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flipping thru the photo albums

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Dec 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/13/96

I just spent a bit of time this evening flipping thru the family photo
albums from the seventies and thought I'd share some of the great things I
saw (not in chronological order).

Dad in the orange Astro mini-stationwagon with wood panelling on the sides
that he traded in the Gremlin on.

Me before and after my Dorothy Hamill haircut.

My mom before and after her Dorothy Hamill haircut

Family picnic with plenty of Shasta for everyone.

Gramma at XMAS unwrapping macrame plant holder mom and I made for her at
macrame class.

Monkey type puppet with long arms and legs that velcro'd around my neck
and waist

Me and my cousin playing PONG on the tv

Me in my Chrissy- from-Threes-Co-wannabe hair do of a small high pony tail
on each side.

Me in a pair of those shoes that were the brown fuzzy suede with the
ripple cloud bottoms.

we had joy, we had fun
we had seasons in the sun

Mark Schneider

Dec 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/14/96

On 13 Dec 1996 05:44:02 GMT, wrote:

>I just spent a bit of time this evening flipping thru the family photo
>albums from the seventies and thought I'd share some of the great things I
>saw (not in chronological order).


hey, anyone interested in posting Yearbook photos?

* *
* *
* Mark Schneider, WI1W *
* Manchester, NH *


Dec 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/14/96

Item: a 1"square snap - from an arrangement wherein photo processors gave
you back a 3x5 and a 1x1 print of each snap - of my mother and sister in
their matching, unbelievably ugly ponchos they got for Xmas in lessee
1973. or '74.
The ponchos were 100% synthetic: a heavy textured red/gold/earth tones
material, with hideous gold yarn fringe along all 4 sides, and a bizarre
rubbery gray material as the backing.

Jason LeBouef

Dec 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/14/96
to wrote:
> I just spent a bit of time this evening flipping thru the family photo
> albums from the seventies and thought I'd share some of the great things I
> saw (not in chronological order).
> Dad in the orange Astro mini-stationwagon with wood panelling on the sides
> that he traded in the Gremlin on.
> Me before and after my Dorothy Hamill haircut.
> My mom before and after her Dorothy Hamill haircut
> Family picnic with plenty of Shasta for everyone.
> Gramma at XMAS unwrapping macrame plant holder mom and I made for her at
> macrame class.
> Monkey type puppet with long arms and legs that velcro'd around my neck
> and waist
> Me and my cousin playing PONG on the tv
> Me in my Chrissy- from-Threes-Co-wannabe hair do of a small high pony tail
> on each side.
> Me in a pair of those shoes that were the brown fuzzy suede with the
> ripple cloud bottoms.
> Devane
> we had joy, we had fun
> we had seasons in the sun

My trip on our old Super 8 movies was:
1. People walking by in Bell Bottoms
2. Several Volkswagens on my street. I have a '64.
3. 8 pack of 10oz. Coke (REAL COKE!) Bottles that I would KILL for.
4. All the toys from my Birthday and Christmas. I still have my Run
Yourself Ragged, but I would utterly die for a Verti-bird.

Michele Scheel

Dec 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/15/96

In article <>, wrote:

> I just spent a bit of time this evening flipping thru the family photo
> albums from the seventies and thought I'd share some of the great things I
> saw (not in chronological order).


I have a picture of me back in, oh...must be about 1971 or 72...I was
10-ish, and had on this really mod mini-skirt and vest combo that my mom
had made for was pink, and made out of furry material! Yes! It's
true! And the clincher was the black knee-hi boots I was wearing
besides! Yikes! Whatta girl! It was taken on Christmas, and I was
holding an item I'd received that year....some sort of craft kit that
would make a fake leather (musta been vinyl) purse, complete with a big
ol' daisy imprinted on the front flap! Wow...too cool for school, lemme
tell ya! ;)


Dec 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/16/96

In article <>, (Michele Scheel) wrote:

>I have a picture of me back in, oh...must be about 1971 or 72...I was
>10-ish, and had on this really mod mini-skirt and vest combo that my mom
>had made for was pink, and made out of furry material! Yes! It's
>true! And the clincher was the black knee-hi boots I was wearing
>besides! Yikes! Whatta girl! It was taken on Christmas, and I was
>holding an item I'd received that year....some sort of craft kit that
>would make a fake leather (musta been vinyl) purse, complete with a big
>ol' daisy imprinted on the front flap! Wow...too cool for school, lemme
>tell ya! ;)

Me -n- my sister in our matching Danskins' outfits!

-suzey in nyc



Dec 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/17/96

Michele Scheel <> wrote in article >

> > I just spent a bit of time this evening flipping thru the family photo
> > albums from the seventies and thought I'd share some of the great
things I
> > saw (not in chronological order).
> <snip>

> I have a picture of me back in, oh...must be about 1971 or 72...I was
> 10-ish, and had on this really mod mini-skirt and vest combo that my mom
> had made for was pink, and made out of furry material! Yes!
> true! And the clincher was the black knee-hi boots I was wearing

> besides! Yikes! Whatta girl! > Michele
>Yikes Michele, was I in the picture with you? : ) I was about 10-ish too
and my mom use to make me clothes too....polyester avocado green material
I scanned through a picture of myself on Christmas from 1970. I was on a
blue and white girls Ross bike. My hair was parted on the side in the
front and I had two pigtails like "Pippy-Longstockings".
daughter actually looks like me?!!! : )


Dec 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/17/96

Me and my brother in Navy "P" coats? from Sunny Surplus.
. <-----Microscopic .sig (Pausto at erols dot com)

Mitzi St. Bernard

Dec 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/19/96

Paisley polyester tent dresses. Patent leather dress shoes with jet
heels. Tight bubble body suits.

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