one before ("Psycho") and one after ("The
Blair Witch Project").

"How I VOTE, brother, is my'd you vote, Ange?"
--Barney Fife

Remember THE Hollywood Squares...the original and the best


Oct 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/5/00

Being a big fan of horror movies I've seen hundreds and hundreds of horror
films.Most of them are laughable to a degree,especially the "B" movies like
The Evil Dead and I Spit On your Grave.
However there are a few horror films which did "scare" me a little bit:

Nosferatu.....which was released back in the late 20's,is a grainy black and
white silent film with erie scenes and a really ghastly looking vampire.

The Amityville Horror.....I don't know why this movie gives me the creeps
because it's **not** that scary but for reasons I can't explain,it just
creeps me out.

The Granddaddy of all horror movies the Exorcist.....just typing the name
gives me the willys.I've seen this movie twice.The first time I saw it I was
in the Army and we watched it on a bright sunny day with about 100 other
soldiers in the room and it scared the S**T outta me.I had heard about the
film and I knew the plot and thought it seemed kinda corny but after
actually seeing it.............WHEW!!
About 5 years ago a friend of mine who had never seen it asked my wife and I
over to his place to "watch videos",one of which was The Exorcist,needless
to say I sat there with my hands over my eyes for the duration.Everyone was
laughing at the film,LAUGHING!!.....can you believe it?!

-Doug......who will **NOT** be going to see the re-release.

Naz Reyes

Oct 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/5/00
In article <6a7D5.2322$>,

I'll have to pick the "Exorcist" also. I vote that film as the most
scary film of all time. It's especially scary for me because it was
filmed on location in GEORGETOWN - I see those STEPS every single
freakin' day when going to work!

I must say that I still can't take that line seriously, though, when
Linda Blair (as a demon) says: "Your momma s*cks c*cks in hell"! LOL!

> About 5 years ago a friend of mine who had never seen it asked my wife
and I
> over to his place to "watch videos",one of which was The
> to say I sat there with my hands over my eyes for the
duration.Everyone was
> laughing at the film,LAUGHING!!.....can you believe it?!

Yes, I can laugh at it now! (see above)


> -Doug......who will **NOT** be going to see the re-release.

Sent via
Before you buy.

Oct 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/5/00
How about:

Dawn of the Dead
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
American Werewolf in London
Dont Go in the House
The Kiss
Trilogy of Terror
I Spit on Your Grave
White Dog
Brotherhood of Death
Halloween 2
Dressed to Kill
Assault on Precinct 13
The Fly

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger'
- Friedrick Nietzsche

Molly Fanton

Oct 5, 2000, 11:17:56 PM10/5/00
Oh I forgot about Scanners. That movie creeped me out. I think the
originial Scanners movie is cool.



Oct 5, 2000, 11:44:09 PM10/5/00
And don't forget that next week we're treated to a Friday the 13th!


The Wanderer

Oct 5, 2000, 11:52:28 PM10/5/00
Phantasm (any one of them but #1 mostly) and a little known flick that I
Night Of The Creeps; two kids in college and one detective fight these
little slug like things that jump into your mouth and use your body to
incubate and multiply

from Brooklyn
<> wrote in message

Jeff Troutman

Oct 6, 2000, 12:13:08 AM10/6/00
"The Wanderer" <> wrote:
> Phantasm (any one of them but #1 mostly) and a little known flick that I
> loved
> Night Of The Creeps; two kids in college and one detective fight these
> little slug like things that jump into your mouth and use your body to
> incubate and multiply

One of the kids was on crutches, right? I've seen that one a few times on
USA. Not a bad film. I liked that it didn't take itself too seriously.

Jeff Troutman

The Wanderer

Oct 6, 2000, 1:07:26 AM10/6/00
That's the one Jeff. The kid on crutches, a redhead, reminds me of Forman on
That '70s Show.

"Jeff Troutman" <> wrote in message

Francis McGill

Oct 6, 2000, 1:51:00 AM10/6/00
"The Shining" did it for me . . . that lineoleum hallway,
the snow, the winter, dunno, just really was scary.

* *
* Francis McGill *
* *
* "Glory to God on High" *
* *

Oil Impressionist

Oct 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/6/00
We're not really horror movie types, but most any Stephen King story
turned into movie is pretty good.

I remember seeing the tail end of Bad Seed when I was very young.
Phoooo, that's a scary 'un! Can't think of any definitive 70s one

Way OT, Flatliners is great scary!! Devil's Advocate . . .

Audrey Rose - great book too!!

Neither Larry nor I have seen Rosemary's Baby or The Exorcist. I guess
we oughta. :\ I'm more afraid of thinking about watching Blair Witch;
the trailers are scary enough for me.

Dawna & Larry

~~A deadly secret lies within LAURA'S LEGACY, available @
Our web site:
Dawna's art site + online portfolio:
The Billy Squier Web Companion:

The Wanderer

Oct 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/6/00
What scared me most about Blair Witch was that so many people thought it was
a good movie. But I HATE Stephen King. He just drones on and on. He feels
each book had to be 1000 pages or he hasn't written anything of substance.
He takes so damn long to tell a story. Some good ideas but the trip to get
to the end of the story is just SOOOOO long. I think that he has become
infatuated with his image as a wordsmith, and that his ego is just taking
over. To put it in Brooklynese "He thinks who he is...." Anybodt else who
doesn't "get It" about Mr. King?

"Oil Impressionist" <> wrote in message


Oct 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/6/00

Oil Impressionist wrote in message <8rk0ma$o4j$>...

>We're not really horror movie types, but most any Stephen King story
>turned into movie is pretty good.
>I remember seeing the tail end of Bad Seed when I was very young.
>Phoooo, that's a scary 'un! Can't think of any definitive 70s one
>Way OT, Flatliners is great scary!! Devil's Advocate . . .
>Audrey Rose - great book too!!
>Neither Larry nor I have seen Rosemary's Baby or The Exorcist. I guess
>we oughta. :\ I'm more afraid of thinking about watching Blair Witch;
>the trailers are scary enough for me.
>Dawna & Larry

Don't waste your time watching Blair Witch,it's about as scary as a Saturday
morning cartoon.......The Exorcist on the other hand is a damn scary
movie,be prepared to have nightmares.


Molly Fanton

Oct 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/6/00
I still remember when The Simpsons did a parady of "The Shining" it was
called "The Schillin'". I still love the scene where Marge goes into
the room and Homer writes: "No TV, No Beer, Makes Homer a Something,
Something," and Marge says, "Crazy." and Homer goes, "Don't mind if I


Ian Motter

Oct 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/6/00

Molly Fanton wrote:
> I still remember when The Simpsons did a parady of "The Shining" it was
> called "The Schillin'".

SSSHHH!!! Do ya wanna get sued?


Oct 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/6/00
Carnival of Souls ('62)...will give you the creeps.

Legend of Hell House ('73)...creepy haunted house flick

Jeff Troutman

Oct 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/6/00
"The Wanderer" <> wrote:
> But I HATE Stephen King. He just drones on and on. He feels
> each book had to be 1000 pages or he hasn't written anything of substance.
> He takes so damn long to tell a story. Some good ideas but the trip to get
> to the end of the story is just SOOOOO long. I think that he has become
> infatuated with his image as a wordsmith, and that his ego is just taking
> over. To put it in Brooklynese "He thinks who he is...." Anybodt else who
> doesn't "get It" about Mr. King?

I think he was brilliant up until Pet Sematery, where he lost his ability to
breathe new life into old horror. I think he can still write decent stuff,
but his best work these days isn't in the horror genre.

Jeff Troutman

Oil Impressionist

Oct 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/7/00
In article <8rlvkg$r5t$>,

Can't say as we could have worded our sentiments better than your
eloquence did it for us. :-) 'Nother words, you're right.

Oh, how 'bout Misery??????????????

Tiny Dancer

Oct 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/7/00
And so the word went out from "Doug" <>:

>The Granddaddy of all horror movies the Exorcist.....just typing the name
>gives me the willys.I've seen this movie twice.The first time I saw it I was
>in the Army and we watched it on a bright sunny day with about 100 other
>soldiers in the room and it scared the S**T outta me.I had heard about the
>film and I knew the plot and thought it seemed kinda corny but after
>actually seeing it.............WHEW!!

>About 5 years ago a friend of mine who had never seen it asked my wife and I
>over to his place to "watch videos",one of which was The Exorcist,needless
>to say I sat there with my hands over my eyes for the duration.Everyone was
>laughing at the film,LAUGHING!!.....can you believe it?!

>-Doug......who will **NOT** be going to see the re-release.

You have some odd friends, Doug, were they smokin' some wacky weed
at least?! I have the video and have only watched it once, it just freaks me
out too much! I'd like to see the new version, though, just to see it on the big
screen with or without new scenes. Alas, my only movie going buddy has
no interest so it looks like video again.

Another goodie from the era is one I always mention, "Triliogy of Terror"
with Karen Black and that scary doll at the end. The rest of the movie's
forgetable but that doll, whoa, still scary stuff, kids.



If you’re sitting around after a show and there’s something you
don’t like, just switch it off by throwing a bottle through the screen.
Keith Moon

For a good time call

Naz Reyes

Oct 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/7/00
In article <8rk0ma$o4j$>,

Oil Impressionist <> wrote:
> We're not really horror movie types, but most any Stephen King story
> turned into movie is pretty good.
> I remember seeing the tail end of Bad Seed when I was very young.
> Phoooo, that's a scary 'un! Can't think of any definitive 70s one
> though.
> Way OT, Flatliners is great scary!! Devil's Advocate . . .
> Audrey Rose - great book too!!
> Neither Larry nor I have seen Rosemary's Baby or The Exorcist. I
> we oughta. :\ I'm more afraid of thinking about watching Blair
> the trailers are scary enough for me.
> Dawna & Larry

Dawna, you're absolutely missing the best 2 horror films of ALL-TIME!
Oh gosh, how could you????!!! I mean, even if you don't like horror
films, you MUST watch these two films because they are part of HISTORY!


Tiny Dancer

Oct 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/7/00
And so the word went out from (andy749):

>Carnival of Souls ('62)...will give you the creeps.
>Legend of Hell House ('73)...creepy haunted house flick

Ooo, that reminds me, one of my all-time faves regardless of the era
is "Dead of Night" with Michael Redgrave's story as a real standout.
He played Maxwell Frere, a ventriloquist, whose dummy comes to
life. Now, I know we've all seen this plotline time and time again but,
trust me, *this* one does it right! The main character, Mervyn Johns,
keeps having a recurring nightmare and has to hang around this creepy
old farmhouse listening to the guests' tell their own tales of weirdness.
It's always showing up on the late, late show, catch it.

Jeff Troutman

Oct 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/7/00
"Oil Impressionist" <> wrote:
> In article <8rlvkg$r5t$>,
> "Jeff Troutman" <> wrote:
> > "The Wanderer" <> wrote:
> > > But I HATE Stephen King. He just drones on and on. He feels
> > > each book had to be 1000 pages or he hasn't written anything of
> substance.
> > > He takes so damn long to tell a story. Some good ideas but the trip
> to get
> > > to the end of the story is just SOOOOO long. I think that he has
> become
> > > infatuated with his image as a wordsmith, and that his ego is just
> taking
> > > over. To put it in Brooklynese "He thinks who he is...." Anybodt
> else who
> > > doesn't "get It" about Mr. King?
> > >
> >
> > I think he was brilliant up until Pet Sematery, where he lost his
> ability to
> > breathe new life into old horror. I think he can still write decent
> stuff,
> > but his best work these days isn't in the horror genre.
> >
> Can't say as we could have worded our sentiments better than your
> eloquence did it for us. :-) 'Nother words, you're right.
> Oh, how 'bout Misery??????????????

Misery was not at all bad, but I put that in more of a "suspense" category.
I think of his supernatural/weird work like Salem's Lot or The Dark Half as
"horror". I could just be dickering over terms, though...

Jeff Troutman

Oil Impressionist

Oct 8, 2000, 2:30:42 AM10/8/00
In article <8ro8b9$sca$>,

Will you hold my hand, Naz? :) Actually, we're gonna watch them both
at some point. I have the paperback of Rosemay's Baby. Has anybody
read it?


~~A deadly secret lies within LAURA'S LEGACY, available @
Our web site:
Dawna's art site + online portfolio:
The Billy Squier Web Companion:


Oct 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/8/00
The Dead Zone is my favorite Stephen King
movie...recently released on DVD. Christopher Walken,Martin Sheen,David
Cronenberg (dir.), good stuff...imo.

Naz Reyes

Oct 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/8/00
In article <8rp4aj$fv9$>,
Oil Impressionist <> wrote:

> > Dawna, you're absolutely missing the best 2 horror films of
> > Oh gosh, how could you????!!! I mean, even if you don't like horror
> > films, you MUST watch these two films because they are part of
> > :-)
> >
> > -Naz
> >
> > Sent via
> > Before you buy.
> >
> Will you hold my hand, Naz? :) Actually, we're gonna watch them both
> at some point. I have the paperback of Rosemay's Baby. Has anybody
> read it?
> Dawna

I thought that's Larry's job???! LOL:) But as long as you have Larry's
permission, no prob :)

Hmmm...a paperback of "Rosemary's Baby", that's very
interesting...I think that'll be even more scary than the movie!

Oil Impressionist

Oct 8, 2000, 9:57:22 PM10/8/00
In article <8rqqfs$lbq$>,
Naz Reyes <> wrote:
> In article <8rp4aj$fv9$>,

> Oil Impressionist <> wrote:
> > > Dawna, you're absolutely missing the best 2 horror films of
> > > Oh gosh, how could you????!!! I mean, even if you don't like
> > > films, you MUST watch these two films because they are part of
> > > :-)
> > >
> > > -Naz
> > >
> > > Sent via
> > > Before you buy.
> > >
> >
> > Will you hold my hand, Naz? :) Actually, we're gonna watch them
> > at some point. I have the paperback of Rosemay's Baby. Has anybody
> > read it?
> >
> > Dawna
> I thought that's Larry's job???! LOL:) But as long as you have
> permission, no prob :)
> Hmmm...a paperback of "Rosemary's Baby", that's very
> interesting...I think that'll be even more scary than the movie!
> -Naz
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Sorry, Naz, Larry said no. :( But I'll let you know how the paperback
is. Yeah, it'll probably be scarier than the movie, depending on the
reader's imagination, and hmmmm, what kind of imagination do you think
I have? A writer, an artist. Phttt, no problem!! YIKES!!!!


Oct 8, 2000, 10:16:36 PM10/8/00
I saw 'Rosemary's Baby' bout a year ago. I am STILL waiting for the scary
parts. I just didn't get what the big deal is/was.
But the Excorcist now. Shiver!!! I liked the playup that SNL did of it with
Larraine Newman playing Regan. Richard Pryor was funny as all get out in

Ay Fongul

Oct 8, 2000, 10:45:28 PM10/8/00
> I'm more afraid of thinking about watching Blair Witch;
>the trailers are scary enough for me.

You know what was the scariest part of "The Blair Witch Project" for me? The
fact that I paid $8.00 to watch a silly, poorly filmed movie.

I am easily spooked when it comes to supernatural kinda stuff in movies but
there were honestly no scary parts!


Molly Fanton

Oct 8, 2000, 11:08:57 PM10/8/00
Rosemary's Baby to me is more a psychological thriller than a blood and guts
thriller. It's more tricking the mind than grossing people out.
Oh the SNL sketch with Richard Pryor was wonderful. "The bed is on my foot."


Dixon Hayes

Oct 8, 2000, 11:18:50 PM10/8/00
Molly wrote:

>Oh the SNL sketch with Richard Pryor was wonderful. "The bed is on my foot."

I loved it when Loraine Newman started screeching "Your mother eats kitty
litter!" and "Your mother knits socks that smell!" Classic.

"How I VOTE, brother, is my'd you vote, Ange?"
--Barney Fife

Remember THE Hollywood Squares...the original and the best

The Wanderer

Oct 9, 2000, 12:37:16 AM10/9/00
I agree with you Angie. I watched it on bootleg because afriend of mine was
willing to lend it to me and said "Dont waste your money!" To loosely quote
Drew Carey "I dont know why they didn't call it The Boring Witch Project."
There was nothing scarey about it.

