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War Drums Rattle On

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A Planet Visitor

Feb 6, 2003, 3:14:17 PM2/6/03
Some might wonder why I have taken today to post various articles
on the Iraq invasion... well...

Yesterday, I believe I saw the last vestige of the possibility of avoiding
that conflict evaporate. The war drums now clamor for blood.

Not that I felt Powell was especially convincing (I believe he was not...
the 'intelligence' he provided is second-rate, compared to our TRUE
intelligence capabilities, and was held back because either there is
nothing there, or we do not wish to divulge the sources or the methods
behind that information). But rather, that I believe the last voice against
invasion, within the Bush administration, Powell himself, has now swung
his support in favor of such an invasion. I am also convinced that the
'best choice' for Saddam... that of taking refuge in a guaranteed 'safety
asylum' in an Arab country, where he could still live in opulence, but be
politically impotent, will never be accepted. He is determined to
'tough it out,' to the 'Last Iraqi citizen.' Nor will he accept any 'loss
of face,' by becoming more forthright. He has chosen the course of
Hitler, in the last days of his Nazi 'empire.'

It's a sorry mess... IMHO. We may not 'lose many of our boys,' in
such an invasion... and we may even inflict a casualty rate of 100 to
1 (hell with 'advance bombing' it may even be 500 to 1). The Iraqi
military might collapse like a house of cards. We might easily topple
Hussein and bring him before a 'World' court of Justice. We might even
succeed in transforming Iraq in terms of tens of years of effort. But we
WILL 'lose some of our boys.' And we WILL 'lose' the little support we
have within the great mass of the Arab people, in terms of many years
to come.

And for what I see as .... no good reason... of course... IMHO.


Donna Evleth

Feb 6, 2003, 5:38:40 PM2/6/03

Dans l'article <tmz0a.30681$>, "A Planet
Visitor" <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a écrit :

We have often disagreed. But not here, not now. IYHO is in this case

What I see in the immediate will be floods of refugees, some of whom will
carry bombs. They will be "defending the cause of the Arab people." They
may be in my neighborhood. That is not the real problem. I have lived a
good life, longer than either of my parents. The real problem is that we
have not been able to convey our sense of values to the Arab people. I feel
they think in a longer time span than we do. Conveying our sense of values
may take a couple of generations. Multiple generations, even. Dropping
bombs on them is not going to convey anything but hatred. We do not need to
send this message.

I really wish we would not do this. But I think we will. And I am so sad.

Donna Evleth


Feb 6, 2003, 4:54:25 PM2/6/03
Subject: War Drums Rattle On
From: "Donna Evleth"
Date: 2/6/2003 5:38 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <3e42d5ce$0$1926$>

Donna Evleth


Go back to the bombings of the WTC in the early ninties.

The militant Arab Muslims will soon reap the whirlwind, Donna.

And the worst part, is the middle of the line Arabs did nothing to stop the
terror campaign that followed.

As far as the bombers coming to your neighborhood, what has your (the French
government) done to stop them? What are they doing to stop the terrorists now.

Yes, Donna, it is sad. But you should have done something a long time ago.



Mr Q. Z. Diablo

Feb 6, 2003, 6:32:53 PM2/6/03
In article <>, (JIGSAW1695) wrote:

> Go back to the bombings of the WTC in the early ninties.
> The militant Arab Muslims will soon reap the whirlwind, Donna.

Actually, Jiggy, I feel that the USA and its interests abroad may soon
reap the whirlwind. The invasion of Iraq is, IMHO, the single thing
most likely to provoke a reaction from Islamic terrorist organisations
world-wide. Terrorist organisations, may I add, who had no previous
alliances with or interest in Iraq. Saddam Hussein's pan-Arab rhetoric,
though, has been such that he will find "allies" in unlikely quarters
who are likely to take out their anger on the USA in whatever way they

What a silly, silly man your moronic president is. He surrounds
himself, on top of it all, with truly evil, ruthless, arrogant fuckers
who will stop at nothing to see their odious ideologies prevail at any

God may well bless America but any thinking person will wish a curse
upon its current, repulsive administration.

> And the worst part, is the middle of the line Arabs did nothing to stop
> the
> terror campaign that followed.

And how could they have done that?

> As far as the bombers coming to your neighborhood, what has your (the
> French
> government) done to stop them? What are they doing to stop the terrorists
> now.

Could you tell me which bombers have "[come] to [Donna's] neighborhood",

> Yes, Donna, it is sad. But you should have done something a long time
> ago.

What are you babbling about, Jiggy? Have you been at the sippin' whisky

Mr Q. Z. D.
Drinker, systems administrator, wannabe writer, musician and all-round bastard.
"...Base 8 is just like base 10 really... ((o))
If you're missing two fingers." - Tom Lehrer ((O))


Feb 6, 2003, 6:45:50 PM2/6/03
Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On
From: "Mr Q. Z. Diablo"
Date: 2/6/2003 6:32 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <>

Mr Q. Z. D.

