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School days pranks

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Jim Martinez

Mar 19, 2002, 12:55:55 AM3/19/02
I would be interested in hearing some pranks or other acts of mischief that
you may have pulled off in your younger days. Particularly from junior high
or high school.



Mar 19, 2002, 1:39:30 AM3/19/02

Streaking the Pep Convocation at our arch-rival school before the big
game for the city league title in Fall of 1975. If we had been
apprehended our squad would have been missing 6 starters and would
have lost. However, we managed to piss of about 1500 of the Ferris
students, their whole faculty, and their administration. We went
right through the middle of the gym floor in a packed house while the
cheerleaders were talking. I have never felt so much adrenaline in my

Other pranks from college in the late 70s include putting a gas
station reader sign on the front lawn of the mortuary that was next
door to our fraternity house and putting letters on it inviting people
to enter their "Lucky Stiff" contest.

Another good one was the ceremonial peeing on the door of the
president of the college's house that all freshmen in our frat were
forced to do. This was in fall of '76.

There are so many others, such as using the joy buzzer on a local news
guy (Cal Fankhouser) when I was being interviewed live on TV as the
organizer of a fund raiser for MS research. He screamed and I laughed
so hard that, as I was doing the interview, I came across as someone
who thought that MS was VERY funny. This was in 1975.

In the summer of 1976 a buddy (not you) and I were hired to pull weeds
on this huge sloping enbankment that faced the front of a 7 story
retirement home that the Episcopal Cathedral had built, right next
door to the church. My dad was the architect for the project, as well
as being on the National Espicopal Building Committee, and got us this
job. We were very bored and kept taking breaks to go and play Frisbee
or get a Slurpee but eventually it got into our heads to pull out
strategic weeds so that the letters (in their full glory) F**K YOU
were written out facing the front of the building, visible from all
the windows on that side, maybe 180 apartments. These letters were
about 30 to 40 feet high. We were laughing so hard we kept falling
down and rolling down the hill. We did this right before lunch and
went back the next morning to finish the job. The building manager
came out and scorched us, he was quite upset.

There are so many more but I have to prepare tomorrow's 3 hour lesson
on Inferential Statistics for the little MA students so I bid you
adieu and bon soir.

- -


>> Evidently your buddy Cedeño is a bastard.
>First of all, Cedeño is not my buddy.


"When you make fun of someone washing his truck, that's sad."
- Jeff Kent


Mar 19, 2002, 3:44:55 AM3/19/02
In article <a76jr7$d2e$>, Jim Martinez
<> wrote:

Oh, lordy, you HAD to get me started! I had a bunch of really geeky,
too-smart-for-our-own-good friends in high school. Most of us were
virgins, and we didn't drink or do drugs then (though some of us made
up for it later!), so we had to find other trouble to get into.
Looking back now, we were annoying but basically harmless, but back
then we thought we were SOOOO wild and badass.

One of our favorite late-night activities was to drive around town in
search of Ford Pintos (probably the most common car on the road in
those mid-70s days). Pintos (and also Ford Mavericks) had one feature
that we loved: while most cars had a generic-looking gas cap concealed
behind a little door in the side of the car, the Pinto's was a
one-piece contraption painted to match the rest of the car body. They
were interchangeable...and they didn't lock. We would take the gas cap
off a car, go find another one of a different color, and swap the cap
we brought for the one it had. Then we'd move on to another Pinto, and
another, and another...and at the end of the evening we'd take the
leftover cap back and put it on the first car we'd hit that night.
Soon, just about every Pinto in town that wasn't locked up at night had
a gas cap that was a different color than the rest of the car, thanks
to us. Sometimes we'd go back the next night, or a week later, and
exchange the same cap for yet another one. Sometimes we'd put back the
one that was there originally. We never got tired of this late-night
scurrying around, giggling, hiding in the shrubbery...and we never did
get caught.

Another adventure was shopping cart destruction. We generally prided
ourselves on doing very little real damage with our games, but this one
was a bit more over the line than most. We'd "borrow" a shopping cart
from a grocery store parking lot and take it to the Civic Auditorium
parking lot, which was isolated and usually deserted. One person would
drive while another would lean out the window and steer the cart. Weąd
get going fast--45 mph or so--and at the last second let go and push
the cart into a concrete light pole. The trick, of course, was to make
sure the cart didnąt bounce back and hit the car (the dented fenders
and broken taillights were easier, but I never was sure what one of our
friends told his father about the dents in the top of his Chevy Blazer,
after a cart flew up in the air and landed on the roof). If the cart
was still in rolling condition, weąd do it again. When they wouldnąt
roll anymore, they went in the Graveyard of Smashed Shopping Carts--a
concrete drainage ditch behind the building. Some nights weąd end the
evening with a ritual naked swim in the Civic Auditorium fountain.

We also did TPing. I don't mean we'd throw a few rolls in the trees
and over the porch--one night we used 104 rolls on one house. We'd
wrap a car like a mummy, until you couldn't see a single bit of paint
or chrome. We'd weave designs--spiderwebs, lacy patterns. It got to
where you didn't dare miss a night out with the group, because you'd be
guaranteed that your house would get hit that night. Some of us would
go out on Friday night with a few people and TP a few houses, then go
out Saturday night with the people whose houses they'd hit Friday night
and TP the houses of the people they'd been with the night before.
Some houses we hit every weekend for weeks on end.

