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The Pilot

Nov 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/29/00



It is with great reluctance that I am announcing that the
"Pilot" identity was destroyed by OSA and the CofS.

My policy has always been to forgive and forget, to push for
gentle reforms, and to live and let live. And so I hoped
to heal and recover and let this matter pass.

But it has been a year now and I have not recovered and there
does not seem to be any way out but to abandon it all.

Right now I'm a pitiful shadow of who I was when I wrote
Super Scio and Self Clearing. I put those out on the net
for free and they will remain there for whomever can use
them or get anything out of them. But I am no longer fit to
evaluate their contents or further extend the work.

I can prove nothing of what happened to me. Consider this
total delusion if you want. It is too incredible and
unbelieveable and I would just sound paranoid if I started
ranting about it. But in November of 1999, I was drugged,
raped, and implanted with the commands that I posted anonymously
earlier this year as the OSA Sex-Drug-Hypnosis procedure.


ARS is pushing for articles on this topic right now, so I
throught that I would say a few words on it as a parting

The stated goal of Scientology is Total Freedom. I think
that it was a good target and that we made real progress
in that direction in the early days.

But then Scientology began to specialize in control, especially
in the form of control of their public to collect big bucks,
control of communication lines to suppress true stories that
were out-PR and of course the notorious use of Ethics for
dicipline while pretending to be helping the troublesome

This is, of course, the antithisis of freedom and so the
true goal became a never to be attained carrot held out
in front of the membership to keep them running on the
racetrack while the stick of ethics was used to ensure
their speedy progress in forking over their money and
their lives.

Even this could be tolerated on the basis of live and let
live if they were willing to compete on an equal footing
with other practices and if they did not extend their
controls and abuses outside of their own courseroom doors.

But instead they want to smash competition and suppress
any criticism and shut their members minds to any outside
influence by engaging in abhoreent practices like disconnection.

But for me the final straw is that they are destructive
of any real attempts to research the hidden capabilities
of the mind.

I do not want to be egotistical here, but I think that I
was pretty damn good at extending the research line and
they have put case closed to that possibility.

I'm writing now not for myself, that aspect of my life
is over, but for the possibility of future researchers
who might yet discover more keys to the hidden capabilities
of the mind and spirit. Every viable science has had
a myrid of researchers and many generations of progress.

The current CofS is setup to destroy anybody who does
try to research the mind and with that they are guaranteeing
that nobody will ever make it.

And as for responsibility, they seem to have pulled a
fast one where responsibility is defined as smashing
their enemies instead of fixing what is really wrong
within the organization.

As far as I'm concerned, active membership in CofS implies
a total irresponsiblity as to the real effects created
and shows no awareness of the real truth, which is that
there is something to these spiritual ideals and maybe
we should be doing something about that.

I am including this section because of the ARS literai
contest, but really I'm not following any of their rules
nor do I agree with the real ARS agenda, so I'm not
expecting to get anything out of that (and who cares since
I make a small fortune as a software designer anyway), but
I would like this message to get passed around because it
is important and so this seems like a nice way to get the
critics to promote it for me on their websites.


I used to love to write humor posts. I'm a bit dispersed
right now, so it doesn't really come together like it used
to. But a good one did flash through my mind recently,
so I thought that I might give you the idea as a fun gift
even through I can't seem to flesh it out right now.

The concept is the humor of the routing form. And the
practical example is what if the org should makeup a
routing form for going to the bathroom.

Can you imagine going through the registrar for this or
visiting accounts to pay for it? The real hoots come
on getting word clearing to ensure that you are using
the proper receptical or going to qual for correction or
writing a success story about the cycle.

And then going to see the reg again and having to pay
in advance for the next time that you need to go to the

What fun.


A favorite movie of mine.

The message here is of a cultural mind set that is not of
the normal society but of a cult within the society that has
differenct ideas and a tech that is different from the norm.

Of course there are incredible problems in the mechanics of
love between anyone of the norm and somebody of the non-standard

Never mind which cult or what mechanics.

If you are out of alignment, then you have trouble aligning,
no matter how great your power.

I find myself in the difficult position of one who does need
to find love but is in a frame of reference that is far outside
of the normal human context. I have no choice but to walk
back into the world that others live in.

If it seems like I'm rambling here, well that is true. Ever
since OSA jumped me, trying to write a post turns on incredible
amounts of charge and I can hardly think straight.


It really breaks my heart to write this.

I had dreams of a better world, of an acceptance of spiritual
values, of an awareness of metaphysics and the search for truth.

I would bend over backwards and give LRH just about anything
simply because he expressed some of those ideals and opened the
door to greater awareness.

But, for whatever reason, a darkness descended upon the subject.
What had been, in the early days, an open ended research into
the nature of a being changed into a ridgid orthodoxy that allows
for no free thought or further research.

Right now, with this post, I am doing what they call "walking what
I talk", or living as I preach. I know that I've blown it as
far as being able to continue the research because I've gotten
too badly screwed up myself. And so I am shutting up and announcing
that I am doing so rather than pretending to have all the answers.

I wish that Ron had had the same level of integrity.

Despite anything the critics might say, he was truely brilliant
in the early days.

But some spiritual sickness twisted him from the path just as
I have been twisted. And then he did a bad thing, which was to
keep up the pretense and to create an organization which would
smash any further attempts to find real answers to the human

Although some might say that that is unforgiveable, I forgive
him and think that many others will forgive him as well because
his early work was so far beyond anything that had existed before.

But if there is to be any hope, then the barrier that was put
up against the research line must be removed or else we are all
damned forever.

I'm not going to do anything about this. I really have had it
and have nothing left to give. But for your own sake, if you
have any belief remaining in the true goal of freedom, then I
would suggest that you aim your efforts at removing the terrible
road block that the CofS has imposed. How in God's name will
we ever research the rest of the road to freedom if an organization
exists that destroys every researcher that opens his mouth.


I've previously said that the mishandling which led to Lisa M.'s
death was due to Flag's incredible incompetance.

And that might really be the case. But now I'm suspecting something
far worse.

This is pure speculation.

Let us say that a loyal Scientologists got onto their OT levels
and got upset about it, saying that it was not what was wrong
with their case and threatening to go public with cries of bullshit
because of the high prices charged for a wrong case handling.

I would think that Flag and OSA would get upset. And I would not
put it past them to call in an OSA team to use that SDH procedure
to implant a command in the girl to make her shut up. And they
would justify it as being needed to protect the bridge which
ensured eventual total freedom for mankind.

Of course I am guessing here and I don't want to launch any unjust

But if they did do the SDH procedure with a pretty girl, you can
bet that they told her to take her clothes off while under the
effects of the hypnotic drug.

And that is a possible answer to the wierdest thing about the
Lisa story, which is that it begins with her taking her clothes
off in the middle of a public street. That one is really off
the wall.

Unless she had previously been hypnotized, and orders to take
her clothes off had been part of the incident. And then some
random conversation had triggered those orders so that she did
it again in public. And of course she really didn't know or
remember why she took them off, but was smart enough to say that
it was an indication that she needed help.

That does make sense. And the rest of the Lisa story fits in as
the misguided attempts to handle somebody suffering from the
effects of the OSA SDH implant.

Just speculation of course.

But if this is true, then CofS itself is implanting people and
has become that which it pretends to fight.


I'm not certain about the name, but it reads on an e-meter like

It would seem that as a first stage, they try to use OTs to
engage in psychic warefare, telepathically implanting enemies
or whatever. This is so weak and shallow as to be a joke.
Some people in the freezone, including myself, have noticed
this, but is is so trivial that everybody shrugs it off with
hardly a glance. They really aren't capable of producing OTs
that can do anything significant.

But beyond this, when they get desperate, there does seem to
be the physical use of black dianetics with an upgraded procedure
that includes rape and reverse anti-auditing commands in addition
to simple PDH.

Apparantly, adding in sex/rape on top of PDH makes a pleasure-pain
syndrom that is effective even on a clear because a clear has
only blown the force out of the bank and is not really free
from all incident chains or abberations. My experience, after
endless hours of trying to run the damn thing out, is that it
still has effect even after apparantly being errase because the
pleasure/pain bundle causes it to compulsively mockup again at
a physical level. The obvious solution is to use affectionate
sex to unravel the pleasure/pain hook but that means finding a
partner which is damn hard because the incident itself and the
black flows it creates tend to make one repulsive to any ordinary

Note that the "pleasure/pain" syndrom is known in hypnotherapy
because it comes up in hypnotic drug rape cases. They are not
very good at handling it but they do know that it makes posthypnotic
commands really stick whereas simple PDH (as described in Dianetics)
seems like an unworkable joke to them as far as long term
effects go.

Since Ron was well versed in hypnotism, he would have known about
this pleasure/pain syndrom even though it is not mentioned in

I would suspect that this one has been used on at least a few
of the critics because of the endless rants about Miscaviage
buggering people which seem to turn up on ARS. That might well
have its roots in some subconscious screaming about it actually
having been done by OSA agents. But yet again, I am only guessing
here and maybe I've simply gotten carried away with a wild idea.

But it sure seems to me that OSA would have no scruples about
using black dianetics, therefore the only real question is what
procedure are they actually following in implementing it.


I'm busy finding my own way out of the trap that they've

I've gotten endless auditing during the past year. Metered
standard tech sessions. Informal sessions. Phone sessions.
Endless solo, both metered and unmetered. Including informal
Itsa, it probably adds up to over a thousand hours and includes
just about everything you could think of both in standard and
alternative metascientological approaches.

And I made tons of gains but its all around the edges and is
completely unimportant to me because the deep rooted misery
remains totally unhandled.

The OSA implant was completely out of view initially except
for some really oddball things around the edges that didn't
make any sense. For example, there was a onetime occurance
of anal bleeding right afterwards which seemed to me at the
time to have had no cause and did not repeat and therefore
seemed totally incomprehensible.

At the beginning of January, I posted again despite the
implanted orders against it and of course they grabbed me
again and repeated the procedure. They had, of course,
laid in a command phrase to put me back under again so that
it was easy to pick me up subsequent times.

The platen I published was the consistent part of the
incident (they got me a total of 3 times and had some sort
of command sheet that they used every time). In addition
to this were unique commands aimed at me specifically plus
background dialogue plus the constant crap on the TV which
they turned on purpousfully to fill the incident with additional
chatter to hide the contents.

It was loaded with suicide commands among other things and
I was fighting those endlessly during the earlier part of
this year but I always managed to circumvent them somehow
since it did not actually make sense to me analytically.
But that is why my post from January has so much discussion
of trying to run out some sort of strange link between
sex and suicide.

It wasn't until July that I got my hands on the incident
itself and managed to list out that SDH implanted command
platen (and I did that very carefully on a meter, everything
read cleanly and consistantly).

Running it made a night and day difference in my appearance
(people say I look 20 years younger), removed a horrible
blackness from around me, turned off a condition of chronic
shaking and trembling, and made everything a little bit better.

But running it did not cure me.

The homosexual rape involved still has me absolutely crazy
on having to have a woman.

Whenever I try and post, the whole thing turns on again at
maximum temporarily, including shaking fits, suicidal urges,
and a sexual despiration that is beyond description. I experimented
recently with a series of short posts to ACT and the effect
is very distinct.

I've also talked about being in the middle age crazies and
possibly being addicted to sex as a mechanism for suppressing
loss (we never ran loss properly in Scn, it is not handled
by going clear). All of that was there before the OSA incident
during that six month period after breaking up with my ex-wife.
But it was very low key and I was fairly comfortable and
still writing and posting and expecting that a good 2D would
show up eventually. So those are my own case and somatics,
but the intensity level was trivial, just like that of many
guys who hit fifty and have a divorce etc.

What the OSA incident did is to jack up the volume and
intensity of that to the point of total daily misery where
there has not been one day, in fact hardly one hour during
the last year where I did not feel totaly miserable and
despirate on the sexual line. Think of the usual horny needy
guy and then imagine that raised in intensity by ten or a
hundred to one so that it seems like a continual tidal wave
that smashes over you. Just endless feelings of loss, dispair,
and abandonment.

I have not been able to cure that, and at this point I think
that only affectionate sex will (and affection is essential
or else I'll be pulled the other way, dramatizing the horror
of the incident instead of clearing it out of my system).
But the whole thing makes a catch-22 because the terrible
needyness and the heavy key-in interfears with finding anybody.

I have not wanted to talk about this publicly until now.
It seemed to me that it would just be too horribly depressing
to the freezone, but I can't go on like this and it seemed
to me that I had to let people know what really happened
before I left the playing field completely.

The few people that I have talked to privately about this
have been good enough to keep this secret up until now at
my request. I have recieved a lot of aid and support, and
it is unfortunate that neither processing nor good wishes
have been enough to carry me through this successfully.

I don't think that anyone, even those close to me, have
really understood how bad its been this year. A night
and day shift from being a major player to becoming a
broken piece lying on the battlefield.

Now I must ask all of your forgiveness for withdrawing
from the field. There is no way for me to continue
effectively. The future rests in your hands.


I think that I've found a way out for myself.

The whole Pilot business and Scientology and research and
posting to the net are just loaded and messed up with endless
hypnotic commands implanted by OSA.

And they want me to kill myself.

So I'm going to do a symbolic suicide of the Pilot identity
while continuing to live on in a happier role that will get
me through this.

I found out recently that I can get sideways of the sexual
misery and perhaps attract some women by playing the piano.
In fact I did a gig at a beauty pagent recently and it was
just great, attracting lots of female admiration.

So my new role in life will be to become a romantic pianist
and attractive figure who can have women easily.

The Pilot is dead.

Long live Ken the musician.

God bless and best to all of you.

I did not want to leave without telling you the full story.



formerly The Pilot

The free Self Clearing Book, The Super Scio book, and the
"SCIENTOLOGY REFORMER'S HOME PAGE" are all over the net.

See The Self Clearing Homepage for URLs to these sites

Or see The Pilots Home Page at

Some translations are available, see links at

Also see the new website.

See the Pilot Archives at FZA.ORG.



Nov 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/29/00
Hi Ken;

You've managed to confront far more than is usually called on by anyone
to confront, and you've done it and continue to do it with honesty and

I have no doubts you'll pull through the whole thing. You're much bigger
as a Being than any 'opposition' could muster up against you.

In the meantime, go and have some fun! Maybe you could make a recording
of your music, and put it on Napster for all of us. That would be neat.




Nov 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/29/00

I understand what you are going through as I have experienced a mild
version in my early Scientology staff career.

Your planned actions have truth to them and you have my agreement in
accomplishing what you desire.

If you are interested I might be able to help you understand the
mechanism of the trap that you haven't spotted yet. Please e-mail me if
you are interested.


Nov 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/29/00
in message <>
(The Pilot) wrote in thread "SUPER SCIO - THE PILOT IS DESTROYED
(FAREWELL ADDRESS)", on 29 Nov 2000 04:00:11, :

The Pilot writes:
>It is with great reluctance that I am announcing that the
>"Pilot" identity was destroyed by OSA and the CofS.

No, THEY did NOT destroy your identity.

They just flopped you out of your own
designated "winning" valence into your
own designated "loser" valence. You
cooperated by suiciding your identity.

>My policy has always been to forgive and forget, to push for
>gentle reforms, and to live and let live. And so I hoped
>to heal and recover and let this matter pass.

It can still easily happen.

>But it has been a year now and I have not recovered and there
>does not seem to be any way out but to abandon it all.



Then you won't need either
of your opposed identities.

>Right now I'm a pitiful shadow of who I was
>when I wrote Super Scio and Self Clearing.

OK . . . You flopped valences.

>I put those out on the net
>for free and they will remain there for whomever can use
>them or get anything out of them. But I am no longer fit to
>evaluate their contents or further extend the work.

They did NOT handle your case.
Forget about them. They are just
refried $cientology, and will never

>I can prove nothing of what happened to me. Consider this
>total delusion if you want. It is too incredible and
>unbelieveable and I would just sound paranoid if I started
>ranting about it. But in November of 1999, I was drugged,
>raped, and implanted with the commands that I posted anonymously
>earlier this year as the OSA Sex-Drug-Hypnosis procedure.


>ARS is pushing for articles on this topic right now, so I
>throught that I would say a few words on it as a parting
>The stated goal of Scientology is Total Freedom. I think
>that it was a good target and that we made real progress
>in that direction in the early days.

But the STATED goal was simply a means to the REAL goal:
"All men are my slaves and women grovel at my feet"
[LRH affirmation]

>But then Scientology began to specialize in control, especially
>in the form of control of their public to collect big bucks,
>control of communication lines to suppress true stories that
>were out-PR and of course the notorious use of Ethics for
>dicipline while pretending to be helping the troublesome

LRH did that from the earliest records we have of him.

>This is, of course, the antithisis of freedom and so the
>true goal became a never to be attained carrot held out
>in front of the membership to keep them running on the
>racetrack while the stick of ethics was used to ensure
>their speedy progress in forking over their money and
>their lives.

That was Phatso's policy from DAY ONE.

>Even this could be tolerated on the basis of live and let
>live if they were willing to compete on an equal footing
>with other practices and if they did not extend their
>controls and abuses outside of their own courseroom doors.

BUT their goal is world domination,
and the extermination of everyone
who dares to oppose them.

>But instead they want to smash competition and suppress
>any criticism and shut their members minds to any outside
>influence by engaging in abhoreent practices like disconnection.

Yes. And doing away with them quietly
in the dead of night without sorrow.

>But for me the final straw is that they are destructive
>of any real attempts to research the hidden capabilities
>of the mind.


>I do not want to be egotistical here, but I think that I
>was pretty damn good at extending the research line and
>they have put case closed to that possibility.

But you are wrong.

You merely refried an unworkable
"technology" that has produced:

>I'm writing now not for myself, that aspect of my life
>is over, but for the possibility of future researchers
>who might yet discover more keys to the hidden capabilities
>of the mind and spirit. Every viable science has had
>a myrid of researchers and many generations of progress.



>The current CofS is setup to destroy anybody who does
>try to research the mind and with that they are guaranteeing
>that nobody will ever make it.


But they cannot stop you from doing UCP.

>And as for responsibility, they seem to have pulled a
>fast one where responsibility is defined as smashing
>their enemies instead of fixing what is really wrong
>within the organization.

Yes. The organization is down in
CRIMINALITY, just like it's founder.

>As far as I'm concerned, active membership in CofS implies
>a total irresponsiblity as to the real effects created
>and shows no awareness of the real truth, which is that
>there is something to these spiritual ideals and maybe
>we should be doing something about that.


>I am including this section because of the ARS literai
>contest, but really I'm not following any of their rules
>nor do I agree with the real ARS agenda, so I'm not
>expecting to get anything out of that (and who cares since
>I make a small fortune as a software designer anyway), but
>I would like this message to get passed around because it
>is important and so this seems like a nice way to get the
>critics to promote it for me on their websites.


>I used to love to write humor posts. I'm a bit dispersed
>right now, so it doesn't really come together like it used
>to. But a good one did flash through my mind recently,
>so I thought that I might give you the idea as a fun gift
>even through I can't seem to flesh it out right now.
>The concept is the humor of the routing form. And the
>practical example is what if the org should makeup a
>routing form for going to the bathroom.
>Can you imagine going through the registrar for this or
>visiting accounts to pay for it? The real hoots come
>on getting word clearing to ensure that you are using
>the proper receptical or going to qual for correction or
>writing a success story about the cycle.
>And then going to see the reg again and having to pay
>in advance for the next time that you need to go to the
>What fun.


>A favorite movie of mine.
>The message here is of a cultural mind set that is not of
>the normal society but of a cult within the society that has
>differenct ideas and a tech that is different from the norm.
>Of course there are incredible problems in the mechanics of
>love between anyone of the norm and somebody of the non-standard
>Never mind which cult or what mechanics.
>If you are out of alignment, then you have trouble aligning,
>no matter how great your power.
>I find myself in the difficult position of one who does need
>to find love but is in a frame of reference that is far outside
>of the normal human context. I have no choice but to walk
>back into the world that others live in.

Not true.

You could DO UCP AND SEE!

>If it seems like I'm rambling here, well that is true. Ever
>since OSA jumped me, trying to write a post turns on incredible
>amounts of charge and I can hardly think straight.


But before that you only THOUGHT
that you were thinking straight.

Actually, you were still promoting $cientology.

>It really breaks my heart to write this.

Welcome to the real world!

>I had dreams of a better world, of an acceptance of spiritual
>values, of an awareness of metaphysics and the search for truth.

Way Cool!


>I would bend over backwards and give LRH just about anything
>simply because he expressed some of those ideals and opened the
>door to greater awareness.

He CONNED you with those "ideals", because
you were way below death and bought his nice
sounding hallucinations. Been there. Done that.

>But, for whatever reason, a darkness descended upon the subject.

Long before it was invented.

>What had been, in the early days, an open ended research into
>the nature of a being changed into a ridgid orthodoxy that allows
>for no free thought or further research.

LRH was always "right," from day one,
no matter how criminally wrong he was.

>Right now, with this post, I am doing what they call "walking what
>I talk", or living as I preach. I know that I've blown it as
>far as being able to continue the research because I've gotten
>too badly screwed up myself. And so I am shutting up and announcing
>that I am doing so rather than pretending to have all the answers.