"Ay Fongul" <> wrote in message

The Wanderer

Oct 9, 2000, 12:53:21 AM10/9/00
Hey Dix, That was SEWS socks because it's so much closer sounding to the
exact quote.

"Dixon Hayes" <dixon...@aol.comspamless> wrote in message

Molly Fanton

Oct 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/9/00
TD, great website. Now did you want quotes from 70s stuff? I got one for
you. It's from the movie "Young Frankenstein". Well, it's a conversation
between Igor (Marty Feldman) and Dr. Frankenstein (Gene Wilder).

Igor: "It could be worse"
Dr. Frankenstein: "How?"
Igor: "It could be raining." (clap of thunder and starts pouring)


Molly Fanton

Oct 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/9/00
Oops, this is supposed to go under the Newsgroup website thread. Sorry. :)



Oct 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/10/00
>Night Of The Creeps;

"By the way, I'm real, and I'm SPARK-tacular!"

The Wanderer

Oct 11, 2000, 1:48:28 AM10/11/00
Sapki it's about Frathouses and dates, also Check it out it's a great tongu
in cheek halloween movie. Best line is

"Ladies the good news is your dates are here. The BAD news is their DEAD."

"Sparki" <siss...@aol.comIH8Spam> wrote in message

The Wanderer

Oct 11, 2000, 2:05:55 AM10/11/00
Sorry Sparki, sometimes the fingers slip or dont necessarily work in the
order I intend. Also this key board is so well-used that most of the letters
are gone. Have to re-write them in wih permanent marker (til it wears out
again). Then I have to proofread, and even then I dont catch them all. It
was a mistake and I apologize publicly. (Also I only type with two fingers).

"The Wanderer" <> wrote in message

Dixon Hayes

Oct 11, 2000, 2:52:10 AM10/11/00
That's okay, Molly it fit anyway. Maybe it wasn't scary, but "Young
Frankenstein" is a Halloween classic.

My favorite part: Frankenstein and his monster performing "Putting on the
Ritz" in tuxedos.

"You never know when another beast might come down out of the forest!"
--Barney Fife, legendary lawman

Tiny Dancer

Oct 12, 2000, 9:04:46 PM10/12/00
And so the word went out from Molly Fanton <>:

>TD, great website. Now did you want quotes from 70s stuff? I got one for
>you. It's from the movie "Young Frankenstein". Well, it's a conversation
>between Igor (Marty Feldman) and Dr. Frankenstein (Gene Wilder).
>Igor: "It could be worse"
>Dr. Frankenstein: "How?"
>Igor: "It could be raining." (clap of thunder and starts pouring)

Thanks, Molly, I'll add that one to your page! I definitely need quotes
from you for stuff like:

Favorite 70s Singer/Group
Favorite 70s Food
Favorite 70s Toy
Favorite 70's TV Show
Favorite 70's Movie
Favorite 70's Memory

So send on anything you think of and would like added.



'Cause I'm on the stage tonight
And if the price is right
I will amaze before the light
from Elton John's "Ego"


Oct 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/13/00

Now see, I didn't think The Exorsist was scary. I mean it WAS scary, but didn't
scare me. I watched it in a theater about 1982 or so, and maybe that was the
problem. Everybody was laughing and goofing on it, so maybe it lost something


Class of 78

The Wanderer

Oct 13, 2000, 8:44:55 PM10/13/00
I saw it when it first came out in '73(?). There were newspaper stories
about people running out of the theaters sacred to death, or barfing out
side the theater (planted by publicists I'm sure). And as my wife, friends
Tommy & Evelyn waited outside the theater on line the crowds came out. No
puking, no running scared. I had read the book in '71(?). And I knew they
couldn't do it as well as my imagination. I had to be dragged to the
theater. While in the theater I laughed all the way through it. My wife and
friends thought I was awful.

"Sandy" <> wrote in message


Oct 14, 2000, 12:12:25 AM10/14/00
>73(?). There were newspaper stories
>about people running out of the theaters sacred to death, or barfing out
>side the theater (planted by publicists I'm sure). And as my wife, friends
>Tommy & Evelyn waited outside the theater on line the crowds came out. No
>puking, no running scared. I had read the book in '71(?). And I knew they
>couldn't do it as well as my imagination. I had to be dragged to the
>theater. While in the theater I laughed all the way through it. My wife and
>friends thought I was awful.

I remember hearing all that hype too, especially the one where some people saw
it and went insane. In fact I had a dream then, that I saw a glimps of the
movie by accident and started going hysterical because that meant I was going
to go insane! I guess after worrying about it for 12 or so years takes the
edge off when you finally do see it!


Oct 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/19/00

"The Wanderer" <> wrote in

> What scared me most about Blair Witch was that so many people thought it
> a good movie.

What scared me about Blair Witch was the fact that I really wanted to see
it. Lucky for me I was it in NYC, crowds there know how to make a really bad
movie funny. I laughed my ass off.


The Wanderer

Oct 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/20/00
Aye, Citygirl, the audience is sometimes the best part of the show i.e. I'd
give a testicle (did I say that?) to get a seat-any seat-in Yankee Stadium
over the next coupla days. But the guys at Exxon, Intel, and IBM have them
all. What a crowd that will be! It's amazing how guys who wear suits all day
act in a ball game. Almost makes ya think they're human.

from Brooklyn
"Kelly" <> wrote in message

Patricia Weppler

Oct 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/20/00

The Wanderer wrote:

> Aye, Citygirl, the audience is sometimes the best part of the show i.e. I'd
> give a testicle (did I say that?) to get a seat-any seat-in Yankee Stadium
> over the next coupla days.

