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going barefoot

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Chris Whiting

Oct 30, 2000, 7:38:07 PM10/30/00
Remember how all kids went barefoot back in the seventies? A lot of boy
I grew up with shed their shoes at school's end and took pride in not
putting them back on till school started. In the early seventies, too,
there were hardlyany restrictions--a kid could go barefoot where-ever he

Now kids don't seem to go barefot aymore. What a waste of youth it
seems to me.

Anybody got any barefoot memories out there?

I still love to go barefoot--but I'm really too old for it!!


Oct 30, 2000, 10:21:38 PM10/30/00
I go barefoot a lot in the summer and always did. I love the way different
textures feel on bare feet like sand, stones, pavement and tiles in variety
My most comfortable way to drive is barefoot although I have been told its


"cheer up, my brother, come live in the sunshine - we'll understand it all
by and by...
Chris Whiting <> wrote in message

Ay Fongul

Oct 30, 2000, 10:31:20 PM10/30/00
>rach" wrote:

>I go barefoot a lot in the summer and always did. I love the way different
textures feel on bare feet like sand, stones, pavement and tiles in variety
My most comfortable way to drive is barefoot although I have been told its

I too, used to enjoy going barefoot but back in those days, no one had to worry
about stray hypodermic needles (I actually saw one at the beach). Sad....


To e-mail me, drop "urpants"


Oct 30, 2000, 10:41:22 PM10/30/00
Rach (and my fellow law breaker) writes:

>My most comfortable way to drive is barefoot although I have been told its

I drive barefoot also. I can't feel the clutch with my heels on!



Oct 30, 2000, 11:06:39 PM10/30/00
i used to go barefoot all the time until those rainbow flip-flops came out.
the only bad thing about going barefoot was at the beach when you would step on
a pull-top someone threw into the sand.what a great invention the pop-top can


Oct 30, 2000, 11:23:51 PM10/30/00
Ever since I hit my 30s :-), I have *tried* not to go barefoot as
much.....something to do with old age and not wanting my feet to look like
my mother's. ;-) But, oh, how I loved it!!!!!!

Trying *desperately* for baby soft feet like I used to have................

rach <> wrote in message


Oct 31, 2000, 2:23:10 AM10/31/00

My neighbor/best friend and I used to go barefooted in the 70's whenever it
wasn't too cold. Occasionally we would try to amaze, impress, mystify,
etc. others by racing each other down our long gravel driveway. It was
chert (which is closely related to flint for you limestone and river gravel
people) with sharp edges. Now, I can barely walk across round river gravel

Some other fond memories...our yard was full of clover. I would get stung
by honeybees and bumblebees at least a couple of times a week. Bath time
was always fun, leaving green water from scrubbing the bottom of my feet.
We ran through mud, squishing it between our toes, and even through other
mudlike substances in the pasture...if you get my drift. We didn't run
through the latter on purpose, it just got in our way occasionally. :-)
Climbing trees was easier due to the extra grip afforded by bare feet and
nimble toes.


Naz Reyes

Oct 31, 2000, 12:58:40 AM10/31/00
In article <6VqL5.84787$>,

"rach" <> wrote:
> I go barefoot a lot in the summer and always did. I love the way
> textures feel on bare feet like sand, stones, pavement and tiles in
> stores.
> My most comfortable way to drive is barefoot although I have been told
> illegal.
> --
> rach

That's pretty wild, Rach! I, too, love to go barefoot whenever I get
the chance. Even when I was just a kid, I used to be able to RUN
without shoes and was completely comfortable with it!

Nowadays, though, I'm wearing shoes more and more because you just don't
what kinds of viruses are out there!!! Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya!

As for driving barefoot, hey, who's gonna check if you're barefoot???!!


Sent via
Before you buy.

Bill McKenzie

Oct 31, 2000, 7:08:32 AM10/31/00
Hi Chris,
I love to go barefoot in the summer time. My daughter does too. My husband
is anal about it and thinks we're both nuts but I agree with feels
great! I grew up in the city and for obvious reasons we couldn't walk aroung
the streets barefoot ( glass, dog poop, etc.) So when we went somewhere
safe, off came the's a sense of freedom!