Forget about researching.
There is nothing in $cientology to research.
UCP is already polished to high workability.

>I wish that Ron had had the same level of integrity.

So do we all, but he was a lifetime career criminal.

>Despite anything the critics might say,
>he was truely brilliant in the early days.

Yes. So was Charlie Manson.

>But some spiritual sickness twisted him from the path just as
>I have been twisted.

He was twisted from day one.

>And then he did a bad thing, which was to
>keep up the pretense and to create an organization which would
>smash any further attempts to find real answers to the human

That was just ANOTHER bad thing
. . . in a lifetime of constant crimes.

>Although some might say that that is unforgiveable, I forgive
>him and think that many others will forgive him as well because
>his early work was so far beyond anything that had existed before.

I disagree.


>But if there is to be any hope, then the barrier that was put
>up against the research line must be removed or else we are all
>damned forever.

That "barrier to research"

The research is DONE:

>I'm not going to do anything about this. I really have had it
>and have nothing left to give. But for your own sake, if you
>have any belief remaining in the true goal of freedom, then I
>would suggest that you aim your efforts at removing the terrible
>road block that the CofS has imposed.

That is a WASTE SUBSTITUTE goal,
far below death. Just get YOURSELF
up above death, and you will no longer
imagine the Cult of Crime is stopping you.

>How in God's name will
>we ever research the rest of the road to freedom if an organization
>exists that destroys every researcher that opens his mouth.

They haven't destroyed me yet.

Even if they do, the research is
done, and ALL the data you need
is splattered all over the net where
they can't remove it. You just need
to stop whining about how bad THEY

>6. LISA
>I've previously said that the mishandling which led to Lisa M.'s
>death was due to Flag's incredible incompetance.

Yes. Phatso's crappy fraud-tech.

>And that might really be the case.
>But now I'm suspecting something far worse.
>This is pure speculation.
>Let us say that a loyal Scientologists got onto their OT levels
>and got upset about it, saying that it was not what was wrong
>with their case and threatening to go public with cries of bullshit
>because of the high prices charged for a wrong case handling.
>I would think that Flag and OSA would get upset. And I would not
>put it past them to call in an OSA team to use that SDH procedure
>to implant a command in the girl to make her shut up. And they
>would justify it as being needed to protect the bridge which
>ensured eventual total freedom for mankind.
>Of course I am guessing here and I don't want to launch any unjust

It is quite within the realm of possibility
that they deliberately murdered her.

That does NOT stop you from

>But if they did do the SDH procedure with a pretty girl, you can
>bet that they told her to take her clothes off while under the
>effects of the hypnotic drug.

Many people who have never been in the
criminal cult do that when they freak out.

>And that is a possible answer to the wierdest thing about the
>Lisa story, which is that it begins with her taking her clothes
>off in the middle of a public street. That one is really off
>the wall.

Happens quite frequently.

>Unless she had previously been hypnotized, and orders to take
>her clothes off had been part of the incident. And then some
>random conversation had triggered those orders so that she did
>it again in public. And of course she really didn't know or
>remember why she took them off, but was smart enough to say that
>it was an indication that she needed help.

It is not uncommon for people to freak out.

If they do, it is not uncommon for them to take
off their clothes in public. Read police reports.

>That does make sense. And the rest of the Lisa story fits in as
>the misguided attempts to handle somebody suffering from the
>effects of the OSA SDH implant.
>Just speculation of course.

I'll give you right off they may
well have deliberately killed
her because she was going
to reveal their money laundering
scheme with her salary. So what?

>But if this is true, then CofS itself is implanting people
>and has become that which it pretends to fight.

It was that from day one.

>I'm not certain about the name, but it reads on an e-meter like

Forget about your emeter. You
are using it to cave yourself in.

>It would seem that as a first stage, they try to use OTs to
>engage in psychic warefare, telepathically implanting enemies
>or whatever. This is so weak and shallow as to be a joke.
>Some people in the freezone, including myself, have noticed
>this, but is is so trivial that everybody shrugs it off with
>hardly a glance. They really aren't capable of producing OTs
>that can do anything significant.

Yes. It IS a joke.

>But beyond this, when they get desperate, there does seem to
>be the physical use of black dianetics with an upgraded procedure
>that includes rape and reverse anti-auditing commands in addition
>to simple PDH.

And hiring thugs and hit men.

>Apparantly, adding in sex/rape on top of PDH makes a pleasure-pain
>syndrom that is effective even on a clear because a clear has
>only blown the force out of the bank and is not really free
>from all incident chains or abberations. My experience, after
>endless hours of trying to run the damn thing out, is that it
>still has effect even after apparantly being errase because the
>pleasure/pain bundle causes it to compulsively mockup again at
>a physical level.

But you obviously don't know how to
handle it, or you would have done so.


>The obvious solution is to use affectionate
>sex to unravel the pleasure/pain hook but that means finding a
>partner which is damn hard because the incident itself and the
>black flows it creates tend to make one repulsive to any ordinary

OR . . .

>Note that the "pleasure/pain" syndrom is known in hypnotherapy
>because it comes up in hypnotic drug rape cases. They are not
>very good at handling it but they do know that it makes posthypnotic
>commands really stick whereas simple PDH (as described in Dianetics)
>seems like an unworkable joke to them as far as long term
>effects go.

NOT TRUE. I have interviewed
a PDH vicitim and was horrified.
He wasn't lying . . . he had needle
trails UNDER his fingernails.

>Since Ron was well versed in hypnotism, he would have known about
>this pleasure/pain syndrom even though it is not mentioned in


>I would suspect that this one has been used on at least a few
>of the critics because of the endless rants about Miscaviage
>buggering people which seem to turn up on ARS. That might well
>have its roots in some subconscious screaming about it actually
>having been done by OSA agents. But yet again, I am only guessing
>here and maybe I've simply gotten carried away with a wild idea.

If they are willing to kill people,
they might be willing to mess
with their minds. Attempted
inducement to suicide is a
well-known O$A tactic. If that
fails . . . murder *IS* an option.

But all this has nothing to do

>But it sure seems to me that OSA would have no scruples about
>using black dianetics, therefore the only real question is what
>procedure are they actually following in implementing it.


>I'm busy finding my own way out of the trap that they've

You may be looking, but you have
obviously not been finding.


>I've gotten endless auditing during the past year.

But you have *NOT* bothered to do 24 hours of UCP.

>standard tech sessions. Informal sessions. Phone sessions.
>Endless solo, both metered and unmetered. Including informal
>Itsa, it probably adds up to over a thousand hours and includes
>just about everything you could think of both in standard and
>alternative metascientological approaches.

But you have *NOT* bothered to do 24 hours of UCP.

>And I made tons of gains but its all around the edges and is
>completely unimportant to me because the deep rooted misery
>remains totally unhandled.

In other words, you have


>The OSA implant was completely out of view initially except
>for some really oddball things around the edges that didn't
>make any sense. For example, there was a onetime occurance
>of anal bleeding right afterwards which seemed to me at the
>time to have had no cause and did not repeat and therefore
>seemed totally incomprehensible.


>At the beginning of January, I posted again despite the
>implanted orders against it and of course they grabbed me
>again and repeated the procedure. They had, of course,
>laid in a command phrase to put me back under again so that
>it was easy to pick me up subsequent times.


>The platen I published was the consistent part of the
>incident (they got me a total of 3 times and had some sort
>of command sheet that they used every time). In addition
>to this were unique commands aimed at me specifically plus
>background dialogue plus the constant crap on the TV which
>they turned on purpousfully to fill the incident with additional
>chatter to hide the contents.

Forget about platens.
They don't make clears,
and they obviously do
NOT handle whatever
happened to you.

>It was loaded with suicide commands among other things and
>I was fighting those endlessly during the earlier part of
>this year but I always managed to circumvent them somehow
>since it did not actually make sense to me analytically.
>But that is why my post from January has so much discussion
>of trying to run out some sort of strange link between
>sex and suicide.


>It wasn't until July that I got my hands on the incident
>itself and managed to list out that SDH implanted command
>platen (and I did that very carefully on a meter, everything
>read cleanly and consistantly).


>Running it made a night and day difference in my appearance
>(people say I look 20 years younger), removed a horrible
>blackness from around me, turned off a condition of chronic
>shaking and trembling, and made everything a little bit better.


>But running it did not cure me.

Yes, obviously: see
the title of this post.

>The homosexual rape involved still has me absolutely crazy
>on having to have a woman.


>Whenever I try and post, the whole thing turns on again at
>maximum temporarily, including shaking fits, suicidal urges,
>and a sexual despiration that is beyond description. I experimented
>recently with a series of short posts to ACT and the effect
>is very distinct.


>I've also talked about being in the middle age crazies and
>possibly being addicted to sex as a mechanism for suppressing
>loss (we never ran loss properly in Scn, it is not handled
>by going clear). All of that was there before the OSA incident
>during that six month period after breaking up with my ex-wife.
>But it was very low key and I was fairly comfortable and
>still writing and posting and expecting that a good 2D would
>show up eventually. So those are my own case and somatics,
>but the intensity level was trivial, just like that of many
>guys who hit fifty and have a divorce etc.


>What the OSA incident did is to jack up the volume and
>intensity of that to the point of total daily misery where
>there has not been one day, in fact hardly one hour during
>the last year where I did not feel totaly miserable and
>despirate on the sexual line. Think of the usual horny needy
>guy and then imagine that raised in intensity by ten or a
>hundred to one so that it seems like a continual tidal wave
>that smashes over you. Just endless feelings of loss, dispair,
>and abandonment.


>I have not been able to cure that, and at this point I think
>that only affectionate sex will (and affection is essential
>or else I'll be pulled the other way, dramatizing the horror
>of the incident instead of clearing it out of my system).



>But the whole thing makes a catch-22 because the terrible
>needyness and the heavy key-in interfears with finding anybody.


>I have not wanted to talk about this publicly until now.
>It seemed to me that it would just be too horribly depressing
>to the freezone,

It's not depressing at all that you are describing
WHERE YOU ARE NOW. That's a big step forward.

What is depressing is that you continuously
NOT-IS what WILL handle your case: UCP!

Where might you be?

>but I can't go on like this and it seemed to me
>that I had to let people know what really happened
>before I left the playing field completely.

Why not just learn how to play?


>The few people that I have talked to privately about this
>have been good enough to keep this secret up until now at
>my request. I have recieved a lot of aid and support, and
>it is unfortunate that neither processing nor good wishes
>have been enough to carry me through this successfully.

Because you did *NOT*
have to good sense to:

>I don't think that anyone, even those close to me, have
>really understood how bad its been this year. A night
>and day shift from being a major player to becoming a
>broken piece lying on the battlefield.

You were only a major player in your own mind.

You were simply dramatizing your favorite
winning valence. You never handled your case.
Then you flopped valences and thought you had
gone down tone.

>Now I must ask all of your forgiveness
>for withdrawing from the field.

Bullshit: I don't forgive you.

I challenge you to

>There is no way for me to continue effectively.



>The future rests in your hands.

My future rests in my hands.
Your future rests in your hands.
Our future rests in our hands.


>I think that I've found a way out for myself.

Bullshit. Your decades of $cientology never
handled your case. It never will. You THINK
you see a way out, like you THOUGHT you
saw a way out for all those years, but it was

>The whole Pilot business and Scientology and research and
>posting to the net are just loaded and messed up with endless
>hypnotic commands implanted by OSA.

And don't forget the earlier ones from Phatso.

>And they want me to kill myself.

They probably do.

What do YOU want?

want to get better:

>So I'm going to do a symbolic suicide of the Pilot identity
>while continuing to live on in a happier role that will get
>me through this.


>I found out recently that I can get sideways of the sexual
>misery and perhaps attract some women by playing the piano.
>In fact I did a gig at a beauty pagent recently and it was
>just great, attracting lots of female admiration.

You might get laid a lot,
and that WOULD be very
good, but it would NOT
handle your case, it would
just put you in a nicer valence.


>So my new role in life will be to become a romantic pianist
>and attractive figure who can have women easily.

There's a nice valence to confront existence with!

But what about your case?

>The Pilot is dead.
>Long live Ken the musician.
>God bless and best to all of you.
>I did not want to leave without telling you the full story.
>formerly The Pilot
>The free Self Clearing Book, The Super Scio book, and the
>"SCIENTOLOGY REFORMER'S HOME PAGE" are all over the net.
>See The Self Clearing Homepage for URLs to these sites
>Or see The Pilots Home Page at
>Some translations are available, see links at
>Also see the new website.
>See the Pilot Archives at FZA.ORG.

FORGET all that crappy fraudtech:


Konchok Penday
Technical Writer, GODS CHURCH
Recipient of the Alex Yakovlev
Technical Excellence Award :-)

"Get Your Ducks in a Row @!"


Nov 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/29/00
What Tommy said goes for me too.

Did you spot the exact beginning of the OSA stuff? I mean to say, not from
the perspective of auditing it, but so that the rest of us can be on the
lookout for whatever it was they tend to do?

The next time, a shotgun might help in terms of dissuading them from
repeating the process. You would be entirely within your rights to blow
them away. The resulting scandal would entirely destroy the church


Paul Misiunas

Nov 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/29/00
Farewell my friend. May your personal road to freedom be paved with
your wildest fantasies and be as joyful and expediential as you have
always imagined. Nothing can replace the value and import of what you
have brought to us. For that, The Pilot survives and will continue to
survive with, or without you.

Perhaps our roads will once again cross...


Paul Misiunas

Nov 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/29/00
Farewell my friend. May your personal road to freedom be paved with
your wildest fantasies and be as joyful and experiential as you have

Ralph Hilton

Nov 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/29/00
to (The Pilot) wrote on 29 Nov 2000 04:00:11, in :

>It is with great reluctance that I am announcing that the
>"Pilot" identity was destroyed by OSA and the CofS.

>My policy has always been to forgive and forget, to push for
>gentle reforms, and to live and let live. And so I hoped
>to heal and recover and let this matter pass.

>But it has been a year now and I have not recovered and there
>does not seem to be any way out but to abandon it all.

>Right now I'm a pitiful shadow of who I was when I wrote

>Super Scio and Self Clearing. I put those out on the net

>for free and they will remain there for whomever can use
>them or get anything out of them. But I am no longer fit to
>evaluate their contents or further extend the work.

>I can prove nothing of what happened to me. Consider this
>total delusion if you want. It is too incredible and
>unbelieveable and I would just sound paranoid if I started
>ranting about it. But in November of 1999, I was drugged,
>raped, and implanted with the commands that I posted anonymously
>earlier this year as the OSA Sex-Drug-Hypnosis procedure.

Ok. I am sorry Ken but I don't believe that OSA is involved in sex-drug

Times are difficult and many of us are facing heavy restimulation.

Most orgs don't have enough money to pay for electricity and phones.

The CofS only sent a mail to fzbaru. They have done absolutely nothing
against me.

They have enough attention tied up with the heavy critics and pickets that
they are doing nothing against the FZ.

I have put up a detailed write up of NOTs and instructions on how to build
an e-meter but have no attacks.

You are keyed in to something and need a decent auditor. There are quite a
few old class 8s and class 12s in L.A. Find one and get a review session.

Ralph Hilton
Freezone International:

Nov 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/29/00
in message <> Ralph Hilton
(FAREWELL ADDRESS)", on 29 Nov 2000 21:04:36 -0500, : (The Pilot) wrote:
>>It is with great reluctance that I am announcing that the
>>"Pilot" identity was destroyed by OSA and the CofS.
>>My policy has always been to forgive and forget, to push for
>>gentle reforms, and to live and let live. And so I hoped
>>to heal and recover and let this matter pass.
>>But it has been a year now and I have not recovered and there
>>does not seem to be any way out but to abandon it all.
>>Right now I'm a pitiful shadow of who I was when I wrote
>>Super Scio and Self Clearing. I put those out on the net
>>for free and they will remain there for whomever can use
>>them or get anything out of them. But I am no longer fit to
>>evaluate their contents or further extend the work.
>>I can prove nothing of what happened to me. Consider this
>>total delusion if you want. It is too incredible and
>>unbelieveable and I would just sound paranoid if I started
>>ranting about it. But in November of 1999, I was drugged,
>>raped, and implanted with the commands that I posted anonymously
>>earlier this year as the OSA Sex-Drug-Hypnosis procedure.

Ralph Hilton replied:

>Ok. I am sorry Ken but I don't believe
>that OSA is involved in sex-drug hypnosis.

But then it's not really relevant WHAT you believe.

>Times are difficult and many of us are facing heavy restimulation.

Yes. Expectially those laboring under the
burden of their "Class 8, OT8" identities!

>Most orgs don't have enough money to pay for electricity and phones.

O$A is NOT "most orgs". It's the one that
spends a MILLION DOLLARS A WEEK harrassing
it's "enemies". It's the one that pays Gene Ingram
$750,000 a year to commit felonies on those enemies.

>The CofS only sent a mail to fzbaru.
>They have done absolutely nothing against me.

And you live in AUSTRIA, IDIOT,
not in LA, where they they have

>They have enough attention tied up with the heavy critics
>and pickets that they are doing nothing against the FZ.

Gosh! That not *HIS* experience.

I don't BELIEVE that his story actually
happened, but it is CERTAINLY within
the realm of their INTENTION and ABILITY.

>I have put up a detailed write up of NOTs and instructions
>on how to build an e-meter but have no attacks.

And you live in AUSTRIA, IDIOT,
not in LA, where they they have

>You are keyed in to something and need a decent auditor.
>There are quite a few old class 8s and class 12s in L.A.
>Find one and get a review session.

Gosh, that has NOT handled either YOUR
or HIS case in the last 20 years! Still
doing the failed action and expecting
it to work! You may go hide now.


Nov 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/29/00
Ken: I think you should take Konchok seriously. No one else can
fully know what you've been through and are going through, but UCP
can, indeed, help.

Perhaps you simply want to get away for awhile and live life more in
the mainstream. That could be very refreshing. But don't get lost.
Stay in touch, and when you have had some fun and wins and have
bounced back a bit, contact KP or someone of his depth (and there
aren't many whose background will as closely match your own) and get
some professional UCP auditing. You need a good temrinal. Good luck
and hang in there. You don't have to continue in depression due to
goals not met. You WILL bounce back I believe.

Jonathan Good

Nov 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/29/00

The Pilot wrote:

> It is with great reluctance that I am announcing that the
> "Pilot" identity was destroyed by OSA and the CofS.

Ken, Best wishes for your new future. I will miss your posts. They were
something to look forward to on ACT.
Thanks also for your work on Self Clearing and SupScio. I'm sure it was
invaluable in creating a more viable appearing freezone for the
remaining lost souls in scn. If they served no other purpose, that in
itself was worthwhile.
It was a fun and exciting experience seeing your books appear. ACT was
alive with possibility in those times.
While I consider the completion of your Pilot Identity a healthy thing,
the freezone will probably be less interesting with yur passing.

In case nobody else feels like saying it; Re: The drug/rape mindfuck.
If, in fact, it is true...which we may never know...What did you expect?
You knew the cancer in scn was malignant. Your naivete was charming but
deluded from the outset with this "reform" thing.

> The current CofS is setup to destroy anybody who does
> try to research the mind and with that they are guaranteeing
> that nobody will ever make it.

This is strictly your belief. They are set up to destroy those who seek
to usurp their power by operating under the guise of a "replacement
scientology". There are many many people continuing research and
progressing and becoming free with no scn hindrances. You could too but
you lacked the imagination to disassociate from the mothership (for lack
of a better term).

> But, for whatever reason, a darkness descended upon the subject.
> What had been, in the early days, an open ended research into
> the nature of a being changed into a ridgid orthodoxy that allows
> for no free thought or further research.

No darkness fell upon the subject, it fell on scn because of their
overts (read: obnoxiousness)
Free thought and further research is available for the doing. It serves
no useful purpose for you to try to implant the rest of us with your
hopelessness. That is your issue, not mine.

> Right now, with this post, I am doing what they call "walking what
> I talk", or living as I preach. I know that I've blown it as
> far as being able to continue the research


> because I've gotten
> too badly screwed up myself. And so I am shutting up and announcing
> that I am doing so rather than pretending to have all the answers.
> I wish that Ron had had the same level of integrity.

But he didn't. Get over it.

> But if there is to be any hope, then the barrier that was put
> up against the research line must be removed or else we are all
> damned forever.

The barrier is not there. We are not all damned forever.

> I'm busy finding my own way out of the trap that they've
> constructed.

Good. It can be done. You might also look at the traps YOU have
constructed by being in opposition to something rather than as-ising it
and creating as a source from "ground zero".

> Now I must ask all of your forgiveness for withdrawing
> from the field. There is no way for me to continue
> effectively. The future rests in your hands.

Forgive yourself. Your future rests in your hands.

> I think that I've found a way out for myself.


> So my new role in life will be to become a romantic pianist
> and attractive figure who can have women easily.

Great Ken. More power to you. May you finally stop knocking yourself
out using Force, Effort and Deception and enjoy the physical universe
while you still have the opportunity to do so.

> The Pilot is dead.

> I did not want to leave without telling you the full story.

...As it is known by you at this particular time.

> Love,
> Ken
> formerly The Pilot

May the best befall you...through your own doing.



