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Guilty Pleasures

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Jan 13, 2001, 10:26:08 PM1/13/01
I found an internet radio station that plays guilty pleasures as they put it

"Oh-so-taboo music that you probably wouldn't rock out to in public,
featuring the likes of Olivia Newton John and Journey. Don't worry, we won't
tell. "

So far they have played a little from the 70's, 80's, and 90's.
Try it!

ICQ 35590613
Yahoo Messenger Spider66_kw
AOL Instant Messenger Kelly071966

Dixon Hayes

Jan 20, 2001, 5:58:49 PM1/20/01
My favorite "guilty pleasure" would pretty much have to be "Kung Fu Fighting"
by Carl Douglas. Has that one come up on rotation yet, Kelly??

"Let's dance,'re starting to get to me!"
--Barney Fife

Remember THE Hollywood Squares...the original and the best


Jan 20, 2001, 7:15:33 PM1/20/01
>I found an internet radio station that plays guilty pleasures as they put it
>"Oh-so-taboo music that you probably wouldn't rock out to in public,
>featuring the likes of Olivia Newton John and Journey. Don't worry, we won't
>tell. "
>So far they have played a little from the 70's, 80's, and 90's.
>Try it!

Oh Kelly! I loved it. I have always wanted my own cheesy radio station.

I'm busted all the time in the elevator at work singing along to Muzak. I've
told people that I could live in it.

I remember one time during my divorce two years ago, I started weeping openly
to the Muzak's version of Air Supply's "I'm all out of love". Some of those
songs are my guilty pleasure because it was such a trying period in my life.

But then again, I'm just a big fat music lush. If I here anything and it
touches me - you can see this huge puppy dog look on my face.

"Our major obligation is not to mistake slogans for solutions" - Edward R.

Oil Impressionist

Jan 20, 2001, 8:51:20 PM1/20/01
In article <>, (Nate) wrote:
> Oh Kelly! I loved it. I have always wanted my own cheesy radio
> I'm busted all the time in the elevator at work singing along to
Muzak. I've
> told people that I could live in it.
> I remember one time during my divorce two years ago, I started
weeping openly
> to the Muzak's version of Air Supply's "I'm all out of love". Some
of those
> songs are my guilty pleasure because it was such a trying period in
my life.
> But then again, I'm just a big fat music lush. If I here anything
and it
> touches me - you can see this huge puppy dog look on my face.

How sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, Nate!

I think it's a sign of us getting old if we recognize our songs on

BTW, I used to LOVE Air Supply - big ol' softy that I am.


Sent via


Jan 20, 2001, 10:27:28 PM1/20/01
>How sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, Nate!
>I think it's a sign of us getting old if we recognize our songs on

Awe, Dawna! Just the sight of seeing your response has put a great smile on my

It's so nice to see you again.

Can I share with you a "gettin' old" story w/ you?

Tonight I took my daughter to Baskin Robbins for some Mint Chocolate Chip Ice
Cream and when we pulled up she said "Daddy, can I go in alone. I see some of
the older kids from the academy in there" and I said "Sure Princess" and the
whole time I'm sitting in the car reading my book, I thought - I remember doing
that to my parents, but that was because they we're SOOOOO LAME. I know I'm
not lame. I'm the hipest Dad EVER! I felt really old and the worst thing is
that now my child is becoming her own independent self. She won't need her
Daddy to hang out with her anymore :-(

Jan 20, 2001, 11:09:57 PM1/20/01
I wonder if they would play Oh Babe, What Would You Say? by Hurricane
Smith? Or how about a little Rock Me Gently, from Andy Kim? Then
there's one called Heaven On the Seventh Floor, or Midnight at the
Oasis. And just about anything recorded by Hot Chocolate would work
for me. But I do have my limits. I still don't want to hear Telephone


In article <93r69b$mcm0$>,

Oil Impressionist

Jan 21, 2001, 12:58:29 AM1/21/01
In article <>,

Not true, not true, not true!!!!!!!!!!! She may not need her daddy for
a while now, but you just wait. A girl will always need her daddy,
will always want to count on her daddy! My daddy's always there for
me, and I KNOW you will be for your daughter.

But I'm sure you're not a lame daddy . . . really? Shoot, we ARE
getting old, huh? :)

Oil Impressionist

Jan 21, 2001, 1:00:10 AM1/21/01
I forgot to say that if you DID wait in the car for her, that shows you
ARE a cool dad. You didn't go inside and be lame.


Jan 21, 2001, 6:57:58 PM1/21/01
Really cool Kelly. I logged on and the first song playing was "Keep on
Truckin" That was like the first really funky dance song that played at my
school dances. Thanks!