Well, just a tad or two of Irish whiskey.

Mr Q. Z. Diablo

Feb 6, 2003, 7:22:57 PM2/6/03
In article <>, (JIGSAW1695) wrote:

> Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On
> From: "Mr Q. Z. Diablo"

> What are you babbling about, Jiggy? Have you been at the sippin' whisky
> again?

> ===============================

> Well, just a tad or two of Irish whiskey.

Honesty. That's an admirable quality. You are forgiven.

I never did get used to Irish whiskey, though. Smooth but with no real
"bite" to it. An acquired taste, no doubt.


Feb 6, 2003, 8:32:59 PM2/6/03
Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On
From: Desmond Coughlan
Date: 2/6/2003 6:50 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <>

le Thu, 06 Feb 2003 23:32:53 GMT, dans l'article
<>, Mr Q. Z. Diablo
<> a dit ...

>> Go back to the bombings of the WTC in the early ninties.
>> The militant Arab Muslims will soon reap the whirlwind, Donna.

> Actually, Jiggy, I feel that the USA and its interests abroad may soon
> reap the whirlwind. The invasion of Iraq is, IMHO, the single thing most
> likely to provoke a reaction from Islamic terrorist organisations
> world-wide. Terrorist organisations, may I add, who had no previous
> alliances with or interest in Iraq. Saddam Hussein's pan-Arab rhetoric,
> though, has been such that he will find "allies" in unlikely quarters who
> are likely to take out their anger on the USA in whatever way they can.

I have seen some excerpts of the interview with Saddam Hussein, and when he
says that if he had links with Al'Queda, he would not be ashamed to admit
it, I believe him.

Terrorists are not like 'ordinary' murderers. Most murderers try to deny
their acts to escape punishment; try to distance themselves from their
victims. Terrorists need recognition. A terrorist does not kill in the
shadows. He ackowledges his act, even if not in person. They are
fanatics, not afraid to die.

This one factor, is the most compelling evidence to refute the claims that
Al'Queda were involved in the attacks of '9/11' (sic). They have not
admitted to those attacks. If they had carried them out, they would have
claimed responsibility. To state that they have not done so for fear of
American retaliation, is fatuous, for they would have known that the United
States would lash out blindly, killing innocents in the process, as is her
wont, and indeed as she did in Afghanistan. They did not admit to those
attacks, quite simply because they did not carry them out.

{ snip }

Desmond Coughlan



Feb 6, 2003, 8:35:16 PM2/6/03
Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On
From: "Mr Q. Z. Diablo"
Date: 2/6/2003 7:22 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <>

In article <>, (JIGSAW1695) wrote:

> Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On
> From: "Mr Q. Z. Diablo"

> What are you babbling about, Jiggy? Have you been at the sippin' whisky
> again?

> ===============================

> Well, just a tad or two of Irish whiskey.

Honesty. That's an admirable quality. You are forgiven.

I never did get used to Irish whiskey, though. Smooth but with no real
"bite" to it. An acquired taste, no doubt.

Mr Q. Z. D.
<sob> I was out of bourbon.

Richard J

Feb 6, 2003, 9:20:21 PM2/6/03

Donna, If you lived a thousand years, you would be unable to convey a
western sense of values to Arabs.


Dr. Dolly Coughlan

Feb 6, 2003, 9:29:00 PM2/6/03
In article <>, Desmond Coughlan
<> writes:

>Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On

>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 22:53:15 +0000
>le Thu, 06 Feb 2003 20:14:17 GMT, dans l'article

><tmz0a.30681$>, A Planet Visitor

><abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a dit ...

>> Some might wonder why I have taken today to post various articles
>> on the Iraq invasion... well...

>Most probably just assumed it was another attempt to 'grab attention' by
>being higher up on the list of 'original posters' when the statistics are
>published tomorrow.
>{ snip FW playing the role of the 'thoughtful statesman' ... and looking
> like a pretentious twat in the process }
>Desmond Coughlan |desmond @ zeouane . org
>__ __ _ __ ____________ ____ _
>\ \ / /_ _ _ __ ___ __ _| |__ __ _ \ \ / /__ / ___| | _ \/ |
> \ V / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | \ V / / /| |_ _____| |_) | |
> | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | / /_| _|_____| _ <| |
> |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_| /____|_| |_| \_\_|
> ------------------- Headers --------------------
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty

>Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On

>Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 22:53:15 +0000
>Lines: 21
>Sender: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <tmz0a.30681$>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>X-Trace: 1044572320 40139048 (16 [91468])
>X-Orig-Path: not-for-mail
>X-No-Archive: true
>Mail-Copies-To: never
>X-PGP-Fingerprint: 3F1F C838 88D5 2659 B00A 6DF6 6883 FB9C E34A AC93
>User-Agent: tin/1.5.14-20020926 ("Soil") (UNIX) (FreeBSD/4.5-RELEASE (i386))

Poor Desi, yet another drunken lie! The Dr. Dolly Coughlan archive exists
because Desmond Coughlan lacks conviction in his words. He won't allow his
posts to be archived in Google. Please feel free to use it to your advantage.