Then there was our history teacher, Mr. Longnecker. We used to like to
go over to his house and do things. When we studied the American
Revolution, we dressed up as Indians, stuck arrows in the ground in his
yard, threw teabags all over his front porch, and made what we thought
were Indian noises (you know, like in cowboy and Indian movies) until
he came out. When we did the Civil War we blackened our faces, put
chains around our ankles, and sang about how we werenąt gonna study
history no more (I never said we were culturally sensitive back then).
Another time we broke into his garage and filled his car with
balloons--no reason, just because. He never seemed to mind--he
appeared mildly amused, in fact.

But probably our best stunts were ones we did at school. We had this
very elitist perk at our school: the Honors classes got a free period,
like a study hall, that nobody else got, and the juniors and seniors
got to spend it in a special room in the library reserved just for us.
But of course, we had no intention of wasting time studying there, when
we could do that at home--we'd much rather have fun with our friends
while we were all there together. Most days, we played endless games
of Hearts in the Honors Loft. We usually giggled and made a lot of
noise in the process, which eventually brought Mrs. Crouch, the
librarian, stomping up the stairs to tell us to quiet down. Mrs.
Crouch was sixty-something, and I don't think I ever saw her smile--not
once. I suspect she was a member of one of those religious faiths that
teaches that card-playing is a sin--that's the only way I can explain
her reaction to our Hearts games. She would get white-faced and
tight-lipped with rage, and imperiously order us out of the library.
And so out we'd go, usually laughing or singing "We Shall Overcome" or
doing something equally designed to annoy her. Some weeks we'd get
thrown out every single day.

Finally, we decided we'd had enough. We declared war. The rest of the
library had a high, two-story ceiling, but the Honors Loft was upstairs
in what had once been a narrow balcony across one end of the main room.
The wall didn't go quite all the way to the ceiling, to allow for
ventilation, so you could stand on a chair in the loft and look down on
the rest of the library. We started one day by hanging a Playgirl
pinup over the top of the wall. It stayed up a few hours before Mrs.
Crouch noticed all the giggling around the library and finally looked
up. We got thrown out extra double-quick then, with a lecture about
the sanctity of the human body.

A few days later, we started the bee-bee campaign. We'd toss bee-bees
over the wall and down on the rest of the library. They were too small
to see, but they made a LOT of noise when they hit the wooden tables or
the linoleum--PING-ping-ping-pingpingpingrollrollroll. Just to confuse
things, we'd station an innocent-looking accomplice or two around the
library, so after we'd been thrown out of the Honors Loft, they could
throw around a bee-bee or two and make Mrs. Crouch wonder how we were
still doing it.

Another day we spent most of our free period walking in the front doors
of the library, going in a small room off to the side where they kept
the biographies, climbing out the window, going around the building and
walking back in the front doors, until Mrs. Crouch caught on and threw
us out. Again.

Another time, we got a container of live crickets from a bait shop and
turned them loose in the stacks. They got into the bookshelves and the
vents and chirped for weeks--and produced an occasional satisfying
shriek when they hopped out at someone.

But the all-time best was the dirty book plan. We put out the word
around school that we were looking for porn--books, preferably, or
magazines. Our little town didn't even have a real adult bookstore
then, so I don't know where people got all this stuff, but it was
amazing what poured in. Mostly it was paperbacks, cheesy and
poorly-written, but undeniably X-rated. One was an S/M magazine
called--I will never forget it--"Hitler's Harlot." After my friends
and I had giggled over our new acquisitions for a few days, done a few
dramatic readings, we proceeded to get them ready to donate. We
borrowed a rubber stamp from Mrs. Crouch's desk and stamped them all as
library property. We put stickers on the spines of the books with
appropriate Dewey Decimal numbers (bestiality in the zoology section,
"The Lady from L.U.S.T." novels with the books on espionage, etc.).
Somewhere we acquired card pockets and typed circulation cards to put
in them, just like the ones the library used to check out their books.
We even put cards in the card catalog for each book--plus a few more
titles that we made up, just for good measure (these cards all looked
just like the ones the library used because we also borrowed the typing
element off Mrs. Crouch's IBM Selectric). We borrowed one of the
library's plastic magazine covers and replaced "Time" with "Hitler's
Harlot"--we even cut the address label off the cover of "Time" and
pasted it on "Hitler's Harlot" so it would look like it had arrived in
the mail addressed to the library. Finally, we planted all our
donations on the shelves.

Within a day, of course, every kid in school knew they were there. The
game went on a few more days, until somebody actually tried to check
out one of our books and Mrs. Crouch noticed what it was. Soon they
discovered that there were more of them...and then they found the cards
in the card catalog. It took them weeks to go through and find all the
books on the shelves--and to search the library in vain for the books
that didn't exist.

EPILOGUE--Mrs. Crouch decided to take early retirement at the end of
our junior year. We sent flowers to her retirement dinner. At the
very end of that school year, we sponsored a dirty limerick contest,
and wrote the entries on the chalkboard in the Honors Loft. They were
about as crude and juvenile as you'd expect from, well, a bunch of
crude juveniles. Several mentioned students, teachers and school
administrators by name. Right after school was out in June, the
principal was taking the district superintendent on tour of the school,
and they went up to see the Honors Loft. The limericks were still on
the board. The Honors Loft was closed for good and we spent our free
periods senior year playing Hearts in the cafeteria (the cafeteria
staff didn't seem to mind) and doing dramatic readings from dirty books
on the school lawn.