> ------------------

Nov 29, 2000, 7:08:12 PM11/29/00

I am dreadfully sorry to hear of your condition. Please continue with
your processing and run those incidents out. As for breaking free from
pleasure sensation, look into the Buddhist approaches. There is in the
Pali language writings a description of taking each of the senses apart
one by one until equanimity is achieved. If you want the exact references
email me.

As for the DSH attacks on you, I would guess that your personal joking
about David Miscavige probably brought on that and made you a target. It
is never safe to get personal with anyone who possesses power, not unless
you are backed and protected by an organization of comparable magnitude.
Sometimes not even then.

Thank you very much for all the researching and compilation of clearing
procedures you have done for us. I very much appreciate it, and you. I
have been using your Self Clearing book. I also have been gaining great
insights, many triggered by your materials.

Soooo.... got any unpublished piano pieces from a few lives back????
Looking forward to the musician! :)

Thank you,

Sent via
Before you buy.

you are not ron

Nov 29, 2000, 7:25:01 PM11/29/00
total respect from one who has total right to reply.
For a long time you held me.
Most likely not your intention.
The Pilot can not die.
You broke COS.


Nov 29, 2000, 9:20:05 PM11/29/00
The disillusion day is the hardest one to face.
I thought it should kill me,
but there is always another new day,
and one day in the future you will be grateful
and value your sorrows and your great learning experiences.

They were good stepping stones.

Thank you for giving of yourself to us



Nov 29, 2000, 10:14:34 PM11/29/00
Please observe what a mind on Scientology "Tech" eventually becomes.
Very sad case of a guy who wouldn't or couldn't realize what a conman
Hubbard was. I feel the most sympathy for these freezoners. They are in
a sort of purgatory, between worlds of the real and unreal. Pilot is an
example of what happens when they finally snap. Thom Love may be next.


Nov 29, 2000, 10:39:41 PM11/29/00
In article <>, wrote:
> It is with great reluctance that I am announcing that the
> "Pilot" identity was destroyed by OSA and the CofS.

Farewell, Pilot, you made a great game, and thanks for leaving the tech

Say goodbye to your identity, for it is but a shadow of your former
self, but it too is just a passing phase. Like the butterfly, you will
emerge forever changed, with a new name, and more beautiful.

Oh, look what I found you said a little further down:

> So my new role in life will be to become a romantic pianist

> and attractive figure who can have women easily.
> The Pilot is dead.
> Long live Ken the musician.
> God bless and best to all of you.
> I did not want to leave without telling you the full story.
> Love,
> Ken
> formerly The Pilot

Three cheers for Ken the musician. Rest, recreation, and music and you
will be fine. Nothing lasts forever, even if it seems that way at the

We care for you, Ken. Tigerlily

> ------------------
> The free Self Clearing Book, The Super Scio book, and the
> "SCIENTOLOGY REFORMER'S HOME PAGE" are all over the net.
> See The Self Clearing Homepage for URLs to these sites
> Or see The Pilots Home Page at
> Some translations are available, see links at
> Also see the new website.
> See the Pilot Archives at FZA.ORG.
> ------------------


Nov 29, 2000, 10:41:08 PM11/29/00
Ken, there are things you cannot change; may you find within
yourself the serenity to accept them as they stand. There are things
you can change, and your courage has already helped that work, for
good or ill it is not yet ours to say; may you find the space
between all these things...

The Buddha said - everything is a learning experience, even the bad

'til next time;

Scientology: now it is different. Now your abuses will be told and
memorialized forever on the Internet. We have each other and we
will see your criminal element eliminated before we are done.
Grady Ward

On 29 Nov 2000 04:00:11, (The Pilot) wrote:




Nov 30, 2000, 3:26:46 AM11/30/00
Hi Richard;

Richard wrote:
> Please observe what a mind on Scientology "Tech" eventually becomes.
> Very sad case of a guy who wouldn't or couldn't realize what a conman
> Hubbard was. I feel the most sympathy for these freezoners. They are in
> a sort of purgatory, between worlds of the real and unreal. Pilot is an
> example of what happens when they finally snap. Thom Love may be next.

Hey! I resemble that remark!


Nov 30, 2000, 12:44:37 AM11/30/00
in message <> JSteiner
<> wrote in thread "Re: SUPER SCIO - THE PILOT IS
DESTROYED (FAREWELL ADDRESS)", on Wed, 29 Nov 2000 19:36:39 -0800, :

Jay Steiner wrote to The Pilot:

>Ken: I think you should take Konchok seriously.

Why . . . Thank You!

>No one else can fully know what you've been
>through and are going through, but UCP can,
>indeed, help.

Way Cool!

You *HAVE* been doing UCP!

>Perhaps you simply want to get away for awhile and live life more in
>the mainstream. That could be very refreshing. But don't get lost.
>Stay in touch, and when you have had some fun and wins and have
>bounced back a bit, contact KP or someone of his depth (and there
>aren't many whose background will as closely match your own)

When HIS tech guru got keyed in, she used to call me.

>and get some professional UCP auditing.

There are several of us who would be
happy to Witness for him, but he has
been not-ising UCP for well over a year.

It doesn't comport with his
hallucinatory fixed ideas.

>You need a good temrinal. Good luck and
>hang in there. You don't have to continue
>in depression due to goals not met.


>You WILL bounce back I believe.



Nov 30, 2000, 1:10:29 AM11/30/00

Thank you for having the courage to post freely about
your experience. I also understand full well the complexity
of the nature of sexual desire. It does seem to be the foundation
of much aberrational experience, but also the source of much
interest while here and in a body. Its just much preferrable
to have the right companionship on many levels.

It's not much fun for anyone to be alone, or without the
right partner, and one does not need scientology or any other
philosophy to recognize that.

If I learned anything from you is that becoming "fixed"
into an identity is not necessarily a good thing. Perhaps
the next phase or your life and "research" required the
dissolution of the Pilot identity. The answers you are looking
for might be in a different line of research anyhow.

The music is an excellent idea! It's a great way to release and
express inner feelings as well as one of the best ways
to attract women!

All the best in whatever you decide to do next. Your work
has already touched the lives of many people, and that is
one thing that will never be taken away from you.

much love

Robert D.

Nov 30, 2000, 1:40:53 AM11/30/00
>in message <>
>(The Pilot) wrote in thread "SUPER SCIO - THE PILOT IS DESTROYED
>(FAREWELL ADDRESS)", on 29 Nov 2000 04:00:11, :
>The Pilot writes:
>>It is with great reluctance that I am announcing that the
>>"Pilot" identity was destroyed by OSA and the CofS.
>>My policy has always been to forgive and forget, to push for
>>gentle reforms, and to live and let live. And so I hoped
>>to heal and recover and let this matter pass.
>>But it has been a year now and I have not recovered and there
>>does not seem to be any way out but to abandon it all.
>>Right now I'm a pitiful shadow of who I was
>>when I wrote Super Scio and Self Clearing.


With all due respect, this is all just too ludicrous for words.

Either you have been seriously duped, or you are faking your own
departure in a skillful way.

Those problems with the church you talk about just don't exist in most
places or we would hear about them. You either are not telling us
everything or else you really pissed off some people in your area and
you are being PTS to them. If so, you could always move elsewhere.

In any case, nothing about what you say indicates that your case is in
any way special or unresolvable. I haven't yet seen a case that was
unresolvable, unless it was uncooperative or the body was somehow
physically damaged and the thetan unable to be reached. I can't even
begin to fathom why your case has not been able to be resolved. So I
figure the "case resistiveness" you claim to have must be a shore
story meant for the churchies. I can only conclude that you, while
choosing to remain amongst scientologists, are faking your departure
in an effort to quell the animosity from the people in the church you
have made enemies of.

I don't mean this post to be antagonistic, only blunt and to the

Too much of Al gore has made me into a cynical man.


Robert D.

Nov 30, 2000, 1:45:37 AM11/30/00
On Wed, 29 Nov 2000 19:36:39 -0800, JSteiner <>

>Ken: I think you should take Konchok seriously. No one else can
>fully know what you've been through and are going through, but UCP
>can, indeed, help.

UCP is not even close to being in Ken's league. It would be like
using a fly swatter against a charging rhino.


Nov 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/30/00
in message <> (Robert
ADDRESS)", on Thu, 30 Nov 2000 06:45:37 GMT, :

Jay Steiner wrote:
>>Ken: I think you should take Konchok seriously. No one
>>else can fully know what you've been through and are
>>going through, but UCP can, indeed, help.

Robert replied:

>UCP is not even close to being in Ken's league.

That's right, UCP is *NOT* a
smashed in total case collapse.

>It would be like using a fly swatter against a charging rhino.

Naturally, you adopt an ENEMY
metaphor for case handling.

The Pilot is actually in MUCH BETTER
shape that YOU are. At least HE knows
have yet to discover that fact, Robert.

He is coming OUT of HALLUCINATION.
You are merely *WALLOWING* in it.


Dig yourself out of your lower conditions!

John Lester

Nov 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/30/00

An identity has been abandoned. So what. Everyone knows damn well that Ken
Ogger lives.

The Pilot is destroyed (Oh yeah) - The Pilot lives on as long as his
valuable products survive.

His products will survive when the world of the C of S has become a thing of
the past

Not all the evil there is can erase the record of The Pilot from the Akashic

The Pilot is merely going through a process from which he, as Ken Ogger,
will emerge, more powerful that ever before.

You were and remain magnificent

John Lester


Nov 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/30/00
CB Willis <> wrote in message

> Sex and other intense pleasures can indeed be the hook that hooks
> or binds one to other associated themes and persons.

Yeah, but NOT when you KNOW about them! The things you know about are never

(Hi Carol, not picking on you, but your concise sentence was a perfect



Nov 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/30/00
Amongst all the phases of upset and disbelief... well, I can only basically
echo the sentiments of Ralph and Robert D. But there is just one little
thing I'd like to pick on.

The Pilot <> wrote in message

> And so I am shutting up and announcing
> that I am doing so rather than pretending to have all the answers.

I'd just like to indicate that this "overt" did NOT occur, Ken. You have
NEVER pretended you had all the answers, nor would I expect you ever would

Oh hell, I have one more thing to say.

In all this auditing and stuff you've been getting, Ken, has anybody pulled
your withholds from the CofS? You know, including your withheld identity?

Basics, basics.


Alex Yakovlev

Nov 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/30/00
Hello Pilot!

The Pilot wrote:
> I'm busy finding my own way out of the trap that they've
> constructed.

I think it's really HARD to find a way out of
a trap YOU've created for yourself,
considering "THEY" created it for me :-)

ARC, Alex.

Maybe you'll try UCP?

Nov 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/30/00
In article <>,

JSteiner <> wrote:
> Ken: I think you should take Konchok seriously. No one else can
> fully know what you've been through and are going through, but UCP
> can, indeed, help.
> Perhaps you simply want to get away for awhile and live life more in
> the mainstream. That could be very refreshing. But don't get lost.
> Stay in touch, and when you have had some fun and wins and have
> bounced back a bit, contact KP or someone of his depth (and there
> aren't many whose background will as closely match your own) and get
> some professional UCP auditing. You need a good temrinal. Good luck
> and hang in there. You don't have to continue in depression due to
> goals not met. You WILL bounce back I believe.
> JS
Allow me to point out that you UCP guys are shooting yourselves in the
feet -- firing what the Pilot used to call "footbullets" -- with the
tendency, especially on the part of Konchok Penday, to invalidate as a
sales method. Sorry but that's a suppressive Co$ technique: to tell
someone how fucked up they are and here's your only solution. It's an
evil twist on the approach from "Big League Sales Closing Techniques" in
fact. What you are achieving by the invalidation method is ARCxing the
free field, partially because the comm is recognized by most of us as
suppressive, and partially because it is a lock on our Co$ experiences
(though I personally have run those out). A far, far better approach to
selling people on UCP would be positive messages without the "this is the
only way" subtext that we can read between your lines.

My only other comment about UCP is that it looks like a quite workable
approach, but with the flaw of being run only on one flow. If you don't
run it 4 flows the result will be people who cannot duplicate others'
points of view. Which is precisely the problem underlying what I was
talking about in the first paragraph above.

This is not intended as an attack. I have only the kindest intentions
toward you God's Church people. I wish you well. And as part of wishing
you well I am telling you precisely what I think and honoring you with my
honest evaluation.

Don't bother trying to draw me into a debate. I did not come here for a
fight and refuse to be anyone's oppterminal.

Best success to you.

Steve Zadarnowski

Nov 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/30/00
to (The Pilot) wrote:



>It is with great reluctance that I am announcing that the
>"Pilot" identity was destroyed by OSA and the CofS.

>My policy has always been to forgive and forget, to push for
>gentle reforms, and to live and let live. And so I hoped
>to heal and recover and let this matter pass.

I don't buy it.

"If it smells like ass, its Scientology!"
"Just bum data, bum data, bum data, bum data,
alter-is, alter-is, bum data." - LRH, SHSBC

Nov 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/30/00
hee hee! Hi Robert!


> Too much of Al gore has made me into a cynical man.
> Robert

I can't help myself here but have to jest on that one...

I would venture to guess that Gore and Bush are even more tired of each
other: Bush has been gored, and Gore must be bushed! ;-)

call me

PS: Isn't there some way to kick that carpetbaggage William Daley's
election stealing Machine out of your state? I have just been jaw-
dropping AMAZED at their open, overt attempt to steal the election. Bush
won Florida, so when is Gore going to quit dreaming?


Nov 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/30/00
Hello Ken;

Poor poor Ken. You don't deserve this, do you. It's not fair, is it. Not
after all you had done for others, it is just not fair. I agree.

All you need is some standard handling, which you have not yet had even
with the thousand or so hours. Stay away from those who alteris the
tech, they won't help. They can't help.

But, that won't work either, will it? It's just not fair. It's not

Find a good Class VIII who know how to apply the tech. Pay them if you
have to. With a proper C/S, proper program done the standard way by an
auditor who can get and keep you in session, who can complete a cycle of
action, who can get a meter to read and is capable of reading it, and
you will again soar.

No, that won't work, because I'm sure everything is lost. It is all
gone. Ken is undone. He is gone. I feel so sad about it all.

I've had cases much more crashed than yours, and every single one of
them, without exception, was cleaned up in a matter of hours. All these
caved in souls had figured they'd never get out of it, and it would take
hundreds of hours to even start to get it cleaned up. Given the view
they had of themselves, their solutions were horrific. But, standard
C/Sing and auditing fixed them up in hours.

But, that won't happen with your case, will it. It is all so sad.
Nothing left. All is gone

The tone scale of the case applies. Look up what LRH says in the HCL
lectures, the first few tapes, re: the tone scale. Your case is hitting
in the apathy level, so the work necessary to get the job done appears
to be monstrously large so as to be impossible.

I feel so sad, like I've let something slide. Oh, poor Ken. Maybe you
are right, and all is gone.

So, with respects, pull yourself up.

All is lost. There is no hope. Ken can never recover what he lost. His
Beingness is gone. It can never come back. It is hopeless.

In HCL tape number 8, LRH talks about what an auditor can do to clean up
himself before he audits another, questions such as 'Is there a reason
why I don't want this pc to get better?", "Was it in this life time?",
"Two life times ago?", or some such procedure. Given that you are doing
solo, grab your meter, METER, and ask your self the same questions about

Oh, no, I guess you can't do that. There would be no point anyway, would
there. It wouldn't work. Nothing can work.

Also, in the HCL tapes, particularly numbers 7 and 8, LRH is taking
about the 'efforts' and the 'counter efforts'. Near the end of tape 7 he
talks about the person electing themselves as a countereffort to
themselves. There are a whole series of processes I've been working on
to aleviate such effects, and you could easily run them solo, with a
meter. LRH shows how electing anything other than MEST as a
countereffort is an overt, and so is justified. There are so MANY ways
processes can be developed from those two tapes, particularly tape 7,
that I have no doubt you' benefit from them.

But, maybe none of it would work. Maybe all is lost. Maybe you can never

Anyways, go ahead and do it. So what if it hurts. The worst it can do is
leave you where you are, is sure as hell won't 'hurt' you. Nothing can
hurt you now can it, since all is so bad. Since you've already lost

No, I guess there is no point in even trying. You are probably right.
What's the use...

Don't let the case knock you around. Fuck it. Just get back in session.
But use a meter, and don't let any one near you who is squirrely.

But, then again, why bother? I know nothing will work, really, and that
is so sad. Such a huge loss.

Get up and do it now.

Well, then again, no, maybe not....

Sadly yours;


Lone Ranger

Nov 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/30/00
On the other hand, this whole comedy of errors
couldn't be better if it were PLANNED to further
defame what little remains of the American
"political process." wrote:
> hee hee! Hi Robert!
> snip---

> > Too much of Al gore has made me into a cynical man.
> >
> > Robert
> >

Nov 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/30/00
in message <905uec$7so$> wrote in
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 16:15:17 GMT, :

JSteiner <> wrote:
>> Ken: I think you should take Konchok seriously. No one else can
>> fully know what you've been through and are going through, but UCP
>> can, indeed, help.
>> Perhaps you simply want to get away for awhile and live life more in
>> the mainstream. That could be very refreshing. But don't get lost.
>> Stay in touch, and when you have had some fun and wins and have
>> bounced back a bit, contact KP or someone of his depth (and there
>> aren't many whose background will as closely match your own) and get
>> some professional UCP auditing. You need a good temrinal. Good luck
>> and hang in there. You don't have to continue in depression due to
>> goals not met. You WILL bounce back I believe.
>> JS

Ouran [lostinellay] replied to Jay:

>Allow me to point out that you UCP guys
>are shooting yourselves in the feet --

You may point out anything that you like . . .
including things that do not even exist.

UCP has been steadily expanding since
I started writing about it two years ago.

It has been publicly recognized as
the favorite tech of the free zone.

>firing what the Pilot used to call "footbullets" -- with the
>tendency, especially on the part of Konchok Penday, to
>invalidate as a sales method.

I invalidate hallucination to invalidate hallucination.
That is not a sales method. It is simply the quick and
efficient disposal of tiresome nonsense from idiots.

>Sorry but that's a suppressive Co$ technique:

Sorry, but you have IDENTIFIED things
that are not even closely related.

>to tell someone how fucked up they
>are and here's your only solution.

The Pilot not only TOLD us how fucked
up he is, but then he DEMONSTRATED
CASE, WHILE he was WHINING about
how his case COULD NOT BE HANDLED.

This IS insanity, and I point that out.

I also point how HOW his case COULD
be handled . . . with UCP, and how his
case tells him that UCP does not work,
and he listens to his case and obeys it.

>It's an evil twist on the approach from
>"Big League Sales Closing Techniques" in fact.

Your invalidation is simply a $uppressive
Evil Twist on the $cientology Big League
Sales Closing Techniques . . . in fact.

You just shot yourself in the foot!


>What you are achieving by the invalidation
>method is ARCxing the free field,

What I achieve by correctly describing
ISNESS is that more and more people are


>partially because the comm is
>recognized by most of us as suppressive,

Who cares what those who cannot duplicate THINK?

>and partially because it is a lock on our Co$ experiences

Poor baby!


>(though I personally have run those out).

So you are whining on behalf of others?

>A far, far better approach to selling people on UCP
>would be positive messages without the "this is the
>only way" subtext that we can read between your lines.


I'm really NOT sorry if that *FACT* "ARC-Xs" you.
You hand no understanding of the matter to start!

>My only other comment about UCP is that
>it looks like a quite workable approach,

Way Cool!

Perhaps you will try a 24 hour TEST!

>but with the flaw of being run only on one flow.


You do NOT understand UCP, which

>If you don't run it 4 flows the result will be people
>who cannot duplicate others' points of view.

If you actually *DID* UCP,
you might have an opinion
that was worth considering.

>Which is precisely the problem underlying what I
>was talking about in the first paragraph above.

I duplicate your point of view perfectly.
I am simply not interested in your dub-in.

>This is not intended as an attack.

I don't care what yout intentions are . . .
you ARE displaying your Hallucinations.

>I have only the kindest intentions
>toward you God's Church people.

Wonderful! DO UCP AND SEE!

>I wish you well. And as part of wishing
>you well I am telling you precisely what
>I think and honoring you with my
>honest evaluation.

This *IS* excellent! [No put-down on THIS line.]

I am glad you expressed
you opinion. Unfortunately,
it is based on nothing but
and has NOTHING to do with UCP.

>Don't bother trying to draw me into a debate.

Ha Ha!

Pointing out your foolish
nonsense is NOT a debate.

>I did not come here for a fight and
>refuse to be anyone's oppterminal.
>Best success to you.



Dave Bird

Nov 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/30/00
In article<>, The Pilot

<> writes:
>Right now I'm a pitiful shadow of who I was when I wrote
>Super Scio and Self Clearing. I put those out on the net
>for free and they will remain there for whomever can use
>them or get anything out of them. But I am no longer fit to
>evaluate their contents or further extend the work.
>I can prove nothing of what happened to me. Consider this
>total delusion if you want.

First Koos, then the Pilot. All this demonstrates to me is that
there is no good in Scientology, that it is more prone than the
usual brands of nonsense to drive its practitioners insane;
and this outside the virulent nature of CofS itself.

