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What you like about the group?

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David Ballarotto

Oct 19, 2001, 7:03:10 PM10/19/01
As word is coming in that hundreds of Army Rangers are now launching a new
phase of the war, I think it's time for us to reflect a little bit.
So what is it that you like best about this group? I'll start things by
saying I like the fact that most people here are down-to-Earth, honest, a
lot of fun and really caring. There are times when we may find ourselves
disagreeing with each other, but at the end of the day, it's always fun to
come here and see what people have to say about any given thing.


Oct 19, 2001, 8:15:17 PM10/19/01
I like that we are here for a common purpose....and, because of that, it
brings all kinds of people together.... and, the cool thing is, that common
purpose is kind of a "peaceable" thing, ya dig? So that makes you people
some "peaceable" people.

Hell, I don't know what I'm trying to say.... except I think it's great that
such a diverse group can get together and love on each other. ;-)


"What if the Hokey-Pokey is really what it's all about?"

David Ballarotto <> wrote in message

The Wanderer

Oct 19, 2001, 9:28:39 PM10/19/01
I like the fact that most of us ARE such different people. And that each one
of us seems to fill a space, or particular niche, within the group.

from Brooklyn

"It'd take a guy a lifetime to know Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo. An' even den,
yuh wouldn't know it all."
Thomas Wolfe from Death To Morning

"WiNK" <> wrote in message


Oct 19, 2001, 9:31:53 PM10/19/01
Great thread Dave...

What I like best about this group is that I can come home from a hellish
day, a great day, a boring day and always find something to make me laugh,
think, sad and reminisce a little. It's how things happen or come to mind
and the first group I think of to tell are you guys. It's the way a thread
can go totally off tangent or how we take a SPAM thread and get months of
mileage out of it. It's all about not being able to name just ONE person I
am dying to meet out of everyone here ... or who I can and will stir up the
most shit with.

I honestly don't know what a day would be like without it.


"cheer up, my brother, come live in the sunshine - we'll understand it all
by and by..."
"there is no prosthesis for asshole"

David Ballarotto <> wrote in message


Oct 19, 2001, 10:41:30 PM10/19/01
What I like about this group is that I feel like I'm with family. I feel
comfortable in stating my feelings on all sorts of subjects about the 70s and
not. I know there are a few in the group that aren't my biggest fans, but like
in any families you have relatives you don't really like. :)



Oct 19, 2001, 11:55:44 PM10/19/01
On Fri, 19 Oct 2001 21:31:53 -0400, "rach" <>

>It's the way a thread
>can go totally off tangent or how we take a SPAM thread and get months of
>mileage out of it.

Monster What???

- -


Dixon Hayes

Oct 20, 2001, 1:45:27 AM10/20/01
Here's what I think is cool: we've changed the meaning of the group's name. used to be a place to simply talk about all things
70s...period. But now that we've gotten to know one another so much, and have
shared so much, it refers to a decade that serves as the common bond that ties
us together, our shared experience if you will. Some of us (Buddy) had already
been through some unforgettable life experiences by January 1970, when I was
celebrating my sixth birthday by having a party with my kindergarten class and
getting a toy, friction-powered Jaguar automobile as a present. There are
even a few members here who were born in the 1970s...but ironically, it all
holds us together. It's our common bond.

I relish the thought of meeting as many members of this group as I can one day
(preferably in December). To date, I have spoken to Nadine, Tom, Kelly, Buddy,
Rachel, Stevie, Rhonda, Trish, Phaedra, Liz and Jamie on the telephone; I have
seen Liz walking and talking, via the magic of videotape. I hope someday soon
I can shake hands, hug, pat on the back, grab the arm,and look into the moving,
glistening, friendly eyes of all of you, as I feel that's all that's missing...

"I'm not standing in the stag line with Old Man Perkins and a bunch of
slumped-over teenaged boys!"
--Barney Fife

Classic Hollywood Squares:


Oct 20, 2001, 8:13:43 AM10/20/01

Crazy Fingers

Oct 20, 2001, 10:38:28 AM10/20/01
I look forward to checking posts in this group more than I look forward to
getting email from people I've known for years. We're to the point where a
good part of our posts are way off topic and more on a personal level, but
no one seems to mind. We take part, albeit mainly online, in each others'
lives - the highlights and the shadows. I feel I share more in here than I
do with anyone else (except, of course, Sheila). I feel we have a close-knit
group here, and though we have our disagreements with each other from time
to time, for the most part we all pretty much get along.
United We Stand
"rach" <> wrote in message


Oct 20, 2001, 10:55:30 AM10/20/01
What a great thread!

