ZXing datamatrix decoding fails

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Andrei Lovin

Sep 4, 2013, 9:25:10 AM9/4/13
to zx...@googlegroups.com

I recently found myself in a bit off a mess, i tried to read a data matrix barcode and always received a 8 digit number instead off the correct answer. And then i thought what if zxing did not use the data matrix algorithm to process the barcode and use 1d barcode algorithm. And it appears this is what happens. I counted the number of points got in Decoder.mm 

          const ArrayRef<Ref<ResultPoint> > &resultPoints = result->getResultPoints();

          points = [[NSMutableArray alloc ] initWithCapacity:resultPoints->size()];

and for 1D and my datamatrix barcodes only 2 point show up, but for all other datamatrix bar codes 4 points appear.

I guess zxing recognize my barcodes as 1D. Is there any way to rezolve this issue ? 

Thank you.

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