Jan 21, 2001, 8:56:42 PM1/21/01
>Really cool Kelly. I logged on and the first song playing was "Keep on
>Truckin" That was like the first really funky dance song that played at my
>school dances. Thanks!

Eddie Kendrick Lives!!! The high end of the Temptations. He's the greatest.

Jan 22, 2001, 2:27:28 PM1/22/01
I said (and responding to myself):

> I'm busted all the time in the elevator at work singing along to
> Muzak.

I just needed to add my fave Muzak songs to this thread.

"Hey! wontcha' play. . .another. . .somebody done somebody wrong song.
While I'm missin' my baby. While I'm missin' my baby."

"Don't it make my brown eyes, don't it make my brown eyes
bluuuuuuuuuuuuue. . .ooooooooooooh"

And my personal fave when I'm sooo burnt out I can't hardly stand
anymore. . ."Rain drops keep a fallin on my head. Doot, doot, doodle,
doo, doo, doo, doo"

"It's too late to hit the hay, and too early to eat it" - Mr. Ed

Francis McGill

Jan 22, 2001, 3:52:09 PM1/22/01
I can't download it . . . Windows 95 here. :(

* *
* Francis McGill *
* *
* "Glory to God in the Highest" *
* *

Aldo Pignotti

Jan 23, 2001, 10:47:02 AM1/23/01

> Tonight I took my daughter to Baskin Robbins for some Mint Chocolate
Chip Ice
> Cream and when we pulled up she said "Daddy, can I go in alone. I see
some of
> the older kids from the academy in there"

Oh man, how old is she? I know this day will come, but right now,
I can't imagine it.

It ain't no sin
to be glad you're alive - the boss


Jan 23, 2001, 12:52:37 PM1/23/01
> Tonight I took my daughter to Baskin Robbins for some Mint Chocolate
>Chip Ice
>> Cream and when we pulled up she said "Daddy, can I go in alone. I see
>some of
>> the older kids from the academy in there"

My son's 9 also, and I can't GET him to do anything alone! Be glad that she has
that kind of confidence. He's so funny though...he'll be walking along with
his "I'm cool" strut but if he loses site of us out in public for even a
minute, his face turns white and the "coolness" evaporates instantaneously!


Class of 78


Jan 23, 2001, 2:38:07 PM1/23/01
>"Hey! wontcha' play. . .another. . .somebody done somebody wrong song.
>While I'm missin' my baby. While I'm missin' my baby."
>"Don't it make my brown eyes, don't it make my brown eyes
>bluuuuuuuuuuuuue. . .ooooooooooooh"
>And my personal fave when I'm sooo burnt out I can't hardly stand
>anymore. . ."Rain drops keep a fallin on my head. Doot, doot, doodle,
>doo, doo, doo, doo"
Keep on singing them Nate!! *applause* woohoo!!!! I'm tapping MY feet! :)


Jan 23, 2001, 3:04:33 PM1/23/01
(Nate) writes:

>Tonight I took my daughter to Baskin Robbins for some Mint Chocolate Chip Ice
>Cream and when we pulled up she said "Daddy, can I go in alone. I see some
>the older kids from the academy in there" and I said "Sure Princess" and the
>whole time I'm sitting in the car reading my book, I thought - I remember
>that to my parents, but that was because they we're SOOOOO LAME. I know I'm
>not lame. I'm the hipest Dad EVER! I felt really old and the worst thing is
>that now my child is becoming her own independent self. She won't need her
>Daddy to hang out with her anymore :-(

S one Dad to another. I feel for you. I mean why don't my kids want to hang
out with me. I'm witty and funny and an absolutely coooool Dad. My kids should
wnat to spend lots of time with me..........

Dave Spiegel


Jan 25, 2001, 12:15:14 AM1/25/01
"Heaven on the Seventh Floor" by Paul Nicholas -- now that is one I haven't
thought of in years! I think I still have a 45 of that somewhere here.

Trish in Atlanta
Visit my Retro Fun website:
* Retro Pop Culture * Children's Literature * Dachshunds * More


Jan 25, 2001, 1:26:19 AM1/25/01
*perking her ears up*

Paul Nicholas?!? Did someone mention Paul Nicholas?!? :)

I love this song. Oh he's so cute. I'd love to see what he looks like now. I
believe he's 55 years old now. Oh man, just flashing back to Tommy and him as
Cousin Kevin, and his potrayal of Dougy Shears in Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts
Club Band: The Movie. *sigh*
He's also I think the first Jesus in the production of Jesus Christ Superstar.
I saw a picture of him as Jesus, and oh man, he was gorgeous.
Okay, I'll stop babbling now. :)


Oil Impressionist

Jan 26, 2001, 1:43:45 PM1/26/01
In article <>,

Awwwwwwwwwwww . . . just why wouldn't they want to?????????