Class of '76
Shasta High School
Redding, California

Visit my home on the Web...<>!

"Espresso est, ergo cogito." C[_]


Mar 19, 2002, 5:08:05 AM3/19/02

"Jim Martinez" <> wrote in message

> I would be interested in hearing some pranks or other acts of mischief
> you may have pulled off in your younger days.

We used to have our FFA Livestock Show at the school in April. It lasted
about 4 days & we would sleep in the AG building. We called it the AG shack.
It was set up for classes & we could also used it to clean deer, cattle,
pigs, & rabbits. Then we would put the meat in a huge meat locker we had.
Well during the stock show like I said we would stay at the ag shack at
nite. So we would get a few greenhands (first year ag members) & take them
to the back of the school to the track. We would take their clothes from
them, after a good struggle by them to keep the clothes. Once they were
sufficiently naked we would get in our trucks & chase them around the track
a few laps then head on up to the front of the school with their clothes.
They would have to come & get them. When we got back to the front we would
take the clothes & get them wet & put them in the meat locker. When the guy
came up & wanted his clothes we told him where they were. When he went in we
would lock him in the locker. We would do this several times a nite. They
didn't know how to prevent this sort of thing like the people in my
greenhand year did. This sort of activity never happened to us cos we were
always together. Safety in numbers ya know. There were 12 in my greenhand
class & if the chapter farmers (2nd year & up ag members) tried anything
then it was a free for all. But they would sometimes get us in the locker
during winter. Then of course we would grab one of them & gain revenge on

Also another thing we did in ag was to get a greenhand & string him up.
Every year the ag teacher would fix up about 10 gallons of chili during Dec.
It was tradition for every greenhand to get strung up at least once a year
so that was a good time to get it out of the way. In fact that's when I got
mine done. Dec. of 76 it was.

Being in AG was a great way to skip school to. We kept our calves & pigs on
a piece of land about 3 miles from the school on Wallisville road. So we
would make plans before class. Many is the time a coupla my fellow AG boys
would come to my class & ask the teacher to speak with me. After a brief
chat along the lines of "come on let's go" I would tell the teacher that my
calf had gotten loose & was running down Wallisville & I had to go & get her
before she got hit by a car. Then it was off to the coldbeer store.

Another thing we would do to the greenhands was to find one who was dipping.
We would ask him if he had gotten permission from a chapter farmer to put
that dip in. When he said no then we would not let him spit. We would get
his can of Skoal or Copenhagen & make him add to his dip. Then we would pass
it around amongst ourselves for a dip & basically empty it out. And Lord
help him if he had Happy Days instead of Skoal or Copenhagen. It had a
cherry flavor to it & was basically a dip for wimps. Off came his pants &
into the girls gym he went.

One thing I did that wasn't AG related was that I had a single firecracker
in my pocket one day. I got to science class which was on the 3rd floor &
showed it to another dude there. He & I went to the window where he held it
while I used his matches to lite it. Just as it took he threw it out the
window & it exploded quick. The residue of it was still floating in the air
when the teacher seen it & said "let's go." As we were walking down the hall
I passed by a garbage can & very slyly dropped the matches in it. Ah but he
was a good teacher & seen what I had done & retrieved them. He showed them
to the voce principal who then gave us a choice between 3 days detention or
3 pops. Took the pops just to get it over with & damn did it teach me NOT to
pop firecrackers in class again. He went 1st then I went then he & so on
till we got the 3.

Other times me & my buddies would get together in one of our trucks & go
down neighborhood streets & lasso peoples mail boxes & drag then down the
road. Other time we would steal road signs & cones & stick them in the front
yard of someone who wasn't with us that nite.

You mite be thinking that the treatment we gave the greenhands was cruel &
that they hated us. But such is not the case. It was all good clean fun. And
if someone else did something to one of them then they were doing it to the
whole Ag Chapter.Lot's of fights in defending each other from outsiders.
Ahhh good times. Good times indeed!!!


Mar 19, 2002, 5:36:46 AM3/19/02
recsec said:

>We used to have our FFA Livestock Show at the school in April.

This just reminded me of a little thing a buddy and me did once. There was girl
in our high school named Effa. One day a bunch of handmade posters went up all
over the school promoting National FFA Week (or something like that; probably
what Billy described). So of course, being the dumb asses we were, we went
around and neatly stenciled an 'E' on all the posters so that they heralded
"National EFFA Week: Support Agriculture!" Oddly enough, out of a school with
around 1100 students, Effa knew exactly who was responsible. In additon to her
detective skills, that day I also learned that young Ms. Effa could run like
Speedy Gonzalez and hit like Muhammad Ali.


Stan Jensen

Mar 19, 2002, 8:17:49 AM3/19/02
Well, here's a few things that I can remember we did.....

1. We put one of the local high schools up for sale. We had went to the
back area of a 'Better Homes & Gardens' relator, where they had mistakely
left a bunch of "Sale" signs. We then kept them in a friends' basement
until we put an ad (we all pitched in for the money) in the local press
advertising the school as a big house with lots of room, etc. (I can't
remember now what we wrote, it's been over 20 years). Once the ad was
running, we put all the "Sale" signs on grass in front of the school.

Man, there was a BIG deal in the town about this. It even made the local
news. What's nice is that *none* of us ever ratted anyone else out.

