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Sep 13, 2001, 11:32:13 PM9/13/01
After reading all the posts from the last few days, I think I may keep
my distance from here for awhile (not like there's much of me to miss, I
know...just kidding...I hope).

In a time of such tragedy, I've seen too much ugliness in the last hour
of reading posts (mostly in one thread in particular). Instead of
sharing these emotions of anger and sadness with each other, I'm seeing
it used against us. This can't continue. I may come in now and
then...maybe things with be different. Until then, take care of
yourselves and try not to fight.

With much love to all,

Lori =^.^=


Sep 14, 2001, 4:47:28 AM9/14/01
I'm sorry you feel that way, Lori. I've been there myself, but is this the
best time to do this? Please reconsider. We need all the good hearts we
can get right now.

You have to do what you think is best, of course. You'll be missed.


"redace" <> wrote in message

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Sep 14, 2001, 9:38:00 AM9/14/01
Lori wrote:
> After reading all the posts from the last few days, I think I >may keep my
distance from here for awhile (not like there's >much of me to miss, I
know...just kidding...I hope).
> In a time of such tragedy, I've seen too much ugliness in the >last hour of
reading posts (mostly in one thread in >particular). Instead of sharing these
emotions of anger and >sadness with each other, I'm seeing it used against us.
This >can't continue. I may come in now and then...maybe things >with be
different. Until then, take care of yourselves and try >not to fight.
> With much love to all,
> Lori =^.^=

Lori, of course you will be missed!! The strength of this NG is, for the most
part, that we all seem to want to find the things that unite us rather than
divide us. Think back on all the wonderful posts we as a group have shared
with one another; finding out that people out in Colorado were playing the
same games as those of us in Boston played when we were children. Or learning
that your favorite show or song was also the favorite of another member of this
group of friends. We also have discovered many regional differences in how we
have lived our lives. Our Canadian members have opened our eyes to what life
in another country has meant to them. It's broadened our horizons. That is
why we all initially came celebrate our sameness but also to
embrace our diversity.

If a few members seem bent on always focusing on the negative, well, what can
we do but hope that eventually they will see the light of day? Please don't
leave because of that reason. It's precisely why you should stay and voice
your positive thoughts, share your sadness and rely on those of us who don't
want to engage in a war of words, especially now. It serves none of us here to
do battle with each other. Don't we have enough enemies already willing to
take us down? I appreciate that the freedom we cherish as Americans allows us
to say what we feel. I, like you, however, don't see why certain people feel
the need to keep coming to a place of friendship only to incite or inflame the
rest of us. That makes no sense to me. But I will not leave because a few try
to make it unpleasant for the many. It's the same spirit that will bring this
country out of the current darkness and back into the light eventually.

Stay, are among friends here.

Anne :-)
Class of 1980


Sep 14, 2001, 6:27:01 PM9/14/01
Lori this whole tragic episode has people very emotional. Anger is one of
those emotions that come when you love something and it is suddenly taken
away. I don't think any of these people are intentionally being mean, I
think they are feeling fiercely passionate about their country right now. I
hope you stay. You a part of this group and will be missed dearly.

Naz Reyes

Sep 14, 2001, 7:25:36 PM9/14/01

Nanc wrote:

Nanc, thank you for saying that. I, too, was one of those people who was
deeply disturbed and angry in the past few days. If I had offended anyone
about anything I've said, I'm VERY sorry. A lot of the things I've said in the
past few days was due to my extreme emotional shock of what had happened. I
realize now that I had been irrational about my anger, but I'm beginning to see
things in a better perspective now. So, Lori, I hope you understand that
people are just angry and confused right now. I don't think that we're here to
tear each other apart...a lot are just venting their frustrations...I hope you

While I understand that most Americans are deeply hurt and angry right now,
let's stop being angry and do something positive. Instead, help America's
wounded by giving blood, donate money for those in need, say some prayers for
the victims of NY and your loved ones, and practice random acts of kindness to
everyone. This is what we really need right now to overcome these trying
times. And perhaps, together, we can begin to feel some sense of normalcy,
and we can help rebuild America and become a MUCH stronger country.

God bless America,


Sep 14, 2001, 7:58:30 PM9/14/01
You're welcome Naz. I should have said WE people because I have been just as
angry. I also believe now that most people are doing positive things. I even
feel that people are being kinder and friendlier than usual. I am sorry too
if I offended anyone out there.
Bill, Jen and I went out in front of the house at 7:00 and burned candles
and prayed. Right now two of the candles are still burning on my front
stairs (not to worry the stairs are brick ;) God bless us everyone.

Naz Reyes wrote in message <>...


Sep 14, 2001, 10:27:27 PM9/14/01
I also have to apologize for the way I reacted. I know I've overacted in the past,
but what I said wasn't really called for in this situation. I couldn't take it
anymore, so I just just hit the "Ignore thread" selection on my newsreader, so I
can't read it anymore.
I really think everybody's feelings were hurt by this whole thing, and I know that
many people deal with this type of situation in different ways. I got really
frustrated and lashed out more than usual.
I've also noticed how preachy my posts have been, and that's not my intent. I've
learned a lot the last few days, and I truly love being an American now. :)



Sep 15, 2001, 1:33:32 AM9/15/01

"Retro Man" <> wrote in message
> I guess it's my turn.

Mine, too. I'm really sorry.
I haven't been here in several months. I'm barely making it right now,
no job, no money to finish my last semester, had to drop out--I'll probably
be homeless very shortly... and then I come here after a long absence and
say some insensitive things. A lot of people are going through far, far
worse things than my personal little crisis.
If this had happened to one of our allies, even a fair-weather one, we
would have already been there, offering aid and fighting to defend them.
That this atrocity happened here, and we've not yet retaliated, speaks
volumes to me about the severity of the upcoming days. I pray that we can
go about our business as wisely and as compassionately as possible. That is
the best I can possibly hope for.
Right now, we're all New Yorkers. My heart goes out to that City. I
come from a small town and I've always been terrified of NYC, never even
considering going there. Regardless, those are my brothers and sisters who
were attacked in a most heinous, cowardly manner. I'm trying to find a
place to store my things so that I can go there to help.

"The happiest life consists in ignorance,
Before you learn to grieve and to rejoice."
---Sophocles (496-406 B.C.)

"...This was a very innocent planet,
Except for those great big brains."
---Kurt Vonnegut


Sep 14, 2001, 10:53:05 PM9/14/01
Doug, here's a virutal hug for you...



Sunshine State

Sep 15, 2001, 1:31:14 AM9/15/01
This is exactly what our clergyman said in church the day after the
incident . . . well spoken, Naz.

The Wanderer

Sep 18, 2001, 2:08:49 PM9/18/01
Well said Annie.

from Brooklyn

"It'd take a guy a lifetime to know Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo. An' even den,
yuh wouldn't know it all."
Thomas Wolfe from Death To Morning

"Anne " <> wrote in message

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