I, too, look forward to reading the posts here several times a day, knowing
that I may get anything from 70s sitcom trivia to happy news to personal
troubles shared to monster... stuff.

I find it remarkable that such a wide-ranging group of random people have been
able to bond to such a level that interstate getaways are being planned (even
if we never made it to Hilton Head), and romances have blossomed over thousands
of miles.

I love that I can feel comfortable discussing very personal trials and
tribulations with friends that I have never met face-to-face, yet still realize
that they genuinely feel for me and know that I do right back.

We are a very, very lucky group of people to have landed in this tiny little
fragment of the big web. Thank you all for being a part of my daily life!!!



Oct 20, 2001, 11:47:29 AM10/20/01
I like a lot about the group. I appreciate the diversity and the acceptance.
I appreciate the ability to fondly reflect on the past yet stay firmly rooted
in the present, and still look ahead to the future with great anticipation. I
like the fun of trying to imagine voices to go along with the words and
pictures. I like the fact that you guys are not my job, but a place away from
my job where I can let my hair don a bit. I like cheese doodles and rootbeer
in an ice cold glass bottle. Sorry, I digressed there for a moment.
Seriously, I like this forum, because it allows full and open expression
without the worry of being personally attacked in a disagreement.

L' chaim!

Dave Spiegel

The Wanderer

Oct 20, 2001, 12:34:32 PM10/20/01

"LizzieZ" <liz...@aol.comedy> wrote in message

> if we never made it to Hilton Head),

Why sure we did, just like Nate was a doctor. Dont you remember? You were
the life of the party. You were doing your Katherine Hepburn imitation
and....well, WERE kind of drunk. That's a possible idea for a thread:
At the big HH party what do you see other group members doing or carrying on
in what manner?


Oct 20, 2001, 1:35:20 PM10/20/01
>Why sure we did, just like Nate was a doctor. Dont you remember? You were
>the life of the party. You were doing your Katherine Hepburn imitation
>and....well, WERE kind of drunk. That's a possible idea for a thread:
>At the big HH party what do you see other group members doing or carrying on
>in what manner?

ROFL, Buddy -- thanks for the laugh!!



Oct 20, 2001, 2:26:14 PM10/20/01
It is monster socks?????

Damm, I have been finding all the wrong sites for
you guys to check out.

I just saw a guy in the laundry room that looks
like he has a monster sock. I guess I should look
through his stuff to see if I can grab it.


"rach" wrote
> Socks


Oct 20, 2001, 2:48:36 PM10/20/01

"David Ballarotto" wrote


> So what is it that you like best about this


There is nothing I can say that hasn't been said
by the rest of you.

Somehow a bunch of cyber-strangers bounded into a
real world group of friends. I don't know how it
happened. I am just happy it did.

There are times when we don't agree, but some how
that brings us closer together. We look out for
each other. Worry when someone is absent from our
70's world. We celebrate the good times, and
comfort each other in the bad.

I can not count all the tears I have shed here.
Sometimes I am moved to tears by the words you
have written. Other times (and thankfully more
often) they are tears of joy and laughter.

It is wonderful how we have not let this news
group be our only form of communication. We IM
each other, email, and go through an never ending
supply of calling cards just to keep in touch. And
when we meet in person, we never have to wait
longer than hello to feel like we are in the
company of dear friends.

Everyone has a special place in this group. That
is what I like most about it!

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while
we're here we should dance.


Oct 20, 2001, 3:22:49 PM10/20/01
Well I don't know where to begin.

A little over a year ago my cousin Sandra told me about this cool group she
found. I checked it out and found an amazing group of people. Not only has
this group brought me closer to Sandra, but I also got to really know her
wonderful, dear friend Anne.

I love checking in here for laughs, encouragement, sharing, going to silly
websites, etc. And boy have I learned a thing or two from some of you! It is
surprising how I can feel so close to people I haven't even met. Or how when
I did meet the NY gang I hugged them hello like old friends I haven't seen
in a while.

I joked recently about being a "weird internet" person like all of you.
Other people who haven't experienced getting to meet real friends over the
internet just can't understand. I actually worry about you people when times
are bad. And I feel happiness and joy for you when l when times are good.

Sometimes I'll refer to something one of you said, in a conversation I'm
having, and simply say "a friend of mine said....".

