For some reason this QR code is not being scanned. I can scan it via an QR app on my iPhone just fine, but via in our system where it is extracted from a PDF and then used for document routing it is not working. For some reason this one got kicked out and I'm trying to track down why? There seems to be a bit of noise on the image, and it's a bit skew'd, but nothing too crazy.
I get Format Exception when trying to scan it with the following code. Any suggestions?
public static void main(String[] args) throws COSVisitorException,
NotFoundException, ChecksumException, IOException, FormatException {
BufferedImage bufferedImage = File("test.jpg"));
LuminanceSource lumSource = new BufferedImageLuminanceSource(
BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(lumSource));
Result result = new QRCodeReader().decode(bitmap);
System.out.println("Results:" + result.getText());