There is a new release coming up. Please use the code in the svn trunk to preview it and test it. Codabar and PDF417 support should be equivalent to the Java code in the current trunk and upcoming release.
On Apr 23, 2013, at 3:52 AM, Aparna C K <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I downloaded zxing version 2.1, created a C++ static library for PC and used it. All in Windows 7 Operating system. I figured out that there are a few differences between java version and C++, eg: codabar and PDF 417 are not supported in c++. Then I got a doubt that their performance also might be different. Java version may be more robust. Our application needs PC setup in C++, hence I cant use the java code directly.
> Is there a plan to release updated C++ source? Or, is the svn version more upto date? How can I check it out?Could anyone please give the repository name?
> Aparna
> --
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