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Old friends & nicknames

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Jun 30, 2001, 11:37:44 AM6/30/01
I'm just getting ready to head out of town for the day and meet up with
about a dozen friends from high school. Perfect summer day for some
beer, sloppy joes, and some hearty reminiscing. Oh yes, and some beer.

Anyway, I was just laughing to myself thinking of some of the friends
that will be there. Practically everyone in high school got labeled
with some sort of nick name. Some good, some bad. Some endearing, some
mean as hell.

People Im expecting to see today include:

1. Pus. My best friend from high school. Had acne real bad for about a
week and got stuck with that name.

2. Leatherface. He just happened to have the same last name as the
actor in "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" who played Leatherface. No
relation. Didnt matter.

3. Spook. Nice girl, but never wore make-up in her whole life. If
she was any whiter, she'd be clear.

4. Houten. My ex-girlfriend. Her name is Leslie. Theres a member of
the Manson Family named Leslie (Van Houten), so my Leslie got stuck with
that nick name. To this day!!

5. Charslut. Real name is Charlotte, but she kind of got around a
little that senior year.

I'm not disclosing MY nickname at this time cuz I thought it was totally
uncalled for and unnecessary. LOL!! Maybe after a few beers.... :)

Anyone else have any good ones????

Tritt (...and that rhymes with???)


Jun 30, 2001, 12:17:31 PM6/30/01
Trittboy <> wrote in message

> Tritt (...and that rhymes with???)

Um....Kit? Wit? Hit? <G>

Most of the group that I hung out with in high school ended up with a series
of 'rhyming' nicknames:

1) Tina - Tee
2) Lisa - Lee, this one stuck, 'cause everyone, Lisa included, got tired of
how many Lisas there are in the world. Besides it worked really well when
she, Sandra and I would go to the bars. Sandra used to get mistaken for Lee
Aaron...we'd say No, point to Lisa & I and say "That's Lee, Erin" <G>
3) Balon - Beebeebee (usually from Tina). Ex-boyfriend of mine, took
everyone most of grade 12 to realize we'd broken up at the beginning of the
4) Amelia - Me. Pure laziness, "Me" or "Amel" stuck. Made for fun
exchanges after phone calls: "Who was on the phone?" "Me" "Huh?"
5) Myself - Miss E, or Missy. Tina again. She & I had 1st period off on
Monday mornings and she was never awake enough to do full names, so I got
"Miss E" (she had been going through a "Mr.", "Miss" phase). She still
calls me Missy today. Her husband calls me "Care Bear"...

I also had a number of unflattering nicknames, due to weight. The funny
thing is, at least one of them cheered me up one day. I was walking home
from school and feeling really upset over something, I can't recall what,
when two guys I grew up with drove towards me. They had a loud speaker on
their car and started yelling "Orca!" at me. I'm not sure what sort of
reaction they were hoping for, but I don't think having me smile at them and
burst out laughing was quite what they wanted. It just struck me as very
funny at the time. Go fig.

In the 70's, my brother used to call me "Fat tubby Ernie"...a class mate
overheard and started calling me that at school, until I called him "Short
Stubby Cookie Monster" (he used to eat a lotta cookies and was shorter than
most kids in the class). <G>

The best way to confuse a teaser/insulter is to out gun them...hardly anyone
teased me in Junior High, since I came up with better insults about myself
than they did. Creative lads they were, though, they started going to
opposite grade 8 yearbook looks like I was the most popular
girl in school. "I love Erin" "Erin my honey" ... oy....boys will be boys.

Erin ">
(today, I go by Raph, Emer, Guru and Evil God <G> Oh! And "person who can
really ramble on and on in a post when she wants to" (hee hee))

The Wanderer

Jun 30, 2001, 1:09:11 PM6/30/01
I've already run off the nicknames from my neighborhood previosly. So I dont
want to bore you again.

from Brooklyn

"It'd take a guy a lifetime to know Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo. An' even den,
yuh wouldn't know it all."
Thomas Wolfe from Death To Morning

"Trittboy" <> wrote in message

Dixon Hayes

Jun 30, 2001, 2:28:57 PM6/30/01
Earlier in my school career (third grade or so) I was called "Dixon-ary" due to
my fondness for reference material. Later, my fluctuating weight earned me the
monikers "Doughboy" and "Poppin Fresh," and people would poke me in the belly
and ask me to laugh for them.

