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CORRECTION: Zotero Standalone w/Chrome and Safari connectors - alpha release

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Deborah Maron

Feb 7, 2011, 4:10:55 PM2/7/11
to Zotero Evangelists
(same as before, minus a couple of typos :) )

Hi everyone,

My name is Debbie, and I'm the new Community Lead for Zotero.

Just wanted to let you all know that I blogged the ALPHA release of
Zotero Standalone, a version of Zotero for the desktop, which is now
available for download. In this post I mention Chrome and Safari
plugins are also available. This is all part of Zotero Everywhere,
which is simply a plan to expand where and how Zotero can be used.

A link to the post:

A few caveats: This is TEST PHASE, alpha level software; therefore, we
encourage users to test these things out responsibly per the
instructions laid out in the blog post. We would not say at this
point that Standalone (and especially the Safari Plugin) should
replace the stable (2.0.9) Firefox version for main Zotero usage, as
Standalone is undergoing active development.

Please forward this message to point people at your institution so
that they know that new questions will be coming their way (and that
changes to their Zotero guides, if they have them, may be imminent),
but also that these new releases are in the buyer beware phase.
Therefore, folks should still encourage their communities to use the
stable version for managing their libraries.

Also - please encourage other Zotero evangelists at your institution
to join this group to receive updates. I will be reactivating this
list and possibly adding new listservs as well, so this is the best
place to keep up with new info.

Thank you for your assistance.



Doug Yeager

Feb 26, 2011, 3:30:27 PM2/26/11
to Zotero Evangelists
great stuff - I look forward to it!

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