2. We did things to people's cars, as I'm sure others did. Honey on the
wiper blades, vaseline in the door handles, eggs under the back seat, etc.
Only once were we mean, as we managed to get into a guys camero, open the
hood, and swapped around all the spark plug wires.

3. In school, we all had a favorite teacher our senior year. For his
birthday, a bunch of us came in early (with the approval of the principal)
and filled his room with Helium Balloons. We all stood around outside the
room as he came in and unlocked the door (the principal had unlocked it for
us to put the baloons in, but then locked it again). He wasnt paying
attention as the door opened and he walked in and bounced right out. We
were all on the floor laughing our asses off, even him and the other
faculty who were involved in the prank.

We finally had to go in a pop all the balloons, and all the escaping helium
made us talk like Donald Duck for a while.

Other things in school involved torturing substitute teachers. One of the
got so flustered at the slightest thing, so she was an easy target. We
turned all the desks around before she came in, and when she went to get
another teacher to yell at us, by the time she got back we had the room
back to normal. Another time, when she had us doing the "silent study"
time, at a pre-arranged signal someone screamed "AIR RAID!" and we all dove
under our desks. She was so wigged out she left for the Principal. When she
came back with him, we were all just sitting at our desks calmly reading
our textbooks. Of course, the Principal *knew* who was responsible, but
since we never did anything to damage the school or people, he always let
us go with just a look and a "tsk tsk."

We also TP'd houses and playing "Ding Dong Ditch It" like most others did.
Ah, the sweet innocence of youth. Don't have that anymore.

The Wanderer

Mar 19, 2002, 1:04:24 PM3/19/02
We had two ways to get out of class (lunch) and go running into the streets
(you were either in or out, there was no back and forth allowed-sorta like
jail). We had two chemical agents that we used. One was pepper gas. Didn't
use a lot, just one quick emission in each of the four corners of a lunch
room that held about 600 kids. Universal coughing would start and the kids
would go running. They would practically trample the adult lunch room
monitors who would be trying to get the kids into the street to "save" us.
We couldn't do these things too often though.
The other chemical agent was sold at the Trick Store. It
was called Appel(sic) Blossom, or Morning Breeze perfume as a novelty. The
second the cap was taken off in a confined space, the whole area would
explode with the aroma of the absolute worst "rotten egg fart" that your old
man ever let out that made you gag. We would walk around the luch room and
drop ONE DROP of the stuff in each corner or quadrant of the lunch room and
again: mass stampede of people wretching and saying "Ewwww!" Our school (I
think the whole school system) had an aversion to crotch or any hint of
sexuality. So if you ripped your pants on the inseam somewhere above halfway
between the knee and crotch they would send you home to change pants. So in
the nice weather we would go down to Mr. Riccio (the dean of boys, an
ex-detective and real tough bastard that was later to be arrested and do
time for getting his girlfriend a "no show" job while he was the State
Assemblyman). We'd say "Hey Mr. Rick I tore my pants." And whe'd want to see
the location of the tear. Then he'd say "How long will it take you to get
home?" 45 minutes I would answer. And I would mention that it would take
about that long to get back also. And about an hour to sew my pants or
change them. He started saying, after a while "Here's your pass. Get the
fuck out of here. Dont get in any trouble." We would use a knife to cut the
seam, and somebody always had a knife. I went down one day and was told the
hole wasn't big enough. So I ripped it some more and said "How about now?"
"here's your note!" Got to doin' it so regular they actually kept a needle
and thread just for me and my friends.

from Brooklyn

"There are certain sections in New York, major, that I wouldn't advise you
to try to invade.' "
Humphrey Bogart as Rick-in "Casablanca"- to nazi officer.

"The making of an American begins at the point where he himself rejects all
other ties, any other history, and himself adopts the vesture of his adopted
James Baldwin
"Stan Jensen" <> wrote in message

Jim Dobrovicz

Mar 19, 2002, 9:12:48 PM3/19/02
Here's a few . . .

My high school had a vocational auto mechanics class for all the interested
kids in the district. Every year as a prank they would take a car apart and
put it back together on the roof of the school -- usually someone's VW
Beetle would be the victim.

Another high school in the area one year stole the Big Boy statue from the
local restaurant and I forget what they did with it now, but they got
caught, were expelled from school, and weren't allowed to attend graduation
(they received their diplomas by mail). Another time a different group of
students from that same school stole the bell from the local Taco Bell and
put it in their school's courtyard.

When I was in junior high one thing that happened to several unfortunate
nerdy students (I certainly fit the description "nerdy" but I was never a
victim of this) was that someone picked the lock on their locker, put a
cherry bomb in there, and blew it up.

Another good junior high prank was the time a whole bunch of students got
wind-up alarm clocks, set them all for the same time, and locked them in
their lockers. When they all went off it was hysterical. None of those kids
got in any trouble because the teachers considered it "good clean fun."

-- James C. Dobrovicz

I've been doing games on television for 30 years and that is one of the top
3 all-time stinky answers!
--Charles Nelson Reilly, MG90

"Jim Martinez" <> wrote in message

Tom of Bunyon

Mar 19, 2002, 9:55:22 PM3/19/02

"Jim Martinez" <> wrote in message

I never pulled anything but my brother's friends pulled a lot.

If they wanted out of school early, they would find a deserted hallway,
wedge a bent bobby pin in their shoe, slip it into a plug socket, and when
no one was watching, kick it in and blow all the breakers. The school
officials would try to search for the problem and keep blowing the breaker
when they tried to trip it back on. If they couldn't find the problem by
noon, they were required to send everyone home for the day.