My other friends:
Marcus, the fellow who saddled me with the "Doughboy" nickname, himself was
often accused of being gay (he wasn't) so he was called "Mama Lusk" and

Patrick, the obnoxious bucktoothed one who felt his job was to remind us all of
our nicknames three times a day, became "Mama Buck" and "Needles" (the latter
due to his hair).

William became "Bill," which doesn't sound like much except 1) William
*despised* being called Bill and 2) he was a tightwad.

Roger, whose last name was Roden, alternated between "Roadhead" and "Rodent."
I have *no* idea was "Roadhead" is supposed to mean, but it was given to him by
an obnoxious bully named Jeff. Ironically, it would be Jeff who would be
killed in the early 1990s by head injuries after being thrown into the road
during a car accident...

Ronnie became "Stickman" because of his last of weight. Nice counterbalance to
the Doughboy here...

Oh yeah, I've mentioned this before...Marcus would draw us all in a comic book
called "The Mamavengers," an obvious spoof of "The X-Men," in which whatever we
were the most self-conscious about became our superpowers. For instance, I
would shoot biscuits at people and fry people alive with hot dough.

"Daylight's precious when you're a young 'un!"
--Sheriff Andy Taylor

Classic Hollywood Squares:


Jun 30, 2001, 4:33:45 PM6/30/01

"Trittboy" <> wrote in message
> I'm just getting ready to head out of town for the day and meet up with
> about a dozen friends from high school. Perfect summer day for some
> beer, sloppy joes, and some hearty reminiscing. Oh yes, and some beer.

Be sure & have a few beers now.

> I'm not disclosing MY nickname at this time cuz I thought it was totally
> uncalled for and unnecessary. LOL!! Maybe after a few beers.... :)

That's allright we'll find it. When Tiny comes back we'll just send her on
an internet search.

> Tritt (...and that rhymes with???)

You don't mean. . . .O you poor man!! Tritt rhymes with BRIT!!


Jun 30, 2001, 4:37:41 PM6/30/01
>I'm not disclosing MY nickname at this time cuz I thought it was totally
>uncalled for and unnecessary. LOL!! Maybe after a few beers.... :)
>Anyone else have any good ones????
>Tritt (...and that rhymes with???)

Spit??? Oh, come on Tritt...tell us!

Anne was the one who came up with the nicknames for the boys on our street. We
hung around and played games with them, but they were mostly mean! Bobby was
Blueberry Muffin, cause he was chubby and Kenny Rugerio who was homely was
Buzzard and another kid who hung around there when we got older earned the name
Twinkle Toes because of his platform shoes. All I can say is THANK GOODNESS
you were a fast runner Anne. I hate to think what would have become of you if
they caught you!!! lol!


Class of 78

Stan Jensen

Jun 30, 2001, 5:59:30 PM6/30/01
We really didn't have any nicknames for each other. Except for maybe
"hey idiot" which would work for anyone. :)

I did have a few people at work who got nicknames.

One of them always wore (apart from work) some Ray-Bans, and we
started calling him "Hollywood" and told him he needed to move out
west. I don't work there anymore, but whenever I call there or stop
in, I always ask if "hollywood" is around. At first I got strange
looks from the newbies, but they all know the story now. They don't
call him that, but they know when someone wants to speak to him.

Two others that I know (who are younger than me) got tagged with
nicknames from a movie....

Tom and Greg hung around with each other in high school (this was the
80's), lived next door to each other, etc. Tom was average height and
weight, Greg tall and skinny. But darned if Tom didn't have another
feature... He was the spitting image of Tom Cruise in "Top Gun."
People would do double takes when he was in public back when that
movie was popular. So, of course, we started calling him "Maverick"
and his buddy Greg "Goose."

And still today, years later, I still call him "Mav" when I'm not


Jun 30, 2001, 6:11:06 PM6/30/01
I got 2 friends that I hang out with that I went to school with. One of them
we call Dead EYE on occassion. It's not an official nickname for him, but if
I am with someone else & talking about Dead Eye then they know who it is.
I'm not to sure if you'd want to hear how he came by the name Dead Eye tho.
Then the other is named Chuck. So we just call him Chip, Chipper, Chippy.
Whichever comes out of our mouths first.

As for me I have been called Wa Wa, Woodles, Little Woo, Woo, & Crash.

