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Hand Clapping Rhymes.

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Elizabeth J Scherrer

Dec 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/18/96

I'm still looking for the rhymes that kids used to say while clapping
their hands together.

....Went upstairs, said my prayers, came back down with Yogi Bear.
Gonna Beebop, bop, bop, bop.......

Anybody remember doing these things????



Dec 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/19/96

Hi Liz,
Only one...."Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack, all dressed in black, black,
black with golden buttons, buttons, buttons all down her back, back,
back..She saw the elephant, elephant, elephant...and I can't remember the
rest. Sorry : (

Elizabeth J Scherrer <> wrote in article

Tony & Robin

Dec 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/19/96

Miss Mary had a steamboat ,
the steamboat had a bell.
Miss Mary went to heaven,
the bell went to hell-

o operator,
give me #9.
and if you disconnect me,
I'll kick you in the be-

hind the refridgerator,
there was a piece of glass.
Miss Mary sat upon it,
and cut her little as-

k me no more ?'s,
I'll tell you no more lies.
Miss Mary told me all of this,
the day before she died.

I just taught this to my 9 and 7 year old daughters!!
They loved it of course!!

"Sometimes people are criticized for being honest and
forthright because some people have not come to terms with
that part of themselves and have a hard time accepting it in
others." - Alanis

Steve and Cara

Dec 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/19/96

We had a similar one. You have to run the lines together a bit. It went
like this:

Three Irishmen, three Irishmen
digging in a ditch,
One called the other
a dirty son-of-a

Peter Murphy had a dog
a dirty dog was he
He gave it to his neighbor
to keep her company

All day, all night
sitting on a rock,
Along came a bumble-bee
and stung him on his

Cocktail, ginger-ale
five cents a glass
If you do not like it,
shove it up your

Ask me no more questions,
I'll tell you no more lies,
If you're gonna get hit by a bucket of sh*t
be sure and close your eyes.

Marlene Blanshay

Dec 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/19/96

There was one we used to do

Czechoslovakia, boom-de-boom.
Yugoslavia, boom de boom.
Let's get the rhythm of the hips, 123 (wiggle hip)
we got the rhythm of the hips 123
let's get the rhythm of the feet 123 (stamp feet)
Let's get the rhythm of the eyes, WHEEE!
We got the rhythm of the eyes wheeee!

and there was another one:

Our hearts go bang bang together, tie them together, bring back my love
to me.

What is the meaning of all these flowers? They tell the story of love
from me to you!

Shane Hill

Dec 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/20/96

Here's one I posted awhile ago to jump rope songs, but I believe it is a
hand-clapping rhyme:

iny miny pepsideny ooh pop pop ediny education liberation I love you tutti
down down down down the road, sweet sweet baby, no place to go.
shamrock, shamrock sham sham shamrock

caught you with your girlfriend naughty naughty
stole a piece of candy greedy greedy
won't wash the dishes lazy lazy
jump out the window crazy crazy

iny miny pepsideny ooh pop pop ediny education liberation I love you tutti


Dec 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/20/96

Put another nickle in
In the nickleodeon
All I want is loving you
And music music music
Come closer,
My dear come closer
Put your lips next to mine,
Then we'll live by the (valentine?)

Old Mary Mack Mack Mack
All dressed in black black black
With silver buttons button buttons
All down her back back back.....

(anyone know the rest?)

Margot Ferguson

Dec 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/20/96

What about:

A sailor went to sea-sea-sea
To see what he could see-see-see
But all that he could see-see-see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea-sea-sea

Remember the Eeeny-meeny-miney-mo type rhymes?

My mother and your mother were hanging out clothes
My mother gave your mother a punch in the nose
What colour was the blood?
Red [or whatever colour the other person chose]
R-E-D spells red and out goes Y-O-U!

Trudi Marrapodi

Dec 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/20/96

In article <59a9sg$>, (Tony &
Robin) wrote:

> Miss Mary had a steamboat ,
> the steamboat had a bell.
> Miss Mary went to heaven,
> the bell went to hell-

Way I learned it was "the tugboat went to--"

> o operator,
> give me #9.
> and if you disconnect me,
> I'll kick you in the be-
> hind the refridgerator,
> there was a piece of glass.
> Miss Mary sat upon it,
> and cut her little as-
> k me no more ?'s,
> I'll tell you no more lies.
> Miss Mary told me all of this,
> the day before she died.

> I just taught this to my 9 and 7 year old daughters!!
> They loved it of course!!

Did you ever hear the tacked-on ending I learned? The last verse was
changed to "Tell me what Miss Mary did the day before she died" and
appended was:

"She ate...

Greasy grimy gopher guts (3x)
Without any SPOOOOON!"


Dec 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/21/96

In article <01bbee87$814ca4a0$a80202c0@shane>, "Shane Hill"
<> writes:

>iny miny pepsideny ooh pop pop ediny education liberation I love you

instead of education liberation-- ours was: ah-chee-cah-chee Liberace

as always, searching for deadbeat dad, Anthony"Tony"Berger
may be in NY, FL or CA-- confidentiality assured--REWARD!
white male 6'1 br hair bl eyes DOB: 6-2-70 SOB: obviously

Dec 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/21/96

In article <>, (Trudi Marrapodi) writes:

>Did you ever hear the tacked-on ending I learned? The last verse was
>changed to "Tell me what Miss Mary did the day before she died" and
>appended was:
>"She ate...
>Greasy grimy gopher guts (3x)
>Without any SPOOOOON!"

great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts
mutilated monket meat
chopped up bloody birdy feet
all fried up in all-purpose porpoise pus
oops, I forgot my spoon
so gimme a scab sandwich
with pus on top
monkey vomit and camel snot
elephant eyes balls cut in two
Eat it (insert name), it's good for you !!!

