Encoding FNC3 Into CODE-128 Barcode Using Zxing

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Dec 8, 2023, 5:22:36 AM12/8/23
to zxing
Hi all,

I must start by emphasising I am very much out of my depth exploring and creating an android app to generate a barcode but it has been great tapping into the resources offered by Zxing and I am learning a huge amount with each day.

I have managed to create an android app that encodes a user-submitted text string into CODE-128 barcode. There is however one last bit I need to sort out before the app is fully usable.

The aim of the app is to pair a barcode scanner to a mobile phone (the thing running the android app) via scanning the barcode. I know based on the barcode scanner user manual the barcode needs to be in the CODE-128 format with a leading FNC3 and then a B. I have been able to create the perfect barcode that works on the below website:
and this barcode works perfectly. I am however having a problem recreating this barcode in the android app with Zxing. If Zxing cannot do it, I am happy to explore alternative options, but for now I am exploring Zxing.

Is it possible to add the FNC3 into the barcode? I guess it would have something to do with the below line of code, but I have not been able to figure out exactly how I need to modify it:
BitMatrix bitMatrix = multiFormatWriter.encode(editText.getText().toString(), BarcodeFormat.CODE_128,300,50);

Attached is my MainActivity.java code for the app. I am happy to share the rest of the code such as gradle and xml if required.


Dec 21, 2023, 2:45:11 AM12/21/23
to zxing
Anyone able to help?
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