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New Years Eve....70's Memories

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Dec 27, 2000, 6:50:01 PM12/27/00
Having been born in '63,I didn't get into the adult version of NYE until
80-81 so most of my 70's NYE memories are from a child's perspective.....

.....NYE '73,our house caught fire.Luckily the damage was contained to the
chimney flue (sp?) and a portion of the roof.I remember all of us kids were
taken to Gramma & Grampa's house to spend the night there and we were each
given a big 'ol bottle of pop (were two liter bottles around then?) to get
us through the night.......I drank every drop of my Vernors Ginger Ale.

Not sure of the year but I remember watching the Sonny & Cher Show and all
of a sudden there were what sounded like gunshots outside.All of us kids ran
outside and a few of our Uncles were making cannons out of Pringles
cans..............boy,were they loud,the cannons I mean....LOL.

Again,not sure of the year but we had gotten an Atari 2600 for Christmas and
we held a family
Pong tournament that lasted way into New Years Day.

Let's see,musta been about '77 or '78,my older Brother had attended a NYE
party and he came home drunk.
We shared a room so I got my first lesson on the affects of alcohol.You
know,slurred speech,staggering and,oh yeah,barfing!The smell of that
regurgitated whiskey is seared into my mind forever.

Finally,while not in the 70's,my first adult (I use that term loosely) NYE
party in 1981.I experienced the FULL effect of alcohol on the human body.I
had been tipsy before but never full on drunk and due to that state of mind
I do not remember a whole lot about it except that it was wintertime.



Dec 28, 2000, 2:44:01 PM12/28/00
Doug have you noticed no one is commenting on your post?? Do they not
remember NYE in the 70's or would they rather forget???!!!
Ok I'll admit when I read your post that the first thing that popped into my
mind was the time I threw up on my sister's rabbit fur coat because I drank
too much vodka. She said it was okay cuz she was drunk too. We took cabs all
over the place that night and I don't remember much else.

rach at work

Dec 28, 2000, 3:54:31 PM12/28/00
My drunkest New Years is a tie. New Years Eve 1992 I was staying with a
friend and got very very loaded on vodka and southern comfort. This was
at the height of my drinking days and the goal was to drink until you
became comatose whenever you could. I got this loaded the night BEFORE
New Years so the New Years eve day when I was supposed to be shopping
at Holt Renfrew (kinda like Saks )I was actually shopping and sitting
at every second due to being so hung over. When midnight finally came,
I was sitting on my friends stairs, painting little things on them and
doing his mural and all of a sudden he says... oh yeah, its midnight,
happy 1993. Very uneventful.

The second was New Years 1996. I got all dolled up in a Audrey Hepburn
updo like she had in Breakfast at Tiffanys, long evening dress and
nails... the whole bit. Someone that I didn`t like was attending dinner
and the evening with us so I downed a bottle of wine to calm the nerves
then two fisted the rest of the night. I made A LOT of friends that
night... came back to my friends, fell on the wall taking my shoes off
,when his mom (she was staying with him at the time) asked how it was I
replied " It was FUCKING awesome, Carole" then he had to take my
tights off as I couldn`t manage on my own. I then announced that I was
sleeping on the floor. By this time, I was so used to drinking that I
didnt even get the hangover the next day. All the stupid things we´ve

Sent via

Tiny Dancer

Dec 28, 2000, 5:09:30 PM12/28/00
And so the word went out from "Nancy" <>:

>Doug have you noticed no one is commenting on your post?? Do they not
>remember NYE in the 70's or would they rather forget???!!!

Naaa, more like what I just posted in another thread, I was too young
to do anything exciting so I just watched Dick Clark and marvelled at
all those crazy people in Time's Square. A friend of mine travelled there
a couple of years ago (her first time in New York period), got married
and celebrated by going to Time's Square on NYE, nuts or what?!

The only big thing that happened on NYE in the 70s was when my parents
band split up. They played the gig and the guitarist dropped the bomb
that he was hereby leaving the group. By the end of the night, everyone
else had agreed and the band was done :-(



Welcome to my Christmas song
I'd like to thank you for the year
So I'm sending you this Christmas card
To say it's nice to have you here
from Elton John's "Step Into Christmas"

Webmistress of the official a.c.u '70s site

The Sesame Street Lyrics and Sounds Archive

Tiny Dancer's X-Files Episode Guide

Tiny Dancer

Dec 28, 2000, 5:14:56 PM12/28/00
And so the word went out from rach at work <>:

<some snippage>

>I made A LOT of friends that night... came back to my friends, fell
>on the wall taking my shoes off ,when his mom (she was staying with
>him at the time) asked how it was I replied " It was FUCKING awesome,
>Carole" then he had to take my tights off as I couldn`t manage on my own.