Dec 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/21/96

In article <59a9sg$>, (Tony &
Robin) writes:

I learned it a bit differently, I'll show you where:

>Miss Mary had a steamboat ,
>the steamboat had a bell.
>Miss Mary went to heaven,
>the bell went to hell-

>o operator,
>give me #9.
> and if you disconnect me,
> I'll kick you in the be-
>hind the refridgerator,
>there was a piece of glass.
>Miss Mary sat upon it,
>and cut her little as-
>k me no more ?'s,
>I'll tell you no more lies.

the boys are in the bathroom
zipping up their flies
are in the meadow
bees are in the park
Miss Mary and her boyfriend
are kissing the D-A-R-K-D-A-R-K
dark dark dark dark dark

The end

>Miss Mary told me all of this,
>the day before she died.


Margot Ferguson

Dec 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/21/96

Does anyone remember this little ditty (not exactly a hand-clapper, but...)

Spider-man, Spider-man
Came from Mars in a garbage can
Is he strong? No he's not
He's got radioactive snot
BEWARE!!! comes the Spider Man

There was more but I forget it. Does anyone remember the other verses?

Dec 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/21/96

In article <01bbeed2$9915b4a0$1404...@harmony.NBNET.NB.CA>, "Margot
Ferguson" <> writes:

>Spider-man, Spider-man
>Came from Mars in a garbage can

<wonderful poem snipped>

Reminds me of one we used to sing:
I'm Popeye the sailor man!
I live in a frying pan!
I turned on the gas and I burned off my a**,
I'm Popeyes the sailor man! Toot toot!


"Lonely and dreaming of the West coast.." Everclear


Formerly, now residing at

Margot Ferguson

Dec 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/22/96
to wrote in article

> Reminds me of one we used to sing:
> I'm Popeye the sailor man!
> I live in a frying pan!
> I turned on the gas and I burned off my a**,
> I'm Popeyes the sailor man! Toot toot!

We would sing:

I'm Popeye the sailor man

I live in a garbage can
I love to go swimmin'
With bare naked women
I'm Popeye the sailor man (toot toot!)

Marlene Blanshay

Dec 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/22/96


She asked her mother mother mother
for fifty cents cents cents
see they boys boys boys
jump over the fence fence fence
they jumped so high high high
they reached the sky sky sky
and never came back back back
till the fourth of july july july

Marlene Blanshay

Dec 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/22/96

or: ach che pachee cucarachee out goes liberace
half a peach, half a plum, half a piece of chewing gum
ugga bugga boo and out goes Y O U

Shane Hill

Dec 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/23/96

Here's a little parody we used to sing (has a few explicit words not for

Let me tell you a story about a man named Jed
Poor mountianeer barely kept his family fed
then one day he was shooting at some food,
and up from the ground came Farrah Fawcett nude
Naked that is, no clothes on.

First thing you know old Jed was over there sucking on her tit and pulling
on her hair. Here comes Granny with a big long stick, beating the hell out
of Jed's big Di??.


Dec 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/24/96

I remember a couple from kiddie-hood that the neighborhood girls used to
sing/chant while doing that hand clapping thing.....

Chicka chicka China
Sitting on a fence
Trying to make a dollar
Out of 75 cents.....
Hey hey get out of my way
I just got back from the USA

In the land of Oz
Where the Women smoke Cigars
You can huff and puff
It's enought to kill a snake.
When the snake is dead
you put roses in his head.
When the roses die,
you put diamonds in his eyes
When the diamonds break,
you put snakey in a cake.
When the cake is done
you put his wiener on a bun.
You Ate his wiener up,
put his wee wee in a cup.
Then you asked for more
I'm afraid you're just too poor.

Girls can be sooooo catty!

Dec 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/24/96

Okay, here's another:

There's a place in France
Where the men they wear no pants
Theres a hole in the wall where
(Insert your name here) can see it all.
There's a place in France
Where they little frenchmen dance,
One wouldn't dance
So they kicked him in the pants
The pants that he wore
cost a dollar forty four
Plus tax.

Marisa, listening to the "Mannix" theme drift in from TVLAND in the


Dec 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/27/96

>Our hearts go bang bang together, tie them together, bring back my love
>to me.
>What is the meaning of all these flowers? They tell the story of love
>from me to you!

We called this "The Spades" and it went something like:

The spades go two lips together, blood in the gutter, bring back my love
to me.
What is the meaning, of all these flowers? The tell the story, the story
of love from me to you, cha cha cha!

Also, here is how my kids sing the Miss Lucy thing these days. It's an
expanded version of the one I knew as a kid.

Miss Lucy had a steamboat
The steamboat had a bell
Miss Lucy went to heaven and the steamboat went to
Hello operator, please give me number nine,
And if you disconnect me I will kick you right
Behind the 'frigerator, there lay a piece of glass.
Miss Lucy slipped upon it and she broke her little
Ask me no more questions

I'll tell you no more lies

Miss Lucy told me all of this the day before she
Dyed her hair all purple
She dyed her hair all pink
She dyed her hair all polka-dot and washed it down the
Sink me in the ocean,
Sink me in the sea.
Sink me in the toilet,
But please don't pee on me!

Funny how stuff changes with generations, but so much of it remains the

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