Having a hard time finding enough information so thought I'd reach out to the group.
The barcode inside the attached image can't be detected by my current usage of zxing - I've configured it to use a BufferedImageLuminanceSource, HybridBinarizer and GenericMultipleBarcodeReader with the TRY_HARDER hint enabled.
A few things I notice about the issue:
* A lot of background noise / speckling
* Barcode lines are somewhat speckled as well
But otherwise feels like something zxing should be able to decode
I've tried applying a gaussian blur before processing to no avail.
Does anybody notice something in particular about the image that might make it difficult to detect, tips on what to try next, or suggestions for how best to approach debugging this?
Had some success scaling the image 4x w/ PDFBox which is interesting, I suppose it's very unlikely that 4x is a magic number all cases where this might fail, but if I'll see what happens if I fail to detect a barcode, scale and try again.
I've advised that they should clean their scanned, avoid pre-processing the images and upload in colour if possible to avoid any binarisation.
Will also add an extra step into our decode logic to try scaling the image if no barcodes are found!
On Monday, April 8, 2019 at 10:23:16 PM UTC+10, PTeen wrote: