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What do you remember most about the 6 Million Dollar Man?

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Chris Phillips

May 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/27/96

The cheap sound effects!
Everything creaks!


May 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/28/96

In <phillips-270...@>

(Chris Phillips) writes:
>The cheap sound effects!
>Everything creaks! doubt about it.. the way Lee Majors would jump off a fence
backwards (real exaggerated) and then when they replayed it forward in
slow motion it looked like he was jumping 40 feet in the air. This was
used in later episodes of The Bionic Woman, and in my senior project
for film class. Real cheesy, but it even worked in Super 8!!!


Rhonda Rubin

May 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/29/96

In article <phillips-270...@>, (Chris Phillips) wrote:
>The cheap sound effects!
>Everything creaks!

If you can run at 60 MPH, it looks real slow!

"The dew fell with a particularly sickening thud this morning."

Jay Phillips

May 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/29/96

In article <4ohi93$>, (Rhonda Rubin) wrote:

> In article <phillips-270...@>,
> (Chris Phillips) wrote:
> >The cheap sound effects!
> >Everything creaks!
> If you can run at 60 MPH, it looks real slow!

The eye I didn't have a problem with, but growing up around farm machinery
made me familiar with the application of force. My young mind was always
trying to figure out how the rest of his human based body ever stood the
incredible strain of 60 mph, bending steel, tearing iron doors off the
hinges, etc. It just seemed to me that all his aftermarket parts would
beat him (literally) to death.

On a different note, a high school buddy and I always mused about what sex
between the Bionic Man and Woman would be like. I'll spare you the
graphically adolescent details; suffice it to say it might remind you of a
Waring blender...



May 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/29/96

We all remember that series for "BIGFOOT" !!!!!!!!!!!!!11


May 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/30/96

His eye. The sound it made whenever he used it (well - the sound effect).

I always wanted one of those eyes but with an x-ray feature added.

Somebody tell the IRS there is nothing gross about income.


May 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/31/96

Of course I seem to recall a scene where a helicopter was trying to
take off and he reached up and pulled it down. Would it not have
pulled him up instead. I also know that if I pull on a bar with my
normal strength, if I pull myself hard enough, the bar will not bend
but I will pull myself nearer the bar. I guarantee I weigh more than
Lee Major ever weighed and if I were stronger I would simply pull
myself toward the window-bar just that much faster.

How about all the times they screwed up and applied sound-effects for
something he was doing with his left arm?

For anybody who read the original book by Martin Caiden, it was his
left arm that was bionic and his eye was nothing more than a camera
because, "we have no hope of ever understanding the complexity of the
human eye" (not exactly word for word, but as best as memory serves.)

All in all I still enjoyed the show and sometimes still catch it at
6:00 p.m. on the Sci-Fi channel (free plug!)

I dream of a time machine to take me back to the seventies!


May 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM5/31/96
to Logan

I found myself watching the Bionic Woman the other day ....

And there were so many things I noticed.

- She kicks through the concrete wall of a cell she's being held in, and then
runs across town to get to the bad guys.
* So apparantly, she's got the Bionic Reinforced Heels too.
* Also, how secret is her existence gonna be when the residents of San
(Whatzit) see a woman chugging down the road at 120 mph?

- She arrives, fresh as a daisy, across town in record time.
* Apparantly, she got the Bionic Sweat Glands in the process.

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Jun 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/1/96

Chris Phillips wrote:
> The cheap sound effects!
> Everything creaks!The episode where Steve *sings* to/or about Jamie Sommers - the Bionic
Woman. That was a real gut-wrencher!
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Charles Hobbs

Jun 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/1/96

> On a different note, a high school buddy and I always mused about what sex
> between the Bionic Man and Woman would be like. I'll spare you the
> graphically adolescent details; suffice it to say it might remind you of a
> Waring blender...

I remember a Mad magazine parody where this guy, after having
"done it" with the Bionic Woman, says "That's the best six hours
of sex I've ever had". She says "Yes, considering that it only took
30 seconds!!!"

