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Joe Pesci and The Iraq War

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Mar 19, 2006, 10:39:22 AM3/19/06
Joe Pesci and The Iraq War

In the movie JFK Joe Pesci had a very memorable line:
"It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma!"

The line continued: "The fuckin' shooters don't even know! Don't you
get it?"

Is the Iraq war similar?:

-It's a plan, wrapped inside a screwup, of a delusion fed to and run
by an idiot.-

We all know who the idiot is that I refer to. The delusion he was fed
was of the neocon variety:

Richard Perle aka Prince Of Darkness is recognized as a
chief architect of the Iraq War.

March 3, 2003

Richard Perle: You are imagining a U.S. general riding roughshod
over Iraqis and confirming the worst fears of Muslims around the
world that we are an aggressive, imperialist power. I have another
view. We have Ahmed Chalabi, chief of the opposition Iraqi National
Congress, to enter Baghdad. Ending the current Iraqi regime will
liberate the Iraqis. We will leave both governance and oil in their
hands. We will hand over power quickly-not in years, maybe not
even in months-to give Iraqis a chance to shape their own destiny.
The whole world will see this. And I expect the Iraqis to be at least
as thankful as French President Jacques Chirac was for
France's liberation.

The Neocons fed the idiot President the dream that we would
pied-piper the Iraqis into Baghdad, Chalabi would be vested
with the throne and all would be a bed of roses. Then the
rest of the Middle East would see how wonderful it is in Iraq
and Kum Ba Yah!

But were ALL the Neocons this dumb, or did they just pretend
to be?

If you spend some time reading (I'll admit I just skimmed)
Neocon material from the Clinton years you might piece
together what they really had in mind. I'll say I am vague
on how the details piece together, someone can offer their
opinions about the complex ties in the Middle East.

The picture I got from their material is that they foresaw
a realignment that was favorable to the US-Jordan-Israel
block if Iraq was dismantled. They believed that the
natural center for the Shiites in southern Lebanon (on
Israel's border) was with the Shiites in southern Iraq. That
the natural spiritual center is there in Najaf and Karbala Iraq.
This would supplant Iranian influence in Lebanon, and
in turn diminish Syrian influence. Diminishing Syrian
influence would trigger the demise of the mafia running
Syria (aren't they wishful thinkers). Moreover, the
Iranian Revolution is NOT in complete spiritual alignment
with the spiritual beliefs of the leaders in Najaf and Karbala,
so the Neocons are hopeful that a swing towards Najaf , in
the Shiite community as a whole, would trigger a reversal
of the Iranian Revolution.

There is more, a whole lot more, but the bottom line is
that their plans bear no relationship to the sweet picture
that the general public is presented -
that of a seed of democracy taking flower and spreading
across the Middle East, which is the delusion Bush was
fed and Bush screwed up big time.

Jag Pop
"...just a goddamn piece of paper"
Bush, November 2005


Mar 19, 2006, 9:00:35 PM3/19/06
bush,jr conceived the Iraqi war.
bush,jr is responsible for the Iraqi war
bush,jr is responsible for the failure in Iraq.

*No one else*!

Day Brown

Mar 20, 2006, 3:30:16 PM3/20/06
Refreshing to see some analysis of analysis, even if flawed. Statecraft
is an art not a science, yet so many posters react as if they have
indisputable facts to go on. Which have never, in 5000 years of
history, been available in the Levant.

One of the conplex threads that had to be dealt with was the Saudi
king, who was dying, and is now dead. Neither Clinton, nor the Neocons,
wanted US troops to be in Saudi Arabia when that happened, yet they had
to be there because of the threat posed by Saddam.

Ergo, move the troops out of Saudi Arabia, at the same time use them to
get rid of Saddam. And while it seems that the whole operation has been
carried out stupidly, the Jihadim and Ben Ladin aint so smart either.
There are, moreover, a myriad of priorities on all sides that lead to a

Sun Tzu said to know thy enemy. Neither in this case really understands
themselves, much less their perceived enemy, who- if they were not
given one, would find an excuse to create one. The effects of
testosterone and the alpha male instinct to dominate and control women
has a large part in all this.

And all this has been going on for 5000 years of rule by the warrior
class. Islam is only the most obvious and violent of the Levantine
religions, which are, as a class, the most violent by far compared to
Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Shintoism, et al down the line to local
shamanism. All these more peaceful religions *dont* have a concept of
the divine as a jealous and vengeful father god.

Note, its not as if all the believers in a Levantine religion are
violent, but the men instinctively inclined to be violent have a more
facile excuse in the way they interpret scripture. But before all these
religions, 5000 years ago, many early agrarian cultures worshipped the
Great Mother Earth Goddess. You can understand the relative
peacefulness of the era when you think about all the trouble a
demagogue would have trying to rile up a mob or an army by claiming
that *he* speaks in *HER* name. Psychologically, it just dont work.

But now, we are at the end of the era of warrior rule. The bravery and
strong right arm of the warrior, sword in hand, is no longer adequate
force. The most dangerous weapons now were invented by pencil neck
geeks and are often used by women. And- the geeks and women are looking
at the brain scans, the hormone profile and biochemistry of the mind,
and figuring out why the alpha males are so needlessly aggressive.

