What to do with old flash memory cards

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Paul Menard

Dec 31, 2007, 5:09:01 PM12/31/07
to Refresh...@googlegroups.com
Over the years I've upgraded my collection of various CompactFlash and
SD memory cards. I'm in the process of cleaning out the storage drawer
where these are all kept. My question is what to do with the older low
capacity cards. I've looked for some sites that would take these and
given them some good use. But found nothing. Here is my list of cards.

3 - 512MB CompatFlash. (2) SanDisk, (1) Transcend.
3 - 256MB CompatFlash. (1) SanDisk, (2) SanDisk Ultra.
1 - 128MB CompatFlash. (1) PQI.
1 - 256MB SD.
2 - 64MB SD cards.
1 - 32MB SD card.
1 - 8MB Sd cars. Kodak

If anyone wants these they are offered free. Or of anyone has ideas
other that selling them on E-Bay let me know.


Mark Phillip

Dec 31, 2007, 5:13:57 PM12/31/07
to Refresh...@googlegroups.com
I've run into the same problem.  If you can't find a good place to get rid of them, consider buying a few cheap adapters and turning them all into little USB drives.  I leave one at work, one in my backpack and a couple at home.  It's amazing how often they come in handy.

Alex Jones

Dec 31, 2007, 5:33:51 PM12/31/07
to Refresh...@googlegroups.com
Another thing to think about are digital picture frames. Most models come with the ability to extend their built-in memory via SD or CF, so they can be very useful for quite a long while.


Jay R

Dec 31, 2007, 11:04:58 PM12/31/07
to refresh...@googlegroups.com
On this topic, if any of you are still owners of early-version Apple Quicktake cameras, I'm looking for some of the 5 volt SmartMedia cards that came with that camera.  They are the expansion card format for an old synthesizer of mine, and I'm always scrounging for more.

Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 11:13:57 -0600
From: markp...@gmail.com
To: Refresh...@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Refresh Austin: 2106] Re: What to do with old flash memory cards
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