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first day of school

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rachel cree

Mar 12, 2002, 9:23:43 PM3/12/02
Anyone remember their first day of kindergarten? Freaky stories anyone?

Shut my mouth and strike the demons
That cursed you and your reasons


Mar 13, 2002, 4:17:55 AM3/13/02
rachel cree said:

>Anyone remember their first day of kindergarten? Freaky stories anyone?

I don't remember my first day of kindergarten, but remember first grade being
very traumatic. I cried every morning and begged my mother not to make me go.
After three or four days of this, Dad drove me to school and that crying shit
stopped cold. Mrs. Snyder was easier to face than Dad!


The Night Hawk

Mar 13, 2002, 8:35:58 AM3/13/02
On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 21:23:43 -0500, "rachel cree"
<> wrote:

>Anyone remember their first day of kindergarten? Freaky stories anyone?

I remember my first day at kindergarten quite well.... I was playing
with this plastic army truck and this other little rug rat come up and
took it from me. So I clobbered him. He got upset and barfed on
my. I've been emotionally scared ever since.

Dixon Hayes

Mar 13, 2002, 8:46:55 AM3/13/02
>Anyone remember their first day of kindergarten? Freaky stories anyone?

I did not like being there. I wanted my freedom back. I told everyone I
wasn't feeling good and the teacher, Mrs. Pruitt, felt so sorry for me that at
breaktime she handed me a Coke while the others got orange drink.

"Listen, you'll find compelsion nuts all over!"
--Barney Fife

Classic Hollywood Squares:


Mar 13, 2002, 10:08:17 AM3/13/02
My first day of Kindergarten was 9/10/67. I walked in the room. AFter the
preliminaries I was called up to the front of the room by the teacher. She put
me on a chair and put on my head a cylindrical pointy hat. I thought O my gosh
this was the dunce cap my older sisters had warned me about. I was ruined my
first day of school ever. Then just as I was about to ask why. My mother came
in the back of the room with cupcakes. It was my 5th birthday. That was my
first day of school.



Mar 13, 2002, 12:34:29 PM3/13/02
On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 21:23:43 -0500,
rachel cree<> wrote in

> Anyone remember their first day of kindergarten? Freaky stories anyone?

Don't remember first day but I do have a story
from the time. My dad was stationed in Germany
when I started kindergarten. We lived in a gated
military community in Keiserslautern (K-town to
those of us who've been there).

1st through 3rd grade was held in trailers inside
the community. 4th, 5th and 6th was held in a
building across the street from our community,
though still inside a gated military community.
High school was all the way in Frankfurt and
kindergarten was a short bus ride outside the
our community to another one.

To catch my bus I walked with my brother (he
was in 1st grade) down to his school and got
on my bus there. My brother would make sure
I got on the bus before he went in to his class.

One morning we were running late and I missed
my bus. No problem, I just ran home and told
my mom. For some reason my dad was still home
(he usually wasn't) so he decided to drive me
to school himself before heading in to work.
We got there and since I knew where my class
room was my dad didn't walk me in. He pulled
away from the curve and I walked into my school.

I went to my classroom and... it was dark. The
door was closed and the classroom was empty and

I panicked.

Not knowing that my class was in another classroom
watching a film with another class I did the only
thing a panicked 4-year old can do when he's in

I ran to my mommy.

Remember how I said that kindergarten was a short
bus ride away from our gated community? Well, that
short bus ride was down the Autobahn.

There I am, all of 4-years old, crying my eyes out
and running down some of the most dangerous highway
in that entire country! And not a single car stopped
to help me. :-(

My parents memory is that the school was around
5 miles away from our apartments. I ran the whole
way, pounded on the door like my life depended on
it, and flew into the folds of my mom's robe when
she finally opened the door.

If you've ever seen the speeds that cars travel on
the Autobahn you'll understand how amazing this
story is.

-Jeff B.
yeff at erols dot com

The Wanderer

Mar 13, 2002, 5:21:18 PM3/13/02
My first day of school was traumatic for me in September 1956. But different
than the ones stated so far. I went to Catholic grammar school, St. Agatha's
in Brooklyn to be precise. My mom walked me up to the school and into the
area of the schoolyard where the Kindergarten clases were lining up. As we
approached my line where MANY of the kids were sobbing silently the, nun (a
large black-hooded dragon) walked up to one particular boy who was crying
very visibly and loudly. She grabbed him by the hair and slapped the ever
living shit out of him. She pounded him real good while his mother, and all
the kids watched silently. We were terrified as she slapped this kid
repeatedly, yelling "There is NO CRYING in my class! You are in MY class
now, you are NOT going home with your mommy! And there is NO MORE playing in
Kindergarten. You are here to learn!" I shit a brick, and didn't say
anything unless I was asked. I cried silently and then and there came to
hate that nun, that school, that religion, and the education that they beat
into us daily. And vowed that my kids would NEVER go to Catholic school, no
matter how good the education. Sorry to be a downer.

from Brooklyn

"You felt fierce pride for your city. You were reminded of Humphrey Bogart's
line to a Nazi officer in 'Casablanca', 'There are a couple of neighborhoods
in New York I wouldn't advise you to invade.' "
Dennis Hamill's (author Pete Hamill's little brother) column in the Daily
News 01/06/02, and my ex-classmate in John Jay H.S.