The Wanderer

Jun 30, 2001, 6:31:49 PM6/30/01
Twit, Snit, Git, Spit, Slit...hell there's a lot of thigs that Tritt rymes
with. It's just that none of them are good.

from Brooklyn

"It'd take a guy a lifetime to know Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo. An' even den,
yuh wouldn't know it all."
Thomas Wolfe from Death To Morning

"recsec" <> wrote in message

The Wanderer

Jun 30, 2001, 6:34:03 PM6/30/01
It's the "crash" that interests me.

from Brooklyn

"It'd take a guy a lifetime to know Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo. An' even den,
yuh wouldn't know it all."
Thomas Wolfe from Death To Morning

"recsec" <> wrote in message


Jeff Troutman

Jun 30, 2001, 10:44:00 PM6/30/01

We didn't have too many nicknames in high school. One guy named Mike
Wagner ended up being called "Wags". Otherwise we just used each other's
last names.

My post-collegiate pals and I did end up giving each other nicknames that
were more like superhero code-names based on something about ourselves.

1) Albino Mint Boy - my best friend Kevin. So called because he's whiter
than an Osmond and has a tendency to raid the complementary mint box at

2) Glucose Gal. So named for her dietary problems.

3) The Human Conversation - Glucose Gal's hubby. Able to discuss
*anything*. At all hours.

4) Reveal-Ending Lad. Had the uncanny ability to blow the ending to
whatever it is you wanted to see or read.

5) Gail Force. Her name is Gail. She's very strong willed. There you go.
Is now married to Albino Mint Boy.

6) The Merchinator. Has the superhuman ability to sell massive quantities
of merchandise for bands she likes.

Jeff Troutman


Jul 1, 2001, 12:50:36 AM7/1/01
A friend of mine by the name of George Lee got stuck with the nickname Ug
and of course Duane Lloyd was known as Monga.



Jul 1, 2001, 4:42:56 AM7/1/01
Gentle snipping...

> Anyway, I was just laughing to myself thinking of some of the friends
> that will be there. Practically everyone in high school got labeled
> with some sort of nick name. Some good, some bad. Some endearing, some
> mean as hell.
> >
> >
> Anyone else have any good ones????

Great thread idea...thumbs up!

My last name was Summerour, so Winterminute was my nickname.

We had Weasel, and Gopher and Mouse...They were buddies.

we had a gal called Buckwheat...don't know why.

Stamper Poo-Poo, cause of something that happened in 1st grade..some things
never die. teehee

Lot's of usage of last names for a nickname.

My boyfriend back then was Tuggy, cause someone thought he looked like a
Tuggy when he was born.

We had two Jeff Johnson, hence Big and little jeffs.

We had a carebear,snoopy, droopydrawers,freak,and bongbowl casey.

LOL, thanks for making me remember some great stuff!

Best Whishes,

Oriole Adams

Jul 1, 2001, 12:00:18 PM7/1/01
>1. Pus. My best friend from high school. Had acne real bad for about a
>week and got stuck with that name.

>3. Spook. Nice girl, but never wore make-up in her whole life. If

>she was any whiter, she'd be clear.

Amazing how tres sensitive kids can be, eh? ;>

In any case, among my crowd, I was the only one without a nickname. Some of
my friends, though, were as follows:

Mary somehow or other became "Minerva Schwartz." To this day, none of us can
remember how that name came up, but we all still call her Minerva.

Kathy was Concave....nothing to do with her physique; one day in grade school,
we were learning about types of lenses. Those with glasses were asked to
examine them and say whether theirs were convex or concave. Kathy was the only
concave wearer, and for some goofy reason, the name stuck.

Brian was Pinky, because his older brother was a huge Pink Floyd fan, and Brian
was always wearing his brother's PF T-shirts.

~ Oriole ~~
The crows seemed to be calling his name, thought Caw...


Jul 1, 2001, 12:52:54 PM7/1/01
Oriole Adams <> wrote in message

> Brian was Pinky, because his older brother was a huge Pink Floyd fan, and
> was always wearing his brother's PF T-shirts.

Gah! Thought that said "Brain" was Pinky, thought it was some bizarre sorta
Animaniacs reference.

I'll just go back to sleep now...

Erin ">
"Such softly singing lulled me sleep, an hour or two or so..."


Jul 1, 2001, 10:54:18 PM7/1/01
to (Trittboy) wrote in message news:<>...

My...those are some NAZ-T nicknames! Speaking of...*that* (NAZ-T) was one of
my nicknames back in junior high. This girl named Joyce once called me that
and before I knew it, EVERYONE was calling me that nick. She always thought
that I had the NAZ-Tiest mouth in the whole school :)


The Wanderer

Jul 2, 2001, 12:07:41 PM7/2/01

"Nazter@4200" <> wrote in message

She always thought
> that I had the NAZ-Tiest mouth in the whole school :)

Why? What did you do with it?

aleen the karaoke queen

Jul 2, 2001, 12:08:15 PM7/2/01
Oh Tritt, please tell me that your nickname wasn't Twit, because if it was
afraid I'd have to hunt down each one of your friends and scold them, saying
"HE IS NOT A TWIT, leave him alone!"