Lloyd G. Greenwald

Jun 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/2/96

I remember that one! We made fun of that for months afterwards. My
older brother would sing in an exaggerated tone, "Jamie, I love you,
Jamie." Why was he singing to her anyway? Was she really sick or
something, or he thought she died? I forget the episode, but remember
that "gut-wrenching" song:-)

5-15 in the 70s

Dixon Hayes

Jun 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/2/96

She died, and it was a season finale, if I recall correctly. It was one
of those big hospital scenes, and you heard Steve singing as the shot
dissolved to he and Jaime running through a meadow or something like
Remember how she came back? It had to do with some cockamamie
explanation about reviving somebody while there was still a certain
amount of oxygen in the brain. It took longer to explain it than the
time for the oxygen to escape, but she came back--and didn't remember
her relationship with Steve.

--Dixon Hayes
6-16 in the 70's

gord klassen

Jun 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/3/96

I think my most vivid memory of the Six Million Dollar Man would have to
be the pilot episode. I was so blown away by the hype my older brother was
feeding me, by the time the show actually aired it felt like Christmas.

Don't forget those action dolls too...where he had the hole in the back of his
head to use as a magnifying glass.



Jun 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/3/96

The Six Million Dollar Man Bionic Action Club...which I still have my
membership certificate and stickers from! Unfortunately, I used the
cool "signed" color photo on posters during my unsuccessful bid for
Student Council President in high school!

Wanted...retro culture info and contributors for new web zine:
TOYS IN THE ATTIC. Contact for more info!
Check out the ER web site at

m melville

Jun 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/4/96

On Wed, 29 May 1996, Davnade wrote:

> We all remember that series for "BIGFOOT" !!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Absolutely! I would kill to see those Sasquatch episodes again,
the ones where Bigfoot turns out to be a big robot servant of
the space aliens led by Stephanie Powers! That rotating ice

I think there was even a Bionic Bigfoot sequel episode
later on where both Steve Austin and Jaimie had to battle the
fellow--played by "tv's Lurch," Ted Cassady, BTW.

Jay Phillips

Jun 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/4/96

In article <>, Charles Hobbs
<> wrote:

You Bet!!!!! Would you believe I've got the original, and that's where I
remembered it from!



Jun 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/6/96

Dixon Hayes wrote:
> > 5-15 in the 70s
> She died, and it was a season finale, if I recall correctly. It was one
> of those big hospital scenes, and you heard Steve singing as the shot
> dissolved to he and Jaime running through a meadow or something like
> that.
> Remember how she came back? It had to do with some cockamamie
> explanation about reviving somebody while there was still a certain
> amount of oxygen in the brain. It took longer to explain it than the
> time for the oxygen to escape, but she came back--and didn't remember
> her relationship with Steve.
> --Dixon Hayes
> 6-16 in the 70's

That episode's just re-screened here in NZ. Steve took Jaime back home
(they were both from the same town) to help her recover. But the
memories only caused Jaime to suffer more "head" problems. She'd hold
her head with both hands while her eyes rolled back and some wonderful
sound effect would play. Poor Steve was really suffering as Jaime
couldn't remember him and started to deveop a crush on her doctor. Steve
sought reassurance from his father - great moment in the kitchen over a
beer. In the end they took Jaime away and on to her own series.
I was in a restaurant last year when all these tables of people started
singing the "Jaime" song. Scary or what?

Rick & Tee Matthews

Jun 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/7/96

I've been reading this thread for a while, so thought I'd finally add
my thoughts about the 6 Million Dollar Man...

My family and I moved back to the states in '74, after being
stationed in Japan for three years (my dad was in the Air Force).
The first night back, we were staying at in a motel in San
Francisco. When we turned the tv on, we saw Lee Majors, jumping
over a fence that must have been 10 feet high. I turned to my
brother and remarked * no one can do that! * But let's face it, I also
had no idea who * Mohammed Dolly * (Muhammed Ali) was, either!

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