Someone told me there is a special token to commemorate the Subway Series.
Anyone know if this is true???

The Wanderer

Oct 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/20/00
I haven't heard anything about them, if true. I'll check. Do you collect
'em? If you do, or just want one, and they have 'em, I'd be happy to pick
one up for you Pat. (If I can get.)

"Patricia Weppler" <> wrote in message


Oct 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/20/00

Kelly wrote in message <8sopqk$20ti$>...

>"The Wanderer" <> wrote in
>> What scared me most about Blair Witch was that so many people thought
>> a good movie.
>What scared me about Blair Witch was the fact that I really wanted to
>it. Lucky for me I was it in NYC, crowds there know how to make a
really bad
>movie funny. I laughed my ass off.

I cracked up at one part of that movie. In the beginning shots, when
they are walking around interviewing people, they ask a teenage girl if
she knows about the Blair Witch. She says <*ahem* putting on my
Baltimore accent, hon.> "No, but my sister went to B'lair High School."
LOL! The reason I laugh is because I graduated from Bel Air High School
(also located in Maryland)! Aside from that, I was disappointed in the
If you grow up in Maryland, you are raised on ghost stories of the
locals (and there are many!). Hey, at least they could have brought up
the legend of Black Aggie...Oh no, I said her name! Good thing I'm not
near a mirror! ;-)

Lori =^.^=(<------Who *loves* this time of year! BOO!) ~^-^~


Oct 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/21/00

"The Wanderer" <> wrote in message

> Aye, Citygirl, the audience is sometimes the best part of the show i.e.

It is. One of the reasons why I am willing to go see almost anything in NYC.


ICQ 35590613
Yahoo Messenger Spider66_kw
AOL Instant Messenger Kelly071966

Patricia Weppler

Oct 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/21/00
Thanks, Buddy, if it's not putting you out. I only heard it once from a friend
who heard it from someone else (you know how that goes!!!) I don't usually
collect tokens but this would certainly be a neat item to have! Let me know if
you hear anything about it!! THANKS!!!!!

:-) Patricia

The Wanderer wrote:

> I haven't heard anything about them, if true. I'll check. Do you collect
> 'em? If you do, or just want one, and they have 'em, I'd be happy to pick
> one up for you Pat. (If I can get.)
> --
> Buddy
> from Brooklyn
> >

The Wanderer

Oct 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/21/00
The only thing that I've heard so far is they keep talking Subway Series
"Run out and get your tokens and Metrocards-yes you're gonna need 'em to go
to the Subway Series." etc.

from Brooklyn
"Patricia Weppler" <> wrote in message

Tiny Dancer

Oct 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/21/00
And so the word went out from "The Wanderer" <>:

>Aye, Citygirl, the audience is sometimes the best part of the show i.e. I'd

>give a testicle (did I say that?) to get a seat-any seat-in Yankee Stadium

>over the next coupla days. But the guys at Exxon, Intel, and IBM have them
>all. What a crowd that will be! It's amazing how guys who wear suits all day
>act in a ball game. Almost makes ya think they're human.

I'm with ya, Buddy, and I'm a diehard Blue Jays fan so three guesses how
I feel about those Damn Yankees?! ;-) I would love to be in that particular
historic stadium this week (but I'll be keeping my various body parts, thank
you very much), it's been a lifelong dream to visit Yankee Stadium anyway.
This week would be magical, though, you'll be able to soak up all the
excitement without going to the game itself, for sure.

As for the suits loosening up, I've seen a few games at the Dome from
inside the corporate "boxes", for lack of a better term, when my Mum was
working (and I used to work at the same place years ago so I was always
her invited guest). None of the big mucky-mucks got stinkin' drunk, alas,
but it was weird to be sitting next to the CEO and high-fiving each other
when the Jays got a run or whatever. It did make them almost human for
a couple of hours.

Such a shame those boxes are out of reach to me now, heck of a way to
watch a game. These places have about 5 bleacher rows under a cover
in the front and the good stuff behind them. Room for about 20 people (a
couple of tables and a bar to prop yourself at), a *free* bar, fully stocked,
cold buffet with veggies and cold cuts, hot horsesdoovers like sausage rolls,
your own washroom and even a big-screen TV if you want to watch the
action inside. Marvelous, just marvelous.

I know, I know, to really get into the game you have to sit with the regular
Joes and Josephines but I've seen the Jays play at Exhibition Stadium
many times (back bleachers, my bum was numb by the end of the game
from that hard wood and we had a blanket over our knees to keep the
frigid winds off Lake Ontario at bay), from inside the Hard Rock Cafe in
the Dome during the World Series (which was, frankly, THE most amazing
sports memory I have) and during the regular season (get a spot at the
Hard Rock window with a TV screen nearby and you are set for anything,
amazing seats and a great deal) and from practically every angle in the
Dome itself (back against the wall at the tippy-top, all over the Club level
and the field level and even behind home plate once), I earned the right
to sit back in that corporate box knocking back screwdrivers on someone
else's dime! :-)

Oh geesh, another novel, did I mention my kid's away?



Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
A nation turns its lonely eyes to you
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
"Joltin' Joe has left and gone away"
from Simon and Garfunkel's "Mrs. Robinson"

Webmistress of the official a.c.u '70s site

The Sesame Street Lyrics and Sounds Archive

The Wanderer

Oct 21, 2000, 8:51:44 PM10/21/00
Rhonda, if you ever come down to N.Y.C. I'll show you around and we'll take
in the stadium.

