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Barcode Scanner v4.2 Will not work with Sony Tablet S

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Jul 14, 2012, 10:55:39 AM7/14/12
I have a Sony tablet S.  I have had zero success scanning any barcodes *(one exception detailed below), although I have spent hours and between 70-80 scans of every barcode I could get my hands on, and with every possible combination of settings.  However, with my Samsung Epic (Galaxy S), and Version 4.2 Scanner (both devices have same version), I can scan any code regardless of size and 95% in less than 1 second.  I cannot scan ANY barcodes *(same exception to follow), no matter how long I wait with the Sony Tablet.  It simply will not focus on the code and is obviously blurry at any distance, near or far and with any light conditions that I can create.  I also changed the macro settings on my camera... tried every setting but  nothing changed visually or regarding a successful scan.  Sony says (as all manufacturers do) that it is the app's issue.  

The camera, when used as a camera for pictures works great on this tablet with the exception of having no flash.  The macro settings work great and it is a 5 Megapixel, same as my Samsung Epic phone, which works perfectly.  Another interesting note is that scanning apps for document purposes work great and you can see that the app is controlling the focus of the camera, unlike Barcode Scanner v4.2.

I believe that the app is not controlling the camera at all, there is no focusing happening while trying to scan, leaving me to try to adjust the focus by changing the distance.  Does not work.

*One odd note - After rebooting one time, I placed an average sized barcode in front of the tablet and it scanned it LITERALLY in milliseconds.  I just passed it in front of the camera and was going to try to find the barcode, it had already found it before I could see it.  After 70 - 80 tries, this is the ONLY successful scan, one which I immediately tried to repeat and spent 20 minutes trying to replicate... rebooting, changing settings and it never scanned that code again.
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