There was a theater that was used for study hall. The teacher used to open
the curtain to see if anyone was cutting accross. One time, someone had
stuck a road flare upright into a seam in the stage floor and lit it. Big

One time someone had mixed up a batch of ammonia water and tincture of
iodine and poured the mixture out over the parking lot. This combination
produces nitrogen triiodide which will explode if you just look at it wrong.
If there's a clump the size of a teaspoon, it will blow all the windows out
of a room. Spread thinly over a parking lot (real thin - the teaspoonful
over about an acre), it produces deep concussion sounds under your feet with
each step.

Then there's the ping-pong ball in the gas tank. When the tank gets low, the
pingpong ball gets sucked over the inlet and the engine kills - releasing
the fuel pump suction and the ball pops off the intake and the car starts
back up - until that ball gets near the inlet again. Since this only happens
when the tank is almost empty, it drives everyone nuts.

Tom of Bunyon

Mar 19, 2002, 10:05:28 PM3/19/02

"MaryMc" <> wrote in message

> In article <a76jr7$d2e$>, Jim Martinez
> <> wrote:
> > I would be interested in hearing some pranks or other acts of mischief
> > you may have pulled off in your younger days. Particularly from junior
> > or high school.
> We also did TPing. I don't mean we'd throw a few rolls in the trees
> and over the porch--one night we used 104 rolls on one house. We'd
> wrap a car like a mummy, until you couldn't see a single bit of paint
> or chrome. We'd weave designs--spiderwebs, lacy patterns. It got to
> where you didn't dare miss a night out with the group, because you'd be
> guaranteed that your house would get hit that night. Some of us would
> go out on Friday night with a few people and TP a few houses, then go
> out Saturday night with the people whose houses they'd hit Friday night
> and TP the houses of the people they'd been with the night before.
> Some houses we hit every weekend for weeks on end.

We would TP back and forth between two trees after a snowstorm so that it
looked like a really big drift. Cars would come roaring down the street and
jam on their brakes with a loud screech thiking they were about to plow into
a bank. They would always break through the paper and you would hear a lot
of screaming and cursing from the driver.

Jim Martinez

Mar 20, 2002, 1:12:39 AM3/20/02
I was reminded of a kid in my brother's class, that after some prodding from
his classmates at a school dance, took a dare to "streak" the local
McDonald's that was a few blocks from the school. Much to everyone's
suprise, he disrobed AT THE SCHOOL and ran all the way to McDonalds and back
wearing nothing but shoes and socks!

"Jim Martinez" <> wrote in message

The Night Hawk

Mar 20, 2002, 9:04:34 PM3/20/02
On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 22:55:55 -0700, "Jim Martinez"
<> wrote:

God... the memories that are going through my mind....
When I was in junior high back in norther Illinois I was a really
rotten individual....
Lets see.... lol... my best friend had several black labs which
they kept in a huge pen in their back yard. Large dogs have
the ability to produce two pounds of dookie for every pound
eaten.... so we would scoop some into those small plastic
sandwich bags we save from lunch, tie them to long pieces of
kite string and, under cloak of darkness, lay them in the middle
of the road, tie off one end of the string to a tree, and wait for
a victim.... when a car would approach we would tug on our
end of the string, raising the bag to windshield level.... then run
like hell. In retrospect I can see that that might have caused
an accident or something.... glad it didn't. We stopped doing
that one when we mistakenly nailed a cop car. Didn't get caught,
but it scared the shit out of us.
I recall one time when about 20 of us figured out how to get
out of school on Monday.... simply put the school bus out of
commission.... so on Sunday we walked to the school, found
our bus, and all took turns pissing in the gas tank. Well, we
didn't consider that they had a back up bus... sure enough,
our bus was out of commission for a day or two, but alas....
the backup arrived on time.
Halloween was a particularly mischievious time for my
buddy and I. I remember one time, I was 13 I think.... we
were out on the prowl at about 2 a.m., having snuck out of
window.. Smashing pumpkins was boring really, so we
just wandered around. Until I had to take a dump.
So I mosey up to the porch of this house which had a very
large carved pumpkin on it.... I took off the lid, dropped my
drawers and sat on the pumpkin. Midway through the porch
light came on.... busted. I could have run like hell, but dumb-
shit me picked the house that belonged to the Sheriff, who
happened to be my stepfathers employer, and who happened
to know who I was. That pumpkin was the last thing I sat on
for a while.
When I moved to Florida and started highschool I was too
interested in girls and weed to worry about stunts anymore....
but there was the time I flushed 4 M80s down the
john in the mens room at school.... the class in the
room next to the bathrrom was disrupted when the pipe
underneath the floor developed a crack and a geyser.
Now, all that is just commone stuff, eh? I mean everyon
has crapped in pumpkin at least once in the life. The
best practicle school related joke I have heard yet
came from someone who is a close friend now....
back when he was in school in Michigan they found
a dead skunk by the side of the road, took it to school,
climbed up on the roof and dropped into a ventilator
of some type. He tells me that come Monday the
janitor arrived early and turned on the heat....
I guess by 9 am they decided to close the school
and it remained so for a week.

Brings to mind a song,

Memories, like the corners of my mind
Misty watercolor memories
Of the way we were.
Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind
Smiles we gave to one another
For the way we were

Can it be that it was all so simple then
Or has time rewritten every line
If we had the cahnce to do it all again
Tell me, would be, could we

Memories may be beautiful and yet
What's to simple to remember
We simply choose to forget,
So it's the laughter we will remember
Whenever we remember the way we were,
The way we were

Ah, The good old days..... no?