"Tiny Dancer" <> wrote in message

Tiny Dancer

Oct 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/22/00
And so the word went out from "The Wanderer" <>:

>Rhonda, if you ever come down to N.Y.C. I'll show you around and we'll take
>in the stadium.

You are on, Buddy! I don't get out of town much anymore but when I do,
check your doorstep, I'll be the only one there wearing a Jays cap ;-)
I'd be thrilled to take in a game with you, hun, anytime.

I've done the Skydome behind-the-scenes tour with out-of-town friends,
that's a must-see if *you* ever come to town. One of my best buds, Kevin
from England, came twice at the wrong time of year for a game so we did
the tour the first time and had lunch at the Hard Rock inside the Dome.
The third time he visited we finally timed it right for him to see his first real
live ballgame (37 years old and he'd never seen a game), I was excited
for him ... the Jays ended up losing 13-1! :-P He thought it was hysterical
and even bought me an engraved beer mug to commemorate the occasion.
Great seats, though, we were very close to a couple of flyballs and caught
a glimpse of ourselves on the Jumbotron as the camera swept past our area.
All in all, quite the fun day even if we did lose!



I believe in the Church of Baseball. I've tried all the major religions
and most of the minor ones. And the only church that truly feeds the
soul, day-in day-out, is the Church of Baseball.
Annie Savoy in "Bull Durham"

Oil Impressionist

Oct 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/23/00
In article <FyXH5.9596$>,

"redace" <> wrote:
> I cracked up at one part of that movie. In the beginning shots, when
> they are walking around interviewing people, they ask a teenage girl
> she knows about the Blair Witch. She says <*ahem* putting on my
> Baltimore accent, hon.> "No, but my sister went to B'lair High
> LOL! The reason I laugh is because I graduated from Bel Air High
> (also located in Maryland)! Aside from that, I was disappointed in
> movie.
> If you grow up in Maryland, you are raised on ghost stories of the
> locals (and there are many!). Hey, at least they could have brought
> the legend of Black Aggie...Oh no, I said her name! Good thing I'm
> near a mirror! ;-)
> Lori =^.^=(<------Who *loves* this time of year! BOO!) ~^-^~
> /\/\^-^/\/\

We'll all stay away from our mirrors while you explain about her. Come
on, come on! Now that you started it . . .



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Oct 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/23/00

Oil Impressionist wrote in message <8t0s9p$gmf$>...

Weeelllllll...okay! This is tale that it seems everyone I went to
school with seemed to know. My *mom* even new this legend! There are
different variations to the tale. Everywhere that I lived in Maryland
(we hoped around a bit) the story would change a little.
Anyway, here goes. Once upon a time in Bawlamor (Baltimore for those
who aren't familiar with the pronunciation), there lived a girl named
Agatha. She was a quiet girl who didn't bother anyone, but was picked
on by the neighborhood kids (At this point I must make mention of the
fact that she was also African-American. Hence, "Black Aggie.
this is an old legend, before political correctness, of course!). They
would taunt her by calling her Black Aggie and they would run after her.
If they caught her, they would hit her and pull on her pigtails until
she cried. Well, one day, she was playing in her yard and the bullies
showed up. They started taunting and pulling on her pigtails. She
managed to get away and ran into her house. She so upset and crying so
much that she accidentally hits the hall mirror (it seems everyone had a
hall mirror!) and the mirror breaks and Agatha gets terribly hurt. She
lived, but was horribly disfigured from the accident and in some
versions she became catatonic. Legend has it that when she hit the
mirror, a part of her soul went into the mirror forever (mirrorland??).
Now, here's the spooky part, supposedly you could summon her spirit
through a mirror. Just go into a dark room and say "Black Aggie" over
and over (5 times, I think it was). She is supposed to show up in the
mirror, if she does and you don't turn the lights on quick, she
scratches your face! <Insert maniacal laugh here> Now, I know what
your thinking "Does it work?". Well, a friend dared me to do this. My
response was (after telling him he was insane!!) was the old "I will if
you will" (this always seemed to get me in trouble somehow...anyway).
We went into the bathroom, turned off the lights and started to chant
"Black Aggie, Black Aggie, Black Aggie...after the 3rd time, we started
to see something.
Now maybe it was a mind trick, maybe there was a glimmer of light coming
in (don't think so), maybe it *was* Black Aggie coming to get us. We'll
never know, though, since Ronnie freaked out, turned the light on and
ran screaming from my bathroom!! LOL! I never thought a 10 year old
boy could scream like that! But I have to admit this, I'm 31 and I
*still* can't get myself to try it again! It's just too creepy.

Maryland has so many of these creepy legends. There's the mysterious
visitor to Edgar Allen Poe's grave who, every year on Halloween, leaves
a rose and bottle of whiskey (the news people LOVE this story and have
hyped it for years!) at his grave (located down the street from his
house on Greene Street in Baltimore City).