Bill McKenzie

Oct 31, 2000, 7:13:04 AM10/31/00
Back in Cambridge, MA we called the pull tops,can-tabs and believe it or not that
was the nickname of our football team. (Cantab is short for the Latin version of
Cambridge, Cantabridgia) Just a thought that came up...........


Oct 31, 2000, 8:33:11 AM10/31/00
In article <>,
Chris Whiting<> wrote in

> Anybody got any barefoot memories out there?

I remember walking to and from the community
pool trying to see who could stay on the the
blacktop the longest (before hopping over to
the grass in pain).

Whenever I walked into the house the first
place I'd be sent was upstairs to the the
bathroom to wash my feet. I'd be sent up
a second time to clean the bathtub <g>.

I was one of those people who resisted
shoes all summer. I'd throw a pair on
to ride my bike but that was about it.
Climbing "the tree" out back of our house
and building tree forts were all done
sans shoes. There was also the annual
stepping on the bumblebee and getting
stung right of passage.

You could bet you'd never see me in shoes
on a Friday. We'd get up, eat breakfast
and quickly do any chores we might have.
Then it was off to the pool which opened
at 9:00am on Fridays. We'd spend the
entire day there, maybe running home around
1:00pm or so for a quick PBJ and a glass
of chocolate milk.

The pool wouldn't close until 12 midnight
so it was a full day. We'd play Marco Polo
during the day (when the pool was full)
and switch to Sharks-n-Minnow's after dark
when the families went home. Sharks-n-Minnows
was played in the deepest (and narrowest)
part of the pool where the diving area
was (imagine a pool shaped like a capital
'L' with all of the diving in the bottom
of the 'L'). You'd start off with one
shark in the pool and everyone else was a
minnow. The trick was to get from one side
of the pool to the other without getting
eaten (tagged) by a shark. If you made it
to the wall you were safe. If you were
tagged you became a shark also and started
hunting for minnows. The last minnow left
alive was the winner. Anyone else play
this game?

I can also never forget finally shopping
for a new pair of shoes for the upcoming
school year. My feet would feel so
restricted! The cool thing was kicking
off your shoes on the school bus just to
milk the last, waning days of summer for
of one of its greatest pleasures.

-Jeff B.
yeff at erols dot com


Oct 31, 2000, 8:38:54 AM10/31/00
i still do-can't help it-shoes are off in the parking lot!-my son hates
shoes-always has


Chris Whiting <> wrote in message

Oct 31, 2000, 9:09:42 AM10/31/00
Well as far as anyone checking, one does put one`s shoes on PDQ when
one gets hauled over for speeding! LOL...One time, I didn`t get my
shoes on in time and the cop said (after telling me I wasnt getting a
ticket) `nice colour on your toes...but maybe you should get your shoes
on` . This kinda amazed me... of all the times I have been pulled over,
I have never gotten a ticket. The most over the limit I was doing is 75
in a 50 (km). My best friend bitches to this day that `chicks have it

ALS 62

Oct 31, 2000, 9:39:45 AM10/31/00
<< > Anybody got any barefoot memories out there?

I remember walking to and from the community
pool trying to see who could stay on the the
blacktop the longest (before hopping over to
the grass in pain). >>

Hey Jeff,

I have this same memory......only sometimes we would throw our towel down in
front of us a bit and walk on that for a few feet and so, on until we made it
to the pool. Of course, the towel would be pretty grungy by that point, but I
don't remember using it much. We dried ourselves by lying on the pavement
which we cooled off somewhat with the bathing caps full of water that we took
from the pool. It was like lying in a warm puddle (sounds gross, I know, but
it felt really good). Then my best friend and I would just lie there and talk
about life, boys and music all afternoon. Those sure were great days!

I too loved going barefoot and still do. I still have the dirtiest feet in my
family at the end of a summer day!

