Setting seeAlso and relations in translators

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Alex T

Jul 30, 2023, 4:16:33 AM7/30/23
to, Alex T
Hello everyone,

There's a long-standing issue record in the translators repo [1] and a PR in the main repo [2] for enabling the seeAlso functionality in translators. The PR didn't get much attention since it was submitted back in April and I wonder what's necessary to move it forward.

I happen to need this functionality for a translator change I'd like to propose, that's why I'm asking, and I'm also ready to take care of the PR even if the original submitter isn't interested any more (it certainly needs at least a proper rebase). I haven't personally analyzed the proposed approach, plus I'm not familiar with Zotero code [yet], so a comment or review from someone who does would be quite valuable, and I (or the original PR author) could take it from there.

It looks like the relevant part of Zotero code was simply commented out at some point, without any explanatory comment attached, and was never reenabled. There was an earlier PR that tried to simply uncomment the code, but AFAIU it's not as simple as that, and the PR I've referenced adds more logic, but I just don't know if it's correct, and simply needs maintainer attention to get merged, or a rework is required, so would be grateful for a comment.


Frank Bennett

Jul 30, 2023, 4:37:22 AM7/30/23
to zotero-dev
Hi Alex,

I have assumed that the feature is either just low on the team's priority list, or conflicts with future plans for relations. From my dive into it, it looked like the original relations were stored as arrays of target objects, but then that was changed to use arrays of IDs after that code block was commented out.

The fix that I worked out for Jurism is reliable, but I'm not familiar enough with the code and its development trajectory to know whether it's the best approach.

I agree that it would be great to get this back up and running in Zotero. Relations applied by a translator can save a lot of curation time for some tasks.

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Alex T

Aug 6, 2023, 10:44:37 AM8/6/23
Thanks Frank, this makes sense to me. Now, it'd be nice to get a comment from the Zotero team on this - is this just not a priority now, are there any more fundamental problems that need to be solved first, etc?

Alex T.

Mar 3, 2024, 11:21:26 AMMar 3
to zotero-dev
Hello everyone,

It's been a while, but I'd like to follow up on this one. This is still relevant and I'd like to help out fixing this, or driving to some conclusion, in either Z6 or 7 (whatever is appropriate).

@Dan or anyone else from the Zotero team who's able to comment, could you please weigh in and suggest how this could be resolved?


Alex T.

Mar 17, 2024, 11:41:15 AMMar 17
to zotero-dev
Ok, I understand the team is busy, but seeing other emails being answered, let me try one more time. Essentially all I ask for is some comment, even if it's "we have no idea and you have to dive in by yourself or wait until the Z7 migration dust settles", that's still valuable information for me to plan my activities here (or lack thereof).

Emiliano Heyns

Mar 18, 2024, 10:55:39 AMMar 18
to zotero-dev
I've looked through the translation code and it looks like sameAs is actively scrubbed out during import, but that an attribute called "relations" is used to import relations. It looks to be an object mapping predicates to something else (URLs perhaps). The behavior is implemented in dataObject.js, method Zotero.DataObject.prototype.setRelations

Alex T.

Mar 24, 2024, 11:55:47 AMMar 24
to zotero-dev
That's helpful, thank you! If someone from the Zotero team would want to comment on this functionality, I'd still very much appreciate that, and other than that I'll dig into the code more to see if or how I can fix that.
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