-- . . : : ,; . : ' ___.
uno, dos, tres, |FUEGO| .:. .:. .:': :' .:':' :. . : (") #oH|
' ' :' : :' : .::. H_ ~~~|
< > __ ,;;,. \\::// R_) |
'-|"""(") {__}::===== ....'''' ' ' ' ___..\||/....L\. ...|
____||--|_'--/__\___ '' .--''':::::::::::::::::::::
\ / /////////////S.Coronado/////
LRon Hubbard is shelled by goats in hell.

Robert D.

Nov 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/30/00
On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 21:33:08 +0000, Dave Bird <>

>In article<>, The Pilot
><> writes:
>>Right now I'm a pitiful shadow of who I was when I wrote
>>Super Scio and Self Clearing. I put those out on the net
>>for free and they will remain there for whomever can use
>>them or get anything out of them. But I am no longer fit to
>>evaluate their contents or further extend the work.
>>I can prove nothing of what happened to me. Consider this
>>total delusion if you want.
> First Koos, then the Pilot. All this demonstrates to me is that
> there is no good in Scientology, that it is more prone than the
> usual brands of nonsense to drive its practitioners insane;
> and this outside the virulent nature of CofS itself.

Okay Dave, we heard you, now you can go fly back to a.r.s. where
people are more likely to take you seriously.

You can always fly back when you've studied enough about scientology
to where you know what you're talking about - like maybe next lifetime
if you're lucky.



Nov 30, 2000, 11:07:33 PM11/30/00
to (Robert D.) posted:

>On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 21:33:08 +0000, Dave Bird <>
>>In article<>, The Pilot
>><> writes:
>>>Right now I'm a pitiful shadow of who I was when I wrote
>>>Super Scio and Self Clearing. I put those out on the net
>>>for free and they will remain there for whomever can use
>>>them or get anything out of them. But I am no longer fit to
>>>evaluate their contents or further extend the work.
>>>I can prove nothing of what happened to me. Consider this
>>>total delusion if you want.
>> First Koos, then the Pilot. All this demonstrates to me is that
>> there is no good in Scientology, that it is more prone than the
>> usual brands of nonsense to drive its practitioners insane;
>> and this outside the virulent nature of CofS itself.
>Okay Dave, we heard you, now you can go fly back to a.r.s. where
>people are more likely to take you seriously.

Another Western scientific education wasted.

The one lighter aspect of this nonsense is that even here the "tech"
doesn't do shit without rohypnol or something.

>You can always fly back when you've studied enough about scientology
>to where you know what you're talking about - like maybe next lifetime
>if you're lucky.

Too late:

>>-- . . : : ,; . : ' ___.
>> uno, dos, tres, |FUEGO| .:. .:. .:': :' .:':' :. . : (") #oH|
>> ' ' :' : :' : .::. H_ ~~~|
>> < > __ ,;;,. \\::// R_) |
>> '-|"""(") {__}::===== ....'''' ' ' ' ___..\||/....L\. ...|
>> ____||--|_'--/__\___ '' .--''':::::::::::::::::::::
>> \ / /////////////S.Coronado/////
>>LRon Hubbard is shelled by goats in hell.


I saw
many people
reduced to
incoherent babbling,
stripping off clothes,
crawling around on the ground,
banging heads, limbs and other body parts
against furniture and walls,
losing all sense of one's identity
and intense and persistent suicidal ideation.

--Declaration of Andre Tabayoyon

I'm an OT.--Lisa McPherson

If you imagine 40-50 Scientologists
posting on the Internet every few days,
we'll just run the SP's right off the system.
It will be quite simple, actually.

--Elaine Siegel, OSA INT (1996)


Terra Xenu

Dec 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/1/00
> It is with great reluctance that I am announcing that the
> "Pilot" identity was destroyed by OSA and the CofS.

Its clear you are in a time of darkness.However having
seen your implant commands giving you a cross engram,
connected to perhaps almost everything else on the track,
I think you are winning.

You did not obey.

You've started to run this out.

You let everybody know about it.

You know about it.

You didn't die or commit suicide.

You posted.

And probably overrode every other command.

Good luck with rest and recreation.Very many hope to
hear from you again.


Casper the friendly ghost

Dec 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/1/00
Ok, so if you were really PDH'd that THAT is certainly the most serious
charge in ALL of your postings regardless of who did it. This is a
CRIME - You need to formally make a police report, gather evidence etc.
Come on, how do you suppose you were picked up? Dont you have any
memory of this happening? This is sort of strange. You need to supply
us with more details - were you walking home from work? Visiting a
'titty-bar' and were suduced into a limo? were you abducted from your
bed at night by fake aliens? What were the circumstances here? You
seem to know the month, NOVEMBER, 1999 which day? then you say it
happened more than once... hey, are you gonna try UPC and see?

I can prove nothing of what happened to me. Consider this

> total delusion if you want. It is too incredible and

> unbelieveable and I would just sound paranoid if I started
> ranting about it. But in November of 1999, I was drugged,
> raped, and implanted with the commands that I posted anonymously
> earlier this year as the OSA Sex-Drug-Hypnosis procedure.

Could you please post that again? if it was anonymous then it wouldnt be
in Pilot archives...

> If it seems like I'm rambling here, well that is true. Ever
> since OSA jumped me, trying to write a post turns on incredible
> amounts of charge and I can hardly think straight.

Tell us about that, OSA jumped you? what happened? GO TO THE POLICE!

I would believe that it WAS as you state.

> But if this is true, then CofS itself is implanting people and
> has become that which it pretends to fight.


> I'm busy finding my own way out of the trap that they've
> constructed.

> Love,
> Ken
> formerly The Pilot

Ok, maybe it seems more comprehensible to me if you are using reasoning
and making the assumption/ or theory that you were PDH'd - In fact, it
was soo good and done so smooth that you never had any idea that this
never EVER took place until you started to suspect that... seems to me
that there should be an EXACT moment when you realized 'damn' something
is wrong or who are those men? or I have 4 hours of missing time... I
wish you would give more info on the exact circumstances, for us, cause
this is kinda scary! and we need to take protective measures!


Penchen Llama

Dec 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/1/00
In article <>, says...


[...snip...presumably you've seen it by now...]

With all due respect...

Having read a.c.t. closely, having met and talked at length with a long
time FZer who was an old Co$ oldtimer; I can only say that the FZ is
analogous to an bunch of alcoholics discussing which kinds of liquors,
wines and beers are best suited to treat alcoholism.

The story of the Pilot (assuming that post is not some hideous forgery)
is most tragic, as he seemed one of the most "reasonable" FZers. But his
case is not at all so unique or unprecedented.

Sorry, I wish I could be more tolerant of all religions and beliefs...but...
I've seen too much of this damage and insanity to just rock back and
blissfully smile "oh, it's all the same, how can I presume to judge",

(Here's a scenario, on the extreme paranoid side: the Pilot actually was
neutralized by some horrible CoS op, and one of his victimizers posted the
message using his account to ensure that no one tries to get in touch with
him to confirm it. Let's pray that that's not the case.)

On another front: if you want to know why I'm anonymous, simply read postings
from the various Scientologists posting from cotse. (Should really be: Church
Of The Incontinent Elephant, judging from the bile they spew) It's clear
that they will do whatever they need, legal or extra-legal, to destroy or
initimidate their critics.

Penchen Llama

Dec 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/1/00
In article <>,

What is cotse and what is the URL.


Dec 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/1/00
Penchen Llama <> wrote in message

> On another front: if you want to know why I'm anonymous, simply read
> from the various Scientologists posting from cotse. (Should really be:
> Of The Incontinent Elephant, judging from the bile they spew) It's clear
> that they will do whatever they need, legal or extra-legal, to destroy or
> initimidate their critics.

Dear Penchen,

You know, it's probably easiest - after some sort of confusion - to buy into
some compromising postulate.

So, your timing is excellent. I for one am particularly sobered by the
current goings on.

But... on second thought... you're full of shit!

For all his currently wretched, self-demeaning attitude, Ken is STILL,
saner, smarter, more aware, than 99.9999 percent of the population on the
planet Earth. (There should probably be more "9's" after the decimal point
but I got tired of typing them.)

Let me give you another clue. Incontinent elephants do NOT spew bile.
Neither do other mammals. Now, ME, being such an incredible stud, as you
probably know, spew a lot of semen, but most mammals, including yourself
only suffer urine incontinence.

Penchen, are you any relative of Penchok's?


Dave Bird

Dec 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/1/00
In article<>, Robert D.

<> writes:
>On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 21:33:08 +0000, Dave Bird <>

>>In article<>, The Pilot
>><> writes:
>>>Right now I'm a pitiful shadow of who I was when I wrote
>>>Super Scio and Self Clearing. I put those out on the net
>>>for free and they will remain there for whomever can use
>>>them or get anything out of them. But I am no longer fit to
>>>evaluate their contents or further extend the work.
>>>I can prove nothing of what happened to me. Consider this
>>>total delusion if you want.
>> First Koos, then the Pilot. All this demonstrates to me is that
>> there is no good in Scientology, that it is more prone than the
>> usual brands of nonsense to drive its practitioners insane;
>> and this outside the virulent nature of CofS itself.
>Okay Dave, we heard you, now you can go fly back to a.r.s. where
>people are more likely to take you seriously.
>You can always fly back when you've studied enough about scientology
>to where you know what you're talking about

>- like maybe next lifetime
>if you're lucky

or maybe in the Land of Oz over the rainbow, or maybe
in Santa's Grotto. Yeah, sure. Or maybe I'll have
a talk with you when you've studied enough about scientology
to know how many leading figures that stayed with it
went bug-fuck nuts in dramatic ways.

_____ | | / /
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/ |_\called?/__/ / | |_____________/////////
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\____-------------______/ \ / \
/ / / / _/ ---| hmm, it theemth |
/ \ / / / | i thlighly |
/ $ / / | mithtook |
/ / / | your meaning there, |
| | / | buthtah !!! |
\______________// \______________________/

Penchen Llama

Dec 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/1/00
Les, my response to you is going to look like a personal attack, but believe
me, it really ain't. It's a personal attack on all 'zoners!

My first guess is that you're not a "Church" Scieno, since you speak of Ken
in admiring terms. That's a good thing. I always thought he was amazingly
balanced and sane for someone as deeply into HubbardSpew[1] as he was.
Unfortunately, I have a bad feeling you're one of those folks who still
believes in "clearing", "auditing" and all that other HubbardSpew.
Which Free Zoners continue to enthusiastically apply to the detriment of
what's left of their mental health.

[1] My blanket term for the whole rotten mess of quackery, crackpottery,
and other brain melting crap that Hubbard is primarily responsible for.

First of all, the paragraph you quoted has NOTHING to do with my remarks
about Pilot.

> Penchen Llama <> wrote in message
> > On another front: if you want to know why I'm anonymous, simply read
> > postings from the various Scientologists posting from cotse. (Should
> > really be: Church Of The Incontinent Elephant, judging from the bile
> > they spew) It's clear that they will do whatever they need, legal or
> > extra-legal, to destroy or initimidate their critics.
> Dear Penchen,
> You know, it's probably easiest - after some sort of confusion - to buy into
> some compromising postulate.

Now, you see, that sentence there. Although the words in it are English, and
it seems to have a subject and a verb, it doesn't really have any meaning.
As Erlich used to say, "Ingles please."

> So, your timing is excellent. I for one am particularly sobered by the
> current goings on.

Which, assuming the "FAREWELL ADDRESS" is real, seems to me to certainly be
a reasonable reaction.> But... on second thought... you're full of shit!

Shucks, I was doing so good there, for a minute!
Well, I would normally say, Wouldn't be the first time.
But not, I think, this time.

> For all his currently wretched, self-demeaning attitude, Ken is STILL,
> saner, smarter, more aware, than 99.9999 percent of the population on the
> planet Earth. (There should probably be more "9's" after the decimal point
> but I got tired of typing them.)

Man, did you even READ what he wrote? Doesn't it seem the SLIGHTEST bit out of
the ordinary to read a guy, who before was the poster boy for reasonableness,
raving about abductions, anal rapes, post hypnotic suggestions to forget
about them, and suicide? Oh, that's right, you're a SCIENTOLOGIST! That
kind of stuff is just matter of course! Man, spending time on a.c.t. is
just like taking a trip down the rabbit hole.

Come close and let me whisper a little something in your ear: ain't no
such things as "clears", "engrams","OTs" or Santa Claus. Sorry.

Some day, you might try spending some time around normal people. They're
really not so bad.

To tell the absolute truth: I hardly see Super Scio as being such a threat
to the Co$ that they would exert an iota of energy against him. The so-
called "tech" is NOT what the Co$ is about. It's about CONTROL, MONEY and
POWER (a safe bet almost always nowadays.) If a lot bailing the bOrg to
go FZ, a la the AAC in the 80s, then it would be a different story. In fact,
it was, then.

> Let me give you another clue. Incontinent elephants do NOT spew bile.
> Neither do other mammals. Now, ME, being such an incredible stud, as you
> probably know, spew a lot of semen,

Sounds messy. Must be awful embarassing during long meetings.

> but most mammals, including yourself only suffer urine incontinence.

Hm, I think I've been insulted. Yes, we Llamas are not the sweetest
smelling ruminants on the plain, as it were. Actually, that was somewhat
humorous, since I think I smiled or chuckled or something. I'd give it,
say, a B-.

> Penchen, are you any relative of Penchok's?

Not that I know of. Why, is he one of us people who aren't loony enough to
believe in HubbardSpew?

> Les

Regards, Penchen Llama

P.S. following the Toad will not get you on the road to Toadal Freedom
[tm, Erlich again].

Dec 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/1/00
<> wrote in message

> What is cotse and what is the URL. According to the main page it is the "Church Of The Swimming
Elephant". (It used to be a computer security group).

Of course I'm not at, so I couldn't possibly comment.

Dec 2, 2000, 1:59:40 AM12/2/00
in message <> "Rogers"
<> wrote in thread "Re: SUPER SCIO - THE PILOT IS
DESTROYED (FAREWELL ADDRESS)", on Fri, 1 Dec 2000 16:18:36 -0500, :

Penchen Llama <> wrote:
>> On another front: if you want to know why I'm
>>anonymous, simply read postings > from the
>>various Scientologists posting from cotse.
>>(Should really be: Church Of The Incontinent
>>Elephant, judging from the bile they spew) It's
>>clear that they will do whatever they need,
>>legal or extra-legal, to destroy or initimidate
>>their critics.

Waste-O-Wurdz replied:

>Dear Penchen,
>You know, it's probably easiest - after some sort of
>confusion - to buy into some compromising postulate.

Yes. You ARE a $cientologist, after all.

>So, your timing is excellent. I for one am
>particularly sobered by the current goings on.

>But... on second thought... you're full of shit!

>For all his currently wretched, self-demeaning attitude,
>Ken is STILL, saner, smarter, more aware, than 99.9999
>percent of the population on the planet Earth.


99.9999 of us are spooning on about the "mystery
universe" and the "penalty universe" and how we
are DESTROYED and have no hope and our cases
can't be handled and whining the the nasty church
of $cientology is keeping us from going free . . .
even though we are the experts on "total freedom"?


>(There should probably be more "9's" after
>the decimal point but I got tired of typing them.)

Well, he probably *IS* a LOT saner than YOU.
He KNOWS he is SMASHED IN! You are, but
you just aren't up to even realizing it yet.

>Let me give you another clue. Incontinent elephants
>do NOT spew bile. Neither do other mammals. Now,
>ME, being such an incredible stud, as you probably

>know, spew a lot of semen, but most mammals,

>including yourself only suffer urine incontinence.

In fact, you have a total

Konchok Penday

>Penchen, are you any relative of Penchok's?



Dec 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/2/00
Penchen, I am impressed by your polite and controlled response.

I'd just like to touch upon a couple of things:

Penchen Llama <> wrote in message

> Unfortunately, I have a bad feeling you're one of those folks who still

> believes in "clearing", "auditing" and all that other HubbardSpew.

I believe that the attainment of Understanding is the most liberating
experience available. And it has been my experience that my Scientology
studies have provided more cognitions per cubic centimeter than anything
else I have ever probed. In fact, as far as I am concerned, there is
nothing else on this planet that compares. Still, I cannot say with
complete conviction that Scientology is, or has, the TOTAL answers. But it
continues to be fruitful, cognitions continue. That validates it as a path.

Now as far as Ken is concerned.

> Man, did you even READ what he wrote? Doesn't it seem the SLIGHTEST bit
out of
> the ordinary to read a guy, who before was the poster boy for
> raving about abductions, anal rapes, post hypnotic suggestions to forget
> about them, and suicide?

Yes, I did read the stuff - with quite a bit of disbelief.

But just in general, ironically, the presence of MASS does NOT necessarily
impede intelligence. Sometimes the contrary is true. But either way, I
figure that Ken has a lot of things going for him besides his intelligence.
His earlier lofty attainments may seem like distant memories to him right
now - but memories they are, and they can serve as sort of orientation
points during calamity.

Anyway, as you might have observed by my posts, I sort of swing back and
forth between wanting to smack Ken on the side of the head to wanting to
validate his rightnesses. (What can I say, it's a frustrating experience.)

> Come close and let me whisper a little something in your ear: ain't no
> such things as "clears", "engrams","OTs" or Santa Claus. Sorry.

I understand that clears and OTs (and Santa Claus) are arguable. But as I
said, I'm on the Path of Cognition and that is gratifying enough. But tell
me, Penchen, have you never seen a mental image picture? Have you never
been disturbed by some sort of experience and been inclined to "play it
back" in your mind repeatedly to inspect what happened? Well, an engram is
just a specific kind of a picture (mental recording).



Dec 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/2/00
Konchok copied and pasted:


Konchok, you might think about avoiding the circuitous (that's to do with
"circuits" by the way) copying and pasting routine and come up with
something fresh. Yes I know that's an awful thought. But your lines, like
the above, just make me laugh nowadays. I'm sure that's not the effect
you're looking for.

Errrh. Shouldn't you be doing UCP?

Hmmm. Maybe you are.

The Universal Copy & Paste?



Dec 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/2/00

You got that right. Wonderful human being and intellect. Great
researcher, based on ATTEMPT to find and make available an alternate
tech, map out what he thought to be workable, provide invaluable
insider historical context and perspective, be a voice to Scio
disenchanted, disenfranchised, those truly concerned with truth and
justice inside a machinery-become-juggernaut which had been their
religion. Genuine hero in those regards, and I accord him much
respect. But the proof of the pudding of his tech . . .?? He's into
heavy drama and appears an utter victim . . . of complexity. The act
of identifying, to some degree, WHERE HE IS, breaking out of
complexity, suppression and overwhelm, of cutting back on gradient,
taking care of bodily needs, need to feel appreciated and express
apprecition through aesthetic creation, etc., facing the real world
instead of a continual virtual non-reality is a step in the right
direction, IMO. (Aside:For those who haven't encountered APPRECIATION
anew and on a much broader perspective, as with other elements of
Aesthetic band, more awaits you).

With all respect to Standard Tech-ers, I think the simplicity and
directness with which UCP would resolve some of the fog in Ken's bank
in short order is precisely the right prescription. Adherents of
"standard" approaches may easily underestimate what a being is capable
of resolving when he's not being STEERED into what someone else
BELIEVES (note well) are his "items" according to set "formulas" which
someone else BELIEVES to be the correct tools for addressing those
items. There may, indeed, be a time for other tools; the jury's out
on that, for me. (I know, KP, you don't agree). But be careful not
to underestimate the effectiveness of the UCP approach. I've seen
some pretty major and rapid realignments occur with UCP which had not
been available with standard and even some modified Scio tools. I
think it has long been realized that there comes a time when
two-terminal DIRECTIVE auditing simply can't keep pace with the
auditee. Hence solo. UCP IS A MODIFIED SOLO once past the intro
phase. Witness does not STEER or interfere (especially for more
advanced, that's absolutely KEY) but must BE THERE. Interactions
amongst entire chains previously "handled" are vastly more dynamically
interactive as they realign and RESOLVE. Impossible to steer in
hyperspeed. Terminals of comparable magnitude (quality of Witness)
still very relevant. Most limiting factor, IMO.

You can lead a horse to water, KP. You can't make him drink. Not
even with a host of clues. There's a heavy investment in complexity.
How can one easily let that go? Rhetorical, of course. Applies to
many who are quite comfortable WHERE THEY ARE.

Lone Ranger

Dec 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/2/00
Les say:

<< .....UCP.......the Universal Copy and Paste..

good one!

Lone Ranger

Dec 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/2/00

JSteiner wrote re Konchuk

You mean by aligning LRH scales that LRH sed
aligned? And not even the "first" to do same?
Then using confusion formula as commands, and
adding the future leg that I heard someplace his
girlfriend suggested? Then saying this was HIS
tech and vilifying everything else and everyone
else that or who don't agree?

UCP is A process, not THE process. It would help
a lot more if the "founder" dint go around happily
bashing everything/one else. Then more folks
would try it.

Cut and Pasted


Thank you, KP.


Dec 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/2/00
Just thought I'd better clarify. (Any Freudian analysts in the audience?)

In that header I DID mean "wink" and not "wank."