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

Feb 6, 2003, 9:28:58 PM2/6/03
In article <>, Desmond Coughlan
<> writes:

>Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 23:59:15 +0000
>le 06 Feb 2003 21:54:25 GMT, dans l'article
><>, JIGSAW1695
><> a dit ...
>{ snip }

>> As far as the bombers coming to your neighborhood, what has your (the
>> French government) done to stop them? What are they doing to stop the
>> terrorists now.

>Ho, ho, ho ... you dribbling spastic, Jigsaw. I can see you now, knuckles
>dragging along the 'sidewalk' (sic), as you read only those pages of the
>_National Enquirer_ where Elvis is reported to be alive and well, and where
>some idiot claims that France is an 'enemy' of 'America' (sic). LOL !!
>In the meantime, perhaps you'd care to tell us how many arrests police
>and/or FBI in the United States have made. In France, several dozen
>suspected terrorists are currently cooling their heels in gaol, whilst in
>Spain, Germany and the UK, spectacular setbacks are being dealt to Islamic
>Fundamentalist networks.
>So in answer to your rather moronic question ...

>> What are they doing to stop the terrorists now.

>... the answer is: a lot more than the United States.

>Desmond Coughlan |desmond @ zeouane . org
>__ __ _ __ ____________ ____ _
>\ \ / /_ _ _ __ ___ __ _| |__ __ _ \ \ / /__ / ___| | _ \/ |
> \ V / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | \ V / / /| |_ _____| |_) | |
> | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | / /_| _|_____| _ <| |
> |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_| /____|_| |_| \_\_|
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On

>Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 23:59:15 +0000
>Lines: 34
>Sender: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <3e42d5ce$0$1926$>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>X-Trace: 1044576217 41120952 (16 [91468])

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

Feb 6, 2003, 9:28:59 PM2/6/03
In article <>, Desmond Coughlan
<> writes:

>Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 23:50:25 +0000

>Desmond Coughlan |desmond @ zeouane . org
>__ __ _ __ ____________ ____ _
>\ \ / /_ _ _ __ ___ __ _| |__ __ _ \ \ / /__ / ___| | _ \/ |
> \ V / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | \ V / / /| |_ _____| |_) | |
> | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | / /_| _|_____| _ <| |
> |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_| /____|_| |_| \_\_|
> ------------------- Headers --------------------

>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On

>Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 23:50:25 +0000
>Lines: 44
>Sender: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <3e42d5ce$0$1926$>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>X-Trace: 1044575914 40237378 (16 [91468])

John Rennie

Feb 6, 2003, 9:37:58 PM2/6/03

"Richard J" <> wrote in message
> Donna Evleth wrote:
> >


> Donna, If you lived a thousand years, you would be unable to convey a
> western sense of values to Arabs.
> Teflon

Who would bloody well want them?

Richard J

Feb 6, 2003, 9:52:34 PM2/6/03

The values or the Arabs?

John Rennie

Feb 6, 2003, 9:58:05 PM2/6/03

"Richard J" <> wrote in message

Ho! Ho! Our so called boody values, Richard. Values that
persuade us to become aggressors of a country that does not
present a threat to either of our countries. Incidentally
many of the values that we treasure emanated from the East
not the least of which is the Christian religion, the product
of a semitic tribe. Name me one great religion that started
in the West? (Excepting the Scientologists, of course ;-))

Richard J

Feb 6, 2003, 11:52:37 PM2/6/03

I always rather liked the Druids. I understand there are still a few of
them around England, eh?


A Planet Visitor

Feb 7, 2003, 12:42:39 AM2/7/03

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message

> le Thu, 06 Feb 2003 20:14:17 GMT, dans l'article <tmz0a.30681$>, A Planet Visitor
<abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a dit ...
> > Some might wonder why I have taken today to post various articles
> > on the Iraq invasion... well...
> Most probably just assumed it was another attempt to 'grab attention' by
> being higher up on the list of 'original posters' when the statistics are
> published tomorrow.
> { snip FW playing the role of the 'thoughtful statesman' ... and looking
> like a pretentious twat in the process }
As with your 'condemnation' of tributes to MLK and Mamie Till Mobley,
which confirmed you as a racist; it seems now that you would 'really'
be happy if that invasion did happen. It would give you the fodder you
need to spread your evil. You're actually NOT CONCERNED with that
invasion... if you believe by entering into it, you can gain some leverage in
your anti-American psychotic disorder. It's not 'about life,' to you... it's
about hoping to be able to say 'I told you so,' when the truth is you WISH
for it to happen, so you CAN say 'I told you so.'