The Wanderer

Mar 20, 2002, 9:26:56 PM3/20/02
You are truly a man after my own heart. I commend you ya sick so and so. You
coulda hung with my guys anytime.

from Brooklyn

"There are certain sections in New York, major, that I wouldn't advise you
to try to invade.' "
Humphrey Bogart as Rick-in "Casablanca"- to nazi officer.

"The making of an American begins at the point where he himself rejects all
other ties, any other history, and himself adopts the vesture of his adopted
James Baldwin

"The Night Hawk" <> wrote in message

The Night Hawk

Mar 20, 2002, 9:36:49 PM3/20/02
On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 02:26:56 GMT, "The Wanderer"
<> wrote:

>You are truly a man after my own heart. I commend you ya sick so and so. You
>coulda hung with my guys anytime.

lol... thanks. Glad someone appreciates that kinda humor.... my son
(20 years old) tells me I'm disgusting. I tried to explain to him
that we didn't have video games and such... we had to make
do with what we had.... so what does on do when lincoln logs
and hot wheels get old? Find creative uses for dog crap and
pumpkins. Seems perfectly normal to me.....

Crazy Fingers

Mar 21, 2002, 12:09:21 PM3/21/02
I laughed so hard reading some of these I had tears in my eyes. Here are, in
brief, some of the stunts I pulled:

Our elementary school was on top of a hill. There were chestnut trees there.
We would stand on top of the hill and throw the chestnuts at moving cars.

We took a hose from someone's house and inserted the open end into their
mail slot. Then we turned it on. We did this several times, then the guy got
wise and took the valve handle off. It never occurred to us to buy a new
valve handle and pull the same shit.

Knocking over garbage cans, especially if they were on a hill, so they would
roll all the way down.

Putting carp from the lake into peoples' mailboxes.

Pissing in the rolled-down windows of cars.

Mixing up fake puke and dumping it on people's cars, etc.

Burger King used to have the squirt ketchup bottles. Our local one doesn't
anymore because of me. We were dining in the outiside area and took the
ketchup and mustard bottles and ran around the building, painting the
windows red and yellow.

All I can think of for now.


"Jim Martinez" <> wrote in message


Mar 21, 2002, 1:47:46 PM3/21/02
On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 17:09:21 GMT, "Crazy Fingers"
<> wrote:

>I laughed so hard reading some of these I had tears in my eyes. Here are, in
>brief, some of the stunts I pulled:

Your urination story reminds me of another, that went really badly for
some of the guys.

In college one wing of our frat house had a semi-below ground floor,
where the windows started at ground level. One of the guys, a
diabolical physics major, had this really ugly chick with a bad
attitude that he was perpetually banging in his room, which was one of
the lower level rooms. He would play Tchaikovsky and other late
romantic records really loud while this was going on. As we would
walk by, we always knew he was doing this for we could hear her
hollering above the loud music. One night a bunch of us were walking
over to 7-11 for microwave red hot beef and bean burritos and Slurpees
at about midnight and decided to relieve ourselves on his window.
This became a nightly tradition, as we often took our study breaks in
this fashion. After a couple of weeks he started to notice a terrible
smell in his room that seemed to emanate from the window area. One
night he heard us snickering and opened his blinds a crack to see us
all there (about 6 guys) with tools in hand, washing his window. He
hollered at us and we went away.

This gave him the impetus to hatch an evil plan. He was an
electronics whiz (how appropriate) who now works for Boeing designing
guidance systems. Thus, he had the skills necessary to devise an
electrical device that he attached to a set of wires he put around the
edge of the aluminum window frame. A couple days later when the boys
were out for a nightly whiz, he had the device armed and the fellows
who where spraying each got a shock as the electricity ran right up
the stream and applied a bit of juice to the member's members. I
don't remember how much voltage there was but it really scared these
guys. One literally shit his pants (fortunately I didn't have to go
that evening, could it be that I had some foreknowledge of this dude's
evil plan?). They ran in, grabbed him, and gave him a mudding.

This was our form of the campus ritual called laking. There was a
huge duck pond in the center of campus and groups would take members
over there, usually carried, and toss the person in the pond.
Generally this was in celebration of a pinning, engagement, or doing
some other stupid thing. Luckily for us, our house had a little
stream that ran through the front yard, leading to our very own little
pond. It was about 6 inches of water and 2 and a half feet of mud
deep. Thus, the electronics genius was mudded. And that was the
night, my friends, that a new tradition was born.

To get revenge he ran into the house and rolled in the beds of the
guys who mudded him, something that had never been done before. From
that day on, all people who participated in the ritual would be sure
to have their doors locked before taking action.

There are many more tales to tell. Someday I will relate the legend
of the night we buried Flip the Bird. In the president's front lawn.


Mar 21, 2002, 1:54:54 PM3/21/02
Keep going Dick... this is good stuff

Shut my mouth and strike the demons
That cursed you and your reasons

"DL" <> wrote in message

The Wanderer

Mar 21, 2002, 3:08:54 PM3/21/02
I always wondered if you pissed on the third rail (in the subway) would the
juice run up the stream and fry your burrito?

from Brooklyn

"There are certain sections in New York, major, that I wouldn't advise you
to try to invade.' "
Humphrey Bogart as Rick-in "Casablanca"- to nazi officer.

