Displaying the zxing barcode scanner view inside a fixed size div in phonegap's webview

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johny costello

Apr 20, 2014, 5:09:00 PM4/20/14
to zx...@googlegroups.com
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to integrate the zxing qr code scanner into my webapp. I'm using phonegap and developing my app as a webapp. I'm currently developing for android, and having problems with zxing being launched as a separate android app. I'd like to implement a barcode scanner that would be inside a fixed size <div> in my webview. Is that even possible? Do I have to make any significant changes to zxing's Java source code in order to accomplish this?

nikhil saxena

May 21, 2014, 10:53:48 AM5/21/14
to zx...@googlegroups.com
Hi Johny,

Do you get any solution to put barcode scanner page into a fixed div in phonegap application..... Please let me know....

Warm Regards.

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