The only one being a 'pretentious twat,' here, is you, desi. I would be
surprised if others didn't see it. As I believe your descent into mania is
clearly in evidence here. Imagine condemning a person, for paying tributes
to civil-rights leaders, and for that person finding that contemplating 'this
particular war,' is unreasonable. That certainly says more about YOU... than
it does about me.

Nor have I ever expressed an opinion that an invasion of Iraq would be
a 'good' thing,' as you now seem to believe... because you believe
you can go 'one-up' if it happens.


> --
> Ayatollah desi |Superlunary and Most Exalted
> |Spiritual Leader of the Universal
> |Right to Life Church. (umm... get
> |away from me -- you filthy black
> |starving child in Africa) 'My church'
> |isn't for you.

One wonders where that 'Universal Right to Life' is, in this picture --
Oh... wait a minute... I think I see it behind that small brush in the
background. There on the left... see it, desi? Those two hidden eyes
of the 'provider of the Universal Right to Life,' peering from the brush.
How COULD I have missed that 'timeless, eternal, beyond everything' right
that all 'life' possesses? Too bad that 'your Church' isn't for that child.

A Planet Visitor

Feb 7, 2003, 12:42:39 AM2/7/03

"John Rennie" <> wrote in message news:4hF0a.330$

Actually, of ALL 'organized religions,' none of which one could ever
even begin to be called 'perfect'... the best Western religion in my mind
is the Unitarian... Almost preferring to concentrate on secular values
in living our lives, and not worrying too much about accusing other
'religions' of being 'wrong.' Basing their values more on a belief in a
'creator' and not much more. And actually the word 'religion' itself,
implies a belief in SOME FORM of deity, or 'higher order.' See
and for the principles of that 'religion' see


Doug Haxton

Feb 7, 2003, 12:51:35 AM2/7/03
On Thu, 06 Feb 2003 20:14:17 GMT, "A Planet Visitor"
<abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote:

>It's a sorry mess... IMHO. We may not 'lose many of our boys,' in
>such an invasion... and we may even inflict a casualty rate of 100 to
>1 (hell with 'advance bombing' it may even be 500 to 1).

Actually, we inflicted a casualty rate of approximately 1,000 to 1 in
the last Gulf War; this time it might be 10,000 to 1.


A Planet Visitor

Feb 7, 2003, 1:13:12 AM2/7/03

"Doug Haxton" <> wrote in message
This time... with Saddam personally threatened by the knock on
the door of Baghdad... the use of chemical and biological weapons
might work against such a staggering difference.


> Doug


Feb 7, 2003, 1:36:15 AM2/7/03
Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On
From: Richard J
Date: 2/6/2003 11:52 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <>


Yea, and ol' Henry the Eight make up his own rules and his own religion not to
mention berking Ann Bolin.

Doug Haxton

Feb 7, 2003, 3:15:35 PM2/7/03
"A Planet Visitor" <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message news:<Y7I0a.21218$>...

> > Actually, we inflicted a casualty rate of approximately 1,000 to 1 in
> > the last Gulf War; this time it might be 10,000 to 1.
> >
> This time... with Saddam personally threatened by the knock on
> the door of Baghdad... the use of chemical and biological weapons
> might work against such a staggering difference.

Actually, chemical and biological weapons are considerably less
effective against a modern, well-prepared (i.e., the US Army)
opponenent than most popular press accounts would indicate.
Well-informed sources I've read speculate that Saddam could inflict
hundreds of casualties at most.


Donna Evleth

Feb 7, 2003, 4:25:55 PM2/7/03

Dans l'article <>, Richard J
<> a écrit :

Yes, but I thought that the Bush administration had plans for making Iraq a
future catalyst for change in the whole Middle East, notably by bringing in
democracy, a western value. I seem to remember reading somewhere that this
was one of the main purposes of the war and toppling Saddam.

Donna Evleth

Hugh Neary

Feb 7, 2003, 3:44:56 PM2/7/03
On Fri, 07 Feb 2003 00:22:57 GMT, "Mr Q. Z. Diablo"
<> wrote:

>In article <>,
> (JIGSAW1695) wrote:
>> Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On
>> From: "Mr Q. Z. Diablo"
>> What are you babbling about, Jiggy? Have you been at the sippin' whisky
>> again?
>> ===============================
>> Well, just a tad or two of Irish whiskey.
>Honesty. That's an admirable quality. You are forgiven.
>I never did get used to Irish whiskey, though. Smooth but with no real
>"bite" to it. An acquired taste, no doubt.

