GS1 DataMatrix FNC1 character decode

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Massimo Cristofolini

Jul 1, 2013, 6:54:09 AM7/1/13
Hi everyone!

I've read a couple of posts in the group about this topic, but I still don't get if these FNC characters are actually correctly decoded by zxing.
I made a test with the online decoder and the FNC1 character wasn't displayed. Maybe just due to the fact that it's not printable... that's why I'm asking to you.
I made the test with the attached image, that should be decoded as:

I plan to build a simple test application to check, but first I'll ask if it's possible to get the FNC1 character when decoding a DataMatrix with zxing, and if particular settings must be made to have this feature.
Lazy request: if someone already have a test app and could tell me if the FNC char will be read, it will be awesome!

Thanks to everyone!


Sean Owen

Jul 1, 2013, 1:55:12 PM7/1/13
I myself am confused about it too... yes it is decoded of course, but FNC1 is not a displayable character. In fact it's not a character at all, although, for various reasons this is translated just about everywhere as ASCII 29. So I'm not sure what you're looking for but you would never find it displayed, but you should see it in the string.

Massimo Cristofolini

Jul 2, 2013, 3:15:19 AM7/2/13
Hi Sean.

Thanks for the infos. I would like to know if the FNC1 char is visible in the decoded string programmatically, so I can separate the various GS1 fields; given your answer it seems possible.
Now, let's see if I will be able to build the library for Windows... 

Gino Dierickx

Nov 15, 2013, 7:34:20 AM11/15/13
hi Massimo and Sean

I like your question!
I would like to know what your findings are. We @UZLeuven (biggest hospital in Belgium) are also looking for the possibility to have the non printable characters displayed in the barcode string to seperate the datamatrix.
Can you share your findings please?

kind regards
Gino Dierickx
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