Is it any wonder I love this woman?! Would have loved a picture of his
mother's face, LOL!



and tired of thinking about drinking
for thinking of drinking while thinking
about drinking and thinking about drinking
from The Tragically Hip's "Eldorado"

rach at work

Dec 28, 2000, 5:34:46 PM12/28/00
LOL she just laughed and said " is that right dear" and teases me to
this day about the whole thing... the best was, the wall I fell against
had a book shelf on the other side full of her tea cups. When I fell
against the wall, I knew what COULD have happened and said rather
loudly, FUCK! THE TEA CUPS! which my friend found hilarious

The Wanderer

Dec 28, 2000, 11:32:48 PM12/28/00
Yeah, but I would have volunteered to take those tights off! Wait a
minute....I didn't really say that...did I? I guess I did. Must've been a
Freudian Slip, they're the only kind I wear.

from Brooklyn

"If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning."
Aristotle Onassis
"Tiny Dancer" <> wrote in message

The Wanderer

Dec 28, 2000, 11:32:59 PM12/28/00
My NYEs in the early '70s usually involved a GOOD ounce of EXCELLENT
Columbian Gold that had the capacity to cripple mere mortal men (it was
shared, but merely my contribution to the party). But in my Clark Kent
disguise I was able to perform superhuman ingestions of controlled
substances. Along the way a hit or two of some blotter, and at least a case
(24) 16 oz. Budweisers (didn't mess with liquor at this point). Then, once
VERY mellow, my friends were invited to my place for the orgy that was to
follow BUT only in couples. Single women were encouraged (but actually never
joined in without a partner). So by mid afternoon on January 1, we were
usually made, laid, parlayed, waylaid and fileted until we'd fade. But if
you were starting to fade we had more acid or ups (although guys tried to
stay away from the ups because of the "shrinkage" problem and the damaging
effect that it could have on your manly reputation) to rev you up again.
But the one that really stands out to me the most is NYE '72. I
was raised by my grandmother, all my life, practically. Well, she packed it
all in on Christmas Day '72 after having been in the hospital and seeming to
be coming "back" over the course of a week. Boy, I got fucked up that night.
And my ex-wife was a saint about it (one thing I NEVER will forget and could
never begin to thank her for-I only wish I could). I watched a little of
Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve '72. I remember that I saw this band
called Tower Of Power that knocked my socks off. Ass kickin'
funk/soul/rock/jazz/fusion that just reeled me in (I'm a fan to this day).
But I did a hit of acid and told my wife that I just had to go out walkin'
the streets of the neighborhood, to think. We had just buried Gram like 2
days before, and here at 21 with a wife and a child, I felt like I was truly
being thrust out into the world-on my own. It was like a coming of age and
passing from one level of maturity to another. I just walked the strip where
all the bars were listening to all the noisemakers and revelers falling in
and out of bars, as I cried silently and tripped and tried to come to grips
with this moment in my life and the loss of her, and the fact that I was
starting a new year in my life for the first time without her. My wife had
been afraid that I might flip, but I knew better. This was used as a
psychological lubricant to get me moving emotionally to the next level. I
came home about 2 hours later and had made my peace with the loss of the
woman who had been closer than my mother. And knew "our" time had come, and
that God had something planned and that this was but a small part. That was
one NYE that I will NEVER forget, but try not to remeber so vividly. Got me
in a mist now. Sorry for going on so long.

"If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning."
Aristotle Onassis
"Tiny Dancer" <> wrote in message


Dec 29, 2000, 7:46:10 AM12/29/00
I can't imagine at 21 to lose the only person I knew as a parent. It sounds
like you've taken bad times and turned them into positive lessons. God does
have a plan for all of us even though we might not like the way things go.
Thanks for sharing Buddy and Happy 2001.

Oriole Adams

Dec 29, 2000, 11:41:52 AM12/29/00
The very first NYE that I ever saw the ball fall in Times Square (to the
strains of Guy Lombardo's Royal Canadians) was 1968, and I remember the giant
1 9 6 9 flashing across the screen.

Years later, as supposed "adults", some girlfriends and I, fresh out of high
school (NYE '77) had been celebrating since probably 6 or 7PM, and after the
ball fell, we decided to go out cruising, for whatever reason. Yes, this was
extremely stupid on our part, considering how much we'd drank, but this was
before MADD and all were there to drill it into our heads that it was stupid.

