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Problem in using Zxing on nokia camera phones

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Jul 3, 2012, 1:56:43 AM7/3/12
I am developing a 2d barcode scanner using zxing for Nokia camera phones with OS Symbian S60 3rd edition FP1 or earlier os than this.
Please provide me some solution.

Nikolaos Ftylitakis

Jul 3, 2012, 3:06:31 AM7/3/12
to ashish,
When you say "earlier than S60 3rd FP1" what do you mean? S60 2nd endition?

For devices that are S60 3rd Fp1 and on you are able to use the Qt framework (up to version 4.6.3) so you can use the QZXing project contained in the symbian folder of ZXing repository.

For devices earlier than S60 3rd FP1 i can't answer with certainty but i would guest that the Symbian C++ code contained in ZXingBarcodeReader project in symbian folder of the ZXing repository would work. I have never used any devices older than the S60 3rd Fp1 so i can't be sure.

Finally i will suppose you know that the cheap smartphones of Nokia come with S40 OS which is based on Java, so if targeting for that i will suppose you will be able to find a Java solution.


2012/7/3 ashish <>


Jul 3, 2012, 3:28:15 AM7/3/12
I have Nokia E5 phone which has S60 3rd edition FP2,

But when I add QZXing_selfsigned.sis from folder zxing-2.0\symbian\QZXing\binary\Qt_4.6.3_Symbian^1 or zxing-2.0\symbian\QZXing\binary\Qt_4.7.3_Symbian it gives me following error:
Application not compatible with phone.Continue anyway?
and If I continue it gives me again error:
Component "Qt' missing.Continue Anyway?
and if I continue,the application is installed.
But it is not displaying in the installed applications.

Please suggest me some solution?

Nikolaos Ftylitakis

Jul 3, 2012, 12:13:02 PM7/3/12
to ashish,
You are facing this problem because indeed you are missing the Qt library files from your mobile phone.

If you are planning to use this library (QZXing) you will have to get familiar with Qt framework and how it works with Symbian OS. It can be downloaded from here:

After downloading Qt, you need to know that you can use up to 4.6.3 version on the device that you are planning to deploy. This means that you will need to install to the device the binary files of Qt. To make it easier for you i have uploaded it to RapidShare , though it can be found in the installation folder of the Qt SDK.Install it to your mobile phone, then install  the Qr decoder and it should work. But generally speaking you will need to get familiar with Qt on Symbian. On the other hand if you want to code with Symbian C++, as i have mentioned, you can take a look at symbain/ZXingBarcodeReader project.

As a starting point you are advised either way  to see the following readme file: or

Hope i helped.

2012/7/3 ashish <>


Jul 4, 2012, 1:50:07 AM7/4/12
After installing qt component given by you from this link:,
when i try to install QZXing from zxing-2.0\symbian\QZXing\binary\Qt_4.6.3_Symbian^1\InstallToDevice\QZXing_selfsigned on my Nokia E5,it gives me following error:

Application not compatible with phone.Continue anyway?

And if I continue it gives me again this error:

Unable to install Qt version 4.07(3) or newer is required

Please suggest some solution.

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