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What are your opinions of these songs?

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thomas conroy

Mar 9, 1995, 11:28:36 AM3/9/95
I recently ordered through the mail a Time-Life CD called `Sounds of the
Seventies'. It contains 22 AM hits and interesting liner notes by John
Morthland, who notes the influence of Crosby Stills and Nash style vocal
harmonizing on seventies AM top 40 music.

Anyway, what are your opinions of these songs from the CD?

1. Hooked on a Feeling - Blue Swede (1974)
2. Hitchin a Ride - Vanity Fare (1970)
3. The Night Chicago Died - Paper Lace (1974)
4. How Do You Do? - Mouth and MacNeal (1972)
5. Chevy Van - Sammy Johns (1975)
6. Dancing in the Moonlight - King Harvest (1973)
7. Rock Me Gently - Andy Kim (1974)
8. Jungle Fever - The Chakachas (1972)
9. I'm Doin' Fine Now - New York City (1973)
10. Moonlight Feels Right - Starbuck (1976)
11. Afternoon Delight - Starland Vocal Band (1976)
12. Beach Baby - First Class (1974)
13. Sky High - Jigsaw (1975)
14. Seasons in the Sun - Terry Jacks (1974)
15. Billy, Don't Be a Hero - Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods (1974)
16. Tighter, Tighter - Alive and Kicking (1970)
17. Beautiful Sunday - Daniel Boone (1972)
18. My Baby Loves Lovin' - White Plains (1970)
19. Run Joey Run - David Geddes (1975)
20. One Tin Soldier (The Legend of Billy Jack) - Coven (1971)
21. Rings - Cymarron (1971)
22. Shannon - Henry Gross (1976)

For me, the highlights are 3, 7, 11, 14, 15 and 16 - in particular, I'm
finding myself really liking Seasons in the Sun and Afternoon Delight. In a
sense, it's a rediscovery, because I remember disliking their apparent or
surface badness, back when they were hits. i.e., being willing to like such
music would have been to embarrasing. Now, I recognize them as the well
crafted tunes that they are - who care if they're a bit cheezy. In fact, I've
put Afternoon Delight on my telephone answering machine. It tells everyone who
calls to have a nice day.

On the other hand, Run Joey Run has got to be one of the worst songs of all
time. It's unintentionally hysterical, but a terrible song sung in the worst
sort of overwraught vocals by the talentless David Geddes. I'm glad its on the
CD as an artifact, but it's the one song that Morthland doesn't bother to
comment on. I don't blame him.

Henry Gross sucks big time, as well.

Finally, I wonder what ever happened to Bo Donaldson.

Mary Freeman

Mar 13, 1995, 9:16:57 AM3/13/95
thomas conroy ( wrote:
: I recently ordered through the mail a Time-Life CD called `Sounds of the

Didn't Bo Donaldson do that song Billy, Don't be a hero?

Noreen Mastascusa

Mar 16, 1995, 8:33:51 PM3/16/95
: : 1. Hooked on a Feeling - Blue Swede (1974)

: : 2. Hitchin a Ride - Vanity Fare (1970)
: : 3. The Night Chicago Died - Paper Lace (1974)

When I was in Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic, I found out that the
Spanish version of The Night Chicago Died was very popular. This
(English version) was the 3rd 45 that I ever bought (back in jr high).

: : 4. How Do You Do? - Mouth and MacNeal (1972)

: : 5. Chevy Van - Sammy Johns (1975)

Being an inhibited little Catholic girl, I disliked this song because it
was about sex. Now I'd much rather listen to Venus in Furs by the Velvet

: : 6. Dancing in the Moonlight - King Harvest (1973)

: : 7. Rock Me Gently - Andy Kim (1974)

This song was probably also about sex (I can't remember the lyrics), but
I was too stupid to realize it.

: : 8. Jungle Fever - The Chakachas (1972)

: : 9. I'm Doin' Fine Now - New York City (1973)
: : 10. Moonlight Feels Right - Starbuck (1976)

See the preceeding comments for Chevy Van.

: : 11. Afternoon Delight - Starland Vocal Band (1976)

The Starland Vocal Band (or at least some members), using the name of Fat
City, sang back-up on Country Roads by John Denver.

: : 12. Beach Baby - First Class (1974)

I sort of liked this one, but what does a 13-yr-old know?

: : 13. Sky High - Jigsaw (1975)

I remember this one, I don't remember what I thought about it.

: : 14. Seasons in the Sun - Terry Jacks (1974)

My brother wondered if Terry Jacks actually died of a terminal illness.

: : 15. Billy, Don't Be a Hero - Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods (1974)

This and The Streak were the 1st and 2nd 45s that I bought. BTW, I think
that these guys also did a version of The Night Chicago Died.

: : 16. Tighter, Tighter - Alive and Kicking (1970)

: : 17. Beautiful Sunday - Daniel Boone (1972)
: : 18. My Baby Loves Lovin' - White Plains (1970)
: : 19. Run Joey Run - David Geddes (1975)

My other brother liked this song (in our defense, my bothers and I WERE
in jr high at this time). And was this the same guy that did Rock On?

: : 20. One Tin Soldier (The Legend of Billy Jack) - Coven (1971)

My friends and I thought that this was so profound.

: : 21. Rings - Cymarron (1971)

: : 22. Shannon - Henry Gross (1976)

My younger brother (same one who liked Run, Joey, Run) liked this one.


Noreen Mastascusa

Mar 21, 1995, 7:58:47 PM3/21/95
Rodney Walker ( wrote:
: In <3kaotv$> (Noreen
: Mastascusa) writes:

: >: : 19. Run Joey Run - David Geddes (1975)

: >
: >My other brother liked this song (in our defense, my bothers and I WERE
: >in jr high at this time). And was this the same guy that did Rock On?

: Very close in that the name almost rhymes: David Essex (Oooh, my
: soul") was the orginal artist (and the writer) of "Rock On".

: Rodney Walker

Thanks for clearing that up, I just couldn't believe that the same artist
would be responsible for those two songs.

mike boggs

Mar 24, 1995, 1:31:46 AM3/24/95
Mary Freeman <> writes:

>thomas conroy ( wrote:
>: I recently ordered through the mail a Time-Life CD called `Sounds of the
>: Seventies'. It contains 22 AM hits and interesting liner notes by John
>: Morthland, who notes the influence of Crosby Stills and Nash style vocal
>: harmonizing on seventies AM top 40 music.
>: Anyway, what are your opinions of these songs from the CD?

These are good, but I can't believe a "Sounds of the Seventies" album
le song from Kiss, Queen, Foreigner, or
Stevie Nicks.
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