"The making of an American begins at the point where he himself rejects all
other ties, any other history, and himself adopts the vesture of his adopted
James Baldwin
"rachel cree" <> wrote in message

Naz Reyes

Mar 13, 2002, 6:01:18 PM3/13/02
to's kinda funny we had almost the same experience on our first
day of school! I really can't remember the exact story of what happened
to me (my mom and dad had mentioned it to me through the years, though)
but, apparently, someone must've really upset me in class and I ended up
popping him in the mouth...LOL! According to my mom, my teacher had to
send me home and had to have a "meeting" with my mom and dad to ensure
that I didn't cause problems like that anymore :-) My dad laughs about
it now because it was his fault that I did that - he told me NOT to go
home crying like a little, sissy boy when someone tries to pick a fight
with me. He told me to be a big boy and fight back. Well, I did just
that :-)

It took me years to really enjoy school (probably in the 2nd grade)
because NOBODY wanted to talk or play with me. But...something positive
came out of it, though. Since I had no friends and nobody to distract
me from my studies, I ended up being one of the top students in my 1st
and 2nd grade classes, and I even got a "best character" award in the
2nd grade! :-)


Club Dancer

Mar 13, 2002, 7:25:58 PM3/13/02
I don't remember the first day. I remember one class, though, where we
got to sample the food the astronauts ate in space (I think Skylab was
still circling the earth). It was all freeze dried and in silver
colored wrapping.

Jeff Troutman

Mar 13, 2002, 8:23:21 PM3/13/02
"rachel cree" <> wrote:
> Anyone remember their first day of kindergarten? Freaky stories anyone?

I remember being yelled at for saying the Pledge of Allegiance too loud.
Things kinda went downhill from there.

Jeff Troutman


Mar 13, 2002, 10:11:16 PM3/13/02
On my first day of kindergarten, the teacher invited everyone to say
hello to the class, and tell a bit about themselves. One little boy
volunteered: "My name is Georgie. I hate teacher. Mommy said I could.
That's all I got to say." He then threw up. Thus began my formal


On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 21:23:43 -0500, "rachel cree"
<> wrote:


Mar 13, 2002, 10:13:15 PM3/13/02

Fight inflation-- Eat both sides of a slice of bread!

"rachel cree" <> wrote in message

> Anyone remember their first day of kindergarten? Freaky stories anyone?

Actually I didn't attend kindergarten......went straight to first grade at
the age of 5, was the youngest kid in class. I remember being nervous,
but then after another boy arrived and we began to play with tinker toys, it
sorta flowed naturally.


Mar 13, 2002, 10:18:40 PM3/13/02

Fight inflation-- Eat both sides of a slice of bread!

"The Wanderer" <> wrote in message

Oh my, Buddy..........we have something in common.......I went to Catholic
school too.
So I know where you are coming from.

rachel cree

Mar 13, 2002, 10:17:19 PM3/13/02
That has to be the best first day of school story I've ever heard. Made my
day. Thanks Larry!

Shut my mouth and strike the demons
That cursed you and your reasons

"Larry" <> wrote in message


Mar 14, 2002, 2:43:47 AM3/14/02
KIndertn. = total Waste of time for my weirdo little boy self.

Now , My parents knew already they had a bizarrely developed 5 yr old but this
was Ky. In 1972.. not exactly then a bastion of opps. for the " gifted and
talented".. so where else were my parents supposed to send me? They were
already terrified i was going to become an antisocial coke-bottle glasses
wearing dork who goes to college at 11 and leads an all-screwed up life. :)

So first Day of Kindgrtn., my mother's look of horror and prayer when she said
Well how was it honey? My verbatium reply : Well it was OK.. but Gosh everyone
is so boring. They have no opinion about vietnam and all they want to do is
color and play. And Well, Coloring and Playing is fine but there is a life to
be had.

End of first week was show and tell topic " What would you do if you were
at home right now?" ...

Of course.. every normal 5 yr. old says something about playing or dollies or
what have you and I say without a trace of irony ( I was TOTALLY inverse
ignornat.. I had NO real idea yet being an only child that ALL 5-yr olds
didn't function like adults) ... and this foreshadows my TV Journalism work for
sure hehe..