"The making of an American begins at the point where he himself rejects all
other ties, any other history, and himself adopts the vesture of his adopted
James Baldwin

"DL" <> wrote in message


Mar 21, 2002, 4:18:58 PM3/21/02
I will give you $20 if you test that theory and get a shock

Shut my mouth and strike the demons
That cursed you and your reasons

"The Wanderer" <> wrote in message

Crazy Fingers

Mar 21, 2002, 4:25:51 PM3/21/02
I know a guy who pissed on an electric fence. He only did it once.


"rach" <> wrote in message

The Wanderer

Mar 21, 2002, 8:40:49 PM3/21/02
Only if you're there to watch.

from Brooklyn

"There are certain sections in New York, major, that I wouldn't advise you
to try to invade.' "
Humphrey Bogart as Rick-in "Casablanca"- to nazi officer.

"The making of an American begins at the point where he himself rejects all
other ties, any other history, and himself adopts the vesture of his adopted
James Baldwin

"rach" <> wrote in message

Tom of Bunyon

Mar 21, 2002, 9:27:10 PM3/21/02

"Crazy Fingers" <> wrote in message

> I laughed so hard reading some of these I had tears in my eyes. Here are,
> brief, some of the stunts I pulled:
> Knocking over garbage cans, especially if they were on a hill, so they
> roll all the way down.

How about tying a thin piano wire between two cans on opposite sides of the
street. Whan a car comes along and hits the wire, First thing he does is
screech to a halt. In the meantime the wires have yanked the cans inward and
with luck, they each smack eaither side of the car and vacu-form themselves
to the shape of the trunk.

> Mixing up fake puke and dumping it on people's cars, etc.

My dad used to lay in the field and lob rocks onto the tin roof of a


Mar 21, 2002, 9:43:54 PM3/21/02
My father grew up in a small town with one policeman that they used to play
tricks on. One that used to get my father laughing so hard in the re-telling
the tears would roll down his face was: they would get an old handbag and
tie a fishing line around it and set the bag in the middle of the road then
hide in some bushes. When the cop came to pick it up, they would give one
hella pull and send the cop chasing after the bag and the boys.


Mar 21, 2002, 9:52:57 PM3/21/02
> > Mixing up fake puke and dumping it on people's cars, etc.

My high school biology teacher (who should have REALLY known better
than to give us ideas like this) said when he was a kid, he and his
buddies used to sneak a jar of mushroom soup into the movies. They'd
sit in the front row of the balcony and, in the middle of the movie,
they'd lean over and make retching sounds and dump the jar over the



Mar 21, 2002, 10:38:48 PM3/21/02
On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 21:27:10 -0500, "Tom of Bunyon"
<> wrote:

>My dad used to lay in the field and lob rocks onto the tin roof of a

YOu bastard! That was our house!

The Wanderer

Mar 22, 2002, 12:59:41 PM3/22/02
Some kids got ME with that just a coupla years ago. I was walking up the
block and there was this FAT wallet just laying there. I know my eyes musta
lit up as I bent down to pick it up (hoping that there wasn't any ID in the
thing) and just as my hand was about to come in touch with the leather the
damn thing FLEW like a bullett away. And all the little bastards were
cackling good and loud. But being one who can appreciate a good practical
joke I just looked up at the kids who were laughing, particularly the one
with the cat gut in his hand and said "Ya got me! Gotta admit it that was a
GOOD one." Had to admire their balls and wonder why as a New Yorker I wasn't
a skeptic and say "There's GOT to be something wrong with this situation."
It was greed pure and simple and allowed me momentarily to take a look at
one of my character defects.

from Brooklyn

"There are certain sections in New York, major, that I wouldn't advise you
to try to invade.' "
Humphrey Bogart as Rick-in "Casablanca"- to nazi officer.

"The making of an American begins at the point where he himself rejects all
other ties, any other history, and himself adopts the vesture of his adopted
James Baldwin
"rach" <> wrote in message


The Wanderer

Mar 22, 2002, 1:08:18 PM3/22/02
Where we used to hang out we were constantly getting chased away from. So in
order to get even with the janitor who kept calling the cops on us I hatched
a plan. The local hardware store sold bags of fertilizer for the backyard
gardening crowds in the neighborhood. They were 71/2 lb bags of fertilizer.
And you could pick your favorite "flavor" so I bought a 7 11/2 lb bag of cow
manure (dried and powdered?). And I did this on a rainy night: I spread it
all over the entrance way to the Health Dept building that was our hang out.
We let the rain hit it for awhile then pissed on it and let it sit over
night> Next day we were walking up the block to go to
school and there out in front was "Bosco" the janitor. He was trying to
clean up this huge shitty wet mess that by now was again fragrant. He'd
shovel: dry heave, shovel: dry heave. We were nasty little bastards. Oh and
yes we epoxied the lock closed so that the workers could not get in.

from Brooklyn

"There are certain sections in New York, major, that I wouldn't advise you
to try to invade.' "
Humphrey Bogart as Rick-in "Casablanca"- to nazi officer.