Luckily, we didn't injure ourselves or anyone else vehicular-wise, but somehow
we ended up on Woodward Avenue, in what could be described as a very unsavory
neighborhood. I remember hanging out of the car window, on a sub-zero evening,
yelling at men going into the XXX theatre "I'm telling your wife!!" and other
such nonsense.

The combo of cold night air and screeching at the top of my lungs rendered me
pretty much speechless on New Year's Day, no doubt to the relief of my family
and friends. :)

I want to wish all my 70s pals very Happy, Safe and Health New Year's
2001....remember back when 2000 seemed so far in the future?? Weren't we all
supposed to be flying around with jet packs on our backs by now?

Tiny Dancer

Dec 29, 2000, 11:54:33 AM12/29/00
And so the word went out from "The Wanderer" <>:

<some snippage>

>So by mid afternoon on January 1, we were usually made, laid, parlayed,
>waylaid and fileted until we'd fade.

Man, part of me wishes I could have been there for one of these bashes
and the other part is terrified! Glad you made it through intact, Buddy :-)

>That was one NYE that I will NEVER forget, but try not to remeber so vividly.
>Got me in a mist now. Sorry for going on so long.

No worries, thanks for sharing, hun, sounds like it was a pivotal moment in
your young life. That's a heavy blow to take at 21. I'll bet your grandmother's
very proud of the man you became, I know we are.



Let others praise ancient times; I am glad I was born in these.
Ovid (43 B.C. - A.D. 18)

For a good time call

Dec 29, 2000, 7:58:56 PM12/29/00
December 31, 1979...the very last day of that decade so dear to our
hearts. We were all 19 years old and on Christmas break from college.
Our main goal was to get all liquored-up for the evening. Mission
accomplished. While at this big party, I was playing around with an
empty beer bottle I had just finished. I had stuck my thumb into the
bottle and to my surprise COULDNT GET IT OUT!! It was 11:45pm.
Everyone thought I was goofing on them, but it was big-time, seriously
stuck on my thumb!! I had a line of people taking turns trying to pull
the bottle off!!! But it wouldnt come off. Suddenly, AULD LANG
SYNE....its midnight!! Everyone's laughing their asses off at me cuz Im
ringing in the '80's with a bottle of Old Milwaukee permanently attached
to my right hand. Finally, at 12:15 am January 1, 1980....the bottle
came off with the help of a friend who is a nurse. I swear it would
still be there today if she hadn't come to my rescue!

Oriole Adams

Dec 29, 2000, 10:44:44 PM12/29/00
> had stuck my thumb into the
>bottle and to my surprise COULDNT GET IT OUT!!

I'm sorry to laugh at someone's misfortune, but that *is* hilarious!

Glad you didn't have to go through life known as "Bottle Thumb." :)


Dec 30, 2000, 5:10:13 AM12/30/00
We moved here this side (east side) of Houston in Nov.. of '71. That NYE my
Dad was home & told us to listen real hard at midnight. Now we lived oh
about 3 miles from the nearest dock on the ship channel. Well come NYD at
midnight ALL the ships in the ship channel would blow their horns at the
same time to ring in the new year. It was really cool to hear it. They don't
do it anymore tho & haven't for many years. I think somebody complained
about the noise & that was that. Other than that I don't really have any
other 70's NYE memories as I usually try to stay home on that night. You
know what with it bein' amateur night & all. There was one time in the 80's
tho that I went to a NYE costume party. I went dressed as an illegal alien
from the Genesis song 'Illegal Alien.' Didn't win any prize tho. Last NYE it
was the Skynyrd-ZZ Top concert at the Summit. This year I have no idea if
I'll do anything. Probably just stay home & watch Dick Clark, & the rest of
the NOW 3rd most populated state in the country, (Buddy you HAD to know I
wasn't gonna let that one get by w/o mentioning it now didn't you??:-)
freeze it's butt off!!