" Well I wouldn't be missing Love Is a Many Splendored Thing te see if Iris is
going to stop being a nun to go back to Spence.. and also I would finish
reading The Godfather cause I need to see if Michael dies before the sequel."

And of course blank looks from 5 yr olds and my teacher that DAY called Mom
and said " um.. I don't think your child belongs in a normal 5-yr old

heheheheh. :)

Believe it or not.. i DIDN't turn into THAT kind of superdork intelligence
wacko. I just became a run of the mill weirdo. :) heheh


Mar 14, 2002, 6:47:09 AM3/14/02
"rachel cree" <> wrote in message news:<1Lyj8.25950$>...
> Anyone remember their first day of kindergarten? Freaky stories anyone?

Didn't have kindergarten, went into "Primary" when you turned 5 (or
close therabouts).

No major stories, I remember wanting to go to this mythical school for
a year before I was able best friend was a year older and I
just desperately wanted to go. I was very miffed that they wouldn't
let me.

Apparently, my first day was traumatic for my mother. My older
brother had freaked on his first day, wanting to go home, etc. and she
was expecting that, I guess, from me.

She walked me to school in the morning, then asked if I wanted her to
meet me at lunch. "Nope, I'll walk home with Amelia" (my older

Mom went home and cried...

Erin ">
(yeah, "teacher's pet", "perfect student" -- nicknames of mine in
Elementary school...)

Tom of Bunyon

Mar 16, 2002, 12:09:09 AM3/16/02

"rachel cree" <> wrote in message

> That has to be the best first day of school story I've ever heard. Made my
> day. Thanks Larry!
> --
> rach
> Shut my mouth and strike the demons
> That cursed you and your reasons
> "Larry" <> wrote in message
> > On my first day of kindergarten, the teacher invited everyone to say
> > hello to the class, and tell a bit about themselves. One little boy
> > volunteered: "My name is Georgie. I hate teacher. Mommy said I could.
> > That's all I got to say." He then threw up. Thus began my formal
> > education.

I had a hernia at that age and they were trying to treat it with a truss.
The hernia fell during the first day of class and the teacher had to lay me
down on her desk, pull my pants down, and manipulate the hernia out of my
testicle in front of the whole class.

The Wanderer

Mar 16, 2002, 11:04:25 AM3/16/02
So I suppose you never went back to school, Tom.

from Brooklyn

"You felt fierce pride for your city. You were reminded of Humphrey Bogart's
line to a Nazi officer in 'Casablanca', 'There are a couple of neighborhoods
in New York I wouldn't advise you to invade.' "
Dennis Hamill's (author Pete Hamill's little brother) column in the Daily
News 01/06/02, and my ex-classmate in John Jay H.S.

"The making of an American begins at the point where he himself rejects all
other ties, any other history, and himself adopts the vesture of his adopted
James Baldwin

"Tom of Bunyon" <> wrote in message

The Wanderer

Mar 16, 2002, 11:20:50 AM3/16/02
I know I wouldn't.

from Brooklyn

"You felt fierce pride for your city. You were reminded of Humphrey Bogart's
line to a Nazi officer in 'Casablanca', 'There are a couple of neighborhoods
in New York I wouldn't advise you to invade.' "
Dennis Hamill's (author Pete Hamill's little brother) column in the Daily
News 01/06/02, and my ex-classmate in John Jay H.S.

"The making of an American begins at the point where he himself rejects all
other ties, any other history, and himself adopts the vesture of his adopted
James Baldwin

"The Wanderer" <> wrote in message


Sunshine State

Mar 18, 2002, 4:11:01 AM3/18/02
Another pugilistic post, LOL . . . though I have to admit I did have one
episode in kindergarten myself. I wanted some of these wooden blocks that
one kid was playing with and he refused. I picked up one of the blocks
and bopped him on his head. I got in mega trouble for that one . . .

Sunshine State

Mar 18, 2002, 4:18:06 AM3/18/02
Hating an entire religion because of the actions of one adherent is the
height of ignorance and unabashedly asinine.

One of my friends back then got his butt kicked by an Italian. Should he
hate everyone who comes from Italy as a result?

Drew K.

Mar 22, 2002, 2:46:35 AM3/22/02
I think the first day of school I pee'd my pants.



Mar 22, 2002, 8:35:27 AM3/22/02
so, nothing different than any other day you're saying?

Shut my mouth and strike the demons
That cursed you and your reasons

"Drew K." <> wrote in message

Drew K.

Mar 22, 2002, 1:01:22 PM3/22/02
Yeah, that's about right. But nowadays I don't continue to walk around
in pants I pee'd in unlike my first day of school.


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