"The making of an American begins at the point where he himself rejects all
other ties, any other history, and himself adopts the vesture of his adopted
James Baldwin

"MaryMc" <> wrote in message


Mar 22, 2002, 1:26:44 PM3/22/02
I guess it's not really School Days pranks but I was always was pleased to
help my friends get back at their ex's. My favourite methods were sugar in
the gas tank of the guy's 1971 barracuda ( the one Mike Brady drove) and
pelting it with eggs... although my friend was afraid to go through with the
sugar and so we just put it around the ground where the tank was to make him
think someone did it. Stealing credit cards from the boys and going shopping
until we hit the limit, bank card stealing, reporting their relatives to
immigration and getting them deported... etc. The best was when a friends ex
that hit on everyone asked me to his house the day after they had broken up.
I told her and since I would never to that to a friend, I went over and long
story short, blue balls got the message. ;)

Shut my mouth and strike the demons
That cursed you and your reasons

"The Wanderer" <> wrote in message

The Wanderer

Mar 22, 2002, 1:48:27 PM3/22/02
So Rach, you and I are friends. Right?

from Brooklyn

"There are certain sections in New York, major, that I wouldn't advise you
to try to invade.' "
Humphrey Bogart as Rick-in "Casablanca"- to nazi officer.

"The making of an American begins at the point where he himself rejects all
other ties, any other history, and himself adopts the vesture of his adopted
James Baldwin

"rach" <> wrote in message



Mar 22, 2002, 2:14:55 PM3/22/02
of until you piss me off that is. ;)

Shut my mouth and strike the demons
That cursed you and your reasons

"The Wanderer" <> wrote in message


Tom of Bunyon

Mar 23, 2002, 2:36:35 AM3/23/02

> My high school biology teacher (who should have REALLY known better
> than to give us ideas like this) said when he was a kid, he and his
> buddies used to sneak a jar of mushroom soup into the movies. They'd
> sit in the front row of the balcony and, in the middle of the movie,
> they'd lean over and make retching sounds and dump the jar over the
> rail.

Leaving a trail of orange juice leading to the ladies room in the Wal-Mart.

In a toilet stall, smear some peanut butter on a wad of TP and leave it in
the middle of the floor.

On the high tech end, we used to dash a gallon dewar of liquid nitrogen
under the door to the main lecture hall. It would bead up into dancing
spheres (like water in a hot griddle) and hiss and rattle as they scattered
across the floor. The prof would always mistake it for a load of beebees and
do a quickstep dance to keep from slipping on them.

Fill balloons with air and slowly put them into a 5 gallon styrofoam beer
case (to disguise it) of liquid nitrogen. They will deflate down to nothing.
You can stuff several hundred in there. As soon as the nitrogen boils off,
the balloons will slowly start inflating themselves pushing their way out of
the container and eventually fill the whole room up. No one will know what
the hell is happening. The balloons will start making a schruchy noise as
they start to emerge. If they try to press the balloons back in, the heat of
their hands will cause each balloon they touch to immediately swell to full
size. If they grab the pile just right, it pushes back hard and knocks them
over and they suddenly have several more cubic feet of balloons in the room.


Mar 23, 2002, 8:24:44 AM3/23/02
Man, you science guys really know how to do shit...too bad I failed
chemistry twice before my dad literally told me to forget it. lol
Brilliant tricks Tom

Shut my mouth and strike the demons
That cursed you and your reasons

"Tom of Bunyon" <> wrote in message


Mar 23, 2002, 12:08:58 PM3/23/02
We had this crazy old man that used to push a lawnmower around our
little town everywhere he went. Don't recall ever seeing him actually
mowing a lawn, come to think of it. Anyway, for some reason he had this
HUGE lump in the back of his neck which made his head and face
permanently look down as he walked. As kids we used to say that he
tried swallowing a basketball and it got lodged. In any event, his
nickname around town was Lump Man.

My friend Mark from high school had his grandma living at their house.
Her name was Grandma Laura. We used to tease Mark that his grandma was
dating Lump Man. He would just get pissed. Whenever, we'd be at his
house and we would see Lump Man coming down the street pushing that damn
lawnmower we'd start in with the comments: "Oh, looks like Lump Man is
coming to pick up your grandma for a date. Does she ride on his
lawnmower screaming out 'Toro! Toro!' during sex?" Eventually the joke
grew to say that Grandma Laura got knocked up by Lump Man and they were
expecting a little lump boy. We went and submitted a baby shower
announcement to the local newspaper (which would print ANYTHING by the
way). The announcement was printed in that weeks edition: "Open House
baby shower for Laura Lumpman this saturday. Everyone welcome!" My
friend was pissed.


Naz Reyes

Mar 23, 2002, 5:35:28 PM3/23/02

Tom of Bunyon wrote:

> "Crazy Fingers" <> wrote in message
> news:5tom8.40$>

>>Mixing up fake puke and dumping it on people's cars, etc.

Well, we actually were able to get ahold of REAL puke in a cup and put
it in front of the teacher in-charge of the ISS (In-school suspension -
don't ask! LOL).

The teacher was sleeping (he was supposed to be watching over us), so,
while he was asleep, one of the guys puked in his plastic cup and put it
in front of the sleeping teacher. When he woke up, he saw the cup,
looked into what was in it, got totally disgusted,and got real MAD! He
stood up and demanded who did this prank. Nobody fessed up, of course,
and proceeded to say that EVERYONE in the classroom will be staying an
hour later if nobody admitted who did it.

I told him that he was sleeping, and that he's in big trouble, and that
he's in no position to make demands. You shoulda seen his face! LOL :)

I demanded that we could eat in the class and talk whenever we wanted.
We did just that, until the end of the day :-)


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