Class of 1980


Oct 31, 2000, 10:14:29 AM10/31/00
Now why is it that I always get tickets!?!? :-)

Who should drive barefoot!! :-)

<> wrote in message

Dixon Hayes

Oct 31, 2000, 1:50:22 PM10/31/00
I adored going barefoot when I was growing up. The south will do that for you.
Mom wouldn't let us do it after September 1, though, apparently out of the
fear we would catch pneumonia or something. That even went for when we were in
the midst of an unseasonably warm snap like the one I'm in now.

Ironically, I picked up the habit of wearing shows outside when our family
started going to the beach. That sand was hot, and those shells were not so

"It's going to be a red-letter day in Mayberry if the whole Ladies' Aid Church
committee gets crocked!"
--Barney Fife

Remember THE Hollywood Squares...the original and the best


Oct 31, 2000, 7:13:29 PM10/31/00
well Nadine, I've found that when it comes to dealing with cops, acting
stupid yet also being overly polite and succinct work really well. I'll
never forget being with my best friend Jim a few years ago... he threw
something out the window as we rolled though a yellow light... little did he
know the cops were right behind us and of course, on went the cherries. He
was freaking out because we had just smoked up and still had some stuff on
us. The officer explained why he was getting the ticket and it was at that
time, Jim made a fatal mistake... he said "do you really have to give me a
ticket?" and of course the cop said yes... he had told me to shut up and not
say anything. When I was looking over the ticket and telling him I could get
him out of it, he bet me the price of the ticket ($180) that I could either
get it knocked down or totally written off. The next day, we went to see a
JP and I explained that we had just graduated university and were moving to
Toronto the next day... we were a young couple.. yadda yadda yadda, and that
at the moment he had gone through the light, I had announced I was pregnant,
thus causing the running of the light. I went on about how it wasn't the
right time for this but we would be ok "even if we raise the child on love".
The JP bought it and wiped out the ticket... I made $180 out of that story
... to top it all off.... my best friend is gay as they get. LOL


"cheer up, my brother, come live in the sunshine - we'll understand it all
by and by...

WiNK <> wrote in message

Ay Fongul

Oct 31, 2000, 8:36:19 PM10/31/00
>From: Tim

>My neighbor/best friend and I used to go barefooted in the 70's whenever it
>wasn't too cold. Occasionally we would try to amaze, impress, mystify,
>etc. others by racing each other down our long gravel driveway.

I remember my sister and I walking down our rocky driveway. All the while
chanting "Mind over matter" and praying subconciously (sp) that we wouldn't
step on a pointy rock.


Oct 31, 2000, 10:23:54 PM10/31/00
Wow....that is amazing. Can I use that one? :-) I usually get the young
male officer on a power trip....I am frazzled and scared and shocked.....and
they pull that "tough cop, dumb lady driver" schtick on me. I don't even
put on an act... don't cry....I am *totally* myself. Maybe I need some
acting classes? :-)


rach <> wrote in message



Oct 31, 2000, 11:23:47 PM10/31/00
Acting works well...a little later and in all seriousness, Jim said I should
think about becoming an actress lol


"cheer up, my brother, come live in the sunshine - we'll understand it all
by and by...
WiNK <> wrote in message


Francis McGill

Nov 1, 2000, 2:40:26 AM11/1/00
I escaped one by saying I was rushing to the airport to catch a
plane, which was the truth. Amazingly, the officer just said
"Have a nice flight" and let me go just like that. What is even
more amazing is that I was an out of state tourist, not a local.