Dec 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/2/00
in message <> "Rogers"

<> wrote in thread "Re: SUPER SCIO - THE PILOT IS
DESTROYED (FAREWELL ADDRESS)", on Sat, 2 Dec 2000 06:45:18 -0500, :

Waste-O-Wurdz spewed:
>Konchok copied and pasted:

Gosh, W.O.W., you can't even tell the
difference between Ronbotism and
originating newly in a new unit of time.

Oh! That's Right! How could you?

>> GET A CLUE . . . IDIOT!

>Konchok, you might think about avoiding the circuitous

>(that's to do with "circuits" by the way) copying and
>pasting routine and come up with something fresh.

At least I think my *OWN* thoughts,
instead of spewing some dubbed in
fraudulent lie from a dead scumbag.

>Yes I know that's an awful thought. But your lines,
>like the above, just make me laugh nowadays.

Yes, I know. You're
always laughing . . .
all the way to the bank.

>I'm sure that's not the effect you're looking for.

You think I care whether you laugh or cry?

>Errrh. Shouldn't you be doing UCP?
>Hmmm. Maybe you are.
>The Universal Copy & Paste?


Dec 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/2/00
in message <> JSteiner
<> wrote in thread "Re: SUPER SCIO - THE PILOT IS
DESTROYED (FAREWELL ADDRESS)", on Sat, 02 Dec 2000 06:34:47 -0800, :

Penchen Llama <> wrote:
>>>> On another front: if you want to know why I'm
>>>>anonymous, simply read postings > from the
>>>>various Scientologists posting from cotse.
>>>>(Should really be: Church Of The Incontinent
>>>>Elephant, judging from the bile they spew) It's
>>>>clear that they will do whatever they need,
>>>>legal or extra-legal, to destroy or initimidate
>>>>their critics.

Waste-O-Wurdz replied:
>>>Dear Penchen,
>>>You know, it's probably easiest - after some sort of
>>>confusion - to buy into some compromising postulate.

Konchok commented:

>>Yes. You ARE a $cientologist, after all.


>>>So, your timing is excellent. I for one am
>>>particularly sobered by the current goings on.
>>>But... on second thought... you're full of shit!
>>>For all his currently wretched, self-demeaning attitude,
>>>Ken is STILL, saner, smarter, more aware, than 99.9999
>>>percent of the population on the planet Earth.


>>99.9999 of us are spooning on about the "mystery
>>universe" and the "penalty universe" and how we
>>are DESTROYED and have no hope and our cases
>>can't be handled and whining the the nasty church
>>of $cientology is keeping us from going free . . .
>>even though we are the experts on "total freedom"?

>> GET A CLUE . . . IDIOT!

Jay Steiner comments re The Pilot:

>You got that right. Wonderful human being and intellect.

Yes. I've always said I LIKE The Pilot, and
appreciate his attempt to cure the evils of
$cientology tech. Unfortunately, that's like
trying to "cure" a turd into a T-bone steak
by adding more and more diarrhea sauce.

>Great researcher, based on ATTEMPT to find and
>make available an alternate tech, map out what he
>thought to be workable, provide invaluable insider
>historical context and perspective, be a voice to Scio
>disenchanted, disenfranchised, those truly concerned
>with truth and justice inside a machinery-become-
>juggernaut which had been their religion. Genuine hero
>in those regards, and I accord him much respect.

Yes! If his LESS-dogmatic attitude got some souls OUT
of the Cult of Crap, he really HAS done us all a service.

Unfortunately, he himself is still *IMPRISONED* in the
LIES his Cult Commander fashioned to ENSLAVE him.

>But the proof of the pudding of his tech . . .?? He's into
>heavy drama and appears an utter victim . . . of complexity.


A victim of "total freedom" . . . as it were!

>The act of identifying, to some degree, WHERE HE IS,
>breaking out of complexity, suppression and overwhelm,
>of cutting back on gradient, taking care of bodily needs,
>need to feel appreciated and express apprecition through
>aesthetic creation, etc., facing the real world instead of a
>continual virtual non-reality is a step in the right direction, IMO.

Yes! His apparent "collapse" is actually a
HUGE step UP into the REAL world. The
problem is that he WANTS to dive back in
the hallucination that he KNOWS how to
handle case, even though he has totally
PROVED that he just doesn't have a clue.

>(Aside:For those who haven't encountered
>APPRECIATION anew and on a much broader
>perspective, as with other elements of
>Aesthetic band, more awaits you).

>With all respect to Standard Tech-ers, I think the
>simplicity and directness with which UCP would
>resolve some of the fog in Ken's bank in short
>order is precisely the right prescription.


It's really exciting to me whenever someone new
logs on and SAYS he has been doing UCP and it
works. It's amazingly exhilarating to me when
their comments SHOW that they have been doing
it CORRECTLY . . . by their astute perceptions.

>Adherents of "standard" approaches may easily
>underestimate what a being is capable of resolving
>when he's not being STEERED into what someone else
>BELIEVES (note well) are his "items" according to set
>"formulas" which someone else BELIEVES to be the
>correct tools for addressing those items.


>There may, indeed, be a time for other tools; the jury's
>out on that, for me. (I know, KP, you don't agree).

No! I *DO* agree with you. I just have NOT
seen anything yet that UCP will NOT handle,
*IF* you are up to doing it at all to start with.

I really have no idea what happens at the
top of the tone scale, but I am reasonably
certain that UCP *WILL* get us all there.

I guess we'll have to cross THAT
"bridge" when we come to it! :-)

>But be careful not to underestimate the
>effectiveness of the UCP approach.

Especially before you have tried it!

>I've seen some pretty major and rapid realignments
>occur with UCP which had not been available with
>standard and even some modified Scio tools.

The stability and sanity of your viewpoint attest to that.

>I think it has long been realized that there comes a
>time when two-terminal DIRECTIVE auditing simply
>can't keep pace with the auditee.

Like the very first session?

>Hence solo. UCP IS A MODIFIED SOLO once past the intro
>phase. Witness does not STEER or interfere (especially for
>more advanced, that's absolutely KEY) but must BE THERE.


>Interactions amongst entire chains previously "handled"
>are vastly more dynamically interactive as they realign


>Impossible to steer in hyperspeed.

At slower speeds, steering

>Terminals of comparable magnitude (quality of Witness)
>still very relevant. Most limiting factor, IMO.

Yes. I agree, although I have co-audited very
successfully with someone who was much
higher toned than I. Experience with UCP
and knowing HOW to do it and what NOT to
do CAN be more imporant than overall tone.

>You can lead a horse to water, KP. You can't
>make him drink. Not even with a host of clues.

Yes. Waste-O-Wurdz proves that every day!

>There's a heavy investment in complexity.
>How can one easily let that go? Rhetorical,
>of course. Applies to many who are quite
>comfortable WHERE THEY ARE.

Dear Jay:

It's SUCH a pleasure to see you posting here!

Konchok Penday
Technical Writer, GODS CHURCH
Recipient of the Alex Yakovlev
Technical Excellence Award :-)

"Get Your Ducks in a Row @!"


Dec 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/2/00
in message <> Lone Ranger
<> wrote in thread "Re: SUPER SCIO - THE PILOT IS
DESTROYED (FAREWELL ADDRESS)", on Sat, 02 Dec 2000 08:14:04 -0800, :

JSteiner wrote to Konchuk re the Pilot:
>> You got that right. Wonderful human being and intellect. Great

>researcher, based on ATTEMPT to find and make
>available an alternate
>tech, map out what he thought to be workable,
>provide invaluable
>insider historical context and perspective, be a
>voice to Scio
>disenchanted, disenfranchised, those truly
>concerned with truth and

>justice inside a machinery-become-juggernaut which

>had been their
>religion. Genuine hero in those regards, and I
>accord him much

>respect. But the proof of the pudding of his tech

>. . .?? He's into
>heavy drama and appears an utter victim . . . of

>complexity. The act

>of identifying, to some degree, WHERE HE IS,
>breaking out of complexity, suppression and
>overwhelm, of cutting back on gradient,
>taking care of bodily needs, need to feel
>appreciated and express
>apprecition through aesthetic creation, etc.,
>facing the real world
>instead of a continual virtual non-reality is a
>step in the right
>direction, IMO.

Lone Ranger charges in:

>You mean by aligning LRH scales that LRH sed aligned?

Yes. Except that HE could NOT align them,
and I also aligned several things that he did
NOT even know were scales, like "Targets".

>And not even the "first" to do same?

WHO did it before me?
SHOW us, Vaporman!

>Then using confusion formula as commands,

Sorry, try again.

The Confusion Formula has ONE command:
Find out where you are. There is absolutely
NO direction or understanding of HOW to do it.

I supplied *ALL* of that understanding,
AND the entire methodology to *DO* it.

>and adding the future leg that I heard
>someplace his girlfriend suggested?

She DID critize old-style UCP for not dealing
with the future. Of course, she never *DID*
EITHER version herself, so she was hardly
any kind of "tech finder".

>Then saying this was HIS tech

IT *IS*.

Show me ANYONE who was doing it before me!

Of course, if you had the absence of mind to
actually TEST UCP, it could be your tech too.

>and vilifying everything else and everyone
>else that or who don't agree?

Slicing and Dicing HALLUCINATION . . . YES!

>UCP is A process, not THE process.

YES! It's just the only one we have that WORKS.

>It would help a lot more if the "founder" dint go
>around happily bashing everything/one else.

PLEASE! I am the "Flounder"!

If people did not attempt to sell me their
hallucinations, I would not "return to sender".

>Then more folks would try it.

Gosh! *EVERYONE* who is doing UCP
and winning is the result of *MY* efforts.

Why don't *YOU* DO UCP AND SEE . . .
[how to disseminate it in a better way.]

MAKE ME WRONG by showing
me how to REALLY promote it!

>Cut and Pasted
>Thank you, KP.

You're Welcome! :-)

Robert D.

Dec 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/2/00
On Sat, 02 Dec 2000 06:34:47 -0800, JSteiner <>

>You got that right. Wonderful human being and intellect. Great
>researcher, based on ATTEMPT to find and make available an alternate
>tech, map out what he thought to be workable, provide invaluable
>insider historical context and perspective, be a voice to Scio
>disenchanted, disenfranchised, those truly concerned with truth and
>justice inside a machinery-become-juggernaut which had been their
>religion. Genuine hero in those regards, and I accord him much
>respect. But the proof of the pudding of his tech . . .?? He's into
>heavy drama and appears an utter victim . . . of complexity. The act
>of identifying, to some degree, WHERE HE IS, breaking out of
>complexity, suppression and overwhelm, of cutting back on gradient,
>taking care of bodily needs, need to feel appreciated and express
>apprecition through aesthetic creation, etc., facing the real world
>instead of a continual virtual non-reality is a step in the right

>direction, IMO. (Aside:For those who haven't encountered APPRECIATION

>anew and on a much broader perspective, as with other elements of
>Aesthetic band, more awaits you).
>With all respect to Standard Tech-ers, I think the simplicity and
>directness with which UCP would resolve some of the fog in Ken's bank

>in short order is precisely the right prescription. Adherents of

>"standard" approaches may easily underestimate what a being is capable
>of resolving when he's not being STEERED into what someone else
>BELIEVES (note well) are his "items" according to set "formulas" which
>someone else BELIEVES to be the correct tools for addressing those

>items. There may, indeed, be a time for other tools; the jury's out
>on that, for me. (I know, KP, you don't agree). But be careful not
>to underestimate the effectiveness of the UCP approach. I've seen

>some pretty major and rapid realignments occur with UCP which had not

>been available with standard and even some modified Scio tools. I

>think it has long been realized that there comes a time when
>two-terminal DIRECTIVE auditing simply can't keep pace with the

>auditee. Hence solo. UCP IS A MODIFIED SOLO once past the intro

>phase. Witness does not STEER or interfere (especially for more

>advanced, that's absolutely KEY) but must BE THERE. Interactions

>amongst entire chains previously "handled" are vastly more dynamically

>interactive as they realign and RESOLVE. Impossible to steer in
>hyperspeed. Terminals of comparable magnitude (quality of Witness)

>still very relevant. Most limiting factor, IMO.

>You can lead a horse to water, KP. You can't make him drink. Not

>even with a host of clues. There's a heavy investment in complexity.

>How can one easily let that go? Rhetorical, of course. Applies to
>many who are quite comfortable WHERE THEY ARE.

UCP is an overrated tech by somebody who is a legend in his own mind.

UCP is okay, but it should be kept in perspective. It's no panacea by
a long shot. It certainly doesn't supplant a good variety of standard
techniques. If you believe UCP is all the tech one needs to resolve
the mind, then you might believe that the Swiss army knife is the only
tool a hardware store would need to sell.



Dec 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/2/00
You may be right, but I don't really care who originated UCP or how or
why, in terms of present context. I'd like to see Ken in better shape
and I think this process would benefit him in short order.

On Sat, 02 Dec 2000 08:14:04 -0800, Lone Ranger
<> wrote:

>JSteiner wrote re Konchuk

>You mean by aligning LRH scales that LRH sed

>aligned? And not even the "first" to do same?
>Then using confusion formula as commands, and

>adding the future leg that I heard someplace his

>girlfriend suggested? Then saying this was HIS
>tech and vilifying everything else and everyone

>else that or who don't agree?

>UCP is A process, not THE process. It would help

>a lot more if the "founder" dint go around happily

>bashing everything/one else. Then more folks
>would try it.

Dec 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/2/00
in message <> (Robert D.)

ADDRESS)", on Sat, 02 Dec 2000 17:45:20 GMT, :

JSteiner <> wrote:
>>You got that right. Wonderful human being and intellect. Great
>>researcher, based on ATTEMPT to find and make available an alternate
>>tech, map out what he thought to be workable, provide invaluable
>>insider historical context and perspective, be a voice to Scio
>>disenchanted, disenfranchised, those truly concerned with truth and
>>justice inside a machinery-become-juggernaut which had been their
>>religion. Genuine hero in those regards, and I accord him much
>>respect. But the proof of the pudding of his tech . . .?? He's into
>>heavy drama and appears an utter victim . . . of complexity. The act
>>of identifying, to some degree, WHERE HE IS, breaking out of
>>complexity, suppression and overwhelm, of cutting back on gradient,
>>taking care of bodily needs, need to feel appreciated and express
>>apprecition through aesthetic creation, etc., facing the real world
>>instead of a continual virtual non-reality is a step in the right

Robert Ducharme replies:

>UCP is an overrated tech by somebody
>who is a legend in his own mind.

Gosh! Robert, let's see what the
*EXPERTS* have said about it! . . .

"UCP, in competent hands, makes clears in the
shortest time of any process I've ever seen."
Robert Ducharme

I guess those guys who overrate
UCP musts be brain dead idiots!

>UCP is okay, but it should be kept in perspective.

YES! Let's put it in perspective . . .

"UCP, in competent hands, makes clears in the
shortest time of any process I've ever seen."
Robert Ducharme

Unfortunately, YOU are *NOT* competent to audit it,
because you keep pooping it up with R3R Havingness
and other assorted cult crap, and as far as I know you
have never bothered to actually GET any UCP yourself.

>It's no panacea by a long shot.


>It certainly doesn't supplant a
>good variety of standard techniques.

How can you have "good" variety of
fraudulent unworkable techniques?

>If you believe UCP is all the tech one needs to resolve
>the mind, then you might believe that the Swiss army
>knife is the only tool a hardware store would need to sell.

Or, then again, you might NOT.

UCP WILL get YOU up above death on
the tone scale, *IF* you do it, which is
something that you, Phatso, and the rest
of the cult clowns have never done.

The history of $cientology is:



The Apprentice

Dec 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/2/00
Hi, Dave,

Of course you're entitled to your opinion and you may post whatever
you like. But please don't use the header SUPER SCIO for this. It is a
distinctive feature of Pilot's posts and this identity (The Pilot) is
dead - or "went nuts" if you prefer this. See, if I sign my posts as
"Dave Bird" or use your trailer for them you would probably object.
The same goes for any other poster.

Best wishes

The Apprentice (Pilot's spokesperson for this one post... lols)

On Wed, 6 Dec 2000 02:07:42 +0000, Dave Bird <>

>In article<90i07f$d76$>, writes:
>>Hi Robert,
>>Thanks for your post... You closely describe one of the main processes.
>>What has always been emphasised with Avatar is that it is a 'World
>>lesson, not a word lesson'. In other words it's experiential. I doubt
>>if many people could pick this up and use it effectively to handle
>>anything in their life.
>>My experience is that you need to fumble and mess up a few times and
>>learn how to shift yourself out of any mess without evaluating stuff
>>and without monitoring yourself. When you've cracked this I reckon your
>>quite well on your way :-) (it's a skill!)
> You know, I read this as if it should mean something and stopped
> at the end think the fault was in me rather than realising there
> was meaning. Silly me, I had just been reading compiler newsgroups....
> |~/ |~/
>P | Woof Woof, Glug Glug ||____________|| 0 | P
>O | Who Drowned the Judge's Dog? | . . . . . . . '----. 0 | O
>O | answers on *---|_______________ @__o0 | O
>L |<a href="news:alt.religion.scientology"></a>_____________|/_______| L
> 2B0D 5195 337B A3E6 DDAC BD38 7F2F FD8E 7391 F44F

Robert D.

Dec 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/3/00
On 2 Dec 2000 23:17:21 -0500, wrote:

>Robert Ducharme replies:
>>UCP is an overrated tech by somebody
>>who is a legend in his own mind.
>Gosh! Robert, let's see what the
>*EXPERTS* have said about it! . . .
>"UCP, in competent hands, makes clears in the
>shortest time of any process I've ever seen."
> Robert Ducharme

That quote was in reference to that turned out, in retrospect, to be
short-term releases or key-outs.

>I guess those guys who overrate
>UCP musts be brain dead idiots!

Name-calling doesn't change facts. UCP is still only what it is no
matter how many people you call "idiots".

>>UCP is okay, but it should be kept in perspective.
>YES! Let's put it in perspective . . .
>"UCP, in competent hands, makes clears in the
>shortest time of any process I've ever seen."
> Robert Ducharme

More UCP (Uninspired Copying and Pasting), I see. :-)

>Unfortunately, YOU are *NOT* competent to audit it,

Your amazing all-knowing ESP powers at work?

>because you keep pooping it up with R3R Havingness
>and other assorted cult crap, and as far as I know you
>have never bothered to actually GET any UCP yourself.

Actually, I look at it in reverse - pooping up R3R with occasional
UCP. :-) I'll have to admit, it does result in some good keyouts,
or some setting up for deeper processes.

>>It's no panacea by a long shot.

Because it doesn't resolve problems terminatedly. Look at Y0UR case
for instance. You're still a petty little tyrant with no sense of
others despite all the UCP you've had. That should tell people
something about its limitations.

>>It certainly doesn't supplant a
>>good variety of standard techniques.
>How can you have "good" variety of
>fraudulent unworkable techniques?

First you have to understand the tech before you can rationally make
such a judgment. If standard tech that works for others doesn't work
for you, that should alert one to your shortcomings in the area of

>>If you believe UCP is all the tech one needs to resolve
>>the mind, then you might believe that the Swiss army
>>knife is the only tool a hardware store would need to sell.
>Or, then again, you might NOT.
>UCP WILL get YOU up above death on
>the tone scale, *IF* you do it, which is
>something that you, Phatso, and the rest
>of the cult clowns have never done.

Either your ESP ability is amazing or your ability to delude yourself
is without parallel. I lean toward the latter.

>The history of $cientology is:

Okay, so post the results, including statistics, of the obviously
extensive research you must have engaged in in order to arrive at such
a broadly encompassing conclusion.


You may be able to convince beginners, but you'll have to do more than
spout slogans to be convincing to people who know and understand more
than just a modicum of tech.

I don't have a problem with your pet process. My main objection is in
your insistence on making unsubstantiated derogatory claims about the
other techs while holding yours up to being the ultimate tech. If your
perspective were a bit more broad and not so limited in scope, your
credibility might rise accordingly.


Dec 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/3/00
in message <> (Robert

ADDRESS)", on Sun, 03 Dec 2000 17:43:17 GMT, :

Robert Ducharme replies:
>>>UCP is an overrated tech by somebody
>>>who is a legend in his own mind.


>>Gosh! Robert, let's see what the
>>*EXPERTS* have said about it! . . .
>>"UCP, in competent hands, makes clears in the
>>shortest time of any process I've ever seen."
>> Robert Ducharme

>That quote was in reference to that turned out, in
>retrospect, to be short-term releases or key-outs.

In other words, you couldn't tell the difference
between being keyed out and being "CLEAR"!

For someone who castigates others for
their technical unsophistication, that is
a stunningly embarrassing admission!

>>I guess those guys who overrate
>>UCP musts be brain dead idiots!

>Name-calling doesn't change facts.

That's true!

>UCP is still only what it is no matter
>how many people you call "idiots".

That's true!

>>>UCP is okay, but it should be kept in perspective.

>>YES! Let's put it in perspective . . .

>>"UCP, in competent hands, makes clears in the
>>shortest time of any process I've ever seen."
>> Robert Ducharme

>More UCP (Uninspired Copying and Pasting), I see. :-)

Believe me, replying to your hallucination
has never been inspiring and never will be.

>>Unfortunately, YOU are *NOT* competent to audit it,

>Your amazing all-knowing ESP powers at work?