The violence is messy, and repairing the damage is driving up the
insurance rates of the transnationals. They dont like the idea of
people flying planes into their penthouses either. The Jihadim are
right, the Transnationals dont giva fuck about religion, much less
theirs, and have been taking all their smart women into their high rise
offices from the Islamic homelands. The Jihadim want to put a stop to
this, and try to get even more control over their women. But the
draconian Shia law is driving smart women out of their regions of
control even faster.

And since this has been going on for a few generations now, and women
hand down most of the intelligence on the mtDNA, the Jihadim and other
such patriarchic jackass religions have been loosing smart girls- who
go away to college, get degrees then go out to find the perfect... job.
Perfect husbands, as Dr. Laura has made perfectly clear by saying
"Well, you picked him honey." are no longer an option.

Smart people in psycho-neurology know that FMRI brain scans show that
when a suspect is telling the truth, it only activates memory regions.
But when a suspect is lying, it reduces memory and activates the
prefrontal lobes. Yet, for some reason, the "intelligence" community
keeps on using methods as obsolete as torture at Gitmo and in Iraq.

Why else other than so many alpha males in charge? Why else other than
to have an excuse to express their violent instincts? But nevertheless,
the Islamic world is full of such jackasses in control... of oil money.
And they've been indoctrinating boys to grow up to be willing to use
violence to spread Islam. Such as we see going on in Nigeria and Sudan.

The New World Order Transnationals dont like that. The violence is bad
for business. They dont like bombs going off in their hotels just cause
local moslems have a problem with local Hindus or whatever.

So- as Machiavelli tells us, when the king makers have a distasteful
task [move more forcefully into the Persian gulf to shut off the flow
of oil money to these fanatics training suicide bombers], they will
find a man of flawed character [GW Bush], to do it for them. Then,
after the fait accompli [troops in Iraq], they will discover his faults
[lots to choose from, with impeachment proceedings being mentioned to
begin after the Dems take over congress], and send him away, he taking
the guilt for the action away with him.

Just like the Serbs did Malosevic. (see at Then, the kingmakers will replace him
with a man of impeccable reputation and intelligence, who can go to the
offended parties and say "I'm sorry for what that bad man Bush did, but
we are where we are, and maybe we can work something out."

Unfortuntely, the kingmakers havent been all that smart either, or up
on the latest technology. As well as lacking in imagination. Gore would
have went along with simply destroying Saddam's media infrastructure
and replacing it with airborn transmitters. For just 5% of what was
spent on the war, they could also have setup WWF wrestling in Dubai, or
maybe even real gladatorial combat for the dudes overdosed on

And rather than talk about the 12 year old virgins Mohammet promises
after death to the Jihadim, provide the video *now* of virgins or
whatever doing whatever their alpha fantasies would like to see. Dont
draft soldiers, draft hookers off the streets, and set them up as call
girls in Bagdad, at bargain basement prices... you'll find out
everything thats going on. All of this may be digusting, but it works
without getting people killed.

Machiavelli will tell you that you cant run a tyranny without control
over the flow of information. Neither Bush nor Saddam seems to have
understood. But we are where we are. The GOP will either havta open
impeachment hearings, or see their asses thrown out to be replaced by
democrats who are eager to.

If they can replace Bush with McCain, then the senator can go on Iraqi
TV and tell them that, as Machiavelli said, he's sorry for what that
bad man Bush did. "But look at what he did to me in the 2000 South
Carolina Primaries." And show McCain standing there with his dark
skinned daughter, while the racist slanders of the Bush campaign are
reported. Just like Mohammet, McCain took an orphan girl into his
house. It'll play really well on Al Jazerra. We wont mention the fact
that Mohammet *married* his 9 year old orphan.

But dont that fact, the men will follow a prophet with a *9* year old
wife ring bells in the back of your head? Do you need any more evidence
of a genetic line with the Y chromosome tending to produce testosterone

But McCain was a real warrior, and suffered torture at the hands of an
enemy in ways that the Islamic world understands. Maybe he can work
something out. I always admired the political skill of the Clintons,
but like Jerry Ford, McCain could do a real service before Mrs. Clinton
takes over. That blonde bitch would raise hackles all over the Islamic
world. But all of them will want their photos with McCain and his dark
skinned daughter.

Mar 20, 2006, 3:36:49 PM3/20/06

No matter how you dress it, and no matter how much you try to give
others the benefit of the doubt, it still comes out the same -- if it
stinks, it's rotten.

And that's that.

Do you know why demons smell?

I don't, I'm really curious as I've heard others say the same thing --
maybe it's an early warning system, like missle defense.

Fuck off.

Tag Heuer

Mar 20, 2006, 4:41:33 PM3/20/06

A thorny weed in sand saturated with oil, sown by war architects whose
idea of cultivating democracy is composed and inspired by a chimp
playing with it's own excrement with a stick . Great.

>Jag Pop
>"...just a goddamn piece of paper"
>Bush, November 2005

Tag Heuer

Mar 20, 2006, 4:41:59 PM3/20/06
On 20 Mar 2006 12:30:16 -0800, "Day Brown" <>

Absolutely goddamn fugging funny! Keep 'em comin'! >har har har<

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