There's also the two stories I heard at Girl Scout camp. You see, there
was a mansion that was donated to the Girl Scouts. It was used for
weekend getaways (they always were in October, a very creepy time of
year to be in the middle of nowhere!). Anyway, there is one bathroom on
the top floor where there was a hanging light bulb. Well, for some
reason, this bulb always swayed ever so slightly back and forth. The
story was that the mansion was cursed. (here I have to back track a
bit) In the front yard, off to the side of the mansion was a huge
chimney (the house had been destroyed many years before), this was where
the servants house was. This was during pre-Civil War time, for the
record. Anyway, one of the servant girls became pregnant (from the
Masters son, as the tale has it). She couldn't tell anyone about this,
so she hid her pregnancy. Time goes on, and she has the baby. She
keeps the baby a secret until one day, the Master and the Mistress show
up. They are there because they say they have heard a child and demand
to have it since they are certain that the child is their grandchild.
Well, the girl had hid the child up the chimney before they came
in(Before anyone asks, I have NO idea how she did this. It's a story
for crying out loud!). She says there is no baby. They get angry and
have her taken away so that they can search the house. They decide
(after she is gone) that it is too cold and that they should build a
fire. Well, the obvious happens and the child dies. The servant girl
then places a curse on the family to last for generations for the loss
of her child. If you go to the chimney and stick your head up the flue,
it's said that you can hear a child crying (I've done this and it's
sounds like the wind whistling, but it's still creepy). So, back to the
swinging bulb. Years later, a young girl gets engaged to a Union
officer who she has fallen head over heals in love with. One day, he
gets called to battle. Months later, the young girl receives word that
the young officer was killed in battle. She is so distraught that she
hangs herself (in the room that is now a bathroom). Days later the
officer returns (he didn't die after all, it was someone else) and hears
of her death. He, too, is so distraught, that he takes his life in the
same way and in the same room as his fiancée. There is also rumor that
a husband killed his wife in a fit of rage (strangled her) in the same
room years later (I believe it was in the 1920's).

Well, I could tell you a million of these stories, but I hate to bore
people (I know, too late!!). I think some of the best ghost stories
come out of the original 13 colonies! One year, I am going to go to New
England in the Fall. I hear the stories are great there! :-)

Lori =^.^=(<----Who's feeling like Count Floyd. Ooooooo...veddy scary!)


Oct 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/23/00

Now those are the type of ghost stories I love...MORE, MORE!!!!


Oct 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/23/00
> Just go into a dark room and say "Black Aggie" over
>and over (5 times, I think it was).

oh, I forgot to you have to be in Maryland when you do this?? or does
it work anywhere?? : )


Oct 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/23/00

Sandy wrote in message <>...

>> Just go into a dark room and say "Black Aggie" over
>>and over (5 times, I think it was).
>oh, I forgot to you have to be in Maryland when you do this??
or does
>it work anywhere?? : )

I guess it could work(if it really works, that is) anywhere. How far
does Mirrorland go? :-)

Lori =^.^=


Oct 23, 2000, 8:24:03 PM10/23/00
>Now, here's the spooky part, supposedly you could summon her spirit
>through a mirror. Just go into a dark room and say "Black Aggie" over
>and over (5 times, I think it was). She is supposed to show up in the

As old as I am, you will never catch me saying Candyman, Candyman, Candyman,
Candyman, Candyman in a mirror!

Lorrie <------------------biggest chicken in the west

Molly Fanton

Oct 23, 2000, 8:49:23 PM10/23/00
I saw this movie (Candyman) one late night, and I'm never going to do it again.
I'm with you Lorrie, I'll never say Candyman five times.



Oct 23, 2000, 9:40:39 PM10/23/00
That movie scared the absolute CRAP out of me... that and Cape Fear.. .when
my friend and I went out to the car that night, I remember him checking
under the car

Molly Fanton <> wrote in message

Dixon Hayes

Oct 24, 2000, 12:54:40 AM10/24/00
>Lori =^.^=(<----Who's feeling like Count Floyd. Ooooooo...veddy scary!)

Man I LOVE a woman who quotes Count Floyd! If you had done that in person I
would have proposed!

The Wanderer

Oct 24, 2000, 2:23:38 AM10/24/00
That's a cheap way out of it Dix. Now, you put your foot in it ,...go

"Dixon Hayes" <dixon...@aol.comspamless> wrote in message


Oct 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/24/00

Dixon Hayes wrote in message

>>Lori =^.^=(<----Who's feeling like Count Floyd. Ooooooo...veddy
>Man I LOVE a woman who quotes Count Floyd! If you had done that in
person I
>would have proposed!

Awww...that's sweet...but my husband proposed to me 8 years ago after he
heard my rendition of 3D House of Pancakes! ;-)

Lori =^.^=


Oct 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/24/00

The Wanderer wrote in message ...

>That's a cheap way out of it Dix. Now, you put your foot in it ,...go

Hey, it's okay. Besides, my husband might have a small problem with it!
LOL! ;-)

Lori =^.^=

Molly Fanton

Oct 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/24/00
Did someone say Count Floyd? I maybe only 28, but I grew up watching SCTV.
What a great show. My fave member was Joe Flaherty (who recently played the
father on "Freaks & Geeks"). My favorite sketch was The 3-D House of
Pancakes. John Candy was so hilarious. Wasn't there also The 3-D House of
Stewardesses? I wish Comedy Central or Nick @ Nite would play it.


redace wrote:

> Dixon Hayes wrote in message
> <>...

> >>Lori =^.^=(<----Who's feeling like Count Floyd. Ooooooo...veddy
> scary!)
> >
> >Man I LOVE a woman who quotes Count Floyd! If you had done that in
> person I
> >would have proposed!
> >

Dixon Hayes

Oct 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/24/00
Lori wrote:

>Hey, it's okay. Besides, my husband might have a small problem with it!
>LOL! ;-)

That would actually be a BIG problem LOL

Dixon Hayes

Oct 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/24/00
Lori wrote:

>Awww...that's sweet...but my husband proposed to me 8 years ago after he
>heard my rendition of 3D House of Pancakes! ;-)

...and who in the world could blame him?

