Possible to display the control characters in data matrix?

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Jörgen Andersson

Apr 3, 2018, 9:50:23 AM4/3/18
to zxing
If possible, I'd like to request the option of showing the control characters within the data matrix. All Android barcode apps displays these as white space, which makes it hard to know if the CC's are present in the actual data. Maybe it is according to standards, but if I would like to know if the stream is correctly formatted (appropriate CC's at the correct places) - there is currently no way to do this in BS.

Attached is a screenshot of a commercial application that displays the CC's using two different formats, hexadecimal and translated CC's (it is the same data matrix). I would love to be able to do this directly in Barcode Scanner. If I had the programming knowledge, I would have done it myself.

I have looked through the "issues" over at Github and it seems this function is asked for (issue #295 for example).

Would this be something that can be included in a future version of Barcode Scanner, please?

Jörgen Andersson
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