Tiny Dancer

Dec 30, 2000, 12:29:20 PM12/30/00
And so the word went out from

LOL! Great story, Tritt! And it's a good thing you don't believe, as I do,
that where you are and who you're with at midnight is some kind of a
signal for the rest of the year. Then again, do you still have an Old
Milwaukee attached to your hand most nights? ;-)



A very Merry Xmas
And a Happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
from John Lennon's "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)"

Webmistress of the official a.c.u '70s site


Dec 30, 2000, 4:02:02 PM12/30/00
I used to anxiously wait all year for New Year's Eve. One of the Atlanta
radio stations, either Z93 or 96-Rock, can't remember would play the top 20
albums of the year, in their entirety. I would get my 8-track recorder all
set up and try to stay up so I could cheaply acquire some great albums.
They would do it like a countdown and wouldn't release the titles beforehand
so you had to hang around and listen. I would usually make it from about
#20 to about #12 before falling asleep. If an album was something I didn't
want I would go to something else for about an hour and check back. I would
usually fall asleep during album #12 and wake up with them on about album #4
and then would find I had missed some album I really wanted like Bruce
Springsteen's Born To Run or Jefferson Starship's Red Octopus <grin>.

~dancing us from the darkest nights is the rhythm of love powered by the
beating of hearts~

Dixon Hayes

Dec 30, 2000, 9:52:07 PM12/30/00
The 1970s New Year's I best remember was the *very* first one I remember.
Before 1975 we were always put to bed on the magic night, usually because
either my parents had some other plans and teh babysitter put us to bed, or
when my Mom was divorced, she had no plans and treated it like another night.

Well, on New Year's Eve 1975 Mom had a date and she left us with a babysitter.
By then we had gotten used to staying up late and we were by golly ready to see
a ball drop. The babysitter, Vickie, was not happy, no not happy at all.
First she actually tried to order us to bed. Then Mom called to check on us
and I got permission out of her and asked her to relay it to Vickie, which she
did. That made Vickie even madder. (I can't prove this but I always felt she
had a boy who was supposed to come over after we were in bed and we messed up
her plans.) So she wouldn't let us have colas because we would "wet the bed"
(Miss Diplomacy). When the magic hour came, we listened on the radio (the ball
had dropped on Eastern time, we were in the Central zone) and I remember my
sister yelling and jumping up and down because it was now 1976. I think that
was the night we forever reached a new understanding with our babysitters, the
few we had after that anyway.

"That's something you can't talk enough about...sin!"
--Barney Fife

Remember THE Hollywood Squares...the original and the best


Dec 31, 2000, 10:31:50 AM12/31/00
Well, let's see:
The seventies...75 my boyfriend and I moved in together. On the 4th of July.
Watched the Fireworks out our 18th floor livingroom window...oh, wrong holiday!
Like they say, "If you remember the 70's you weren't there."...and as you can
see I was there...
My best memories of NYE were when his band played at little club in
Billerica...which by the way is where we ended up living and now the area the
was the club is now a bunch of high priced houses. Ah, what time does!
I used to get all decked out in satin and lace and my best 4 inch
platforms...and rock the night away. We did everything under the sun...and it
was sooooo coool being with "The Band". The bands name was Rage. Anyone from
MA remember them? We had so many good times...and some not so...but, those are
my memories of NYE in the 70's. Sorry, I can't be more specific...but, like I
said...If you remember the 70's, you weren't there!
Love and Hugs to All...
Anne, this is your fault...I'm officially addicted to this site!
Hippie Mom...Carla

Nigel McKenzie

Dec 31, 2000, 11:15:29 AM12/31/00

>Well, let's see:
>The seventies...75 my boyfriend and I moved in together.

Well let's see:
1st Jan '75. I invited my now wife to a party and didn't turn up myself.

Things were a little frosty for a couple of weeks. Then:
23rd Jan '75, I invited my now wife out to lunch and did turn up myself.

24th Jan '75, we moved in together.

So that's 26 years and they said it wouldn't last. (Actually they all
said it would)
Nigel McKenzie


Dec 31, 2000, 1:43:03 PM12/31/00
My favorite New Years Eve are when I was a teenager. My parents would get yummy
snacks for the night like shrimp and my best friend would come over. It would
also be the night WRKO would be playing the TOP 100 OF THE YEAR!!!!
woohooo!!!!! I would sit and tape it. I still have from 74 to 77 on tape
(really bad quality, though, lol!)
I remember sitting there taping the songs and writing them down up in my room
and wondering how many years I would do that.
Alas, not nearly enough...


Class of 78


Dec 31, 2000, 1:43:49 PM12/31/00
>Ok I'll admit when I read your post that the first thing that popped into my
>mind was the time I threw up on my sister's rabbit fur coat because I drank
>too much vodka.

Oh GROSS!!!!