????? How can you sum Irish Whisky up like that!! Shame on you QZD.
There are not quite as many Irish whiskys to choose from but I would
mark Powers & Jamesons as being the equal or better than most coming
out of Scotland.


>Mr Q. Z. D.

Mr Q. Z. D. at home

Feb 7, 2003, 6:05:17 PM2/7/03
In article <>, (Doug Haxton) wrote:

Using chemical/biological weapons, you're probably right.

The casualties inflicted by conventional weapons will be far greater
than in the first Gulf War, IMHO. The US military has generally been
good at fighting campaigns on open ground but exceptionally poor at
taking defended cities.

Also, in the first Gulf war, it was clear to even the most casual
observer that the Iraqi army was only defending its conquered territory.
It is one thing for a foriegn power to drive you out of a country that
isn't yours and quite another for a foriegn power to walk in and try to
_take_ your country away from you. I think that the USA can expect
quite a lot more opposition when it reaches Baghdad.

Mr Q. Z. D. at home

Feb 7, 2003, 6:06:32 PM2/7/03
In article <>, Hugh Neary
<> wrote:

> ????? How can you sum Irish Whisky up like that!! Shame on you QZD.
> There are not quite as many Irish whiskys to choose from but I would
> mark Powers & Jamesons as being the equal or better than most coming
> out of Scotland.

I quite like Jamesons but it is quite a different taste from, say, an
Oban or a Talisker - tastes that I very much enjoy.

A Planet Visitor

Feb 7, 2003, 6:50:49 PM2/7/03

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message
> le Fri, 07 Feb 2003 05:42:39 GMT, dans l'article <jHH0a.21208$>, A Planet Visitor

<abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a dit ...
> >> > Some might wonder why I have taken today to post various articles on
> >> > the Iraq invasion... well...
> >> Most probably just assumed it was another attempt to 'grab attention' by
> >> being higher up on the list of 'original posters' when the statistics
> >> are published tomorrow.
> >>
> >> { snip FW playing the role of the 'thoughtful statesman' ... and looking
> >> like a pretentious twat in the process }
> { snip tiny tears }

> > Nor have I ever expressed an opinion that an invasion of Iraq would be a
> > 'good' thing,' as you now seem to believe... because you believe you can
> > go 'one-up' if it happens.
> I didn't claim that you did. I just pointed out that your lack of a formal
> education quite obviously drives you _insane_, and to compensate, you are
> reduced to posting pretentious attempts to appear 'thoughtful', when in
> fact 'thought' is as alien to you as 'justice' is to your black-hating
> kind.

Another atttempt to divert your own racism onto me.. you will not
find me offering such comments as these. These are YOUR words --

1) Your words in describing the words of someone intent on robbing you --
"Gimmie da money, honkey mothafucka, oh ah toast yo ass !!"

2) And in another post, almost the same -- "'Gimme da dough,
mothafucka o ah toast yo ass !!'" Somehow it always ends up to be a Black
In your descriptions of a 'typical' robber.

3) Calling others -- "smelly 'Jigaboo' Ausländer."

4) Posting to me -- "I even 'tweaked' your nose a few days back, by using the
word 'jigaboo'" Presuming he insults ME, rather than an entire race.

5) And again to me -- "same bestial beating administered to LDB's now almost
'jigaboo' buttocks"

6) And again to me -- "Paris is an oasis of safety, be you jigaboo (ho, ho, ho ...)
or not."

7)And again to me -- "Say, LDB ... how come your "ass" [sic] is so
jigaboo these days ?' ... "

8) And to Mr. D. -- "France (the Greatest Country on the Face of the Earth,
BTW) did not 'lose' the match against those jigaboo (*snigger*) upstarts, QZD."

9) And most recently for everyone's ear --- "I cream in my pants when they execute
a dumbfuck nigga fry black fucker,"

10) And another -- Purposely turning your infamous no-archive off to pointedly
demonstrate you are an announced racist when you turned on that archive to say
"FW seems to have a masochist streak that leads him to present his 'jigaboo'
(*chuckle*) buttocks to the assembled throng on AADP and _beg_ to be spanked."

11) And another -- "If we start to bring money into the equation, then we cut
overseas aid because after all, they're 'only niggers'. . . and so on."

12) And another -- "Talking of pointy hats, Don: lynched any "niggers" lately?"

13) And another -- "Look, Chuck, the murdering niggers ... I mean, blacks who kill
in this country, get due process."