* *
* Francis McGill *
* *
* "Glory to God on High" *
* *


Nov 1, 2000, 7:58:48 PM11/1/00
>This kinda amazed me... of all the times I have been pulled over,
>I have never gotten a ticket. The most over the limit I was doing is 75
>in a 50 (km). My best friend bitches to this day that `chicks have it

Yeah, my husband says that too. He's still mad that a couple of years ago, I
was pulled over doing 70 in a 50 mph zone and didn't get a ticket. Well, I
don't think he would have wanted to PAY the ticket, but still mad I got off
with a warning. I was coming home from a part-time job I had at the time down
near Camb. which is about 40 mins from here. I was buzzing along the highway
which narrows at one point and has stop lights. Well, I was going kinda fast to
stop so I just sailed right through it. I figured that was safer then coming to
a screeching halt! : ) I glanced over and there was another car in back of me
to the right and I thought "oh, good....he went through too...whew!" Then that
car put his little blue lights and I almost died!!! So, anyway, he asks me "do
you know why I stopped you" and I said "because I went through that red light?"
He looked a little surprised and said, "well, yeah". "And do you know why you
went through that red light?" and I said "because I was speeding and couldn't
stop?" Again he said "yeah". Then he gave me a warning and told me to be more
careful. Every guy I tell that to gets so mad!!! lol!!


Class of 78


Nov 1, 2000, 8:00:36 PM11/1/00
>I grew up in the city and for obvious reasons we couldn't walk aroung
>the streets barefoot ( glass, dog poop, etc.)

Oh, I remember doing THAT!!! And the dog must have had a stomache problem that


Nov 1, 2000, 8:06:54 PM11/1/00
Hey, nice memories there Jeff! : )

I remember the washing the feet thing too. Even with sandals on, my feet got
filthy!! I remember one time I was staying up at my friends house in Arlington
with my other friend too, and our feet were black! We were dicussing whether
to take shower or just wash out feet off. I said (warning: this may only be
funny to people from this area) I'm not going to take a shower....I'll just
wash the major mud off...LOL!!!!! Get it?? Major Mudd??? After it came out of
my mouth, I just laughed like a fool!! : )

Naz Reyes

Nov 1, 2000, 10:27:30 PM11/1/00
In article <JeJL5.404137$>,

"rach" <> wrote:
> well Nadine, I've found that when it comes to dealing with cops,
> stupid yet also being overly polite and succinct work really well.

You're absolutely right about that, Rach! :)

I've done THAT many times and I've gotten away with murder! LOL.

I've gotten away with getting a ticket in Pennsylvania *twice* before by
calling the policeman "officer" and "sir" all the time, and sounding as
"educated and civilized" as possible. Works everytime! But in the back
of my head I really wanted to say, "look MF, why the f*ck are you
stopping me for, HUH???!" :-)


Nov 2, 2000, 12:22:16 AM11/2/00
I've gotten out of one ticket in my life. Many years ago me & a friend were
coming back from fishin' all day. A cop saw us have a cold one. Well he
pulled us over & wanted to know why I was speeding. I told him it's because
we've been fishing all day & just want to get home & eat. The ONLY reason he
let me go is because he said he believed my story. He seen I had a few rod &
reels in the back of the truck. Then he asked how we did. I opened the
cooler to show him the 6 big mouth bass we caught. I had to talk fishing
with him for about 10 minutes before he let us go. That was in the late
80's. Ever since then when I get pulled over I get a ticket. No gettin' out
of them.

Bill McKenzie

Nov 2, 2000, 6:05:28 PM11/2/00
Hey I met Major Mudd on a field trip from school!! And by the way Sandy, I didn't
know you were such a crazy wonder you don't mind driving so far LOL


Nov 2, 2000, 6:47:01 PM11/2/00
it was my freshman year in highschool, april, '73.
it was a friday evening, my friends mike and ken were coming over and
we were going to walk to the woolco shopping center.
as i was leaving, my mom told me to wear my shoes.
so i did.
until we got to kens house, where i took them off.
we finished walking to the store,
and, as there was a little hallway that led from the shops to the
alley, we walked back there to see what was going on.
they were wearing shoes, but not me.
i was the one who stepped on half a mayonaise jar.
sliced the whole side of my foot.
we had to walk a mile back home,
i was squirting blood all the way home.
(we went back the next day and followed the trail down the sidewalk!)
i got home, got into the bathroom, and washed my foot as well as
i went to my bedroom, passed out, woke up early the next morning, and
figured i had better tell my parents.
i went into their bedroom and said something like "i think i got cut a
little, last night"
needless to say, they were not amused.
i still have a scar.