Tiny Dancer

Dec 31, 2000, 5:11:51 PM12/31/00
And so the word went out from (CARTRA56):


>I used to get all decked out in satin and lace and my best 4 inch platforms...
>and rock the night away. We did everything under the sun...and it was
>sooooo coool being with "The Band". The bands name was Rage.
>Anyone from MA remember them? We had so many good times...and
>some not so...but, those are my memories of NYE in the 70's. Sorry, I
>can't be more specific...but, like I said...If you remember the 70's, you
>weren't there!

Ain't that the truth?! Sounds ultra groovy, Carla! I was "with the band"
myself back then but I was just the daughter, not the girlfriend, so no
cool satin and lace outfits for me, alas :-)

>Anne, this is your fault...I'm officially addicted to this site!

Let's hear it for Anne for bringing Carla aka Hippie Mom to the group!
And do feel free to join the website even though her highness hasn't yet ;-)



It's just another New Year's Eve
It's just another Auld Lang Syne
But when we're through this New Year
You'll see, will be
Just fine
from Barry Manilow's "It's Just Another New Year's Eve"

Tiny Dancer

Dec 31, 2000, 5:13:54 PM12/31/00
And so the word went out from Nigel McKenzie <>:

>Well let's see:
>1st Jan '75. I invited my now wife to a party and didn't turn up myself.
>Things were a little frosty for a couple of weeks. Then:
>23rd Jan '75, I invited my now wife out to lunch and did turn up myself.
>24th Jan '75, we moved in together.
>So that's 26 years and they said it wouldn't last. (Actually they all
>said it would)

Good to see you again, Nigel, hope you had a great holiday! And could
one of your resolutions please be to post more in the new year? :-)

Tiny Dancer

Dec 31, 2000, 5:16:40 PM12/31/00
And so the word went out from (Sandy):

>My favorite New Years Eve are when I was a teenager. My parents
>would get yummy snacks for the night like shrimp and my best friend
>would come over.

We polished off a shrimp ring at my Mum's, some things never change!

>It would also be the night WRKO would be playing the TOP 100 OF
>THE YEAR!!!! woohooo!!!!! I would sit and tape it. I still have from 74
>to 77 on tape (really bad quality, though, lol!) I remember sitting there
>taping the songs and writing them down up in my room and wondering
>how many years I would do that. Alas, not nearly enough...

I used love doing that, too, Sandy. Books and books filled with these
damn lists by the time I stopped. No clue where there are now, of course,
now that they'd actually be interesting, sheesh!


Dec 31, 2000, 5:56:00 PM12/31/00
<< >Anne, this is your fault...I'm officially addicted to this site!

Let's hear it for Anne for bringing Carla aka Hippie Mom to the group! And do
feel free to join the website even though her highness hasn't yet ;-)


TD >>

Oooooh, I always wanted to be royalty....does this mean I finally am??? I
promise to get some pics to you soon TD. And's my official
"Newbie Welcome to the Group" post to you as well. Kick off those platforms
and join the crowd.

Anne :-)

Phaedra Alwell

Dec 31, 2000, 6:09:46 PM12/31/00
The first NYE I remember was 1979. I was 5 years old and i went next
door to my best friends house where her stepmom had a big party for us
and it was soooo magical.!
She had a way of making everything into an event. Amy and I played
dress up and put on a "show" for the home movies. We danced and twirled
all night in our lingerie! hahahaha
then we had snacks and went outside at midnight with our sparkelers(
complete with socks on our hands for fear of getting burnt)then we
rushed inside to see the ball drop.
That was so fun.
Mary is no longer with us ( God rest her soul) but i still remember all
the NYE's we spent together
In some ways i try to put that magic into my NYE but this is the first
year I have been home alone for NYE...not totally alone though with Dick

Phaedra :)

Dixon Hayes

Dec 31, 2000, 7:11:50 PM12/31/00
Carla, if I haven't said so already, welcome aboard! We are glad to have you

Nigel McKenzie

Jan 1, 2001, 9:09:59 AM1/1/01
>Good to see you again, Nigel, hope you had a great holiday! And could
>one of your resolutions please be to post more in the new year? :-)

I haven't gone away, but having been in the UK during the 70's, the
number of threads that I can add anything to is limited.

For example I was completely unaware that "Tiny Dancer" might well be an
Elton John reference, as the track was only ever released on a '72 US

Nigel McKenzie

The Wanderer

Jan 2, 2001, 6:52:43 PM1/2/01
Yeah, Billy. I knew you'd serve it up. Now just watch your borders or you'll
be Number 1 soon.

"If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning."
Aristotle Onassis

"recsec" <> wrote in message

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