Dixon Hayes

Oct 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/24/00
There was once an Elephant Man sketch in which Dr. Tongue (the 3-D mad
scientist) and Igor had him cornered, and they were swinging a cane and other
objects toward him. The Elephant Man finally blurted out "I am not an actor, I
am a human being!" And Dr. Tongue replied, "A human being? I'm sorry, we were
looking for an actor." Man they just don't write stuff like that anymore.


Oct 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/24/00

Dixon Hayes wrote in message

>There was once an Elephant Man sketch in which Dr. Tongue (the 3-D mad
>scientist) and Igor had him cornered, and they were swinging a cane and
>objects toward him. The Elephant Man finally blurted out "I am not an
actor, I
>am a human being!" And Dr. Tongue replied, "A human being? I'm sorry,
we were
>looking for an actor." Man they just don't write stuff like that

This got me thinking (but the wheels in the brain need a little WD-40!),
what are some of the SCTV phrases that you still hear from time to time
(i.e. "oooo...veddy scary.)? Aside from Count Floyd, the ones we use a
lot are "Would you like some more...PANCAKES?!?" (This can have many
variations like "Would you like to use...MY PEN?!?" of course, you would
have to move the item back and forth as you are saying this.), "Take
off!", and the ever popular "They blowed up REAL good!". I'm still on
the hunt for a SCTV collection (maybe Columbia House will do this?).
Does anyone know of a box set, maybe?

Lori =^.^=

Dick Long

Oct 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/24/00
On Tue, 24 Oct 2000 12:09:44 GMT, in another
self-styled hero wrote:

>Did someone say Count Floyd? I maybe only 28, but I grew up watching SCTV.
>What a great show. My fave member was Joe Flaherty (who recently played the
>father on "Freaks & Geeks"). My favorite sketch was The 3-D House of
>Pancakes. John Candy was so hilarious. Wasn't there also The 3-D House of
>Stewardesses? I wish Comedy Central or Nick @ Nite would play it.

They show it daily in Canada. One of the few really excellent things
about living here. :)

What gets to me is seeing Lloyd Robertson (sp?) do the eveing news on
TV for real. I always think of Floyd Robertson and Earl Camembert
when I see the old guy and laugh my butt off at him.

My favourite character was Guy Caballero, the station owner.


"belive me I am nothing to bragg about so dont waste all your time.®"
"it seems like every boddy trys to be politicly incorect these days®"
- grapetastebasted

"Jefferies sucks!"
- Public Domain

"One of the most moronic sports fans on Earth!®"
- Mike Fletcher

Winner of the "Name the Little Fool" contest!!!®

Molly Fanton

Oct 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/24/00
I still remember Dave Thomas as Don Kershner, and he hosted this show (can't
remember the name of it), and they had a duet with Slim Whitman (Joe
Flaherty) and Barbara Streisand (sp)(Andrea Martin) and they sang, "You
Don't Bring Me Flowers". It was just funny the way Slim would yodel some of
the parts.


The Wanderer

Oct 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/24/00
OK then. I take it back.

from Brooklyn
"Dixon Hayes" <dixon...@aol.comspamless> wrote in message

> Lori wrote:
> >Hey, it's okay. Besides, my husband might have a small problem with it!
> >LOL! ;-)
> That would actually be a BIG problem LOL

Jeff Troutman

Oct 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/24/00
"Molly Fanton" <> wrote:
> I still remember Dave Thomas as Don Kershner, and he hosted this show
> remember the name of it), and they had a duet with Slim Whitman (Joe
> Flaherty) and Barbara Streisand (sp)(Andrea Martin) and they sang, "You
> Don't Bring Me Flowers". It was just funny the way Slim would yodel some
> the parts.

When I first saw the bit with Joe and Andrea as Slim and Babs in "Indira"
(Indira Gandhi ala "Evita"), I almost choked to death from laughing so hard.
Watch Andrea Martin's face when she sings "I kept my promise" and try not to
crack up.

Jeff Troutman


Oct 25, 2000, 3:00:00 AM10/25/00
as far as i know,
sctv was the only programme to have the boomtown rats doing "never in
a million years" (at least here in the states)
i love that song.

On Tue, 24 Oct 2000 12:09:44 GMT, Molly Fanton
<> walked right in,sat right down, and
screamed in a very nice way:

>Did someone say Count Floyd? I maybe only 28, but I grew up watching SCTV.
>What a great show. My fave member was Joe Flaherty (who recently played the
>father on "Freaks & Geeks"). My favorite sketch was The 3-D House of
>Pancakes. John Candy was so hilarious. Wasn't there also The 3-D House of
>Stewardesses? I wish Comedy Central or Nick @ Nite would play it.

>redace wrote:
>> Dixon Hayes wrote in message

>> <>...

>> >>Lori =^.^=(<----Who's feeling like Count Floyd. Ooooooo...veddy
>> scary!)
>> >
>> >Man I LOVE a woman who quotes Count Floyd! If you had done that in
>> person I
>> >would have proposed!
>> >

>> Awww...that's sweet...but my husband proposed to me 8 years ago after he
>> heard my rendition of 3D House of Pancakes! ;-)

>> Lori =^.^=

"Being diabetic is alot like having an un-invited
guest at a picnic, who keeps pointing out the potato
salad may have gone bad."--W.B. Willis

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