I'm not the best at putting my feelings into words but I do want to add
"thanks" to all of you. I really enjoy coming in here and catching up. :-)


Naz Reyes

Oct 20, 2001, 5:28:12 PM10/20/01

David Ballarotto wrote: seems that everyone has already taken all the things that I wanted to
say, so I guess I'll come up with something a little more original.

I started posting in this group about a year or so ago, and if I remember, I
was deeply moved by a post by BUDDY (Hi Buddy!) and it nearly brought me to
tears. I believe it was his post about him quitting all his bad habits and how
he's a changed person now - can't remember the exact topic but it was very
moving. As the days went by, I would end up checking the group once in awhile
for stories about "life in the 70s", memories about certain 70s songs, favorite
movies and music, etc. Before I knew it, I found myself laughing, feeling
nostalgic, and sometimes emotional about some of the stuff I read. I was
hooked. I had to come back and read some more. I had to contribute something
to the group. It was a slow process, but I'm very patient. I posted and
posted day in and day out, and I felt more and more at ease with some of the
stuff I've posted. I felt like I was talking to friends I've had for a long
time. But I think what really got to me was the fact that people were soo
tolerant of my lifestyle (I'm not straight if you don't know yet), like as if I
*do* matter, and that it's not important who I sleep with, but the stuff I
said. I actually had to slap myself in the face quite a few times for saying
some very risque stuff I've posted, and feeling very surprised that some of you
didn't mind what I just said. Not one person here has emailed me, or replied to
my post and told me that I didn't belong here, or that my lifestyle is wrong.
Not one. THAT is *really* something to me. That really made me feel that "I'm
OK", and not some pervert that should be locked away somewhere.

*That* is why I like this group, David. I think that's it! :-) Oh - by the
way, THANKS for welcoming me here, guys! And, NO, I haven't forgotten to
mention your name, RACH, the person responsible for bringing me BACK here
(among other things!) after a 4 month hiatus! :-)



Oct 20, 2001, 8:54:16 PM10/20/01
MartiDave said:

>Seriously, I like this forum, because it allows full and open expression
>without the worry of being personally attacked in a disagreement.

Ditto! Cool little neighborhood we got here. Property values are sure to go up.



Oct 20, 2001, 10:46:34 PM10/20/01

LOL You were just scared that I'd physically force you back here Naz... I
have to have my Naz fix!

"cheer up, my brother, come live in the sunshine - we'll understand it all
by and by..."

The Wanderer

Oct 20, 2001, 11:04:54 PM10/20/01

"Naz Reyes" <> wrote in message

if I remember, I
> was deeply moved by a post by BUDDY (Hi Buddy!) and it nearly brought me
> tears. I believe it was his post about him quitting all his bad habits and
> he's a changed person now - can't remember the exact topic but it was very

Now wait a minute! I haven't given up ALL of my bad habits.

not some pervert that should be locked away somewhere.

Now wait one minute, speaking for perverts everywhere: we are just as
welcome in this group as anyone else, as long as we play nice. And, no one
ever said you weren't a pervert. I just figured that that was the reason you
and I get along: because we're both perverts-just from different sides of
the fence.

Naz Reyes

Oct 21, 2001, 5:42:42 PM10/21/01

The Wanderer wrote:

> "Naz Reyes" <> wrote in message
> if I remember, I
> > was deeply moved by a post by BUDDY (Hi Buddy!) and it nearly brought me
> to
> > tears. I believe it was his post about him quitting all his bad habits and
> how
> > he's a changed person now - can't remember the exact topic but it was very
> moving.
> Now wait a minute! I haven't given up ALL of my bad habits.
> not some pervert that should be locked away somewhere.
> Now wait one minute, speaking for perverts everywhere: we are just as
> welcome in this group as anyone else, as long as we play nice. And, no one
> ever said you weren't a pervert. I just figured that that was the reason you
> and I get along: because we're both perverts-just from different sides of
> the fence.
> --
> Buddy
> from Brooklyn

Geez, Buddy, thanks! So, I guess I should feel honored that I'm an "Ok" pervert
now, huh? LOL! Well, I guess it's time I get rid of my halo...see ya later St.
Francis, and hello Lucifer... LOL :-)


Naz Reyes

Oct 21, 2001, 5:44:29 PM10/21/01

Rach, shall I bring my whips and chains when I get to NYC? I bet you'll like
that, now won't you? :)



Oct 21, 2001, 11:02:46 PM10/21/01
I'll bring a selection of cock rings, a cat of nine tails and maybe a PVC
cat suit...