If it's any consolation, I did the same thing to my folks, (as most of
us did, I'm sure) and I outgrew it, and we're the best of friends.
Now it is I who embarrasses them in front of their friends. :) It
seems my parents are finally realizing that I'm not entirely a
reflection of them both.

So Dave, if your kids are much to "busy" for now to spend some time
with such a coooooooool dad, realize they'll come around. That is, if
they have inherited your intelligence . . . and a little of our 70s




Jan 27, 2001, 12:49:34 PM1/27/01
>I'm witty and funny and an absolutely coooool Dad. My
>kids should
>> wnat to spend lots of time with me..........
>> Dave Spiegel
>Awwwwwwwwwwww . . . just why wouldn't they want to?????????
>If it's any consolation, I did the same thing to my folks, (as most of
>us did, I'm sure) and I outgrew it, and we're the best of friends.
>Now it is I who embarrasses them in front of their friends. :)

Uh-oh...what did you do Dawna?????

Oil Impressionist

Jan 28, 2001, 12:51:27 AM1/28/01
In article <>,

Funny you should ask, Sandy. :)

My mom had a Winnipeg Jets sweatshirt that she was going to give to her
neighbor's grandson. I piped in that I might like it. The neighbor
said I should have first dibs for it because I was a Jets fan and her
grandson wouldn't even know who they were. My mom insisted that it
wouldn't fit me and that I wouldn't want it. I interrupted
with, "Speak for yourself, Ma," and laughed, holding it up in front of
me, letting everyone see that it would indeed fit me. The neighbor
laughed, her husband laughed . . . but my parents didn't. :(

Later my mom said I embarrassed her and that she taught me better
manners than that. (This was a couple years ago when I was about . . .
oh, thirty-five.) I got a little angry and told her that if I wanted
to be an ass it didn't necessarily mean she was the one who taught me
to be one. My actions aren't always a reflection on her. She even
asked me to apologize to the woman, so I did, and I also informed her
of what I told my mom, about me being an ass. The lady laughed and
laughed and said that her kids were much more impossible. Hmmmmm . . .

:) Gee, I hope that was entertaining, tho it's not 70s related. Well,
I guess I could argue that she taught me better than that in the 70s.
She has since forgiven me and realizes I'm my own person.


~~A deadly secret lies within LAURA'S LEGACY, available @
Our web site: website:

Dixon Hayes

Jan 28, 2001, 1:14:33 PM1/28/01
>Gee, I hope that was entertaining, tho it's not 70s related. Well,
>I guess I could argue that she taught me better than that in the 70s

First of all, Dawna it is definitely entertaining. It could be 70s related in
the fact that it's a generational thing, how parents think of their kids who
were brought up in that era, etc. Even know, if I go off on one of my "The way
I was brought up" tirades in front of my mother and others, I catch myself
making some kind of disclaimer about how mother brought me up versus what I
learned elsewhere so she won't think I'm trying to embarrass her...

Oil Impressionist

Jan 29, 2001, 1:23:33 AM1/29/01
In article <>,

dixon...@aol.comspamless (Dixon Hayes) wrote:
> >Gee, I hope that was entertaining, tho it's not 70s related. Well,
> >I guess I could argue that she taught me better than that in the 70s
> First of all, Dawna it is definitely entertaining. It could be 70s
related in
> the fact that it's a generational thing, how parents think of their
kids who
> were brought up in that era, etc.

Yeah, yeah, that's it!! Thanks!

> Even know, if I go off on one of my "The way
> I was brought up" tirades in front of my mother and others, I catch
> making some kind of disclaimer about how mother brought me up versus
what I
> learned elsewhere so she won't think I'm trying to embarrass her...
> Dixon

Do you use your parents' phrases like I do? Sheesh, I hate it when I
sound like my mom, but she gets a kick out of it. :)



Jan 29, 2001, 12:06:18 PM1/29/01

>My mom had a Winnipeg Jets sweatshirt that she was going to give to her
>neighbor's grandson. I piped in that I might like it. The neighbor
>said I should have first dibs for it because I was a Jets fan and her
>grandson wouldn't even know who they were.

Hey, you shoulda had first dibs on it!!

>Gee, I hope that was entertaining, tho it's not 70s related.

Hey, the Winnapeg Jets came to be in the 70s, didn't they?


Jan 29, 2001, 12:08:21 PM1/29/01
>Do you use your parents' phrases like I do? Sheesh, I hate it when I
>sound like my mom, but she gets a kick out of it. :)

No, but I ACTUALLY just put one of those plastic runners over the new carpet we
had installed in the hall of the familyroom downstairs! I can't believe it!
What's next...plastic on the furniture!!

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