14) And another -- "or 'niggers' as they're called in his neck of the woods,"

15) And another -- "waiting for some delinquant (as Jigsaw would call them,

16) And even to Germans -- "it was German beer ... now, if only I could get the
smell of sausage out of the bloody bottles"

17) Also -- "Indeed, perhaps if the floods that are presently threatening Germany,
had been controlled before they swept across into Europe, from the Czech
Republic and Poland, then this fair continent would have been saved the
same fate as the smelly 'auslanders'."

18) Then, there was your recent remark that making favorable comments about
the past civil rights efforts of Mamie Till Mobley, as her death was reported, here
in this newsgroup was a racist comments posted by a racist. See

19) And then your hysterical outrage that someone could possibly suggest that
MLK be recognized as having contributed to civil rights on MLK day. In --

20) "the 'onery ragheads' * that are Arabs"

21) "not that Iraq has anything to do with al'Queda either, other than
that it's ruled by 'filthy ragheads'"

22) "Hey, why bother, right ? They're only ragheads ... 'Arab cunts'"

23)"'What the fuck, it's only ragheads ?"

24) "Iraq is ruled by 'filthy ragheads.'"

25) "The maniacal laughter as yet more 'ragheads' (sic) were killed in Palestine."

What a vile, disgusting little man you can be... and your 'excuse'????
Because of my 'lack of a formal education.' Can you see how pathetic
you are... to presume that means you can be a racist? If your
self-preening claim to a 'formal education,' taught you to offer the
comments I have quoted from you, and the comment I again offer
below... that hardly speaks to that education actually providing anything
useful for our species. In fact, it seems you were taught to be 'destructive,'
either through parental nurturing, or through some very dismal educational


desi's words --

"I engage in 'abuse' of deathies as a matter of course. That's what they're

there for. `echo $DEITY` gave them to us, much as She gave sparrows to

the domestic cat. They're our playthings. They have no relevance in the

real world, except to remind us of the dark side to human nature, that can

exist in all of us. They're like child rapists. Nazis. Torturers of

small animals.

All this pretence of 'let's be civil to one another' is nauseating. How can

you be 'civil' to garbage ?"

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

Feb 7, 2003, 9:29:17 PM2/7/03
In article <>, Desmond Coughlan
<> writes:

>Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On

>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 07:17:29 +0000
>le 07 Feb 2003 01:32:59 GMT, dans l'article
><>, JIGSAW1695
><> a dit ...
>{ snip my biting, incisive analysis of '9/11' (sic) }
>> LOL!!!
>What a stunning response, Jigsaw ...

>Desmond Coughlan |desmond @ zeouane . org
>__ __ _ __ ____________ ____ _
>\ \ / /_ _ _ __ ___ __ _| |__ __ _ \ \ / /__ / ___| | _ \/ |
> \ V / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | \ V / / /| |_ _____| |_) | |
> | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | / /_| _|_____| _ <| |
> |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_| /____|_| |_| \_\_|
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty

>Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On

>Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 07:17:29 +0000
>Lines: 17
>Sender: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>X-Trace: 1044602612 40393924 (16 [91468])

>X-Orig-Path: not-for-mail
>X-No-Archive: true
>Mail-Copies-To: never
>X-PGP-Fingerprint: 3F1F C838 88D5 2659 B00A 6DF6 6883 FB9C E34A AC93
>User-Agent: tin/1.5.14-20020926 ("Soil") (UNIX) (FreeBSD/4.5-RELEASE (i386))

Poor Desi, yet another drunken lie! The Dr. Dolly Coughlan archive exists
because Desmond Coughlan lacks conviction in his words. He won't allow his

posts to be archived in Google. Please feel free to use it to your advantage.

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

Feb 7, 2003, 9:29:17 PM2/7/03
In article <>, Desmond Coughlan
<> writes:

>Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 10:42:10 +0000

>le Fri, 07 Feb 2003 05:42:39 GMT, dans l'article
><jHH0a.21208$>, A Planet Visitor
><abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a dit ...
>>> > Some might wonder why I have taken today to post various articles on
>>> > the Iraq invasion... well...
>>> Most probably just assumed it was another attempt to 'grab attention' by
>>> being higher up on the list of 'original posters' when the statistics
>>> are published tomorrow.
>>> { snip FW playing the role of the 'thoughtful statesman' ... and looking
>>> like a pretentious twat in the process }
>{ snip tiny tears }
>> Nor have I ever expressed an opinion that an invasion of Iraq would be a
>> 'good' thing,' as you now seem to believe... because you believe you can
>> go 'one-up' if it happens.
>I didn't claim that you did. I just pointed out that your lack of a formal
>education quite obviously drives you _insane_, and to compensate, you are
>reduced to posting pretentious attempts to appear 'thoughtful', when in
>fact 'thought' is as alien to you as 'justice' is to your black-hating