"cheer up, my brother, come live in the sunshine - we'll understand it all
by and by..."

"there is no prosthesis for asshole"

Naz Reyes <> wrote in message

charles hobbs

Oct 22, 2001, 12:11:24 AM10/22/01

David Ballarotto wrote:

For the most part, it's a nice place to sit and talk, mostly, but not
about our experiences in the 70's...I haven't been on here as frequently as I
should, though.

There are also some interesting get-togethers and stuff, although most of it is
East Coast-based.
Any other L.A. people out there? :-)

The Wanderer

Oct 22, 2001, 12:33:01 PM10/22/01
I have a camcorder!

from Brooklyn

"It'd take a guy a lifetime to know Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo. An' even den,
yuh wouldn't know it all."
Thomas Wolfe from Death To Morning

"rach" <> wrote in message


Oct 22, 2001, 9:21:05 PM10/22/01
Hey Rach,
I've got a bondage wheel if you need to borrow it.... :)



Oct 22, 2001, 10:26:17 PM10/22/01
ok then you can get the batman angles...


"cheer up, my brother, come live in the sunshine - we'll understand it all
by and by..."
"there is no prosthesis for asshole"

The Wanderer <> wrote in message


Oct 22, 2001, 10:39:44 PM10/22/01

"Trittboy" <> wrote in message

> Hey Rach,
> I've got a bondage wheel if you need to borrow it.... :)

Well damn. I only *thought* I was schooled in the ways of amore.

What the hell is a bondage wheel!?!?!?


Oct 22, 2001, 10:42:32 PM10/22/01

"rach" <> wrote in message

> ok then you can get the batman angles...

POW!! Ahhhh.

Ker-Plunk!!!! Ooohhhhh!!!

Zowie!!!!! O YES!!!!!

Splat!!!! More More More!!!


Oct 22, 2001, 10:44:04 PM10/22/01

"rach" <> wrote in message

> I'll bring a selection of cock rings, a cat of nine tails and maybe a PVC
> cat suit...

UMMMmmmmMMMMM!!!!! Full of lovin' & as a plus, can cook too!!!


Oct 23, 2001, 8:43:21 AM10/23/01
Cool! I wonder if anyone has a hook on their ceiling I can hook that
chinese swing to as well..


The Wanderer

Oct 23, 2001, 11:30:15 AM10/23/01
If so....why DID you go to Vegas?

from Brooklyn

"It'd take a guy a lifetime to know Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo. An' even den,
yuh wouldn't know it all."
Thomas Wolfe from Death To Morning

"Trittboy" <> wrote in message

The Wanderer

Oct 23, 2001, 11:31:35 AM10/23/01
You have a chinese swing (aka the Burmese Basket), wow, my hero! Do you
think that I can borrow it for a little while when you're in town?

from Brooklyn

"It'd take a guy a lifetime to know Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo. An' even den,
yuh wouldn't know it all."
Thomas Wolfe from Death To Morning

"rach" <> wrote in message

Tiny Dancer

Oct 25, 2001, 10:33:16 AM10/25/01
Great thread, David, sorry I didn't get to it sooner! On top of the other
lovely sentiments expressed I'll add that the group is usually a safe
oasis from the real world for me. And when reality rears its ugly head
as it did last month, I come here for comfort, shared sorrow and concern.

I love how we've grown as a community and yet will still welcome new
members with open arms. It's hard to join an established group most
of the time, you can feel like an outsider for eons. Not here. As long as
you come in the right frame of mind, you're immediately taken under our
collective wings. This attitude has burned us at times (certain docs) but
we still keep an open mind. I like that can-do spirit.

But, most of all, it's the amazing and diverse group of people this group
has brought into my life. I was just talking about this with a friend of mine
last night (my soulmate Kevin from England called) and I used the same
frame of mind another poster mentioned and spoke of you all as friends.
Not net friends or people I write to online, just friends. I can't do that with
any of the other groups I post in. This place *is* special and it's the fab
people which make it so. Group hug!