My friends and I didn't have nicknames for one another, as much as we had
(generally unflattering) labels for each person.

Marcia was The Athlete, actually the kindest label we had

Karen #1 was The Doormat, because she just SAT THERE, she never ever said
anything, and she never got mad when she should have, she just let people
on her! And then when she got married....ohhhh I'll just leave it at that!

Karen #2 was The Redneck, because well, she WAS! And proud of it!

Sylvie was The Ditz because she was your stereotypical "Dumb blonde" even
though she was a brunette, you would have to explain things to her again and

Margot was The Slut, I don't think she actually slept around, she just liked
to give everyone the IMPRESSION that she did!

Cindy was Laura Ingalls Wilder because she was SUCH a goody two shoes! She
had long long hair that she wore in braids (!) and she dressed soooooooo
conservatively and would always gasp when I'd say something raunchy, hehe!

Amy was The Shit Disturber because she was always making trouble wherever
was, someone always wanted her head on a platter for something, this still
carries on to this day, people at work are always getting mad at her, she is
frequently getting sued...groan...

Tricia was The Wannabe, she is actually a very intelligent person who tries,
unsuccessfully to be a bimbo, which is really sad. When we were teenagers
was very shy and quiet (and confessed to admiring the people of our gang so
much, which I didn't realize), but then she became this
sixteen-year-old-wannabe and it's rather sad, because I really like her when
she is herself.

I'm embarrassed to say that I was The Smartass...sigh...

Have a wonderful day! :-)

aleen the karaoke queen

>===== Original Message From (Trittboy) =====

>I'm just getting ready to head out of town for the day and meet up with
>about a dozen friends from high school. Perfect summer day for some
>beer, sloppy joes, and some hearty reminiscing. Oh yes, and some beer.
>Anyway, I was just laughing to myself thinking of some of the friends
>that will be there. Practically everyone in high school got labeled
>with some sort of nick name. Some good, some bad. Some endearing, some
>mean as hell.
>People Im expecting to see today include:
>1. Pus. My best friend from high school. Had acne real bad for about a
>week and got stuck with that name.
>2. Leatherface. He just happened to have the same last name as the
>actor in "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" who played Leatherface. No
>relation. Didnt matter.
>3. Spook. Nice girl, but never wore make-up in her whole life. If
>she was any whiter, she'd be clear.
>4. Houten. My ex-girlfriend. Her name is Leslie. Theres a member of
>the Manson Family named Leslie (Van Houten), so my Leslie got stuck with
>that nick name. To this day!!
>5. Charslut. Real name is Charlotte, but she kind of got around a
>little that senior year.
>I'm not disclosing MY nickname at this time cuz I thought it was totally
>uncalled for and unnecessary. LOL!! Maybe after a few beers.... :)
>Anyone else have any good ones????
>Tritt (...and that rhymes with???)

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Jul 2, 2001, 8:00:19 PM7/2/01
"The Wanderer" <> wrote in message news:<h%007.27517$>...

> "Nazter@4200" <> wrote in message
> She always thought
> > that I had the NAZ-Tiest mouth in the whole school :)
> Why? What did you do with it?
> --
> Buddy
> from Brooklyn

Oh know what you're thinking, Buddy (LOL!), but no, it was nothing
like that!!! It's just that I started cursing really bad in my junior high
years (experimenting with BAD English words, ya know?) and a lot of my friends
got a kick out of hearing me say words like that, until I got in trouble one
day with one of my teachers!

Well, to make a long story short, that teacher gave me an in-school suspension
and talked to me about the do's and don'ts of the whole AMERICAN CULTURE! LOL.

I'm a little more enlightened now and I only use nasty words like that when
appropriate :)

Hi Buddy, missed ya!!!


The Wanderer

Jul 3, 2001, 9:28:16 AM7/3/01
Missed ya too, Naz. I'm glad that you and I can trade shots in a friendly
way and no fouls occur. Sort of like the way I grew up: one of the ways that
you showed somebody you liked them was that you goodnaturtedly "ride" them a
little. (Ya wouldn't take it from people ya didn't like.)

from Brooklyn

"It'd take a guy a lifetime to know Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo. An' even den,
yuh wouldn't know it all."
Thomas Wolfe from Death To Morning

"Nazter@4200" <> wrote in message

0 new messages