>Desmond Coughlan |desmond @ zeouane . org
>__ __ _ __ ____________ ____ _
>\ \ / /_ _ _ __ ___ __ _| |__ __ _ \ \ / /__ / ___| | _ \/ |
> \ V / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | \ V / / /| |_ _____| |_) | |
> | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | / /_| _|_____| _ <| |
> |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_| /____|_| |_| \_\_|
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On

>Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 10:42:10 +0000
>Lines: 33
>Sender: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <tmz0a.30681$>
><> <jHH0a.21208$>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>X-Trace: 1044614911 41012801 (16 [91468])

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

Feb 7, 2003, 9:29:15 PM2/7/03
In article <>, Desmond Coughlan
<> writes:

>Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2003 01:55:37 +0000
>le Fri, 07 Feb 2003 23:50:49 GMT, dans l'article
><tDX0a.24949$>, A Planet Visitor

><abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a dit ...
>>> >> > Some might wonder why I have taken today to post various articles
>>> >> > on the Iraq invasion... well...
>>> >> Most probably just assumed it was another attempt to 'grab attention'
>>> >> by being higher up on the list of 'original posters' when the
>>> >> statistics are published tomorrow.
>>> >>
>>> >> { snip FW playing the role of the 'thoughtful statesman' ... and
>>> >> looking like a pretentious twat in the process }

>>> > Nor have I ever expressed an opinion that an invasion of Iraq would be
>>> > a 'good' thing,' as you now seem to believe... because you believe you
>>> > can go 'one-up' if it happens.
>>> I didn't claim that you did. I just pointed out that your lack of a
>>> formal education quite obviously drives you _insane_, and to compensate,
>>> you are reduced to posting pretentious attempts to appear 'thoughtful',
>>> when in fact 'thought' is as alien to you as 'justice' is to your
>>> black-hating kind.

>> Another atttempt to divert your own racism onto me.. you will not find me
>> offering such comments as these. These are YOUR words --

>{ snip copied and pasted text file, containing misrepresented 'quotes'
> (sic) ... }
>LOL ... still not able to make a cogent point, FuckWit ? What a pity. For
>the benefit of the group, I'd remind you all of the following, verifiable
>opinions by FW ..
>FW believes in a 'Universal Right To Life Church';
>FW believes that every robber is a black man;
>FW supports on-demand abortion;
>FW would prefer that Theodore Frank murder, rather than be execute;
>FW 'giggles' when talking about '9/11' (sic);
>FW believes that all abolitionists should torture and kill retentionists;
>FW believes that he is 'God' (sic);
>FW accused Judge Zobel of being 'a crook';
>FW believes that the Constitution was written by 'God' (sic);
>FW supports the continued incestuous rape of a 14-year-old, by her father
>All words that FuckWit has, at one time or other, attributed to me. As at
>_no time_ have I written those words, they (according to FW's own logic)
>automatically become his ... sorry, 'HIS' (sic).
>Ho, ho, ho ...
>{ snip enraged hissy fit }

>Desmond Coughlan |desmond @ zeouane . org
>__ __ _ __ ____________ ____ _
>\ \ / /_ _ _ __ ___ __ _| |__ __ _ \ \ / /__ / ___| | _ \/ |
> \ V / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | \ V / / /| |_ _____| |_) | |
> | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | / /_| _|_____| _ <| |
> |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_| /____|_| |_| \_\_|
> ------------------- Headers --------------------

>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: War Drums Rattle On

>Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2003 01:55:37 +0000
>Lines: 60
>Sender: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <tmz0a.30681$>
><> <jHH0a.21208$>
><> <tDX0a.24949$>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>X-Trace: 1044669812 42326447 (16 [91468])

A Planet Visitor

Feb 8, 2003, 12:45:29 AM2/8/03

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message
> le Fri, 07 Feb 2003 23:50:49 GMT, dans l'article <tDX0a.24949$>, A Planet Visitor

<abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a dit ...
> >> >> > Some might wonder why I have taken today to post various articles
> >> >> > on the Iraq invasion... well...
> >> >> Most probably just assumed it was another attempt to 'grab attention'
> >> >> by being higher up on the list of 'original posters' when the
> >> >> statistics are published tomorrow.
> >> >>
> >> >> { snip FW playing the role of the 'thoughtful statesman' ... and
> >> >> looking like a pretentious twat in the process }

> >> > Nor have I ever expressed an opinion that an invasion of Iraq would be
> >> > a 'good' thing,' as you now seem to believe... because you believe you
> >> > can go 'one-up' if it happens.
> >> I didn't claim that you did. I just pointed out that your lack of a
> >> formal education quite obviously drives you _insane_, and to compensate,
> >> you are reduced to posting pretentious attempts to appear 'thoughtful',
> >> when in fact 'thought' is as alien to you as 'justice' is to your
> >> black-hating kind.