It's knowin' that your door is always open
And your path is free to walk
That makes me tend to leave my sleepin' bag
Rolled up and stashed behind your couch
from Glen Campbell's "Gentle On My Mind"

For a good time call

The Sesame Street Lyrics and Sounds Archive


Oct 25, 2001, 12:53:51 PM10/25/01

I pretty much agree with what everyone here has said. I was just going through
the deja archives, looking for something in one of my early posts, and found
something interesting, which I thought I'd share:

From: CLock7193 (
Subject: Shiny happy people. Why?
View this article only
Date: 1996/04/18

I've just finished reading all my newsgroups and it occurred to me that is the only one without a lot of anger and hate and
general snottiness running throughout. Don't misunderstand me, there are
nice people in all the groups but in every other newsgroup there are
always at least one or two (often many more) posts that are there just to
spew excessive profanity or make someone feel bad. I haven't seen that
here. Do you think it's actually related to the decade we're discussing or
do you just think the's group is just filled with excessively
nice people?
Just wondering.

See that, this group has always been filled with "excessively nice people"
and has long been a unique community. My two favorite uses of my computer
are my word processor and going on-line so as to communicate. And this group
is one of my favorites, if not THE favorite, group with whom to communicate.
I particularly enjoy the mix of personalities and perspectives on a wide
range of matters here. There's also no official party line, which is refreshing
(though perhaps there are some lines you can say at a party!).

Rock on, everybody!


"The only way to obtain what philosophy seeks -- a complete grasp of
the world -- is to connect ourselves with history instead of contemplating it."

-Maurice Merleau-Ponty

The Wanderer

Oct 25, 2001, 1:13:56 PM10/25/01
Sorry to disappoint you Tom, but I dont do lines anymore.

from Brooklyn

"It'd take a guy a lifetime to know Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo. An' even den,
yuh wouldn't know it all."
Thomas Wolfe from Death To Morning

<antipos...@> wrote in message


Oct 28, 2001, 5:21:11 PM10/28/01
Where to start? The first thing that came to mind when reading all
these fantastic posts was that I can show up here anytime, even after
a semi-long absence, and everyone welcomes me back as tho I were here
the same day, as tho I belong like just another cog in this wonderful

Number two thing I love about this place would be that I met the most
wonderful man in the world within its folds. He has changed my life
and continues to make me complete each moment of every day.

Number three: everyone in this group possess common bonds, but at the
same time, we realize that we may NOT have other common bonds.
Everyone can be themselves and be accepted as they are, faults and

As I do each time I am in the group, I thank my lucky stars that I
belong with you in this fantastic place. I could easily comment on
each and every post in this thread, if only to thank you all for your

We are MORE than family.


The Wanderer

Oct 28, 2001, 5:33:45 PM10/28/01

"Dawna" <> wrote in

> Number two thing I love about this place would be that I met the most
> wonderful man in the world within its folds. He has changed my life
> and continues to make me complete each moment of every day.

OK ,babe, the check is in the mail, and I will release your family unhamed.


Oct 28, 2001, 11:15:20 PM10/28/01
The Wanderer said:

>OK ,babe, the check is in the mail, and I will release your family unhamed.

You turned Dawna's family into ham? Kinky! :-)


The Wanderer

Oct 29, 2001, 11:30:51 AM10/29/01
Yeah, this wat the Kosher Nostra wouldn't touch me.

from Brooklyn

"It'd take a guy a lifetime to know Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo. An' even den,
yuh wouldn't know it all."
Thomas Wolfe from Death To Morning

"Beatlfilms" <> wrote in message


Oct 29, 2001, 1:03:30 PM10/29/01
In article <%ufD7.15543$>, "The Wanderer"
<> writes:

>Yeah, this wat the Kosher Nostra wouldn't touch me.

I am just leaving to go do a funeral. I read this, you have ruined my serious
face. This was laugh out loud hilarious! Thanks for the chuckle.

Dave Spiegel

The Wanderer

Oct 29, 2001, 1:23:28 PM10/29/01
My God I have to start proofreading because i type so terribly.

from Brooklyn

"It'd take a guy a lifetime to know Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo. An' even den,
yuh wouldn't know it all."
Thomas Wolfe from Death To Morning

"MartiDave" <jun...@aol.combos> wrote in message


Oct 29, 2001, 9:28:59 PM10/29/01
"The Wanderer" <> wrote in message news:<A8hD7.15610$>...

> My God I have to start proofreading because i type so terribly.
> --
> Buddy
> from Brooklyn

At least your grammar is impeccable . . . ible . . . abel

The Wanderer

Oct 29, 2001, 9:52:31 PM10/29/01
Your pecca was right the first time.

from Brooklyn

"It'd take a guy a lifetime to know Brooklyn t'roo an' t'roo. An' even den,
yuh wouldn't know it all."
Thomas Wolfe from Death To Morning

"Dawna" <> wrote in message

Jamie M.

