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Help on qr Code please

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Yvon Fanfe

Oct 22, 2014, 5:30:29 PM10/22/14

I am a young Cameroonian who works as part of his Master Thesis 2 of a small system that will use the QR code as support for fast access to information to be stored. I know generate a QR code in Java with ZXing but I have two problems:

2The information I'll store is huge therefore should be compressed but I can not seem to find a good algorithm to do in Java, using the deflate () Java, I get sometimes after compression data larger than the original and if I Zippe then how to store a file in a Qr Code? and make it to be sent to the URL of an application I'm developing when Qr code is wane .

Please I'm stuck and since I can not move forward, expertise such as yours will be a big boost.

Thank you in advance

Bas Vijfwinkel

Oct 23, 2014, 2:31:17 AM10/23/14
There are several libraries for compressing data.
Instead of writing the data to a file, you just use the output of such a library as an input for the QR barcode encoder.

Most compression libraries don't work good on small data sets (few hunderd bytes) and the overhead of their own compression format does indeed generate large files than the original. Except only good results when you have at least several kilobytes.
Also alot of it depends on the type of data (a lot of repetition or not).

It is not possible to store the data somewhere online and just use an id to link to it with a unique id?
See this table for the maximum amount of data a QR code can hold:
Note that zxing might not be able to generate such large QR codes, I have never tried that to be honest.

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