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Collaborating amongst undergrads, grads, and faculty in Zotero

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Alex Galarza

Feb 8, 2011, 12:47:53 PM2/8/11
to Zotero Evangelists
I recently wrote a blog post reflecting on two Zotero presentations I
gave to faculty and librarians:

It would be great to get some more comments on some of my ideas. I was
only fully converted to using Zotero this past fall after attending
THATCamp in Chicago. Today I am giving a presentation in a senior
seminar on the global history of soccer to explain Zotero to
undergrads so that they can use it for their research projects. Does
anyone have any good examples of presentations they have given to an
undergraduate audience?

Jason Puckett

Feb 8, 2011, 12:52:51 PM2/8/11
to Zotero Evangelists
Alex, my best advice is to start with a two-minute demo to demonstrate what it can do before you start explaining much at all. I always start by doing a quick catalog/database search, perhaps on a topic provided by a student, saving some citations and making a quick copy/paste bibliography.

The fully-formed bibliography appearing on screen always provides a "wow" moment and focuses them on the practical utility of Zotero. Undergrads always have lots of conflicting demands on their time and energy, and promoting Zotero as a labor-saving tool works well, I think.

Jason Puckett
Librarian for Communication and Educational Technologies
Georgia State University Library, Atlanta / 404-413-2720 / AIM/Twitter: LibrarianJason

>>> Alex Galarza <> 2/8/2011 12:47 PM >>>

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Lorena O'English

Feb 8, 2011, 1:07:02 PM2/8/11
Similar to Jason, I always start with the three-minute video on the Zotero homepage - it gives an excellent overview, and I can refer back to it later as I work through the rest of the Zotero session. Students really react positively to it! Often I will end a regular library class with the video to drum up interest and mention my workshops.
Lorena O'English
Social Sciences Librarian
Washington State University

Jonathan Fast

Feb 8, 2011, 2:42:15 PM2/8/11
Be sure to import a "check-list group" from a Google Scholar search (the token appears as a file folder.) The sequence of 5 or 10 works going into storage without human assistance is awe-inspiring. 

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Jonathan Fast, PhD, MSW
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Yeshiva University
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