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Re: Wrong decode result for EAN13 on Samsung Galaxy III

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Sean Owen

Oct 29, 2012, 4:34:13 AM10/29/12
Of course, it checks the check digit. Did you look at the source?

It's still possible to get a false positive that passes the checksum, but it's quite unlikely. Are you sure you are not seeing another format in the false positive like UPC-E? Usually this happens when the barcode is not readable and you sit there scanning for 15 seconds. Eventually there's a false positive.

The frame size is set that way on purpose. Larger frames induce you to hold the device quite close. That's good if the minimum focal distance is very small, but that is not true of most devices.
You are using an old version of the code, from a time when the average screen resolution was lower. If you use the latest you'll see that this has already changed to be larger to better match modern devices. Use 2.1 / HEAD.

Why scan for anything but EAN-13 if that's what you're looking for?

Pavel Khail

Oct 30, 2012, 4:47:43 AM10/30/12
Thanks for your prompt answer Sean.

I didn't check the source code this deeply... but good to hear it does validate the check digit. I'll try to limit decoding to EAN13 only and use the latest sources to see if it gets any better. However, in generall we want to allow customers to decode all product codes. It's only that I was testing on EAN13 which I started with. The barcode itself was printed out in a very high quality. I don't think it was decoded as a false positive like UPC-E since it never took 15 seconds to decode but will verify that as well.

Dne pondělí, 29. října 2012 9:34:13 UTC+1 Sean Owen napsal(a):

Sean Owen

Oct 30, 2012, 5:38:42 AM10/30/12
Post the barcode is you are still having trouble with a particular one.
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