Bar codes info

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Oct 18, 2012, 11:01:45 AM10/18/12
Hello, I am ignorant about bar codes and have been on the internet all morning reading, NONE of it makes sense to me... i do not understand the lingo.
I am looking for a bar code/ QR code maker to put on the back of my Photo-greeeting cards. It is for a business I am just starting, and put up my first card display rack yeasterday.
 Just something basic to get me started is fine.
 I found your app on google play and that is what led me here.  I'm hoping to get a bar code to print on each card ( i have about 40 items now). 
If i bought a scanner will your codes be compatible? I am wanting to put up more racks and I can already see inventory might get tricky.
Thank you for any help I can get.
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