On Mon, 30 Oct 2000 18:38:07 -0600 (CST),
(Chris Whiting) walked right in,sat right down, and screamed in a very
nice way:

>Remember how all kids went barefoot back in the seventies? A lot of boy
>I grew up with shed their shoes at school's end and took pride in not
>putting them back on till school started. In the early seventies, too,
>there were hardlyany restrictions--a kid could go barefoot where-ever he
>Now kids don't seem to go barefot aymore. What a waste of youth it
>seems to me.

>Anybody got any barefoot memories out there?

>I still love to go barefoot--but I'm really too old for it!!

"Being diabetic is alot like having an un-invited
guest at a picnic, who keeps pointing out the potato
salad may have gone bad."--W.B. Willis


Nov 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/3/00
I used to do that summertime barefoot thing, too. And I managed to find
some of the more interesting things in the yard, too....

Somehow a kilt pin had been left behind in the yard, right below our picnic
table. Jumped on got stuck in the bone of my foot. Don't
remember that story too much, just have heard the stories.

The other one...oh yeah, I remember. We were in my neighbour's yard,
practicing for one of our summer 'shows' -- we used to perform for the
neighbourhood kids in the summer. We had makeup on (I distinctly recall
having various lip prints on my arm...not sure why). I was running through
the yard and I found the old pork chop bone that their dog must have been
chewing on.

Yeah, found it the hard way. The thing had been chewed to a fine point
which drove into the bottom of my foot, toward the was curved
enough that the point poked out of my foot. I remember hopping on the other
foot, trying to shake the stupid bone out.

No stitches required, but I was off my foot for a few days and I had to get
a tetanus shot. Thankfully, no one at the emergency room questioned the
makeup <G>.

Erin ">


Nov 3, 2000, 8:41:23 PM11/3/00
>Hey I met Major Mudd on a field trip from school!! And by the way Sandy, I
>know you were such a crazy wonder you don't mind driving so far

Hey, I didn't get the ticket, did I??? : )

Nov 8, 2000, 11:31:16 PM11/8/00
"rach" <> wrote:
> ....

> My most comfortable way to drive is barefoot although I have been
told its
> illegal.

I'm happy to inform that it's NOT illegal (in any state).
This is just another urban myth.

For verification, checkout:

-- Mike

Nov 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/9/00
In *Canada* it is... I have been warned by cops before. The nicest
warning was this summer when he said "nice polish but you know I have
to tell you to put your shoes on"

Nov 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/9/00
I have never had any problem going barefoot and I go barefoot most of
the time in summer and most everywhere. I LOVE to go barefoot.

If you guys liked to go barefoot, why don't your kids like to? It has
been ruined for my generation--hardly anybody goes barefoot anymore--at
least out of home--and there are the lousy signs everywhere.

Why didn't you guys fight for us kids' right to go barefoot?

Barefoot Rob

the barefoot boy

Essays on my love of being barefooted:

Senshi So Sugoi

Nov 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/10/00

<> wrote in message

> I have never had any problem going barefoot and I go barefoot most of
> the time in summer and most everywhere. I LOVE to go barefoot.
> If you guys liked to go barefoot, why don't your kids like to? It has
> been ruined for my generation--hardly anybody goes barefoot anymore--at
> least out of home--and there are the lousy signs everywhere.
> Why didn't you guys fight for us kids' right to go barefoot?
Two words: Fire ants!


Nov 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/10/00

My oldest pretty much refused to go barefoot outside until a couple of years
ago. He has always gone barefoot in the house, though. He's almost nine now
and went barefoot outside most of the time the last couple of summers. We
don't have nearly as much clover in our yard as I did when I was growing up,
so there's no challenge for him playing outside without getting stung. We
took pride in running full speed through clover, while spotting and avoiding
honey bees and bumble bees!

My youngest will be two this December. She's all girl, which means she LOVES
shoes! She wants to wear every pair of shoes in the house, no matter how big
or small. :-)


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