installing zotonic on Freebsd jail

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Java House

Nov 24, 2019, 12:52:47 PM11/24/19
to Zotonic developers

I am attempting to install zotonic for first time. but it does not seem to start properly.
Can anyone help please?

Here is my current setup

$ uname -a
FreeBSD jail-erlang 12.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE r354233 GENERIC  amd64

$ erl
Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [dtrace]

$ gcc --version
gcc (FreeBSD Ports Collection) 9.2.0

$ g++ --version
g++ (FreeBSD Ports Collection) 9.2.0

$ git --version
git version 2.23.0

$ gettext --version
gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.20.1

$ convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.8-57 Q16 amd64 2019-11-21

$ psql -V
psql (PostgreSQL) 12rc1

then followed the instructions from here to build and start zotonic
but  I am getting 
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8443: Connection refused

Here is the build and run setup.

$ cd zotonic
$ gmake
$ bin/zotonic debug
$ bin/zotonic debug
Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [dtrace]

Eshell V10.3.5.5  (abort with ^G)
(zotonic001@jail-erlang)1> ** /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/qdate_localtime/ebin/ibuild.beam hides /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/erlang_localtime/ebin/ibuild.beam
** /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/qdate_localtime/ebin/localtime_dst.beam hides /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/erlang_localtime/ebin/localtime_dst.beam
** /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/qdate_localtime/ebin/localtime.beam hides /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/erlang_localtime/ebin/localtime.beam
** Found 3 name clashes in code paths 
=CRASH REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:41.307341 ===
    initial call: lager_handler_watcher:init/1
    pid: <0.169.0>
    registered_name: []
    exception exit: noproc
      in function  gen:do_for_proc/2 (gen.erl, line 228)
      in call from gen_event:rpc/2 (gen_event.erl, line 239)
      in call from lager_handler_watcher:install_handler2/3 (src/lager_handler_watcher.erl, line 117)
      in call from lager_handler_watcher:init/1 (src/lager_handler_watcher.erl, line 51)
      in call from gen_server:init_it/2 (gen_server.erl, line 374)
      in call from gen_server:init_it/6 (gen_server.erl, line 342)
    ancestors: [lager_handler_watcher_sup,lager_sup,<0.154.0>]
    message_queue_len: 0
    messages: []
    links: [<0.157.0>]
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: false
    status: running
    heap_size: 610
    stack_size: 27
    reductions: 226

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:41.452012 ===
Setup running ...

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:41.453207 ===
Directories verified. Res = ok

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:41.453371 ===
Setup finished processing hooks (Mode=normal)...

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:41.478962 ===
    msg: Starting reporters with []

    options: []
** /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/qdate_localtime/ebin/ibuild.beam hides /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/erlang_localtime/ebin/ibuild.beam
** /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/qdate_localtime/ebin/localtime_dst.beam hides /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/erlang_localtime/ebin/localtime_dst.beam
** /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/qdate_localtime/ebin/localtime.beam hides /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/erlang_localtime/ebin/localtime.beam
** Found 3 name clashes in code paths 
=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:41.680407 ===
filezcache: repopulating cache with 0 keys
=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:41.680495 ===
filezcache: scanning cache directory for unknown files.
** /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/qdate_localtime/ebin/ibuild.beam hides /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/erlang_localtime/ebin/ibuild.beam
** /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/qdate_localtime/ebin/localtime_dst.beam hides /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/erlang_localtime/ebin/localtime_dst.beam
** /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/qdate_localtime/ebin/localtime.beam hides /usr/home/nikolas/Downloads/zotonic-0.52.0/deps/erlang_localtime/ebin/localtime.beam
** Found 3 name clashes in code paths 
18:36:41.803 [info] emqtt_app:35 starting emqtt on node 'zotonic001@jail-erlang'
18:36:41.818 [info] emqtt_auth:55 emqtt_auth is started
18:36:41.820 [info] emqtt_retained:89 emqtt_retained is started.
18:36:41.821 [info] emqtt_router:121 emqtt_router is started.
18:36:41.824 [info] emqtt_registry:56 emqtt_registry is started.
18:36:41.826 [info] emqtt_client_monitor:46 emqtt_client_monitor is started.
18:36:41.835 [info] emqtt_app:38 emqtt broker is running now.
=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:41.888410 ===
gen_smtp_server starting at 'zotonic001@jail-erlang'

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:41.890088 ===
gen_smtp_server listening on {127,0,0,1}:2525 via tcp

18:36:41.932 [info] z_sites_manager:276 Site started: zotonic_status (<0.325.0>)
18:36:41.951 [error] z_filewatcher_sup:58 FILEWATCHER: please install fswatch or inotify-tools to automatically load changed files
=SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:42.045104 ===
    supervisor: {local,zotonic_sup}
    errorContext: start_error
    reason: eprotonosupport
    offender: [{pid,undefined},
=CRASH REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:42.045270 ===
    initial call: mochiweb_socket_server:init/1
    pid: <0.508.0>
    registered_name: []
    exception exit: eprotonosupport
      in function  gen_server:init_it/6 (gen_server.erl, line 358)
    ancestors: [zotonic_sup,<0.292.0>]
    message_queue_len: 0
    messages: []
    links: [<0.305.0>]
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: true
    status: running
    heap_size: 376
    stack_size: 27
    reductions: 842