No. Simply observing your inability to make it work.

>>because you keep pooping it up with R3R Havingness
>>and other assorted cult crap, and as far as I know you
>>have never bothered to actually GET any UCP yourself.

>Actually, I look at it in reverse -
>pooping up R3R with occasional UCP. :-)

But then, you are world famous for
looking at EVERYTHING in reverse!

>I'll have to admit, it does result in some good keyouts,
>or some setting up for deeper processes.

Such as?

>>>It's no panacea by a long shot.

>Because it doesn't resolve problems terminatedly.

How would you know?

>Look at Y0UR case for instance.

I never said I had handled my entire case.
I *DO* claim to be chronically above death,
which is FAR above the realms you inhabit.

>You're still a petty little tyrant with no sense
>of others despite all the UCP you've had.

Perhaps it is you who has no sense of
what my sense of others it. Many people
find I duplicate them quite well, thank you.

>That should tell people
>something about its limitations.

Or at least YOU think so.

>>>It certainly doesn't supplant a
>>>good variety of standard techniques.

>>How can you have "good" variety of
>>fraudulent unworkable techniques?

>First you have to understand the tech before
>you can rationally make such a judgment.

Yes. I understood it better than
Phatso way back in the 1970's.

>If standard tech that works for others doesn't work
>for you, that should alert one to your shortcomings
>in the area of tech.

Of course, but it doesn't work for others,
unless you count hallucinating that you
are in the valence of a "clear" or "OT".

>>>If you believe UCP is all the tech one needs to resolve
>>>the mind, then you might believe that the Swiss army
>>>knife is the only tool a hardware store would need to sell.

>>Or, then again, you might NOT.
>>UCP WILL get YOU up above death on
>>the tone scale, *IF* you do it, which is
>>something that you, Phatso, and the rest
>>of the cult clowns have never done.

>Either your ESP ability is amazing or your ability to
>delude yourself is without parallel. I lean toward the latter.

The consensus here is that you ARE seriously leaning.

>>The history of $cientology is:
>> NOT ONE "OT"!

>Okay, so post the results, including statistics, of the obviously
>extensive research you must have engaged in in order to arrive
>at such a broadly encompassing conclusion.

30 years of observation.
Please demonstrate even
ONE "clear" or "OT".


>You may be able to convince beginners, but you'll
>have to do more than spout slogans to be convincing
>to people who know and understand more
>than just a modicum of tech.

How about people like Scorpio and Huggie,
who have FAR more experience with and
understanding of $cientology than you?

>I don't have a problem with your pet process.

>My main objection is in your insistence on making
>unsubstantiated derogatory claims about the other techs



Just ONE "clear" would
refute that assertion.

PLEASE produce one!

>while holding yours up to being the ultimate tech. If your
>perspective were a bit more broad and not so limited in
>scope, your credibility might rise accordingly.

As more and more people *DO* UCP,
my credibility IS rising, rather rapidly.

The Apprentice

Dec 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/3/00
On Wed, 6 Dec 2000 21:14:36 +0000, Dave Bird <>


>In article<>, The Apprentice writes:
>>Of course you're entitled to your opinion and you may post whatever
>>you like. But please don't use the header SUPER SCIO for this. It is a
>>distinctive feature of Pilot's posts and this identity (The Pilot) is
>>dead - or "went nuts" if you prefer this. See, if I sign my posts as
>>"Dave Bird" or use your trailer for them you would probably object.
>>The same goes for any other poster.

> There seems to be some sort of crazy misunderstanding here. I rarely
> put something like "XEMU'S NEW SONG PARODY" or whatever i.e. make
> myself part of the subject for discussion, because I don't think I am.
> But, if I did, then the expected thing is that people would reply
> using that subject line into which I had added my name. It does
> not mean I wrote the replies; it means the replies are about me.
> In that case no one can stop you leaving my name as part of the subject

Well, right you are. Crazy misunderstanding. Sorry for being unclear.
What I really meant is that some time ago in the past The Pilot (alive
and well then) decided to put Super Scio in the subject line of his
posts just to make easier for people to search for them, say, in Deja
archives. So it's better not to start subject line with Super Scio
now. IMHO.

But what I initially missed is that it's a crosspost from a.r.s.
(which I don't read at all, I got this on a.c.t and answer from there)
and that this thread was probably started there by somebody else, not
by you. My apologies to you, Dave

The Apprentice


Dec 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/4/00
On 29 Nov 2000 04:00:11 (The Pilot) wrote in

>I know that I've blown it as
>far as being able to continue the research because I've gotten
>too badly screwed up myself. And so I am shutting up and announcing
>that I am doing so rather than pretending to have all the answers.

Well, that's at least honest.


>Now I must ask all of your forgiveness for withdrawing
>from the field. There is no way for me to continue
>effectively. The future rests in your hands.

Frankly speaking, the OSA implant story doesn't sound plausible. While
the symptoms you describe are quite possible, it could simply be the
emotional strain of it all. Your move away from the Pilot identity in
this case is quite sensible, and it's a good idea to try and steer
clear for a while to anything having to do with Scientology, the
Freezone, or anticulties.

Best wishes.

Bernie --

Joe's Garage

Dec 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/4/00
On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Bernie wrote, soothingly:

> emotional strain of it all. Your move away from the Pilot identity in
> this case is quite sensible, and it's a good idea to try and steer
> clear for a while to anything having to do with Scientology, the
> Freezone, or anticulties.

There are also anti-critics who would want you to withdraw, not only from
the Pilot identity, but from the set of ideals and the manner of thinking
which the Pilot espoused. This will be done is such a manner so as to
give the appearance that the public is apathetic. However, the public is
not apathetic. For instance, see

The Pilot is not the only one who has been the target of Scientology
Operations and Special Affairs.


OSA INT 26 August 1995
OSA EU rev. 2. Sept 95


On 9 June 95, the mission of Athens was raided by Prosecutor Aggelis
assisted by the Security Police and who then called in the Finance Police.
Vitamins, ethics files of the staff members, DSA files, valuable docs were
seized by the Prosecutor and the fi nancial records were seized by the
Finance police.

This raid happened after a series of 3 weekly entheta TV shows organized
by reporter Michalopoulos on TV Teletora, a TV station known for conveying
extreme rightist ideas. Priest Alevisopoulos and ex-Scientologist Anne
Touloupi participated to one of the shows. The content of the TV shows
were taken up in enemy newspapers Apogevaatini, Nei, Antropii and Elefteri
Ora. These media were built up on the unhandled PTS situations of staff
members and publics whose parents had been stirred up by priest Aleviz
opoulos to the point they accepted to appear on TV and do criminal acts as
coming into the mission and destroying the mission property.

In the media, the message being pushed was that the government should act
and reporter Michalopoulos had himself written a letter to the Prosecutor
demanding him to start an investigation on KEFE. That Athens mission
should be raided or will be raided wa s repeated in these media.

At the same period a highly mediatized trial started about 3 guys who had
committed murders while allegedly practicing satanist rituals. When this
trial arrived to the end a new highly mediatized raid took place,
conducted by the same Prosecutor, in a gr oup of homeopathic [sic] doctors
dealing with Indian practices.

After the raid, as far as we know, Prosecutor Aggelis did not work on the
case. The Finance police interrogated staff members and publics in order
to determine if the association was conducting activities in accordance
with its statutes and if these acti vities were taxable. The results of
their investigation is not known yet and they are supposed to report their
findings to the Prosecutor. The next step in this investigation is for
the Prosecutor to bring criminal charges or to dismiss the whole matter.
He has no time limit to do it. On the other side the Finance Police could
coordinate with the Tax Office to get a full tax inspection done on our
records and then get tax assessments issued.

Inspection of the legal rudiments in Athens mission revealed that the
corporate rudiments and the tax rudiments had been neglected. It showed
also that the admin of the Treasury of this mission was off policy mainly
caused by arbitraries from Legal.

Self-recorded TV shows on various subjects as suppression, communication,
assists, study tech, are regularly running in 2 local TV stations outside
Athens and give good results on div 6 lines. They have to be run also in
Athens where almost half of the G reek population is located. Surveys
showed that drugs, education and criminality are problems for Greece.
Some SHTD events were done but a campaign really needs to be created as
well as other community actions.

Main attacker Alevizopoulos who has been regularly attacked in national
newspapers since beginning 95 is continuing his fight against any group
that is not Greek Orthodox. Further investigation is needed to get his
illegal activities disclosed and exposed.

PURPOSE: Scientology activities safeguarded and expanding in Greece
without distractions.

1. Priest Alevizopoulis investigated with his crimes exposed.

2. Government comm lines created so as to be able to predict and handle
future government attacks.

3. PR activities created with favorable media coverage obtained on
community actions in order to create a favorable image for Scientology in

4. Legal rudiments gotten fully in and application for getting religious
recognition in Greece fully researched and prepared.

5. Greece raid invest dropped or successfully handled.

1. Take full responsibility for the rapid execution of this program. DSA GREECE

2. Study the following issues:
- HCO PL 15 August 1960 Department of Government Affairs.
- HCO PL 13 March 1961 Department of Official Affairs.
- PR Series 18 How to Handle Black Propaganda.
- OSA NW Order 15 Black Propaganda.
- OSA NW Order 60 Legal Approval.
- OSA NW Order 40 Mechanism of Attacks and Defense.

3. Study and word clear this program. DSA GREECE

4. Report daily about the progress on this program. DSA GREECE

5. Immediately get compliance reports written on any targets done and a
copy sent to d/co dsa's osa eu and one to d/co conts osa int.

1. While executing this program, apply LRH policy in all your actions.

2. Ensure you always have funds approved for any professionals. In case
of emergency coordinate with EC and solve it with policy.

3. Get a CSW presented to IAS for a grant and approved. DSA GREECE

4. Keep security in at all times. Keep your office and files locked when
you are not in the area. Do not allow unauthorized personnel access to
your office and brief the staff and publics on non-confidential matters.
This includes also to set up a spac e outside the DSA office for your
helpers to work.

5. Keep in comm with the DSAs of the other countries for exchange of data.

6. Keep the lawyers briefed on what is happening in the mission, on the
visits being done, press obtained, favorable decisions, events in other
countries, etc...


1. Get the Public Record Collection completed on Alevizopoulos. This
includes the researches on the statutes of the various associations he is
involved in, the financing of these association, data on the founding
members, etc.

2. Set up lines into the ARM group so that we can get prediction on their
actions and we can identify those involved and work out individual

3. Set up the needed line to find out the exact role of the Special Unit
on Parareligions within the Security Police (We know they are in comm with
enemy report Dagounaki for example.)

4. Get a qualified PI found and briefed. (Advices should be gotten from
the local church attorneys and/or a referral from a trusted professional
in another country (US, Holland, France, UK, etc).

5. Get a PI to investigate Alevizopoulos as to his personal activities to
find any past and current crimes he is involved in. This will include the
period of his activities in Germany and also filling the gaps in his TT.

6. In order to increase our investigative capabilities, a research needs
to be done to find out what it takes to register as a PI or a journalist
in Greece. This research should include finding out if it is preferable
to use a PI or a journalist, in term s of capabilities to access data and
security (church safeguard). Local church attorney input must be gotten
on this. If this does not involve too much added time and logistic (3
years studies or the like), a couple of qualified volunteers will have to
be found who can register as a PI's/Journalists. They can then be used as
Freedom reporters/investigators.

7. Get a Survey done for people having expertise and comm lines in
journalism, media, lobbying, pr firms, scientific committees,
pharmaceutical companies and politics. (See as per the prediction lines
establishment project).

8. Through finding comm lines amongst the Greek clergy, find out his exact
relations with the Holy Synodus members, who support him, who dislike him.

9. Get the exact role of the Orthodox Church PRO clarified and determine
how he could be allied.

10. Utilize the data gotten to expose the priest's activities in national
papers through the lines already existing.

11. Update the DA pack on Alevizopoulos and get it forwarded to any person
who needs to be informed on his real activities.

12. Cultivate any line to the foreseen successor of Seraphin so he is fed
with the right data.

13. See with Alexiou now the study of Alevizopoulos' books could be
speeded up. When done get it distributed tot he concerned persons.

14. Get a copy of the complaints on the black list that Alexiou wants to
file after his return from holidays. Make sure he files this. Determine
with him or/and his friends how it could be strengthened and what kind of
data would still be needed. If an y, see how we can get them them and
forward them to him.

15. Get the priest's last book studied by the U-Man lawyer and implement
his advice on the handling.

16. Get it studied by lawyer Kourtis, get his advice and implement it.

17. Get a DA pack done specifically on the Alevizopoulos' last book and
forward it to the interested terminals.

18. Carefully collect all the debriefs of the interventions of
Alevizopoulos in the families and get the concerned public/staff to file
complaints against him and/or Touloupi, etc.

19. Get a separate handling project written on Touloupi and implemented
(This is to include establishing a line to her and collecting information
on her that can be used to convince her to stop attacking the church).

20. Monitor the complaint filed by Dora against Alevizopoulos and Touloupi
so that charges are brought against them.

21. Monitor the complaints that Visso, Ilias and KEFE have filed against
Dora's parents and Teletora so charges are brought against them.

22. In coordination with HCO and Qual make sure that the PTS type C
situations are getting resolved.

23. Get a perception line established and functioning around the court.

24. Prepare and participate to the conferences organized by PANIFE in
October and December. Qual and correct Theodou's speeches against LRH PR
Series. Take the opportunity of these conferences to establish the
maximum of comm lines with the PRO's and la wyers of the religious,
philosophical and Human Rights groups.

25. Get an average of 4 successful visits done weekly to persons part of
the Ministries, the Nomarch, IXA, Tax Office, police, ....

26. Establish and cultivate comm lines in the area of Human Rights groups.

27. Get the SNTD campaign created through the execution of the SNTD

28. Get at least one &quot;Cleaning the Parks&quot; event done each week.
Take good pictures of it and make this action known.

29. Get events organized in which Scientologists go and plant new trees on
the hills that have been recently burned down. Get media coverage.

30. In liaison with the HES ATH get the TWTH booklet translated into Greek
and printed.

31. As part of the Clear Expansion Committee activities close an in-charge
who will take care of the distribution of the booklet and will organize
TWTH events.

32. Get the first Freedom printed and distributed. PRO GREECE

33. Get one prepared and distributed every 2 months in which the
activities of the Scientologists in Greece will be made known and the
rotten spots of the Greek society exposed.

34. Through the friend/client of lawyer Theodorou, get also positive
articles about Scientology printed in the Greek newspapers.

35. Work out and file complaints/suits on the papers who had printed
entheta and refused to correct.

36. In coordination with the EC get the Treasury of the mission to operate
per LRH policy and to post a Treasury Sec.

37. Get the legal rudiments program executed by:
a. Putting the corporate books in order. DSA GREECE

b. Getting the new invoices printed and in use. DSA GREECE

c. Getting the DVs printed and in use. DSA GREECE

d. Getting the donation rates for services increased.

e. Implementing the VAT on services. DSA GREECE

f. Implementing withholding Social Security payments for all staff.

g. Getting the membership system fully in. DSA GREECE

h. Getting KEFE registered at the Tax Office for the sale of E-Meters.

38. Get the first annual payment of tithes to SMI INT prepared, approved
as a donation by the Tax Office and the payment done.

39. Get the statutes of the mission revised to be aligned to policy.

40. Get the statutes CSW'ed to OSA Int for approval and get them filed.

41. Get the expertise on Scientology as a religion completed. DSA GREECE

42. Get the researches on how to get Athens mission set up as a Church in
Greece done.

43. Get the application prepared and sent up for approval. DSA GREECE

44. Once the application is approved, get it filed. DSA GREECE

45. Get the lawyers to talk to the Finance Police to know the results of
their investigation.

46. Get the lawyers to meet the Prosecutor to get his position and
intentions in this case.

47. If he has the intention to file criminal charges, get the lawyers to
handle him by forwarding him with the right data and get him to dismiss
the case.

48. Conditional: If charges are filed, get a copy of the case file and
write a separate program for the handling of the case and get it executed.

49. Get the DSA quals CSW approved by OSA INT. DSA GREECE

50. Get the DSA mini hatted. DSA GREECE

51. Get the DSA through the Est-O steps, per Est-0 Series 16. DSA GREECE

52. Get the DSA through her Full Hat. DSA GREECE

53. Get the PRO through the Est-O steps. DSA GREECE

54. Get the PRO to complete the Student Hat. DSA GREECE

55. Get the former DSA posted as Invest Officer. DSA GREECE

56. Get him through the Est-O steps. DSA GREECE

57. Get him through his Full Hat. DSA GREECE

Production target: 3 months.


Joe Cisar:
Overview of Scientology in Germany:
Save a Scientologist -
On-line book:

Dec 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/4/00
In article <>,
"Alex Yakovlev" <> wrote:
> Hello Pilot!
> The Pilot wrote:
> >
> >
> > I'm busy finding my own way out of the trap
that they've
> > constructed.
> I think it's really HARD to find a way out of
> a trap YOU've created for yourself,
> considering "THEY" created it for me :-)
> ARC, Alex.
> Maybe you'll try UCP?

You could try Avatar - Worked a treat for me -
pulled me out of an enormous amount of shit!

An quite right you create your own mess - not the
other way round!


Dec 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/4/00

I think you have done far more than anyone else in this field and you
are a legend for this! Like so many others, I have gained enormous
benefit and joy from The Pilot posts and I’m sure they will not be

From my own experience when you are outside the sphere of life, kind
words mean little, but please believe me that I am sincere in this.

Although you probably know much about it, if it helps, I did the Avatar
course some time ago and it really pulled me out of all kinds of mess.
I had a real hard time with it as was trying to run incidents and stuff
but that wasn’t necessary. By shifting attention around between
something bothersome (which incidentally you are creating) and
something else, you can discharge lots of stuff very quickly. Even
heavy body feelings. There’s an art to this and it’s something which I
thought I’d master easily as I’ve run stuff from Self-clearing and lots
of solo work prior, however, I had enormous pain with it to the point I
nearly turned my back on it and said it’s a waste of time. Once I
picked it up, it was much easier to handle anything and I mean
anything. There is nothing that I haven’t been able to handle since.
Even the deepest worst feelings of loneliness and being-hated.

After three successions of releasing my own mocked up identity of me
(as a body and spirit body) I found myself floating around outside of
my body. This took no time to do. I’ve also found my life to be filled
with more love and empathy and for my relationships to be more

I know now that I create it all moment by moment. What I mean is my
experience of the World is my own creation. If I have a hard time with
something it’s because I’m creating that hard time feeling or
resistance. Once this is resolved life becomes much easier.

For me the greatest realization was that I am it all. We are all
connected at some degree with everything in our Universe. Another truth
for me (from Avatar) is that you experience what you believe. If you
believe things are going to be unpleasant then chances are they will.

A question to consider is that even if you did make it all the way out,
then what? Where do you go, what do you do? Who would be there with
you? Won’t you be playing the same or similar games on a different
level and identifying with different things? My choice would be to come
back into the world and have enormous amounts of joy and fun.

Dec 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/4/00


Dec 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/4/00
Hi Rich,

Your post represented a beautiful and caring sentiment. I don't know how
much you keep abreast of the postings, but as I recently stated, I have a
dear friend who also swears by Avatar.

I have reservations about Avatar though, and perhaps I could ask you a
technical question. You know, handle ONE reservation anyway.

(Now, Ken, if you are reading this, avert your eyes, this is going to be

Amongst other issues, I figure Ken has "stimulated" a terminal. In other
words, I feel he has a valence asserting itself.

Now, for the sake of argument, whether the above happens to be true in this
particular case or not, perhaps you might consider that "scenario" to be the
basis on my question. And so, the question in my mind is, if a person is in
a valence, just WHOSE attention is the Avatar process working on?

This is honestly not meant to be argumentative or put you in a spot, I'm
just damnably curious. Like to have the perspective of Avatar clarified in
this context.

Perhaps the "releasing my own mocked up identity " process is a preliminary?
Preliminary to the "attention shift" technique?

I release you might be pledged to confidentiality regarding specific Avatar
tech so I understand if your response might be inhibited, but whatever light
you may provide will be appreciated.


<> wrote in message news:90g6ci$s3j$

Robert D.

Dec 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/4/00
On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 09:13:26 -0500, "Rogers" <>

>I release you might be pledged to confidentiality regarding specific Avatar
>tech so I understand if your response might be inhibited, but whatever light
>you may provide will be appreciated.

The basic Avatar technique that is used throughout its various
rundowns is as follows:

1. Identify and experience your concept of..... (item)

2. Expand to the outermost limits of that creation

3. Label it just as it is

4. Recognize "This is not I but my creation"

5. Effortlessly permit it to discreate.

It's a workable technique, but, IMO, it's simplistic and quite limited
in scope. A lot of people have talked about a big keyout at first,
and of their problems "handled" only to have them return a few months
later. From what I gathered, a lot of Avatar people experienced an
up-the-pole followed by subsequent crash phenomenon.

I believe a lot of Avatarians got into it as a solution to their
disgust with Scientology. Many sold all their Scn tech materials and
bought into the Avatar game hook line and sinker, only to later be
disabused by the whole clearing game altogether.