Nov 2, 2001, 11:11:36 PM11/2/01
Great thread David. I guess I'm a little late getting in on it, but I
guess I'll put in my few cents worth anyway.

I like the people here, and the contribution that each person brings
to the group. People come here from all walks of life, with different
views of life. Friends and strangers come together to talk about our
childhoods, and our hopes and dreams for the future. And soon
strangers become friends too. My world has expanded because of this
group. I've met some wonderful people here, and it is certainly my
hope to meet all of you one day, as my circle of friends grows.

And of course, as many of you know, it was here that I met one special
friend who has changed my world, and I am forever grateful for
destiny, or fate or whatever you want to call it, that has brought us
past many personal obstacles to allow us to be together.

See what happens on a slow night in the NG? Back to our regularly
scheduled programming.

Jamie :)


Nov 2, 2001, 11:28:58 PM11/2/01
"Jamie M." wrote
(snip the very sweet mushy stuff)

> See what happens on a slow night in the NG? Back
to our regularly
> scheduled programming.
> Jamie :)

Slow night???? It has been a slow week or two!


Jamie M.

Nov 2, 2001, 11:36:49 PM11/2/01
>> See what happens on a slow night in the NG? Back
>to our regularly
>> scheduled programming.
>> Jamie :)
>Slow night???? It has been a slow week or two!

We'd better liven this place up then. Actually, with all this job
hunting I've been doing... it's like a full time job in itself. Every
time I came in here there were another 200 posts waiting for me. I've
finally caught up.



Nov 2, 2001, 11:49:00 PM11/2/01
"Jamie M." wrote

> We'd better liven this place up then. Actually,
with all this job
> hunting I've been doing... it's like a full time
job in itself. Every
> time I came in here there were another 200 posts
waiting for me. I've
> finally caught up.
> Jamie

I have tried. There are no takers. I guess
everyone is too busy these days.

I feel for you job hunting. I am going through the
same thing. Looking since March, unemployed since
July with no end in sight. Not fun at all.


Larry N

Nov 3, 2001, 11:33:57 AM11/3/01
Okay, I saw this thread, (and one post in particular,) and decided
I've spent enough time unpacking boxes and the like. One very
special... very sweet person in this group inspired me to move from
Tucson to western New York. Next stop Ontario. Would this have
happened without this group? Hard to say, as fate is a unique lady
with many surprises, but at the risk of sounding cliche, joining this
group has changed my life. Like the rest of you, I've come to know
people that I would have otherwise never met, people who I hope to
meet in person. And now that I'm living in a part of the country
where various group members get together more often, it seems more
likely that I'll meet more of you. Is that yet another box over there
waiting to be emptied? Too bad. I think I'll hang out here for a


Still the Oldies Rocker

On Sat, 03 Nov 2001 04:11:36 GMT, (Jamie M.)

Tiny Dancer

Nov 3, 2001, 1:30:15 PM11/3/01
And so the word went out from (Larry N):

Great to see you, Larry! And right after Jamie joins us again, how odd ;-)

>Okay, I saw this thread, (and one post in particular,) and decided
>I've spent enough time unpacking boxes and the like. One very
>special... very sweet person in this group inspired me to move from
>Tucson to western New York. Next stop Ontario. Would this have
>happened without this group? Hard to say, as fate is a unique lady
>with many surprises, but at the risk of sounding cliche, joining this
>group has changed my life.

All together now, awwww :-) Sounds like an infomercial for the group.
Sign up today, it'll change your life!

>Like the rest of you, I've come to know people that I would have
>otherwise never met, people who I hope to meet in person. And
>now that I'm living in a part of the country where various group
>members get together more often, it seems more likely that I'll
>meet more of you. Is that yet another box over there waiting to
>be emptied? Too bad. I think I'll hang out here for a while.

And how soon before you land in Ontario, hun? Or is that still in the
lap of the gods? You're getting a lot closer to an actual meeting,
that's for sure! I'm guessing the NY gang will have the pleasure
before I do (are you going next month?), can't wait myself!



A heartbeat, it's a lovebeat
And a lovebeat is a good vibration
Oh, a heartbeat is a lovebeat
And when we meet, it's a good sensation
from The Defranco Family's "Heartbeat, It's A Lovebeat"

Larry N

Nov 3, 2001, 2:22:04 PM11/3/01
Life is just filled with coincidences, isn't it?


On Sat, 03 Nov 2001 18:30:15 GMT, (Tiny Dancer)

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