Looking for translators to check the .po files

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Marc Worrell

Jul 31, 2020, 10:41:47 AM7/31/20
to 'Marc Worrell' via Zotonic users

We are moving closer and closer to the 1.0 release.
The system is now near feature complete and we are moving to testing and fixing only.

One of the remaining issues is updating the translations.

The following translations are known to be (almost) complete:

English The main language in the system
Dutch Native tongue of some of the core maintainers
French Recently updated by Eric Pailleau

The following are in an unknown state:


We would love if someone with knowledge of one or more of the languages could take a look and correct
some of the translations.

The .po files can be seen at:




Kai Janson

Jul 31, 2020, 11:15:51 AM7/31/20
to zotoni...@googlegroups.com
I might have some time for the German catalog over the weekend.

Thank you.

Kai Janson
Relator • Ideation • Learner • Individualization • Strategic
Achiever • Futuristic • Belief • Restorative • Developer

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Marc Worrell

Jul 31, 2020, 11:30:01 AM7/31/20
to 'Marc Worrell' via Zotonic users
That would be great, thank you!

Alvaro Pagliari

Jul 31, 2020, 11:44:40 AM7/31/20
to Zotonic users
I'll update the Portuguese translation this weekend too. 

Álvaro Pagliari
alvaropag [at] gmail [dot] com
Sent from mobile

Marc Worrell

Jul 31, 2020, 11:49:14 AM7/31/20
to 'Marc Worrell' via Zotonic users
Great to hear that, thank you!

Seann Aswell

Sep 11, 2020, 2:22:12 AM9/11/20
to Zotonic users
A colleague is working on the Chinese translation.  Should have it done in a week or so.

Marc Worrell

Sep 11, 2020, 3:04:26 AM9/11/20
to 'Marc Worrell' via Zotonic users
Wow, thank you!

Gokhan Boranalp

Sep 12, 2020, 5:50:24 AM9/12/20
to zotoni...@googlegroups.com
Turkish is on me. 
I could start after monday.


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Marc Worrell

Sep 13, 2020, 3:20:16 PM9/13/20
to zotoni...@googlegroups.com

Seann Aswell

Sep 29, 2020, 5:17:03 PM9/29/20
to Zotonic users
Sorry, some unexpected travel has delayed the process. In addition, once she started and realized there were 10,000 lines, it became clear that given the time available each day it might take more like a month. For what it's worth, she has a Masters in Computer Science and I am helping with the Zotonic specific terminology, so it should be a pretty solid translation.

She is about 15% complete, will update when done...

Seann Aswell

Feb 11, 2021, 2:05:28 AM2/11/21
to Zotonic users
The Chinese translator had some health issues in October and is still recovering, but was able to get to about 50% complete. It is a traditional Chinese translation, which would likely require a new Crowdin file ID using zh-TW as the language. If you think a traditional translation would be helpful and choose to make use of what has been done thus far, it is here: https://github.com/SaraTChou/zotonic/blob/master/apps/zotonic_core/priv/translations/zh.po

Marc Worrell

Feb 12, 2021, 4:14:08 AM2/12/21
to 'Marc Worrell' via Zotonic users
Hi Sean,

The new about the translation is good news!

Sorry to hear that she had health issues, hope she is feeling much better.

I think your proposal for a separate language code is good,

Maybe she can have a look at the language definition file, and see (with her expert eyes) if the language codes there are sensible and usual.

Afaik the simplified version doesn’t get used much in Taiwan (and Hong Kong).

So I am unsure about the distinctions between zh-tw and zh-hant-tw




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Marc Worrell

Feb 12, 2021, 4:50:15 AM2/12/21
to 'Marc Worrell' via Zotonic users

Just checked with a native Hong Kong speaker.
She suggests to put the translation to zh-hant

Cheers, Marc

Marc Worrell

Feb 12, 2021, 4:56:55 AM2/12/21
to 'Marc Worrell' via Zotonic users
Ok, change of plans.

It became just a bit weird with the language codes.

Crowdin, and Google for that matter, use zh-TW as the language code for traditional Chinese.
So I guess we have to go with that one.

I will update the language data files in Zotonic to reflect this.

Cheers, Marc

Seann Aswell

Feb 12, 2021, 1:51:53 PM2/12/21
to Zotonic users
Your friend from HK is correct, a universal Traditional Chinese designation (han-t) is an easier/better solution, rather than breaking down by territory.

The written Traditional Chinese characters are the same whether one is from Hong Kong (zh-HK), Taiwan (zh-TW), Macau (zh-MO), or Singapore (zh-SG). I suppose Google made the distinction for political reasons, but ultimately it might also complicate things for the large number of overseas Chinese who are descendants of mainland Chinese who went abroad before Simplified existed, and don't necessarily relate to any of those territorial designations.

It's a little extra work perhaps, but making all of the Traditional Chinese designations the same (zh-TW, zh-HK, zh-MO, zh-SG) might make it easier for people who have their browser configured for one or the other, because the displayed character set will be the same.

Good news is, it's a make one get 3 for free scenario...

Seann Aswell

Feb 12, 2021, 2:04:01 PM2/12/21
to Zotonic users
Then again, I see you guys have already create a Traditional Chinese designation on Crowdin, so maybe just using zh-TW is enough to get started...

Marc Worrell

Feb 12, 2021, 2:19:20 PM2/12/21
to zotoni...@googlegroups.com
Yes, it turns out that the language code for traditional Chinese is messy, to say the least.

Crowdin and Google are using zh-TW, which seems a bit inappropriate with respect to HK and other places/countries.

We can still map the Crowdin zh-TW  to zh-hant on the Zotonic side of things.

But then maybe it is better to go with the flow... and just use what those big tech companies are using. Even if it is technically (and politically?) not the best choice.

Cheers, Marc

Sent from my iPhone

On 12 Feb 2021, at 20:04, Seann Aswell <se...@seannaswell.com> wrote:

Then again, I see you guys have already create a Traditional Chinese designation on Crowdin, so maybe just using zh-TW is enough to get started...

Seann Aswell

Feb 12, 2021, 3:10:07 PM2/12/21
to Zotonic users
Up to you. It seems maintaining one translation on the Crowdin side, then mapping zh-TW to zh-hant on the Zotonic side would simplify things. The zh-hant designation (from the Erlang side?) seems the better choice, but that is your call.

In my view those big tech companies don't always have the right answer, only the right answer for them...

Marc Worrell

Feb 12, 2021, 3:34:22 PM2/12/21
to zotoni...@googlegroups.com
Yes, technically, the zh-hant designation seems to be the better one.

Wondering what the language accept header of “traditional Chinese”  computers is. At least we should map zh-tw and zh-hk to zh-hant.

If we do that correctly then we can safely use the better zh-hant code.  Even when crowdin is using zh-tw. (It is mapped in the crowdin.yml file)

On Monday I will have a look at the mappings, re-organize the language data file again, and check the language fallbacks for zh-tw and zh-hk.

On crowdin we can the just edit the zh-tw translation, and call it the traditional Chinese version (as they do).

Cheers and thanks for all the work!


PS. Seems that the w3c also recommends zh-hant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditional_Chinese_characters#Web_pages

Sent from my iPad

On 12 Feb 2021, at 21:10, Seann Aswell <se...@seannaswell.com> wrote:

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