Karin Spaink

Dec 4, 2000, 6:33:14 PM12/4/00
to (The Pilot) kindly wrote:



I'd like to thank you for what you have done. and want to
say that I wish you well. I know that you have been terribly
important for the FreeZone.

With regard to the implants you discuss: I find this
difficult to believe. I *do* believe that you believes in
them, but I don't believe that people can "implant'
ideas in one another.

Considering what Z and I have done to CoS, don't you
think they have mustered *all* implant capacities at their
disposal in order to make us stop? Yet they failed. That
might dispose you to rethink the concept of implants...

Good luck...!

Karin Spaink

write, therefore I am:

Dec 5, 2000, 12:38:12 AM12/5/00
Hi Les,

Thank you for your reply. I haven't followed the groups for sometime
but I've always kept an eye on fza and that brought me back here when I
read Ken's (The Pilot's) last post.

Your question is a good one and this is how I see it. I'm not saying
this is correct and the same for everyone, but, this is from my own
experience. Other people experience things differently and use
different terminology. At souce, you cannot be harmed, you are
everything and nothing, you are limitless awareness or whatever else
you might wish to call it. This state is beyond words - it's like the
old buddha saying I AM. That's just it - you are (period). Defining it
limits what it is.

Now my experience of valences is that in times of distress when your
current identity (what you are being / beingness) is in some way
inhibited or threatened then you will either swap over into another
identity (e.g. between lives) OR make a copy of the experience around
you, from which you may create an identity based on the strongest factor
(s) at the time which may be another's identity (valence).

There is a sequence of identities that people tend to move through (I
think Ken (The Pilot) talked about this in his posts and it is also
central to Indicator Tech or Meta-Programming maintained by Peter
Shepherd.) in a general sense these cycle across many many lifetimes.

Okay, still with me? The traditional way of handling identities for me
was to handle all the basic stuff that you are resisting whilst being
that identity and then look to find the MAIN item of who or what that
identity opposes or is opposed to. Then you handle this. Great you've
then freed up the first identity (i.e. your not compulsively stuck in
it as your not resisting something else) and can move up or down the
chain of identities until you handle a whole stack. (For more detail on
this refer to Peter Shepherd)

Now there are two core processes to Avatar - read more on this in my
next post. The process mentioned in the other persons reply has it's
best effectiveness when you are in a very keyed out state. It's a hoot
as you can handle enormous amounts of stuff very quickly (things like
allergies and body feelings and identities). In fact you need to also
handle the resistance to handling the stuff at the same time in some
cases - so you say something like it's okay to let go of this and you
get resistance to letting go of stuff and you just handle that and then
handle the actual stuff. It becomes all very easy and in fact a joy.
You also realise that if any hurdle comes into your life it's just
another things which you've created and it's easy to dis-create it.

This process probably won't do anyone much good unless they have done
the prior steps to get to a state where they can use this technique
effectively. With practise and as more gets handled, it gets faster and
faster to do the whole thing. This is what I described when I mentioned
some of my own handlings (like body identities).

The approach is very different and in some ways radical to traditional
Scientology. But, believe me it works! But, if you believe it won't
work or it's too simple or you have a lot of resistance to trying it
like I did then you will have a hard time with it.

Now to fully answer your question. With practise and intention you can
move out of any condition or indentity. From my experience it doesn't
matter what you make yourself into (new identity) when you do this, all
your doing is making a distinction from being at effect and at cause.
It might only be for a split second but it's enough to start shifting
and when you get the hang of it you just start to key all sorts of wild
stuff out very quickly. For a fuller handling that is where you would
use the process. I found when I did it I would be handling my own self-
monitoring and evaluation of everything and all sorts of crazy beliefs
which no longer served me. Life just is - you can just be an observer
if you wish, without getting caught up in the chaos and then evaluating
everything (I used to)!

> And so, the question in my mind is, if a person is in
> a valence, just WHOSE attention is the Avatar process working on?

From my understanding, the person is largely being the valence but
there is some ability with will to move out of the valence even if it's
just slightly. With practise you can then dissipate being the valence
to the point where your space just gets bigger and bigger and what you
were resisting is no longer. When you do this effectively your
attention 'rests' on all around you. There's no pushing or pulling away
from things.

I could imagine that about 70% or more of the people in this newsgroup
are regularly monitoring themselves and saying things like how am I
doing? how am i feeling? do I need to handle this? etc etc... You never
used to do this as a young child and it's a conditioned behaviour.
Giving this up is quite a joy!

I'll be posting a lot more about this and my whole story to the net in
perhaps 6-12 months - I'll probably drop a line in this newsgroup for
those who are interested. I have been around for a while but remained
very anonymous because of the associations but now that doesn't concern
me anymore. I believe fully that I created my whole situation here
including all the pain and suffering I've received.

I hope I answered your question Les and I don't think there are lies in
Avatar. I can now see why they charge for it as without doing so
there's a chance it might get watered down or people will take it
verbally like from the other post which I don't believe will do much
good! They offer a money back guarantee on parts 1 and 2 and their
commission from what I learnt is quite small. It really is an
experiential course. You need to learn a skill and you can't do that by
reading about it!

The greatest joy of all for me is when things come into your life as
and when you need them. I think there is a technical term for this
like 'making it real'. The ability for me to make things happen after
Avatar is quite significant compared with how things were before. And
that includes attracting female specimens into my life :-)

If you feel I've missed anything or need more clarification or further
answers to your reservations then please feel free to repond further. I
hope I've got the right balance here of technical response and personal

With love,


In article <>,

> I release you might be pledged to confidentiality regarding specific
> tech so I understand if your response might be inhibited, but
whatever light
> you may provide will be appreciated.
> Les.

Dec 5, 2000, 12:59:13 AM12/5/00
Hi Robert,

Thanks for your post... You closely describe one of the main processes.
What has always been emphasised with Avatar is that it is a 'World
lesson, not a word lesson'. In other words it's experiential. I doubt
if many people could pick this up and use it effectively to handle
anything in their life.

My experience is that you need to fumble and mess up a few times and
learn how to shift yourself out of any mess without evaluating stuff
and without monitoring yourself. When you've cracked this I reckon your
quite well on your way :-) (it's a skill!)

I doubt if many could learn the Avatar techniques from a book, even
from a Scientology background. It really is different from my
experience. You don't need to run incidents or introspect to dissipate
stuff. In fact part of it more closely resembles the TR's but for me
the handling was much more effective and easier (after a while) and
well beyond the gains from what I got when I did this.

Your right in saying it's simplistic and this is partly why I think
it's so good. Does something need to be complicated to be effective?

As for the big key-out. Yes, you do get this. I'm many months down the
line from Avatar and that state is not out of reach if I spend a bit of
time to shift out of my current creations. Which, by the way, you find
yourself creating for the sake of getting things done in the World. It
was amusing when I was asked at the railway station 'Adult Single' and
I was suprised at my non immediate response. I had to get back into the
identity of being me to remember what I was!

What I noticed also which was interesting is that when you do a
complete handling with Avatar, you sometimes struggle to remember what
was wrong in the first place. I had never experienced this before. It
was like the memory or recollection of the thing you were resisting
goes at the same time!

Admittedly once you re-join the Earth people it's easy to slip back
into the World (as Ken describes). But knowing that you can get back to
a wonderful state again without too much effort makes life more like a
game where you change your viewpoint when needed (i.e. participator or

Feel free to question anything further on this line and I will try my
best to answer. I understand that Star's Edge is responsive to people's
questions also.


In article <>, (Robert D.) wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 09:13:26 -0500, "Rogers" <>
> wrote:

> >I release you might be pledged to confidentiality regarding specific
> >tech so I understand if your response might be inhibited, but
whatever light
> >you may provide will be appreciated.
> >
> >Les.

> The basic Avatar technique that is used throughout its various
> rundowns is as follows:
> 1. Identify and experience your concept of..... (item)
> 2. Expand to the outermost limits of that creation
> 3. Label it just as it is
> 4. Recognize "This is not I but my creation"
> 5. Effortlessly permit it to discreate.
> It's a workable technique, but, IMO, it's simplistic and quite limited
> in scope. A lot of people have talked about a big keyout at first,
> and of their problems "handled" only to have them return a few months
> later. From what I gathered, a lot of Avatar people experienced an
> up-the-pole followed by subsequent crash phenomenon.
> I believe a lot of Avatarians got into it as a solution to their
> disgust with Scientology. Many sold all their Scn tech materials and
> bought into the Avatar game hook line and sinker, only to later be
> disabused by the whole clearing game altogether.
> Robert


Dec 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/5/00
Hi Rich,

I read your pleasant treatise with some interest. For the nonce, consider
my question answered. It may pop up later at a different level - but your
response was quite satisfactory for now. And I look forward to more of your

Just thinking out aloud here. Seems to me that there are THREE approaches
to therapy (often intertwined of course, but I'm just separating them out
for analysis): 1/ empower the thetan to a point of transcendence over any
(mental or physical) "mesty" issues. 2/ Separate the thetan from the
disruptive influences (this includes both key-out and PTS-type techs). 3/
Bring disruptive influences to a point of as-isness and disappearance.

Now, I consider all three of these emminently desirable, but the way this
universe goes, only #3 is likely to provide stability for the trillenia.
AND, I would thoroughly emphasize the synonymity between as-isness and
(true) disappearance.

Now, as I recently clicked on while responding to another post, I don't
think it's as much an issue of probing around or mucking around with the
arbitrary of Time as it is the issue of "getting the context" surrounding a
postulate and/or mass. That is to say, sure any aberrative postulate/mass
that is screwing one up in present time must be IN present time, but without
examining the "where and when" of its creation it will remain unplaced, out
of context, and not-as-is-able.

And my thought is that ANY technique which eliminates "problems" - without
actual as-isness - is just a key-out tech.

Now, I'm not suggesting that every accumulated postulate or piece of mass of
the past quadrillenia needs to be handled one by one, but somehow or
another, by chunks and categories if necessary, the as-isness must be

Perhaps I still haven't "got it" yet, but I don't see the "discreation"
technique of Avatar as as-isness, so I fear, despite any illusions to the
contrary, that all those "handled" difficulties are indeed just in a
keyed-out status. Perhaps they will remain keyed out for thousands or
millions of years with a bit of luck, but....


Robert D.

Dec 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/5/00
In article <>,

"Rogers" <> wrote:
> Hi Rich,


> Perhaps I still haven't "got it" yet, but I don't see the "discreation"
> technique of Avatar as as-isness, so I fear, despite any illusions to the
> contrary, that all those "handled" difficulties are indeed just in a
> keyed-out status. Perhaps they will remain keyed out for thousands or
> millions of years with a bit of luck, but....
> Les.

Absolutely. Discreation is a matter of turning off the picture. It's
like turning off a program in the computer. It can always be turned
back on again. Just because one has found the off-switch, doesn't
mean it won't show up again or something won't go wrong with it at
some time in the future. Nor does it mean the person is any more able
after he has discreated what he discreated, as happens with true


Dec 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/5/00
In article <>,

Good show Karin. $cn abilities on telepatic control are "0".

Ken, read up on Jean Klein Materials. Your down fall is perfect
example of ego building in action. Klein explains how it works and how
to get rid of it.

I should also mention it's just your AMs in action. This material
easily removed.

Michael Mourer

> --
> write, therefore I am:


Dec 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/5/00
Robert D. <> wrote in message

> Absolutely.

I love it when I'm absolutely right!

Seriously, I actually came back "on" to thank you, Robert, for that other
post with input on Avatar. And I appreciate this input too since now I feel
a bit more sure, with your reinforcement, about the "discreate" issue.


Dec 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/5/00
Karin wrote:
> Considering what Z and I have done to CoS, don't you
> think they have mustered *all* implant capacities at their
> disposal in order to make us stop? Yet they failed. That
> might dispose you to rethink the concept of implants...
> Good luck...!
> groet,
> Karin Spaink
> --
> write, therefore I am:
Please dont get this wrong, I dont intend to throw mud, but I think you
overrate yourselves. Yes you gave the CofS some very bad publicity. Yes
you two have spreaded LRH texts so disgruntled Scientologists have less
reason to stay. (You and Zenon have my thanx for that too by the way :-)
) But you never threatened the position of Miscavige and cronies in the
Because you and other critics throw mud at LRH and the Tech, you really
wont get any credibility among the hard-core churchies, who believe
deeply in the value of the tech (and they know from personal experience
that it works, no amount of criticism will have any effect on that) and
dedicate their life to Church. And it is they who keep Miscavige in

Ken Ogger was much more dangerous because he attacked RTC but not
Scientology, while RTC likes to be thought of as equal to Scientology.

Had Ken so desired, he could have slowly gotten political influence in
the CofS (but he said he didnt desire it), unlike other critics, who
will always be outsiders.


Dec 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/5/00
I was interested in knowing if this Michael Mourer is the Class 12
auditor, or just a nick from someone else??
: ))
Love, Michael.

In article <90j7go$bj5$>,

> Good show Karin. $cn abilities on telepatic control are "0".
> Ken, read up on Jean Klein Materials. Your down fall is perfect
> example of ego building in action. Klein explains how it works and
> to get rid of it.
> I should also mention it's just your AMs in action. This material
> easily removed.
> Michael Mourer
> >

> > --
> > write, therefore I am:
> >
> >

Ralph Hilton

Dec 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/5/00
michaelpattinson <> wrote on Tue, 05 Dec 2000
20:03:17 GMT, in :

>I was interested in knowing if this Michael Mourer is the Class 12
>auditor, or just a nick from someone else??
>: ))
>Love, Michael.

No. That was Mike Mauer. Not totally sure on the exact spelling.
Ralph Hilton
Freezone International:

Lone Ranger

Dec 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/5/00
The other Michael is MAUERER.

michaelpattinson wrote:
> I was interested in knowing if this Michael Mourer is the Class 12
> auditor, or just a nick from someone else??
> : ))
> Love, Michael.

> In article <90j7go$bj5$>,
> wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > wrote:

> > Good show Karin. $cn abilities on telepatic control are "0".
> >
> > Ken, read up on Jean Klein Materials. Your down fall is perfect
> > example of ego building in action. Klein explains how it works and
> how
> > to get rid of it.
> >
> > I should also mention it's just your AMs in action. This material
> > easily removed.
> >
> > Michael Mourer
> > >

> > > --
> > > write, therefore I am:
> > >
> > >
> >

Boudewijn van Ingen

Dec 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/5/00
On Tue, 05 Dec 2000 18:51:39 GMT, wrote:

>Karin wrote:
>> Considering what Z and I have done to CoS, don't you
>> think they have mustered *all* implant capacities at their
>> disposal in order to make us stop? Yet they failed. That
>> might dispose you to rethink the concept of implants...
>> Good luck...!
>> groet,
>> Karin Spaink
>> --
>> write, therefore I am:

>Please dont get this wrong, I dont intend to throw mud, but I think you
>overrate yourselves. Yes you gave the CofS some very bad publicity. Yes
>you two have spreaded LRH texts so disgruntled Scientologists have less
>reason to stay. (You and Zenon have my thanx for that too by the way :-)
>) But you never threatened the position of Miscavige and cronies in the
>Because you and other critics throw mud at LRH and the Tech, you really
>wont get any credibility among the hard-core churchies, who believe
>deeply in the value of the tech (and they know from personal experience
>that it works, no amount of criticism will have any effect on that) and
>dedicate their life to Church. And it is they who keep Miscavige in
>Ken Ogger was much more dangerous because he attacked RTC but not
>Scientology, while RTC likes to be thought of as equal to Scientology.
>Had Ken so desired, he could have slowly gotten political influence in
>the CofS (but he said he didnt desire it), unlike other critics, who
>will always be outsiders.

>Sent via
>Before you buy.

There is more than one front on which action is needed.

Some are more concerned with getting people out of the danger inside
the Co$. There are some that attempt to do that by trying to "reform"
$cientology. Others try to communicate with current $cientology
victims, and warn them about the lies the are being told.

That may be important work. But it also very important to educate the
general public about $cientology. And since $cientology targets
several groups within the general public, these groups of people need
special attention from critics too.

While the RTC might be a very interesting subject to a very small
group of people (a small proportion of $cientologists and
ex-$cientologists mainly, as well as some IRS officials, I would
guess), it will not catch headlines anytime soon.

Therefore, unless there is enough irrefutable evidence of some
wrongdoing, and there is someone willing and able to go to court over
that, against the most vicious litigation machine the world has seen
so far, all the interesting stuff about the RTC and all the other
corporations behind $cientology will hardly topple the Co$.

Of course this is written from a wog perspective... ;-)


Dave Bird

Dec 5, 2000, 9:07:42 PM12/5/00
In article<90i07f$d76$>, writes:
>Hi Robert,
>Thanks for your post... You closely describe one of the main processes.
>What has always been emphasised with Avatar is that it is a 'World
>lesson, not a word lesson'. In other words it's experiential. I doubt
>if many people could pick this up and use it effectively to handle
>anything in their life.
>My experience is that you need to fumble and mess up a few times and
>learn how to shift yourself out of any mess without evaluating stuff
>and without monitoring yourself. When you've cracked this I reckon your
>quite well on your way :-) (it's a skill!)

You know, I read this as if it should mean something and stopped

Dave Bird

Dec 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/6/00
In article<90jdfn$h6a$>,

>Because you and other critics throw mud at LRH and the Tech, you really
>wont get any credibility among the hard-core churchies, who believe
>deeply in the value of the tech (and they know from personal experience
>that it works, no amount of criticism will have any effect on that) and
>dedicate their life to Church. And it is they who keep Miscavige in

Well, hard-core junkies usually cognite that "heroin is a bad idea"
eventually, and some of us who have never injected the stuff persist
with that approach. Others may prefer offering methadone or slow
withdrawal. Both approaches have some merit. But it would be difficult
for me to pretend I felt Scn was other than (in both senses) junk.

___ |\ .---. _ :::\
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.`_____`. .`_____`. .`_____`. .`_____`. .` `.
|\ / \ /||\ / \ /| |\ / \ /||\ / \ /| |\ /\\/\ /|
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| | | | | | | | | /|__|
jgs(___|___)m¢ (___|___) (___|___) (___|___) (____|____)

Dave Bird

Dec 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/6/00
In article<>, The Apprentice writes:
>On Wed, 6 Dec 2000 02:07:42 +0000, Dave Bird wrote:
>>In article<90i07f$d76$>, writes:
>>>My experience is that you need to fumble and mess up a few times and
>>>learn how to shift yourself out of any mess without evaluating stuff
>>>and without monitoring yourself. When you've cracked this I reckon your
>>>quite well on your way :-) (it's a skill!)
>> You know, I read this as if it should mean something and stopped
>> at the end think the fault was in me rather than realising there
>> was meaning. Silly me, I had just been reading compiler newsgroups....
>Of course you're entitled to your opinion and you may post whatever
>you like. But please don't use the header SUPER SCIO for this. It is a
>distinctive feature of Pilot's posts and this identity (The Pilot) is
>dead - or "went nuts" if you prefer this. See, if I sign my posts as
>"Dave Bird" or use your trailer for them you would probably object.
>The same goes for any other poster.

There seems to be some sort of crazy misunderstanding here. I rarely
put something like "XEMU'S NEW SONG PARODY" or whatever i.e. make
myself part of the subject for discussion, because I don't think I am.

But, if I did, then the expected thing is that people would reply
using that subject line into which I had added my name. It does
not mean I wrote the replies; it means the replies are about me.

In that case no one can stop you leaving my name as part of the subject

Dec 6, 2000, 8:53:27 PM12/6/00
Hi Les,

> AND, I would thoroughly emphasize the synonymity between as-isness and
> (true) disappearance.

My experience of this is that things only dissappear when you stop
creating them. I'm not saying this is the text-book definition, but,
you could consider this:

Key-out = Stop creating an undesirable or unwanted creation and/or
resistance to that (in your universe)

Erasure (As-isness) = {SAME} but never re-create it again by compulsion
(or automatically).

From this you could consider key-ing out the automatic tendency to re-
create something as well as the thing itself to be as effective as what
you may consider as traditional erasure. It's interesting because as
mentioned earlier there is a lot of stuff that we just don't want to
give up and it's easy to re-create this stuff (because we believe we
need it to survive/exist.) This is the sort of stuff that easily gets
keyed back in. When you let go of the need for having the thing then
you've got a more complete handling in my opinion.

Further as you become more at cause or have increased will power or
confront then you don't allow stuff to get re-stimulated or keyed back
in. Once you start to slip down the tubes again, it's very easy to
start compulsively keying all sorts of stuff back in. To me it's quite
important to maintain an at cause state as much as possible which again
is relatively easy to do. 10 minutes - 30 minutes a day perhaps. This
may decrease with. I'll report on this when I post more to the net in 6-
12 months.

> Now, as I recently clicked on while responding to another post, I
> think it's as much an issue of probing around or mucking around with
> arbitrary of Time as it is the issue of "getting the context"
surrounding a
> postulate and/or mass. That is to say, sure any aberrative
> that is screwing one up in present time must be IN present time, but
> examining the "where and when" of its creation it will remain
unplaced, out
> of context, and not-as-is-able.

To me the charge and/or mass is your own creation and this is held in
force by your postulates (beliefs if you like). In fact to take this
further the un-aligned postulates are what causes the phenomena of
ridges that people talk about. Again this stuff is quite subjective and
one person may use the word ridge when another might use mass or charge.