> > Another attempt to divert your own racism onto me.. you will not find me

> > offering such comments as these. These are YOUR words --

> { snip copied and pasted text file, containing misrepresented 'quotes'
> (sic) ... }
> LOL ... still not able to make a cogent point, FuckWit ?

LOL... still not able to leave in text that demonstrates how miserable
you actually are, desi?

> What a pity. For
> the benefit of the group, I'd remind you all of the following, verifiable
> opinions by FW ..
> FW believes in a 'Universal Right To Life Church';

You cannot find a 'quote' from me claiming that..thus you are simply a liar.
Certainly you not only believe in it --- you FOUNDED it.

> FW believes that every robber is a black man;

See above. Certainly YOU believe it -- with YOUR comments.

> FW supports on-demand abortion;

See above... and you argued long and hard about the 'right' of an
incest victim... to have such an abortion.

> FW would prefer that Theodore Frank murder, rather than be execute;

See above.... you would 'gamble' on him committing another murder,
rather than execute him.

> FW 'giggles' when talking about '9/11' (sic);

You sick shit. Everyone here knows that you positively WALLOW
in tragedy that strikes Americans. POSITIVELY WALLOW IN IT.

> FW believes that all abolitionists should torture and kill retentionists;

LOL. For a picture of desi looking for his offering to abolitionists -- see
desi the wizard

> FW believes that he is 'God' (sic);

There is little doubt that you have a God Complex. Your egotistical,
preening, self-adoring, 'classically educated' narcissist persona, fairly
reeks across this newsgroup. Something to do with the 'Paris air,'
I believe.

> FW accused Judge Zobel of being 'a crook';

Finally... Like the infinite number of monkeys on a keyboard... you
were bound to eventually get one right.

> FW believes that the Constitution was written by 'God' (sic);

I don't think either of us believe that rubbish. Certainly I cannot
believe you do, since you would never presume anything in the
U.S., holds an interest from God. And I have always argued that
it was not, to those that presume it was. God does not
'communicate' with man... although you believe he has spoken
to you, in respect to an imaginary 'Universal right to life.'

> FW supports the continued incestuous rape of a 14-year-old, by her father

LOL... See above. There is no question that your DEMAND for the
'RIGHT' of that child, because of what you called 'supreme sovereignty,'
over her 'body,' was expressed as independent of any consideration
of that cycle continuing. Thus, it needs to be recognized that you
support the continued incestuous rape, BEFORE you would oppose
that 'supreme sovereignty.' You've become rather pathetic in your 'list.'
Rather demonstrating how evil most of YOUR argument are.

> All words that FuckWit has, at one time or other, attributed to me.

All meanings that have certainly been demonstrated BY YOUR WORDS.
While none of those meanings have been demonstrated BY MY WORDS.
In other words... you're a pathetic fraud.

<clip clumsy pathetic drivel insults>


desi's words --
"I engage in 'abuse' of deathies as a matter of course. That's what they're
there for. `echo $DEITY` gave them to us, much as She gave sparrows to
the domestic cat. They're our playthings. They have no relevance in the
real world, except to remind us of the dark side to human nature, that can
exist in all of us. They're like child rapists. Nazis. Torturers of
small animals.

All this pretence of 'let's be civil to one another' is nauseating. How can
you be 'civil' to garbage ?"

> --
> Ayatollah desi

A Planet Visitor

Feb 9, 2003, 3:06:08 AM2/9/03

"Doug Haxton" <> wrote in message
Oh...well... that's different... pardon me...
we're going to kill 10,000 of them for every one of us.
Can you really hear yourself?


Doug Haxton

Feb 10, 2003, 3:12:12 PM2/10/03
"A Planet Visitor" <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message news:<QZn1a.43191> > >It's a sorry mess... IMHO. We may not 'lose many of our boys,' in

> > >such an invasion... and we may even inflict a casualty rate of 100 to
> > >1 (hell with 'advance bombing' it may even be 500 to 1).
> >
> > Actually, we inflicted a casualty rate of approximately 1,000 to 1 in
> > the last Gulf War; this time it might be 10,000 to 1.
> >
> > Doug
> >
> Oh...well... that's different... pardon me...
> we're going to kill 10,000 of them for every one of us.
> Can you really hear yourself?

I'm simply speculating on the casualty ration in the upcoming war; I
don't believe I made any sort of judgement call as to the morality of


Doug Haxton

Feb 10, 2003, 11:17:51 PM2/10/03

Given the low morale of the Iraqi forces, I disagree.

We'll know who's right in a few weeks, most likely. Let's hope the
Iraqis collapse like a house of cards.


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