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Re: Zxing too slow?

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Sean Owen

Jan 19, 2013, 3:58:03 AM1/19/13
Without even seeing the code -- hard to say anything. QR codes scan virtually instantly. It's likely there's some misunderstand here -- like you are not actually using a QR code.

chris pick

Jan 19, 2013, 8:33:27 AM1/19/13
to Sean Owen, zxing

I have run across a couple devices that just don't seem to scan well, don't recall if defy was one.

Maybe try (barcode scanner zxing based one )from the play store and see if that has slow scanning issue... If that can identify real qr codes looks like your developer mucked something up.. If it does not work, then the defy has an issue... Try another phone...

On Jan 19, 2013 2:58 AM, "Sean Owen" <> wrote:
Without even seeing the code -- hard to say anything. QR codes scan virtually instantly. It's likely there's some misunderstand here -- like you are not actually using a QR code.


Bas Vijfwinkel

Jan 20, 2013, 6:45:54 PM1/20/13
to, Sean Owen
Maybe try another mobile phone first to see whether it is the app or the phone.
There were some issues with the default camera app no focussing but as far as I could find that could be solved by rebooting the phone once.
Maybe this issue is bugging you.
Also manually setting the resolution too low might also cause what you are describing.
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