Terminating due to shutdown
=CRASH REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:42.046068 ===
    initial call: application_master:init/4
    pid: <0.291.0>
    registered_name: []
    exception exit: {{shutdown,
      in function  application_master:init/4 (application_master.erl, line 138)
    ancestors: [<0.290.0>]
    message_queue_len: 1
    messages: [{'EXIT',<0.292.0>,normal}]
    links: [<0.290.0>,<0.43.0>]
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: true
    status: running
    heap_size: 1598
    stack_size: 27
    reductions: 358

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:42.046417 ===
    application: zotonic
    exited: {{shutdown,
    type: temporary
18:36:42.046 [error] zotonic:66 Zotonic start error: {{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,webmachine_mochiweb_v6,eprotonosupport}},
=SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:42.331520 ===
    supervisor: {local,gr_counter_sup}
    errorContext: child_terminated
    reason: killed
    offender: [{pid,<0.171.0>},
=SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:42.331558 ===
    supervisor: {local,gr_param_sup}
    errorContext: child_terminated
    reason: killed
    offender: [{pid,<0.170.0>},

Kind Regards

Marc Worrell

Nov 25, 2019, 4:44:11 AM11/25/19
to 'Marc Worrell' via Zotonic developers

Looks like the ipv6 listener can’t start.
=SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 24-Nov-2019::18:36:42.045104 === supervisor: {local,zotonic_sup} errorContext: start_error reason: eprotonosupport offender: [{pid,undefined}, {id,webmachine_mochiweb_v6}, {mfargs, {webmachine_mochiweb,start, [webmachine_mochiweb_v6, [{port,8000}, {ip,any6}, {dispatcher,z_sites_dispatcher}, {dispatch_list,[]}, {backlog,500}, {acceptor_pool_size,75}]]}}, {restart_type,permanent}, {shutdown,5000},
We check if ipv6 is available and if it is we start the listener.
This is in zotonic_sup.erl:

ipv6_supported() ->
    case (catch inet:getaddr("localhost", inet6)) of
        {ok, _Addr} -> true;
        {error, _} -> false

Apparently the system pretend there is ip6 but doesn’t really support it.

You can disable starting the ipv6 listener by providing a specific listener port instead of ‘any’ in the zotonic.config

Replace this

%%% IP address on which Zotonic will listen for HTTP requests.
%%% Always overridden by the ZOTONIC_IP environment variable.
%%% Use 'any' for all IP addresses.
   {listen_ip, any},

With this:

%%% IP address on which Zotonic will listen for HTTP requests.
%%% Always overridden by the ZOTONIC_IP environment variable.
%%% Use 'any' for all IP addresses.
   {listen_ip, {0,0,0,0}},

If this fixes the problem then we can look into a better ipv6 detection method.
One of the methods I am thinking of is by actually opening the port before proceeding.

Cheers, Marc

Java House

Nov 25, 2019, 2:03:37 PM11/25/19
to Zotonic developers
Hi Marc

where do I find the zotonic.config file?
I searched and there is nowhere bellow the zotonic directory.
I found only one copy under docker/zotonic.config but the file has different content and I am not using docker.


Marc Worrell

Nov 25, 2019, 5:27:27 PM11/25/19
to 'Marc Worrell' via Zotonic developers
Hi Nikolas,



It should have been installed there by the bin/zotonic script.

Cheers, Marc


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Java House

Nov 25, 2019, 6:11:09 PM11/25/19
to Zotonic developers
Thank you Marc, 
I found the file and changed the listen_ip and dbhost but I cannot connect using https
Is there some additional step required?

* Rebuilt URL to:
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 8443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
*   CAfile: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
  CApath: none
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS alert, handshake failure (552):
* error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure
* Closing connection 0
curl: (35) error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure

%%% PostgreSQL database defaults.
%%% These are the defaults for the equally named options in your site's config file.
   {dbdatabase, "zotonic"},
   {dbschema, "public"},
   {dbpassword, []},
   {dbuser, "zotonic"},
   {dbport, 5432},
   {dbhost, {10,2,4,11}},

%%% By default, Zotonic will create a postgres database for you if it doesn't
%%% already exist, and install tables in it. Uncomment the options below
%%% to prevent that.
 % {dbcreate, false},
 % {dbinstall, false},

%%% IP address on which Zotonic will listen for HTTP requests.
%%% Always overridden by the ZOTONIC_IP environment variable.
%%% Use 'any' for all IP addresses.
   {listen_ip, {10,2,3,14}},
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Marc Worrell

Nov 27, 2019, 6:39:10 AM11/27/19
to 'Marc Worrell' via Zotonic developers

Do you also see some messages on the Erlang command line?

Did you try to connect with http to :8000 and see if there is a redirect to https :8443?
If so then Zotonic is listening and responding.

If there are errors on the erlang command line and you are on OTP21, then you might need to get a patched OTP install.
I just saw someone referring to TLS handshake errors on OTP 21.3.
That problem was fixed in

Cheers, Marc

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Java House

Nov 27, 2019, 4:21:54 PM11/27/19
to Zotonic developers
HI Marc

thank you for your patience.

http on port 8000 is indeed working, no redirect though to https.
I get the Powered by zotonic message.
https on port 8443 gives following error on browser

Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). Error code: SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP 

on the erlang console I see the following
=INFO REPORT==== 27-Nov-2019::21:33:18.797164 ===
TLS server: In state hello at tls_handshake.erl:134 generated SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Handshake Failure - malformed_handshake_data

from the console I got
> erlang:system_info(otp_release). 

I also found a pdf version of the instructions for 0.52 release

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