When you handle your postulates then the 'mass' associated with them
falls away.

A question I would ask many is what is your goal in clearing? Do you
want to erase everything and get out of this Universe? I think what
ever you handle, there will still be somethings you will re-create the
moment you finish your session. Like the identification with your body
and/or your mental faculties to get by in the World.

If you get good at dis-creating stuff (Avatar way) then you can shift
out of your body and mental stuff without too much work. Being an
inquisitive person though I contemplate the experience and the moment I
do that I'm back in my mind identification. So I handle this
identification as well and it's just a floaty experience with the nice
warm fuzzies across your whole body! Once your done then you re-
identify with your body and get on with life again.

> And my thought is that ANY technique which eliminates "problems" -
> actual as-isness - is just a key-out tech.
> Now, I'm not suggesting that every accumulated postulate or piece of
mass of
> the past quadrillenia needs to be handled one by one, but somehow or
> another, by chunks and categories if necessary, the as-isness must be
> attained.

> Perhaps I still haven't "got it" yet, but I don't see
the "discreation"
> technique of Avatar as as-isness, so I fear, despite any illusions to
> contrary, that all those "handled" difficulties are indeed just in a
> keyed-out status. Perhaps they will remain keyed out for thousands or
> millions of years with a bit of luck, but....

What's interesting also when considering erasure (as-isness) is that
quite a few have erased enormous amounts of stuff but have still not
been able to deal with certain situations or have caved in after. On
reflection I would prefer to be able to do fast key-outs rather than
complete erasures which can be timely. But that's only my opinion.

Hope this helps.

With love,

Karin Spaink

Dec 7, 2000, 2:48:12 AM12/7/00
to kindly wrote:
> Karin wrote:

> > Considering what Z and I have done to CoS, don't you
> > think they have mustered *all* implant capacities at their
> > disposal in order to make us stop? Yet they failed. That
> > might dispose you to rethink the concept of implants...

> Please dont get this wrong, I dont intend to throw mud, but I think you

> overrate yourselves. Yes you gave the CofS some very bad publicity. Yes
> you two have spreaded LRH texts so disgruntled Scientologists have less
> reason to stay. (You and Zenon have my thanx for that too by the way :-)
> ) But you never threatened the position of Miscavige and cronies in the
> CofS.

I don't believe that we did. But I showed people that it is
legal to quote from OT3, and Zenon freed the NOTs from their
imprisonment; and I do believe that Scientology has done
everything in its might to stop this, and that includes
using implants - inasfar as the cult's higher echelons even
believe in the concept.

> Because you and other critics throw mud at LRH and the Tech, you really
> wont get any credibility among the hard-core churchies,

I don't intend to. They don't respect me a bit either. What
I do intend, and hope to have furthered, is to break the
power that the cult holds over the media (they've been too
scared too long) and their hold over their followers.

> who believe
> deeply in the value of the tech (and they know from personal experience
> that it works, no amount of criticism will have any effect on that) and
> dedicate their life to Church. And it is they who keep Miscavige in
> power.

Part of that loyalty (too big a part of that loyalty, I am
afraid) is based on fear: fear of being thrown out, fear of
being implanted, fear of being haunted, fear of being chased
down by the cult. I do believe that everything that helps to
resolve that fear is important.

The Pilot has done quite a lot in that respect, by showing
that you can practice the belief and use the Tech outside
the church. That is rather invaluable.

> Had Ken so desired, he could have slowly gotten political influence in
> the CofS (but he said he didnt desire it), unlike other critics, who
> will always be outsiders.

I'm happy to be an outsider ;-)

Besides, as Boudewijn carefully pointed out, this is a war
with many fronts. If it weren't for the mixture of
opponnents, CoS would have an easier time.

Karin Spaink

I write, therefore I am:


Dec 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/7/00
Hi Rich,

Enjoyed your thought-provoking piece - very much so. Interesting paradigm.
I'm just going to zoom in on the one thing that I consider is the crux of
the issue.

As a background to my argument, I must explain that I consider the
Scientology Grades to be extremely fundamental to the difficulties of a
thetan - loosely to the point where I might argue that the whole reactive
mind was created (amongst perhaps other things) as a result of out-grades.
You know, one needs to be out-of-comm (Grade 0) almost before any other
difficulty can arise, and then following that one can have fundamental
difficulties with Problems, ARC Breaks, Overts, Serv Facs, and so on. Again
I repeat, I consider the (out)Grades to be the powerful fundamentals behind

Each out-grade issue has the potential to act as a "link" for any particular
mental mass/aberrative postulate, each and every one - individually -
holding that aberration in place. The other out-grade components are likely
to be there, but the way it works out, oftentimes one can address just ONE
(fundamental) facet of an aberration and the whole thing becomes temporarily
unlinked. Not only that but one also becomes somewhat more empowered in the
context of the particular link that was addressed, but that is unnecessary
to my current argument.

Now, (gasp! sorry for being so long-winded):

<> wrote in message:

> When you let go of the need for having the thing then
> you've got a more complete handling in my opinion.

May I suggest, not as an invalidation but rather as a clarification, that
the "need for having the thing" comes under the service facsimile concept.
Yes, one creates a thing because it provides a service. And moving over
into taking over the automaticity and taking responsibility for something
WILL break that "serv fac link" that is holding the aberration in place.
But we are still talking key-out here. That aberration may move off - and
the pc has been empowered over the serv fac issue by virtue of the handling,
no doubt about it - but that aberrative mass/postulate still remains, as a
package of OTHER aberrative factors, other out-grade issues.

> Further as you become more at cause or have increased will power or
> confront then you don't allow stuff to get re-stimulated or keyed back
> in. Once you start to slip down the tubes again, it's very easy to
> start compulsively keying all sorts of stuff back in. To me it's quite
> important to maintain an at cause state as much as possible which again
> is relatively easy to do.

This is undoubtedly good therapy, nothing wrong with it. It actually
reminds me of the PDC approach. You know, validate and "exercise" the
thetan to a sort of transcendence over mental masses. And you know, there's
a funny thing about key-out, it works either way, a whole bunch of mass can
move off OR the thetan can just move off from the mass. But note that this
is still key-out. This approach was abandoned by LRH after the early
fifties - for the most part because of the unstable gains.

Don't get me wrong, Rich, I have not the slightest objection to key-out
techniques, they can be stupendous, glorious experiences.

And it may be that we could state that key-out DID involve a bit of
as-isness, even if nothing else than the as-ising of some of the
significance associated with a mass.

> A question I would ask many is what is your goal in clearing?

Hmmm. Good question. Difficult question. I still feel like I'm climbing a
mountain. Not sure EXACTLY what will await me at the top but am enjoying
the increasingly expansive scenery as I get higher and higher. The
continually improving perspective justifies the trek - no matter what will
be there at the top.

Key-out, bolstered by understandings attained from my Scientological
studies, has so far been the prime impetus for my ascent. That's okay and
it fits my agenda, but sooner or later, I'm going to have to work on

> Do you want to erase everything and get out of this Universe?

Nope! But I think that erasure equates to stability of attainment -
consolidation of territory if you wish. We need at least SOME of it.

> I think what
> ever you handle, there will still be somethings you will re-create the
> moment you finish your session.

I agree.

> What's interesting also when considering erasure (as-isness) is that
> quite a few have erased enormous amounts of stuff but have still not
> been able to deal with certain situations or have caved in after. On
> reflection I would prefer to be able to do fast key-outs rather than
> complete erasures which can be timely. But that's only my opinion.

I understand this viewpoint perfectly. I can't say there have been people
who have (indeed) erased a significant amount of stuff - not a significant
amount - who have caved in again, for we have a truly extensive amount of
creation wrapped up in our time tracks. But I do understand your viewpoint.
In fact it is the way I get along myself, and I value my capacity to
key-out - highly.


Robert D.

Dec 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/7/00
On Thu, 07 Dec 2000 16:20:41 GMT, Rebecca Jo McLaughlin
<> wrote:

>In alt.religion.scientology Robert D. <> wrote:
>Ooo, look! It's Robert! Hey, Robert, remember back in the first
>of November, in the thread, "R3XD Session Results," you challenged me:
>In alt.religion.scientology Robert D. <> wrote:
> > >Okay. Sign up for a session and pay me if it works. I'll do it by
> > >phone too. Then you as a tech critic would at least be meeting me
> > >half way. And you could have all the proof you'd want. How's that?
>And I responded:
>> OK. What's your number? I'll call collect.
>> Now, we need to decide on a set of criteria for deciding if "it works."
>> Let the negotiations commence.
>Funny, but you vanished from the thread immediately thereafter. Not
>terribly sporting of you.
Thanks for reminding me. I didn't catch your response. My ISP
doesn't get every post on the news groups for some reason. Recently
I've been double-checking the posts on Deja News every day and filling
in the missing ones.

Another thing is that at one point I realized that the arguments were
going nowhere because most of the people on a.r.s. only wanted to make
their points known and had no interest in any other viewpoints. So I
decided not to waste my time any further with people who had no
interest in learning anything.

My offer is still valid. My e-mail address is You
can contact me there and we can get together from there.


Dec 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/7/00
Hi Rich, Les, et all,

Anything the envokes subject-object just builds ego.

You as subject and anything else as object just builds ego.

This solidifies the being.

Key-outs are temp feel good but they just build ego. This is why $cn
and any other therapy doesn't work for clearing.

For further info on this try the works of, Jean Klein. There is a web
page and some writings.


Michael Mourer

In article <>,

Dave Bird

Dec 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM12/7/00
In article<>, The Apprentice
<> writes:
>On Wed, 6 Dec 2000 21:14:36 +0000, Dave Bird <>

>>In article<>, The Apprentice writes:
>>>Of course you're entitled to your opinion and you may post whatever
>>>you like. But please don't use the header SUPER SCIO for this. It is a
>>>distinctive feature of Pilot's posts and this identity (The Pilot) is
>>>dead - or "went nuts" if you prefer this. See, if I sign my posts as
>>>"Dave Bird" or use your trailer for them you would probably object.
>>>The same goes for any other poster.
>> There seems to be some sort of crazy misunderstanding here. I rarely
>> put something like "XEMU'S NEW SONG PARODY" or whatever i.e. make
>> myself part of the subject for discussion, because I don't think I am.
>> But, if I did, then the expected thing is that people would reply
>> using that subject line into which I had added my name. It does
>> not mean I wrote the replies; it means the replies are about me.
>> In that case no one can stop you leaving my name as part of the subject
>Well, right you are. Crazy misunderstanding. Sorry for being unclear.
>What I really meant is that some time ago in the past The Pilot (alive
>and well then) decided to put Super Scio in the subject line of his
>posts just to make easier for people to search for them, say, in Deja

Right. A thread starting "Super Scio" is pilot stuff
presumably written by Pilot. Follow-ups to such a post
are *ABOUT* material by Pilot. (As fer instance there
are about 100 follow-ups in this current thread).

Rebecca Jo McLaughlin

Dec 7, 2000, 11:20:41 AM12/7/00

Dec 9, 2000, 1:49:33 PM12/9/00
Subject-object is the continuous automatic thought-emotional response
to life that we falsely think is the real us. The space in between is
the real us.

Between the subject-object is desire. Desire is based on, to love and
be loved. Love is the last desire before one becomes what they truly
are. When we become what we truly are we no longer need to do or be
anything. We are pure (no longer massy and polluted) and no longer on
automatic, habitual think-emotion-effort.

Doing good is still ego building as it is a doing and thus subject-

Thank you for your inquire.

Michael Mourer

In article <90q3ql$v9i$>, wrote:
> Michael,
> Thanks for your reply. Can you explain what you mean by promoting
> subject-object?
> This is how I see things. Not saying it is right or wrong, but,
> something to consider:
> When a person is acting selfishly or hurtfully outside of the way most
> people treat others then they can be considered to be egotistical.
> When a person acts with love and/or compassion with a desire to help
> rather than hurt or hinder then they can be considered to be non-
> egotistical.
> Another way of consider this is that a person is acting non-
> egotistically then they are acting through spirit (with the heart)
> being deliberate and honest.
> In this knowledge you may choose to act with honesty, integrity, love,
> compassion etc. and resolve hurtful or selfish feelings.
> Interestingly in regard to this when I have created a lie or have hurt
> another I have subsequently found myself falling again. I believe
> lieing is wrong and will harm me and that will be more entrapping.
> So now I ask a question to you. How does Avatar solidify the being
> (which to me is making or becoming a further identity)?
> With love,
> Rich
> In article <90op6k$u59$>,

Dec 9, 2000, 3:34:49 PM12/9/00
in message <90turr$s1s$>
wrote in thread "Re: Avatar", on Sat, 09 Dec 2000 18:49:33 GMT, :

Monkey Man wrote:
>Subject-object is the continuous automatic thought-emotional
>response to life that we falsely think is the real us.

So that would be like YOU contemplating your:
Body Thetans
Animal Minds
"Thematic Mentation"
or whatever other HALLUCINATION
you have going on today.

>The space in between is the real us.

The Ghost of Phill Scott returns!
*THE VOID* strikes again!

>Between the subject-object is desire.

You have just defined yourself as the space of desire.

>Desire is based on, to love and be loved.

>Love is the last desire before one
>becomes what they truly are.

Apparently, you are not what you truly are.

>When we become what we truly are we
>no longer need to do or be anything.


>We are pure (no longer massy and polluted) and no
>longer on automatic, habitual think-emotion-effort.

Yes, you no longer are automatiacally mocking up
Body Thetans
Animal Minds
Thematic Mentation
or whatever other HALLUCINATION
you have going on today.


Cancel that last statement!
You're as WHACKO as ever!

>Doing good is still ego building as it
>is a doing and thus subject-object.

Don't worry, you are not doing anyone any good!
Your "egolessness" is still a virgin! You are pure!

Konchok Penday

Dec 9, 2000, 7:44:42 PM12/9/00

Hey Martin aka KP in hiding,

A clue for you.

There is a diff between mocking up case, such as you are doing at
hiding and below, and observing and eliminating case as I am doing.

Do UCP and you might be able to see.

Michael Mourer

In article <90u519$nq8$>, wrote:
> in message <90turr$s1s$> michael_mourer4123@my-

Dec 9, 2000, 11:08:26 PM12/9/00
In article <90turr$s1s$>, wrote:
> Subject-object is the continuous automatic thought-emotional response
> to life that we falsely think is the real us. The space in between is
> the real us.

This is an interesting discussuion. I think I follow this. So therefore
when you handle things or reduce the amount of subject-object (case?)
then there is more of you just there (i.e. more of the space). There is
less of you attaching to or resisting things.

> Between the subject-object is desire. Desire is based on, to love and
> be loved. Love is the last desire before one becomes what they truly
> are. When we become what we truly are we no longer need to do or be
> anything. We are pure (no longer massy and polluted) and no longer on
> automatic, habitual think-emotion-effort.

Do you see resistance to something as desire also? Maybe a desire not
to have something?

When we become what we truly are then we just are - simple as that. I

> Doing good is still ego building as it is a doing and thus subject-
> object.

Ah ha - I must stop trying to help others. I'll shut up and dwell in my
am-ness. I do get a feeling of joy and excitement or gratification when
I can make someone else clearer or happier.

> Thank you for your inquire.
> Michael Mourer

Thank you too ;-)


Dec 9, 2000, 11:48:08 PM12/9/00
Hi Les,

A quote comes to mind.. There is no right or wrong, merely differences
in opinion.

In article <>,
"Rogers" <> wrote:
> Hi Rich, we seem to be in agreement about the power of communication,
so I
> snipped that and whipped down to a miscommunication (on my part).
> <> wrote in message
> > This makes sense. If there is a significant issue that is getting in
> > the ways of your normal life then would you not think it is best to
> > handle that before following the grades?
> Okay, I didn't make myself clear (sorry), yes, I think the grade
> are fundamental, but I wasn't thinking in terms of their structure on
> Scientology bridge.
> The best "assist" auditing is always going to address what the person
> most attention on at any time.
> > My experience is that the grades are good if you don't know what
> > of your life needs attention, but, if your quite clued up then
there is
> > no need for grades. You just take stuff as it comes to you or as you
> > feel there is a problem. That way your always taking the most
> > (or bothersome) thing and handling that. If you are at a point where
> > you can't find a thing to work on or nothing is bothering you at all
> > then I would say take time out and enjoy yourself.
> Hmmm. Our first point of disagreement. To me this sounds a bit like
> Always addressing what is bothering the pc - without any attempt to
> to the basics - is Q&A with the pc. OR, if it is some sort of solo
> addressing things as they come up sounds like a "cope" or Q&A with the
> environment.

Getting to the basics to me is down to the depth of the handling. When
you handle something completely (e.g. the identity and reason(s) for
needing it or re-creating it) then it doesn't pop it's ugly head up 5
minutes later. Naturally you become more expansive by doing good
handlings on each aspect of yourself that you resist.

My current experience is that in time another part of you presents
itself or comes back to your attention and this is the next thing to

I believe that the grades are good if you don't have much of an idea as
to what needs to be handled or what is wrong with you or you need the
progressive approach and your not taking down the whole package
(identities, goals, s/f's etc...) surrounding each particular area at
that time. (i.e. your not doing the complete handling).

This approach will also certainly lead you to more expansive states but
there's I believe there is a fair chance that you will flop back in
(fall back quite a way) after a while if you don't keep the processing

> Well, naturally, one should address things as they come up, but I'm
> suggesting that doing this exclusively with no overall program is an
> Besides, some problems go underground and become accepted and
> Chances are, without a program, these problems would never be
recognized as
> problems.

My experience is that even the things your have become totally rigid on
come back up as an accessible and runnable item when you strip down the
layers covering that.

Admittedly it's possible that you are cut-off consciously to an area
(like having a blind spot in your vision) and may deal with stuff
around that area, but, again in time this will present itself also.

> I guess this is another key reservation about Avatar for me. Thusly,
> the troublesome things are likely to be dealt with - but a
> portion of the case has "settled in" over many trillenia, it's
> gotten...errrh...comfortable to some degree.

If you put up the postulate 'I am now at peace with all that is'. What
do you get back in response? What happens if you handle all the
resistance? Perhaps try changing this a bit to something that suits you
more and then run it everyday for a week? I'll be curious to here if
things change for you in a more steadfast way and the World seems like
a different place.

> If one doesn't apply the discipline of a program to hit all the key
> of aberration systematically, there's going to be unresolved
> masses/postulates, ignored masses/postulates.

Sure. This is great if you want to cover the main areas or aberration
that a person may have and the person is unaware of their aberrations.
If the program covers all aspects of each item to a point where you are
not re-creating the items soon after then wonderful.

> Now, whether the standard bridge of Scientology covers all the key
> of aberration might be arguable, but the point is, the ATTEMPT is
> It's a good idea.

I'll second that.

All the best,


> Les.

Dec 10, 2000, 12:26:38 PM12/10/00
In article <90uvjp$k15$>,

Dec 10, 2000, 2:32:12 PM12/10/00
in message <90ujlq$bcl$>
wrote in thread "Re: Avatar", on Sun, 10 Dec 2000 00:44:42 GMT, :

Monkey Man:

>Hey Martin aka KP in hiding,

Wrong name,
wrong location,
typical for you!

>A clue for you.

Keep your "clues,"
you need them.

>There is a diff between mocking up case, such as you are doing at
>hiding and below, and observing and eliminating case as I am doing.

There is a difference between
reality and hallucination. That
difference is simply lost on you.

>Do UCP and you might be able to see.
>Michael Mourer

Take your own advice
before you give it, IDIOT!

Konchok Penday


>In article <90u519$nq8$>,
> wrote:
>> in message <90turr$s1s$> michael_mourer4123@my-
>> wrote in thread "Re: Avatar", on Sat, 09 Dec 2000 18:49:33 GMT, :

>> Monkey Man wrote:
>> >Subject-object is the continuous automatic thought-emotional
>> >response to life that we falsely think is the real us.

>> So that would be like YOU contemplating your:
>> Body Thetans
>> Reptiles
>> Animal Minds
>> Dracos
>> "Thematic Mentation"
>> or whatever other HALLUCINATION
>> you have going on today.

>> >The space in between is the real us.

>> The Ghost of Phill Scott returns!
>> *THE VOID* strikes again!

>> >Between the subject-object is desire.

>> You have just defined yourself as the space of desire.

>> >Desire is based on, to love and be loved.
>> >Love is the last desire before one
>> >becomes what they truly are.

>> Apparently, you are not what you truly are.

>> >When we become what we truly are we
>> >no longer need to do or be anything.


>> >We are pure (no longer massy and polluted) and no
>> >longer on automatic, habitual think-emotion-effort.

>> Yes, you no longer are automatiacally mocking up
>> Body Thetans
>> Reptiles
>> Animal Minds
>> Dracos
>> Thematic Mentation
>> or whatever other HALLUCINATION
>> you have going on today.
>> Ooooops!
>> Cancel that last statement!
>> You're as WHACKO as ever!

>> >Doing good is still ego building as it

>> >is a doing and thus subject-object.
>> Don't worry, you are not doing anyone any good!
>> Your "egolessness" is still a virgin! You are pure!
>> Konchok Penday

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